Versions Compared


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Jan 17 

February 07 

February 21


March 6  at ICANN79

Audio recording EN   (01:01:32)

Zoom recording:  HERE

Transcript:  EN

Zoom Chat Transcript:  EN

Documents: Presentation Slides

Meeting ReportPDF


March 20

April 3rd





Current Activity of CIP-CCG a  'edit and revision of criteria and develop any S.M.A.R.T. 1 indicators for the Continuous improvement Program Framework in progress (as listed in Initial Activity data capture shown below as well as additions now made)' exercise.  NOTE links here are to the prepared collaboration documents for community representatives:


S.M.A.R.T.  indicators are 'Specific; Measurable; Attainable/Achievable; Realistic/Relevant; Timely/Time-Bound' use of these should result in objectives, aims or goals that are achievable, trackable and able to be measured for completion, compliance of 'success'. It is a way of designing and reviewing work (including CIP) that should provide both precision and clarity in the intent and a preplanned mechanism for measuring both progress and degree of success at completion.  For a basic and general background see Wikipedia entry  


Pre-planning activities and plans for CIP in the context of an ICANN CIP Framework (also S.M.A.R.T. )  for 2025-28            <sub pages need to be added>

ALAC (Committee Specific)

At-Large Community (ALSes, UIMs and IMs)







Initial Activity of the CIP-CCG a 'data capture' exercise. NOTE this table should match the CIP-CCG master sheet for this data capture (Reps must double check this)  
