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Key Issues in FY2010/11:

Education of ALSes, capacity-building training, regional outreach

Budget Requests for FY2010/11:

  • 1. AFRALO Capacity Building

An AFRALO outreach event in conjunction with an ICANN or IGF meeting at regional or international level.

The estimation is 3'500 US$ per participant, based on 2'000 US$ for the air fare, and 6 days of accommodation (160 US$ per night) and per diem (90 US$ per day).

    • Maximum Attendance: 44 delegates (2 per ALS)44 x 3'500 US$ = 154'000 US$*  
    • Expected Attendance : 35 delegates (80% of total) (based on AFRALO attendance record at ALS Summit in Mexico)35 x 3'500 US$ = 122'500 US$*  
    • Minimum Attendance : 17 delegates (50% of total)17 x 3'500 US$ = 59'500 US$* 2. Participate in regional IGF

The estimation is 3'940 US$ per participant, based on 1'900 US$ for the air fare, and 6 days of accommodation (250 US$ per night) and per diem (90 US$ per day).Total cost for 5 AFRALO representatives: 19'700 US$* 3. AFRALO Workshop at the IGF Vilnius 2010

AFRALO plans to organize a workshop to increase ICANN's and AFRALO's visibility among Internet Governance actors.

The estimation is 3'940 US$ per participant, based on 1'900 US$ for the air fare, and 6 days of accommodation (250 US$ per night) and per diem (90 US$ per day).Total cost for 5 AFRALO representatives: 19'700 US$* 4. National AFRALO Outreach Events

Regional African outreach events need to be replicated at a national level to consolidate participation at the grassroots level. We plan to have one event per country where we currently have ALS representation.

    • Maximum: 14 events (100%) à 3'000 US$14 x 3'000 US$ = 42'000 US$*  
    • Minimum: 5 events (35%) à 2'000 US$5 x 2'000 US$ = 10'000 US$


Key Issues in FY2010/11:

IDNs, new gTLDs, ccTLDs, IDN variance; harmonizing ALSes (structured, formalized vs individual), adopt Outreach programs

Budget Requests for FY2010/11:*

  • 1. APRALO GA at APRICOT 2011

Hong Kong 16-25 Feb 2011
Co-located with APNIC: address space policies and participation by APTLD: name space policies
4 participants: 1 exec, 3 selected by the region for 1 week
Budget: Travel: $8k Accommodation: $5k, Per Diem: $2k – Total: $15k

  • 2. APRALO Support to End Users

Booth to promote ICANN policies at strategic event. Example: Expo Shanghai – 5 days
Booth with 4 APRALO evangelists: 1 exec, 3 selected by the region
Budget: Booth hire and materials: $10k, Travel: $8k Accommodation $5k, Per Diem: $2k – Total: $25k

(see presentation prepared by Leslie Allison )

Additional suggestions from Charles Mok:

Hong Kong Apr 13-14 2010

  • 4. Internet Governance Forum Asia Pacific

June 15-16 2010: Regional IGF Roundtable
June 17-18 2010: Local (Hong Kong) IGF Conference


Budget Requests for FY2010/11:

1. EURALO participation at the 3rd EuroDIG at the end of April 2010 in Madrid. EURALO representatives involved are Annette Mühlberg, Rudi Vansnick and Wolfgang Kleinwächter. To my knowledge, our participation is not cost-relevant.

2. German IGF at 7 June 2010 in Berlin. EURALO representatives involved are Annette Mühlberg and Wolfgang Kleinwächter besides other reps. from our German member ALSes. The organisational costs are covered by sponsoring, our participation would only be cost-relevant if the EURALO chair is supposed to participate (flight fare Basel--Berlin/return).

3. EURALO General Assembly during the next/38 ICANN Public meeting at the end of June 2010 in Brussels. According to our by-laws, we are supposed to organise one GA each year (last one was during the ICANN-ALAC Summit in March 09 in Mexico-City). Brussels would therefore be an excellent opportunity to convene our next GA and to organise a Showcase during the ICANN meeting (as AFRALO just did with success in Nairobi). The costs involved would be travel and stay-over expenses plus per diems of approximately two-third of our member ALSes (16 our of 24).

4. The next IGF will be in Europe as well -- September 2010 in Vilnius/Latvia. This would offer a perfect opportunity for EURALO’s outreach in Eastern Europe. The costs involved would be travel and stay-over expenses for one or two EURALO reps.


Key Issues in FY2010/11:

Regional Outreach, LACRALO General Assembly

Budget Requests for FY2010/11:

1. LACRALO General Assembly during the next/39 ICANN Public meeting in Dezember 2010 in ??. According to our by-laws, we are supposed to organise one GA each year (last one was during the ICANN-ALAC Summit in March 09 in Mexico-City so we didn’t have the GA for FY2009-2010 ). The costs involved would be travel and stay-over expenses plus per diems of our member ALSs (33).
2. LACRALO participation at the LACNIC XIV as part of a regional outreach- “inreach” program. The cost for this event are those related to travel, accommodation and per dien participants. (Approximately 25 people)
3. The next IGF will be in Europe as well -- September 2010 in Vilnius/Latvia. This would offer a perfect opportunity for LACRALO participation related with the “inreach” program of Capacity Building. The costs involved would be travel and stay-over expenses for one or two LACRALO reps.
4. Regional “InReach" Programs (5-five), with the participation of all ALSs in the region.The costs for these events are only related to you streaming, Adobe rooms, etc.
5.Internet Day 2011 - Events organized or the ALSs in the region. Of utmost importance as part of the program and outreach of ICANN. The cost of each of the events can vary by country where they perform and get sponsors for each organization, but we must consider aprox.U $ 4,000.00
6. Printing LACRALO new brochures in English, Spanish and Portuguese as the ALSs are asking for their outreach events.


Key Issues in FY2010/11:

Regional Outreach, NARALO General Assembly

Budget Requests for FY2010/11:

  • produce a regional outreach brochure in EN/FR
  • have NARALO attendance at 1) NTEN Meeting, 2) CES Las Vegas, 3) 2011 ICT Summit Vancouver
  • Budget request to support a NARALO General Assembly during the 40th ICANN public meeting in March 2011 in North America.
    ----Budget should be used to encourage regional input (from the real users) into the policy development process. We need to spread the PDPs (not information of ICANN structures) into the technical regional groups in order to gather their valuable input.

Further we need budget to participate and cofinance political grass root activities in emerging political discussion. Europe ist currently in the situation, that politicans are trying to learn, what this strange Internet might be. I do not talk about those politicans which do participate IGF, but start to learn the existance of computers itself. We need to keep in contact with them in order to prohibit old-style regulation disasters.

contributed by Guest User on Mar 29 3:00pm

Last comment is from Lutz Donnerhacke

contributed by Guest User on Mar 29 3:01pm