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January 2024 - October 2024 Reports

24(2) -02 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #2 (FEB 2024)                        (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Meeting #2 of 2024 held on 15 Feb 2024


GNSO Council Meeting #2 of 2024 held on 15 Feb 2024 

Full Agenda  |  Documents  |  Motions

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects List and Action Item List. 
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • Confirm Leadership of Standing Selection Committee (“SSC”)
    • Confirm GNSO-Nominated ICANN Fellowship Program Mentor
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Registration Data Accuracy
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on SubPro Small Team Progress
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Next Steps for Consideration of Expired Domain Deletion Policy (“EDDP”) and Expired Registration Recovery Policy (“ERRP”) 
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - ICANN79 Preparation
  • Item 8: COUNCIL UPDATE: Draft NCAP Study 2 Report 
    • 9.1 - ccNSO & GAC Liaison updates (every three months)
    • 9.2 - Board letter on Closed Generics
    • 9.3 - Standing Predictability Implementation Review Team (“SPIRT”) Charter Drafting Team Update
    • 9.4 - Status Update on Council Requests
    • 9.5 - Update from Contracted Party House Abuse Subgroup’s Meeting with the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group
    • 9.6 - GNSO Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) survey

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council Meeting on 21 December 2023 were posted on 02 January 2024
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council Meeting on 18 January 2023 were posted on 02 February 2024
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • Confirm Leadership of Standing Selection Committee (“SSC”)
    • Confirm GNSO-Nominated ICANN Fellowship Program Mentor
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Registration Data Accuracy
    • Following Council's discussion last month and seeing as (i) completion of the Data Processing Agreement (DPA) is pending. (ii) implementation of the NIS2 directive, and  (iii) publication of the Inferential Analysis of Maliciously Registered Domains (INFERMAL) Study is still pending (targeted for Sep 2024), Council will vote on deferring the consideration of the accuracy scoping work for an additional six months or potentially sooner if there is a passage of a significant event, e.g., completion of the Data Processing Agreement, implementation of the NIS2 directive, or publication of the INFERMAL study .  
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on SubPro Small Team Progress
    • In March 2023, the ICANN Board approved the majority of the recommendations contained in the Final Report on the new gTLD Subsequent PDP, but also placed some recommendations into a pending status. The Council convened a small team that worked collaboratively with the ICANN Board to resolve all pending recommendations. While the majority of the pending recommendations were able to be adopted by the ICANN Board, recommendations across six Topics were not adopted by the ICANN Board.
    • With the primary task of addressing the pending recommendations now complete, the Council has tasked the Small Team Plus with an updated assignment form. The Small Team Plus has committed to a work plan to address the recommendations not adopted by the Board. Following that plan, the Small Team has completed initiation steps (i.e., developed background materials, preliminary Supplemental Recommendation language, and issued a call for volunteers for the Small Team Plus). The Small Team Plus has come to preliminary  Supplemental Recommendation language (i.e., stable text) for most of the six Topics.
    • Council will receive an update on the progress of the Small Team Plus.
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Next Steps for Consideration of Expired Domain Deletion Policy (“EDDP”) and Expired Registration Recovery Policy (“ERRP”) 
    • Council previously considered when to request a Policy Status Report (“PSR”) for the purpose of conducting a review of the two Expiration Policies, the EDDP and the ERRP. In November 2020, given concerns about its capacity and no known issues with the policies, the Council agreed to delay the request for the Policy Status Report (PSR) for a period of 24 months. After 24 months had passed, the Council reconsidered whether it was an appropriate time to request a Policy Status Report.
    • In considering a Nov 2022 ICANN org report, Council agreed that both the EDDP and ERRP may benefit from further work, though the timing for the work requires further consideration. In particular, as the Compliance report noted, the language of the policy is ambiguous in parts and has caused confusion for registrants. As the ERRP was implemented in part to ensure that “expiration-related provisions in typical registration agreements are clear and conspicuous enough” and to ensure that “adequate notice exists to alert registrants of upcoming expirations,” the continuing registrant confusion warrants further consideration. Additionally, some of the existing language has become obsolete due to intervening data protection law requirements and will require updates.
    • To that end, Council requested further information from ICANN org on what expiration-related educational materials are currently published and whether additional information can be provided (whether as registrant educational material referenced in Section 4.3 or elsewhere on ICANN’s website). The Council noted receipt of this information would be helpful to the Council in determining if updates to these materials or additional material in other forms could be helpful to combat the ongoing registrant confusion.
    • Council will receive an update from ICANN org on the published materials. 

  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - ICANN79 Preparation
    • Pre-ICANN79 GNSO Policy Webinar: 
      • Monday, 26 February 2024 at 21:00 UTC

Note: Mandatory for GNSO Council members

    • During ICANN79, the GNSO Council has the following meetings and events scheduled (times listed in AST):

Saturday, 2 March

      • 09:00-10:00 - IDNs EPDP Team Working Session 
      • 13:15-14:30 - Transfer Policy Review PDP Working Group Session 1 of 2
      • 15:00-16:00 - Transfer Policy Review PDP Working Group Session 2 of 2
      • Time TBD: GNSO Council dinner

Sunday, 3 March

      • 09:00-10:00 - GNSO Working Session 1 of 2
      • 10:30-12:00 - GNSO Working Session 2 of 2
      • 13:15-14:30 - GNSO Working Session 3 of 3

Monday, 04 March

      • 15:00-16:00 Joint ICANN Board and GNSO Council

Tuesday, 05 March

      • 17:30-18:30 - GNSO Council Informal meeting [closed]

Wednesday, 6 March

      • 09:00-10:00 - Joint GNSO Council & GAC
      • 10:30-12:00 - SubPro Supplemental Recommendations Community Consultation
      • 13:15-15:15- GNSO Council Meeting

Thursday, 7 March

      • 09:00-10:00 - GNSO Council SubPro Small Team Plus Meeting
      • 15:00-16:00 - GNSO Council Wrap-Up
    • During its Strategic Planning Session, Council agreed to conduct a triannual detailed review of the Program Management Tool. The action item coming from the SPS provided, “During a session at ICANN79, Council to prepare for a careful review of work captured in the Program Management Tool (PMT) that will conclude or initiate prior to the next AGM, or continue beyond the next AGM. Paul McGrady to coordinate with staff to plan for this inaugural effort.”
    • Council will receive an overview of the current block schedule and plan for its in-person meetings.
    • 9.3 - Standing Predictability Implementation Review Team (“SPIRT”) Charter Drafting Team Update


GNSO Council Meeting #2 of 2024 held on 15 Feb 2024 at 21:00 UTC 

13:00 Los Angeles; 16:00 Washington DC; 21:00 London; 22:00 Paris; 00:00 Moscow (Friday); 08:00 Melbourne (Friday)

GNSO Council Meeting Remote Participation: 

Non-Council members are welcome to attend the meeting or call as listen-only observers.


Records of 15 Feb 2024 Meeting

  • Audio Recording
  • Zoom Recording (includes chat and visual and rough transcript. To access the rough transcript, select the Audio Transcript tab)
  • Transcript
  • Minutes


Special Summary Report of 15 Feb 2024 Meeting to ALAC

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Jan 2024 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Jan 2024 Meeting Records.

24(1) -01 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #1 (JAN 2024)                        (go up to Directory) 


January 2023 - December 2023 Reports

23(-16 ) GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #12 (DEC 2023)                        (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Meeting #12 of 2023 held on 21 Dec 2023


GNSO Council Meeting #12 of 2023 held on 21 Dec 2023 

Full Agenda  |  Documents  |  Motions

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects List and Action Item List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names Phase 1 Final Report
  • Item 5: COUNCIL VOTE - GNSO Guidance Process (“GGP”) for Applicant Support Guidance Recommendation Final Report
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro Small Team Update on Non-Adopted Recommendations 
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - EPDP on Temporary Specification Phase 1 Urgent Requests
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Request for Reconsideration from Intellectual Property Constituency 
  • Item 9: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on Key Outcomes and Action Items Coming out of GNSO Council Strategic Planning Session
    • 10.1 ccNSO & GAC Liaison updates

    • 10.2 Update on Diacritic Study Request

    • 10.3 Community Consultation on Public Interest Commitments/Registry Voluntary Commitments 
    • 10.4 Public comment period on the Draft ICANN FY25 Plans & Draft PTI FY25 Operating Plan and Budget

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council Meeting Part 1 and Part 2 on 25 October 2023 were posted on 10 November 2023.
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council Meeting on 16 November 2023 were posted on 01 December 2023.
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • To confirm Sebastien Ducos as Chair of the RDRS Standing Committee
    • GNSO Review of GAC ICANN78 Communique
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names Phase 1 Final Report 
    • On 24 April 2023, the EPDP Team published its Phase 1 Initial Report, which contains 68 recommendations for Public Comment. The Working Group reviewed the public comments, adjusted its report in light of the comments received, and the Final Report has received the full consensus of the Working Group.

    • During its 16 November meeting, the GNSO Council received a briefing on the Final Report from Donna Austin, the EPDP Chair.

    • Council will vote on the motion to adopt the EPDP on IDNs Phase 1 Final Report, for which a Supermajority is needed to pass the motion.

  • Item 5: COUNCIL VOTE - GNSO Guidance Process (“GGP”) for Applicant Support Guidance Recommendation Final Report
    • The GGP Working Group reviewed all public comments on its Guidance Recommendation Initial Report and deliberated as appropriate to properly evaluate and address comments received during the public comment period. This included the careful consideration and analysis of the public comments, explaining the rationale for agreeing and disagreeing with the different comments received, and, if appropriate, how these were addressed in the Guidance Recommendation Final Report. The working group updated its recommendations and sent its Final Report to the GNSO Council on11 Dec.
    • Council will vote on the motion to adopt the GGP on ASP Final Report, for which a Supermajority is needed to pass the motion.
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro Small Team Update on Non-Adopted Recommendations
    • Council had adopted this Small Team’s updated assignment form with a work plan to address the 10 recommendations not adopted by the Board. Following that plan, the Small Team initiated first steps (i.e., developed background materials, preliminary Supplemental Recommendation language, and issued a call for volunteers for the Small Team Plus).
    • The Small Team Plus has begun developing Supplemental Recommendation language, beginning with Recommendation 17.2, Applicant Support, according to the above-mentioned work plan.
    • Council will receive an update on the Small Team Plus' work thus far. (Refer to my report to CPWG on 13 Dec)
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - EPDP on Temporary Specification Phase 1 Urgent Requests
    • On 18 May 2019, the ICANN Board adopted the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data to enable contracted parties to continue to comply with existing ICANN contractual requirements and community-developed policies as they relate to registration directory services. The GNSO Council initiated a one-year policy development process to confirm whether or not the Temporary Specification should become a consensus policy, and whether it provided an enduring framework for complying with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
    • The EPDP Team sent its Phase 1 Final Report to Council on 20 Feb 2019, and Council voted to approve the Final Report on 4 Mar 2019. The Board subsequently adopted the Phase 1 Final Report on 15 May 2019, with the exception of Recommendation 1, Purpose 2, and Recommendation 12, which the Board did not adopt in full. The Board directed the ICANN President and CEO or their designee(s) to implement the adopted policy recommendations. 
    • ICANN org convened an Implementation Review Team (IRT) in May 2019. ICANN org published the draft Registration Data Policy for public comment on 24 August 2022. Several commenters expressed dissatisfaction with the implementation of Recommendation 18, specifically around the issue of the response timeline for urgent requests. The relevant portion of Recommendation 18 reads, “A separate timeline of [less than X business days] will considered for the response to ‘Urgent’ Reasonable Disclosure Requests, those Requests for which evidence is supplied to show an immediate need for disclosure [time frame to be finalized and criteria set for Urgent requests during implementation].”
    • Following the public comment period and subsequent discussion by the IRT, the GAC wrote to the Board about the topic of urgent requests on 23 Aug 2023. The Registrar Stakeholder Group wrote to the Board on 8 Sep 2023 in response to the GAC’s letter.
    • Following the receipt of these letters and further communication amongst Board members, the Board would like to discuss urgent requests and its related concerns with Council. Council is to discuss this matter.
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Request for Reconsideration from Intellectual Property Constituency 
    • On 22 Nov 2023, the Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) filed a Request for Reconsideration (RfR) of the ICANN Board Resolutions 2023.10.26.11 and 2023.10.26.122, regarding (i) the actions and inactions that led to (a) the ICANN Board’s public comment of 6 December 2018 on the Initial Report of the Cross-Community Working Group on New gTLD Auction Proceeds (CCWG-AP), (b) the organization of the public comment phase on the Proposed Final Report of the New gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross Community Working Group, (c) the ICANN Board Resolutions 2022.06.12.13 to 2022.06.12.16 , and (ii) the actions and inactions involving the implementation of the ICANN Grant Giving Program.
    • Council will hear an update on the RfR and discuss the same.
  • Item 9: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on Key Outcomes and Action Items Coming out of GNSO Council Strategic Planning Session
    • Council held its annual Strategic Planning Session (SPS) in Washington, D.C. from 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2023. Over the course of the three days, Council identified a number of key outcomes and associated action items. From the previous SPS, Council built in more review and checkpoint mechanisms to ensure that there was proper follow through in executing the identified action items. This was determined to be a good practice and, accordingly, is included as a Council discussion item shortly following the SPS to ensure continued progress. 

    • Council will review the key outcomes and action items identified during the SPS, as well as discuss a more detailed action plan to ensure progress.


    • 10.1 ccNSO Liaison update (presentation)  & GAC Liaison update

    • 10.2 Update on Diacritic Study Request

    • 10.3 Community Consultation on Public Interest Commitments/Registry Voluntary Commitments 
    • 10.4 Public comment period on the Draft ICANN FY25 Plans & Draft PTI FY25 Operating Plan and Budget


Records of 21 Dec 2023 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 21 Dec 2023 Meeting to ALAC

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Dec 2023 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Dec 2023 Meeting Records.

1. Consent Agenda

  • Sebastien Ducos is confirmed as Chair of the RDRS Standing Committee.

2. EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names (EPDP on IDNs)

  • Council has adopted the Phase 1 Final Report of the EPDP on IDNs containing 69 policy recommendations related to variant management at the top-level.

3. GNSO Guidance Process (“GGP”) for Applicant Support Guidance (GGP on Applicant Support)

  • Council has adopted the Final Report of the GGP on Applicant Support containing 9 policy guidance recommendations related to certain aspects of the Applicant Support Program implementation for the next round of New gTLDs.

4. SubPro Small Team Update on Non-Adopted Recommendations

5. EPDP on Temporary Specification Phase 1 Urgent Requests

  • Council had been informed of the ICANN Board's concern over the EPDP on Temporary Specification Phase 1 Recommendation 18 after ICANN org convened an IRT to discuss this upon Public Comment, and several commentors had expressed dissatisfaction with how Recommendation 18 was implemented.
    • Rec 18 reads, “A separate timeline of [less than X business days] will considered for the response to ‘Urgent’ Reasonable Disclosure Requests, those Requests for which evidence is supplied to show an immediate need for disclosure [time frame to be finalized and criteria set for Urgent requests during implementation].” 
    • It should be noted that GAC had also written to the ICANN Board in the context of urgent requests for registration data as the Board was reviewing the final plans for the Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) Launch.
  • Council heard that from a Board member that the Board thinks the RDRS was conceptually not fit for purpose in respect of urgent requests since there are no service levels associated with the RDRS, and therefore decided that functionality should be considered separately to the RDRS launch. Concerns were also indicated by registry and registrar groups especially since it is difficult to say with certainty the time needed to authenticate any requestor.
  • Council concluded the discussion by requesting a formal communication from the Board with respect to its concerns with the EPDP on Temporary Specification Phase 1 Urgent Requests to enable Council to determine what Council can do to help resolve the concern.

6. ICANN Grant Program - Request for Reconsideration from Intellectual Property Constituency

  • On 22 Nov 2023, the Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) filed a Request for Reconsideration (RfR) of the ICANN Board Resolutions 2023.10.26.11 and 2023.10.26.122, regarding (i) the actions and inactions that led to (a) the ICANN Board’s public comment of 6 December 2018 on the Initial Report of the Cross-Community Working Group on New gTLD Auction Proceeds (CCWG-AP), (b) the organization of the public comment phase on the Proposed Final Report of the New gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross Community Working Group, (c) the ICANN Board Resolutions 2022.06.12.13 to 2022.06.12.16 , and (ii) the actions and inactions involving the implementation of the ICANN Grant Giving Program.
  • After some discussion, Council felt is was appropriate to issue a general letter stating that there are issues worthy of consideration and encouraging the Board to consider a dialogue rather than resolving this issue on a legal technicality. The letter is expected to support the principle of dialogue and transparency when a policy recommendation may need to be changed. The letter may recognize, as in the IPC’s Request for Reconsideration (RfR), that there are issues that should be addressed, including the question of a broader fundamental Bylaws change.

7. Update on Diacritic Study Request

  • GNSO Council Leadership is reviewing a draft request prepared by Mark Datysgeld on the Diacritic Study and will report back to Council in due course.

23(-15 ) GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #11 (NOV 2023)                        (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Meeting #11 of 2023 held on 16 Nov 2023


GNSO Council Meeting #11 of 2023 held on 16 Nov 2023 

Full Agenda  |  Documents  | Motions

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects List and Action Item List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Approval Action Community Forum at ICANN78 - Fundamental Bylaws Amendments to Articles 18 and 19 of the ICANN Bylaws
  • Item 5: COUNCIL UPDATE - EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names Phase 1 Final Report 
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Updates on Status of Data Processing Agreement (DPA) negotiations and Registration Data Accuracy
    • (i) DPA Negotiations
    • (ii) Registration Data Accuracy
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - ICANN Board Action on the Final Report of the Cross-Community Working Group on New gTLD Auction Proceeds (CCWG-AP)
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Consider whether further work is needed after ICANN org outreach to European Network Information Security Agency (ENISA) 
    • 9.1 SPS Planning

    • 9.2 Confirmation of RDRS Chair

    • 9.3 Update on Public Comment on Pilot Holistic Review - Terms of Reference

    • 9.4 Update on GAC Communique Update

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council Meeting on 21 September 2023 were posted on 08 October 2023.
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council Meeting Part 1 and Part 2 on 25 October 2023 were posted on 10 November 2023.
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • To confirm Tomslin Samme-Nlar as GNSO Representative as Decisional Participant to the Empowered Community
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Approval Action Community Forum at ICANN78 - Fundamental Bylaws Amendments to Articles 18 and 19 of the ICANN Bylaws
    • The Board is convening the Second IANA Naming Function Review ("IFR") to satisfy the requirement under Section 18.2(b) of the ICANN Bylaws that "Periodic IFRs after the first Periodic IFR shall be convened no less frequently than every five years, measured from the date the previous IFRT for a Periodic IFR was convened." The Board convened the first IFR on 16 September 2018.

    • The Board's noted its resolution for the Approval of Amendments to IANA Naming Function Review Bylaws is “an essential step in furthering the implementation of the recommendations of the first IANA Naming Function Review (IFR) team, as Recommendation 3 of the IFR identified changes necessary to Article 18 of the ICANN Bylaws. As well as the additional proposed changes to Articles 18 and 19, which serve to: (1) addressing a 2019 request from the Registries Stakeholder Group on updating the geographic diversity selection requirements for future IFR teams; and (2) clarifying ambiguities on the IFR processes identified through the first running of an IFR after the IANA Stewardship Transition.” The Bylaws changes aim to clearly set out the expected process as designed during the IANA Stewardship Transition Process, and do not represent a change to any of these processes.

    • Council will vote on the fundamental Bylaws amendments, which requires a simple majority to pass.
  • Item 5: COUNCIL UPDATE - EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names Phase 1 Final Report
    • On 24 April 2023, the EPDP Team published its Phase 1 Initial Report, which contains 68 recommendations for Public Comment. The Working Group reviewed the public comments, adjusted its report in light of the comments received, and the Final Report has received the full consensus of the Working Group.
    • Council will receive a briefing on the EPDP - IDN Phase 1 Final Report (Slides) with the expectation that the report can be voted on during the subsequent Council meeting.
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Updates on Status of Data Processing Agreement (DPA) negotiations and Registration Data Accuracy

           (i) DPA Negotiations 

    • On 3 August 2023, the GNSO Council sent a letter to ICANN org and the chairs of the Registrar Stakeholder Group and Registries Stakeholder Group, notifying them of the Council’s decision to extend consideration of the Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team recommendations until certain dependencies are met. The dependencies referenced include both (i) the outcome of the work by ICANN org on the scenario(s) in which the request and processing of registration data takes place and (ii) the finalization of the Data Processing Agreement (DPA).
    • ICANN org together with the chairs of the Registrar Stakeholder Group and Registries Stakeholder Group provided a response on 16 October 2023, notifying the Council that the “parties agreed that these agreements would take the form of a specification that may be added to the Registry Agreement (RA) and Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA), and as such we refer to them as the ‘Data Processing Specification’ or ‘DPS.’”
    • ICANN org noted that it has informed the Contracted Party House (CPH) Negotiating Team that its goal is to complete the negotiations, which include resolution of a few remaining items, by the end of the calendar year, with the eventual aim to have the DPS available for use by registrars and registries for the beginning of the Registration Data Policy implementation window.

          (ii) Registration Data Accuracy

    • The Registration Data Accuracy (RDA) Scoping Team was initiated by the GNSO Council in July 2021 per the formation instructions. The Scoping Team was tasked with considering a number of accuracy-related factors such as the current enforcement, reporting, measurement, and overall effectiveness of accuracy-related efforts. These considerations are to help inform the team’s deliberations and development of recommendations to the GNSO Council on whether any changes are recommended to improve accuracy levels, and, if so, how and by whom these changes would need to be developed (for example, if changes to existing contractual requirements are recommended, a PDP or contractual negotiations may be necessary to effect a change). 
    • The Scoping Team completed Assignment #1 (enforcement and reporting) and Assignment #2 (measurement of accuracy) and submitted its write up to the Council on 5 September 2022. In the write up, the group is suggesting moving forward with two proposals that would not require access to registration data, namely a registrar survey (recommendation #1) and a possible registrar audit (recommendation #2) that may help further inform the team’s work on assignment #3 (effectiveness) and #4 (impact & improvements), while it awaits the outcome of the outreach to the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) by ICANN org in relation to proposals that would require access to registration data (recommendation #3). 
    • As has been communicated previously, Michael Palage has confirmed his resignation as Chair of this group to the Council. The Council will need to consider the proper timing for identifying a new Chair for this effort.
    • ICANN org provided a verbal update to the Council during the 20 April meeting. During its meeting on 20 June 2023, the Council voted to extend the deferral of the consideration of recommendations #1 and #2, pending resolution of recommendation #3 (pausing the work on proposals that require access to registration data until there is clarity from ICANN org on if/how it anticipates the requesting and processing of registration data to be undertaken in the context of measuring accuracy). 
    • On 19 October 2023, ICANN org provided an update on Registration Data Accuracy efforts. 
    • Council will discuss these updates and determine if further outreach is needed for either of the items at this time.
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - ICANN Board Action on the Final Report of the Cross-Community Working Group on New gTLD Auction Proceeds (CCWG-AP)
    • On 12 June 2022, the ICANN Board accepted all recommendations in the Final Report of the Cross-Community Working Group on New gTLD Auction Proceeds (CCWG-AP).

    • The CCWG-AP's Recommendation 7 states in relevant part "Existing ICANN accountability mechanisms such as IRP or other appeal mechanisms cannot be used to challenge a decision from the Independent Project Applications Evaluation Panel to approve or not approve an application. Applicants not selected should receive further details about where information can be found about the next round of applications as well as any educational materials that may be available to assist applicants. The CCWG recognizes that there will need to be an amendment to the Fundamental Bylaws to eliminate the opportunity to use the Request for Reconsideration and Independent Review Panel to challenge grant decisions." The CCWG-AP also issued guidance to the Board that after reviewing how other entities dealt with appeals, that allowing appeals appeared to add too much complexity.

    • The Board's June 2022 decision reflected the Board's initial agreement with the CCWG-AP's conclusion that a Fundamental Bylaws change was necessary to implement Recommendation 7 and identified such a Bylaws change as a dependency on the launch of the ICANN Grant Program. Upon further consideration, the Board determined that the CCWG-AP's recommendation to preserve the auction proceeds from being used to defend against usages of ICANN's accountability mechanisms for decisions on individual grant decisions can be implemented in alternative ways, including ways that do not require modification to ICANN's core Bylaws on accountability. As a result, the Board proposed updating its action on Recommendation 7 to reflect that ICANN org should implement this Recommendation 7 directly through the use of applicant terms and conditions rather than through a change to ICANN's Fundamental Bylaws.
    • During its meeting on 26 October 2023,  the ICANN Board passed a resolution, revisiting its 12 June 2022 decision on Recommendation 7 of the Cross-Community Working Group on New gTLD Auction Proceeds (CCWG-AP) and issues the Revised Scorecard - CCWG on Auction Proceeds Final Report Recommendations – Board Action ("Revised Scorecard"), removing the requirement and dependency that a Fundamental Bylaws Amendment is required prior to the launch of the ICANN Grant Cycle, though the amendment would nevertheless be pursued. 
    • Council will discuss the Board action and determine if further action is needed.
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Consider whether further work is needed after ICANN org outreach to European Network Information Security Agency (ENISA) 
    • During the Council’s extraordinary meeting on 5 June 2023, Thomas Rickert introduced an area for further Council discussion. Specifically, the European Union's Second Network and Information Systems Directive (“NIS2”) entered into force on 16 January 2023. Article 28, subsection 3 provides, "Member States shall require TLD name registries and the entities providing domain name registration services, those are registrars, resellers and privacy and proxy services, to have policies and procedures, including verification procedures in place to ensure that the databases referred to in paragraph 1 include accurate and complete information. Member States shall require such policies and procedures to be publicly available." Additionally, the corresponding recital number 111, provides, in part, “Those policies and procedures should take into account to the extent possible the standards developed by the multi-stakeholder governance structures at the international level." 
    • There was a suggestion by some Councilors to consider informal options of responding to the recital text to highlight the standards that are currently applicable. The Council formed a small team to further consider this effort; however, after hearing an update from ICANN org noting that ICANN org was already in the process of reaching out to the Network and Information Systems Cooperation Group Work Stream for art.28 NIS2, the Small Team agreed to await the draft from ICANN org instead of independently reaching out. The Small Team additionally noted that ICANN org was the appropriate entity to deliver this message, rather than the GNSO Council, but the Small Team requested ICANN org share the draft communication with the GNSO Council for an additional review prior to sending the communication. ICANN org shared its draft communication on 19 October 2023. 
    • Council will discuss any further work is needed.
    • 9.1 SPS Planning

    • 9.2 Confirmation of RDRS Chair

    • 9.3 Update on Public Comment on Pilot Holistic Review - Terms of Reference

    • 9.4 Update on GAC Communique Update


Records of 16 Nov 2023 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 16 Nov 2023 Meeting to ALAC

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Nov 2023 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Nov 2023 Meeting Records.

1. Fundamental Bylaws Amendments to Articles 18 and 19 of the ICANN Bylaws

  • Council unanimously passed the motion to adopt the said Fundamental Bylaws Amendments.

2. EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names (EPDP on IDNs)

  • Council received a presentation on the Phase 1 Final Report of the EPDP on IDNs and after having a series of question answered, will move to vote on whether to adopt all the report's policy recommendations related to variant management at the top-level, at its next meeting.

3. Status of Data Processing Agreement (DPA) negotiations and Registration Data Accuracy

  • Council was informed that ICANN org and Contracted Parties' negotiations on a DPA has reached an agreement that would take the form of a specification that may be added to the Registry Agreement (RA) and Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA), and as such we refer to them as the ‘Data Processing Specification’ or ‘DPS'.
    • The DPA, or now the DPS, is meant to be the replacement for the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data which established temporary requirements to allow ICANN and gTLD registry operators and registrars to continue to comply with existing ICANN contractual requirements and community-developed policies in light of the GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation requiring the redaction of certain registration data. 
  • Based on this, Council opted to wait for the draft DPS to be put out for public comment before considering the need for further action.

4.  ICANN Board Action on the Final Report of the Cross-Community Working Group on New gTLD Auction Proceeds (CCWG-AP)

  • Concerns remained among councilors over the ICANN Board's 26 Oct resolution, revisiting its 12 June 2022 decision on Recommendation 7 of the CCWG-AP and issuance of the Revised Scorecard - CCWG on Auction Proceeds Final Report Recommendations – Board Action ("Revised Scorecard"), which removes the requirement and dependency that a Fundamental Bylaws Amendment is required prior to the launch of the ICANN Grant Cycle. This is despite the Board indicating that the Bylaw amendment would nevertheless be pursued over time.
  • Council discussed the possibility of filing a Request for Reconsideration (RfR) on this Board decision but acknowledged that the time limit for filing RfR would be too short for Council to act on. 
  • Council was informed by IPC Councilor Damon Ashcraft that IPC is already working on filing such an RfR, to which Council indicated that it would consider supporting such an RfR after having reviewed the same.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  Relayed the ALAC's position on the Board approach to CCWG-AP Rec 7 per its 26 Oct resolution.

"Greg (DiBiase, GNSO Chair) had during ICANN78 asked me if the ALAC had a position on the Board's action on CCWG-AP Rec 7. The answer is the ALAC has no objections to the Board's approach for that Rec per their 26 Oct resolution. The key reason is that the ALAC would like to see the ICANN Grant Program proceed to launch without the Bylaw amendment being a dependency, noting that the intention to limit access to Accountability Mechanism is addressed alternatively and the Board is looking at a potentially more complete/permanent solution for post-Cycle 1 grants."

5. ICANN org outreach to European Network Information Security Agency (ENISA)

  • There was general consensus among councilors that it was not necessary for GNSO Council to, independently, intervene or further act on the communication from ICANN org to the ENISA Network and Information Systems Cooperation Group Work Stream for art.28 NIS2.
  • IPC also relayed that they did not support ICANN org's letter on account of it carrying a perception that it is misleading and not wholly factual, therefore recommending that GNSO Council not support the letter.

6. Holistic Review Revised Terms of Reference

  • Council is working on a comment to this Terms of Reference. 

7. Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) Standing Committee

  • Council was informed that Sebastien Ducos has indicated the willingness to continue as Chair of the Council SSAD Small Team which will transition to the RDRS Standing Committee. Barring any objections, this will be confirmed by was of consent agenda item in Council's Dec meeting. 

23(-14 ) GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #10 (AT ICANN 78, OCT 2023)               (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Meeting #10 of 2023 held on 25 Oct 2023 during ICANN 78, over 2 parts, and including a Council Wrap-up Session on 26 Oct 2023:


GNSO Council Meeting #10 of 2023 held on 25 Oct 2023 during ICANN 78, over 2 parts, and including a Council Wrap-up Session on 26 Oct 2023:

Under Part 1 Agenda

Full Agenda  |  Documents  | Motions

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects List and Action Item List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - GNSO Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Recommendations Report on Review of the Statement of Interest (SOI) Requirements 
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Optional Topics for Potential Council Response
    • (i) Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft Terms of Reference 
    • (ii) Proposed Process for the Retirement of Non-Policy Recommendations 
    • (iii) Continuous Improvement Program Community Coordination Group (CIP-CCG)
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - GNSO Liaison to the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) Annual Report
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Diacritics Issue in Latin Script
    • 8.1 – Farewell to outgoing Councilors

    • 8.2 – Update - Open Contracted Party House DNS Abuse Calls

    • 8.3 – GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Pilot Review

    • 8.4 – Open microphone (Continuation of anniversary session discussion / input)

Under Part 2 Agenda

Full Agenda

  • Item 1: Seating of the 2023-2024 Council
    • Jennifer ChungSOI Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG)
    • Lawrence Olawale-RobertsSOI Commercial Stakeholder Group (CSG - BC)
    • Damon AshcroftSOI Commercial Stakeholder Group (CSG - IPC)
    • Taiwo Peter AkinremiSOI Non-commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG)
  • Item 2. Election of the Chair
    • One nomination was received for this position from Gregory DiBiase of the Contracted Party House. Gregory circulated his candidate statement to the GNSO Council on 5 October 2023.
  • Item 3. Election of GNSO Council Vice Chair 2022-2023
    • Non-Contracted Party House - Tomslin Samme-Nlar

    • Contracted Party House - Nacho Amadoz

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 24 August 2023 were posted on 09 September 2023.

    • Minutes of the GNSO Council Meeting on 21 September 2023 were posted on 08 October 2023.

  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • Confirmation of Appointment of Ashley Heineman as GNSO-appointed Co-Chair of the IANA Naming Function Review Team
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - GNSO Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Recommendations Report on Review of the Statement of Interest (SOI) Requirements 
    • The GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Pilot was initiated in June 2021 to determine whether the framework, as outlined here, could serve as an approach for dealing with the various projects that are focused on improvements to GNSO processes and procedures.

    • The CCOICI tasked the GNSO Statement of Interest (SOI) Task Force to address the following questions:

      1. Is the original objective of the SOI, as stated in the BGC WG Report, still valid? If not, why not and what should the current objective be?
      2. Based on the response to question 1), is the requested information to be provided as part of the SOI still fit for purpose? If not, why not, and what would need to be changed to make it fit for purpose?
      3. Are there any further measures that should be considered from an enforcement / escalation perspective, in addition or instead of those already included in the requirements?
    • During the meeting in August 2023, CCOICI Chair Manju Chen presented an overview of the CCOICI Recommendations Report on the SOI Requirements, but the vote on the recommendations was ultimately deferred in last month's Council meeting due to some last minute concerns from the CPH.
    • As it turned out, no changes are being proposed to the CCOICI Recommendations and Council will proceed with the vote on these recommendations as they are written - which maintains the ability to exempt participants from declaring in their GNSO SOI who they represented whenever they participated in a PDP in case of professional ethical obligations preventing complications. The motiononly requires a simple majority for it to be carried.
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Optional Topics for Potential Council Response

(i) Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft Terms of Reference 

    • The ICANN Board is currently seeking the community's input on the proposed Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft Terms of Reference. This is an update to the first version posted for Public Comment in August 2022 and has been modified to reflect community input. The primary focus of the Pilot Holistic Review Draft Terms of Reference (ToR) is to address the four primary issues raised during the first Public Comment proceeding:
      • The scope of Holistic Review is unclear
      • There is a lack of independent examination in the Holistic Review
      • There is a lack of identified dependencies
      • The community might not have the ability to support the Pilot Holistic Review work
    • The ToR Development Team also shortened and revised the ToR document to include more direct language and clearer deliverables.
    • Considering the potential implications on the ICANN structures and work, the Board is seeking input on whether the revised Draft ToR seems fit for purpose, and whether it sufficiently addresses the issues identified in the first Public Comment proceeding.
    • The following questions are designed to aid responders in formulating their views:
      1. Do you support the Pilot Holistic Review Revised Terms of Reference as drafted?
      2. Does the Pilot Holistic Review Revised Terms of Reference sufficiently address the four primary issues identified in the first Public Comment proceeding?
      3. Does the Pilot Holistic Review Revised Terms of Reference sufficiently clarify the deliverables for the Pilot Holistic Review?
      4. Do you support the next steps for the Pilot Holistic Review (as noted below)?
    • For more background information, Councilors are invited to listen to the webinar on this topic. 
    • Deadline for feedback is 27 November 2023.

(ii) Proposed Process for the Retirement of Non-Policy Recommendations 

    • To implement the Board-approved Third Accountability and Transparency Review (ATRT3) Recommendation 5, and considering the numerous times the ATRT3 Final Report stresses the procedural gap of not having a process to retire approved recommendations, ICANN org is proposing a process for the retirement of community-developed Board-approved non-policy recommendations in exceptional cases and according to specific criteria. 
    • Non-policy recommendations refer to community recommendations developed outside of a policy development process, such as Specific Reviews or Cross-Community Working Groups. The process will be publicly documented in the planning prioritization framework, and referenced in relevant documentation, such as the revised version of the Operating Standards for Specific Reviews. 
    • Council will discuss the Proposed Process and determine whether input on the proposed process is needed. 
    • The deadline for input is 30 November 2023

(iii) Continuous Improvement Program Community Coordination Group (CIP-CCG)

    • The Third Accountability and Transparency Review (ATRT3) Recommendation 3.6 calls for Organizational Reviews to be evolved into a Continuous Improvement Program (CIP). The recommendation to create a Continuous Improvement Program states that ICANN org shall work with each Supporting Organization (SO), Advisory Committee (AC) and their stakeholder groups, and the Nominating Committee (NomCom) to establish a Continuous Improvement Program. It will include an annual satisfaction survey of members/participants, and a regular assessment, including a summary of continuous improvements published at least every three years. 
    • As the ICANN Community considers the implementation of ATRT3 Recommendation 3.6 as it relates to each community structure and for the ICANN Community overall, the CIP Community Coordination Group is intended to serve as a forum to exchange best practices, lessons learned, as well as for sharing information and progress related to already existing community continuous improvement activities. The representatives in the CIP-CCG will share best practices and collaborate on community-wide implementation of ATRT3 Recommendation 3.6, while relaying information back to their constituencies to inform the process and voice decisions. 
    • ICANN org plans to proceed with the approach outlined in its letter by the end of November; however, if there are objections, concerns, or further feedback/questions, input is due by 30 November 2023.
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Diacritics Issue in Latin Script
    • PointQuébec, CORE Association, and the At-Large Advisory Committee raised an issue to the GNSO Council attention with regard to the challenge affecting future applied-for strings in the Latin script containing diacritics that may be confusingly similar to ASCII strings and are non-variants. 
    • For background, an applied-for IDN gTLD string in the Latin script containing diacritics, which is NOT an allocatable variant label of the base ASCII string (existing or applied-for) according to RZ-LGR, is widely recognized by users as its “equivalence” and may be determined to be confusingly similar (i.e., in which case, it would not pass the String Similarity Review).
    • One notable example of this problem known to the ICANN community is the string “québec”. PointQuébec Inc, the Registry of .quebec, has long held an interest in applying for this string, but it may face challenges obtaining it. PointQuébec regards the string “.québec” a necessity for serving the French speaking community in Quebec, Canada. Quebec is the only province in Canada whose sole official language is French; 71.2% of Quebecers are first language francophones. In the 2012 round, PointQuébec was advised not to apply for “.québec” due to considerations for technical readiness and financial predictability for an IDN gTLD. Hence it applied for the ASCII string without diacritics “.quebec” first, but has been waiting to submit an application for the IDN string in the next round.
    • A similar problem could happen to other existing Registries that currently manage ASCII gTLDs but may wish to apply for their IDN equivalence that are not deemed as allocatable variant labels according to the RZ-LGR. Future applicants may also be affected by this challenge.

    • To consider the development of an exception procedure for handling the consequence of String Similarity Review and create a potential path for future applications such as the “.québec” string, a GNSO Policy Development Process is likely the necessary avenue to do so. Understanding the seriousness of the issue and the potential harm to the interests or needs of the intended language committees, the GNSO Council agrees that requesting an Issue Report to thoroughly research and scope the problem is the appropriate step forward. The Issue Report will serve as the basis for launching a dedicated PDP on this topic, should the GNSO Council consider this path in the future. 

    • 8.1 – Farewell to outgoing Councilors

    • 8.2 – Update - Open Contracted Party House DNS Abuse Calls

    • 8.3 – GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Pilot Review

    • 8.4 – Open microphone (Continuation of anniversary session discussion / input


Records of 25 and 26 Oct 2023 Meetings at ICANN78


Special Summary Report of 25 Oct 2023 Meeting & 26 Oct 2023 Wrap-Up to ALAC

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Oct 2023 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Oct 2023 Meeting Records.

1. GNSO Council Leadership 2023/2024

  • Greg DiBiase, Tomslin Samme-Nlar and Nacho Amadoz, were elected by acclamation as GNSO Chair, GNSO Council Vice-Chair (NCPH), and GNSO Council Vice-Chair (CPH), respectively.

2. Diacritics Issue in Latin Script

  • Following a staff presentation and after much discussion, Council settled on asking for a Study (and not an Issues Report as Councilors did not want to potentially trigger a subsequent PDP) in order to be able to make a better informed decision on subsequent next step.

3.  DNS Abuse Mitigation by Contracted Party House (CPH)

  • The CPH (i.e. the Registry SG and Registrar SG) has opened their meetings, and plan to invite SOACs to share information with them, to inform on projects and develop possible inputs to such meeting.

    Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  As the ALAC's designated contact point, Justine Chew to liaise with CPH on such DNS Abuse mitigation outreach opportunities.

4. GNSO Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Recommendations Report on Review of the Statement of Interest (SOI) Requirements 

  • In August, Council received an overview of the CCOICI Recommendations Report on the SOI Requirements which concluded that no consensus was reached on the ability to exempt participants from declaring in their GNSO SOI who they represented whenever they participated in a PDP in case of professional ethical obligations preventing complications. Although it was recommended that the GNSO SOI format be updated to form two parts (see below), the existing SOI language which allows for the exemption was to remain as is. Further, it is proposed that the SOI be organised into 2 parts:
    • a) General Statement of Interest which contains general information about a participant (parent).
    • b) Activity Specific Statement of Interest which contains information that is provided specific to the activity, for example, motivation for participation (child)
  • The vote to adopt these CCOICI recommendations was withdrawn at Council's Sep 2023 meeting as CPH were not prepared to vote on the one recommendation, as written, to retain the exemption. Hence this matter went back to the CCOICI for further consideration. CCOICI could not come to agreement to change the relevant recommendation.
  • Following this, the vote to adopt these CCOICI recommendations was put without any amendment at this Council meeting, requiring only a simple majority to pass.
  • The vote failed, with the CPH voting nay and the NCPH voting yay. As a result, none of the CCOICI recommendations were adopted. No change to the GNSO SOI is effected.

5. Topics for Potential Council Response

23(-13 ) ALAC-GNSO COUNCIL BILATERAL MEETING (AT ICANN78, OCT 2023)        (go up to Directory) 

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ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Meeting on 21 Oct 2023 


ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Meeting held on 21 Oct 2023


  1. Welcome and Introduction - Justine Chew, ALAC Liaison to the GNSO, Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair and Sebastien Ducos, GNSO Chair (10 mins)
  2. GNSO Council Guidance Statement on ".québec", 14 Sep 2023 [] (20 mins)
    1. What is the GNSO Council's view on the issue(s) arising from the public comments to the IDNs EPDP Phase 1 Initial Report on ".québec"?
    2. How does the GNSO Council plan to address the issue(s)?
      Speakers: Sebastien Ducos (GNSO), Olivier Crepin-Leblond (ALAC)
      Followed by discussion / Q&A
  3. New gTLD Program Next Round (formerly Subsequent Procedures) (20 mins)
    1. How is the GNSO Council addressing the community-developed SubPro Outputs which either remain marked as "pending" or have not been adopted by the Board?
    2. How will the GNSO Council draw community participation and/or input in any efforts in "revising" those SubPro Outputs to address the Board's concerns?
      Speakers: Paul McGrady (GNSO), Tijani Ben Jemaa / Justine Chew (ALAC)
      Followed by discussion with GNSO Council SubPro Small Team / Q&A
  4. Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) (20 mins)
    1. What are the GNSO or GNSO Council's plans in moving the RDRS forward, in respect of registrar on-boarding and post launch of the RDRS? 
      Speakers: Sebastien Ducos / Greg DiBiase (GNSO), Alan Greenberg (ALAC)
      Followed by discussion / Q&A
  5. Next Steps - Justine Chew (5 mins)


Records of ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Meeting held on 21 Oct 2023

  • Audio Recording
  • Zoom Recording (includes chat and visual and rough transcript. To access the rough transcript, select the Audio Transcript tab)
  • Transcript


Notes on the 21 Oct 2023 ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Meeting

Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair, provided an update on incoming and outgoing ALAC leadership and Sebastien Ducos, GNSO Chair, provided an update on incoming and outgoing GNSO councilors and the change in GNSO Council leadership.

ALAC and At-Large community members and Council leadership and councilors discussed 3 issues per the agenda:

1. Diacritics in New gTLDs (eg .Quebec and .Québec)

  • The GNSO Council recognised that the ALAC, among others, have brought to Council's attention, the potential unsettling impact of certain existing gTLDs (in ASCII or not) running into string similarity issues if the existing registry operators of those certain gTLDs or other applicants were to apply for delegation of what are perceived as confusingly similar strings to those gTLDs but with diacritics. This situation could also impact applications for strings with or without diacritics in the next round.
  • Sebastien Ducos, GNSO Chair, reported that Council has not yet determined how they would like to proceed with the issue (whether eventually running a PDP , ie. a policy path, if required or an implementation for edge cases), and will be discussing this further at the Council meeting on Wed, 25 Oct. 
  • Justine Chew, ALAC Liaison to the GNSO, would be able to provide an update in due course.

2. Next Round of New gTLD Program - Progress on pending or not adopted Subsequent Procedures recommendations

  • There are a number of recommendations from the Subsequent Procedures PDP WG that have been marked (as still) pending and some which have been not adopted (rejected) by the ICANN Board on account of the Board holding that they are not in the best interest of ICANN.
  • GNSO Council had established a Council Small Team to address these pending/rejected recommendations to see if they can be clarified (for those pending) or revised in some way (for those rejected) that would address the Board's concern and rationale, respectively.
  • Paul McGrady, GNSO Councilor and the Council's Small Team Lead, reported that the GNSO Council is expanding the existing Council Small Team to a "Small Team Plus" to address such recommendations, which includes Recommendation 17.2 on Applicant Support, which he acknowledged as something the At-Large community have a major interest in. Paul encouraged the ALAC to send their very best representatives (a subject matter expert (SME) and an alternate) to join this Small Team Plus to work on those recommendations.
  • A workplan is being finalised and the invitation for an SME and alternate from every SOAC, C, and SG, will follow soon.
  • Tijani Ben Jemaa, AFRALO, expressed a hope that the major increased of interest in this topic is one that supports the success of an improved Applicant Support Program as compared to the 2012 Round.

3. Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) 

  • Greg DiBiase, GNSO Council Vice Chair, explained a bit of the background of the RDRS, from the GNSO recommendations to the Board on the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (for registration data) (SSAD) and how those recommendations were viewed as prohibitively expensive to implement as-is, and that the Board wanted more data before considering committing a large fund to implement the same. This led to the idea to create a more lightweight system, i.e. a pilot, now called the RDRS, which is to serve as a central place for requestors of registration data that have been redacted to request such data. These requests would be routed to the appropriate registrar for evaluation (and disclosure where appropriate).
  • Greg DiBiase, GNSO Council Vice Chair, also reported that work has been done to define what the RDRS would look like and the sort of metrics that would be gathered and shared with the community. Also, that Registrar pre-onboarding has begun (around 10% of domains under management, with up to 35% pledged for on-boarding by launch) and that the RDRS should launch by the end of the calendar year. Onboarding by registrars to the RDRS is voluntary and will inform the paths forward for pending System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) policy recommendations. The RDRS will run for 2 years and pending policy recommendations will then be revisited.
  • Greg DiBiase, GNSO Council Vice Chair, also reported that the GNSO Council Small Team that had worked on the RDRS design input will be transitioning to a Standing Committee which is tasked to look into issues with the RDRS as they arise, including metrics and reporting.
  • Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair, expressed a hope that the data being captured/stored will offer the community the ability to do some real analysis as opposed to just relying on reports generated by ICANN org. Sebastien Ducos, GNSO Chair and GNSO Council EPDP Small Team Lead, replied that the data is being stored for as long as the pilot runs but the data that will be shared will only be aggregate data.
  • Thomas Rickert, GNSO Councilor and GNSO Council EPDP Small Team member, reminded that the RDRS is in effect just of a basic design which excludes many better features per the SSAD recommendations. However, he reminded participants that it is important for us all to advocate for the use of the RDRS to help ensure that the system will work well to meet the needs both requestors and disclosers, in terms of better quality of requests and better quality disclosures.
  • Greg Shatan, NARALO Chair, inquired whether there has been discussions to handle privacy/proxy service providers who "hide" real registrant data and even registrar data.  Sebastien Ducos, GNSO Chair and GNSO Council EPDP Small Team Lead, replied that there have been discussions but since the RDRS is not based on policy but is voluntary for registrars and related service providers, we can only encourage privacy/proxy service providers to also participate in the RDRS. Greg DiBiase, GNSO Council Vice Chair confirmed that there is only existing policy to handle redacted data but no policy to handle data under privacy/proxy services, and there could be future work on that.
  • Marie Patullo, GNSO Councilor, asked about what happens to requests are "ignored" by "unresponsive registrars".  Sebastien Ducos, GNSO Chair and GNSO Council EPDP Small Team Lead, clarified that data related to requests that are unattended to will be stored and followed up in some way that would not disincentivize "responsive registrars".  

      Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  Justine Chew To look into periodic intersessional updates from GNSO and discussions with At-Large on the above topics.

23(-12 ) GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #9 (SEP 2023)               (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Meeting #9 of 2023 held on 21 Sep 2023


GNSO Council Meeting #9 of 2023 held on 21 Sep 2023

Full Agenda  |  Documents  | Motions

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects List and Action Item List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda (none)
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE (Withdrawn) - GNSO Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Recommendations Report on Review of the Statement of Interest (SOI) Requirements
  • Item 5: COUNCIL VOTE - Charter for Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) Standing Committee to help inform the next steps on the SSAD policy recommendations
  • Item 6: COUNCIL VOTE (Deferred) -  SubPro Clarifying Statement on Registry Voluntary Commitments (RVCs) and Public Interest Commitments (PICs) 
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro Small Team Updated Assignment Form
  • Item 8: ICANN78 Planning 
    • Sat, 21 Oct, 13:15-14:30 CEST - Joint At-Large & GNSO meeting
  • Item 9: Cross Community Working Group - Auction Proceeds Response
    • 10.1 GNSO Prep Week Webinar - Tue, 10 Oct at 13:00 UTC
    • 10.2 Planning for GNSO Council Strategic Planning Session
    • 10.3 ccNSO [& GAC] Liaison updates
    • 10.4 Review of CCOICI pilot
    • 10.5 IGO next steps
    • 10.6 WS2 Community Coordination Group (CCG) 
    • Ad hoc 10.7 Confusing Similarity / IDN in Latin Script

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 20 July were posted on 06 August 2023.
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 24 August were posted on 09 September 2023.
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE (Withdrawn) - GNSO Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Recommendations Report on Review of the Statement of Interest (SOI) Requirements
    • The GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Pilot was initiated in June 2021 to determine whether the framework, as outlined herecould serve as an approach for dealing with the various projects that are focused on improvements to GNSO processes and procedures.
    • The CCOICI tasked the GNSO Statement of Interest (SOI) Task Force to address the following questions:

      1. Is the original objective of the SOI, as stated in the BGC WG Report, still valid? If not, why not and what should the current objective be?
      2. Based on the response to question 1), is the requested information to be provided as part of the SOI still fit for purpose? If not, why not, and what would need to be changed to make it fit for purpose?
      3. Are there any further measures that should be considered from an enforcement / escalation perspective, in addition or instead of those already included in the requirements?
    • The CCOICI submitted to  Council for consideration its Recommendations Report following its review of the Recommendations Report submitted to the CCOICI by the GNSO Statement of Interest Task Force based on their review of the GNSO Statement of Interest (SOI) Requirements as well as their review of the input received in response to the public comment forum.
    • Council received an overview of the CCOICI Recommendations Report on the SOI Requirements at their Aug meeting and will vote on this vide a motion that only requires a simple majority for it to be carried.
  • Item 5: COUNCIL VOTE - Charter for Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) Standing Committee to help inform the next steps on the SSAD policy recommendations
    • In Sep 2022, ICANN org published a WHOIS Disclosure System (System) Design Paper based on the "proof of concept" approach outlined by the Small Team.

    • Council then informed the ICANN Board on 17 November 2022 that Council unanimously accepted the Addendum to the Preliminary Report (Addendum) prepared by the Small Team and supported the implementation of the System, after which on 27 Feb 2023, the ICANN Board directed ICANN org to “proceed to develop and launch the System as soon as possible”. The ICANN Board also “directed ICANN org to continue to engage with the Phase 2 Small Team throughout the development and operation of the System, and ensure periodic publication of the collected usage data, once operational". 

    • In Mar 2023, Council instructed the small team to continue working with ICANN org on the implementation of the System as well as “provide the Council with a recommendation on the approach and format through which, following implementation of the system, data should be reviewed and analyzed to help inform subsequent decisions on how to proceed with the SSAD recommendations”.

    • Council has received the small team's proposed charter for a Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) Standing Committee (to help inform the next steps on the SSAD policy recommendations) and will vote on this charter that only requires a simple majority for it to be carried.

  • Item 6: COUNCIL VOTE (Deferred) - SubPro Clarifying Statement on Registry Voluntary Commitments (RVCs) and Public Interest Commitments (PICs)
    • During its informal session at ICANN76 and the subsequent Council meeting, Council discussed and agreed to task a small team of interested councilors to review the recommendations that the Board placed in a pending status and suggest to the full Council how the underlying concerns that caused the pending status can be best addressed (i.e., a limited triage exercise).
    • Since ICANN76, the Council SubPro Small Team has met several times and has completed a comprehensive review of the issues chart, with Board member input on why the Board placed specific recommendations into a pending status. Council discussed the main output of that triage effort, the proposed paths forward for each pending recommendation, during an Extraordinary Meeting on 4 May. During that meeting, Council agreed to further task the small team with taking interim steps (e.g., provision of clarifying information, developing speaking points) in order to support the Council’s dialogue with the ICANN Board on 22 May. Council debriefed after the dialogue with the ICANN Board and discussed next steps. 
    • During ICANN77 Day 0 Session, Council heard from members of the Board regarding the Board’s views on potential “landing spots” on the pending recommendations. Following this discussion, the Small Team has drafted clarifying statements for items in landing spot one (“Provision of Clarifying Statement to the Board”).
    • During its meeting in July, Council received an update from the Small Team on the proposed clarifying statement and during its August meeting, Council approved a clarifying statement for a number of pending recommendations, though it removed text in the Clarifying Statement relating to the enforceability of PICs and RVCs and holding this over to a future Clarifying Statement, pending further feedback from the ICANN Board. Additional feedback was delivered to the small team and subsequently considered.
    • The Small Team worked on the second Clarifying Statement relating specifically to the enforceability of PICs and RVCs (but should be read as complementary to the relevant pending recommendation(s) and should be considered jointly with the recommendations for the purposes of implementation), which Council had expected to vote on (vide a motion that only requires a simple majority for it to be carried).
    • As it turned out, this second Clarifying Statement remains a work in progress and hence required that the Council vote be deferred.
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro Small Team Updated Assignment Form
    • During its informal session at ICANN76 and the subsequent Council meeting, Council discussed and agreed to task a small team of interested councilors to review the recommendations that the Board placed in a pending status and suggest to the full Council how the underlying concerns that caused the pending status can be best addressed (i.e., a limited triage exercise).
    • Since ICANN76, this the Council SubPro Small Team has, as part of the limited triage exercise, worked on and drafted the first Clarifying Statement and second Clarifying Statement for Council's consideration.
      • The first Clarifying Statement had been approved by Council in its Aug meeting and subsequently submitted to the ICANN Board on 5 Sep. 
      • The ICANN Board has on 10 Sep resolved to, among other things, adopt 12 SubPro Outputs with the 5 Sep GNSO Council Clarifying Statement.
      • The second Clarifying Statement had been planned to be voted on by Council at this meeting but was withdrawn.
    • As the triage exercise is now complete, the Small Team’s assignment form has been updated to reflect the updated assignment regarding how the non-adopted recommendations should be handled, e.g., supplemental recommendation, Section 16, etc.  Council will hear an update on the proposed updated assignment form.
  • Item 8: ICANN78 Planning 
    • A Joint At-Large & GNSO meeting is scheduled for Sat, 21 Oct, 13:15-14:30 CEST, the agenda for which is still in planning.
  • Item 9: Cross Community Working Group - Auction Proceeds Response
    • On 17 Jul 2023, Xavier Calvez sent a written update on the progress of ICANN org’s implementation of the Cross Community Working Group’s - Auction Proceeds (CCWG-AP) Final Report.  The update noted the implementation work will result in the launch of the ICANN Grant Program at the end of the first quarter of 2024. The program will distribute the 2012 New gTLD Program Auction Proceeds in line with the recommendations, as adopted by the ICANN Board in June 2022.
    • As implementation progresses, ICANN org has considered organizing a meeting, with former members of the CCWG-AP, should any of the former members be interested and available to participate. This will help to ensure that implementation preserves the intent of the group’s recommendations.
    • Council will discuss a response to this message. Specifically, the Council is asked to consider if it is comfortable with former CCWG-AP members engaging in a conversation with ICANN org or whether the discussion should be conducted differently.


Records of 21 Sep 2023 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 21 Sep 2023 Meeting to ALAC

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Sep 2023 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Sep 2023 Meeting Records.

1. GNSO Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Recommendations Report on Review of the Statement of Interest (SOI) Requirements 

  • Last month, Council received an overview of the CCOICI Recommendations Report on the SOI Requirements which concluded that no consensus was reached on the ability to exempt participants from declaring in their GNSO SOI who they represented whenever they participated in a PDP in case of professional ethical obligations preventing complications. Although it was recommended that the GNSO SOI format be updated to form two parts (see below), the existing SOI language which allows for the exemption was to remain as is. Further, it is proposed that the SOI be organised into 2 parts:
    • a) General Statement of Interest which contains general information about a participant (parent).
    • b) Activity Specific Statement of Interest which contains information that is provided specific to the activity, for example, motivation for participation (child)
  • Just prior to this Council meeting, the vote to adopt these CCOICI recommendations was withdrawn as CPH were not prepared to vote on the one recommendation, as written, to retain the exemption. Hence this matter now goes back to the CCOICI for further consideration and, hopefully, resolution.

2. Charter for Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) Standing Committee

  • The GNSO Council EPDP Phase 2 Small Team's work has wrapped up - since their final task in guiding the design of the Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) (formerly known as the SSAD - System for Standardized Access/Disclosure to Registration Data) has concluded - and ICANN org is slated to launch the RDRS in November. 
  • Given this, the focus moves towards monitoring of ICANN org's implementation of the RDRS and how well it will function.  To facilitate this, Council is transitioning the EPDP Phase 2 Small Team into the RDRS Standing Committee, and Council has approved the Charter for this Standing Committee.
    • Impact for ALAC: ALAC retains a member seat by virtue of having had a member on the EPDP Phase 2 Small Team, along with an alternate.

3. New gTLD Program Next Round / Subsequent Procedures 38 Pending Recommendations 

  • As reported at the At-Large CPWG 20 Sep call, the GNSO Council SubPro Small Team had been working towards recommending a Second Clarifying Statement for Council approval. This Second Clarifying Statement was aimed at clarifying and resolving the ICANN Board's concerns on the group of 10 SubPro Outputs associated with the use, and hence, enforceability, of PICs/RVCs (i.e. SubPro Recommendations 9.1, 9.4, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.12, 9.13, 30.1, 31.16 and 31.17).
  • At the time Council met, this Second Clarifying Statement is subject to further work by the Small Team and hence required that a Council vote on it be deferred to Council's October meeting.
  • In parallel, also as reported at the At-Large CPWG 20 Sep call, the ICANN Board held a recent workshop where the Board resolved to, per its Scorecard;
    • Section A, adopt 7 SubPro Outputs with no further concern;
    • Section B, adopt 12 SubPro Outputs with the 5 Sep GNSO Council Clarifying Statement (i.e the First Clarifying Statement);
    • Section C, NOT adopt 7 SubPro Outputs at this this time, with given rationales; and
    • Section D, consider adopting 10 SubPro Outputs with the provision of the pending GNSO Council Second Clarifying Statement, and to continue discussing a remaining 3 SubPro Outputs with the GNSO Council SubPro Small Team with a goal of resolving them via the clarification mechanism.
  • Given the above development out of the Board workshop, the Small Team's assignment form (i.e. charter) required a revision to reflect the updated assignment regarding how the non-adopted recommendations should be handled. Council considered and approved this Small Team updated assignment form. 
  • The updated assignment form expands participation in the Small Team to each GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency, and each Advisory Committees (mainly ALAC and GAC), to elect to put forward one subject matter expert (SME) plus alternate to help inform the Small Team's final assignment #7 (which is to develop proposed Supplemental Recommendations or develop proposed modifications through GNSO's section 16 process).
    • Impact for ALAC: ALAC will be invited to appoint a SME and an alternate to the Small Team. These appointments may be changed from time to time to facilitate the relevant SME's participation to the different the topics being addressed. For avoidance of doubt, these appointments do not affect my participation as an existing member of the Small Team.

4. ICANN78 Joint Meeting of the At-Large and GNSO

  • A call for additions/changes to the proposed topics of SubPro Updates, RDRS and .quebec was made to Councilors.
  • The plan is to revisit this list of proposed topics in a fortnight for finalization.

5.  Cross Community Working Group - Auction Proceeds Response

  • Council is in favour of responding to Xavier Calvez's written update on the progress of ICANN org’s implementation of the Cross Community Working Group’s - Auction Proceeds (CCWG-AP) Final Report, noting that there is a bigger procedural issue going on regarding how changes to a working group’s recommendations should occur. The next step is to put together a draft response to Xavier Calvez with some of the Councilors' concerns and circulate it on the GNSO Council mailing list.

6. Confusing Similarity / IDN in Latin Script

  • Council Chair addressed the issue of accents and diacritics in Latin languages that could be deemed confusingly similar to existing strings or other applications, and suggested chartering something with a narrow scope to ensure that this topic does not slide elsewhere into the string similarity discussion and ensure that solutions are found that match requirements imposed on variants.
  • ICANN org staff clarified that next steps from the staff perspective would be for Council to request an Issues Report.

23(-11 ) GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #8 (AUG 2023)               (go up to Directory) 

Deck of Cards

labelSHOW ME

GNSO Council Meeting #8 of 2023 held on 24 Aug 2023  


GNSO Council Meeting #8 of 2023 held on 24 Aug 2023

Full Agenda  |  Documents  | Motions

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects List and Action Item List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • Approval of the 2023 Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Slate
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - SubPro Small Team Clarifying Statement
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - GNSO Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Recommendations Report on Review of the Statement of Interest (SOI) Requirements 
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Chartering the Standing Predictability Implementation Review Team (“SPIRT”)
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro Pending Recommendations - Expected Non-Adoption 
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Closed Generics
  • Item 9: AOB
    • 9.1 Update from NIS2 Outreach Team 
    • 9.2 ICANN78 Planning
    • 9.3 Discussion Paper on .Quebec
    • 9.4 Grant Program Implementation update to Chartering Organizations

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 14 June were posted on 01 July 2023.
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 20 July were posted on 06 August 2023.
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • Approval of the 2023 Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Slate - In accordance with Section 17.2 (d) of the ICANN Bylaw and per the CSC Charter, the full membership of the CSC must be approved by the GNSO Council. The Council approves the full slate of members and liaisons, noting that the SSAC has declined to appoint a liaison. 
    • The ALAC's Liaison for term 2023-2025 is Holly Raiche, with the alternate being Ejikeme Egbuogu
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - SubPro Small Team Clarifying Statement
    • During its informal session at ICANN76 and the subsequent Council meeting, Council discussed and agreed to task a small team of interested councilors to review the recommendations that the Board placed in a pending status and suggest to the full Council how the underlying concerns that caused the pending status can be best addressed (i.e., a limited triage exercise).
    • Since ICANN76, the Council SubPro Small Team has met several times and has completed a comprehensive review of the issues chart, with Board member input on why the Board placed specific recommendations into a pending status. Council discussed the main output of that triage effort, the proposed paths forward for each pending recommendation, during an Extraordinary Meeting on 4 May. During that meeting, Council agreed to further task the small team with taking interim steps (e.g., provision of clarifying information, developing speaking points) in order to support the Council’s dialogue with the ICANN Board on 22 May. Council debriefed after the dialogue with the ICANN Board and discussed next steps. 
    • During ICANN77 Day 0 Session, Council heard from members of the Board regarding the Board’s views on potential “landing spots” on the pending recommendations. Following this discussion, the Small Team has drafted clarifying statements for items in landing spot one (“Provision of Clarifying Statement to the Board”). During its meeting in July, Council received an update from the Small Team on the proposed clarifying statement.
    • 24 Aug update: I have just been informed that the Board has requested more time because "[t]he Board would like to propose a small tweak to the language [in the clarifying statements for Recommendations 9.1, 9.4, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.12, 9.13, 30.1, 31.16 and 31.17 (all regarding the enforceability of PICs and RVCs) to ensure that it is crystal clear". Hence the recommendations where there is an expectation that the GNSO Council can resolve the ICANN Board concerns via a Clarifying Statement are now:
      • Topic 3: Applications Assessed in Rounds - Recommendations 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7
        • The SubPro Final Report recommendation envisions that “the next application procedure should be processed in the form of a round” and “Application procedures must take place at predictable, regularly occurring intervals without indeterminable periods of review”. However, the GNSO Council confirms its willingness to engage with the ICANN Board to explore a shared vision for the long-term evolution of the program, which could be materially different than what is envisioned for the next round of the New gTLD Program in the Topic 3 recommendations.
      • Topic 6: Registry Service Provider Pre-Evaluation - Recommendation 6.8
        • The GNSO Council confirms its understanding of the Implementation Review Team (IRT) Principles & Guidelines that state that, “the IRT is convened to assist staff in developing the implementation details for the policy to ensure that the implementation conforms to the intent of the policy recommendations.” The Council therefore recognizes that ICANN org will be responsible for establishing the fees charged for the RSP pre-evaluation program, in consultation with the IRT, as is consistent with the roles and responsibilities captured in the IRT Principles & Guidelines. The language used in Recommendation 6.8 is not intended to alter the respective roles and responsibilities of staff and the IRT.
      • Topic 9: Registry Voluntary Commitments / Public Interest Commitments - Recommendations 9.1, 9.4, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.12, 9.13, 9.15
        • Recommendations 9.1, 9.4, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.12, 9.13 - The GNSO Council confirms that in respect to any new Public Interest Commitments (PICs) and Registry Voluntary Commitments (RVCs), PICs/RVCs entered into must be contractually enforceable, and in respect of RVCs, enforceability is determined by both ICANN org and the applicant. And further, the Council observes that among the purposes of PICs / RVCs is to address public comments, in addressing strings deemed highly sensitive or related to regulated industries, objections, whether formal or informal, GAC Early Warnings, GAC Consensus Advice, and/or other comments from the GAC.
        • Recommendation 9.15: The GNSO Council confirms that this recommendation does not require any implementation nor creates any dependencies for the Next Round of the New gTLD Program.
      • Topic 26: Security and Stability - Recommendation 26.9
        • The GNSO Council confirms that the “any level” language referenced in the recommendation should be interpreted to only be in respect of domain names that are allocated by the registry operator.
      • Topic 29: Name Collision - Recommendation 29.1
        • The GNSO Council believes that Recommendation 29.1 can be adopted by the Board on the understanding that it does not need to be acted on until such time any next steps for mitigating name collision risks are better understood out of the Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP) Study 2.
      • Topic 30: GAC Consensus Advice and GAC Early Warning - Recommendation 30.7
        • Please see the Council’s clarifying statement for Recommendations 9.1, 9.4, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.12, 9.13.
      • Topic 31: Objections - Recommendations 31.16, 31.17
        • Please see the Council’s clarifying statement for Recommendations 9.1, 9.4, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.12, 9.13.
      • Topic 34: Community Applications - Recommendation 34.12
        • The GNSO Council confirms its recommendation that terms included in the contract between ICANN org and the CPE Provider regarding the CPE process must be subject to public comment. This recommendation however is not intended to require ICANN org to disclose any confidential terms of the agreement between ICANN org and the CPE Provider.
      • Topic 35: Auctions - Recommendations 35.3, 35.5
        • The GNSO Council confirms that the references to private auctions in Recommendations 35.3 and 35.5 merely acknowledge the existence of private auctions in 2012 and should NOT be seen as an endorsement or prohibition of their continued practice in future rounds of the New gTLD Program. The Council notes that there were extensive discussions on the use of private auctions in the SubPro working group. To the extent that draft recommendations were developed as to private auctions, these did not receive consensus support in the working group but did receive strong support with significant opposition.
    • Council will vote on the clarifying statement to be submitted to the ICANN Board.
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - GNSO Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Recommendations Report on Review of the Statement of Interest (SOI) Requirements 
    • The GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Pilot was initiated in June 2021 to determine whether the framework, as outlined herecould serve as an approach for dealing with the various projects that are focused on improvements to GNSO processes and procedures.
    • The CCOICI tasked the GNSO Statement of Interest (SOI) Task Force to address the following questions:

      1. Is the original objective of the SOI, as stated in the BGC WG Report, still valid? If not, why not and what should the current objective be?
      2. Based on the response to question 1), is the requested information to be provided as part of the SOI still fit for purpose? If not, why not, and what would need to be changed to make it fit for purpose?
      3. Are there any further measures that should be considered from an enforcement / escalation perspective, in addition or instead of those already included in the requirements?
    • The CCOICI submitted to  Council for consideration its Recommendations Report following its review of the Recommendations Report submitted to the CCOICI by the GNSO Statement of Interest Task Force based on their review of the GNSO Statement of Interest (SOI) Requirements as well as their review of the input received in response to the public comment forum.
    • Council will receive an overview of the CCOICI Recommendations Report on the SOI Requirements.
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Chartering the Standing Predictability Implementation Review Team (“SPIRT”)
    • In its Final Report, the Subsequent Procedures Working Group recommended “the formation of a Standing Predictability Implementation Review Team (‘SPIRT’) (Pronounced ‘spirit’) to serve as the body responsible for reviewing potential issues related to the Program, to conduct analysis utilizing the framework, and to recommend the process/mechanism that should be followed to address the issue (i.e., utilize the Predictability Framework). The GNSO Council shall be responsible for oversight of the SPIRT and may review all recommendations of the SPIRT in accordance with the procedures outlined in the GNSO Operating Procedures and Annexes thereto.”
    • Council will hear on the issue of SPIRT chartering.
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro Pending Recommendations - Expected Non-Adoption 
    • Further to Item 4: SubPro Small Team Clarifying Statement which addressed 22 of 38 SubPro recommendations marked as "pending", the Council SubPro Small Team has also looked at proposing paths for the remaining 16 recommendations the Board is not expected to adopt.
    • Council will hear an update on the proposed path. In addition, the small team is requesting Council for further instructions now that it has reached the solution building stage; as well as input on whether or not it is time to invite the GAC to participate more formally in the small team's work and how that would work practically.
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Closed Generics
    • In March 2022, the ICANN Board requested that the GAC and GNSO Council consider engaging in a facilitated dialogue to develop a framework for further GNSO policy work on the issue of Closed Generics. The GAC and GNSO Council agreed to the Board’s suggestion and each appointed six participants for the dialogue. One participant and one alternate from the ALAC were also appointed. Should the GAC-GNSO facilitated dialogue result in an agreed framework, the agreements will be further developed through the appropriate GNSO policy process.

    • Following an initial, informal meeting at ICANN75 in Kuala Lumpur, the dialogue participants have since been meeting regularly via Zoom and held a substantive two-day face-to-face meeting in Washington, D.C. in late January 2023. The dialogue is hoping to deliver a draft framework around the end of April 2023 to the ALAC, GAC, GNSO and other SOACs for community input. At this stage, groups are expected to have approximately four weeks to review the document.

    • During its meeting at ICANN76, the ICANN Board passed a resolution adopting a substantial portion of the outputs from the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP, setting in motion the start of the implementation process for the next round of new gTLDs. As part of the resolution, the Board established deadlines for key deliverables that will impact the development of the implementation plan.

    • The GNSO Chair, GAC Chair, and ALAC Chair plan to send a separate communication to the ICANN Board that reflects the decision they took and, as stated in the letter, expressing the collective view that:
      • (1) closed generic gTLDs should not be viewed as a dependency for the next round;
      • (2) until there is community-developed policy, the Board should maintain the position from the 2012 round (i.e., any applications seeking to impose exclusive registry access for "generic strings" to a single person or entity and/or that person's or entity's Affiliates (as defined in Section 2.9(c) of the Registry Agreement) should not proceed; and
      • (3) should the community decide in the future to resume the policy discussions, this should be based on the good work that has been done to date in the facilitated dialogue.
    • Council will discuss the current state of work and the proposed communication to the Board.
  • Item 9: AOB


Records of 24 Aug 2023 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 24 Aug 2023 Meeting to ALAC

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Aug 2023 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Aug 2023 Meeting Records.

1. Consent Agenda Item - 2023 Customer Standing Committee (CSC)

  • Council approved the slate of 2023 CSC Members and Liaison, which include the liaison and alternate appointed by ALAC, Holly Raiche and Ejikeme Egbuogu, respectively, for the 2023 - 2025 term.

2. Next Round of New gTLD Program / Subsequent Procedures 38 Pending Recommendations & "Other Dependencies"

  • To recap, the ICANN Board 16 March 2023 Resolution had requested the GNSO Council to submit 3 of 4 deliverables. 
  • For convenience, the 3 of 4 deliverables are replicated as follows:
    • a. A plan and timeline as agreed upon by the ICANN Board and the GNSO Council for consideration and resolution of all Outputs contained in Section B of the Scorecard (the 38 Pending Recommendations);
    • b. A working methodology and Implementation Review Team (IRT) work plan and timeline as agreed upon by ICANN org and the GNSO Council;c. 
    • c. A GNSO Council project plan and timeline for policy work, or an alternate path, on how to handle closed generics for the next round of new gTLDs; and
    • d. A project plan from the GNSO Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) Working Group (WG) identifying all charter questions that will impact the next Applicant Guidebook, along with considerations to ensure a consistent solution on IDN Variant TLDs with the ccPDP4 on IDN ccTLDs (in accordance with prior Board Resolution 2019.03.14.09), and a timeline by when the IDNs EPDP WG will deliver relevant recommendations to the GNSO Council.
  • Immediately after ICANN77, Council submitted to the Board on 15 Jun 2023 the SubPro ICANN77 Deliverables: Workplan and Timeline which addresses the 3 requested deliverables.
  • As of now, the situation with a. and c. are as follows. The status with d. is as reported in my Jul 2023 report.

a. The 38 Pending Recommendations 

  • Since after ICANN77, the GNSO Council Small Team on SubPro has continued to work with the Board SubPro Caucus co-leads, Avri Doria and Becky Burr, in developing the Council's 2 next sub-deliverables in respect of the 38 Pending Recommendations. This involves bifurcating the 38 recommendations into 2 broad groups: 
    • Group (1) covers Recommendations on the following SubPro Topics which were assessed and are understood to merely require clarifying statements by Council for the Board's consideration in context of the Board's concerns, in order to facilitate adoption by the Board.  
    • Due to a late request by the ICANN Board for more time as "[t]he Board would like to propose a small tweak to the language [in the clarifying statements for Recommendations 9.1, 9.4, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.12, 9.13, 30.1, 31.16 and 31.17 (all regarding the enforceability of PICs and RVCs) to ensure that it is crystal clear", the recommendations where there is an expectation that the GNSO Council can resolve the ICANN Board concerns via a Clarifying Statement was amended to cover:
      • Topic 3: Applications Assessed in Rounds - Recommendations 3.1,3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7
      • Topic 6: Registry Service Provider Pre-Evaluation - Recommendation 6.8
      • Topic 9: Registry Voluntary Commitments / Public Interest Commitments - Recommendations 9.1, 9.4, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.12, 9.13, 9.15
      • Topic 26: Security and Stability - Recommendation 26.9
      • Topic 29: Name Collision - Recommendation 29.1
      • Topic 30: GAC Consensus Advice and GAC Early Warning - Recommendation 30.7
      • Topic 31: Objections - Recommendations 31.16, 31.17
      • Topic 34: Community Applications - Recommendation 34.12
      • Topic 35: Auctions - Recommendations 35.3, 35.5
    • The resulting Clarifying Statement as at 23 Aug which was adopted by Council  for Group (1) recommendations is found at this link.

Action by ALAC Liaison

      •  To continue participating in Small Team to ensure clarifying statement captures existing ALAC positions, as relevant/needed.
    • Group (2) covers the remaining pending recommendations for which the Council Small Team will continue to work on in light of the clear signal by the Board SubPro Caucus co-leads that the Board will very likely decline to adopt as they currently read. The Small Team's scope of work here includes considering whether such recommendations should be revised, and if so, how - either through the 'GNSO Operating Procedures section 16' path (which would involve reconvening the SubPro PDP WG), or through a 'Supplemental Recommendation' path for which Council will need to determine the mechanism to produce such supplemental recommendation.

Action by ALAC Liaison

      •  To continue participating in Small Team to ensure clarifying statement captures existing ALAC positions, as relevant/needed, or to advocate for the inclusion of input outside of GNSO where Council opts for the 'Supplemental Recommendation' path.

c. Closed Generics Framework

    • Council received a substantive update on the status of the Closed Generics Framework produced by the GAC-GNSO-ALAC Dialogue small team, post a review of community comments received in response to the request for comments on the Draft Closed Generics Framework which closed on 15 Jul 2023. 
    • The Chairs of the GAC, GNSO and ALAC convened to discuss what should happen with this Closed Generics Framework, namely whether there was sufficient community consensus for it to move to a GNSO policy development process. They concluded there was not and that there was not sufficient demand to take it further through a policy process. As a result, the GNSO Chair, GAC Chair, and ALAC Chair plan to send a separate communication to the ICANN Board that reflects the decision they took and, as stated in the letter, expressing the collective view that:
      • (1) closed generic gTLDs should not be viewed as a dependency for the next round; 

      • (2) until there is community-developed policy, the Board should maintain the position from the 2012 round (i.e., any applications seeking to impose exclusive registry access for "generic strings" to a single person or entity and/or that person's or entity's Affiliates (as defined in Section 2.9(c) of the Registry Agreement) should not proceed; and

      • (3) should the community decide in the future to resume the policy discussions, this should be based on the good work that has been done to date in the facilitated dialogue. 

3. Next Round of New gTLDs - Standing Predictability Implementation Review Team (SPIRT) (pronounced as "spirit")

  • In its Final Report, the Subsequent Procedures Working Group recommended “the formation of a Standing Predictability Implementation Review Team (‘SPIRT’) (Pronounced ‘spirit’) to serve as the body responsible for reviewing potential issues related to the Program, to conduct analysis utilizing the framework, and to recommend the process/mechanism that should be followed to address the issue (i.e., utilize the Predictability Framework). The GNSO Council shall be responsible for oversight of the SPIRT and may review all recommendations of the SPIRT in accordance with the procedures outlined in the GNSO Operating Procedures and Annexes thereto.”
  • Council discussed the task of chartering (not constituting) the SPIRT and concluded that it would be useful to set up a chartering team to include participation from the At-Large/ALAC, GAC and other parts of the community.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  Justine Chew To alert the ALAC/CPWG on timing of the call to form the SPIRT chartering team, in due course.

4. Discussion Paper on .Quebec 

  • The GNSO Chair led the commentary on this issue which essentially concluded that the issue of .quebec (TLD) not being a variant of “.québec” did not require an immediate resolution and one that did not squarely sit in the remit of the Expedited Policy Development Process on Internationalized Domain Names (EPDP on IDNs).

5. GNSO Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Recommendations Report on Review of the Statement of Interest (SOI) Requirements 

  • Council received an overview of the CCOICI Recommendations Report on the SOI Requirements which concluded that no consensus was reached on the ability to exempt participants from declaring in their GNSO SOI who they represented whenever they participated in a PDP in case of professional ethical obligations preventing complications
  • Although it was recommended that the GNSO SOI format be updated to form two parts (see below), the existing SOI language in relation to exemption is to remain as is.
    • a) General Statement of Interest which contains general information about a participant (parent).
    • b) Activity Specific Statement of Interest which contains information that is provided specific to the activity, for example, motivation for participation (child)

23(-10 ) GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #7 (JUL 2023)               (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Meeting #7 of 2023 held on 20 Jul 2023  


GNSO Council Meeting #7 of 2023 held on 20 Jul 2023

Full Agenda  |  Documents  | Motions

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects List and Action Item List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team Recommendations #1 and #2 – extending deferral of consideration by six months
    • GNSO Review of GAC Communiqué 
    • GNSO Non-Registry Liaison to the Customer Standing Committee (CSC) - Milton Mueller; [GNSO Non-Registry Liaison Alternate to the CSC - [candidate under review]]
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Accuracy 
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Operational Design Phase and Operational Design Assessment Liaison & Small Team Survey Feedback
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro Small Team Update on Pending Recommendations - Clarifying Statement
  • Item 7: Follow up on IGO Curative Rights IRT and Other Work Necessary to Achieve Release of the IGO Acronyms  Under Interim Reservation
  • Item 8: IDNs EPDP Timeline
    • 9.1 ccNSO Liaison update
    • 9.2 Closed Generics Update

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Extraordinary Council meeting on 05 June 2023 were posted on 19 June 2023
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 14 June 2023 were posted on 01 July 2023
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team Recommendations #1 and #2 – extending deferral of consideration by six months
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Accuracy 
    • During Council’s extraordinary meeting on 5 June 2023, Thomas Rickert introduced an area for potential discussion at a future GNSO Council meeting.
    • Specifically, the European Union's Second Network and Information Systems Directive (“NIS2”) entered into force on 16 January 2023. Article 28, subsection 3 provides, "Member States shall require TLD name registries and the entities providing domain name registration services, those are registrars, resellers and privacy and proxy services, to have policies and procedures, including verification procedures in place to ensure that the databases referred to in paragraph 1 include accurate and complete information. Member States shall require such policies and procedures to be publicly available." Additionally, the corresponding recital number 111, provides, in part, “Those policies and procedures should take into account to the extent possible the standards developed by the multi-stakeholder governance structures at the international level." 
    • There was a suggestion to consider informal options of responding to the recital text to highlight the standards that are currently applicable.
    • Council will discuss if further work is needed on this topic, and if the GNSO is the appropriate venue for further work at this time.
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Operational Design Phase and Operational Design Assessment Liaison & Small Team Survey Feedback
    • Council will receive an overview of the feedback provided in the surveys issued to two GNSO Liaisons to the ODP (Janis Karklins and Jeff Neuman) and the members of both ODA review teams, and consider potential next steps such as sharing this feedback to ICANN org to help inform the upcoming community consultation.
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro Small Team Update on Pending Recommendations - Clarifying Statement
    • Since ICANN76, the Council SubPro Small Team has met several times and has completed a comprehensive review of the issues chart, with Board member input on why the Board placed specific recommendations into a pending status. The Council discussed the main output of that triage effort, the proposed paths forward for each pending recommendation, during an Extraordinary Meeting on 4 May, in order to support the Council’s dialogue with the ICANN Board on 22 May. 
    • During the ICANN77 Day 0 Session, Council heard from the members of the Board regarding the Board’s views on potential “landing spots” on the pending recommendations. Following this discussion, the Small Team has drafted clarifying statements for items in landing spot one (“Provision of Clarifying Statement to the Board”). Immediately after ICANN77, Council submitted its ICANN77 Deliverable Work plan & Timeline SubPro Related Activities as requested by the ICANN Board in its 16 Mar resolution.
    • Council will receive an update from the Small Team on the proposed clarifying statement to the Board as well as the work that is ongoing in relation to the recommendations for which the Board has indicated likely non-adoption.
  • Item 7: Follow up on IGO Curative Rights IRT and Other Work Necessary to Achieve Release of the IGO Acronyms  Under Interim Reservation
    • On 14 April 2013, the Board passed a resolution placing certain IGO acronyms under temporary reservation. In recent correspondence, the Board confirmed that its intention in passing this resolution was to “withhold these IGO acronyms from registration at the second level on an interim basis, pending resolution by the community of the inconsistencies between GAC advice and GNSO policy recommendations from the GNSO’s 2012-2013 Policy Development Process (PDP) on IGO-INGO Protections in All gTLDs.” 
    • Since the April 2013 Board resolution, the GNSO has completed two PDPs specific to curative rights protections for IGOs: (1) the PDP on IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms that was completed in 2019 and (2) the Expedited PDP (EPDP) on Specific Curative Rights Protections for IGOs that was completed in 2022.
    • On 30 April 2023, the Board voted to adopt all four recommendations that the GNSO Council approved from the 2019 PDP and all five Full Consensus recommendations from the 2022 EPDP. The Board also directed ICANN org to proceed with implementation “as soon as feasible; and to develop and submit to the Board an implementation plan … to inform the Board as to how the implementation of these recommendations fit into ICANN org’s operational planning and prioritization of its ongoing work to implement other community-developed recommendations that the Board has adopted.” 
    • Council will discuss whether it wishes to take any steps to request that ICANN org implementation of these Consensus Policy recommendations remains a high priority, understanding the need to resource this work appropriately in the context of other ongoing implementation work.
  • Item 8: IDNs EPDP Timeline
    • In accordance with ICANN Board request (16 Mar resolution), the EPDP Team delivered an updated project plan by the last day of ICANN77.  It identifies that almost all of its charter questions will impact the next Applicant Guidebook, and determines that its timeline for the EPDP Team’s delivery of relevant recommendations to the GNSO Council remains unchanged, which is November 2025. 
    • Nevertheless, the EPDP Team made a commitment to reconsider its delivery date shortly after ICANN77 by taking into consideration: 

      • Closure of the Phase 1 Initial Report Public Comment period and gaining a better understanding of the breadth and quantity of comments received; 
      • A better sense of progress made on Phase 2 charter questions in advance of the schedule; and
      • More certainty of approval for the EPDP Team’s request for its dedicated face-to-face workshop, etc.  
    •  Council will hear an update on the EPDP Team’s revised schedule.
    • 9.2 Closed Generics Update 


Records of 20 Jul 2023 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 20 Jul 2023 Meeting to ALAC

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Jul 2023 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Jul 2023 Meeting Records.

1. Next Round of New gTLDs / Subsequent Procedures 38 Pending Recommendations & "Other Dependencies"

  • To recap, the ICANN Board 16 March 2023 Resolution had requested the GNSO Council to submit 3 of 4 deliverables. 
  • For convenience, the 3 of 4 deliverables are replicated as follows:
    • a. A plan and timeline as agreed upon by the ICANN Board and the GNSO Council for consideration and resolution of all Outputs contained in Section B of the Scorecard (the 38 Pending Recommendations);
    • b. A working methodology and Implementation Review Team (IRT) work plan and timeline as agreed upon by ICANN org and the GNSO Council;c. 
    • c. A GNSO Council project plan and timeline for policy work, or an alternate path, on how to handle closed generics for the next round of new gTLDs; and
    • d. A project plan from the GNSO Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) Working Group (WG) identifying all charter questions that will impact the next Applicant Guidebook, along with considerations to ensure a consistent solution on IDN Variant TLDs with the ccPDP4 on IDN ccTLDs (in accordance with prior Board Resolution 2019.03.14.09), and a timeline by when the IDNs EPDP WG will deliver relevant recommendations to the GNSO Council.
  • Immediately after ICANN77, Council submitted to the Board on 15 Jun 2023 the SubPro ICANN77 Deliverables: Workplan and Timeline which addresses the 3 requested deliverables.

a. The 38 Pending Recommendations

  • Since after ICANN77, the GNSO Council Small Team on SubPro has continued to work with the Board SubPro Caucus co-leads, Avri Doria and Becky Burr, in developing the Council's 2 next sub-deliverables in respect of the 38 Pending Recommendations. This involves bifurcating the 38 recommendations into 2 broad groups: 
    • Group (1) covers Recommendations on the following SubPro Topics which were assessed and are understood to merely require clarifying statements by Council for the Board's consideration in context of the Board's concerns, in order to facilitate adoption by the Board. *  
      • Topic 3: Applications Assessed in Rounds - Recommendations 3.1,3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7
      • Topic 6: Registry Service Provider Pre-Evaluation - Recommendation 6.8
      • Topic 9: Registry Voluntary Commitments / Public Interest Commitments - Recommendations 9.1, 9.4, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.12, 9.13, 9.15
      • Topic 26: Security and Stability - Recommendation 26.9
      • Topic 29: Name Collision - Recommendation 29.1
      • Topic 30: GAC Consensus Advice and GAC Early Warning - Recommendation 30.7
      • Topic 31: Objections - Recommendations 31.16, 31.17
      • Topic 34: Community Applications - Recommendation 34.12
      • Topic 35: Auctions - Recommendations 35.3, 35.5
    • The complete Clarifying Statement produced for Group (1) recommendations can be viewed via this link.

Action by ALAC Liaison

      •  To participate in Small Team to ensure clarifying statement captures existing ALAC positions, as relevant/needed.
    • Group (2) covers the remaining pending recommendations for which the Council Small Team will continue to work on in light of the clear signal by the Board SubPro Caucus co-leads that the Board will very likely decline to adopt as they currently read. The Small Team's scope of work here includes considering whether such recommendations should be revised, and if so, how - either through the 'GNSO Operating Procedures section 16' path (which would involve reconvening the SubPro PDP WG), or through a 'Supplemental Recommendation' path for which Council will need to determine the mechanism to produce such supplemental recommendation.

Action by ALAC Liaison

      •  To continue to participate in Small Team to ensure clarifying statement captures existing ALAC positions, as relevant/needed, or to advocate for the inclusion of input outside of GNSO where Council opts for the 'Supplemental Recommendation' path.
    • *To note that I have previously reported, that the list of recommendations in group (1) versus group (2) continues to evolve over time; compare with as at ICANN77

c. Draft Closed Generics Framework

    • Council received a cursory update on where the Draft Closed Generics Framework stands and informed that the GAC-GNSO-ALAC Dialogue small team will reconvene to review the community comments received in response to the request for comments on the Draft Closed Generics Framework which closed on 15 Jul 2023. 

d.  Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP)

    • As reported in Jun 2023, the IDNs EPDP WG was already taking steps to improve its timeline to expedite completion of its work well ahead of its original Nov 2025 target.
    • The WG Chair presented a revised project plan which shaves 13 months off the earlier timeline. The key milestones for this EPDP are now as follows:
      • Phase 1 Final Report remains expected to be delivered to Council in Nov 2023
      • Council then considers this Phase 1 Final Report and decides on the adoption of report and recommendations
      • Phase 2 Initial Report is expected to be published for public comment in Apr 2024 (vs May 2025 earlier)
      • Phase 2 Final Report is expected to be delivered to Council in Oct 2024 (vs Nov 2025 earlier)
      • Council then considers this Phase 2 Final Report and decides on the adoption of report and recommendations
    • Assumptions for this revised project plan must hold for the EPDP to meet the new milestone dates:
      • Progress to be achieved via multiple sessions during ICANN78 (similar to ICANN77)
      • A planned F2F workshop scheduled for early Dec 2023
      • No change to the EPDP Charter / scope of quarter questions

2. Data Accuracy in the context of NIS2 & Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team


  • Council continued to discuss what should or could be done in light of the European Union's Second Network and Information Systems Directive (“NIS2”) entered into force on 16 January 2023, particularly regarding Article 28, subsection 3 referencing the need for Member States to require that "(accuracy) policies and procedures should take into account to the extent possible the standards developed by the multi-stakeholder governance structures at the international level." 
  • There was no clear agreement on matters of protocol - ie. whether it would be more appropriate for ICANN org or ICANN Board to address the EU or for GNSO Council to address the GAC, and the EC representative specifically, to inform of the work already or being undertaken by ICANN in this area. This was to be referred to Council's communication small team for consideration.

     Data Accuracy Scoping Team

  • Council continues to await an update on the status of negotiations Data Processing Agreement (DPA) negotiations between ICANN org and Contracted Parties and resolved to extend deferral of consideration of recommendations #1 and #2 of the Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team write up for another six months or at an earlier date if the DPA negotiations have been completed before six months have passed and/or there is feedback from ICANN org if/how it anticipates the requesting and processing of registration data will be undertaken in the context of measuring accuracy.

3. Operational Design Phase (ODP) and Operational Design Assessment (ODA)

  • Council was given a presentation on the results of a survey conducted with the 2 GNSO liaisons to 2 completed ODP (SSAD and SubPro) as well as members of the 2 small teams (SSAD and SubPro) and was informed that ICANN org will be conducting an upcoming community consultation to obtain feedback on the ODP process.
  • To note that ICANN org intends to incorporate (possibly formalize) the ODP process into the CPIF - Consensus Policy Implementation Framework

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  Justine Chew To alert the ALAC/At-Large on details of ICANN org's upcoming community consultation on ODPs when they become available.

23(9) -09 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #6 (AT ICANN 77, JUN 2023)               (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Meeting #6 of 2023 held on 14 Jun 2023 during ICANN 77 


GNSO Council Meeting #6 of 2023 held on 14 Jun 2023 during ICANN 77

Full Agenda  |  Documents  |  Motions

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects List and Action Item List. 
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • Motion to Commemorate Pam Little
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Non-Objection of SubPro Timelines

  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Consideration of Accuracy Scoping Team recommendations in light of 6 month timeline originally established (factoring in April meeting discussion and input received from ICANN org)
  • Item 7: GNSO TOWN HALL 
    • 8.1 ccNSO & GAC Liaisons updates

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 20 April 2023 were posted on 07 May 2023.
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 25 May 2025 were posted on 09 June 2023.
    • Minutes of the GNSO Extraordinary Council meeting on 05 June will be posted on 19 June 2023.
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Non-Objection of SubPro Timelines

    • At ICANN76, the Board resolved to adopt the majority of the recommendations from the Final Report of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP. The Board also resolved that the Outputs in Section B of the Scorecard be designated as pending.
    • Further, the Board resolved that several deliverables be completed by the last day of the ICANN77 Public Meeting (15 June 2023):

      1. A plan and timeline as agreed upon by the ICANN Board and the GNSO Council for consideration and resolution of all Outputs contained in Section B of the Scorecard;
      2. A working methodology and IRT work plan and timeline as agreed upon by ICANN org and the GNSO Council;
      3. A GNSO Council project plan and timeline for policy work, or an alternate path, on how to handle closed generics for the next round of new gTLDs; and
      4. A project plan from the GNSO Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) Working Group (WG) identifying all charter questions that will impact the next Applicant Guidebook, along with considerations to ensure a consistent solution on IDN Variant TLDs with the ccPDP4 on IDN ccTLDs (in accordance with prior Board Resolution 2019.03.14.09), and a timeline by when the IDNs EPDP WG will deliver relevant recommendations to the GNSO Council.
    • For item 2, the GNSO Council agreed upon a methodology (Open + Representative) at ICANN76 which effectively completed that item from a Council perspective. However, for items 1, 3, and 4, Council has diligently worked on the each of the items, in conjunction with the respective teams as necessary (e.g., the IDNs EPDP leadership team). 
    • During the Council’s Extraordinary Meeting on 5 June, Council had an initial discussion on all of the work plans and timelines. The work plans and timelines will have been further discussed during Council’s pre-ICANN77 sessions on 11 June, which will likely have been supplemented by Board input on how to resolve the pending recommendations.
    • Council will acknowledge the three work plans and timelines (i.e., for the pending recommendations, IDNs EPDP Phase 2, and closed generics EPDP) and agree to their submission to the ICANN Board.
    • In February 2022, the GNSO Council formed a small team of interested Council members to consider what policy efforts, if any, the GNSO Council should consider undertaking to support the efforts already underway in the different parts of the community to tackle DNS abuse. 
    • On 7 October 2022, the DNS Abuse Small Team transmitted its Report to the GNSO Council. Recommendation #2 from the Report recommended the GNSO Council to request,, the Registrar Stakeholder Group “to further the role that bulk registrations play in DNS Abuse as well as measures that Registrars may have already put in place to address this vector. Based on the feedback received, the GNSO Council will consider whether further action on bulk registrations is deemed necessary.
    • The DNS Abuse Small Team received input from the following groups:

    • Upon reviewing the feedback, the DNS Abuse Small Team preliminarily concluded that there is not enough information available for bulk registrations to be the subject of further policy work at this time.
    • Council will receive an update from the DNS Abuse small team.
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Consideration of Accuracy Scoping Team recommendations in light of 6 month timeline originally established (factoring in April meeting discussion and input received from ICANN org)
    • The Registration Data Accuracy (RDA) Scoping Team was initiated by Council in July 2021 per the formation instructions. The Scoping Team was tasked with considering a number of accuracy-related factors including the current enforcement, reporting, measurement, and overall effectiveness of accuracy-related efforts. 
    • The Scoping Team completed:
      • Assignment #1 (enforcement and reporting) and Assignment #2 (measurement of accuracy) and submitted its write up to the Council on 5 September 2022.
      • In the write up, the group suggested moving forward with two proposals that would not require access to registration data, namely a registrar survey (recommendation #1) and a possible registrar audit (recommendation #2) that may help further inform the team’s work on assignment #3 (effectiveness) and #4 (impact & improvements), while it awaits the outcome of the outreach to the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) by ICANN org in relation to proposals that would require access to registration data (recommendation #3). 
    • In November 2021, Council adopted recommendation #3 of the Scoping Team’s write up, which recommended;
      • (i) pausing the work in relation to proposals that require access to registration data,
      • (ii) encouraging ICANN org to proceed with their outreach to the EDPB as well as the Data Protection Impact Assessment in connection with the scenario(s) in which the request and processing of registration data takes place as a matter of urgency, and
      • (iii) requesting that ICANN org and Contracted Parties finalize the negotiations on the Data Processing Agreement (DPA) as soon as practicable as the absence of a completed DPA may act as a roadblock for policy work before Council.
      • In response to the Council’s requests, ICANN org provided the following written update to the GNSO Council on 14 March 2023.
    • ICANN org provided a verbal update to Council during the 20 April meeting. Six months has now passed from the Council’s initial deferral of the Scoping Team’s recommendations 1 and 2. 
    • Council will consider whether a further six month deferral is appropriate or if other next steps are timely e.g., the consideration of the Scoping Team’s recommendations 1 and 2.
  • Item 7: GNSO TOWN HALL 
    • To encourage GNSO community engagement with Council, Council is inviting the community to engage directly with it during the ICANN77 meeting. The objective is to have an open and frank discussion with the GNSO Community during which any topics or questions can be raised.
    • One particular topic that Council would like to draw your attention to is the recent trend of attrition in GNSO Working Group participation - a topic discussed during the recent GNSO Policy Webinar. Council is interested to hear from the community on how it can best address this trend.
    • Additional topic prompts will be included closer to the session.


Records of 14 Jun 2023 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 14 Jun 2023 Meeting to ALT-PLUS

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Jun 2023 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Jun 2023 Meeting Records.

1. Next Round of New gTLDs / Subsequent Procedures 38 Pending Recommendations & Other Dependencies

  • To recap, GNSO Council considered a draft combined project plan, which attempts to address the 3 of the 4 deliverables requested of Council by the ICANN Board. For convenience, the 3 of 4 deliverables are replicated as follows, as drawn from the ICANN Board 16 March 2023 Resolution:
    1. A plan and timeline as agreed upon by the ICANN Board and the GNSO Council for consideration and resolution of all Outputs contained in Section B of the Scorecard (the 38 Pending Recommendations);
    2. A working methodology and Implementation Review Team (IRT) work plan and timeline as agreed upon by ICANN org and the GNSO Council;
    3. A GNSO Council project plan and timeline for policy work, or an alternate path, on how to handle closed generics for the next round of new gTLDs; and
    4. A project plan from the GNSO Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) Working Group (WG) identifying all charter questions that will impact the next Applicant Guidebook, along with considerations to ensure a consistent solution on IDN Variant TLDs with the ccPDP4 on IDN ccTLDs (in accordance with prior Board Resolution 2019.03.14.09), and a timeline by when the IDNs EPDP WG will deliver relevant recommendations to the GNSO Council.
  • Anchor
    Ongoing conversations with the Board SubPro Caucus co-leads, Avri Doria and Becky Burr, have led to an update of the approach for the 38 Pending Recommendations. Based on this development, Council did not object to 3 deliverables as contained in the SubPro ICANN77 Deliverables: Workplan and Timeline that has since been submitted to the Board on 15 Jun 2023:

a. The 38 Pending Recommendations have been re-organised into 3 categories of "a", "b" and "c":

CategoryDescriptionSubPro TopicRelevant RecsSummary of Board ConcernWhat is Expected to Happen Next?
"a"Issue can be addressed during
  • Topic 16: Application Submission Period
16.1Application window period too prescriptive
  • Board adoption and directing of ICANN org to implement
  • Topic 18: Terms & Conditions

Ability for applicant to withdraw w/o clarity on “substantive” or “material” changes made to AGB/Program could lead to gaming

  • Topic 19: Application Queuing
19.3Prescriptive batch size leads to inflexibity
"b"Issue can be addressed via a GNSO
Council Clarifying Statement
  • Topic 3: Applications Assessed in Rounds

3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7

Inflexibility of being held to rounds
  • Development of clarifying statement by Council / Small Team in consultation with Board SubPro caucus co-leads
  • Adoption by GNSO Council
  • Board adoption and directing of ICANN org to implement
  • Topic 6: Registry Service Provider
6.8Roles of IRT & ICANN org seem to be reversed
  • Topic 9: Registry Voluntary Commitments / Public Interest Commitments

9.1, 9.4, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.12, 9.13, 9.15

Uncertainty/risks in ICANN’s ability to enforce PICs/RVCs per mission/Bylaw sec 1.1 limitation. Bylaw change must succeed.

  • Topic 26: Security and Stability
26.9Ability to prohibit emojis at the 3rd Level
  • Topic 29: Name Collision
29.1Not concern, merely awaiting NCAP Study 2 Report
  • Topic 30: GAC Consensus Advice & GAC Early Warning
30.7Use of RVCs to address GAC EW / Advice (or even other comments) may fall outside ICANN mission (tied to Recs 9.1, 9.4, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.12, 9.13, 9.15) 
  • Topic 31: Objections
31.16, 31.17Use of PICs/RVCs to address objections (or even other comments) may fall outside ICANN mission (tied to Recs 9.1, 9.4, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.12, 9.13, 9.15) 
  • Topic 34: Community Applications
34.12Possibly required to publish CPE provider confidential info for public comment
  • Topic 35: Auctions
35.3, 35.5Mention of "private auctions" should not endorse/prohibit private auctions

Board has signaled non-adoption

  • Topic 9: Registry Voluntary Commitments / Public Interest Commitments

Waiver of Spec 11 3(a) & 3(b) for single registrant TLDs could lead to unforeseen harm on different business models

Option: Council invoking Section 16, Annex 2 of the GNSO Operating Procedures prior to final Board action

c1: GNSO Council modifies recommendation(s)

  • Development of proposed modifications by GNSO Council / Small Team
  • Consult with SubPro PDP on proposed modifications
  • Publish proposed modification for public comment
  • Review public comment and revise modification
  • Council vote to adopt modified recommendations
  • Board adoption and directing of ICANN org to implement

Option: Board takes final action to not adopt

c2: GNSO Council considers development of Supplemental Recommendation

  • ICANN Board to provide statement with reasons for why policy is not in best interest of ICANN Community or ICANN
  • Council reviews Board statement
  • Board-Council discussion
  • Council decides whether to develop Supplemental Recommendation
  • Council / Small Team develops Supplemental Recommendation in consultation with Board SubPro caucus co-leads (currently targeting Rec 9.2, 17.2, 22.7, 24.3, 24.5)
  • Council adoption of Supplemental Recommendation
  • Board adoption and directing of ICANN org to implement
  • Topic 17: Applicant Support

Open-ended nature of potential payees and payments

  • Topic 18: Terms & Conditions
18.1Does not want to unduly restrict ICANN’s discretion to reject an application in circumstances that fall outside the specific grounds set out in the recommendation.
  • Topic 18: Terms & Conditions
18.3Covenant not to sue subject to challenge/ appeal mechanism leading to undue legal exposure (tied to Recs 32.1, 32.2, 32.10)
  • Topic 22: Registrant Protections
22.7Exemption of COI means no EBERO funds – better to be case-by-case than blanket exemption (similar to Rec 9.2)
  • Topic 24: String Similarity
24.3, 24.5

Enforcing “intended use” of singular-plural through PICs may fall outside ICANN mission

  • Topic 32: Limited Challenge / Appeal
32.1, 32.2, 32.10

Co-existence with Bylaw-driven Accountability Mechanisms, duplication, add unnecessary cost and delay

c. Project plan and timeline for Closed Generics policy recommendations

    • Currently, following the comment period for the draft Framework for Closed Generics gTLDs (ending 15 July), the draft Framework is expected to then be finalized pursuant to a plan to initiate an EPDP to confirm policy recommendations for Closed Generics
    • The planned EPDP is expected to take the normal course of an EPDP, running for not more than 96 weeks in total from 14 June.
    • Team deliberations and publication of an Initial Report is projected to take 36 weeks.

d. Project plan from the GNSO Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) Working Group (WG)

    • Phase 1 Final Report is expected to be delivered to Council in Nov 2023
    • Council then considers this Phase 1 Final Report and decides on the adoption of report and recommendations
    • Phase 2 Initial Report is expected to be published for public comment in May 2025
    • Phase 2 Final Report is expected to be delivered to Council in Nov 2025
    • Council then considers this Phase 2 Final Report and decides on the adoption of report and recommendations
    • The IDNs EPDP WG is already taking steps to improve its timeline to expedite completion of its work well ahead of the Nov 2025 target 

2. DNS Abuse (from the perspective of the GNSO Council / Small Team on DNS Abuse)

Two aspects were discussed (as per the ALAC-GNSO Bilateral of 6 Jun 2023)

  • 1. Contractual Amendment Negotiations
    • CPH and ICANN have reached an agreement on the Registrar Accreditation Agreement and the Registry Agreement in strengthening the DNS Abuse provisions. 
    • The DNS Abuse Small Team had been tasked with finding out which areas of DNS Abuse were suitable for policy development, through which Contractual Compliance provided information no how they view the contracts and clauses that are ambiguous. 
    • The amendments developed are out for public comment until 13 Jul.
    • Council to keep Small Team in abeyance until public comment outputs are determined to have addressed gaps highlighted by Contractual Compliance, and as such would not require any further work to be done from a policy development point of view.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To encourage ALAC/At-Large to examine those proposed amendments and the Contractual Compliance Advisory
  • 2. Bulk Registrations
    • Small Team does not have evidence to start policy work on bulk registrations.  Discussion was useful nevertheless. ICANN has now commissioned the Inferential Analysis of Maliciously Registered Domains (INFERMAL) study which touches on bulk registrations. DNS Abuse Institute is said to be looking into this area as well.
    • Small Team consensus was to wait for results to restart next steps.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  Justine Chew To monitor and follow up on any outstanding intersessional conversation on bulk registrations

3. Registration Data Accuracy

  • Council had agreed to put the Accuracy Scoping Team on pause for 6 months, pending a number of inputs required before reopening the issue. These include the data protection agreements (DPAs) that had been due since the EPDP Phase 1 recommendations were adopted by the ICANN Board, otherwise there can be no progress on GDPR compliance.
  • The registries had a number of queries on the DPAs and have received responses from ICANN org (no details spoken); so the DPAs are expected to be made available in due course.
  • Council is to consider extending the pausing of the Accuracy Scoping Team further in its July meeting.

4. GNSO Town Hall

Several issues of concern / remarks were raised;

  • Volunteer attrition and how to encourage participation of newcomers
  • Transparency of GNSO Council Small Team work / calls
  • Discouraging use of Chatham House Rule in future
  • Support for PDPs to ask for F2F workshops to expedite work

5. Motion to commemorate Pam Little, esteemed colleague, mentor, and previous GNSO Council leader who passed away earlier in 2023. This portion of the meeting begins at one hour and thirty minutes into the recording.

23(8) -08 ALAC-GNSO COUNCIL PRE-ICANN 77 BILATERAL MEETING (JUN 2023)        (go up to Directory) 

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ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Meeting on 6 Jun 2023 


ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Meeting held on 6 Jun 2023

1. Opening and Welcome (3 mins)

- Eduardo Diaz, Moderator
- Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair
- Sebastien Ducos, GNSO Chair 

2. Next Round of New gTLDs / Subsequent Procedures 38 Pending Recommendations & Other Dependencies (45 mins) 

GNSO Speakers: Paul McGrady (GNSO Council Small Team lead)
ALAC Speaker: Justine Chew (ALAC Liaison to the GNSO) 

(2a) The GNSO plan requested by the Board in respect of the 38 pending recommendations; 
(2b) ALAC's response to draft Closed Generics Framework and ensuing policy process.

3. DNS Abuse (with reference to GNSO Council Small Team on DNS Abuse) (20 mins)

ALAC Speaker: Jonathan Zuck (ALAC Chair)
GNSO Speaker: Greg DiBiase (GNSO Council Vice-Chair)

(3a) ICANN-CPH Contractual Amendment Negotiations Public Comment Proceedings, 29 May - 13 Jul
(3b) ALAC's response to the GNSO DNS Abuse Small Team's draft findings on bulk registrations.

4. Next Steps (5 mins)

- Sebastien Ducos, GNSO Chair 
- Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair

5. Adjourn


Records of ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Meeting held on 6 Jun 2023


Special Summary Report of 6 Jun 2023 ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Meeting to ALT-PLUS

For brevity, I will just highlight a few key outcomes on the 2 topics that were discussed at this bilateral call. 

1. Next Round of New gTLDs / Subsequent Procedures 38 Pending Recommendations & Other Dependencies

(2a) The GNSO plan requested by the Board in respect of the 38 pending recommendations;

  • As the GNSO Council Small Team lead on the Subsequent Procedures 38 Pending Recommendations, Paul McGrady provided a high level update on where Council stood on these pending recommendations post its Extraordinary meeting yesterday on 5 Jun 2023 ( see report ). He noted that the dialogue between the small team/Council and the Board SubPro caucus / full Board was ongoing as both sides work towards either resolution with the Board, or in some cases, non-adoption, of the pending recommendations by the Board. At present, Council is still considering the positions suggested by its small team on how to approach each of the grouped recommendations. More details of the groupings and corresponding approaches can be found at the small team's wiki (see link the small team's work sheet )
  • I responded to Paul's queries about where the ALAC/At-Large stood on these pending recommendations, based on the consultation that was conducted with CPWG on 31 Mar 2023, wherein the ALAC's priority - even from past statements to the SubPro PDP WG and advice to the ICANN Board - concentrated on a handful of topics among the 38 pending recommendations. Those priorities revolve around the enforceability of PICs/RVCs (including the Board-mooted limited Bylaw amendment to fully guard against potential legal challenges against ICANN on questions of mission creep), completion of the Applicant Support implementation guidance work, and possibly the issue brought up by the Board on a possible case-by-case waiver of DNS Abuse obligations on single-registrant TLD registry operators per the RA Spec 11 3(a) and 11 3(b).  
  • I made it a point to note that the following in-principle remarks:
    • The ALAC remains respectful of the multi-stakeholder model of policy development, wherein we would respect recommendations derived out of clear community consensus unless new information arises (which were not considered during the PDP) such as the concerns raised by the Board on Rec. 9.2 (i.e. which calls for a blanket waiver on DNS Abuse obligations on single-registrant TLD registry operators per the RA Spec 11 3(a) and 11 3(b) as mentioned above.
    • For topics or issues where no recommendation exists (or where recommendations were not approved by Council, and therefore does not go to the Board of adoption), then the ALAC will continue to socialize its positions on the same. As an example, the issue of Auctions, which bears a composite of 2 parts: (1) the permissability of vs ban on private auctions, and (2) the Vickrey Auction model as a better alternative to the existing ICANN Auctions of Last Resort.  
    • The ALAC and the At-Large are prepared to consider the above-mentioned limited Bylaw amendment approach if that is what the Board deems as the best way to guard against potential legal challenges if ICANN were to enforce contractual PICs/RVCs which a registry or a third party mounts a case for the PIC/RVC being unenforceable for falling outside of ICANN's mission.
  • While there wasn't significant divergence on how ALAC's position sat with GNSO's on these pending recommendation, I did touched on one area where both AC and SO might want to collaborate, during implementation perhaps, which is work on ensureing that the mechanism by which PICs/RVCs as submitted/considered and eventually framed and transformed into contractual obligations will enable the formulation of objective commitments with clear criteria for evaluation/enforcement purposes.

(2b) ALAC's response to draft Closed Generics Framework and ensuing policy process

  • John McElwaine, GNSO Council Vice-Chair and the GNSO Council Liaison to the Closed Generics Dialogue, spoke on the latest development to the work of the small group for the Dialogue and indicated that a version of the draft Closed Generics Framework would be released very soon (targeting after the small group call on Wed, 6 June). He also reminded us that whatever the framework read, it would still need to undergo some policy development process to actually generate policy recommendations. An EPDP is being mooted by Council as the policy vehicle for this purpose, although it has yet to be decided by Council. John however confirmed - in response to my request - that the policy vehicle ought to be of a cross-community nature, involving the ALAC and the GAC and others. 

2. DNS Abuse (with reference to GNSO Council Small Team on DNS Abuse)

(3a) ICANN-CPH Contractual Amendment Negotiations Public Comment Proceedings, 29 May - 13 Jul

  • Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair, expressed satisfaction that the question of clarity needed for DNS Abuse obligations on the part of Contracted Parties is finally being attempted to be addressed through the ICANN-CPH contractual amendment negotiations as this has been long requested by the community.
  • Greg DiBiase, GNSO Council Vice-Chair, echoed Jonathan's sentiment and reiterated that this was something that the Contracted Parties also felt was a necessary step, especially to help provide some clear minimum standards which ICANN Contractual Compliance can effectively enforce.
  • We need to examine the proposed amendments and the ICANN Advisory which are are the subject of the public comment proceedings and provide inputs there.

(3b) ALAC's response to the GNSO DNS Abuse Small Team's draft findings on bulk registrations.

  • Jonathan queried the GNSO DNS Abuse Small Team's draft findings on bulk registrations and asked after the rationale for the same. If it's a question of definition of bulk registrations being the stumbling block, GNSO or the community could designate one or even adopt one that has been used in past research (eg. in ). It seems that putting in abeyance the issue of investigating the relationship between bulk registrations and DNS Abuse is not desirable in the context of the continual fight to mitigate DNS Abuse.
  • Both Greg and Sebastien Ducos, GNSO Chair assured us that the proposed investigation into bulk registrations has not been rejected, but merely that GNSO didn't have sufficient information at this point to pursue any attempt at policy development on it, and because  of this, it cannot be prioritized along with other streams of work already being undertaken by GNSO Council (eg. Closed Generics, the pending SubPro recommendations etc etc). 
  • Both Greg and Sebastien would be happy to carry on this conversation with ALAC Leadership to gain an understanding and ideas on how GNSO might progress such an investigation.

23(7) -07 GNSO COUNCIL EXTRAORDINARY MEETING (5 JUN 2023)        (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Extraordinary Meeting on 5 Jun 2023 


GNSO Council Extraordinary Meeting held on 5 Jun 2023

Full Agenda  |  Documents

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects List and Action Item List.
  • Item 3: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro - Progress Update on Recommendations Marked as Pending

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 15 March 2023 were posted on 30 March 2023.

    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 20 April 2023 were posted on 07 May 2023.

  • Item 3: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro - Progress Update on Recommendations Marked as Pending
    • During its informal session at ICANN76 and the subsequent Council meeting, the Council discussed and agreed to task a small team of interested councilors to review the recommendations that the Board placed in a pending status and suggest to the full Council how the underlying concerns that caused the pending status can be best addressed (i.e., a limited triage exercise). 
    • Since ICANN76, the Council SubPro Small Team has met several times and has completed an initial run through of the issues chart, with an update from Board members on why the Board placed specific recommendations into a pending status.
    • Council then discussed the main output of that triage effort, the proposed paths forward for each pending recommendation, during an Extraordinary Meeting on 4 May. During that meeting, Council agreed to further task the small team with taking interim steps (e.g., provision is clarifying information, developing speaking points) in order to support the Council’s dialogue with the ICANN Board on 22 May.
    • Council debriefed after the dialogue with the ICANN Board and discussed next steps. The small team has continued to consider what the “landing spots” are for each recommendation, though the Council and small team are still awaiting input from the Board on where they believe the “landing spots” are; ideally, there will be mutual agreement in as many places as possible, which among other things, helps facilitate the development of a more accurate work plan and timeline (i.e., the key deliverable for ICANN77 in respect of the pending recommendations).
    • 4.1 Standing Predictability Implementation Review Team (“SPIRT”) 
    • 4.2 Data accuracy in the context of NIS2


Records of 5 Jun 2023 Extraordinary Meeting


Special Summary Report of 5 Jun 2023 Extraordinary Meeting to ALT-PLUS

1. Subsequent Procedures: Outstanding Work, in particular the 38 Pending Recommendations

  • Since ICANN76 where the ICANN Board 16 March 2023 Resolution was adopted, Council's SubPro Small Team has completed a triage of the issues with Board member input on why the Board placed specific recommendations into a pending status. The most recent Council discussions on moving the Small Team's work forward are captured during Council's Extraordinary Meeting on 4 May ( see report ), the Council’s dialogue with the ICANN Board on 22 May, and Council's Meeting on 25 May ( see report ), which were summarily reported on during the At-Large CPWG call of 31 Mar 2023.
  • Afterwards, some further tidying up led to 5 landing spots which more or less mirrors the 4 earlier groups of recommendations. These 5 landing spots are:
    1. Provision of clarifying statement
    2. Board non-adoption (meaning that the Board declines to approve recommendation in its current form and would trigger a process to generate a GNSO supplemental recommendation aimed at addressing the Board's concern while attempting the preserve the core intention of the original recommendation)
    3. Confirmation that issues can be address as part of implementation
    4. Exploring need for a limited Bylaw amendment
    5. Modification of recommendations (GNSO Section 16 PDP, which would involve consultation with a reconstituted SubPro PDP WG)
  • Council was briefed on an indicative path for each of these 5 landing spots ( best to see presentation for details )
  • Council also asked to consider a draft combined project plan, which attempts to address the 4 deliverables requested of Council by the ICANN Board. For convenience, the 4 deliverables are replicated as follows, as drawn from the ICANN Board 16 March 2023 Resolution:
    1. A plan and timeline as agreed upon by the ICANN Board and the GNSO Council for consideration and resolution of all Outputs contained in Section B of the Scorecard;
    2. A working methodology and Implementation Review Team (IRT) work plan and timeline as agreed upon by ICANN org and the GNSO Council;
    3. A GNSO Council project plan and timeline for policy work, or an alternate path, on how to handle closed generics for the next round of new gTLDs; and
    4. A project plan from the GNSO Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) Working Group (WG) identifying all charter questions that will impact the next Applicant Guidebook, along with considerations to ensure a consistent solution on IDN Variant TLDs with the ccPDP4 on IDN ccTLDs (in accordance with prior Board Resolution 2019.03.14.09), and a timeline by when the IDNs EPDP WG will deliver relevant recommendations to the GNSO Council.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To monitor and keep sharing updates regarding progress of the Council Small Team work on the 38 Pending Outputs
    •  To maintain ALAC positions on the 38 Pending Outputs for purposes of the pre-ICANN77 ALAC-GNSO Bilateral.

2. Closed Generics Draft Framework for onward policy process

  • There remains no firm indications at this point on when the draft framework will actually be released. It was mentioned that a close-to-complete version could be released after the Closed Generics Dialogue call on Wed, 7 June, prior to ICANN77 GNSO Day Zero.
  • Staff generated a very conservative project plan of 96 weeks assuming an EPDP is used as the policy development mechanism to produce consensus policy out the framework. Several councilors against pushed back against either the 96-week time frame as being too long or the use of an EPDP as the optimal mechanism.
  • Discussions will continue at the Day Zero session on 11 June.

3. Data accuracy in the context of NIS2

  • NIS2 has a provision on registration data accuracy: Article 28 subsection 3, "Member States shall require the TLD registries and the entities providing domain registration services - those being registrars, resellers, and privacy proxy services - to have policies and procedures including verification procedures in place to ensure that the database as referred to in paragraph 1 include accurate and complete information. Member States shall require such policies and procedures to be publicly available." Then there's a corresponding recital, i.e. recital no. 111, "Those policies and procedures should take into account to the extent possible, the standards developed by the multi-stakeholder or governance structures at the international level." (in other words, ICANN). There is something on accuracy in the RAA version 2013, but it is possible that that isn't good enough for the European lawmakers.
  • The question then arose as to whether GNSO could take some onward action, given that European national lawmakers are already in the process of drafting laws to transpose this to international laws, and this applying equally to gTLDs / GNSO and ccTLDs / ccNSO, to: (a) avoid fragmentation in the DN marketplace; (b) address potential divergence in national laws, and (c) avoid friction or major differences in user experience between generic side and the country-code side when registering for DNs.
  • Council is to take this discussion further in its June 2023 meeting.

23(6) -06 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #5 (MAY 2023)        (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Meeting #5 of 2023 held on 25 May 2023


GNSO Council Meeting #5 of 2023 held on 25 May 2023

Full Agenda  |  Documents

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects List & Action Item List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda: None
  • Item 4: Board request for Council input on Nominating Committee (NomCom) rebalancing
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro - Progress Update on Recommendations Marked as Pending 
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) EPDP Timeline
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Work to Prepare Draft Timeline for Closed Generics Policy Process
  • Item 8: EPDP Phase 2 Small Team Progress Update 
  • Item 9: State of Progress from DNS Abuse Small Team

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 15 March 2023 were posted on 30 March 2023.

    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 20 April 2023 were posted on 07 May 2023.

  • Item 4: Board request for Council input on Nominating Committee (NomCom) rebalancing
    • On 26 April 2023, the ICANN Board requested the input of the GNSO Council on the issue of NomCom rebalancing. 
    • The NomCom is a committee tasked with selecting key ICANN leadership positions, including some members of the ICANN Board of Directors and the Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) Board, as well as other positions within the ICANN community. The NomCom functions independently from the Board, the Supporting Organizations (SOs) and Advisory Committees (ACs). NomCom delegates act on behalf of the interests of the global Internet community and within the scope of the ICANN mission and responsibilities assigned to the NomCom under the ICANN Bylaws – they do not act in furtherance of the group that appointed them to the NomCom. 
    • The ICANN community has been discussing the issue of rebalancing the NomCom for over 10 years, and the ICANN Board resolved to engage with the ICANN community to better understand community views on the rebalancing.

      Specifically, the Board is seeking input on the following questions:

      1. What does it mean to have a balanced NomCom at a point in time? For example, what criteria would you apply to measure or assess whether the NomCom is balanced? And further, how can one test whether or not the NomCom is balanced?
      2. Do you support the view that the current composition of the NomCom needs to be rebalanced? Please explain why or why not.
      3. How frequently does the balance need to be measured or assessed?
      4. How do you suggest that the NomCom’s composition be rebalanced?
      5. Who should conduct this work, and how should it be conducted?
      6. How would your community group prioritize consideration of this issue within your planning efforts? 
    • Council will discuss this issue and determine next steps.
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro - Progress Update on Recommendations Marked as Pending 
    • Since ICANN76 where the ICANN Board 16 March 2023 Resolution was adopted, Council's SubPro Small Team has now completed a triage of the issues with Board member input on why the Board placed specific recommendations into a pending status. Council discussed the main output of that triage effort, the proposed paths forward for each pending recommendation, during an Extraordinary Meeting on 4 May ( see report ). During that meeting, Council agreed to further task the small team with taking interim steps (e.g., provision is clarifying information, developing speaking points) in order to support the Council’s dialogue with the ICANN Board on 22 May.
    •  Council will debrief after the dialogue with the ICANN Board and discuss next steps to ensure that the Council is able to deliver its plan and timeline to resolve the pending recommendations.
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) EPDP Timeline
    • On 20 May 2021, the GNSO Council approved the initiation request for the EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and adopted its charter
    • On 24 April 2023, the EPDP Team published its Phase 1 Initial Report for Public Comment.
    • On 16 March 2023, the ICANN Board requested the EPDP Team to deliver an updated project plan by the last day of ICANN77 that identifies all charter questions that will impact the next Applicant Guidebook, as well as a timeline for the EPDP Team’s delivery of relevant recommendations to the GNSO Council. While the Public Comment proceeding is ongoing, the EPDP Team started discussion of its Phase 2 work, which focuses on issues pertaining to second-level IDN variant management, as well as the review of its project plan in accordance with the Board request.
    • Council will receive an update on the EPDP Team’s analysis of its Phase 2 charter questions in relation to the impact on the next Applicant Guidebook, as well as a draft project plan and timeline for the EPDP Team’s delivery of relevant recommendations to the GNSO Council.
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Work to Prepare Draft Timeline for Closed Generics Policy Process
    • In March 2023, the ICANN Board requested that the GAC and GNSO Council consider engaging in a facilitated dialogue to develop a framework for further GNSO policy work on the issue of Closed Generics. The GAC and Council agreed to the Board’s suggestion and each appointed six participants for the dialogue. One participant and one alternate from the ALAC were also appointed. Should the GAC-GNSO facilitated dialogue result in an agreed framework, the agreements will be further developed through the appropriate GNSO policy process.
    • This Dialogue has been progressing and is hoping to deliver a draft framework around the end of May 2023 to the ALAC, GAC, GNSO and other SOACs for community input. Groups are expected to have approximately four weeks to review that document. 
  • Item 8: EPDP Phase 2 Small Team Progress Update 
    • In February 2023, the ICANN Board directed ICANN org to develop and launch the Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) (formerly  WHOIS Disclosure System), as requested by Council. The Board requested the RDRS be launched within 11 months, and, prior to the launch, the Board recommended Org continue its engagement with Council on the implementation. The ICANN Board also requested Council to establish success criteria for the RDRS. In response, Council updated the assignment of the EPDP Phase 2 small team to reflect these new work items. 
    • The small team is expected to engage with ICANN org throughout the development and operation of the System, and in particular consider:

      • The other topics identified in the addendum that the small team did not consider gating factors but for which it would be interested to have further discussions with ICANN org during the implementation phase to consider if/how some of these aspects could be considered to be added in the current implementation of [the RDRS] or a future version;
      • Success criteria for this System, which should include analysis of relevant usage data;
      • How to best promote and secure comprehensive use of the system, both by potential requestors as well as ICANN accredited registrars.
    • The small team is also expected to provide Council with a recommendation on the approach and format through which, following implementation of the system, data should be reviewed and analyzed to help inform subsequent decisions on how to proceed with the SSAD recommendations. The small team is expected to provide regular updates to Council on the state of its progress.
  • Item 9: State of Progress from DNS Abuse Small Team
    • In February 2022, Council formed a small team of interested Council members to consider what policy efforts, if any, the GNSO Council should consider undertaking to support the efforts already underway in the different parts of the community to tackle DNS abuse. 
    • On 7 October 2022, the DNS Abuse Small Team transmitted its Report to Council. Recommendation #2 from the Report recommended Council to request,, the Registrar Stakeholder Group “to further the role that bulk registrations play in DNS Abuse as well as measures that Registrars may have already put in place to address this vector. Based on the feedback received, Council will consider whether further action on bulk registrations is deemed necessary.”
    • The DNS Abuse Small Team received input from the following groups:

    • The small team shared its initial feedback regarding the input received on 15 May.
    • Council will hear an update on the Small Team’s preliminary conclusions regarding the feedback it received on bulk registrations.

    • 10.1 ICANN77 Day 0 SubPro Session Planning 

    • 10.2 Accuracy

    • 10.3 WS2 Framework of Interpretation for Human Rights Proposed updates to GNSO Council templates 

    • 10.4 Next Round Policy Implementation - Council liaison to the IRT

    • 10.5 Launch of new Periodic Working Group Survey for IDN EPDP

    • 10.6 Non-Registry Liaison to the CSC and Alternate


Records of 25 May 2023 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 25 May 2023 Meeting to ALT-PLUS

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council May 2023 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council May 2023 Meeting Records.

1. Next Round of New gTLDs - Subsequent Procedures

  • Since ICANN76 where the ICANN Board 16 March 2023 Resolution was adopted, Council's SubPro Small Team has now completed a triage of the issues with Board member input on why the Board placed specific recommendations into a pending status. Council discussed the main output of that triage effort, the proposed paths forward for each pending recommendation, during an Extraordinary Meeting on 4 May ( see report ). During that meeting, Council agreed to further task the small team with taking interim steps (e.g., provision is clarifying information, developing speaking points) in order to support the Council’s dialogue with the ICANN Board on 22 May.
  • The important thing to note here is that this Council dialogue with the ICANN Board SubPro caucus and/or ICANN Board is ongoing as the goal is to try and resolve as many of those 38 pending recommendations as possible without resulting in the ICANN Board rejecting them.  This inevitably necessitates rather regular updates because information may change quickly.

Action by ALAC Liaison

          To monitor and keep sharing updates regarding progress of the Council Small Team work on the 38 Pending Outputs

    •  To assist in formulating ALAC positions on the 38 Pending Outputs in time for the pre-ICANN77 ALAC-GNSO Bilateral.

2. Closed Generics

  • The GNSO-GAC-ALAC Closed Generics Dialogue is expected to deliver a draft framework, if agreed, around or just after 31 May 2023. It should be noted that this draft framework is meant to draw some boundaries on how to introduce closed generics in the next round and it will have to go through a GNSO policy development process to produce actual consensus policy, which is expected to take 18 months.
  • GNSO Council leadership has proposed that EPDP be the policy development mechanism to take the framework forward, and although not confirmed, will likely be cross-community in nature. The proposition of an EPDP drew some apprehension from several councilors.
  • So far, the Dialogue has adopted Chatham House Rule so we will not know the actual contents of the framework until it is released circa end May.
  • However, I understand that the framework will likely include some reference to application questions, evaluation, post delegation - registry agreement aspects, and can be easily morph into a charter for the policy development process. 

3. DNS Abuse

  • Council ran out of time at its call, so the adoption of the Council's Small Team on DNS Abuse's next output i.e. feedback on bulk registrations will be done on Council's mail list by around 5 Jun.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To assist in establishing ALAC's positions the Council Small Team's output (if any) in time for the pre-ICANN77 ALAC-GNSO Bilateral.

4. EPDP Phase 2 - Registration Data Request Service (RDRS)

  • The EPDP Phase 2 Small Team has formulated success criteria for RDRS but these are not set in stone. They need to remain flexible as and when the RDRS is implemented and tested so they can be adjusted to meet market needs.
  • The small team has pushed back against the Board's suggestion to have a policy process to compel mandatory adoption of usage of the RDRS by registrars.  

5. Registration Data Accuracy

  • Seeing no progress on this, Council will defer consideration of this till the June meeting. This is also in light of some work being attempted at the European Union level with a survey and a report but the meeting for that had just been cancelled.
  • Some councilors expressed concern with indefinite delay / inaction on this area of work.

6. Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) EPDP

  • This EPDP has submitted a project plan (see presentation) which identifies all its charter questions that will impact the next Applicant Guidebook (AGB), along with considerations to ensure a consistent solution on IDN Variant TLDs with the ccPDP4 on IDN ccTLDs, and a timeline by when the IDNs EPDP will deliver relevant recommendations to the GNSO Council (this was 1 of 4 requests made by the Board, as a result of the adopted ICANN Board 16 March 2023 Resolution,
  • In short, the EPDP has analysed their Phase 2 charter questions and found no significant efficiency if it were to further break down Phase 2 work in order to deliver some recommendations which would impact the AGB and Registry Agreement update.  Adding any  additional public comment process would prolong the project timeline unnecessarily. As such, the expected timeline is, conservatively:
    • Phase 1 Final Report: 10 Nov 2023
    • Phase 2 Initial Report:  18 Apr 2025
    • Phase 2 Final Report: 24 Oct 2025
  • In the meantime, the EPDP will continue to find ways to achieve greater efficiencies through more preparatory work, considering foundational issues, and securing more sessions at ICANN F2F meetings and a dedicated F2F meeting in Nov-Dec 2023, while bearing in mind the need to minimize churn/burnout/drop in participation. As it is, this EPDP is already meeting 2 hours per week and already seeking ICANN org GDS input on draft recommendations and implementation guidance as deliberations go on instead of waiting until the ICANN Board approves them.

7. Nominating Committee rebalancing

  • Council will set up a small team to consider Council's response to the issue of NomCom rebalancing.

23(5) -05 GNSO COUNCIL EXTRAORDINARY MEETING (4 MAY 2023)        (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Extraordinary Meeting on 4 May 2023 


GNSO Council Extraordinary Meeting held on 4 May 2023

Full Agenda  |  Documents

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Proposal of SubPro Small Team Triage Exercise
  • Item 3: AOB

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutesof the GNSO Council meeting on 15 March 2023 were posted on 30 March 2023
  • Item 2: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Proposal of SubPro Small Team Triage Exercise
    • During its informal session at ICANN76 and the subsequent Council meeting, the Council discussed and agreed to task a small team of interested councilors to review the recommendations that the Board placed in a pending status and suggest to the full Council how the underlying concerns that caused the pending status can be best addressed (i.e., a limited triage exercise). 

    • Since ICANN76, the Council SubPro Small Team has met several times and has completed an initial run through of the issues chart, with an update from Board members on why the Board placed specific recommendations into a pending status. Now that its review is complete, the Small Team discussed proposals on how to respond to these items.

    • Council will receive a comprehensive update from the Small Team regarding its proposed responses to the pending Board items, and discuss next steps.


Records of 4 May 2023 Extraordinary Meeting


Special Summary Report of 4 May 2023 Extraordinary Meeting to ALT-PLUS

The GNSO Council May 2023 Extraordinary Meeting had been convened for a single purpose, which is to receive a comprehensive update from the GNSO SubPro Small Team regarding its proposed responses to the pending 38 Board items, and to discuss next steps.

Outcome: Council adopted the small teams proposed responses which can be summarized as follows:

  • After having discussed with Avri Doria and Becky Burr at a string of small team calls, the small team came up with 7 categories of suggested responses to the Board's concerns.
  • Of the 7 categories, responses to the 38 pending recommendations were found to be fall within 4 - which essentially avoids taking any immediate route that:
    • (1) would involve a need to modify or amend any approved recommendations (because Section 16 of the GNSO PDP Manual requires that SubPro PDP WG (or, possibly some form of the same) be reconstituted (category "c"); or
    • (2) having Council generate any "Supplemental Recommendation" in the event the Board "determines that such policy is not in the best interests of the ICANN community or ICANN" (category "d"); or
    • (3) call for a GNSO Guidance Process (GGP), GNSO Input Process (GIP), or GNSO Policy Development Process (PDP) (category "f").
  • Instead, the 4 buckets selected and their corresponding SubPro Topics & recommendations are: 
CategoryResponseSubPro TopicLists of Relevant RecommendationsWhat is Expected to Happen Next?
"a"Provision of clarifying information to the Board
  • Topic 3: Applications Assessed in Rounds

3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7

  • On basis of small team discussion, staff support team to develop first draft of clarifying information, followed by small team review;
  • Aim to share clarifying info in advance of meeting with Board;
  • Based on Board’s feedback, determine whether further Council action is necessary
  • Topic 9: Registry Voluntary Commitments /
    Public Interest Commitments 
  • Topic 18: Terms & Conditions
  • Topic 19: Application Queuing
  • Topic 22: Registrant Protections
  • Topic 26: Security and Stability
  • Topic 29: Name Collision


  • Topic 32: Limited Challenge/Appeal
32.1, 32.2, 32.10 
  • Topic 34: Community Applications 


  • Topic 35: Auctions

35.3, 35.5

"b"Determination that the issue can be resolved
during implementation  
  • Topic 6: Registry Service Provider


  • None at this stage, small team Assessment captures rationale.
  • Based on Board’s feedback, determine whether further Council action is necessary
  • Topic 16: Application Submission Period
  • Topic 17: Applicant Support
  • Topic 18: Terms & Conditions

Explore starting a Bylaw process

(to expressly deal with enforceability of RVCs/PICs)

  • Topic 9: Registry Voluntary Commitments /
    Public Interest Commitments

9.1, 9.4, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.12, 9.13, 9.15

  • Discuss with Board during mid-May meeting;
  • Based on Board’s feedback, determine whether further Council action is necessary
  • Topic 24: String Similarity Evaluations
24.3, 24.5
  • Topic 30: GAC Consensus Advice and GAC
    Early Warning
  • Topic 31: Objections

31.16, 31.17 

"g"Other - Dialogue between the Council and Board
  • Topic 18: Terms & Conditions


  • On basis of small team discussion, staff support team to develop first draft of speaking points, followed by small team review;
  • Discuss with Board during mid-May Meeting;
  • Based on Board’s feedback, determine whether further Council action is necessary
  • Topic 30: GAC Consensus Advice and GAC
    Early Warning
30.4, 30.5, 30.6

To understand the specific nature  of the concerns and responses please read: proposed responses

This means that the GNSO SubPro Small Team still has work to complete for the purpose of the Council meeting with ICANN Board on 22 May at 1300-1500 UTC.

23(4) -04 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #4 (APR 2023)        (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Meeting #4 of 2023 held on 20 Apr 2023 


GNSO Council Meeting #4 of 2023 held on 20 Apr 2023

Full Agenda  |  Motions  |  Documents

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action Item List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Accuracy - Results of Scoping Team’s Self-Assessment Survey + Update from ICANN org
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update from Council SubPro Small Team
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update from EPDP Phase 2 Small Team
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Next Steps on Closed Generics
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Next Steps on DNS Abuse

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 16 February 2023 were posted on 03 March 2023.
    • Minutesof the GNSO Council meeting on 15 March 2023 were posted on 30 March 2023
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • GNSO Review of GAC Communiqué 
    • GNSO Council Agreement on next steps for Expired Domain Deletion Policy (EDDP)/Expired Registration Recovery Policy (ERRP) 
    • Deferral of Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) Phase 2 for 18 months (clock to begin in April 2023) 
    • GNSO Council Adoption of the Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Effectiveness Review Report 
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Accuracy - Results of Scoping Team’s Self-Assessment Survey + Update from ICANN org
    • The Registration Data Accuracy (RDA) Scoping Team was initiated by the GNSO Council in July 2021 per the formation instructions. The Scoping Team was tasked with considering a number of accuracy-related factors including the current enforcement, reporting, measurement, and overall effectiveness of accuracy-related efforts. 
    • The Scoping Team completed Assignment #1 (enforcement and reporting) and Assignment #2 (measurement of accuracy) and submitted its write up to the Council on 5 September 2022. In the write up, the group suggested moving forward with two proposals that would not require access to registration data, namely a registrar survey (recommendation #1) and a possible registrar audit (recommendation #2) that may help further inform the team’s work on assignment #3 (effectiveness) and #4 (impact & improvements), while it awaits the outcome of the outreach to the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) by ICANN org in relation to proposals that would require access to registration data (recommendation #3). 
    • During its November meeting, Council adopted recommendation #3 of the Scoping Team’s write up, which recommended (i) pausing the work in relation to proposals that require access to registration data, (ii) encouraging ICANN org to proceed with their outreach to the EDPB as well as the Data Protection Impact Assessment in connection with the scenario(s) in which the request and processing of registration data takes place as a matter of urgency, and (iii) requesting that ICANN org and Contracted Parties finalize the negotiations on the Data Processing Agreement (DPA) as soon as practicable as the absence of a completed DPA may act as a roadblock for policy work before Council. In response to the Council’s requests, ICANN org provided the following update to the GNSO Council on 14 March 2023. 
    • Taking into account the delay with which the write up was delivered, as well as some of the challenges that were shared with the Scoping Team’s Chair during his briefing to the Council, Council leadership reached out informally to Scoping Team members to better understand the issues encountered to help inform the Council’s review of the formation and instructions.
    • Council will receive an update from ICANN org on its recent letter and discuss the Survey Summary Results of the Scoping Team’s Self-Assessment Survey.
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update from Council SubPro Small Team
    • During its informal session at ICANN76 and the subsequent Council meeting, the Council discussed and agreed to task a small team of interested councilors to review the recommendations that the Board placed in a pending status and suggest to the full Council how the underlying concerns that caused the pending status can be best addressed (i.e., a limited triage exercise).
    • Since ICANN76, the Council SubPro Small Team has met several times and has completed an initial run through of the issues chart, with an update from Board members on why the Board placed specific recommendations into a pending status. Following this review, the Small Team will begin discussions of how the Council should respond to these items.
    • Council will receive an update on the Small Team's efforts.
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update from EPDP Phase 2 Small Team
    • During ICANN76, the EPDP Phase 2 Small Team met with ICANN org to receive an update on the status of implementation of the Whois Disclosure System (WDS) and continue its consideration of some of the aspects identified as requiring further discussion in the addendum.

    • Following ICANN76, the Small Team has been meeting to discuss the additional suggestions made during the ICANN76 session and how to define the success criteria for the system.

    • Council will receive an update from the Small Team and will also discuss the outstanding action item from its last meeting, Council to consider response to the ICANN Board request to consider a PDP or other means to require, or strongly encourage, registrars to use the WDS (now known as RDRS - Registration Data Request Service), noting that the small team has already been assigned the task to how to best to promote and secure comprehensive use of the system, both by potential requestors as well as ICANN-accredited registrars.

  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Next Steps on Closed Generics
    • Following an initial, informal meeting at ICANN75, the dialogue participants have since been meeting regularly via Zoom and held a substantive two-day face-to-face meeting in Washington, D.C. in late January 2023.
    • The dialogue is hoping to deliver a draft framework around the end of April 2023 to the ALAC, GAC, GNSO and other SOACs for community input. At this stage, groups are expected to have approximately four weeks to review the document.
    • At ICANN76, the ICANN Board passed a resolution adopting a substantial portion of the outputs from the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP, setting in motion the start of the implementation process for the next round of new gTLDs. As part of the resolution, the Board established deadlines for key deliverables that will impact the development of the implementation plan. By 15 June 2023, the Board expects to receive “A GNSO Council project plan and timeline for policy work, or an alternate path, on how to handle closed generics for the next round of new gTLDs.”
    • Council will discuss its anticipated approach to reviewing the draft framework as well as consider next steps in preparing for subsequent policy work.
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Next Steps on DNS Abuse
    • Following Council's DNS Abuse Small Team's 7 Oct 2022 report to Council, where Recommendation #2 advised Council to request,, the Registrar Stakeholder Group “to further the role that bulk registrations play in DNS Abuse as well as measures that Registrars may have already put in place to address this vector. Based on the feedback received, the GNSO Council will consider whether further action on bulk registrations is deemed necessary.”
    • The DNS Abuse Small Team has now received input from the following groups:

    • Council will discuss next steps for the DNS Abuse small team, including potentially reconstituting the Small Team to review the input received.
    • 9.1 ICANN77 Day 0 SubPro Session Planning

    • 9.2 ICANN77 Planning

    • 9.3 Appointment of Council Liaison to the SubPro Implementation Review Team


Records of 20 Apr 2023 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 20 Apr 2023 Meeting to ALT-PLUS

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Apr 2023 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Apr 2023 Meeting Records.

1. Consent Agenda Items

  • Council agreed to defer consideration of a Policy Status Report (PSR) for the Expedited Domain Deletion Policy (EDDP) and Expedited Registration Recovery Policy (ERRP) for 6 months from the date additional requested information from ICANN org is received.
  • Council agreed to defer next steps on Phase Two of the RPMs PDP for an 18-month period beginning on 20 April 2023.
  • Council approved the Final Report of the CSC Effectiveness Review Team. 

2. Subsequent Procedures (SubPro) & Next Round of New gTLDs

    Recap: ICANN Board 16 March 2023 Resolution

  • ICANN Board had resolved during its Board Meeting at ICANN76 to adopt the SubPro Outputs in Section A of its "Scorecard on Subsequent Procedures PDP" (Scorecard); marking 38 Outputs in Section B of the Scorecard as "pending" and noting ongoing community discussions relating to Topic 17: Applicant Support, Topic 23: Closed Generics, and Topic 25: Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs), as well as additional dependencies concerning specific Review Team Recommendations, the Name Collision Analysis Project Study 2 Report (NCAP2), and other items noted in Section C of the Scorecard.

   Section A Outputs: Next Steps

  • The SubPro Implementation Review Team (SubPro IRT) will be constituted: call for volunteers has gone out, criteria apply.
  • This IRT will take on the Open + Representative model and is expected to start work in the week of 14/15 May.

   Section B Outputs: 38 "Pending" Outputs

  • The Council's SubPro Pending Recommendations Small Team has been discussing with Avri Doria and Becky Burr (from the Board SubPro Caucus) to seek clarification on the Board's concerns on the 38 Pending SubPro Outputs, in order to conduct a triage of the outputs.
  • The small team - comprising Anne Aikman-Scalese, Bruna Martins dos Santos, Jeff Neuman, Justine Chew, Nacho Amados, Paul McGrady, Sebastien Ducos, Stephanie Perrin, Susan Payne and Tomslin Samme-Nlar - is working towards discussing the outcomes of its triage exercise with the full Council at an GNSO Extraordinary Council meeting on 4 May. This is a step towards meeting Deliverable #1 in ICANN Board 16 March 2023 Resolution for "A plan and timeline as agreed upon by the ICANN Board and the GNSO Council for consideration and resolution of all Outputs contained in Section B of the Scorecard".
  • The 4 May extraordinary meeting is also expected to determine whether the current small team will continue beyond the triage exercise or will be reconstituted for next steps.
  • There is a high expectation that (a small team or) the full Council will, prior to ICANN77, meet with either the full Board or the full Board SubPro Caucus to iron out/resolve many, if not all, hindrance to the Board approving these 38 pending outputs.

Action by ALAC Liaison

          To monitor and keep sharing updates regarding progress of the Council Small Team work on the 38 Pending Outputs

    •  With the CPWG SubPro Prioritization Sub-Team; and
    •  To assist in formulating ALAC positions on the 38 Pending Outputs (if any) in time for the pre-ICANN77 ALAC-GNSO Bilateral.

3. Closed Generics : Next Steps 

  • Closed Generics is a Board SubPro PDP Scorecard Section C Dependency.
  • Council received an update from John McElwaine, its Liaison to the GNSO-GAC-ALAC Dialogue on Closed Generics who indicated that a draft framework is anticipated to be ready around 28 April for community comment, and that the work of the group will continue into Q3 of 2023 beyond ICANN77, but still meet Deliverable #3 in ICANN Board 16 March 2023 Resolution for "A GNSO Council project plan and timeline for policy work, or an alternate path, on how to handle closed generics for the next round of new gTLDs."
  • Notwithstanding, John hinted that because the framework will require a policy process for it to become policy, the suitable path would be a tightly scoped EPDP.
  • More and better details will be forthcoming through the draft framework expected next week. More and better details should also be sought from the ALAC representative and/or alternate to this Dialogue.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To monitor and share updates on the proposed framework for Closed Generics
    •  To coordinate with ALAC's rep & alternate and At-Large staff on consultation for the proposed framework for Closed Generics.

4. DNS Abuse: Next Steps

  • Following Council's DNS Abuse Small Team's 7 Oct 2022 report to Council, where Recommendation #2 advised Council to request, et. al., the Registrar Stakeholder Group “to further the role that bulk registrations play in DNS Abuse as well as measures that Registrars may have already put in place to address this vector. Based on the feedback received, the GNSO Council will consider whether further action on bulk registrations is deemed necessary.”
  • Council has determined that this small team should continue its work reviewing the replies received from gTLD Registries Stakeholder GroupRegistrar Stakeholder Group, ICANN Contractual Compliance and DNS Abuse Institute to its 6 Jan letter.
  • This Council small team now has a refreshed membership of Thomas Rickert (ISCP), Mark Datysgeld (BC), Wisdom Donkor (NCSG), Theo Geurts (RrSG), Sebastien Ducos (RySG), Greg DiBiase (RrSG), Tomslin Samme-Nlar (NCSG), Paul McGrady (NCA-NCPH), Nacho Amadoz (RySG) and Justine Chew (ALAC Liaison to the GNSO).
  • NB. The deliberations of the issue of bulk registrations are running parallel to the ICANN org - Contracted Parties ongoing contractual amendment negotiations on RAA section 3.18 (and perhaps, less on RA Spec 11 3(a))

5. Registration Data Accuracy (RDA)

  • Council considered the Survey Summary Results and Council Leadership alluded to inputs from these results being taken into consideration in relevant fora - in this case, the re-charter of the RDA Scoping Team, but also any relevant GNSO processes in future.
  • Council also received an update from ICANN org on the 4 scenarios that have been identified to review the accuracy of registration data and the data protection questions that arise from these scenarios. I believe this input is for the RDA Scoping Team (or successor) to consider once it is reconstituted.

6. Registration Data Request Service (RDRS)

  • ICANN org has informed that it is ready to start development of the RDRS. A demo could be expected in the ICANN77 June time frame. 
  • This is while the EPDP Phase 2 Small Team continues work (1) to establish success factors for the RDRS - eg. on how to ensure wide participation/usage of the RDRS especially by non-RrSG registrars (if it were kept as voluntary); and (2) what can be extracted from the data collected via the RDRS. 

23(3) -03 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #3 (AT ICANN 76, MAR 2023)        (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Meeting #3 of 2023 held on 15 Mar 2023 


GNSO Council Meeting #3 of 2023 held on 15 Mar 2023

Full Agenda  |  Motions  |  Documents

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda: None
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Adoption of the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Working Group Self-Assessment (WGSA) Recommendations Report
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Next Steps for Consideration of Expired Domain Deletion Policy (“EDDP”) and Expired Registration Recovery Policy (“ERRP”)
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Review GNSO-owned projects that may impact SubPro timeline
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Continuation of Informal GNSO Council SubPro Discussion
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Whois Disclosure System Next Steps

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 19 January 2023 were posted on 02 February 2023.
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 16 February 2023 were posted on 03 March 2023.
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Adoption of the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Working Group Self-Assessment (WGSA) Recommendations Report
    • Council had resolved on 16 June 2021 to initiate the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvements (CCOICI) as a pilot, which included the review of the Working Group Self-Assessment as one of the two areas of focus.
    • The CCOICI started the Working Group Self-Assessment assignment in October 2021, concluding in February 2022. However, the CCOICI deferred conducting the public comment until it could be combined with recommendations related to the GNSO Statement of Interest (SOI). The consolidated public comment proceeding on Proposed Updates to the GNSO Operating Procedures was conducted from 09 September - 14 November 2022.
    • The CCOICI integrated public comments received as appropriate and submitted its Recommendations Report to the Council on 5 January 2023; Council will vote on this Recommendations Report which is limited to just the WGSA. (The portion on the GNSO SOI is still pending)
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Next Steps for Consideration of Expired Domain Deletion Policy (“EDDP”) and Expired Registration Recovery Policy (“ERRP”)
    • In July 2022, Council agreed that it would be helpful to check with the registrars and ICANN Compliance to help determine if there are any known issues or concerns with either of the two Expiration Policies which could warrant requesting a Policy Status Report (PSR).
    • A report from Contractual Compliance was shared with Council on 1 November 2022 and feedback from the GNSO Councilors from RrSG has been shared on previous Council calls. 
    • During Council's Nov 2022 meeting, ICANN Org Contractual Compliance Team provided a briefing of the report, and Council briefly considered potential next steps.
    • Following the meeting, Nacho Amodoz, Greg DiBiase, and Susan Payne volunteered to closely review the report from ICANN org and determine if any of the issues raised warrant a PSR request. Council will receive an update on this small team’s recommendation.
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Review GNSO-owned projects that may impact SubPro timeline
    • During Council’s Strategic Planning Session (SPS), a recurring theme emerged. Taking into consideration the possible timelines surrounding the implementation of the SubPro recommendations, especially if Option 2 or similar were to be pursued, Council should take care to ensure that any SubPro related work within its control should be carefully managed for timely delivery. The Council does not want its work to serve as an impediment to the timely implementation and launch of the next round of new gTLDs.

    • In order to address this recurring theme,, Council agreed that it would like to receive frequent updates on the work that is connected to the next round of new gTLDs. Presumably, those projects include:

      • IDNs EPDP Phase 1 (top-level charter questions)
      • GNSO Guidance Process on Applicant Support
      • Closed Generics Facilitated Discussion
      • Small Team review of SubPro recommendations likely pending Board action
    • Council will receive a brief update on the above-referenced projects.
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Continuation of Informal GNSO Council SubPro Discussion
    • On 12 September 2021 the ICANN Board directed the ICANN President and CEO to organize the resources required to begin work on the Operational Design Phase (ODP) for the GNSO’s New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Final Report and the Affirmations, Recommendations, and Implementation Guidance contained in that report. On 20 December 2021, ICANN org announced that the SubPro ODP had formally launched, starting at the beginning of January 2022. The ODP Team has shared numerous updates to the community and sent several sets of assumptions/questions to the GNSO Council via the Council’s liaison to the ODP.

    • ICANN org published the SubPro Operational Design Assessment (ODA) on 12 December, and Council received a briefing on it during a webinar on 7 December.

    • Council formed a small team to review the ODA in detail and provided its input to the ICANN Board on 20 January, in advance of the Board's workshop in January 2023. As discussed in the Chair's blog, the ICANN Board spent a full day reviewing the SubPro Outputs and ODA.

    • On 28 February 2023, the Council and ICANN Board had a joint meeting on SubPro, and Council plans a follow-up informal discussion on 7 March 2023.

    • Council will discuss the joint meeting with the Board and the informal discussion, and consider appropriate next steps

  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Whois Disclosure System Next Steps
    • ICANN org published the Whois Disclosure System design paper in September 2022, presenting it to Council and the EPDP Phase 2 Small Team during ICANN75.

    • The small team subsequently reviewed the design paper and continued its consultations with ICANN org, resulting in an addendum to its preliminary report. Council accepted the addendum and communicated to the ICANN Board its support for the request that the ICANN Board proceed with the implementation of the Whois Disclosure System, provided that the updates identified by the small team in the addendum are made.

    • On 27 February 2023, the Board directed ICANN org to develop and launch the Whois Disclosure System (System) as requested by Council within 11 months from 27 February 2023. The Board also directed ICANN org to operate the System for up to two years from the date of launch, and collect and report on usage data. Furthermore, the ICANN Board has urged “the GNSO Council to consider a Policy Development Process or other means to require registrars to use the System”.

    • During ICANN76, on 11 March 2023, the EPDP Phase 2 Small Team will meet with ICANN org to receive an update the status of implementation of the Whois Disclosure System and continue its consideration of some of the aspects identified as requiring further discussion in the addendum.

    • In addition to receiving an update from the Small Team on its meeting with ICANN org, Council will consider if/how the instructions to the Small Team should be updated to reflect Council’s expectations of the Small Team during the implementation phase as well as post-implementation, in addition to the ask from the Board to consider a Policy Development Process or other means to require registrars to use the System. 



Records of 15 Mar 2023 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 15 Mar 2023 Meeting to ALT-PLUS

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Mar 2023 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Mar 2023 Meeting Records.

1. Subsequent Procedures Operational Design Assessment (SubPro ODA), Implementation and other Next Steps, Dependencies 

   ICANN Board 16 March 2023 Resolution

  • ICANN Board resolved during its Board Meeting at ICANN76 to adopt the SubPro Outputs in Section A of its "Scorecard on Subsequent Procedures PDP" (Scorecard); marking 38 Outputs in Section B of the Scorecard as "pending" and noting ongoing community discussions relating to Topic 17: Applicant Support, Topic 23: Closed Generics, and Topic 25: Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs), as well as additional dependencies concerning specific Review Team Recommendations, the Name Collision Analysis Project Study 2 Report (NCAP2), and other items noted in Section C of the Scorecard.
  • ICANN Board has communicated this development to GNSO Council via their 16 Mar letter. In particular, the Board said:- 
    • The Board has adopted all Outputs contained in Section A of the Scorecard and designated the Outputs in Section B as pending. The Board has also committed to resolve the dependencies noted in Section C of the Scorecard in a timely manner. 
    • The ICANN Board has directed ICANN org to submit a comprehensive implementation plan no later than 1 August 2023, containing a work plan, relevant information for the Infrastructure Development stream, timelines, and anticipated resource requirements to announce the opening of the next round of new gTLDs (Implementation Plan).
    • The Board acknowledges that the delivery of the Implementation Plan requires the satisfactory completion of four deliverables by 15 June 2023, the last day of the ICANN77 Public Meeting. These deliverables are:

1. A plan and timeline as agreed upon by the ICANN Board and the GNSO Council for consideration and resolution of all Outputs contained in Section B of the Scorecard.
2. A working methodology and Implementation Review Team (IRT) work plan and timeline as agreed upon by ICANN org and the GNSO Council.
3. A GNSO Council project plan and timeline for policy work, or an alternate path, on how to handle closed generics for the next round of new gTLDs.
4. A project plan from the GNSO Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) Working Group (WG) identifying all charter questions that will impact the next Applicant Guidebook, along with considerations to ensure a consistent solution on IDN Variant TLDs with the ccPDP4 on IDN ccTLDs (in accordance with prior Board Resolution 2019.03.14.09), and a timeline by when the IDNs EPDP WG will deliver relevant recommendations to the GNSO Council.

    • The Board is prepared to work closely with the GNSO Council on the first deliverable. The Board appreciates that the GNSO Council has already begun a conversation with ICANN org on a working methodology for the Subsequent Procedures Implementation Review Team (SubPro IRT).

   Section A Outputs    

  • Section A Outputs will now proceed to implementation; ICANN org is liaising with Council on constituting the SubPro IRT for this purpose.
  • While the SubPro IRT is to be driven by ICANN org, its constitution and membership is determined by Council.
  • Council is in the process of determining the membership model for this SubPro IRT; Council is currently leaning towards an Open model per the PDP 3.0 framework.
  • While an Open model IRT will makes participation open to anyone and without limit on the number of participants, it is likely that the corresponding call for volunteers would express a preference for active former members of the SubPro PDP WG on account of the need for familiarity/expertise on the Section A Outputs in order to be able to adequately guide their implementation by ICANN org. Newcomers will be at a severe disadvantage if they do not get up to speed with the SubPro PDP Final Report.
  • Timeline for the call for volunteers for the SubPro IRT, workplan etc are all pending.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To monitor and share updates regarding the SubPro IRT constitution

    Section B Outputs: 38 "Pending" Outputs

  • Council has constituted a Council Small Team to conduct a triage for the 38 Pending SubPro Outputs. The Small Team comprises Anne Aikman-Scalese (NCA), Bruna Martins dos Santos (NCSG), Jeff Neuman (GNSO Liaison to SubPro ODP), Justine Chew (ALAC Liaison to GNSO), Nacho Amados (RySG), Paul McGrady (NCA-NCPH), Sebastien Ducos (RySG), Stephanie Perrin (NCSG), Susan Payne (IPC) and Tomslin Samme-Nlar (NCSG).
  • The purpose of the triage exercise to examine the Board's concerns on the 38 Pending Outputs, how they can be grouped for varying onward action.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To monitor and share updates regarding progress of the Council Small Team work on the 38 Pending Outputs

    Section C Outputs: Ongoing Community Work, Reviews & Dependencies

    These are listed as follows:

ItemSubject toDependency for next AGB

Topic 17 Applicant Support

GNSO Guidance Process on Applicant Support outcomeYes

Topic 23 Closed Generics

GAC-GNSO-ALAC Facilitated Dialogue on Closed Generics outcomeYes

ALAC Advice on SubPro 

Board action
4.ALAC Advice on DNS AbuseICANN Community work on DNS abuseYes
5.SAC059 Response to ICANN Board regarding Interdisciplinary StudiesNCAP Study 2 outcomeYes
6.SAC114 SSAC Comments on the SubPro Final ReportBoard clarification with SSACYes

SSR Rec 17.1 (Framework for name collisions)

NCAP Study 2 outcomeYes

CCT Rec 14 (Incentives for anti-abuse measures)

ICANN Community work on DNS abuseYes


CCT Rec 15 (Preventing systemic abuse)

ICANN Community work on DNS abuseYes
10.Expedited Policy Development Process on Internationalized Domain Names (EPDP on IDNs)Identification of all charter questions that will impact the next Applicant Guidebook, along with considerations to ensure a consistent solution on IDN Variant TLDs with the ccPDP4 on IDN ccTLDs Yes
11.DNS AbuseBoard determination on action neededYes
12.Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP) Study 2NCAP Study 2 outcomeYes

2. Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) (formerly known as Whois Disclosure System (WDS)) 

  • Following the ICANN Board's 27 Feb resolution directing ICANN org to proceed with development and launch of the WDS as soon as possible, a meeting of the GNSO EPDP Phase 2 (SSAD) took place at ICANN76 on 11 Mar, where the Whois Disclosure System (WDS) was proposed to be renamed to Registration Data Request Service (RDRS).
  • Hereon, Council is to consider the use of a PDP or other means to require, or strongly encourage, registrars to use the RSRS, noting that the small team has already been assigned the task to how to best to promote and secure comprehensive use of the system, both by potential requestors as well as ICANN accredited registrars.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To monitor and share updates regarding Council's deliberations on the RDRS

3. Expired Domain Deletion Policy (“EDDP”) and Expired Registration Recovery Policy (“ERRP”)

  • Council was asked if it was timely to request a Policy Status Report (PSR) for the EDDP and the ERRP. There was tentative agreement within Council that whilst it was important, there were other ongoing and important topics, so the review of the policy was postponed. Following this, ICANN Compliance put together a report which showed registrants having issues with renewals, confusion with the terms of the policies.
  • A small team of councilors (Nacho Amadoz, Greg DiBiase, and Susan Payne) reviewed the report as well as the recommendation to review the PSR. Incremental work could be done to improve on clarity of the policy language and in this respect, support staff is to reach out to ICANN org colleagues to request further information on the educational materials relating to the EDDP and ERRP.
  • The PSR will be reviewed in 6 months.

4. Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvements (CCOICI)

  • By way of background, the work of the CCOICI (a GNSO pilot) covers several areas of focus, including Updates to GNSO Operating Procedures; which covers (a) Working Group Self-Assessment (WGSA) and (b) GNSO Statement of Interest (GNSO SOI), which were part of the public comment proceeding on Proposed Updates to the GNSO Operating Procedures which ran from Sep-Nov 2022.
  • With respect to (a), Council has adopted WGSA Recommendation Report (which incorporates the ALAC's input in respect of the existing WGSA survey)
  • With respect to (b), the CCOICI is still grappling with public comments received on the GNSO SOI update. The key issue with the GNSO SOI update revolves around transparency of ICANN PDPs, in particular the proposed allowance for a PDP WG member to claim confidentiality as the ground for not revealing the entity that stands to benefit from that member's participation (client-solicitor privilege was cited as an example for claiming such confidentiality). Council discussed this issue briefly and will revisit this issue at a future meeting when the CCOICI is ready to present its recommendation(s) on the GNSO SOI update.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To monitor and share updates regarding the GNSO SOI with ALAC

23(2) -02 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #2 (FEB 2023)        (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Meeting #2 of 2023 held on 16 Feb 2023 


GNSO Council Meeting #2 of 2023 held on 16 Feb 2023

Full Agenda  |  Motions  |  Documents

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Adoption of the Amended Charter for the Transfer Policy Review PDP and Approval of the Policy Change Request
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the Board's Consideration of the Subsequent Procedures Recommendations and Operational Design Assessment (SubPro ODA)
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvements (CCOICI)’s Working Group Self-Assessment Recommendations Report and Update from the Statement of Interest (SOI) Task Force
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - ICANN76 Meeting Planning
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - PDP Improvements item #8 (Review of the Policy & Implementation recommendations)
  • Item 9: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) Review Next Steps
    • 9.2 - Update on Closed Generics Facilitated Dialogue

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 15 December 2022 were posted on 03 January 2023.
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 19 January 2023 were posted on 02 February 2023.
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • Nomination of a Mentor for the ICANN Fellowship Selection Committee - Taiwo Peter Akinremi
    • Motion for the Adoption of the Revised Charter for the Budget and Operations Townhall
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Adoption of the Amended Charter for the Transfer Policy Review PDP and Approval of the Policy Change Request 
    • Council initiated the two-phased Transfer Policy Review PDP in February 2021. Since it began meeting in May 2021, the WG has made steady progress on its Phase 1 charter questions, including publishing its Phase 1A Initial Report for public comment.  The WG conducted preliminary deliberations on Phase 1B topics during the Phase 1A Initial Report public comment period, then reviewed public comments on the Phase 1A Initial Report, and is now completing revisions to preliminary recommendations, taking into account public comment received. 
    • In the course of Phase 1 work conducted to date, the WG discovered that certain Phase 2 topics must be addressed before Phase 1 recommendations can be fully developed. As a result, the leadership team is preparing a Project Change Request (PCR) to update its work plan to consolidate all work into a single phase and change the order in which topics are considered. This will impact the timeline for key deliverables.
    • Council to consider the amended Charter and approval of the PCR for the Transfer Policy Review PDP.
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the Board's Consideration of the Subsequent Procedures Recommendations and Operational Design Assessment (SubPro ODA)
    • Council will receive an update from Becky Burr/Matthew Shears on the SubPro related discussions during the Board workshop and what has transpired since the the Board's workshop in January 2023. As discussed in the Chair's blog, the ICANN Board spent a full day reviewing the SubPro Outputs and SubPro ODA.
  • Item 6:  COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvements (CCOICI)’s Working Group Self-Assessment Recommendations Report and Update from the Statement of Interest (SOI) Task Force
    • Council had resolved on 16 June 2021 to initiate the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvements (CCOICI) as a pilot, which included the review of the Working Group Self-Assessment as one of the two areas of focus.
    • The CCOICI started the Working Group Self-Assessment assignment in October 2021, concluding in February 2022. However, the CCOICI deferred conducting the public comment until it could be combined with recommendations related to the GNSO Statement of Interest (SOI). The consolidated public comment proceeding on Proposed Updates to the GNSO Operating Procedures was conducted from 09 September - 14 November 2022, after which the CCOICI integrated public comments as appropriate and submitted its Recommendations Report to the Council on 5 January 2023.
    • Council will receive an update on both the CCOICI’s Working Group Self-Assessment Recommendations Report. In addition, an update will be provided on the work of the GNSO SOI Task Force (TF).
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - PDP Improvements item #8 (Review of the Policy & Implementation recommendations)
    • GNSO Council established a PDP Improvements Tracker in order to provide an aggregated view of the various proposed improvements that have been identified from a number of different initiatives., which include:
      • Council Strategic Planning Session (SPS) Action Item – how to improve support for and follow up on policy recommendations post-Council adoption
      • Operational Design Phase
      • Modifying Consensus Policies
      • PDP 3.0 Parking Lot Items
      • Review of Policy & Implementation Recommendations
    • For item #8 (Review of the Policy & Implementation recommendations) and the agreed next step (“Staff support team to provide further detail on what a policy status report (PSR) would be expected to cover”), staff circulated a background note on a possible PSR on the Policy & Implementation Recommendations on 20 January 2023.
    • Council will discuss the background note and consider next steps.

  • Item 9: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) Review Next Steps
    • After the approval of the Phase 1 Final Report of the GNSO Policy Development Process (PDP) on the Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) in All gTLDs in January 2021, the Council discussed the need to review the RPMs charter in advance of launching Phase 2 of the PDP.
    • Council determined that a Policy Status Report (PSR) should be requested from ICANN org to better understand if new issues or information has emerged that would be relevant to a comprehensive review of the policy.
    • ICANN org’s Global Domains and Strategy (GDS) team completed the draft PSR and published it for public comment on 3 March 2022; the revised PSR was shared with Council on 18 July 2022 and Council then received a briefing from GDS during the July meeting, at which Council delayed next steps based on a number of reasons, primarily though because of the amount of competing work. Council agreed during its November 2022 meeting that because of the launch of the Phase 1 RPMs Implementation Review Team (IRT), which would likely have overlapping community support with a Phase 2 PDP, that the delay for next steps should be tied to the completion or key milestones for the IRT.
    • Council will receive an update from the Council’s liaison to the RPMs IRT to better understand precise timing for delaying Phase 2 next steps.
    • 9.2 - Update on Closed Generics Facilitated Dialogue


Records of 16 Feb 2023 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 16 Feb 2023 Meeting to ALT-PLUS

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Feb 2023 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Feb 2023 Meeting Records.

1. Consent Agenda

  • Council confirmed Taiwo Peter Akinremi as a Fellowship Selection Committee member for six consecutive ICANN meetings, beginning with ICANN78.
  • Council adopts the revised Charter for the Budget and Operations Townhall (formerly known as the GNSO Standing Committee on Budget and Operations (SCBO)).

2. Transfer Policy Review PDP

  • Council approved the Transfer Policy Review PDP amended Charter and Project Change Request (PCR), which following recent developments, are designed to update the PDP WG's work plan to consolidate all work into a single phase and change the order in which topics are considered.

3. Subsequent Procedures Operational Design Assessment (SubPro ODA)

  • Council received an update on SubPro related discussions during the recent Jan 2023 Board workshop from the one of the GNSO appointees to the ICANN Board, Becky Burr (Matthew Shears was an apology).  As discussed in the Chair's blog, the ICANN Board spent a full day reviewing the SubPro Outputs and SubPro ODA.
  • Becky indicated:
    • That the Board is expected to proceed with decision on many of the SubPro Outputs but mentioned that there were still a small number of questions/issues which the Board is looking to work through with Council and the GAC.
    • That one of the key question that the Board wishes to discuss with Council is on the issue of rounds - linked to Option 2 in the SubPro ODA which suggested "4 annual rounds" - particularly on how quickly we might be able to get to "a first-come-first-served" basis instead of rounds.
      • (Ed. I believe Becky meant "on a rolling basis" in context of SubPro Output 3.5.)
      • SubPro Output 3.5 says, "Absent extraordinary circumstances application procedures must take place at predictable, regularly occurring intervals without indeterminable periods of review unless the GNSO Council recommends pausing the program and such recommendation is approved by the Board. Such extraordinary circumstances must be subject to the Predictability Framework under Topic 2 of this Report. Unless and until other procedures are recommended by the GNSO Council and approved by the ICANN Board, ICANN must only use “rounds” to administer the New gTLD Program."
    • While the full list of issues is being finalized by the Board and will be shared with Council in the near future, and that a Board SubPro Caucus-Council meeting will be convened to discuss them, it includes auction proceeds and mostly, a handful of questions; also, the matter of GAC's role with regards to applications in the next round. 
    • With GAC, there is the matter of the GAC's expectation on how the Board would handle GAC Advice on applications, following guidance from the Independent Review Panels (IRPs) that came out of the last round; also a piece of advice which doesn't have a lot to do with SubPro but which the Board would have to defer action on until they have been worked through.  
    • However, there was nothing precluding an Implementation Review Team (SubPro IRT) from being created as soon as the Board has voted on the bulk of the SubPro Outputs
  • Council will consider whether this Board SubPro Caucus-Council meeting should include not only SubPro PDP WG co-chairs but also active members of that PDP WG.  

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To monitor and share updates regarding this Board SubPro Caucus-Council meeting arrangements.

4. Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvements (CCOICI)

  • By way of background, the work of the CCOICI (a GNSO pilot) covers several areas of focus, including Updates to GNSO Operating Procedures; which covers (a) Working Group Self-Assessment (WGSA) and (b) GNSO Statement of Interest (GNSO SOI), which were part of the public comment proceeding on Proposed Updates to the GNSO Operating Procedures which ran from Sep-Nov 2022.
  • Council received an update on both (a) and (b), and while the work on (a) WGSA has more or less concluded (where I can confirm that action has been taken to incorporate the ALAC's input in respect of the existing WGSA survey), the CCOICI is still grappling with public comments received on the GNSO SOI update. 
  • The key issue with the GNSO SOI update revolves around transparency of ICANN PDPs, in particular the proposed allowance for a PDP WG member to claim confidentiality as the ground for not revealing the entity that stands to benefit from that member's participation (client-solicitor privilege was cited as an example for claiming such confidentiality). Council discussed this issue briefly and will revisit this issue at a future meeting when the CCOICI is ready to present its recommendation(s) on the GNSO SOI update.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To monitor and share updates regarding the GNSO SOI with ALAC

5. Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) 

  • Council considered the need to review the GNSO Policy Development Process on the Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs (RPMs PDP) charter in advance of launching Phase 2 of this RPMs PDP.
  • Council had agreed during its Nov 2022 meeting that because of the launch of the Phase 1 RPMs Implementation Review Team (IRT), which would likely have overlapping community support with a Phase 2 PDP, that the delay for Phase 2 should be tied to the completion or key milestones for the IRT. Council concluded that completion of the Phase 1 RPMs IRT would be a sensible trigger for Phase 2 work.

23(1) -01 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #1 (JAN 2023)        (go up to Directory) 


January 2022 - December 2022 Reports


22(-14 ) GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #12 (DEC 2022)        (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Meeting #12 of 2022 held on 15 Dec 2022 


GNSO Council Meeting #12 of 2022 held on 15 Dec 2022

Full Agenda  |  Motions 

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Adopting the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvements (CCOICI)’s Work Stream 2 (WS2) Recommendations Report 
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Expired Domain Deletion Policy and the Expired Registration Recovery Policy Next Steps
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Debrief From Council-Specific SubPro Operational Design Assessment (ODA) Webinar and Q&A
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Review Implementation Prioritization Supplemental Fund for Implementation of Community Recommendations (SFICR) Request - Council Role?

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 20 October 2022 were posted on 04 November 2022.
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 17 November 2022 were posted on 01 December 2022.
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • Motion to approve GNSO Standing Selection Committee (SSC) Leadership for 2022-2023
    • Motion to confirm CCOICI Chair and GNSO Council representative to the WS2 Community Coordination Group
    • Acknowledgment of the GNSO Council liaison to the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) for Applicant Support
    • Acknowledgment of the Work Plan for the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) for Applicant Support
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Adopting the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvements (CCOICI)’s Work Stream 2 (WS2) Recommendations Report 
    • Motion to adopt the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) WS2 Recommendations Report
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Expired Domain Deletion Policy and the Expired Registration Recovery Policy Next Steps
    • In July 2022, Council agreed that it would be helpful to check with the registrars and ICANN Compliance to help determine if there are any known issues or concerns with either of the two Expiration Policies which could warrant requesting a Policy Status Report (PSR).
    • A report from Contractual Compliance was shared with Council on 1 November 2022 and feedback from the registrars has been shared in the past on previous Council calls. 
    • Council received a briefing on the report from ICANN Compliance and the Council briefly considered potential next steps. One suggestion may be to task a Councilor member to review the report from Contractual Compliance in detail and determine if any of the issues raised warrant further work at present. That analysis will help inform the Council overall and allow the Council to formally record its determination as appropriate.
    • Council will consider appropriate next steps
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Debrief From Council-Specific SubPro Operational Design Assessment (ODA) Webinar and Q&A
    • On 12 September 2021 the ICANN Board directed ICANN org to organize the resources required to begin work on the Operational Design Phase (ODP) for the GNSO’s New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Final Report and the Affirmations, Recommendations, and Implementation Guidance contained in that report.
    • On 20 December 2021, ICANN org announced that the SubPro ODP had formally launched, starting at the beginning of January 2022. The ODP Team has shared numerous updates to the community and sent several sets of assumptions/questions to the GNSO Council via the Council’s liaison to the ODP. 
    • ICANN org is expected to publish the SubPro Operational Design Assessment (ODA) on 12 December. In advance of publication of the ODA, Council will receive a briefing during a webinar on 7 December. While it is unlikely that there is adequate time for Councilors to have reviewed the ODA in detail, there may be initial impressions from council-specific webinar. ICANN org staff that supported the SubPro Operational Design Phase (ODP) will be available to answer questions and engage in dialogue.

    • Council will hold a debrief from the council-specific SubPro ODA webinar and engage with ICANN org staff that supported the ODP/ODA.

  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Review Implementation Prioritization Supplemental Fund for Implementation of Community Recommendations (SFICR) Request - Council Role?
    • On 16 November 2022, the Board resolved to approve, “the use of US$5,800,000 from the SFICR to fund implementation of community prioritized reviews.” Of note, the Board’s resolution is in direct relation to Specific Reviews (ATRT3, CCT, SSR2, RDS-WHOIS2). Nevertheless, the topics referenced in the recommendations may be of interest to Council. As an example, line item 9 in the prioritized set of recommendations is related to DNS abuse, a subject which is of relevance to the Council. While Council’s remit is specific to the development of gTLD policy development, a question was raised as to whether Council has a role or input, or should appropriately have a role or input, towards the implementation of Specific Review recommendations.
    • Council will consider if it has a role in the prioritization and implementation of Specific Review recommendations.
    • 8.4 - Update on RPMs IRT timeline.
    • 8.5 - DNS abuse draft letters.


Records of 15 Dec 2022 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 15 Dec 2022 Meeting to ALT-PLUS

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Dec 2022 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Dec 2022 Meeting Records.

1. Consent Agenda

  • Council approved the GNSO Standing Selection Committee (SSC) leadership team for 2022-2023: Arinola Akinyemi (BC) to remain for a second term as Chair, and Alan Woods (RySG) to serve as Vice Chair.
  • Council confirmed Manju Chen (NCSG) as Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Chair and GNSO Council representative to the WS2 Community Coordination Group.
  • Council approved Paul McGrady for the position of Liaison from the GNSO Council to the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) for Applicant Support (i.e. Applicant Support Working Group).
  • Council approved the Work Plan for the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) for Applicant Support.

2. Debrief from Subsequent Procedures Operational Design Assessment (SubPro ODA)

  • Councilors were encouraged to read the SubPro ODA, and to review the recordings for the ODA GNSO Council Specific Webinar (or transcript), and the Community Webinar #1 and Community Webinar #2.
  • (sic) Council will rely on the Council Small Team comprising Anne Aikman-Scalese (NCA), Jeff Neuman (GNSO Liaison to SubPro ODP), Thomas Rickert (ISCP), Sebastien Ducos (RySG), Susan Payne (IPC) and Justine Chew (ALAC Liaison to GNSO) to establish if there were questions or clarifications needed to be relayed to the ICANN Org SubPro Team; and likely comments to be relay to the ICANN Board. 

3. DNS Abuse Small Team

  • Following the approval of the Small Team's reportby Council on 17 Nov 2022, the Small Team's Leadership comprising Mark Datysgeld (BC) and Paul McGrady (NCA-Non CPH) worked with GNSO support staff to draft letters to the Contracted Parties, pursuant to recommendations #2 (bulk registrations), #3 (reporting of DNS Abuse), and #4 (action & enforcement) of its report.  (NB. #2 bulk registrations was based on ALAC's input)
  • In particular, there are 2 letters - one regarding bulk registrations and the other regarding DNS Abuse Reporting / Action & Enforcement.
  • Upon feedback from Kurt Pritz (RySG) that the term "bulk registrations" may require defining, I proposed that the first letter on bulk registrations be amended to include a request that the recipients include as context, a description of their respective bulk registration categorization and procedures.
  • Otherwise, the draft letters appear to be in order. I also asked that Council be notified when these letters are sent out so that Council is kept aware of this exercise's progress.

4. Expired Domain Deletion Policy and the Expired Registration Recovery Policy 

  • Given earlier raised concerns about capacity, and the fact that no one/group has raised any serious concerns about the (1) Expiration Policies, the Expired Domain Deletion Policy (EDDP) and (2) Expired Registration Recovery Policy (ERRP), which are dual policies around the renewal of domain registrations. As such, there continues to be reservations on the need for a Policy Status Report (PSR) to be undertaken for a review of the EDDP and ERRP.
  • It was suggested that the issue of confusion mentioned in the report from Contractual Compliance could be something that could be adequately resolved between ICANN Contractual Compliance and the RrSG.
  • In the end, it was suggested and decided that a small team comprising Greg DiBiase (RrSG), Susan Payne (IPC) and Nacho Amadoz (RySG) will work with ICANN org's Caitlin Tubergen to analyse the Contractual Compliance report then report back to Council afterwards on next steps (if any).

5. Review Implementation Prioritization Supplemental Fund for Implementation of Community Recommendations (SFICR) Request - Council's role?

  • Doubts were expressed that Council had a specific role in the SFICR Request. Forty-five Board-approved recommendations that have been prioritized for USD 5.8mil SFICR funding will be implemented by the groups at which each of those recommendations are targeted. 

6. Rights Protection Mechanisms for All New gTLDs Implementation Review Team (RPMs IRT)

  • Council did not discuss this at length; it was merely reported that this IRT has just commenced its work / meeting calls.

22(-13 ) GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #11 (NOV 2022)        (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Meeting #11 of 2022 held on 17 Nov 2022 


GNSO Council Meeting #11 of 2022 held on 17 Nov 2022

Full Agenda  |  Motions 

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Whois Disclosure System Next Steps
  • Item 5: COUNCIL VOTE - Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team - Adoption of Recommendation #3
  • Item 6: COUNCIL VOTE - DNS Abuse Small Team Report
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) Review Next Steps 
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Expired Domain Deletion Policy and the Expired Registration Recovery Policy Next Steps
  • Item 9: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvements (CCOICI) - Work Stream 2 (WS2)
  • Item 10: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SPS planning

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 21 September 2022 part 1 and part 2 were posted on 15 October 2022.

    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 20 October 2022 were posted on 04 November 2022.

  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • Acknowledgment of John McElwaine to serve as Council liaison to the Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) Implementation Review Team (IRT)
    • Acknowledgment of the Expedited PDP on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) Project Change Request (PCR)
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Whois Disclosure System (WDS) Next Steps
    • The proposed design of the WDS was published prior to ICANN75 and ICANN org provided a presentation of the system design to the EPDP Phase 2 small team during ICANN75. Subsequently, the small team and Council held initial discussions amongst themselves, as well as with the Board.
    • The small team has continued to meet to determine whether
      • 1) does the WDS align with the expectations as set out in the small team’s preliminary report,
      • 2) will implementation of the WDS deliver the information to help inform Council-Board consultations on the cost-benefit of the SSAD recommendations,
      • 3) does the small team recommend to the GNSO Council that it requests the ICANN Board to proceed with the implementation of the WDS.
    • Since Council's October meeting, the small team completed the addendum to the preliminary report, which was circulated on 7 November 2022 for the Council’s review. 
    • Council will vote on a motion to adopt the addendum to the report from the small team on the Whois Disclosure System.  (voting threshold: simple majority)
  • Item 5: COUNCIL VOTE - Registration Data Accuracy (RDA) Scoping Team - Adoption of Recommendation #3
    • The RDA Scoping Team was initiated by Council in July 2021, and tasked with considering a number of accuracy-related factors such as the current enforcement, reporting, measurement, and overall effectiveness of accuracy-related efforts. These considerations are to help inform the team’s deliberations and development of recommendations to Council on whether any changes are recommended to improve accuracy levels, and, if so, how and by whom these changes would need to be developed (for example, if changes to existing contractual requirements are recommended, a PDP or contractual negotiations may be necessary to effect a change)
    • The Scoping Team has completed Assignment #1 (enforcement and reporting) and Assignment #2 (measurement of accuracy) and submitted its write up to the Council on 5 September 2022. In the write up, the group is suggesting moving forward with two proposals that would not require access to registration data, namely a registrar survey (recommendation #1) and a possible registrar audit (recommendation #2) that may help further inform the team’s work on assignment #3 (effectiveness) and #4 (impact & improvements), while it awaits the outcome of the outreach to the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) by ICANN org in relation to proposals that would require access to registration data (recommendation #3). Council will need to consider the proper timing for identifying a new Chair for this effort, given the resignation of the previous Chair.
    • Council had at its October meeting discussed whether to approve recommendations #1 and #2 put forward by the Scoping Team (e.g., registrar survey and/or registrar audit) or instead, to defer consideration of recommendations #1 and #2, pending resolution of recommendation #3 (pausing the work on proposals that require access to registration data until there is clarity from ICANN org on if/how it anticipates the requesting and processing of registration data to be undertaken in the context of measuring accuracy). 
    • Council will vote on a motion on how to proceed with recommendations of the RDA Scoping Team.  (voting threshold: simple majority)
  • Item 6: COUNCIL VOTE - DNS Abuse Small Team Report
    • At ICANN72, Council agreed to establish a small team to consider and recommend next steps for Council related to DNS abuse, if any. An assignment form was drafted and the team held its first meeting 9 February 2022.
    • The team performed outreach to interested community groups to better understand what DNS abuse related issues need to be addressed specifically via gTLD policy development. The outreach targeted members and respective SG/Cs, also ALAC, GAC, SSAC, and the DNS Abuse Institute, from which input was received and considered.
    • The team then arrived at a set of 4 recommendations by thinking of DNS abuse as taking place in phases (e.g., malicious domain registration/domain being compromised, DNS abuse being reported, action being taken by a well-positioned party). These phases helped the small team to better understand which elements are best addressed via policy development versus another mechanism. To that end, the small team has concluded that improvements in DNS abuse mitigation can be sought via three buckets: through education / communication / outreach, through contractual negotiations, and/or policy development
    • The small team delivered its report to Council on 10 October 2022 and the report was discussed during the October Council meeting.
    • Council will vote on a motion to accept recommendations #2 (bulk registrations), #3 (reporting of DNS Abuse), and #4 (action & enforcement) as contained in the report. Council will also vote to commit to considering the requested actions under recommendation #1 (malicious registrations), after assessing the impact from recommendations #2, #3, and #4.  (voting threshold: simple majority)
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) Review Next Steps
    • On 21 January 2021, Council approved the recommendations from the Phase 1 Final Report of the GNSO Policy Development Process (PDP) on the Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) in All gTLDs, covering RPMs applicable to gTLDs launched under the 2012 New gTLD Program. Council discussed the need to review the RPMs charter in advance of launching Phase 2 of the PDP, which is focused on the UDRP. 
    • Council discussed the best path forward and determined that a Policy Status Report (PSR) should be requested to understand if new issues or information have emerged that could be relevant to a comprehensive policy review. After discussions between Council and ICANN org's Global Domains & Strategy (GDS) team on the scope and purpose of the PSR, GDS completed the draft PSR and published it for public comment on 3 March 2022; the revised PSR was shared with Council on 18 July 2022 and Council then received a briefing from GDS during the July meeting.
    • Based on discussion during that meeting, there seemed to be support from a number of Councilors to delay next steps for various reasons, including the considerable amount of existing Council work competing for attention.

    • Council will consider appropriate next steps for the review of the UDRP, which could include delaying work currently and identifying a triggering mechanism to recommence the work in the future.

  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Expired Domain Deletion Policy and the Expired Registration Recovery Policy Next Steps
    • In October 2020, Council considered when to request a Policy Status Report (PSR) to conduct a review of the (1) Expiration Policies, the Expired Domain Deletion Policy (EDDP) and (2) Expired Registration Recovery Policy (ERRP). Given concerns about capacity, along with the general perception that no known issues have presented themselves, Council agreed in November 2020 to delay the request for the PSR that had been identified as requiring consideration; the deferral was for a period of 24 months, necessitating consideration in November 2022.
    • In July 2022, the Council agreed that it would be helpful to check with the registrars and ICANN Compliance to help determine if there are any known issues or concerns with either of the two Expiration Policies which could warrant requesting a PSR. A report from Contractual Compliance was shared with Council on 1 November 2022 and feedback from the registrars has been shared in the past on previous Council calls. 
    • Council will receive a briefing on the report from ICANN Compliance and time permitting, consider potential next steps.
  • Item 9: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvements (CCOICI) - Work Stream 2 (WS2)
    • Council received a brief update on WS2 from ICANN org during its September 2021 meeting and received a more detailed update in February 2022, to better understand the level of progress it has already made via already completed work (e.g., the development of guidelines and templates to support the GNSO as a Decisional Participant in the Empowered Community) and the limited set of remaining WS2 tasks.
    • Council then considered the best path forward to complete the remaining work and agreed to extend the CCOICI pilot to include the WS2 work. The CCOICI has now completed this assignment and shared its WS2 Recommendations Report on 4 November 2022.
    • Council will receive an update on the report, in advance of a potential vote on the report in December 2022.
  • Item 10: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SPS planning


Records of 17 Nov 2022 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 17 Nov 2022 Meeting to ALT-PLUS

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Nov 2022 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Nov 2022 Meeting Records.

1. Consent Agenda

  • Council acknowledged John McElwaine as the GNSO Council Liaison to the RPMs IRT.

2. Expedited Policy Development Process on Internationalized Domain Names (part of Consent Agenda also)

  • Council approved the EPDP's Project Change Request (PCR) wherein the EPDP sought:
    • To facilitate the implementation planning of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures by bifurcating its work into two phases, with Phase 1 covering topics related to top-level IDN gTLD definition and variant management, and Phase 2 covering issues pertaining to second-level IDN variant management, and
    • Due to the diversity and complexity of IDN issues, additional data collection needs, review of ICANN org input for draft recommendations, and public comment-related processes, a 31-month extension to the original project plan, with projection of the following key milestone dates:
      • Publish Phase 1 Initial Report for Public Comment by April 2023
      • Submit Phase 1 Final Report to the GNSO Council by November 2023
      • Publish Phase 2 Initial Report for Public Comment by April 2025
      • Submit Phase 2 Final Report to the GNSO Council by November 2025
  • Action Item: Policy support staff to update the IDNs-EPDP Team’s project plan, timeline, and other materials according to the Project Change Request (PCR), and post them on the EPDP wiki project space.

3. Whois Disclosure System (WDS) Next Steps / EPDP Phase 2

  • Council accepted the EPDP Phase 2 small team findings and recommendations as outlined in the small team's addendum.
  • Council also confirmed that pending the implementation and subsequent running of the WDS for a period of up to two (2) years, the SSAD recommendations should remain paused for consideration by the ICANN Board.
  • Council thanks the EPDP Phase 2 small team for its work and requests it to remain available to continue work on this topic as part of the next steps in this process which aims to inform the further consideration of the SSAD recommendations by the ICANN Board.

4.  Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team 

     In relation to the Scoping Team's write up which recommended:

1) pausing the work in relation to proposals that require access to registration data,
2) encouraging ICANN org to proceed with their outreach to the EDPB as well as the Data Protection Impact Assessment in connection with the scenario(s) in which the request and processing of registration data takes place as a matter of urgency, and
3) requesting that ICANN org and Contracted Parties finalize the negotiations on the Data Processing Agreement (DPA) as soon as practicable as the absence of a completed DPA may act as a roadblock for policy work before Council

  • Council adopted recommendation #3
  • Council deferred consideration of recommendations #1 and #2 until such time the DPA negotiations between ICANN org and Contracted Parties have completed and there is feedback from ICANN org on if/how it anticipates the requesting and processing of registration data will be undertaken in the context of measuring accuracy, or for six months, whichever is the shorter
  • Once the DPA negotiations are completed and the feedback referred to at paragraph 2 is received from ICANN org, Council will review the formation and instructions to the Scoping Team to ensure these are still fit for purpose and request the Scoping Team to further consider potential proposals that require access to registration data as well as how these impact the existing recommendations #1 and #2 (e.g. should these still be considered by Council for adoption, or in the context of proposals that require access to registration data these may no longer be relevant or a priority?). If, after 6 months from this resolution, the DPA negotiations are not completed and/or the required feedback referred to at paragraph 2 has not been provided by ICANN org, Council will discuss and determine whether or not to continue deferring the consideration of recommendations #1 and #2.
  • Action Items:
    • Council leadership will reach out informally to Scoping Team members to better understand the issues encountered to help inform the Council’s review of the formation and instructions, taking into account the delay with which the write up was delivered, as well as some of the challenges that were shared with the Scoping Team’s Chair during his briefing to the Council, 
    • Council leadership to send a communication to ICANN org in relation to recommendation #3 (as well as Contracted Parties in relation to the DPA) as well as communicateCouncil’s decision to non-GNSO groups participating in this effort (ALAC, GAC and SSAC) as well as the Scoping Team.
    • Action As part of its review of the formation and instructions to the Scoping Team, Council will consider next steps for finding new leadership for this effort.
    • Council to revisit status in May or June 2023.
  • Council thanks Michael Palage, outgoing Chair, and Olga Cavalli, outgoing Council liaison, for their efforts. 

5. DNS Abuse Small Team Report

    In relation to the small team's report, containing 4 recommendations, delivered to Council on 10 October, which in summary are:           

1) Recommendation #1 re Malicious Registrations: After the community has been able to process the community outreach and other suggestions made in this report, if further tools are considered necessary, the small
team recommends that Council considers requesting the development of a Preliminary Issue Report on the topic of malicious registrations,
2) Recommendation #2 re Bulk Registrations: The small team recommends that Council requests RrSG and others (for example, ICANN org, the RySG and the DNSAI) to further explore the role that bulk registrations play in DNS Abuse as well as measures that Registrars may have already put in place to address this vector. Based on the feedback received, Council will consider whether further action on bulk registrations is deemed necessary,
3) Recommendation #3 re DNS Abuse Reporting: With an eye towards outreach, the small team recommends that Council encourages continued discussion between Contracted Parties and DNS Abuse reporters/potential reporters with the goal of further fine-tuning and promoting existing tools and initiatives, and/or those under development, to further work towards easier, better and actionable reporting of DNS Abuse. Take into consideration additional pipelines that might be helpful, and
4) Recommendation #4 re Action & Enforcement: The small team recommends that Council reaches out, via a letter, to the RrSG and RySG to share the findings of the small team and requests feedback on how these
potential gaps can be best addressed. This letter should request that Contracted Parties initiate work on the “Suggested Standards” document in consultation with ICANN Compliance.  Based on the feedback received to this letter, Council will determine next steps, but at a minimum, Council would expect to be kept up to date on any further work that would be undertaken by Contracted Parties in consultation with ICANN Compliance.

  • Council accepts the recommendations as outlined in the report and requests that the leadership of the small team works with Council leadership on developing the respective communications as foreseen under recommendations #2, #3 and #4.
  • In relation to recommendation #1, Council commits to considering requesting the development of a Preliminary Issue Report on the topic of malicious registrations after the outreach and communication as foreseen under recommendations #2, #3 and #4 have taken place and Council has had an opportunity to consider the progress made from efforts related to that outreach. If Council determines that a Preliminary Issue Report is needed, it must be undertaken in a way that avoids overlap and/or duplication of efforts.
  • Council thanks the small team for its efforts, as well as the community groups that contributed to it.
  • Action Item: Leadership of the small team to work with Council leadership on developing the respective communications as foreseen under recommendations #2, #3 and #4 in the report

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To monitor and report to ALAC as needed.

6. Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) (Phase 2 of Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) in all New gTLDs)

  • After Phase 1 of the RPMs PDP (i.e. review of the Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS)) was completed in January 2021, Phase 2 (i.e. review of the UDRP) was deferred for a number of reasons, including need to redraft its charter, need to prioritise other work so as not to overwhelm the community with more work, Council once again revisited the options on what to do with this review of the UDRP which are:

1) Go forward with the review with a to-be-redrafted charter, or
2) Defer the work for a set period of time (eg 12 or 18 months) or until triggered (eg by completion of Phase 1 RPMs IRT's work which would then free up community and staff resources), or
3) Terminate the RPMs PDP (requiring a super-majority vote) (which effect is thought to be equivalent to a long deferral & re-chartering since all policies needs to be reviewed repeated and periodically).

  • There was some support for option 2 in deferring 12-18 months and also the possibility of constituting an 'expert group' to alleviate pressure on the community, and to recharter the PDP to reflect reliance on such a smaller group. No formal decision taken.
  • Action Item: Staff to request from ICANN GDS staff an estimate as to the duration of the RPMs Phase 1 implementation.  Once that is received John McElwaine to send to the Council list the options – deferral for either for 18 months or until the IRT is complete.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To monitor and report to ALAC as needed.

7. Expired Domain Deletion Policy and the Expired Registration Recovery Policy 

  • At Council's request, Contractual Compliance presented on their report to Council of 1 November 2022. Noting that the general perception that no known issues have presented themselves, and that a request for a Policy Status Report (PSR) has already be deferred for 2 years (from November 2020 to November 2022).
  • There were suggestions that (1) registrars could be tasked with better handling the ambiguity mentioned as between resellers-registrants on the role of registrars/resellers, and (2) to examine the need for clear policy to address the ambiguity in order to safeguard registrant interests. No formal decision taken.
  • Based on (2), Action Item:  Council leadership to form a small team to review information provided by ICANN Compliance in view of deciding next steps which could include 1) concluding that no acute issues are present and no Policy Status Report is needed, and that the two policies will be added to the “end” of the pipeline for consideration at a future date, or 2) concluding that there is reason enough to request a PSR to obtain further information on the basis of which the Council can decide whether additional work in the form of policy development or implementation guidance is necessary.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To monitor and report to ALAC as needed.

8. Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvements (CCOICI) - Work Stream 2 (WS2)

22(-12 ) GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #10 (OCT 2022)         (go up to Directory)  


22(-11 ) ALAC-GNSO COUNCIL BILATERAL MEETING AT ICANN 75 (SEP 2022)        (go up to Directory)  

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ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Session during ICANN75 on 21 Sep 2022


ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Session during ICANN75 on 21 Sep 2022

The ALAC and the GNSO Council will meet during ICANN 75 to discuss two issues of mutual interest.

Draft Agenda:

1. Introduction and Housekeeping - Staff 
2. Welcome - Maureen Hilyard, ALAC Chair and Sebastien Ducos, Incoming GNSO Chair) (remote) 
3. Introduction to Topics - Justine Chew (ALAC Liaison to the GNSO)

a. DNS Abuse 
- Update by GNSO Council Small Team on DNS Abuse Co-Chairs Mark Datysgeld & Paul McGrady 
- Open discussion

b. Operational Design Phase (ODP) 
- Observations and open discussion on the ODP concept based on experiences with the SSAD ODP and SubPro ODP (composition, effectiveness, challenges, improvements etc) 

4. Closing remarks - Justine Chew 

For notes, click on SUMMARY tab above


Records of Bilateral Session at ICANN75 on 21 Sep 2022


ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Session during ICANN75 on 21 Sep 2022

Re: DNS Abuse Mitigation

  • GNSO Council Small Team on DNS Abuse acknowledged and thanked ALAC for input/response to the Small Team's limited outreach exercise; in particular the ALAC's comment regarding consideration of DNS abuse preventive measures, specifically on the possible use of predictive analysis for purpose of identifying and halting abusive DN registrations and promotion of Know-Your-Customer (KYC) as good general practice for Contracted Parties, especially in relation to bulk registrations.
  • At this point the Small Team's draft report and recommendations are still subject to GNSO Council's consideration/decision (at its Oct 2022 meeting), in brief, the Council Small Team have structured inputs received through the outreach exercise to identify potential mitigation steps across 5 phases of the DNS abuse life cycles, being:
    • Phase 0 - measures to help CPs identify DNS abuse earlier or even prevent a malicious registration
    • Phase 1 - ensuring harmed parties know how AND to whom a complaint should be reported
    • Phase 2 - report should be well-formed and actionable
    • Phase 3 - well-positioned party (CPs, but could also be web-host, website owner/operator, etc) takes action
    • Phase 4 - enforcement by ICANN compliance, where best positioned party is a CP
  • As for the draft recommendations, these are: (with important context contained in the draft report):
    • DNS Abuse targeted by Small Team is as what has been generally adopted by CPs in order to progress work on combating abuse and not to be bogged down by re-defining DNS Abuse.
    • 3 buckets of 'Policy', 'Outreach', 'Contractual Negotiation' are not mutually exclusive and nothing prevents the pursuit of an issue via more than one path, but still all potential in nature.
    • Recommendation #1 - Malicious Registrations (Phase: 0,3,4; Bucket: potentially, tightly focused policy development)
      After the community has been able to process the community outreach and other suggestions made in this report, if further tools are considered necessary, the small team recommends that the Council  considers requesting the development of a Preliminary Issue Report on the topic of malicious registrations. The objective is to prepare the ground for tightly scoped policy development that would consider malicious registrations used for the distribution of malware, phishing or the operation of Botnet command and control systems. The goal of the tightly scoped policy would be to explore whether it is possible to identify indicators of malicious registrations that would trigger actions from Contracted Parties either at the time of registration or shortly after. Any policy development is expected to anticipate that the theme of malicious registrations may not be as clear cut in practice. As such, care must be taken that any proposed measures are balanced and proportional.
    • Recommendation #2 - Bulk Registrations (based on ALAC's submission) (Phase: 0; Bucket: community outreach)
      The small team recommends that the GNSO Council requests the Registrar Stakeholder Group and others (for example, ICANN org and the DNSAI) to further explore the role that bulk registrations play in DNS Abuse as well as measures that Registrars may have already put in place to address this vector. Based on the feedback received, the GNSO Council will consider whether further action on bulk registrations is deemed necessary.
    • Recommendation #3 - DNS Abuse Reporting (Phase: 1,2; Bucket: community outreach)
      With an eye towards outreach, the small team recommends that the Council encourages continued discussion between Contracted Parties and DNS Abuse reporters/potential reporters with the goal of further fine-tuning and promoting existing tools and initiatives, and/or those under development, to further work towards easier, better and actionable reporting of DNS Abuse. Take into consideration additional pipelines that might be helpful.
    • Recommendation #4 - Action & Enforcement (Phase: 3,4; Bucket: community outreach, contract negotiation)
      The small team recommends that the Council reaches out to the RrSG and RySG to share the findings of the small team and requests feedback on how these potential gaps can be best addressed. In addition, this letter should request that Contracted Parties initiate work on the “Suggested Standards” document , in consultation with ICANN Compliance. Based on the feedback received to this letter, the Council will determine next steps, but at a minimum, the Council would expect to be kept up to date on any further work that would be undertaken by Contracted Parties in consultation with ICANN Compliance.
  • ALAC/At-Large comments: Must acknowledge that DNS Abuse landscape could and probably would evolve over time, so must ensure definition of "DNS Abuse" can still evolve.

Re: Operational Design Phase (ODP) Concept

  • Preliminary GNSO Council discussion appears to reveal an early general opinion that while the ODP has been useful in practice - specifically the SubPro ODP but less so with the SSAD ODP - but that much of the work undertaken during the ODP should be done much earlier, either during the policy development process (PDP), or very shortly after the PDP. This could potentially be achieved by having ICANN org's Global & Domain Strategy send a liaison to each PDPs or WGs to provide input, on a rolling basis, on feasibility, costs etc.
  • It is opined that the SSAD ODP presented more weaknesses and offered less consultation, than the SubPro ODP.

22(-10) GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #9 (AT ICANN 75, SEP 2022)        (go up to Directory)  

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GNSO Council Meeting #9 of 2022 held on 21 Sep 2022 


GNSO Council Meeting #9 of 2022 held on 21 Sep 2022

Full Agenda  |  Motions - None 

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda - None
  • Item 4: COUNCIL UPDATE - Update From Public Technical Identifiers
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team - Assignments #1 (Enforcement and Reporting) and #2 (Measurement of Accuracy) Write Up & Process for Finding a New Chair
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Proposed updates to the GNSO Operating Procedures - Working Group Self-Assessment & GNSO Statement of Interest Procedures
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - PDP Improvements Tracker - Review of Format
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Whois Disclosure System
  • Item 9: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update from the UASG

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 21 July 2022 were posted on 05 August 2022.

    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 25 August 2022 were posted on 07 September 2022.

  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team - Assignments #1 (Enforcement and Reporting) and #2 (Measurement of Accuracy) Write Up & Process for Finding a New Chair
    • The Scoping Team, initiated in July 2021, was tasked with considering a number of accuracy-related factors such as the current enforcement, reporting, measurement, and overall effectiveness of accuracy-related efforts. These considerations are expected to help inform its deliberations and the development of recommendations to Council on whether any changes are recommended to improve accuracy levels, and, if so, how and by whom these changes would need to be developed (for example, if changes to existing contractual requirements are recommended, a PDP or contractual negotiations may be necessary to effect a change). 
    • The Scoping Team has since completed Assignment #1 (enforcement and reporting) and Assignment #2 (measurement of accuracy) and submitted its write up to the Council on 5 September 2022 where the group is suggesting moving forward with 2 proposals that would not require access to registration data, namely a registrar survey and a possible registrar audit that may help further inform the team’s work on Assignment #3 (effectiveness) and Assignment #4 (impact & improvements), while it awaits the outcome of the outreach to the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) by ICANN org in relation to proposals that would require access to registration data.
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - PDP Improvements Tracker - Review of Format
    • During the ICANN73 wrap up, the Council discussed a number of parallel conversations that have emerged since implementing PDP 3.0, identifying other aspects of the PDP where improvements could be considered. In addition, there are a number of projects on the Council’s Action Decision Radar (ADR) related to PDP improvements which will need to be addressed at some point in the future.
    • Following a staff discussion paper, a draft of the PDP Improvements Tracker was reviewed during a series of Council meetings.
    • Thereafter, a survey is being done to obtain initial input from Council members as well as SG/C leadership that will help inform the substantive review of the proposed improvements and next steps.
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Whois Disclosure System
    • The proposed design of the Whois Disclosure System will have been published prior to ICANN75 and will be presented on Saturday of ICANN75, and the small team and Council will have had an initial discussion during the session immediately following the ICANN Org presentation in order to review the proposed design and consider next steps.
    • Council will seek to distill and discuss the conversations with ICANN org, the small team, GAC, and the Board and determine next steps.
    • 10.1 – Confirmation of approach for term limits for the GNSO liaison to the GAC

    • 10.2 – Update - Potential changes to the Standing Committee for ICANN Budget & Operations (SCBO) 

    • 10.3 – Farewell to outgoing Councilors (Flip Petillion, Juan Manuel Rojas, Maxim Alzoba, Olga Cavalli, Philippe Fouquart

Under Council Wrap-up on 22 Sep 2022

  • 3/Item 8. Whois Disclosure System - Discuss potential next steps, which will be dependent on small team discussion
  • 7/Item 6: GNSO Council Standing Committee on ICANN Budget & Operating Plan (SCBO) - potential evolution

  • 8/Item 7: PDP Improvements - Confirm next steps, to review all recommendations in detail during a dedicated call/ webinar


Records of 21 September 2022 Meeting at ICANN75

22(9) -09 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #8 (AUG 2022)       (go up to Directory)  

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GNSO Council Meeting #8 of 2022 held on 25 Aug 2022 


GNSO Council Meeting #8 of 2022 held on 25 Aug 2022

Full Agenda  |  Motions 

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda 
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Initiation of the GNSO Guidance Process on Applicant Support
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Council Commitments Document
  • Item 6. COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Preparation for Joint Meetings at ICANN75
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - PDP Improvements Tracker - Review of Format 
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Revised Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) Policy Status Report (PSR)

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 15 June 2022 were posted on 01 July 2022.

    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 21 July 2022 were posted on 05 August 2022.

  • Item 3: Consent Agenda 
    • Approval of the 2022 Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Slate, the full membership of which must be approved by the GNSO Council, in accordance with Section 17.2 (d) of the ICANN Bylaw and per the CSC Charter. The ALAC Liaison nominated for the term 2021-2023 is Holly Raiche.
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Initiation of the GNSO Guidance Process on Applicant Support
    • In the course of Council's consideration of the ICANN Org SubPro ODP Team's work in February 2022 - and although specifically about the topic of Applicant Support at that point - broader procedural concerns arose about whether the level of substantive work receommended by SubPro to be conducted by an IRT, would be beyond the commonly understood scope of the IRT.
    • Council agreed to explore finding avenues to complete that level of substantive work in advance of the expected IRT that would be convened upon ICANN Board adoption of the SubPro Outputs. The potential model to address this work is the GNSO Guidance Process. ICANN org staff worked with Jeff Neuman and Council leadership to prepare a draft GGP Initiation request, which was shared on Council list on 4 May 2022.
    • The potential GGP was discussed further during the Council’s June meeting, with general agreement it should be limited to the singular topic of Applicant Support. There was however discussion that additional topics should be able to be added to the existing GGP, at the discretion of the Council.
    • The updated GGP, with Applicant Support as the only topic, was shared with the Council on 13 July 2022
    • The vote was deferred and after additional discussion, the Council agreed that more time was needed to refine the Initiation Request, especially the membership structure; the overall sentiment seemed to be that membership structure needed to be reduced both in terms of complexity and number of members. A new version that seeks to address these concerns was circulated on 12 August 2022. In brief, this new version proposes:
      • A (smaller) Working Group employing a “Representative + Observers” model, to conduct and conclude its work, and oversight activities, in an efficient/effective manner while allowing for inclusive community participation. GNSO Council retains oversight, as with any GNSO WG.
      • Each AC/SG, ASO and ccNSO may appoint 1 Member to the WG, who are expected to represent the view of their appointing organization and may be called on to provide the official position of their appointing organization and will be responsible for participating in GGP consensus calls. Appointing organizations may replace their Member at their discretion.
      • Members must either possess a level of expertise in previous deliberations and/or knowledge that may have been lacking during those initial deliberations.
      • The WG has the flexibility/discretion to rely on Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in specific fields to aid in deliberations for certain tasks, but these SMEs will not be considered as Members of the WG.
      • The GNSO Liaison to the ODP may serve as an non-voting member of the WG to advise on issues discussed within the SubPro PDP.
    • Council will discuss and vote on this new proposed version of the GGP on Applicant Support, which to be carried requires a Voting threshold of an affirmative vote of more than one-third (1/3) of each House or more than two-thirds (2/3) of one House)
      • The resolved portion of the motion to be voted on reads, 

1. The GNSO Council approves the GNSO Guidance Process Initiation Request and initiates the GGP.
2. The GNSO Council directs staff to:

a. communicate the results of this motion to the GNSO SG/Cs as well as ICANN SO/ACs and invite them to identify Members for the Steering Group following the Steering Group composition described in the initiation request;
b. communicate the results of this motion to the ICANN Org GDS Team and invite them to identify at least one (1) staff liaison for the Steering Group; and
c. launch a call for expressions of interest seeking interested candidates to Chair the Steering Group.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To monitor initiation of the request for the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP), and to ensure role for ALAC/At-Large in resulting process.

    See TAB under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking. 

  • Item 6. COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Preparation for Joint Meetings at ICANN75
    • The GNSO Council is scheduled to meet with the ICANN Board, the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), and the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) during the course of ICANN75. Council is to review the topics proposed by each of these groups, as follows:
      • Board: “What collaborative actions should the Community, Board and Org be undertaking to further progress achieving our strategic priorities?”
      • ALAC: (1) The GNSO Council Small Team on DNS Abuse's work; and (2) The terms of reference for the proposed pilot Holistic Review, being a recommendation of the ATRT3.
      • GAC: (1) SSAD Light; (2) Subsequent Rounds of New gTLDs; (3) DNS Abuse; (4) Accuracy.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To confirm/amend proposed topics for joint meeting with ALAC.
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Revised Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) Policy Status Report (PSR)
    • Council had, in January 2021, approved the recommendations in the Phase 1 Final Report of the GNSO PDP on RPMs (which was limited to the review of the URS which is applicable only to new gTLDs).o
    • Subsequently and more recently, Council has discussed the need to review the RPMs charter in advance of launching Phase 2 of the PDP, which is focused on the UDRP. This led Council to request a Policy Status Report (PSR) to help inform next steps.
    • ICANN org’s Global Domains & Strategy (GDS) team has since completed the draft PSR and published it for public comment on 3 March 2022. The revised PSR (redline) was shared with the Council on 18 July. 
    • Council will be briefed by GDS on updates made based on public comments received.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To monitor and report to ALAC as needed.
    • 9.1 – Update on action items related to the Policy Status Report (PSR) for the Expired Domain Deletion Policy and the Expired Registration Recovery Policy
    • 9.3 – Closed Generics facilitated dialogue - Proposed approach for identifying the GNSO members


Records of 25 Aug 2022 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 25 Aug 2022 Meeting to ALT-PLUS

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Aug 2022 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Aug 2022 Meeting Records.

1. GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) on Applicant Support 

  • GNSO Council resolved unanimously to initiate the GGP using a "Representative + Observers" WG model. Each SG/C/AC will be invited to nominate their respective single representative. The GGP will start its work on the Applicant Support Program first, with the possibility of adding down the line, such topics which were identified in the SubPro Outputs as requiring further work.
  • The "Representative + Observers" WG model was selected because it allows participation from beyond GNSO's SG/C to include ACs (in particular, ALAC and GAC who have significant interest in the topic). The limitation of one representative per group is to keep the WG not only representative but sufficiently small to perform efficiently. 
  • An invitation will be issued to all SG/C/ACs soon to nominate their respective representatives who should meet given criteria.  A call for EOI to chair the WG will also be made separately.

2. Preparation for ALAC-GNSO Joint Meeting at ICANN75 

  • Two topics had been earlier proposed: (1) The works of the Council's Small Team on DNS Abuse; and (2) Pilot Holistic Review Terms of Reference.
  • I was subsequently requested to withdraw Topic (2) which I did and proposed that it be replaced with a brief open discussion on observations to the SubPro ODP/ODA.
  • GNSO Councilors seem to prefer that the new Topic 2 be generalized on the ODP concept as opposed to specifically on the SubPro ODP/ODA.

3. Closed Generics Dialogue between GAC-GNSO-ALAC

  • We were informed that this Dialogue will likely not commence during ICANN 75.

22(8)-08 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #7 (JUL 2022)       (go up to Directory)  

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GNSO Council Meeting #7 of 2022 held on 21 Jul 2022 


GNSO Council Meeting #7 of 2022 held on 21 Jul 2022

Full Agenda  |  Motions 

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Initiation of the GNSO Guidance Process on Applicant Support
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Policy Status Report for the Expired Domain Deletion Policy and the Expired Registration Recovery Policy - Next Steps
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - PDP Improvements Tracker - Review of Format 
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Council Commitments Document 

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 19 May 2022 were posted on 03 June 2022.

    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 15 June 2022 were posted on 01 July 2022

  • Item 3: Consent Agenda 
    • Confirmation of the Recommendations Report to the ICANN Board regarding adoption of recommendations 1-5 contained in the Final Report from the EPDP on Specific Curative Rights Protections for IGOs. 
      • The resolved portion of the motion to be voted on reads, "The GNSO Council approves the Recommendations Report and instructs the GNSO Secretariat to transmit the report to the ICANN Board and communicate the outcomes from the GNSO Council’s decisions as appropriate."
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Initiation of the GNSO Guidance Process on Applicant Support
    • In the course of Council's consideration of the ICANN Org SubPro ODP Team's work in February 2022 - and although specifically about the topic of Applicant Support at that point - broader procedural concerns arose about whether the level of substantive work receommended by SubPro to be conducted by an IRT, would be beyond the commonly understood scope of the IRT.
    • Council agreed to explore finding avenues to complete that level of substantive work in advance of the expected IRT that would be convened upon ICANN Board adoption of the SubPro Outputs. The potential model to address this work is the GNSO Guidance Process. ICANN org staff worked with Jeff Neuman and Council leadership to prepare a draft GGP Initiation request, which was shared on Council list on 4 May 2022.
    • The potential GGP was discussed further during the Council’s June meeting, with general agreement it should be limited to the singular topic of Applicant Support. There was however discussion that additional topics should be able to be added to the existing GGP, at the discretion of the Council.
    • The updated GGP, with Applicant Support as the only topic, was shared with the Council on 13 July 2022.
    • Council to discuss and vote on the initiation of the GNSO Guidance Process on Applicant Support, which to be carried requires a Voting threshold of an affirmative vote of more than one-third (1/3) of each House or more than two-thirds (2/3) of one House)
      • The resolved portion of the motion to be voted on reads, 

1. The GNSO Council approves the GNSO Guidance Process Initiation Request and initiates the GGP.
2. The GNSO Council directs staff to:

a. communicate the results of this motion to the GNSO SG/Cs as well as ICANN SO/ACs and invite them to identify Members for the Steering Group following the Steering Group composition described in the initiation request;
b. communicate the results of this motion to the ICANN Org GDS Team and invite them to identify at least one (1) staff liaison for the Steering Group; and
c. launch a call for expressions of interest seeking interested candidates to Chair the Steering Group.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To monitor initiation of the request for the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP), and to ensure role for ALAC/At-Large in resulting process.

    See TAB under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking. 

  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Policy Status Report for the Expired Domain Deletion Policy and the Expired Registration Recovery Policy - Next Steps
    • During the Council’s meeting in November 2020, it voted to approve a deferral for the request of a Policy Status Report (PSR) for the Expired Domain Deletion Policy (EDDP) and the Expired Registration Recovery Policy (ERRP). The EDDP defines a uniform delete practice that registrars must follow at the time of domain name expiry, as well as specific requirements for registrar handling of expired names that are subject to a UDRP dispute. The ERRP sets minimum renewal notification requirements for registrars before and after domain names expire, as well as certain requirements for renewal and restoration of expired domain names. In taking this action, the Council was careful to note that it recognized the importance of the PSR for these two expiration related Consensus Policies, but did not see the PSR as urgent at that time. After approximately 1.5 years, the potential PSR has again risen to the 0-1 month range of the Action Decision Radar.
    • Council must consider again whether a PSR is necessary and if it is timely to request a PSR from ICANN org’s Global Domains and Strategy (GDS) function. Council could consider interim steps prior to determining whether a full PSR is needed, such as reviewing ICANN Compliance data and/or requesting an update on expiration related complaints from ICANN Compliance, to help determine if there are known issues with either of the two policies.
    • Council to discuss appropriate next steps for the potential PSR for the EDDP and ERRP.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To review for direct relevant to end-user (registrants), and to inform if need arises for a role for ALAC/At-Large in any resulting process. 

  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - PDP Improvements Tracker - Review of Format
    • During the ICANN73 wrap up, the Council discussed a number of parallel conversations that have emerged since implementing PDP 3.0, identifying other aspects of the PDP where improvements could be considered. Council discussed the discussion paper and agreed that to better understand the concept, it would be helpful to have an example of what the tracker may look like. A draft of the PDP Improvements Tracker was prepared and discussed during the Council’s June meeting. While substantive review of the items in the tracker will take place in the near future, this agenda item is to help ensure that the format of the tracker meets the needs of the Council; a series of six questions are included in the PDP Improvements Tracker for consideration by the Council, to help make that determination.
    • Council will continue its review of the proposed format of the GNSO PDP Improvements tracker

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To review for direct relevant to At-Large, and to inform if need arises for a role for ALAC/At-Large in any resulting process. Answer: No. 
    • 8.1 Last call for input on the Council’s response to SubPro Question Set #4

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  Participated in the Council Small Team on SubPro Questions Set #4

See TAB under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking.

    • 8.2 – ICANN75 Planning

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To establish if there is a need for an ALAC-GNSO Bilateral Meeting at ICANN75 


Records of 21 Jul 2022 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 21 Jul 2022 Meeting to ALT-PLUS

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Jul 2022 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Jul 2022 Meeting Records.

1. GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) on Applicant Support 

  • Council discussed the draft GGP Initiation Request to establish a GGP to start with Applicant Support using a Steering Committee (of a representative+observer model) with ultimate oversight by Council, given that it received a proposed amendment to the said GPP from Kurt Pritz (RySG), primarily regarding the composition of the Steering Committee.
  • Discussion revealed some support for a smaller Steering Committee (or Small Team) which does not require strict representation from GNSO SGs/Cs but may also invite participation from beyond GNSO (ALAC and GAC who have significant interest in the topic) and still call upon any required expertise referred to in the SubPro Outputs. 
  • Council deferred voting on the submitted motion to its Aug meeting to allow opportunity to rework the GPP Initiation Request to take into account points from the discussion.

2. Policy Status Report for the Expired Domain Deletion Policy and the Expired Registration Recovery Policy 

  • Council agree to pursue a light approach to a request for the Policy Status Report (PSR) for the Expired Domain Deletion Policy (EDDP) and the Expired Registration Recovery Policy (ERRP), by first requesting for ICANN Compliance data and/or requesting an update on expiration related complaints from ICANN Compliance, and feedback from the RrSG on the EDDP and ERRP, to help determine if there are known issues with either of the two policies.
  • These 2 policies affect registrants, so, further understanding is needed on whether At-Large's involvement is needed and if so, in what form.

3. SubPro ODP

22(7) -07 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #6 (AT ICANN 74, JUN 2022)        (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Meeting #6 of 2022 held on 15 and 16 Jun 2022 during ICANN 74 


GNSO Council Meeting #6 of 2022 held on 15 and 16 Jun 2022 during ICANN 74 

Full Agenda  |  Motions  

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda - None
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Final Report and Recommendations From the EPDP on Specific Curative Rights Protections for IGOs 
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Impact of SSAD Light on Other Work
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro ODP Update 
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Closed Generics Small Team
  • Item 9: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - GNSO PDP Improvements - Tracking and Coordination Discussion Paper
  • Item 10: Any other business

Under Council Wrap-up

  • Item 1: Council commitments document
  • Item 2/9: Next steps on GNSO PDP Improvements Tracker
  • Item 3: Thomas Rickart’s AOB Item - implementation preview during the PDP WG work (prior to the  consensus call)
  • Item 4: GAC Communique - GNSO response
  • Item 5: Impressions from the hybrid ICANN74 meeting
  • Item 6: AOB

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 14 April 2022 were posted on 29 April 2022.
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 19 May 2022 were posted on 03 June 2022.
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Final Report and Recommendations From the EPDP on Specific Curative Rights Protections for IGOs 
    • Council to vote on a motion to approve the recommendations in the Final Report
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Impact of SSAD Light on Other Work
    • Council will discuss next steps for the SSAD Light Design Concept post receiving additional information from ICANN Org that indicates that the impact to the SubPro ODP,  ZDS 3.0 and the EBERO Program and DEA improvements projects/initiatives would not be equal. Specifically, CZDS 3.0 and the EBERO Program and DEA improvements would be paused while the SubPro ODP would be delayed but not paused. Further information is expected to better understand the impact, including whether the delays would mean missing key milestones.

Action by ALAC Liaison

    •  To review in due course an initiation of the request for the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP), and to ensure role for ALAC/At-Large in resulting process.

    See TAB under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking. 

  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro ODP Update
    • Council will receive an update from the liaison and discuss Question Set #4
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Closed Generics Small Team
    • By way of background,
      • On 6 March 2022, the ICANN Board sent a letter to both the GNSO and the GAC, inviting them to “explore a mutually agreeable way forward, for which the Board could facilitate a dialogue to formulate a workable framework to identify and handle closed generic applications for the immediate next round of new gTLDs.” Shortly thereafter, and as requested by the Board, ICANN org prepared a draft Framing Paper to support the potential collaboration between the GNSO and the GAC. 
      • The Council established a small team to consider both the letter and framework, to determine next steps. To support this work, Council leadership and staff developed an assignment form, which helps make clear the narrow ask of the small team (i.e., whether the GNSO Council is open to working with the GAC to seek to develop a framework on closed generics). 
      • On 27 April 2022, the Council responded to the Board affirmatively, that it is willing to pursue next steps. Subsequently, the Council tasked the small team with preparing for the next step, of mutually agreeing with the GAC on the parameters, processes, and procedures for the facilitated dialogue. 
      • On 19 May 2022, Council received a reply from the Board, inter alia encouraging GAC and Council to confer on the question of ALAC's participation in the consultative process.
      • The small team has provided its recommendations to the Council on 11 June 2022.
    • Council will discuss the recommendations of the small team

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  To monitor developments and to ensure role for ALAC/At-Large in resulting process.

    See TAB under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking. 

  • Item 9: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - GNSO PDP Improvements - Tracking and Coordination Discussion Paper
    • Council had discussed the discussion paper and agreed that to better understand the concept, it would be helpful to have an example of what the tracker may look like. Council will receive a preview of the potential GNSO PDP Improvements tracker.


Records of 15 and 16 June 2022 Meetings at ICANN72

15 June 202216 June 2022 (Council Wrap-up)
  • Audio Recording
  • Zoom Recording
  • Transcript
  • Minutes 


Special Summary Report of 15 Jun 2022 Meeting to ALT-PLUS

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Jun 2022 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Jun 2022 Meeting Records.

1. EPDP on Specific Curative Rights Protection for IGOs Final Report

  • Council resolved unanimously to approve all 5 recommendations in the Final Report.

2. SubPro ODP

  • Council to set up a drafting team to assist the GNSO Council’s liaison to the ODP with preparing answers to the ICANN org SubPro ODP Team's question set #4 and SubPro Topic Assumptions. Paul McGrady and Justine Chew have volunteered for the drafting team. 

3. GNSO Guidance Process for Subsequent Procedures (SubPro GGP)

  • Council will proceed with a motion in its Jul meeting to establish a GGP to work just on Applicant Support through a Steering Committee (of a representative+observer model) with ultimate oversight by Council. The scope for this GGP on Applicant Support will reflect what is currently set  out in the draft SubPro GGP Initiation Request.

4. GNSO-GAC Dialogue on Closed Generics

  • Council has agreed to relay its recommendations to the Board and GAC as the next step leading to the start of the GAC-GNSO Dialogue, with ALAC participation as a third party, through 1 ALAC-selected member (+ 1 alternate).

22(6)-06 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #5 OF 2022 (MAY 2022)        (go up to Directory)

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GNSO Council Meeting #5 of 2022 held on 19 May 2022 


GNSO Council Meeting #5 of 2022 held on 19 May 2022 

Full Agenda  |  Motions  

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda - None
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Adoption of the Revised Charter for the Standing Selection Committee 
  • Item 5: COUNCIL VOTE - Final Report and Recommendations From the EPDP on Specific Curative Rights Protections for IGOs 
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - GNSO PDP Improvements - Tracking and Coordination Discussion Paper
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Impact of SSAD Light on Other Work
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro ODP Update 
  • Item 10: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team Update
  • Item 11: Any other business
    • 11.2 SOAC Chairs Roundtable Update
    • 11.3 ICANN74 Planning

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 09 March 2022 were posted on 24 March 2022.

    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 14 April 2022 were posted on 29 April 2022.

  • Item 5: COUNCIL VOTE - Final Report and Recommendations From the EPDP on Specific Curative Rights Protections for IGOs 
    • Council will consider and vote on the motion (put by GNSO Council liaison to the EPDP, John McElwaine) to adopt the EPDP Team’s Final Report of 4 April 2022.
    • Council voting threshold: Supermajority (per GNSO Operating Procedures)
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - GNSO PDP Improvements - Tracking and Coordination Discussion Paper
    • Council will discuss a staff support team-developed discussion paper aimed at improving PDP tracking and coordination, which;
      • provides an overview of the different initiatives and projects,
      • suggests a possible approach for managing these different initiatives by focusing on 1) which elements could be implemented with relatively minimal effort, 2) which elements could be implemented with some effort, 3) which elements need careful planning and consideration before these can be implemented.
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Impact of SSAD Light on Other Work
    • Council had met with the ICANN Board on 8 March during ICANN73, just prior to the March Council meeting and discussed the ODA and the efforts of the Council small team set up to review the ODA in detail.
    • The small team delivered its preliminary report to Council on 4 April 2022.
    • As part of the small team’s consultations with ICANN org, the org provided an SSAD Light Design Concept overview, guided by the proof of concept contained in the preliminary report. The paper anticipates a six week effort to produce the SSAD Light Design Concept paper. Notably, the resources needed to produce that document are responsible for other areas of work and developing the document will delay the timelines for each of the following projects/initiatives by 1.5 months:

      • SubPro ODP
      • CZDS 3.0
      • EBERO Program and DEA improvements
    • While ICANN org resources are directed by the ICANN Board, Council may want to provide input to the Board if there are concerns about the impact to these projects.
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro ODP Update
    • The ICANN org SubPro ODP team had shared question set #2 with Council’s liaison to the ODP on 11 February 2022,  While question set #2 was specifically about the topic of Applicant Support, it introduced broader procedural concerns, about whether the level of substantive work recommended by SubPro to be conducted by an IRT, would be beyond the commonly understood scope of the IRT.
    • Council agreed that it should explore finding avenues to complete that level of substantive work in advance of the expected IRT that would be convened upon ICANN Board adoption of the SubPro Outputs. The potential model to address this work is the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP).
    • Council will discuss the draft GGP Initiation Request and discuss next steps.

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  To review in due course an initiation of the request for the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP), and to ensure role for ALAC/At-Large in resulting process.

    See TAB under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking. 

  • Item 10: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team Update
    • Council will receive an update on the progress of the Scoping Team.
    • Scoping Team Chair - Michael Palage has submitted a Project Change Request (PCR) for Council's consideration; the PCR seeks to extend the timeline of the Scoping Team's work in order to deliver the write up for assignments #1 and #2 at the latest shortly after ICANN74. The write up for assignments #1 and #2 may include recommendations for further work to be undertaken to gather data to help inform the group’s deliberations on assignments #3 and #4. This work is expected to focus on data gathering that does not involve access to registration data as further clarity on that aspect is being pursued separately. If the Council supports these recommendations, this work could continue.
  • Item 11: Any other business
    • 11.2 SOAC Chairs Roundtable Update
    • 11.3 ICANN74 Planning


Records of 19 May 2022 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 19 May 2022 Meeting to ALT-PLUS

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. For some of the issues, you can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council May 2022 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council May 2022 Meeting Records.

1. EPDP on Specific Curative Rights Protection for IGOs Final Report

  • Council was meant to consider and vote on a motion to approve the recommendations in the Final Report but eventually resolved to defer the vote to Council's June 2022 meeting to allow the RrSG time for further consideration prior to the vote.

NB. Yrjo Lansipuro and I had presented on the substance of the Final Report to CPWG on 23 Mar, and Yrjo has provided updates re its consensus designation thereafter.

2. Impact of SSAD Light on other work

  • Council noted that ICANN org resources were likely being directed by the ICANN Board towards designing SSAD Light, and considered concerns on the impact of this on other ongoing work, including the Subsequent Procedures Operational Design Phase. 
  • Council discussed the concerns but did not arrive at a clear conclusion; Council opined that the Board would not do anything until ICANN 74 at the earliest. 

3. SubPro ODP

  • The ICANN org SubPro ODP team had shared question set #4 and SubPro Topic Assumptions with Council’s liaison to the ODP who notified Council of the same on 19 May 2022 just before Councils' meet. So, Council is to consider this further through its usual process.

4. GNSO Guidance Process for Subsequent Procedures (SubPro GGP)

  • GNSO support staff had prepared a draft SubPro GPP Initiation Request for Council's consideration. If approved, it would be the first GPP ever. Key points to note for the proposed GGP:
    • A GGP does not require a separate charter. Things like scope, working mechanism, and method of operation should all be contained in the initiation request.
    • The draft contains a concept of Group 1 versus Group 2 topics. Group 1 is where the SubPro Final Report specifically called out substantive work that it envisioned would be completed during the Implementation Review Team phase. Group 2 will be topics that are identified by the ODP Team, where they are able to determine that additional guidance is needed to support the presumed eventual implementation. The specifics for Group 2 are currently to be determined, as we await input from the ODP Team.
    • Relevant Outputs from the SubPro Final Report are reproduced, with Tasks identified or TBD. These tasks are envisioned as the specific scope of work for the GGP. Per the previous bullet, the tasks for Group 2 are still TBD.
    • The suggested working model for this group is proposed as a representative steering group, which can do the work itself, but it can also delegate the work to sub-teams where it is evident that the work is best performed by those with specific expertise in a certain field.
  • Council did not come to a decision on the draft initiation request.

5. Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team

  • Michael Palage, Chair of this Scoping Team reported that it was informed that the Board had requested ICANN org to submit a list of questions to the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) to gain some insight on 4 different scenarios and for org to do a data privacy impact assessment in connection with one of those scenarios. This was to to better prepare ICANN for onward engagement with the EDPB. All stakeholders in the Scoping Team were to consult their groups on the scenario(s).
  • Michael had also submitted a Project Change Request (PCR) for Council's consideration; the PCR sought to:
    • extend the timeline of the Scoping Team's work in order to deliver the write up for assignments #1 and #2 at the latest shortly after ICANN74. The write up for assignments #1 and #2 may include recommendations for further work to be undertaken to gather data to help inform the group’s deliberations on assignments #3 and #4. This work is expected to focus on data gathering that does not involve access to registration data as further clarity on that aspect is being pursued separately.
  • No objection was raised to the PCR.

6. ICANN74 planning

  • There will not be an ALAC-GNSO Council bilateral session at ICANN74; due to brevity in length of ICANN74 and associated challenges of insufficient resources (suitable time, room and staff support). Instead, a meeting to progress any intersessional work between the 2 groups may be called if needed.

22(5) -05 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #4 OF 2022 (APR 2022)         (go up to Directory) 


22(4)-04 ALAC-GNSO COUNCIL BILATERAL MEETING AT ICANN 73 (MAR 2022)        (go up to Directory) 

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ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Session during ICANN73 on 9 Mar 2022


ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Session during ICANN73 on 9 Mar 2022

The ALAC and the GNSO resumes the practice of having a bilateral session during ICANN meetings and which now involves the full GNSO Council.  At ICANN73, the conversation will commence on four pre-identified topics and which are expected to progress into intersessional exchanges and/or bilateral session at future ICANN meetings.



  1. Introduction and housekeeping - Staff (2 min)
  2. Welcome - Maureen Hilyard, Philippe Fouquart (1 min) 
  3. Overview of session - Justine Chew (2 min)
  4. Conversation Topics
    1. System for Standardized Access/Disclosure Operational Design Assessment (SSAD ODA) (5 min intervention by Sebastien Ducos)
    2. Subsequent Procedures Operational Design Phase (SubPro ODP) (10 min intervention by Jeff Neuman)
    3. DNS Abuse Mitigation (5 min intervention by Mark Datysgeld & Paul McGrady)
    4. Priorities for 2022 
      1. GNSO priorities - Philippe Fouquart, Sebastien Ducos & Tomslin Samme-Nlar (10 min intervention)
      2. ALAC/At-Large approach to member/volunteer engagement and expectations - Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Alan Greenberg & Roberto Gaetano (10 min intervention)
  5. Discussion (15 min)
  6. Closing remarks - Justine Chew 

For notes on highlighted items click on SUMMARY tab above


Records of Bilateral Session at ICANN73 on 9 Mar 2022


ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Session during ICANN73 on 9 Mar 2022

  • Topic 1 (4a): System for Standardized Access/Disclosure Operational Design Assessment (SSAD ODA) 
    • ALAC: How does Council intend to proceed with its recommendations on the SSAD given the concerns raised by the ICANN Board, which also reflect concerns contained in the ALAC's Statement of 24 Aug 2020?
    • GNSO Council SSAD ODA Small Team:
      • Noted that community has raised that the SSAD ODA does not provide all the answers in considering SSAD recommendations for implementation.
      • SSAD is a big project, there are questions on the financial sustainability, usage, etc. Possibility of a pilot in order to test a few hypotheses.
      • Still early days for GNSO and small team to review. Small team will go back to the GNSO Council and then to the Board. 
  • Topic 2 (4b): Subsequent Procedures Operational Design Phase (SubPro ODP)
    • ALAC: Could Council provide an update on the SubPro ODP process, including questions being discussed with the ICANN Org SubPro ODP Team? What is Council doing within the ODP process to address known issues for the next round?
    • GNSO Council Liaison to SubPro ODP: 
      • ICANN Org is responsible for implementation of SubPro Outputs (i.e. affirmations, recommendations, implementation guidance). ICANN Org SubPro ODP team is led by the Global Domains and Strategy department.
      • Noted that two sets of questions have been received from SubPro ODP team
      • GNSO submitted answers to the first set and are working through the second set. GNSO Council discussed set #2 questions over two meetings: recognition that there is much work to be done still regardless of whether the work is classified as policy or implementation. GNSO Council is exploring if some of the work can be done now. 
  • Topic 3 (4c): DNS Abuse Mitigation
    • ALAC: Has Council arrived at any next steps regarding DNS Abuse? How would Council take on board inputs/efforts from other parts of the ICANN Community on such next steps? Would Council be able to share an indication of its plan and timeline for such next steps?
    • GNSO Council DNS Abuse Small Team: 
      • GNSO council has sent outreach forms to the community (including ALAC). with responses expected by end of March.
      • No agreement reached yet on definition(s) of DNS Abuse; looking for community input to arrive at aspects that can be addressed by policy/policy development so that a more complete policy action can be scoped towards something attainable.
      • Will regroup at the end of March, they will have a meeting. 
  • Topic 4 (4d): Priorities for 2022
    • i. GNSO: SSAD, SubPro, DNS Abuse, IDNs, IGO, and Scoping Team on Data Accuracy
    • ii. ALAC: Member Engagement - implementation of recommendations from (a) the ALS Mobilization Working Party Final Report, and (b) the Unaffiliated Individual Members Mobilization Working Party Final Report

22(3)-03 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #3 OF 2022 (AT ICANN 73, MAR 2022)        (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Meeting #3 of 2022 held on 9 Mar 2022 during ICANN73


GNSO Council Meeting #3 of 2022 held on 9 Mar 2022 during ICANN73, over 2 parts, and including a Council Wrap-up Session on 10 Mar 2022

Full Agenda  |  Motions  |  Council Wrap-up Agenda  

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Nominating Committee Outreach Subcommittee Outreach
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Small Team Reviewing the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Assessment / Debrief From Meeting With the ICANN Board
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the SubPro ODP / Debrief From Meeting With the ICANN Board
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - DNS Abuse Small Team
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Dialogue With ICANN’s Global Domains and Strategy (GDS) Department
  • Item 9: Any other business
    • Question - "How does ICANN ensure the openness (including accessibility) of the Internet in conflict situations and how does ICANN manage the impact on the security and stability of the Internet?"

Council Wrap-up

  • Item 1: Welcome
  • Item 2 / 8: PDP 3.1/PDP 4.0: improving engagement with the Board; improving engagement with GDS; modifying Consensus Policies - pulling the threads together
  • Item 3: Additional SubPro Work
  • Item 4 / 9: Continuation - Question - "How does ICANN ensure the openness (including accessibility) of the Internet in conflict situations and how does ICANN manage the impact on the security and stability of the Internet?"
  • Item 5: UDRP Policy Status Report – is Council public comment needed?
  • Item 6: AOB

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 20 January 2022 were posted on 03 February 2022.

    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 17 February 2022 were posted on 07 March 2022.

  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • Reappointment of Becky Burr to seat 13 on the ICANN Board. The CPH has reappointed Becky Burr for Seat 13 on the ICANN Board of Directors. This agenda item is intended to acknowledge the selection and confirm that the notification process as outlined in Section 7.25 of the ICANN Bylaws will be completed subsequently.
    • Motion to extend the GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Pilot Project by adding implementation of specific WS2 items.
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Small Team Reviewing the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Assessment / Debrief From Meeting With the ICANN Board
    • Council will receive an update on the status of the small team set up to review the ODA in detail, focusing on:
      • Whether the ODA has correctly interpreted the intent of the SSAD recommendations in the proposed implementation;
      • Whether the ODA has overlooked any key aspects of the SSAD recommendations that should be factored in by the ICANN Board when it considers the recommendations;
      • Its view on the concerns identified by the ICANN Board and potential options that could be considered, either in the form of changes to the proposed implementation or the policy recommendations themselves, to address these concerns(note, these are expected to be high level suggestions at this stage);
      • Any other aspects that help inform the Council’s deliberations and consultation with the ICANN Board.
    • Council will also hold a debrief from the 08 March meeting with the ICANN Board.
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the SubPro ODP / Debrief From Meeting With the ICANN Board
    • Council will receive an update from the liaison, as well as hold a debrief from the meeting with the ICANN Board
      • Potential GNSO-GAC dialogue on way forward for Closed Generics suggested to be kept separate to Additional SubPro Work.
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - DNS Abuse Small Team
    • Council will receive an update from the small team on its efforts
      • Outreach has been made first to ALAC, GAC, SSAC and DNS Abuse Institute to obtain input on what DNS abuse issues are best mitigated via policy development specifically, if any, as a mechanism to help determine the Council’s next steps on DNS abuse.

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  To ensure ALAC is notified of outreach by Council / DNS Abuse Small Team.

    See TAB under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking. 

  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Dialogue With ICANN’s Global Domains and Strategy (GDS) Department
    • Council will receive a high-level update on GNSO-related work being performed by GDS, as well as look ahead to work on the horizon, including the impact on resources. The dialogue is also expected to include discussion on how the shared portfolio of work can be executed more effectively and efficiently.

Under Council Wrap-up

  • Item 2 / 8: PDP 3.1/PDP 4.0: improving engagement with the Board; improving engagement with GDS; modifying Consensus Policies - pulling the threads together

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  To review in due course draft discussion paper prepared by staff to highlight specific areas, and assess for impact to ALAC/At-Large (if any) 

    See TAB under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking. 

  • Item 3: Additional SubPro Work

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  To review in due course an initiation of the request for the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP), and to ensure role for ALAC/At-Large in resulting process.

    See TAB under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking. 


Records of 9 and 10 Mar 2022 Meetings at ICANN73

22(2) -02 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #2 OF 2022 (FEB 2022)       (go up to Directory) 

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GNSO Council Meeting #2 of 2022 held on 17 Feb 2022


GNSO Council Meeting #2 of 2022 held on 17 Feb 2022

Full Agenda  |  Motions  

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Pilot 
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on GNSO Council Implementation of Workstream 2 (WS2)
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - ICANN73 Planning
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Next Steps for Strategic Planning Session Action Items

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 16 December 2021 were posted on 03 January 2022.
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 20 January 2022 were posted on 03 February 2022.
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement (CCOICI) Pilot 
    • Council will receive an update on the CCOICI and consider any potential next steps Slide deck
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on GNSO Council Implementation of Workstream 2 (WS2)
    • Council will receive and discuss an update on the GNSO Council’s Implementation of WS2 by ICANN org staff Slide deck
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - ICANN73 Planning
    • With ICANN73 approaching, the GNSO Council will discuss its upcoming meetings, which includes a public Council meeting, a wrap-up meeting, and several bilateral meetings. The Council will first receive a brief update from GNSO Support staff, then proceed to prepare for its discussions with the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), the ICANN Board, and the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC).
      • GAC - Anticipated topics are likely to include the Operational Design Phase (ODP) for the System for Systemized Access/Disclosure (SSAD, DNS abuse, and the ODP for New gTLD Subsequent Procedures (SubPro).
      • ICANN Board - The GNSO Council will have suggested topic(s) by 17 February, The Board has suggested the following topics:
        • What are your key priorities for ICANN work in 2022, how do these priorities help achieve ICANN’s common objectives as expressed in the FY 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, and how do you see Community, Board and org moving forward together on a way to achieve these?
        • If any, what suggestions would you have to enhance ICANN’s effectiveness and efficiency with regards to the process of implementation after adoption of a PDP or Review recommendations?
      • ALAC - Anticipated topics are the ODP on the SSAD, ODP on SubPro, DNS abuse, and modifying consensus policy. Full list of topics submitted by ALAC
    • 8.1 – EPDP Phase 2 small team update
    • 8.2 – DNS abuse small team update
    • 8.3 – SubPro ODP Update 14 Feb update. (SubPro ODP Timeline
    • 8.4 - GNSO Chair 2022 Election Timeline
    • 8.5 - GNSO council Representative WS2 Community Coordination Group - Olga Cavalli


Records of 17 Feb 2022 Meeting


Special Summary Report of 17 Feb 2022 Meeting to ALT-PLUS

For brevity, I will just highlight a few things here. You can glean a wider perspective from GNSO Council Feb 2022 Matters of Interest and/or from GNSO Council Feb 2022 Meeting Records

ALAC-GNSO Counciil Bilateral at ICANN73

  • The final list and text that were submitted for consideration by Council are found here, namely:
    • (1) SSAD ODA; 
    • (2) SubPro ODP; 
    • (3) DNS Abuse Mitigation; and 
    • (4) GNSO Priorities - Work Stream 2, impact of GDS Paper on Modifying gTLD Consensus Policies
  • While Council Members did not specifically react to our submission, Council Chair noted that there is significant overlap between the issues raised by the ALAC and the GAC - i.e. SSAD ODA, DNS Abuse next steps, and SubPro ODP, and invited councilors to provide comments post meeting for the separate Prep calls with the ALAC, GAC (and the Board), respectively.


  • GNSO Council small team has had 2 calls, with limited progress to report (Council small team lead is Sebastien Ducos)
  • So far have focused on the remit of the small team - answering Board's letter to Council vs. in-depth analysis of the SSAD ODA vs. possible outcomes
  • Small team resolved to come up with a list of clarifying questions for ICANN org by next week

(2) SubPro ODP

  • Latest update by GNSO Liaison Jeff Neuman is available: 14 Feb update. (SubPro ODP Timeline
  • To note especially is ICANN SubPro ODP Team's questions regarding SubPro recommendations on a dedicated IRT for Applicant Support 
    • Context: Apart from the more general IRT for SubPro following (any) Board approval of the SubPro Outputs (which in turn is now only expected after the SubPro ODP is concluded), SubPro PDP WG had recommended for a dedicated IRT for Applicant Support with requisite skill sets relating to program grant-type work 
    • While ICANN SubPro ODP Team doesn't have an issue with such a dedicated IRT, it appears that such a dedicated IRT is being tasked with non-regular implementation work which likely involves or encroaches into policy-making, so, in effect empowering this dedicated IRT with policy-development functions normally held exclusively by GNSO
    • Jeff suggests that if Council believes there is policy development is involved then it may be useful for Council to initiate work by community in this area specifically without waiting for Board's decision on the SubPro Output as a whole and overcoming the delay of starting work which needs to happen anyway  
    • It is for Council to determine whether it makes sense to convene a special community group to include GAC and ALAC (but not a PDP) to do the required work
  • There will be a SubPro ODP Team update during ICANN73 to present updated assumptions based on work done so far

(3) DNS Abuse Next Steps

  • GNSO Council small team had initial call last week (Council small team co-leads are Mark Datysgeld and Paul McGrady)
  • Small team resolved to recommend outreach by Council to groups most interested in topic i.e. ALAC, GAC, SSAC, DNS Abuse Institute to ask for help in defining what they think are the problems that need to be solved, in particular to identify issues which could be solved by policy development, and to bring those back to Council

So, ALAC can expect to receive a request/letter from Council on this in due course and we might want to set up our own ALAC/CPWG small team to develop a response

(4) GNSO Priorities

22(1) -01 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #1 OF 2022 (JAN 2022)       (go up to Directory)


October 2021 - December 2021 Reports


21(3) -03 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #12 OF 2021 (DEC 2021)       (go up to Directory)

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GNSO Council Meeting #12 of 2021 held on 16 Dec 2021


GNSO Council Meeting #12 of 2021 held on 16 Dec 2021

Full Agenda  |  Motions  

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda 
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Phase and Next Steps
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the SubPro ODP
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - GNSO Council ODP Input Review Process
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - ICANN73 Planning and Evolving Council Planning for ICANN Meetings
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on Council Consideration of the ICANN Board’s Letter Regarding the IDN Implementation Guidelines v4.0

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meetings part I and part II on 27 October 2021 were posted on 12 November 2021.
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 18 November 2021 were posted on 03 December 2021.

  • Item 3: Consent Agenda 
    • 3.1 - Motion to confirm Transfer Policy Review PDP (TPR_P1) Project Change Request
    • 3.4 - Confirmation of the Recommendations Report to the ICANN Board regarding adoption of recommendations 1-4 contained in the Final Report from the EPDP Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data – Phase 2A

Removed from Consent Agenda and added to Main Agenda instead

  • 3.2 - Motion to confirm Specific Curative Rights Protections for Intergovernmental Organizations EPDP (EPDP_SCRP_IGO) Project Change Request  
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Phase and Next Steps
    • Council will discuss the proposed approach and schedule and seek to ensure that the upcoming conversations around the SSAD ODP are constructive and effective.
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the SubPro ODP
    • Council will receive and discuss an update on SubPro ODP

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  To monitor for developments. See TAB under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking. 
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - GNSO Council ODP Input Review Process

No further action needed

  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - ICANN73 Planning and Evolving Council Planning for ICANN Meetings

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  To draw ALAC's attention to Council's interest in (re-)initiating a joint GNSO Council meeting with ALAC at ICANN73 and likely, future ICANN meetings. 
  •  To liaise with ALAC Leadership and Council Leadership on format and topics for such joint meeting(s).
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on Council Consideration of the ICANN Board’s Letter Regarding the IDN Implementation Guidelines v4.0
    • Council agreed that the RySG would consider and recommend the best manner to proceed and respond to the letter from the ICANN Board.
    • Council will receive an update from RySG Councilors. Presentation.

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  To review Council's response to the ICANN Board when draft becomes available, for implications to IDNs.
    • 9.3 - Update on the Consideration of the ICANN Board’s Letter on EPDP Phase 1, Rec. 12 
      • Council small team was established to consider the ICANN Board’s letter regarding EPDP Phase, Rec. 12 and have prepared clarifications/questions to be submitted to Becky Burr ahead of a clarification call.

No further action needed


Records of 16 Dec 2021 Meeting

21(2) -02 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #11 OF 2021 (NOV 2021)        (go up to Directory)

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GNSO Council Meeting #11 of 2021 held on 18 Nov 2021


GNSO Council Meeting #11 of 2021 held on 18 Nov 2021

Full Agenda  |  Motions  

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda 
  • Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Revised GNSO Councilor Job Description for the Nominating Committee (Motion Withdrawn)
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update From the Universal Acceptance Steering Group
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - GNSO Council Strategic Planning Session
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Thought Exercise Paper Modifying Consensus Policy

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 23 September 2021 were posted on 09 October 2021.
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda 
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update From the Universal Acceptance Steering Group
    • Dr. Ajay Data, Chair of the UASG, will provide an update on the progress of the UASG and explore the role the GNSO might play in enhancing universal acceptance.

No further action needed – GNSO Council was asked to consider Dr Data's request for a liaison to the Universal Acceptance Steering Group.

  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - GNSO Council Strategic Planning Session
    • Council to discuss highlights from its (recently) concluded Strategic Planning Sessions (SPS).

No further action needed

  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Thought Exercise Paper Modifying Consensus Policy
    • On 25 October 2021, Philippe Fouquart shared a thought paper drafted by the ICANN org, which has been developed “considering what procedures are in place for modifying consensus policies, and where there may be gaps, ambiguities, or opportunities for additional collaboration.” The Council has since convened a small team, which will also seek volunteers from all SG/Cs, as the topic is of importance beyond just the Council. As this team is being convened, it is perhaps nevertheless helpful to seek impressions from Councilors that could feed into the small team’s deliberations.
    • Council to receive ICANN Org presentation on the paper and to discuss the same.

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  See TAB under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking. 
    • 8.1 Update on the approach for the response to the ICANN Board’s letter regarding the IDN Implementation Guidelines v4.0.
    • 8.2 Acknowledgement of the Registration Data Accuracy - Scoping Team (RDA_ST) Project Plan
    • 8.3 Report on the SubPro ODP - circulated on 16 November 2021 
    • 8.4 Report on the SSAD ODP - circulated on 17 November 2021

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  Item 8.1 - Monitor for developments. Is issue carried forward to Council's Dec 2021 Meeting? Yes.
  •  Items 8.3 and 8.4 - TABS created under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking.


Records of 18 Nov 2021 Meeting

21(1)-01 GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #10 OF 2021 (AT ICANN 72, OCT 2021)       (go up to Directory)
