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  1. Roll call - Staff (2 mins)

  2. Introduction to the call and review of Action Items - Holly Raiche (3 mins)

  3. NomCom2 Review - Comments Due 29 May – Holly and Ricardo

      1. See the Bylaws Amendments and Documents to Implement the NomCom2 Review 

      2. See google doc with Draft ALAC Statement - heading=h.wbnopk4oizeh

      3. Nomcom Committee (NomCom) Rebalancing – Letter to ALAC chair – Judith Hellerstein and Yrjo Lansipuro

      4. RALOs efforts Nomcom Rebalancing – staff 

        1. AFRALO Chair
        2. APRALO Chair
        3. EURALO Chair
        4. LACRALO Chair
        5. NARALO Chair
  4. PTI Governance issue and amendments to the base gTLD RA and RAA – Holly

  5. Follow up on Operating Plans and Budgets - FY24-28 Operating, and Financial Plans

    1. ICANN Finance and Planning Community Group Workspace

  6. AOB  
