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  •  FY24 Planning Process
    •  Planning suggested that the Community start their review of the FY24 Planning process with the Highlights doc, then the FY24-FY28 Op Plan and Budget and FY24 Operating Document and the Draft FY24 Budget
    •  The Op Plan includes 1) Functional activities - meant to implement ICANN's missions and mandates, and 2) Operating Initiatives - represent major areas of work.
    •  Funding Projection approach - Marketplace horizon scan followed by formulation of assumptions for funding resulting in low funding, base case and high funding scenarios. 
  •  Q/A 
    •  Ricardo Holmquist - To Alex - FY24 and FY24-FY28- Noted complexity of various budgets. Surprised that the investment income is only 1%. For FY24-28 - Surprised that funding this year is decreased and only a 1% of increase annually. Alex pointed to specific pages with the details. ICANN is not investing in bonds and being conservative. 
    •  Judith Hellerstein - Raised question re travel and professional services - 
    •  Michael Palage - focused on Strategic Plan
    •  Siva - <Q>  How often are changes made to the way the money is managed,  based on reviews / comments?  Does the approach to budgeting or the priorities change when there is a new awareness in ICANN / when there are new ideas ?
  •  Transparency - CG raised several items of concern re transparency CG. The arc is going the wrong way for ICANN's commitment to transparency. Raised funds spent on transparency. HR asked what MP would like ICANN to do. MP still evaluating the response. He has been reviewing the process of planning on annual budget and strategic plan. Suggested submitting a comment on ALAC's comment on the FY24 Op Plan and budget. If there has been a change to the strategic plan, it would be critical to know. 
  •  Michael Palage to review the Strategic Plan and add comments to the ALAC statement on the FY24 budget and Op plan
  •  Cheryl Langdon-Orr to work with Michael Palage on the transparency issues in the FY24-FY28 Op Plan and Budget
  •  Silvia Vivanco to add the Draft FY24–28 Operating & Financial Plan and Draft FY24 Operating Plan & Budget statement as the main item on the next OFB-WG agenda. 
  •  Ratification Draft FY24–28 Operating & Financial Plan and Draft FY24 Operating Plan & Budget aimed for week of 6 Feb. 
  •  Michelle Desmyter to schedule next OFB-WG call on 2 Feb at 18:00 UTC. 
