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FR Interpreters: 

Call Management: TBD


AGENDA *****


Update in Progress*****

  1. Roll call- Staff (2 minutes)

  2. Introduction and Aim of Meeting


    Holly Raiche, Co-Chair of the OFB-WG (3 minutes)

  3. Discussion on the Operating Initiative - US/IDNs (25 minutes)
    1. Introduction - What the budget says about UA/IDN - Holly (5 minutes)
    2. Update on work on US/IDNs - Satish Babu (20 minutes)
  4. Review of Upcoming Issues for Comment and Plans for OFB-WG Response - Holly (30 minutes)

    1. Decision to Respond - Is the issue of relevance to the ALAC? If yes, the OFB-WG should draft a statement. 
    2. Statement development - Who should be the penholder/s? Would a presentation by the staff support leads on the public comment be useful? When should the draft statement be reviewed by the OFB-WG?
    3. Review and Ratification by the ALAC - When should the ALAC review and ratify the statement? 
    Review of upcoming issues for comment - Holly (15 minutes)

Upcoming OFB Public Comment Proceedings

labelAugust (4)

Pilot Holistic Review Terms of Reference (ToR)


ATRT3 recommendation 3.5 called for the setup of a new Holistic Review. ICANN Board approved the recommendation, and a Pilot Holistic Review Terms of Reference (ToR) Team was formed in February 2022 to draft the ToR with ICANN org’s facilitation. The Pilot Holistic Review ToR Team finished the draft ToR in June 2022. This proceeding seeks community input on the Pilot Holistic Review ToR for the eventual initiation of the Pilot Holistic Review.


labelOctober (2)

NomComRIWG Proposed Changes to Bylaws and Standing Committee Charter


Four (4) recommendations from the Nominating Committee Review require amendments to the ICANN Bylaws. For efficiency, they are grouped together with the draft NomCom Standing Committee Charter, so that the ICANN community and the ICANN Board can follow a single process for the entire group. Note: NomComRIWG is the Nominating Committee Review Implementation Working Group.

Reference documents :

Draft FY23-27 Operating and Financial Plan and Draft FY23 Operating Plan and Budget




Pages 18-23:

3. Evolve and Strengthen the Multistakeholder Model to Facilitate Diverse and Inclusive Participation in Policymaking


This initiative aims to ensure that participation in the policy development work of ICANN's three Supporting Organizations (SOs) and policy advice developed by the four Advisory Committees (ACs) is globally representative. The work of the SOs and ACs is carried out through the informed participation in the policy process by diverse groups and interests, with clearly demonstrated levels of stakeholder support and commitment to reaching consensus.




This initiative focuses on the facilitation of more efficient, timely, and effective policy development work by ICANN’s three SOs and advice by the four ACs. Personnel support is provided for developing, documenting, and implementing changes and improvements to community procedures and processes intended to reflect commitment to reaching consensus and effective policymaking.

FY22 ABRs (see:

approved FY23 ABR on Diversity 2, see:FY23 SO/AC Additional Budget Request (ABR) Decisions 

Note: announcement “Register for the FY24 IANA Functions and PTI Planning Webinar”. Please Register for the sessions on 11 August 2022 at 16:00 UTC and 12 August at 00:00 UTC.See: