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  1. Roll Call - Staff (1 mins)

  2. Welcome and Aim of Call - Cheryl Langdon-Orr (2 mins)

  3. Review of Action Items from the Previous Meeting - Cheryl  (2 mins)

  4. Continuation of Review of New Priority Ranking Document - All (


    30 mins)

    1. Short review on edits to all TABS made focus  first on ATRT3 re drop-down picklist options in Col F, G, H, I and any new comment in J  For all Tabs TABS still outstanding and not on the Agenda. see:
    2. Focus on RDS from row 7 R4.1 onwards (Alan Greenberg) and CCTRT (Jonathan Zuck) sections
    3. Others if time permits
  5. Discussion of Key points to outline  and graphic tools to use in upcoming  socialisation to ALAC/At-Large - All (


    20 mins)

  6. Next Steps and Next Call - Cheryl (5 mins)

    1. At-Large ICANN73 Priority Session on Prioritisation of Recommendations Framework and the ALAC/At-Large preparation of priority from the At-Large/End User perspective scheduled for Tuesday, 8 March between 18:30-20:00 UTC