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  1. Folks,

    I am looking at open issues, and this is one of them.
    Looking at the comments, I see that there has been an agreement to consider the issue closed since December, but in the thread there were interesting consideration that, although out of scope for the current WP, could be considered for further initiatives.

    One of the points raised is that we should ask ourselves "How do we increase the participation of individual members to support the mandate and activities of At-Large?”. What we have done in UIM-WP is to analyse and streamline the procedures for allowing RALO Individual Members to participate. However, the next step is to analyse how, once they have joined, they could be more effective in supporting the At-Large mandate and activities.

    In some way related to this is the question of “recruitment” - that I would prefer to refer to as “outreach”. The point is how can we be more effective in getting the interest of individual users worldwide.

    Both these points are very much in the scope of the Outreach and Engagement Sub-Committee - see https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ALAC+Subcommittee+on+Outreach+and+Engagement - and I am sure that this Sub-Committee is doing egregious work in developing ways to reach out and engage individual users, but the question is whether there is something that came out form this WP that we can provide as input for them.

    So, long story short, I propose to close this issue but include the points above in the “Follow-up Actions” issue for inclusion as comments in the report.

    I am posting this email also in both issues on the wiki.

  2. I am quoting here a comment by Yrjö, in turn referring to a proposal by Natalia:

    "But if we want, for the purposes of the report, to know, why independent RALO members want to be independent RALO members, let's ask them. In other words, a quick survey as suggested by Natalia. The results might be enlightening also from the point of ALS’es.”

    The question here is if we agree to recommend this as a further action.

  3. Further to our deliberations during the Call on 1 February 2021:

    A Use Case: If someone wants to very the records randomly of an ALS or Individual Member with ICANN, what is the procedure to be followed ?

    I suggest that in the report of our Working Party, we mention some expectations from the ICANN Staff. Ideally, the present ICANN Staff may indicate the position on what is it now and what can potentially happen in the near future.

    Gopal T V

  4. It is useful to distinguish between our understanding of RALO and ALAC. I am not keen on including such a position taken by us in the report. We simply use RALO and ALAC as sort of given entities that can be expanded not as abbreviations but as "special symbols that yield instances from time to time".

    If we agree that RALO and ALAC are usable as special symbols, I humbly suggest once again that, we use "Unaffiliated Individual Member" as what we are today. However, I go by the majority opinion that it will have to be "RALO Individual Member" and as Dr. Roberto Gaetano has kindly asserted that some such strong opinions will find a place in the report. 

    Gopal T V

  5. The subheading in the draft report: "Responsibilities and Rights".

    I thank the members for making a lively discussion on this during the UIM WP Call on 15 February 2021.

    Being responsible means being dependable, keeping promises and honouring our commitments. It is accepting the consequences for what we say and do. It also means developing our potential.

    As an example: Right to Speak in enshrined in the Constitution of India. It does not mean that one should always speak out or one cannot be silent. Responsible speech implies both the virtue and vice of being silent. "Speech is Silver, Silence is Gold" is a great maxim of governance.

    IMHO, one should be deemed adequately responsible before exercising any right. In the present context it is about "Right to Vote". 

    The draft report has hinted at the minimum expected sense of responsibility of an Individual Member. IMHO, we need not delineate any further on this aspect.

    Suggestion: "Responsibilities and Rights" may please be retained as a subheading in the report.

    Gopal T V

    PS: Even though, I enjoy being technical, I do not really have the time on hand to unravel for myself why my comment on the "Google Docs" draft report is appearing as Anonymous also in addition to it being indicated against my name.

  6. Voting is a very profound methodology in any given society.

    "The Ethics and Rationality of Voting"

    There are six major questions concerning the rationality and morality of voting:

    1. Is it rational for an individual citizen to vote?
    2. Is there a moral duty to vote?
    3. Are there moral obligations regarding how citizens vote?
    4. Is it justifiable for governments to compel citizens to vote?
    5. Is it permissible to buy, trade, and sell votes?
    6. Who ought to have the right to vote, and should every citizen have an equal vote?

    Reference: Brennan Jason, Edward N. Zalta (Editor),"The Ethics and Rationality of Voting", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Winter 2020 Edition, 

    Voting is a Civic Duty. Depending on what is the purpose for which the vote is called for, one who lacks the motive, knowledge, rationality, or ability to vote
    should be allowed to abstain from voting. This is my humble opinion on voting systems.

    I learnt from the UIM WP Cal on 15 February 2021, that different societies have different answers for the six questions cited above. As we keep observing in Ethics: There is not right or wrong answer. It is always a personal best answer. 

    The responsible individual members make Internet Governance resonate with the ideals and aspirations for the futures. The world is becoming smaller !!!

    Gopal T V

  7. Copying here a message that I have just sent to the group.

    Dear David,

    As we are close to the end of this process, I am doing a thorough check to identify issues that have been placed on the back burner.

    Your contribution below, about the “mobilization” aspect, is one of those. The agreement has been to mention this in a chapter where we will summarise the further action. This is the chapter titled “Next Steps” in the current draft, at page 11.

    I was thinking of copy-paste the text of your message, but am wondering whether you would like to write some specific text that we can add. The target is to have it in place by the next call, so that we can discuss it.

    Please let me know if you want to write a specific text or whether I shall deal with this using parts of your message.

    Best regards,

  8. Just being tongue in cheek..our report is not having any figures. Please consider including the figure. with RALOs. 

    <ICANN Staff>: Confluence says I need permissions to include the figure in this context.

    I am sending the figure on the mailing list.

    /* Start of Suggestion */

    We may want to include a generic set of declarations at the start of the report. 

    ICANN Celebrates diversity. Each RALO has its own set of rules and procedures that will be followed. ICANN functions in a Multi - Stakeholder context. The specific terms, meanings and scope may vary from region to region. Interpretation of any term is the prerogative of the concerned RALO.

    /* End of Suggestion */

    The suggestion to include the figure on the geographical span of each RALO is not to debate on why the geographical span is specified in this manner. It is just to have an idea for scoping the "RALO" for functionality.

    Useful reference:

    "Glossary of The Internet Governance Terms (IGG)" prepared by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and The International Information Centre for Terminology (INFOTERM)In cooperation with
    The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) , 2017

    Gopal T V