Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the At-large Social Media Working Group call on Thursday 21 May 2015 at 1300 UTC
  Gisella Gruber:Agenda:
  Murray McKercher NARALO:Hello Peter
  Peter Knight:Hi, folks -- from Rio, where it's a pleasant 75 F
  Ariel Liang:hello everyone!
  Peter Knight:I'll actually be going to ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires, at my own expense.
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Glad to hear it Peter
  Peter Knight:Hi, Brother Glenn!
  Glenn McKnight:Yo Pete
  Ariel Liang:action items:
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:FYI : ATLAS II recommendations for At-Large Social Media :
  Peter Knight:Sounds great, Glenn. I have no problem with NSA learning more about ICANN!
  Glenn McKnight:Give me  a few  minutes  to look for the  NTEN session notes
  Glenn McKnight:It was a  GOOGLE  Doc  colloboration
  Glenn McKnight:Here is the full agenda
  Glenn McKnight:
  Glenn McKnight:I willl grab a  URL for one of the sessions
  Glenn McKnight:Collaboration Notes:
  Glenn McKnight:This was a session on   50 Fascinating Facts about Non Profits
  Glenn McKnight:@Dev and @Staff  I would suggest each of the session have a  TINYURL  to a  GOOGLE  DOC  so the participants can log into the  document and add their content, links, resources etc
  Peter Knight:Maybe could use Google Translate to make a first shot at translation
  Leon Sanchez:hello everyone
  Leon Sanchez:sorry to be late
  Leon Sanchez:had a bad rain last night and power was lost so I had to move some other place with power
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:no problem
  Glenn McKnight:The  alternatives  ffor  access is  typical TOR and ONION
  Glenn McKnight:This  is  work around  
  Glenn McKnight:We can add to the list  
  Glenn McKnight:PLease provide  the link and I can add
  Glenn McKnight:Thanks
  Glenn McKnight:\fine with me
  Peter Knight:Where is the list with over 17 items. I did not find such a long list.
  Leon Sanchez:True. My fault completely
  Peter Knight:I see on the screen, but can you send by e-mail?
  Glenn McKnight:Glenn McKnight to provide specific feedback on the content of past tweets & Facebook posts-  Don't recall this  
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Buffer :
  Gisella Gruber:Welcome León
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:So team members can be linked to certain Social accts  - so a team member can be allocated to Facebook only for example
  Murray McKercher NARALO:Looks good! Is the user interface easier than sprout social
  Evan Leibovitch:looks interesting
  Peter Knight:This looks like and excellent platform, Ariel
  Glenn McKnight:Are we using this instead of SLACK?
  Glenn McKnight:Has it been purchased by ICANN?
  Murray McKercher NARALO:@ Glenn , my sense is SLACK is useful for other interactions imho
  Glenn McKnight:Question are we going to have   paid account to use in BA?
  Peter Knight:@Dev. Sounds great
  Murray McKercher NARALO:I like the mobile APP :) impressive
  Peter Knight:Can oone download the Buffer App without having the paid account?
  Peter Knight:Happy to do Portuguese
  Leon Sanchez:An e-mail to the LACRALO list should be helpful
  Leon Sanchez:maybe
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@peter - you can as part of the trial - there is also a personal buffer acct you can sign  up for
  Peter Knight:I am in Google Play, I see Buffer: Social Meida, Twitter. Does this work on more than Twitter, e.g. Facebook?
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
  Leon Sanchez:I believe once you install the app it just posts to whatever networks you have configured in the buffer account
  Peter Knight:OK, installed in Android phone
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
  Leon Sanchez:The idea would be to enable those At-Large members who wanted to share pictures, to be able to upload them to the At-large flickr account via e-mail
  Leon Sanchez:it could be useful to gather pictures on different At-largge activities
  Leon Sanchez:For example, Glenn's pictures are amazing, maybe he could upload a couple to the At-large account
  Ariel Liang:ICANN's flickr account:
  Peter Knight:I think it's important in these photos to provide captions. Many people won't know who they are, at what session, etc.
  Ariel Liang:The older At-Large Flickr Account:
  Peter Knight:I'm referring to Flickr
  Peter Knight:Glenn has posted high-quality photos, but can't remember, was it your own account?
  Ariel Liang:yes peter, it's on Glenn's own account
  Ariel Liang:Glenn's account:
  Peter Knight:Aha. No porn
  Peter Knight:I haven't used Flickr much, only a few posts to my own. Mostly upload to Facebook.
  Peter Knight:Glenn, can you provide captions in Flickr? That would help as per my previous chat post
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Well Flickr has groups
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
  Evan Leibovitch:I will pay my own flight to Dublin if I can share a hotel room for two night.
  Glenn McKnight:But  people don't use  groups
  Glenn McKnight:@ Peter  is correct  
  Evan Leibovitch:sorry, need to go. You know where to find me later :-)
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:take care Evan
  Glenn McKnight:Agreed,  we need peoole to help in tagging and relevance
  Glenn McKnight:I did this before  but  nobody shared photos
  Glenn McKnight:sure
  Glenn McKnight:We can do it together for  BA
  Glenn McKnight:Here is an example  of  pics  from a  Omudsman  Cocktail party
  Glenn McKnight:
  Glenn McKnight:Problem is getting everyone's  name and affiliation
  Glenn McKnight:If you do group pool the number per photogrpher  will take selective and documented  pics
  Murray McKercher NARALO:I have a hard stop and must leave the call , will follow up with myactionbs items going forward..bye for now
  Peter Knight:Glenn, good. I checked your photos. You give name of meeting, but it is for those who already know the cast of characters. Perhaps Flickr can be used for a record after the meeting, when there is more time.
  Glenn McKnight:sure can
  Peter Knight:During the meeting, best to send to the manager who will schedule
  Leon Sanchez:thanks everyone!
  Peter Knight:Sorry, and to learn to taked down the hand!
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:thanks everyone

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