Kathy Schnitt:Welcome to the Social Media Working group call on Thursday 17 July 2014 at 1500 UTC

  Kathy Schnitt:Agenda: https://community.icann.org/x/ArnhAg

  Leon Sanchez:Hello everyone!

  Kathy Schnitt:Hello Leon

  Pavan Budhrani:hi all

  Anthony Niiganii (Nikickonakos):hi everyone

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone

  Ariel Liang:Hello everyone!

  Leon Sanchez:Hi Kathy!

  Yannis Li:hi everyone

  Seun:Hello everyone

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello Seun, Yannis

  Seun:Hi Dev, good to be here

  Evan Leibovitch:did anyone try tagging that post with the names of people?

  Seun:kind-of seem tagging ain't activated for some shares

  Anthony Niiganii (Nikickonakos):I know there's an ICANN linkedIn profile, do we have or can we create the At-Large LinkedIn Profile?  I have a large network there as well.

  Anthony Niiganii (Nikickonakos):LinkedIn is a Professional social network, vs the personal and friend networks of facebook

  Anthony Niiganii (Nikickonakos):Slack was a great tool for predrafting posts...

  Glenn McKnight:Hi

  Glenn McKnight:No  audio  since  I am still ina  meeting

  Ariel Liang:https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Social+Media+Curation+Workflow

  Anthony Niiganii (Nikickonakos):The workflow was great...some of the items can be recycled

  Evan Leibovitch:no questions, I'm good

  Ariel Liang:https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Working+Groups

  Anthony Niiganii (Nikickonakos):One suggestion is to look at what some of the ALS are doing within their regions to support the work of ICANN and ALAC, promoting the grassroots voice in the global community.

  Anthony Niiganii (Nikickonakos):THose are great ideas....and a good place to build from

  Seun:Hello Folks i have to leave now...i will look-up to/be willing to take up anyrole assigned to me

  Glenn McKnight:The  problem is that  ALS  don't  provide  detailed  reports to ALAC on their  relevant  activities and their  websites are not  revealing

  Glenn McKnight:A few years ago  Eric Brunner  did some critical analysis of  NARALO  ALS

  Glenn McKnight:please  make sure  to add  critical literature  of  social media as well

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:This workflow is excellent

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:perhaps roll this type of workflow to all the WGs?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:and each WG Chair/Leadership needs to maintain their own workflow

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:and then I§ wonder if we could have one page that uses embedded pages to have all workflows from all WGs on that single page. A bit like an At-Large/ALAC Working Group dashboard

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Make it sexy and significant and people will want to participate.

  Heidi Ullrich:Good idea, Anthony!

  Ariel Liang:This flow: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Social+Media+Curation+Workflow+-+Beginner%27s+Guide

  Heidi Ullrich:Would all of this be accessible to people with low bandwidth?

  Glenn McKnight:Folks,  i can follow chat  but not  audio.  No idea on the comments

  Heidi Ullrich:esp the videos...

  Heidi Ullrich:we have podcasts

  Heidi Ullrich:those videos are rather dated, perhaps we could develop new ones

  Glenn McKnight:Who will produce updated videos?

  Heidi Ullrich:The Comms team would likely be able to this

  Heidi Ullrich:they produced great videos during the ATLAS II

  Glenn McKnight:I will be taking down these videos

  Heidi Ullrich:which videos, Glenn?

  Glenn McKnight:all my ICANN  videos

  Heidi Ullrich:they are a great archive of At-Large!

  Glenn McKnight:out of date

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I wouldn't delete them, history is important

  Anthony Niiganii (Nikickonakos):#At_Large

  Anthony Niiganii (Nikickonakos):only challenge is someone has @at_large

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:#ICANNAtLarge

  Evan Leibovitch:That works.

  Evan Leibovitch:There's still more than 120 characters left for the tweet ;-)

  Leon Sanchez:Yes. the only disadvantage is that for RTs the RTr might have to edit and that may discourage RTing

  Evan Leibovitch:Problem with #atlargr or #at_large is that they also seem to demand #icann ... which destrots the length issue

  Heidi Ullrich:@Ariel, do you know what other AC/SOs use for their hashtags?

  Heidi Ullrich:Do they use ICANN in it/

  Glenn McKnight:One of the metrics on twitter  hash tag  followers is the media. 

  Glenn McKnight:Quality vs  quantity

  Evan Leibovitch:Ariel: what SHOULD happen is that @ICANN should be RTing the #ICANNatlarge tweets

  Anthony Niiganii (Nikickonakos):from wat I can see some do use ICANN within thier tweeter name @ICANN4biz

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:also @icann_gnso

  Leon Sanchez:Yes @ICANN should RT tweets from constituencies twitter handles

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@ccnso

  Glenn McKnight:We  don;t  need these hashtags  to be mere  retweeting of  ICANN press releases .  We need media from the end users

  Anthony Niiganii (Nikickonakos):here's a long one @NewgTLDsICANN

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:they do not have hashtags as such but they have twitter accounts

  Glenn McKnight:We are culling the end user comments

  Evan Leibovitch:shortest one is #ICANNALAC

  Glenn McKnight:@evan  are you in Toronto or Washington?

  Anthony Niiganii (Nikickonakos):talltweets.com allows to create longer tweets if needed

  Glenn McKnight:short  valid  tweets are of particular  value

  Anthony Niiganii (Nikickonakos):yes I can draft the outline of the sample twitter series

  Leon Sanchez:just twitted this "Turn @ICANN into I can! Join @ICANN_AtLarge and get involved as a user #ATLarge"

  Leon Sanchez:godd day everyone!

  Anthony Niiganii (Nikickonakos):thanks everyone Ekosi Kinanaskomitin

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks all for the inputs

  Yannis Li:thanks

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:take care all

  Ariel Liang:Thanks everyone!!

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