Matthieu Camus:hello Gisella!
  Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the ATLAS II Mentors and Mentees call on Tuesday 10 June 2014 at 1400 UTC
  Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
  Gisella Gruber-White:Hello Matthieu
  Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to everyone
  Ali AlMeshal:Hi everyone
  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Hello Gisella, could you adjust the parameters so that I may join this Adobe Connect conference without a call-out?
  Fouad Bajwa:Hi Everyone
  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:the problem when I try to connect is that the screen page says "listen only"
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Jean-jacques - you can speak through the AC
  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Hello Olivier, I've just arrived in Bern!
  Aída Noblia:Hola a todos
  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Gisella, ah now it seems to work normally, I'll try out microphone.
  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Thanks!
  Maureen Hilyard:We can hear you clearly Jean Jacques. Good morning all
  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Hello all!
  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Olivier: "time warp"?!
  Ali AlMeshal:Good afternoon Maureen
  sergio salinas porto:Hi everyone!
  Maureen Hilyard:Hi Ali - 4am in my world
  Ali AlMeshal:almost 5PM in Bahrain
  Aída Noblia:Hola Fátima Silvia y Sergio
  Adrian Carballo:Hola a todos!
  sergio salinas porto:Hola Hola queridas compañeras!
  Robert Castonguay:Bonjour - Good morning everyone!
  sergio salinas porto:Hola adrian...!
  Leon Sanchez:Hello everyone! Hola a tod@s!
  Lianna Galstyan:Greetings from Armenia!
  Yasuichi Kitamura (ISOC-JP):hi, all.
  Siranush Vardanyan:hello, all, just to let you know I am only via adobe
  Carlos Raúl:Full house!!!!!!! Good morning
  Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
  Narine Khachatryan:Hello everyone!
  Fouad Bajwa:Everyone should mute their microphones or phone so that the line stays clear
  Fatima Cambronero:hello everyone! hola a todos!
  Beran Gillen:Good afternoon everyone
  Darlene Thompson:Hi all
  Christoph:Christopher Wilkinson has joined the call
  Chester Soong:Hello everyone!
  Allan Skuce:Greetings.
  Christoph:PS: as a typo, I appear on the list as 'Christoph'. CW
  Jordi Iparraguirre:hi everyone!
  Glenn McKnight:Hi All
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ CW - thank you! Used to CW , not Christoph ;-)
  Carlos Raúl:jajajajaja
  Carlos Raúl:good joke on Brazil
  Jahangir Hossain:Hello everyone ...
  Judith Hellerstein:@gisela i may be listed twice as I am on both the adobe connect and on the phone
  Eduardo:hola a todos
  Fouad Bajwa:I hope Fatima's voice/audio could be increased
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Judith - no worries I will clear up the list after the call.
  Oksana Prykhodko:Hi, everyone!
  Humberto Carrasco:hello,
  Oksana Prykhodko:sorry to be late
  Humberto Carrasco:i apologise for been late
  hong xue:my team member asked how to get the accout on wiki. i guess he did not attend the tech capacity building call. any second chance for him?
  Fatima Cambronero:my call was dropped
  sergio salinas porto:fatimna te caiste?
  Barrack Otieno:Sorry
  Fatima Cambronero:can you call me again?
  Johnny Laureano:no
  Yasuichi Kitamura (ISOC-JP):I will arrive at London at about 7PM on 21st. :-P
  Silvia Vivanco:Adigo is calling Fatima
  Barrack Otieno:ok
  Johnny Laureano:Buenos Dias a Todos
  Fatima Cambronero:thanks Silvia!
  Glenn McKnight:Hi
  Barrack Otieno:ahsante Johny :-)
  Judith Hellerstein:@hong Xue. Write to staff and they can arrange editorial privileges
  Glenn McKnight:I was at the ARIN  session  in April for CROPP and they created a  first time survey.  I would be willing to create  a SURVEY Monkey based upon the ir model
  Tijani BEN JEMAA:I don't hear anything
  Glenn McKnight:They provided  a free  IPAD for those who completed the survey
  Fouad Bajwa:It would be nice to have a brief or bullet points about what is expected of us mentees in the program. The rest can be read online on the wiki.
  Judith Hellerstein:wow!! you got a free ipad that is really cool
  Roger Baig:Hi, this is Roger, from ISOC-CAT
  Tijani BEN JEMAA:ok, I here now
  Roger Baig:sorry for being late...
  Judith Hellerstein:I would do the survey
  Evan Leibovitch:I'm an ALAC member and I only discovered by accident that I had been assigned people.
  Barrack Otieno:we should support the planning meeting
  Barrack Otieno:Commitee Sorry
  Judith Hellerstein:KK, Scott Sullivan and I got Glenn
  Glenn McKnight:You got the best  Judith!
  Glenn McKnight:I hope you are  Brazilian  soccer fans
  Fatima Cambronero:
  Judith Hellerstein:not a soccer fan but will be in brazil during the world cup for a project and could buy you something if you want
  Garth Graham:@Evan: as my glorious and exalted leader, that explains your silence.
  Christoph:The full ICANN Schedule (subject to amendment) is at:
  Glenn McKnight:@garth  I am with Evan at  a McDonalds  listening to the Fatima
  Judith Hellerstein:Funny
  Fatima Cambronero:
  Evan Leibovitch:Glorious? Boy, are you in for a surprise. It'll be fun, though. There is a way to take this seriously while still enjoying it.
  Chester Soong:Too many information are being shared almost everyday related to the various meetings during ICANN and ISOC week. Honestly, I can't really find all the emails containing what you are talking about.
  Evan Leibovitch:Chester, that is ICANN's biggest challenge. On one hand there is complete information overload. On the other, are complaints that ICANN is not transparent enough.
  Fatima Cambronero:
  Fatima Cambronero:
  Glenn McKnight:@Evan  it/s  a delicate balance
  Evan Leibovitch:Fatima, I would suggest not too heaavily formatted a structure. The menotrs, by definition, are familiar with ICANN internals ad culture. But each group of mentors/mentees will have a different dynamic. So one size will NOT fit all.
  Evan Leibovitch:Loose guidelines rather than hard rules would be appreciated.
  Chester Soong:Yes, I can understand that. I tried to catch up, but with work (trying to finish work from my day job so I an join the ICANN meetings), it is almost impossible. Hopefully I can catch up with the info before I leave for London, if I can still find those information such as my login ID...
  Natalia Enciso:Hello everyone, sorry for being late. Had to attend some work stuff.
  Evan Leibovitch:Hopefully job #1 of the mentors is being a living FAQ resource :-)
  Heidi Ullrich:The agenda is in the pod to the right
  Silvia Vivanco:
  Aris Ignacio:Hello everyone!  :-)
  hong xue:so far my team has been using emails and Skype. must we use wiki for communication?
  Silvia Vivanco:Sabado 21 /Saturday 21
  Evan Leibovitch:Mentors should attend fellowship? That may be a bit much to ask. Many participants will already have a very full schedule.
  Christoph:Please post a link to the Mentors Programme, abouve
  Glenn McKnight:Can you put the link from above for the Mentors in the  chat box.  I doesn't work  above
  Humberto Carrasco:Hola, yo le escribí a mis aprendices y no he recibdo respuesta aun
  Humberto Carrasco:I worte an email yo my mentees and I still waiting for an answer
  Judith Hellerstein:@Hong We also been using skype and messages but also KK has used a google doc to share notes or action items
  Siranush Vardanyan:yes
  Humberto Carrasco:I wanted to say I wrote an email to my mentees without any answer
  Fatima Cambronero:yes
  Aris Ignacio:yes we can hear you
  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Fatima: yes, I intend to send an email to each of the mentees I will be working with.
  Fouad Bajwa:@Fatima: I am still unable to fully understand that what is it that is required of the Mentees, there is no specific list of things available? One suggestion I had was to have a list given somewhere so that we know what is it that we have to fulfill and adhere to.
  Fatima Cambronero:thanks Jean-Jacques
  Evan Leibovitch:I will attempt to contact the people I am mentoring by Skype. If you are on this call and know I am your mentor, please send your skype contact to me at
  Fatima Cambronero:Fouad check please
  Evan Leibovitch:Otherwise I will find you ;-)
  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Fatima and All: the mentees I have been assigned to have all indicated English and/or French.
  Fouad Bajwa:@Fatima: I have checked this. There should be a specific page for mentees
  Evan Leibovitch:Fatima: Does there exist a list of SKype contact info for Mentees that have Skype?
  Beran Gillen:Here is the link to the agenda for the Mentors/Mentees meeting scheduled for Saturday the 21st June  from 13:00 to 14:00
  Evan Leibovitch:If so, send them me and I will contact them myself.
  Fouad Bajwa:@Fatima: The guide for Mentees hasn't been laid out, the link you share is specific to Mentors.
  Garth Graham:@evan: "On one hand there is complete information overload. On the other, are complaints that ICANN is not transparent enough."  Would it be going too far to call that the "Darkness at Noon?"
  Judith Hellerstein:
  Evan Leibovitch:@Garth: yeah, it could be that.
  Glenn McKnight:Thanks  Judith
  Fouad Bajwa:My trouble is that I haven't found a list of things or responsibilities that mentees have towards the mentors. As there are no rules and upon their own wish so it may be generating a great deal of confusion otherwise.
  Yasuichi Kitamura (ISOC-JP):the abstract of  the minutes of the saturday will be uploaded at the wiki on that day? I can't attend the satuday meeting. and this is my first time to attend the icann conference.
  Yasuichi Kitamura (ISOC-JP):i will arrive at 7pm there. :P
  Evan Leibovitch:@Fouad: One person's confusion is another person's flexibility. I will tailor what I do according to the needs of the people I am assigned.
  Glenn McKnight:I find  CLO and  Fatima  almost  impossible  to hear
  Glenn McKnight:Louder and briefer
  Fatima Cambronero:sorry Glenn, I am in the Spanish channel
  Evan Leibovitch:I see Mentors as essentially the walking embodiment of the Reddit "I am experienced in ICANN and At-Large: Ask Me Anything". The rests is paperwork :-)
  sergio salinas porto:@silvia pueden llamar a cristian casas al +54 223 4910410 ? el esta esperando que lo llamen
  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Cheryl, audio too weak to be reliable.
  Glenn McKnight:you should  copy the ARIN  approach
  Glenn McKnight:As  stated  I can create a  SURVEY MONKEY  survey using their  questions
  Barrack Otieno:+ 1 Evan
  hong xue:+1
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yet the interpreters are getting me too loud!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:hard to do both
  Glenn McKnight:ant win
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:*sigh*
  Glenn McKnight:can't win
  Judith Hellerstein:the computer sound is very clear from Fatima but not the same as CLO
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:fatima is voiced by theninterpretor in the EN and FR channels
  Judith Hellerstein:@cheryl. I could hear you through the adobe connect but it was a bit muffled. Fatima was clear though
  Evan Leibovitch:all I care about right now is getting contact info for my Mentees. How and when do I get that?
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:should be in your email @evan
  Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:sorry to be late.
  Glenn McKnight:Yes,  I was sent  a email with contact info
  Evan Leibovitch:Possible it got lost in the glut of my ICANN mail, I will check. Any clues of when it was sent and by whom?
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:OK so are the food purchase opportunities open on the Sat can the food go to rooms this is not always the case in function spaces...
  Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:please add me to the present list. thanks
  Evan Leibovitch:ah, found it. Thanks Cheryl
  Johnny Laureano:Fatima pregunta: Fatima, as correlate this program, great idea, a new form of civil society settings represented in today: (. ISOC, etc.) Civil Society (NGOs), Technical Community, Community Academic (Universities, etc..), End Users Internet (Asocaciones Users and Internet Users, etc..) such the statement in Netmundial.
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Carlos - you are on the list
  Carlos Dionisio Aguirre:thanks
  Oksana Prykhodko:@Fatima I am very happy to be in Olivier's group, thank tyou very much! I know that he lacks time. So I would like to propose to create ad-hock Russian-speaking group
  Siranush Vardanyan:If mentees assigned to e have any questions, feel free to contact me directly, we have been already in touch, so you know my e-mail :
  Johnny Laureano:Ok. Fatima, gracias
  Siranush Vardanyan:I mean assigned to me
  Johnny Laureano:Participare de ese grupo de trabajo
  Fouad Bajwa:Oh I am okay
  Fouad Bajwa:i just need to understand what the specific roles and responsibilities that mentees have
  Evan Leibovitch:It should also be made clear who the mentors are, so during ICANN week someone can come to a Mentor even if it is not their assigned one, to answer a question
  Chester Soong:Don't even know where to start with my questions... :(
  Fouad Bajwa:Only for Mentees
  Fouad Bajwa::)
  Evan Leibovitch:@Chester, I understand fully.
  Judith Hellerstein:I think they said the mentors would have buttons or something
  Chester Soong:.. and we are just trying to figure out how to "run" the meetings...
  Evan Leibovitch:I thing Heido said there would be ribbons.
  Evan Leibovitch:Heidi
  Lianna Galstyan:Chester, you can contact me by email or by skype and we'll tr to figure out what you expect and how to reach it
  Eduardo:@Evan: the mentors are going to be identified with a colored round sticker
  Fouad Bajwa:@Fatima Thanks
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:sorry dropped from the room for a while  back now
  Evan Leibovitch:Perfect. And mentees should be encouraged to stop anyone with such a sticker
  Eduardo:Evan: that is the idea
  Evan Leibovitch:In fact, that can be mentioned to the fellowship people as well.
  Siranush Vardanyan:sticker idea is good, as we can support anyone who has not such sticker:)
  Eduardo:@Evan:even a better idea
  Tom Lowenhaupt:Sorry, I arrived late.When is that Saturday meeting?
  Evan Leibovitch:I think Chester is just expressing the frustration experienced by many peope new to ICANN,
  Evan Leibovitch:So much to take in.
  Beran Gillen:@Tom Lowenhaupt: Saturday meetin is from 13:00 to 14:00
  Heidi Ullrich:Saturday, 21 June 2014Orientation Meeting of ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring ProgramTime: 13:00--14:00Meeting Room: Windsor Suite
  Yasuichi Kitamura (ISOC-JP):i can't attend the saturday sessions and this is my first time to attend. but can I follow you the discussion from the Sunday?
  Heidi Ullrich:Meeting pages are at:
  Yasuichi Kitamura (ISOC-JP):thank you.
  Beran Gillen:@Tom here is the agenda for the meeting......
  Darlene Thompson:Well done Fatima!  Thank you very much
  Yasuichi Kitamura (ISOC-JP):Heidi, i checked the page and i updated my profile at the wiki page.
  Chester Soong:I will arrive on Friday the 20th early morning, but will attend the ISOC chapter meeting during the day. So I will try my best to attend Saturday's mentor/mentees meeting. But a brief description of the roles and tasks for the mentees would help tremendously
  Aída Noblia:Muchas Gracias Fátima
  Siranush Vardanyan:thanks, Fatima, looking forward seeing all in London
  Aris Ignacio:well done! congratulations..
  Lianna Galstyan:thank you Fatima
  Evan Leibovitch:Thank you Fatima for setting up the program. It will be very helpful.
  Narine Khachatryan:Thanks Fatima, thanks to all!
  Evan Leibovitch:Bye!
  Garth Graham:All of my participation process questions have been extremely basic. Or example, it was only after several Adobe connect sessions I discovered by accident that everyone signs in as guest.
  Sivasubramanian M:Thank you
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all
  Matthieu Camus:thank you,bye
  Jordi Iparraguirre:thank you!
  Beran Gillen:Thank you Fatima, good bye everyone
  Aris Ignacio:thanks!
  Jahangir Hossain:Thanks to al all
  Barrack Otieno:Bye
  sergio salinas porto:abrazo a todos, hug for all
  Oksana Prykhodko:Thank you Fatima and all, bye!
  Lianna Galstyan:Bye  all
  Allan Skuce:Bye
  Leon Sanchez:thanks everyone
  Alyne Andrade:Thank you Fatima
  Ali AlMeshal:bye
  Leon Sanchez:bye
  Suhaidi Hassan ISOC-MY:Good bye
  Fatima Cambronero:thanks to everyone!
  Johnny Laureano:Bye
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:bye all
  Robert Castonguay:thank you all, see you in London
  Yasuichi Kitamura (ISOC-JP):bye see you in london.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye thank you and safe travels
  Roger Baig:bye
  Aída Noblia:Bye all
  Barrack Otieno:Thanks Fatima and  all
  Adrian Carballo:Gracias a Todos!
  Silvia Vivanco:Bye
  Amir Qayyum 2:Good bye. See you in ondon
  Monica Abalo:Thank you to all of you
  Aris Ignacio:see you all in London!
  Bikram shrestha:bye
  Aída Noblia:Raul si qures nos comunicamos por mail despues. Saludos
  Bikram shrestha:Thanks you
  Bikram shrestha:see all in London
  Bikram shrestha:Pl shade minutes of the meeting
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ All - recording and transcript will be available on this page:
  cristiancasas-cetic-ajb-:disculpen por problemas laborales imprevistos y de último momento se me hizo imposible asistir
  Niran Beharry:hi all came in late but looking forward to meeting everyone in London

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