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IPv4-IPv6 migration








Future of Internet Governance Part 1





4Policy Development Process





Future of Internet Governance Part 2






Presentation NetMundial

Presentation IANA


Security and stability






Policy issues






The only one request from my side - is it possible to give concrete example of how one initiative of individual user or ALS has been developed into any ICANN Board decision?


Thanks a lot!


Best regards,



Currently can think of two off the top of my head.

The Joint Applicant Support group (JAS) started out as a civil society, At-Large and NCSG proposal.  The work was largely done by At-Large members, approved by the ALAC, and eventually the GNSO, was approved by the Board and implemented.  Albeit too late to have the proper effect, but a big deal.  It was the first time that the responsibility of ICANN for the the less well bankrolled was every really considered.

The Post Expiration Domain Name Recovery (PEDNR) was requested by ALAC.  It became a WG led by an ALAC member.  Results of WG approved by the GNSO and and by the Board.  It is currently being implemented.

These are both due to efforts of individuals and of the RALOs.  I can't point to any that were initiated by an ALS or a group of ALSes.  As you know I have real concerns on the lack of ALS involvement in the work of At-Large.  How many ALSes spend any of their time, as organizations - not an individuals time, on ICANN issues? How much time?

8Rules of Procedure
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1 Comment

  1. This is a very good idea.  I am surprised there weren't more comments on all of the Webinars.

    Though I am not sure how well the tool would work if there were many questions.  Though I guess the could be put in comments and then cut and paste into the table.

    Nonetheless, a good idea.  Hope it gets more use inn time.