ATLAS 2 Meeting

Tuesday 30 April 2013 at 1400 UTC


Action Items




  • Create a measurable, subject/issue-based mentoring/shadow program for new ALSes, fellows, and possibly ICANN newcomers at ATLAS 2.
  • Enhance outreach and promote broader participation and greater engagement through coordinated technical tools that facilitate communication and contributions. 
  • Re-label 'plenaries' with 'working sessions' and utilize more functional, unambiguous terms and proceed within the resources and logistics identified in the budget. 




  • Encourage focused pre-ATLAS 2 work by the ALSes to maximize ROI, quality output, specific deliverables, and impact of convening the community for policy-making rather than information-sharing only.
  • As early as possible, define an over-arching theme for ATLAS 2 to organize planning, design ATLAS 2 program, and structure the framework of expected outcomes. (Possible overall theme: The Global Public Interest. Possible sub-theme: Internet and privacy rights)





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