See the final proposal:  ALAC Proposal regarding Pooling of Resources for AFRALO General Assemby (sent to ICANN COO)

Following is the draft (in English and Spanish) of the ALAC proposal to the ICANN COO re pooling RALO FY12 Budget allocations for AFRALO's Summit/GA durig the Dakar Meeting.  Please leave your comments at the bottom of the page (click "Add Comment").  The deadline for comments from At-Large members is Monday, 18 July, at 22:59 UTC.

LACRALO 7 July 2011 draft (in English)

Pooling of resources for AFRALO General Assembly

Following ICANN’s 41 Public Meeting in Singapore, At-Large Advisory Committee  (ALAC) members met to discuss issues pertaining the FY12 Budget.

ALAC is appreciative of ICANN Financial Department’s endeavors, in that they have incorporated 6 members per ALAC region and have taken heed of the significance of Summits/General Assemblies. It is our wish that this dialogue continues when future Operational Plans and Budgets are discussed.    

In solidarity with AFRALO members, ALAC regional leaders have made a statement in favor of pooling the budgetary resources ICANN allocated to incorporate six members from each regional ALS in FY12, so that the AFRALO Summit/General Assembly can take place next October during ICANN’s Public Meeting in Dakar, Senegal.

It is worth noting that ALL regions should be able to hold their Summits/General Assemblies in future ICANN Public Meetings, something which could not be materialized on account of budgetary constraints.

Hence, we are submitting this proposal in solidarity with all regions for the sake of overall regional advancement.

However, ALAC wishes to state that we see ourselves as the weakest link in the chain of ICANN’s financial clout. It is for this reason, and for the sake of equal opportunities, that we understand this demonstration of solidarity is to be taken as an instance of good faith, but also as a one-time occurrence. This is but an exception, not to be taken as a valid precedent, and not to become a rule in terms of budgetary allocations for regional Summits/General Assemblies.

Once again, our statement brings to the fore that holding RALOS Summits/General Assemblies is necessary as well as significant if regions are to contribute with ICANN.

LACRALO 7 July 2011 draft (in Spanish)

Puesta en común de Recursos para la Cumbre de AFRALO/AG

El comité Asesor At-Large (ALAC), luego de la 41 reunión de ICANN en la ciudad de Singapur, tuvo la oportunidad de discutir con sus miembros en forma presencial las cuestiones de presupuesto para el año 2012.

ALAC aprecia los esfuerzos del personal Financiero de ICANN, al haber sumado a 6 miembros por cada región de ALAC y el haber tenido en cuenta y oído  la importancia de la realización de las Asambleas Generales. Por lo que deseamos que ese diálogo continúe en los futuros Planes Operacionales y Presupuestos.   

Los líderes de las distintas regiones que componen ALAC, en forma solidaria hacia los compañeros de  AFRALO, se han manifestado a los fines de poner en un fondo común, el presupuesto de los 6 miembros representantes de ALS de cada una de las regiones otorgado por ICANN en el  presupuesto 2012, a fin de que los mismos puedan realizar su Asamblea General en la reunión programada de ICANN en la Ciudad de Dakar, República de Senegal, en octubre próximo.

Es importante poner de manifiesto la necesidad de que las TODAS las regiones, puedan en las próxima reuniones de ICANN, realizar sus asambleas generales, lo que se vio imposibilitado por no contar en este presupuestos del dinero suficiente para que se hagan realidad.

Por este motivo y en este marco de solidaridad y en pos del crecimiento de todas las regiones, es que elevamos esta propuesta.

Pero también queremos expresar desde ALAC, que nos reconocemos como el eslabón más débil de la cadena de poder económico en ICANN, y es por este motivo que en función de la igualdad de oportunidades de participar es que entendemos que este acto solidario debe de ser entendido como un ejemplo de buena predisposición, pero a la vez como un acto único e irrepetible, ya que el mismo debe de tomarse como “Excepcional” y nunca puede ser tenida en cuenta como antecedente valido y volverse una regla en materia de presupuesto para las asambleas generales de las regiones.

Nuestra declaración pone de manifiesto una vez más la necesidad e importancia de las Asambleas Generales de los diferentes Ralos, que no son más que necesidades de las regiones para poder contribuir con ICANN.

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  1. As a member of AFRALO, I express my gratitude to the ALAC regional leaders for pooling the budgetary resources ICANN allocated to incorporate six members from each regional ALS in FY12, so that the AFRALO Summit/General Assembly can take place next October during ICANN’s Public Meeting in Dakar, Senegal. This spirit of solidarity is really unprecedented

  2. Anonymous

    comment from Danny Younger

    The proposal outlined above appears inadequate.  ICANN's FY12 adopted Budget & Operating Plan has allocated the following in supplemental funding:

    • $25,000 for Capacity Building and outreach for the AFRALO ALSes in Dakar,
    • $5,000 for Regional survey research work on matters of policy importance to consumers in the NA region
    • $1,000 for NARALO Outreach video for YouTube, Blip.TV and other fora
    • $25,000 in Funding for EURALO F2F GA 2012 in Europe; and
    • $25,000 in Funding for LACRALO GA: Core operations including IANA

    In the aggregate, this total amount of supplemental funding ($81,000) -- even if pooled together to support an AFRALO General Assembly -- is far below the $203,000 that was estimated as needed for the Dakar Session -- (see

    Unless I'm missing something, additional funds will need to be raised.

    As ICANN routinely supports both ALAC-member travel (15 persons) and RALO-member travel (10 persons) per ICANN meeting, we are in a position to decide whether the RALO-member travel support is an imperative necessity, or if it is merely a nicety that can similarly be pooled to support this initiative.  I would favor adding those additional RALO travel dollars into the mix of available funds.  RALO chairs and their respective Secretariats (the typical travel dollar recipients) should be able to participate remotely for a while so that a proper AFRALO GA may be held.

    1. Dear Danny,

      the aggregate would actually be $25,000 x 3 = $75,000

      You are entirely correct in saying that it falls well short of the $203K that was estimated as needed for the Dakar session.

      However, the proposal allows for travel for one representative from each AFRALO ALS.

      The rest of the costs are based on a tight budget, where room logistics will be covered broadly from existing budgets.

      1. Anonymous

        Thanks for the clarification.  I note that you have been listed on the website as an external consultant.  Might one inquire as to whether your contributions will be in a volunteer or compensated capacity?

        1. Compensated, consulting on IPv6 issues. I'll explain this on the wider ALAC list because this page is not the correct location for full details.

  3. APRALO supports the principle of the request made above.  It is an unfortunate situation that not all the regions can get the support that they need, and the amount allocated to some regions (not including APRALO which did not receive any funding despite our request) is inadequate to make good of anything of real value.  As a one-time measure, we agree that the pooling of resources idea presented above is preferred and can demonstrate to ICANN and all the minimal scale that may be necessary for a regional general assembly.  For that we support the proposal and in particular our AFRALO comrades. 

  4. The concept of summit was introduced in Mexico as a gatering of all the At-Large components, and should be kept for the whole At-Large community. That's why I propose to use "face to face event", "General assembly" rather then "summit" for the regional level. We should change "summit" in the following places: second line of the introduction, second line of para 2, 3rd line of para 3, first line of para 4, 4th line of para 4, and first line of para 5.

    The 6 additional travel support slots were approved for 3 regions only, so we should correct it in the second line of para 3.

    This is the proposed text as I modified it:

    Following ICANN’s 41 Public Meeting in Singapore, At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) members met to discuss issues pertaining the FY12 Budget. 

    ALAC is appreciative of ICANN Financial Department’s endeavors, in that they have incorporated 6 members for each of the African (AFRALO), European (EURALO) and Latin American and Caribbean (LACRALO) regions and have taken heed of the significance of General Assemblies. It is our wish that this dialogue continues when future Operational Plans and Budgets are discussed.     

    In solidarity with AFRALO members, ALAC regional leaders have made a statement in favor of pooling the budgetary resources ICANN allocated to incorporate six members from each of the 3 regions in FY12, so that the AFRALO event, consisting in a capacity building and outreach program and a General Assembly, can take place next October during ICANN’s Public Meeting in Dakar, Senegal. 

    It is worth noting that ALL regions should be able to hold their General Assemblies in future ICANN Public Meetings, something which could not be materialized on account of budgetary constraints. 

    Hence, we are submitting this proposal in solidarity with all regions for the sake of overall regional advancement. 

    However, ALAC wishes to state that we see ourselves as the weakest link in the chain of ICANN’s financial clout. It is for this reason, and for the sake of equal opportunities, that we understand this demonstration of solidarity is to be taken as an instance of good faith, but also as a one-time occurrence. This is but an exception, not to be taken as a valid precedent, and not to become a rule in terms of budgetary allocations for regional face to face events such General Assemblies. 

    Once again, our statement brings to the fore that holding RALOS General Assemblies is necessary as well as significant if regions are to contribute with ICANN. 

    1. Spanish:

      Coincido con lo expresado por Tijani, estoy de acuerdo con las modificaciones propuestas


      I agree with the views expressed by Tijani, I agree with the proposed amendments

  5. Also agree with Tijani proposed text