Evin Erdogdu:Welcome to the ALAC Subcommittee on Finance and Budget (FBSC) Call on Thursday, 13 April 2017 from 16:00 UTC - 17:00 UTC.
  Glenn McKnight:Hi All
  Glenn McKnight:Will be on call but muted
  Evin Erdogdu 2:Hello Glenn! Thanks.
  Becky Nash:Hello everyone Becky and Taryn from ICANN org finance are on the call
  Evin Erdogdu 2:Welcome!
  Javier Rúa-Jovet:Hi all.  Will be muted I seem to be generating an echo.
  Glenn McKnight:The problem with budgets is the lack of  footnotes 
  Glenn McKnight:for example
  Glenn McKnight:151173FY18 Ongoing Community Engagement, Intersessional Meeting for GNSO NCPH
  Glenn McKnight:also 
  Glenn McKnight:148549  FY18 ICANN.org/AtLarge Enhancements
  judith hellerstein:Maureen was on the auction proceeds call
  Glenn McKnight:naralo has three members on the call
  Javier Rúa-Jovet:We have the NARALO Chair in this call!
  Alberto Soto:Hello all, hola a todos!!
  Javier Rúa-Jovet:@Evin, hi!  pls note in attendance that Glenn, NARALO Chair is in  call
  Nadira ALARAJ:Hello all
  Evin Erdogdu 2:Welcome everyone!
  Harold Arcos:Hi everyone, Saludos a todos
  Javier Rúa-Jovet:Thanks!
  Glenn McKnight:@ollivier  has NCUC approached you to repeat the NCUC and EURALO outreach. They are doing it on the Friday and Saturday
  Glenn McKnight:I am muted
  Glenn McKnight:very noisy
  Glenn McKnight:better now
  judith hellerstein:Has Maureen joined the call?
  judith hellerstein:Has some one reached out to Maureen?
  Evin Erdogdu 2:Yes - we are trying to reach her. Thanks Judith!
  Alfredo Lopez:Buenos dias a todos
  Evin Erdogdu 2:Welcome, Alberto!
  Maureen Hilyard:Sorry I'm late..
  Evin Erdogdu 2:No worries. Welcome Maureen!
  Glenn McKnight:I assume the deficit will draw on the reserves
  judith hellerstein:welcome maureen
  Glenn McKnight:or  will the deficit impact our communities with  across the board cuts?
  Glenn McKnight:I am referring to the slides earlier on which indicated a deficit
  Glenn McKnight:can'
  Glenn McKnight:t  remember the slide
  Glenn McKnight:In short no deficit
  Glenn McKnight:a shortfall in income but expenses are lower 
  Glenn McKnight:148549     FY18 ICANN.org/AtLarge Enhancements
  Glenn McKnight:ALAC estimate 135K 
  Glenn McKnight:to 150K
  Glenn McKnight:Software?
  Harold Arcos:Among the risks he commented that there are projects that probably will not have financing but that were considered in the fiscal year; Remember or know what projects you are referring to?
  Harold Arcos:*she
  judith hellerstein:perhaps the hardware was for the icann.org site
  judith hellerstein:Yes  but the damage was already done
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:It really is important to note that the ALAC and At-Large Community are being repeatedly wrongly accused of squandering ICANN resources.
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:hence the sensitivity of this issue
  judith hellerstein:exactly olivier
  Glenn McKnight:Yes  this  website issue was targetted by certain  members in the community as an example of  waste and favouritism
  judith hellerstein:Glad to see that CROPP is going forward and set to start in july 17. this will enable naralo to use this for the IGF USA
  Glenn McKnight:Judith don't assume that  we have not yet heard from the  community on our  priorities yet
  judith hellerstein:i saw it in the presentation
  judith hellerstein:@Glenn of course if the community wants to, does no mean it has to
  Glenn McKnight:Just making sure that the FY 18 CROPP outreach plan hasn't been created yet
  judith hellerstein:yes. i know. 
  Glenn McKnight:Note  that this document 
  Glenn McKnight:Has a total column that has errors
  Becky Nash:I did not fully understand the question on assets
  Taryn Presley:@Glen - Thank you for the feedback. Staff will review. Is there a specific area that you see errors?
  Evin Erdogdu 2:Thank you, Becky and Jessica!
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Becky!
  Becky Nash:by everyone we will drop off now. 
  Alberto Soto:Thanks Becky!
  judith hellerstein:great idea tijani
  Glenn McKnight:The documents  didn't appear very late in 2016 and the question is the value
  Glenn McKnight:I would suggest a process similar to DIPLO training of  Curators.  Ie. Assignments etc 
  Glenn McKnight:actual training 
  Glenn McKnight:This pilot doesn't teach you how to do policy
  Glenn McKnight:They were precises of  documents
  Heidi Ullrich:@Tijani/Judith - I have: Consider asking that the DDPP be extended and expanded to include training in the development of policy advice statements
  Glenn McKnight:Gordon and I were part of the pilot 
  Glenn McKnight:I will ask Gordon to respond
  Heidi Ullrich:This type of activity could be carried out under a wider At-Large mentoring program
  Glenn McKnight:Yes on the Onboarding session
  Glenn McKnight:Dev and I are going to do some short videos on policy process, policies etc in Joberg for his excellent  Onboarding  materials 
  Heidi Ullrich:@Judith, I understand your point. I can raise this with the relevant staff
  Heidi Ullrich:and the Regional Leadership team can raise it on their next call with Rob/Dan
  Nadira ALARAJ:@Judith, the best way, is to teach through hands-on, so intermediate senior ALAC member will guide through the comments before their contribution. 
  Heidi Ullrich:+1 Nadira!
  Heidi Ullrich:This type of training could be done during the f2f General Assemblies
  Heidi Ullrich:in a break out session and then report back
  Humberto Carrasco:sounds good
  Glenn McKnight:NARALO would like to thank ICANN for supporiting the  NARALO GA 
  judith hellerstein:bye
  Javier Rúa-Jovet:bye
  Alberto Soto:Thanks, bye!!!
  Humberto Carrasco:bye!!!!
  Nadira ALARAJ:Yes Heidi
  Nadira ALARAJ:Thank you all
  Glenn McKnight:bye all
  Harold Arcos:Thanks to interpreters!
  Evin Erdogdu 2:Goodbye everyone!
  Harold Arcos:Bye everyone...
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