Active Participants:
- Fiona Asonga - Co-Rapporteur
- Rafik Dammak - Co-Rapporteur
- Aarti Bhavana
- Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong
- Adebunmi Akinbo
- Agustina Callegari
- Alain Bidron
- Alice Munyua
- Amal Al-saqqaf aka Amal Ramzi
- Antonella Perini
- Andreea Brambilla
- Athina Fragkouli
- Avri Doria
- Beran Gillen
- Carolina Aguerre
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr
- Chris LaHatte
- Corinne Cath
- Dalila Rahmouni
- Daniel Nanghaka
- Erica Varlese
- Finn Petersen
- Gangesh Varma
- Ghislain de Salins
- Gunela Astbrink
- Guru Acharya
- Herb Waye
- Jorge Cancio
- Judith Hellerstein
- Julie Hammer
- Jyoti Panday
- Kimberly Anastácio
- Malcolm Hutty
- Marie-Noémie Marques
- Mona Al Achkar
- Niels ten Oever
- Olévié Kouami
- Olivier Muron
- Olga Cavalli
- Pam Little
- Pär Brumark
- Paul Twomey
- Pua Hunter
- Rachel Pollack
- Rafael Perez Galindo
- Renata Aquino Ribeiro
- Rinalia Abdul Rahim
- Samantha Eisner
- Sebastien Bachollet
- Seun Ojedeji
- Snehashish Ghosh
- Sonigitu Ekpe
- Tijani Ben Jemaa
- Tracy Hackshaw
- Akinremi Peter Taiwo
- Alan Greenberg
Amrita Choudhury
- Anivar Aravind
- Arlene Tungali
- Bukola Fawole
- Christopher Hemmerlein
- Diego Acosta Bastidas
- Elizabeth Bacon
- Emile Milandou
- Etienne Tshishimbi
- Farah Bhatti
- Farzaneh Badii
- Francis Olivier Cubahiro
- Haifa Mezher Arango
Iftikhar Shah
Igor Sant'Anna Resende
- Isaac Maposa
- Isaque Manteiga Joaquim
- Jan Scholte
- Jimson Olufuye
- Johan Helsingius
- John Curran
- Jordan Carter
- Julia Charvolen
- Livia Walpen
- Luisa Paez
- Manal Ismail
- Marine C. Gossa
- Miguel Ignacio Estrado
- Monica Soliño
- Osvaldo Novoa
- Pascal Bekono
- Pablo Andrés Mazurier
- Philip Corwin
- Renu Sirothiya
- Rita Houkayem
- Robin Gross
- Sarah Kiden
- Satish Babu
- Shreedeep Rayamajhi
- Taylor RW Bentley
- Tom Dale
- Vidushi Marda
- Vinay Kesari
Board Liaisons:
- Lousewies van der Laan
- Lito Ibarra (backup)
Mailing List address:
List Archives:
Active Participants engage in the day-to-day discussions of the particular topic. Each active participant is expected to spend at least 3-5 hours per week on sub-group work and will have posting rights to the mailing list.
Observers follow the topic discussion but not actively participate at the
sub-group level. Observers are not expected to spend time on sub-group work and will not have posting rights to the mailing list.
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Action items:
Action Item | Owner | Status | Notes | Open date |
Continue the discussion about office of diversity on the mailing list | Subgroup | open | 1/25/17 | |
Send documentation to the subgroup about Global Enrollment | Chris Gift | open | 1/25/17 | |
Get more input from the subgroup and provide more feedback for the Global Account project | Subgroup | open | Global Account vision document can be found here | 1/25/17 |
Address any remaining issues in the strawman document | Subgroup | done | Link to strawman document: 2/10 - strawman document turned into 1st draft report | 12/13/16 |
Update questionnaire with inputs | Questionnaire drafting team | done | 01/28: updated version circulated to the mailing list (see email here) | 1/25/17 |
Work on the draft questionnaire to reduce the number of questions and simplify the questions. | Questionnaire drafting team | done | 01/06: consolidated list of questions sent to drafting team by Fiona 01/10: cleaned version sent by Julia Charvolen to the subgroup mailing list | 01/05/17 |
Provide report on what data is being collected by what team to the subgroup (date by which the report will be available is to be confirmed) | Ergys | done | Document distributed to the mailing list on Jan 24 (see email) | 1/13/17 |
Invite staff to discuss data collection | Rafik / Fiona | done | Ergys will join the Jan 13 call, and Chris Gift will join the Jan 25 call. | 12/13/16 |
Call for volunteers to draft questions | Rafik / Fiona | done | [12/16] Call for volunteers email sent to the mailing list. [12/20] Alice Munyua and Pua Hunter volunteered, and Julia Charvolen will support them. | 12/13/16 |
Produce 1st draft of questionnaire and share on the mailing list | Fiona | done | Link to draft questionnaire: | 12/13/16 |
Distribute paper presented in Helsinki (which presents a proposal to create an office of diversity within ICANN) to the mailing list. | Dalila Rahmouni | done | 01/11: email sent to mailing list by Nathalie on behalf of Dalila | 01/05/17 |