
Sub-group Members:  Amal Al-Saqqaf, Avri Doria, Dalila Rahmoundi, Fiona Asonga, Herb Waye, Julie Hammer, Lito Ibarra, Lousewies, Pua Hunter, Rafik Dammak, Olga Cavalli, Renata Aquino Ribeiro, Tracy Hackshaw

Observers/Guests:  Corinne Cath, Pascal Bekono

Staff:  Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer, Meghan Healy, Mike Brennan, Yvette Guigneaux

Apologies: Andreea Brambilla

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **




1. Roll call

2. Review of action items

  • Staff - Given the time left in the year we would appreciate receiving a service as soon as possible and would ask staff to advise if the lead time to provide either services is the same.
  • GAC underserved regions working group - provide an update on their work and questionnaire to the Diversity sub-group ASAP.

3. Status of Interpretation request

4. Progress of draft report -[]

5- AOB 

Notes (including relevant portions of chat):

18 participants at start of call

1. Roll call

2. Review of action items

  • Staff re Interpretation – see next agenda item
  • GAC group on uderserved regions
    • Pua Hunter - There will be a pacific region workshop in Fiji at the end of April and will have a survey that is currently focused on GAC members but we hope to make it available to a wider audience. Once we have the results of the survey we will share that with this group.

3. Status of Interpretation request

Rafik Damak – French and Spanish interpretation is available today. What about captioning?

Bernard Turcotte – captioning is not yet available but should be soon.

4. Progress of draft report -[]

Dalila Rahmoumi - diversity must something that does more than simply collect data - it must put forward proposals for increasing diversity. Report also notes that it will only be done if the funds should be there - we should not get into administrative issues - we need to focus on the 3 main points - collect, strategies

Julie Hammer - my personal view is we should focus more on the functions required vs actually proposing an actual structure. The organization should be the one to decide how to implement. Uncertain I support proposing an office of diversity.

Rafik Dmak - functions first is good. Do we need to set actual numerical goals vs just being aspirational? Just ideas at this point

Dalila Rahmoumi - Agree what is important is the functions but an Office is for providing a focal point that is cross community unit.

Rafik Damak - What is important at this point is to be clear as to WHAT we want and WHY we want it. Going into implementation we should remain high level. Let’s see if we can find a middle way on this. Advise everyone to review the document and comment. Drafting team will focus on the recommendations and continue its work. We will need to have a work plan if we want to deliver a report for June.

Rafik Damak – I will send a reminder to everyone to read the document and compile an issue list. Will resume the work of the drafting team.

5- AOB    




  • Group has to focus frist on what it wants and why it wants it.
  • Drafting team to resume work focusing on recommendations

Action items:

  • Rafik Dammak – Send a reminder to the group to read the draft proposal and make comments.

Documents Presented


Chat Transcript

 Brenda Brewer:Welcome all to the Diversity Subgroup Meeting #18  |  Thursday, 13 April 17 @ 13:00 UTC!

  Brenda Brewer:If you are not speaking, please mute your phone  - press *6 (star 6).  To unmute press *7 (star 7).  Thank you!

  Brenda Brewer:Today's Diversity meeting has live interpretation available as follows:  ENGLISH-9001, FRENCH-9002, SPANISH-9003.

  Brenda Brewer:To use Interpretation, you must dial into meeting via phone using numbers listed in calendar invite.

  Herb Waye Ombuds:Good morning, bonjour, buenos dias :-)

  Olga Cavalli:buenos dias

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:buenos dias Olga

  Rafik:hello all

  Brenda Brewer:Rafik are you able to speak louder, please.

  Lito Ibarra:Buenos días, Good morning

  Yvette Guigneaux:good morning

  RAHMOUNI Dalila:Bonjour, hello!

  Brenda Brewer:Sound is great, Rafik.  Thank you!

  Yvette Guigneaux:recording is started Rafik

  Brenda Brewer:recordings are going.

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:not yet

  RAHMOUNI Dalila:All is perfect!

  Renata Ribeiro:si

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:Fiona are your speakers on - bad feedback

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:you may want to mute them when you speak

  avri doria:how many people did we have on the other langauge channels?

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:next call 20 April 1300 utc

  RAHMOUNI Dalila:Thank you

  Brenda Brewer:We had one person join the ES channel today.

  Herb Waye Ombuds:Thanks Rafik, have a nice weekend everyone

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:bad echo cannot hear you Rafik

  Renata Ribeiro:Gracias

  Tracy Hackshaw:Bye everyone. Happy & Holy Easter to those who celebrate

  avri doria:thanks, happy whatevers and bye

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:Adjourned

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:bye all

  Rafik:thanks everyone


  Lito Ibarra:Bye.

  Julie Hammer (SSAC):Bye everyone.

  RAHMOUNI Dalila:Thank you to the interpreters!

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:bye

  Renata Ribeiro:Thanks to everyone and the interpreters, much better, even despite some audio issues

  Brenda Brewer:Thank you for joining the Diversity call today.  

  Brenda Brewer:you may now disconnect. The meeting has ended.

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