Organizing Committee Members                   
Satish Babu
Siranush Vardanyan (stepped down August '16)
Ali AlMeshal
Maureen Hilyard

Holly Raiche

Pavan Budhrani
Kaili Kan

Mailing List:


27 October 2016 -  APRALO ICANN57 Activities Meeting

19 October 2016 -  APRALO ICANN57 Activities Meeting

14 October 2016 -  APRALO ICANN57 Activities Meeting

06 October 2016 -  APRALO ICANN57 Activities Meeting

23 September 2016 -  APRALO ICANN57 Activities Meeting

21 September 2016 - APRALO ICANN 57 ALS Capacity Building Sessions

9 September 2016 - APRALO ICANN57 Activities Meeting

25 August 2016 - APRALO ICANN57 Activities Meeting


APRALO plans to conduct Networking and/or Showcase events in line with our theme of "Celebrating Diversity".

Outreach Events 

APRALO, in conjunction and co-ordination with other groups in ICANN that are working for outreach, will organize and participate in outreach programmes during ICANN57 at Hyderabad. These programmes may include addressing different stakeholder groups such as Universities, Schools, and NGOs about Internet Governance, and how these end-users and their communities could influence ICANN policy.

Capacity Building activities

The following Capacity Building Activities are planned for ICANN57:

a. Capacity Building Session for APRALO ALS Representatives
The ALAC Capacity Building Working Group will organize a capacity building session during ICANN57, which is targeted at the representatives of the India-based ALSes as well as other members of the At-Large Community. The session will discuss issues such as enhancing participation in IG processes,  keeping ALSes active and at high levels of vitality, and the recent developments in IG.

b. First India School on Internet Governance (inSIG)
The first India School on Internet Governance (inSIG) is scheduled for 31 Oct - 2 Nov, just prior to ICANN57, at Hyderabad. The event is supported by NIXI, Government of India; ICANN; Internet Society; and Asia-Pacific School on Internet Governance (APSIG). While mainly targeted at India-based IG Practitioners, the school is also open for a small number of participants from other countries in the region, particularly South and Central Asia. For more information, please see

Promotional materials

APRALO brochure (in English, Hindi, Telugu), buttons APRALO Logo.




  • No labels


  1. APRALO ICANN 57 Prep call 21 July 2016 06:00 UTC

    Action Items

    1. Gisella to work with meetings team to ask for a  catering quote from meeting team for 150 pax .

    2. Siranush to query the APRALO ALSes on how many are planning to attend

    3.  Satish and Siranush to follow to request a letter of support to Indian ALS for accomodation and travel. SV to send the letter head.

    4. Letter to include benefits, options such funding of 1 person, why should India support this.

    5. Kaili  Kan  to check if there is any chance to support  the Showcase financially..Explore if ISC can  host an evening event similar to "China Night".

    6. 2 Budgets to be drafted by :

    1)  For the Showcase- staff will get catering quote 2)  For the travel for Indian ALS - budget to be prepared by Satish.

    7. Potential donors: Dot. Asia, ISC

    8. Local NGOs -  Satish to identify what local NGOs can come

    9. When available,  Gisella to provide information on schedule of  other ICANN activities (evening events, etc)

    10. O/E subcommitte will meet today and to discuss Outreach in India - Ali to report back to the group

    12. Call in 2 weeks- staff to send a doodle

  2. Responses from Gisella and Silvia 9 Sept


    • Timing of Showcase: Sunday 6th November from 18:30-20:00
      1. Gisella Gruber to inform the OC of any other events as details become available – NO OTHERS AT THIS STAGE
      2. Gala has been noted on Saturday 5th November - details TBC
    • Gisella Gruber to send the draft budget to the OC, to include the tentative catering budget already received – ATTACHED
      • Please find attached draft budget which for now only has the catering.
        Note – I have left the ICANN 52 Favours as a reminder of what we had last time.
    • Gisella Gruber to confirm whether ICANN Meetings Team working with any local Events Company (to source give aways and entertainment)
      • Meetings Team have not yet confirmed.

    From: Silvia Vivanco <>


    Dear all,

     Please join the ICANN57 Activities Call scheduled on Friday, 09 September 2016 at 04:00 UTC.  Please come prepared to provide an update  on the status of the Action Items of our August 25  call.

     Action Items:

     Timing of Showcase: Sunday 6th November from 18:30-20:00

      1. Gisella Gruber to inform the OC of any other events as details become available

      2. Gala has been noted on Saturday 5th November - details TBC 

    • Gisella Gruber to send the draft budget to the OC, to include the tentative catering budget already received

    • Gisella Gruber to confirm whether ICANN Meetings Team working with any local Events Company (to source give aways and entertainment)

    • Satish Babu to Coordinate the Capacity Building Program with Tijani Ben Jemaa and work on format. Lunch time sessions to be considered as early morning sessions are not well attended nor recommended at ICANN 57.

    • Satish Babu to join the next Outreach and Engagement Sub-Committee meeting on Monday 29  August at 19:00 UTC to discuss the Outreach planned at ICANN 57 with Fellows, Next-Gen and the Onboarding Program - Satish NOT able to join. Maureen Hilyard will be discussing ICANN 57 Plans instead. COMPLETED -

    • Kaili Kan to check with ISC if any sponsorship is available.

    • Silvia Vivanco to confirm promotional materials available at ICANN 57 - brochures and languages

    • Gisella Gruber to send a Doodle for next call in 2 weeks. Gisella suggests for this call to take place after the ICANN 57 Community Webinar on Wednesday 7th September at 15:00 UTC. Thursday 8th September onwards. - COMPLETED 

  3. I have been in touch with Tijani and Aziz about their NGO and ALS Training sessions in Marrakech. They forwarded their programme for us to discuss and from which we can develop our own programme. These can be found at :

     Program for students: Outreach and Engagement activities:  aand Program Outreach for NGO

    The AFRALO NGO Program featured a series of capacity building sessions for beginners as part of AFRALO's continuing efforts to raise awareness on ICANN and At-Large issues within Africa. The sessions included basic knowledge on ICANN and At-Large, including the policy development process and ICANN's unique bottom up multi-stakeholder model of decision making.

    From <>


    Programme of Activities (based on the Marrakech model – adapted for the Asia Pacific region)






    INTRODUCTORY SESSION– Moderator, Satish Babu (90 mins)


    Satish Babu – Chair APRALO

    Welcome and introduction to the Capacity Building session for ALSes and NGOs

    10 mins


    Participants (15-20 participants?)


    10 mins


    Holly Raiche

    ICANN and the Multistakeholder model

    20 mins


    Maureen Hilyard

    APRALO within At Large

    20 mins



    Questions and Answers

    25 mins


    ASIA PACIFIC ENGAGEMENT – Moderator Maureen Hilyard (90 mins)


    Save Vocea, Baher Esmat, Jia Rong

    Asia Pacific Engagement Strategies

    30 mins


    ALAC and the importance of APRALO

    (including the At-Large Review)

    Alan Greenberg, Olivier Crepin Leblond, Cheryl Langdon-Orr

    30 mins



    Question and Answers

    25 mins


    END-USER ENGAGEMENT IN ICANN – Moderator Holly Raiche(60 mins)



    Development and Public Responsibility

    30 mins




    30 mins



    Question and Answers

    25 mins


    ICANN ORGANISATION AND WRAP UP – Satish Babu (90 mins)


    ICANN Supporting Organisations and Advisory Committees

    Alan Greenberg, Yrjö Länsipuro, Olivier Crepin Leblond, Maureen Hilyard

    30 mins



    Question and Answers

    20 mins



    Feedback from ALSes and NGO Reps

    25 mins


    Satish Babu

    Next Steps and Wrap Up

    10 mins








    1. Thanks Maureen. This is a great starting point.

      It is of course unlikely that we will get 90 may be safer to plan for 60 min...but things will be clearer when Gisella gets back with the logistics.


  4. This is my suggested outline for the capacity building sessions, remembering that we  probably will not have a full hour and, to keep the attention of the participants, the sessions should be interactive.  There is plenty of material that can be distributed.  What I can't find, but hope someone else can, is the summary of policies that we did for Rinalia.  I'm happy to lead the sessions, but will be calling on others to help out.  Comments and suggestions welcome, of course:

    Nov 5:  Introduction to ICANN

    • What it does
    • How it is structured – use chart
    • SOs/ACs – what they do
    • Exercise for participants::
    • Pick an SO/AC (not ALAC) – give a brief talk on what it is, why it is important, its output

    (maybe have someone from SSAC/GNSO/GAC talk briefly – then work with smaller group on what the SO/AC is and does)

    Nov 6: Introduction to ALAC

    • What ALAC is
    • What is an ALS
    • What is a RALO – the 5 RALOS
    • Who’s Who – on the LT/the RALO Chairs

    (Suggest have attendees split into 5 groups – and each give a short presentation on one of the five RALOs)

     Nov 7: ICANN Policy Issues (based on the policy paper)

    • What is ICANN Policy
    • How is it developed
    • How can one participate
    • Where are ALAC policy statements

    (Suggest break into 4-5 teams – each pick an ALAC policy and explain what it is/what did ALAC say)

    Nov 8: The IANA ‘Transition’: ICANN Post the NTIA Contrac

    • What was ICANN’s relationship with the NTIA before 1 October
    • What happened on 1 October – what has changed?
    • What is the new structure
    • Where does ALAC/the community fit in the new structure

    (maybe have ALAC members who were involved talk including Alan, Cheryl, Leon – others?)

  5. Thanks Holly, for the work on this...looks great! Looking forward to your suggestions on the speakers.

    One topic that may fit the session on Nov 6 is something on the lines of : "IG activities within ALSes to enhance ALS participation in APRALO".

    Also, should the title of Nov 6 be "Introduction to At-Large in ICANN"? The initial part of the session may be used to disambiguate between At-Large, ALAC, RALOs, ALSes, Individual Members in RALOs and ALS members.