00:19:49    Frank Anati:    hi everyone Frank Anati from Ghana 
00:20:30    Augusto Ho:    Please call me
00:20:39    Alfredo Calderon (ICANN74 Mentor):    Welcome to those ICANN Fellows now Alumni to this session.
00:20:42    Gopal Tadepalli:    Greetings. - Dr. T V Gopal, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy Campus, Anna University , Chennai, INDIA.
00:20:54    Aïcha Abbad:    Salam tout le monde Aïcha Maroc
00:21:11    Samuel Danso:    Good evening everyone. My name is Samuel Kwasi Danso from Ghana
00:21:16    David Mackey:    Hi All from Canada! 
00:21:17    Mouloud Khelif:    Thank you @Alfredo
00:21:42    Jonathan Zuck:    Art of PAR-TEY!
00:21:45    Ahmad Aghar:    Thank you Alfredo!
00:22:18    Vrikson Acosta:    Greetings everyone. Vrikson Acosta from Venezuela
00:22:41    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org:    Wishing everyone a very warm welcome to the At-Large Capacity Building Workshop: The Art of Persuasion within the context of ICANN
00:23:29    Heidi Ullrich:    Welcome, all!
00:42:29    Sandra Hoferichter:    Olivier is already touching on the Art of Party
00:48:16    Aïcha Abbad:    j'adore le Dragon ,
00:48:23    Hadia Elminiawi:    I like the dragon it sets the scene
00:48:38    Sandra Darkwa:    impressive act
00:52:00    Frank Anati:    thanks @Alfredo
00:52:48    Olivier Crépin-Leblond:    do NOT run after them in between meetings
00:53:31    Olivier Crépin-Leblond:    do NOT go after someone when they are surrounded by many other people and already busy and crowded
00:54:43    Olivier Crépin-Leblond:    don't take rebuffs personally. Everyone has bad days.
00:56:19    Jacqueline Morris:    very true
00:58:26    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org:    To view everyone on screen, you will need to put in gallery view, please go to the top right corner of your screen and click "view”, then “gallery”.
00:59:30    Sandra Hoferichter:    Whilst Maureen is waiting at the bonfire, Olivier got stuck well dressed in the corridor and trying to spread wisdom and getting to hear some rumor. Meanwhile Alan is carefully drafting on a process ho to steer the tribe in the right direction and Cheryl is having influential talks to orchestrate the tribe.
00:59:40    Olivier Crépin-Leblond:    I was worried Sandra would say I'd be spreading some "whiskey" ---- that too, plus wine. :-)
01:00:03    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    :-)
01:00:30    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org:    To view everyone on screen, you will need to put in gallery view, please go to the top right corner of your screen and click "view”, then “gallery”.
01:02:15    Jacqueline Morris:    Absolutely, Alan. Allies were absolutely necessary in the process that I had to go through in my time as Chair, with the actual creation of all the RALOs.
01:03:06    Hadia Elminiawi:    Indeed Alan you can't really do anything without allies no matter how right you are or how important is your cause
01:05:13    Sandra Hoferichter:    Jambord: https://jamboard.google.com/d/10egJMgttiHtUhRm6p1UePch9eNn1WaxjBk1ZOCFiqBE/viewer?ts=624471cb&f=4
01:07:01    Alan Greenberg:    To give credit where it is due, Jaqueline presided over the ALAC during its MOST TURBULENT time.
01:08:14    Aïcha Abbad:    message a Cherly : c qui la symbolique du Dragon avec les grands ailles qui protèges Cherly
01:09:15    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Great to hear of that success @Joshua
01:09:53    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    hope you can pick up some tricks of the "trade"\
01:10:38    Sivasubramanian M:    that is an excellent question Sandra
01:12:23    Joshua Ayayi:    Yes. Am gleaning from you all @Sandra. Of course The GhanaSIG has also been of great help in this area.
01:12:49    Vrikson Acosta:    @Sandra, access is needed in order to see the jamboard
01:13:16    Melissa Allgood - ICANN Org:    @Vrikson - if you request access, I will give it asap
01:13:18    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Mellissa  may be able to see to that isse
01:13:21    Joshua Ayayi:    i mean @cheryl 
01:13:25    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    snap @M
01:13:33    Melissa Allgood - ICANN Org:    Jinx
01:13:40    Sandra Hoferichter:    I assume you have to login with a google account to access the jamboard
01:14:47    Hadia Elminiawi:    If some reason you don't have access to the jam board you could request it.
01:14:54    Hadia Elminiawi:    if for some
01:15:55    Hadia Elminiawi:    +1 Olivier for sure the chair does not make the final decision - the community does
01:16:37    Alan Greenberg:    Other Google products allow access to be set for anyone with the link.
01:17:45    Hadia Elminiawi:    I believe everyone registered should have access to the jam board
01:17:51    Jonathan Zuck:    @Cheryl and I, unfortunately, must run
01:20:23    Olivier Crépin-Leblond:    the most challenging is to explain a no consensus to someone who equates the "no consensus" to "your community does not know what they want" --- which is is NOT.
01:21:00    Raymond Mamattah:    Such a great session it's.
01:22:03    Olivier Crépin-Leblond:    no consensus means there are many different viewpoints. And sometimes, it is a great thing, rather than having a single viewpoint, especially given the diversity of our membership.
01:26:41    Joshua Ayayi:    Yes @Olivier, I remember we had a simulation last year during my GhanaSIG Fellowship. it was truly an eye opener. And it really takes patience, and flexibility to be able to build consensus. and as u rightly said,  "no consensus" actually gives the opportunity to go back to the drawing board and take a whole new look at whatever is on the drawing board
01:27:10    Hadia Elminiawi:    @Alan +1 I think At-Large is now in a good position, organized and to an extent influential
01:27:36    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    and can I say each of the(other) Chairs here today have been part of that influencer (as At-Large) journey that @Alan has just so well described that we are in
01:27:51    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Hell Yes you have to DO The Work at all levels
01:28:09    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    and Say what your going to do and then Do It!
01:28:24    Vrikson Acosta:    <qHadia, the system says that the request was sent, and that I will be notified if I get granted access
01:28:57    Hadia Elminiawi:    Thank you Alan, I am lucky to be part of this excellent group
01:29:05    Raymond Mamattah:    @Joshua, I remember the interesting consensus building session we had last year.
01:29:21    Jacqueline Morris:    The important thing is to actually do what you said you would do.
01:29:30    Joshua Ayayi:    yes @Raymond
01:29:49    David Mackey:    Thank you @CLO and @Alan for the answers to my question.
01:37:14    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Communicate the cause!  Exactly
01:40:01    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Thank YOU @JM
01:41:05    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Of course @Maureen needs to have the last word
01:43:55    Aïcha Abbad:    Merci pour ce webinaire passionnant . Merci de nous permettre de voir que l'essentiel c qu'on est "Open Mind" vis a vis des autres. Merci Olivier tu as aborder des points très pertinents.
01:45:02    Olivier Crépin-Leblond:    @JOshua - simulations are great ways to practice. And often the simulations are closer to the truth than the real thing. :-)
01:45:20    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    I do love a good hypothetical :-)
01:46:08    Cheryl Langdon-Orr:    Thanks Everyone!Bye for now everyone  add thoughts etc., to the Jamboard!
01:46:18    Ahmad Aghar:    Thank you everyone!
01:46:29    hanan khatib:    Thank you all
01:46:31    David Mackey:    Great session today! Thank you everyone!
01:46:33    Lito Ibarra:    Thank you all
01:46:34    Samuel Danso:    Thanks everyone for such a fruitful discussion and thanks to ICANN. bye bye
01:46:39    Gunela Astbrink:    Great session! Thank you!
01:47:38    Joshua Ayayi:    Thanks to all of you. Your experiences and contributions are a great reference points for my Journey
01:47:57    Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org:    Thank you all for your participation! And thank you to our panelists and moderators
01:47:58    Olévié A. A. KOUAMI:    So great. A lot of tips to know and learn
01:48:03    Olévié A. A. KOUAMI:    Thank you
01:48:03    Heidi Ullrich:    Thanks, All!
01:48:05    Olévié A. A. KOUAMI:    Bye

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