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Main ICANN Schedule for all other meetings and remote participation :  

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Monthly meeting EURALO

Time: 07: 15-08: 15

Meeting Room: Golden Horn

Lead: SV

Notes: HU


Mardi 23 juin 2015

Mensuelle Réunion d'EURALO

Horaire: 07h15 - 08h15

Salle de réunion: Golden Horn


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Monthly meeting of the EURALO

Time: 7: 15-8: 15

Boardroom: Golden Horn


Terça-feira, 23 de junho 2015

Reunião mensal gives EURALO

Hours: 7:15 am - 8:15 am

Reuniões room: Golden Horn


Adobe Connect:

Moderator:  Wolf Ludwig


  1. Welcome and Introduction (5 minutes)
  2. Planning for the 2015 General Assembly EURALO (50 mins)
    1. Establishing an Organizing Committee
    2. Discussion and Agreement of Meeting Schedule 
    3. Brainstorming on How to Design a more Exciting and Effective General Assembly
  3. AOB (5 mins)

Adobe Connect:

Modérateur:  Wolf Ludwig

Ordre du jour:

  1. Bienvenue et présentation (5 minutes)
  2. Planification pour l'Assemblée générale d'EURALO (50 minutes)
    1. Établir d'organization committee
    2. Discussion et accord sur le program de la réunion 
    3. Remue-méninges sur la conception d'une Assemblée générale et plus efficace passionnante
  3. Divers (5 minutes)

Adobe Connect:

Moderator:  Wolf Ludwig


  1. Welcome and Introduction (5 minutes)
  2. Planning EURALO General Assembly 2015 (50 minutes)
    1. Creation of the organizing committee
    2. Discussion and agreement meeting schedule 
    3. Exchange of ideas on how to design a more interesting and effective general assembly
  3. Other topics (5 minutes)

Adobe Connect:

Moderator: Wolf Ludwig


  1. Boas-Vindas and introdução (5 min)
  2. Planejamento for assembleia Geral da EURALO 2015 (50 min)
    1. Estabelecimento and organização committees
    2. Discussão and agreed schedule do reuniões 
    3. Debate on how planejar interessante mais uma and effective geral assembleia
  3. Outros subject index (5 min)

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

ALAC Meeting with the Board  

Time: 08: 30-09: 30 

Meeting Room: Libertador AB

Lead / Notes: HU


Mardi 23 juin 2015

Réunion de l'ALAC avec le Conseil d'administration  

Horaire: 08h30 - 09h30 

Salle de réunion: Libertador AB


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

ALAC meeting with the Board  

Time: 8: 30-9: 30 

Boardroom: Libertador AB


Terça-feira, 23 de junho 2015

Reunião do ALAC com Diretoria

Hours: 8:30 am - 9:30 am

Reuniões room: Libertador AB


Adobe Connect: 


Topic 1: Equitable Access for All Stakeholders

ATRT2 Recommendation 10.5: The Board must Facilitate the equitable participation in ICANN activities applicable, of Those WHO ICANN stakeholders lack the financial support of industry players. The recent case of an ALAC member esta Who Could not Attend staff meeting due to lack of funding is a blatant case in point.

The opposite side to the difficulty in recruiting new active volunteers - how to Ensure That You Have Those do not disappear due to lack of funding.

Discussion on options. This is not just a matter for the ALAC to submit special budget requests, but more one of philosophy on how to address the issue.

Topic 2: Postponement of At-Large Review 

Dialogue when it was first discussed. We were relieved to say would be an exaggeration. The perception at the time was That We Were Being Asked to deliver what was impossible Clearly if Done with any modicum of quality.


  •  Used to Being FAR too overloaded
  • Used to having unreasonable Demands
  • That belief complaining would not result in a change - ". That is what the rules are they can not be changed ..."

Topic 3 (Possible - to be confirmed): PICs and Category 1 TLDs. The process and outcomes Associated With the ALAC Advice.

(NOT a discussion of the substance)

Adobe Connect: 

Ordre du jour:

Thème 1: Accès équitable pour toutes les parties prenantes

10.5 Recommandation de l'ATRT2: doit le Conseil d'administration faciliter Equitable participation aux activités de l'ICANN relevant parties prenantes pour les beneficient qui ne pas du soutien financier de l'industrie des acteurs. Récent le cas d'un membre de l'ALAC qui n'a pas pu assister à cette réunion par manque d'aide financière est un cas concret flagrant.

L'autre côté de la difficulté à recruter of bénévoles nouveaux actifs: comment s'assurer that ceux qui nous ne accompagnent disparaîtront à cause du manque pas d'aide financière.

Discussion sur les options possibles. Il ne pas that s'agit d'une question de l'ALAC quant à des demandes spéciales budgétaires mais plutôt philosophique d'une question sur la manière d'aborder le problème.

Thème 2: report of the revision d'At-Large 

Dialogue lors du premier debat. Dire que nous une étions Soulages serait exageration. À ce moment-là, notre était perception that invite étions nous faire ce qui était impossible clairement fallait s'il le faire avec un minimum de qualité.

POURQUOI étions-NOUS À disposes accepter CELA?

  • Parce que nous étions regulars à être trop BEAUCOUP surchargés.
  • Parce que nous étions regulars à répondre à des demandes déraisonnables.
  • Croyions Nous ne pas notre plainte that is traduirait par un changement "Voilà les règles. Elles ne pas être peuvent changées ... "

Theme 3 (Possible - à confirmer): Les PIC et les TLD de catégorie 1. Le processus et les résultats associés à l'avis de l'ALAC

(PAS sur le fond discussion)

Adobe Connect: 


Topic 1: Equal access for all stakeholders

ATRT2 Recommendation 10.5: The Board should facilitate the equitable participation in the activities of ICANN that relate, those stakeholders of ICANN lacking financial support from the industry players. The recent case of a member of ALAC who could not attend the meeting due to lack of own financial means is a striking example.

Counterpart of the difficulty of recruiting new active volunteers: how to make sure not to lose the volunteers that we have for lack of funding.

Discussion of options. It is not just that the ALAC submit special budget requests; this is more of a philosophical question about how to approach the problem.

Item 2: Postponement of the At-Large Review 

Dialog when first discussed. To say that we were relieved would be an exaggeration. The perception at the time was that we were asking for a result that was clearly impossible if we had to do it with a minimum quality.


  • Used to be too overloaded.
  • Accustomed to unreasonable demands.
  • We did not think complaining would generate a change: "Such are the rules can not be changed.".

Item 3 (possible to be confirmed): PIC and TLD category 1. The process and results associated with the advice of the ALAC.

(NOT a discussion of the essence)

Adobe Connect: 


Topic 1: igualdade of accessibility to all parts as interessadas

I Recomendação 10.5 gives ATRT2: A Diretoria provide equitable deve participação, nas relevant atividades gives ICANN, give interessadas parts nao tem or two do suporte financeiro setor agents. Or if recente um membro do não pôde ALAC participate desse found devido lack of financial resources allotted pessoais é um em questão important case.

Or oposto side to recruit novos ative dificuldade of Volunteers - as volunteers will guarantee that não desapareçam ative em função gives lack of financial resources allotted.

Discussão on opções as. Não just ALAC or send solicitações especiais of financeiro auxílio, more sim ter uma philosophy for lidar com essa questão is.

Topic 2: Adiamento gives Revisão do At-Large

Dialogue quando foi discussed peels or assunto primeira time. Dizer relieved that ficamos um serious exaggeration. A naquele impressão that time was requested Sendo estava entregássemos impossível obviously something was feito qualidade com or minimum.


  • Acostumados load trabalho com uma MUITO além da conta
  • Acostumados to receber absurd demands
  • Não accredit that claim would result Mudanças em - "Elas são as Essas regras não ... podem be molted."

Topic 3 (possível - to be confirmed): PICs and TLDs category 1 or processo e os results associados ao Conselho do ALAC.

(É uma NÃO discussão on or assunto)

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

* ALAC Meeting with the GAC 

Time: 09: 45-10: 45 

Meeting Room: San Telmo

Lead: HU

Notes: SV

Mardi 23 juin 2015

Réunion de l'ALAC avec le GAC 

Horaire: 09h45 - 10h45 

Salle de réunion: San Telmo


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

ALAC Meeting with the GAC 

Time: 9: 45-10: 45 

Boardroom: San Telmo


Terça-feira, 23 de junho 2015

Reunião do ALAC com or GAC 

Hours: 9h45 - 10h45 

Room reuniões: San Telmo


Adobe Connect:


  1.  CWG IANA Stewardship Transition  
  2. CCWG ICANN Accountability  
  3. Safeguards  
  4. Geo Names  
  5. Future strategy meeting (from 2016 onward)  
  6. Leadership Training Program 2015 (Sandra Hoferichter)  

Adobe Connect:

Ordre du jour:

  1. Introduction
  2. Discussion of problèmes clés
  3. Étapes Prochaines

Adobe Connect:


  1. Introduction
  2. Discussion of key issues
  3. Next steps

Adobe Connect:


  1. I introdução
  2. Discussões on important subject index
  3. Next steps

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

* ALAC Work - Part I

Time: 11: 00-13: 00

Meeting Room: Golden Horn

Lead: HU

Notes: SV


Mardi 23 juin 2015

Travail de l'ALAC - 1e partie

Horaire: 11h00 - 13h00

Salle de réunion: Golden Horn


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

ALAC Work - Part I

Time: 11: 00-13: 00

Boardroom: Golden Horn


Terça-feira, 23 de junho 2015

ALAC do Trabalho - Part I

Hours: 11h - 13h

Reuniões room: Golden Horn


Adobe Connect: 

Moderator:  Alan Greenberg


  1. At-Large Working Groups - Update and Next Steps (11: 00-12: 00)  
    1. Academy WG (11: 00-11: 15) - Sandra Hoferichter
    2. ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce (11: 15-11: 30) - Olivier Crépin-Leblond  
    3. Capacity Building WG - Tijani Ben Jemaa (11: 30-11: 45)
    4. Accessibility WG - Cheryl Langdon-Orr (11: 45-12: 00)
  2. IDN Program Update - Sarmad Hussain , Mr. IDN Program Manager, ICANN (12: 00-12: 15)  

  3. TBD (12: 15-12: 30)

  4. Operation Update from Xavier Calvez , CFO and Carole Cornell , Senior Director, Program Management and Business Intelligence . (12: 30-13: 00). Topics to include: 
    1. Public Comment feedback on Draft FY16 Operating Plan & Budget 
    2. FY15 Financial update
    3. Progress Dashboard  
    4. Business Excellence Update
    5. Risk Management

Adobe Connect: 

Modérateur:  Alan Greenberg

Ordre du jour:  

  1. Groupes de travail At-Large - Informations et étapes actualisées Prochaines (11h00 to 12h00)  
    1. Groupe de travail universitaire (11h00-11h15) - Sandra Hoferichter
    2. Groupe de travail sur la mise en oeuvre de l'ATLAS II (11h15-11h30) - Olivier Crépin-Leblond  
    3. Groupe de travail sur le renforcement des capacités - Tijani Ben Jemaa (11h30-11h45)
    4. Groupe de travail sur l'accessibilité - Cheryl Langdon-Orr (11h45-12h00)
  2. Mise à jour du program IDN - Sarmad Hussain , chief Gestionnaire du program IDNs, ICANN (12h00-12h15)  
  3. A confirmer (12h15 - 12h30)
  4. Mise à jour par opérationnelle Xavier Calvez , Directeur financier et Carole Cornell , Directrice principale en charge de la gestion de programs et de la veille stratégique. Thèmes à aborder: 
    1. Contribution of the communauté à propos du budget plan opérationnel et pour l'exercice Fiscal 2016 
    2. Mise à jour sur l'exercice Fiscal 2016
    3. Tableau de bord des progrès  
    4. Mise à jour sur le program d'excellence commerciale (12h30-13h00)

Adobe Connect: 

Moderator:  Alan Greenberg


  1. Working groups At-Large - Update and next steps (11: 00-12: 00)  
    1. Working Group for the Academy (11: 00-11: 15) - Sandra Hoferichter
    2. Implementation Action Group ATLAS II (11: 15-11: 30) - Olivier Crépin-Leblond  
    3. Working Group on Capacity Building - Tijani Ben Jemaa (11: 30-11: 45)
    4. Working Group on Accessibility - Cheryl Langdon-Orr (11: 45-12: 00)
  2. Update on IDN Program - Sarmad Hussain , Senior Program Manager IDN, ICANN (12: 00-12: 15)  
  3. TBD (12: 15-12: 30)
  4. Update on the operation, run by Xavier Calvez , Chief Financial Officer, and Carole Cornell , Senior Director of Program Management and Business Intelligence. Topics will include: 
    1. Feedback on public comments on the draft Operating Plan and Budget for Fiscal Year 2016 
    2. Financial update on the fiscal year 2015
    3. Progress Control Board  
    4. Update business excellence (12: 30-13: 00)

Adobe Connect: 

Moderator:  Alan Greenberg


  1. Working Groups do At-Large - atualização and next steps (11h - 12h)
    1. WG gives Academy (11h - 11h15) - Sandra Hoferichter
    2. Força-tarefa of Implementação gives ATLAS II (11h15 - 11h30) - Olivier Crépin-Leblond
    3. Capacity WG de Desenvolvimento - Tijani Ben Jemaa (11h30 - 11h45)
    4. WG Acessibilidade - Cheryl Langdon-Orr (11h45 - 12h)
  2. Atualização do IDNs Program - Sarmad Hussain , Senior Manager Program do IDNs, ICANN (12h - 12h15)
  3. TBA (12h15 - 12h30)
  4. Operational atualização of Xavier Calvez , CFO, and Carole Cornell , Senior Diretora, Business Intelligence and Gerenciamento Program. Topics to be included serem:
    1. Owners of public comments on a draft Operational Plan and versão do Orçamento to or AF16
    2. Atualização financeiro do AF15
    3. Progresso do Painel
    4. Atualização of Business Excellence (12h30 - 13h)

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

At-Large New Strategy Working Group Meeting

Time: 13: 00-14: 00

Meeting Room: Golden Horn

Lead: HU

Notes: SJ




Adobe Connect:

Moderators: Sébastien Bachollet , A. Rafid Fatani and Beran Gillen Dondeh

Agenda:  TBC


Tuesday, 23 June 2015

ALAC Work - Part II

Time: 14: 00-16: 00

Meeting Room: Golden Horn

Lead: HU

Notes: SJ


Mardi 23 juin 2015

Travail de l'ALAC - 2e partie

Horaire: 14h00 - 16h00

Salle de réunion: Golden Horn


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

ALAC Work - Part II

Time: 14: 00-16: 00

Boardroom: Golden Horn


Terça-feira, 23 de junho 2015

ALAC do Trabalho - Part II

Hours: 14h - 16h

Reuniões room: Golden Horn


Adobe Connect:

Moderator: Alan Greenberg


  1. Discussion With Ashwin Rangan , Innovation and Chief Information Officer, Chris Gift , VP, Online Community Services, ICANN on Information management plans (14: 00-14: 30)
  2. Status of the At-Large Website Update - With Chris Gift , VP, Online Community Services, Laura Bengford , Senior Product Manager , Jeff Salem , User Experience Designer in Digital Services, and Ariel Liang , At-Large Policy Coordinator (14: 30- 15:15)   
  3. Update on  Privacy and Proxy Services Accreditation Issues - Holly Raiche and Carlton Samuels (15: 15-16: 00)

Adobe Connect:

Modérateur: Alan Greenberg

Ordre du jour: 

  1. Discussion avec Ashwin Rangan , Directeur de l'Innovation et de l'information, Chris Gift , Vice-President, Services en ligne pour la communauté, ICANN pour les plans de gestion de l'information (14h00-14h30)
  2. État de la mise à jour du site Web d'At-Large - Avec Chris Gift , Vice-président, services en ligne pour la communauté, Laura Bengford , produit senior Chef, Jeff Salem , Concepteur de l'expérience de l'utilisateur of services numériques et Ariel Liang , coordinateur des politiques d'At-Large (14h30-15h15)
  3. Mise à jour sur les questions liées à l'accréditation de services et d'enregistrement d'anonymisation fiduciaire- Holly Raiche et Carlton Samuels (15h15-16h00)

Adobe Connect:

Moderator: Alan Greenberg


  1. Discussion on management plans information with Ashwin Rangan , Director of Innovation and Information, Chris Gift , vice president of Online Services to the Community, ICANN (14: 00-14: 30)
  2. Update on the status of the website At-Large, with Chris Gift , vice president of Online Services to the Community, Laura Bengford , Senior Manager of Product, Jeff Salem , User Experience Designer at Digital Services, and Ariel Liang , Coordinator Policy At-Large (14: 30-15: 15)
  3. Update on issues of accreditation of privacy services and representation (proxy) - Holly Raiche and Carlton Samuels (15: 15-16: 00)

Adobe Connect:

Moderator: Alan Greenberg


  1. Com Discussão Ashwin Rangan , Diretor of inovação e informações, Chris Gift , vice-president, Online Serviços da Comunidade, ICANN plans gerenciamento you to Informações (14h - 14h30)
  2. Status gives atualização do site do At-Large - com Chris Gift , vice-president, Online Serviços da Comunidade, Laura Bengford , senior produtos, Jeff Salem , designer and User Experience serviços do Digitais, and Ariel Liang , Coordenadora policies do At-Large (14h30 - 15h15)
  3. Atualização on questões related to serviços of credenciamento of privacidade and proxy - Holly Raiche and Carlton Samuels (15h15 - 16h00)
Tuesday, 23 June 2015 
 At-Large Ad-hoc WG on the Transition of US Government Stewardship of the IANA Function and Accountability   - Part 1
Time: 16: 15-17: 45

Meeting Room: Golden Horn

Lead: HU

Notes: SV


Mardi 23 juin 2015 

Groupe de travail d'ad-hoc At-Large southern supervisory transition du rôle du gouvernement des Etats-Unis sur les fonctions et sur la responsabilité IANA - 1e Partie

Horaire: 16h15 - 17h45

Salle de réunion: Golden Horn


Tuesday, June 23, 2015 

Ad Hoc Working Group At-Large Transition of the Custody of the IANA functions by the Government of the United States and Liability - Part 1

Time: 16: 15-17: 45

Boardroom: Golden Horn


Terça-feira, 23 de junho 2015

Do ad hoc WG At-Large on a hair Transição governo da Administração da Função two US IANA and Responsibility - Part 1

Hours: 16h15 - 17h45

Reuniões room: Golden Horn


Adobe Connect:

Moderator: Olivier Crépin-Leblond


  1. Introduction
  2. Update from IANA Coordination Group (ICG)
  3. Discussion of CWG Proposals Including latest Developments
  4. CCWG Accountability Review Public Comment
    1. Public comment review

    2. Second public comment period planning

  5. Conclusion & Next Steps

Adobe Connect:

Modérateur: Olivier Crépin-Leblond

Ordre du jour: 

  1. Introduction
  2. Mise à jour du Groupe de coordination pour la transition du rôle of supervision des fonctions IANA (ICG)
  3. Discussion des propositions du CWG, y compris les plus récents them développements
  4. Revision of the consultation published sur le CCWG-Responsabilité
    1. Revision of the consultation published
    2. Planification of deuxième période de consultation published
  5. Conclusion et étapes Prochaines

Adobe Connect:

Moderator: Olivier Crépin-Leblond


  1. Introduction
  2. Updated Coordination Group of the Transition of the Custody of the IANA functions (ICG)
  3. Discussion of proposals submitted by the CWG, including the latest developments
  4. Review of public comments on Liability CCWG
    1. Review of public comments
    2. Planning second public comment period
  5. Conclusion and Next Steps

Adobe Connect:

Moderator: Olivier Crépin-Leblond)


  1. I introdução
  2. Atualização do ICG (IANA Coordination Group, Group Coordenação gives IANA)
  3. I do discussão on propostas as CWG, you incluindo last acontecimentos
  4. Public Comment Revisão do CCWG-Responsibility
    1. Revisão public comment
    2. Do Planejamento second public comment period
  5. Conclusão and next steps
Tuesday, 23 June 2015 
At-Large Ad-hoc WG on the Transition of US Government Stewardship of the IANA Function and Accountability - Part 2  
Time: 18: 00-20: 00

Meeting Room: Golden Horn

Lead: HU

Notes: SV


Mardi 23 juin 2015 

Groupe de travail d'ad-hoc At-Large southern supervisory transition du rôle du gouvernement des Etats-Unis sur les fonctions et sur la responsabilité IANA - 2e Partie  

Horaire: 18h00 - 20h00

Salle de réunion: Golden Horn


Tuesday, June 23, 2015 

Ad Hoc Working Group At-Large Transition of the Custody of the IANA functions by the Government of the United States and Responsibility - Part 2  

Time: 18: 00-20: 00

Boardroom: Golden Horn


Terça-feira, 23 de junho 2015 

Do ad hoc WG At-Large on a hair Transição governo da Administração da Função two US IANA and Responsibility - Part 2

Hours: 18h - 20h

Reuniões room: Golden Horn


This meeting is a placeholder and will be confirmed closer to the time.

Adobe Connect:

Moderator: Olivier Crépin-Leblond


  1. Introduction
  2. Discussion on key issues
  3. Next Steps

Cette réunion décidée n'est pas encore et elle will confirmée ultérieurement.

Adobe Connect:

Modérateur: Olivier Crépin-Leblond

Ordre du jour: 

  1. Introduction
  2. Discussion of problèmes clés
  3. Étapes Prochaines

This meeting is provisional and will be confirmed closer to the date.

Adobe Connect:

Moderator: Olivier Crépin-Leblond


  1. Introduction
  2. Discussion of key issues
  3. Next steps

This reunião is marked and will be confirmed horário mais perto do.

Adobe Connect:

Moderator: Olivier Crépin-Leblond


  1. I introdução
  2. Discussões on important subject index
  3. Next steps

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