• Evin Erdogdu to share At-Large Comms Strategy with SMWG Regional Vice Chairs and RALO Leads for their feedback within the next 2 weeks.
  • SMWG Regional Vice Chairs and RALO Leads to confer with their RALO on whether Instagram would be useful - AFRALO member Adebunmi Akinboto develop potential storyboard for ICANN67 and confer with AFRALO.
  • SMWG Regional Vice Chairs and RALO Leads: Virtual ICANN67 could be an opportunity to hear examples of the impact of ICANN policies directly from the local ALSes/individuals. 
This could be done by a photo, statistics, a chart, etc.
A key strength of At-Large is the grassroots nature of the volunteers. This might be a great opportunity to hear from those individual end users in their local environment.
  • SMWG Regional Vice Chairs and RALO Leads to ID individual(s) to sit in on ICANN67 Virtual Meeting and live tweet the sessions, share on social media, et al.
  • Evin Erdogdu to create Google Doc / sign in form for the At-Large sessions (including day and time zones), for the SMWG to sign up for promotion.
  • Evin Erdogdu to capture screenshot of the At-Large Activity on DNS Abuse so that SMWG can promote on social media.
  • Evin Erdogdu to capture screenshot of ICANN67 Talking Points so that SMWG can promote on social media, and circulate the Talking Points as soon as they are finalized.
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