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 On 22 September 2015, the ALAC re-appointed Maureen Hilyard to serve as the ALAC Liaison to the ccNSO. This term will be from the end of the ICANN 54 Meeting in October 2015 through the end of the 2017 AGM. Maureen Hilyard has served as the  ALAC Liaison to the ccNSO since 2013.

MAY 2017 ccNSO Update

ccNSOCouncil Meeting: 18 May 12UTC

  • Among Action items was Katrina to confirm with the ALAC (Alan) that Wafa's ccNSO Liaison role would not impact her ALAC role. Alan did not see this as an issue as long as she was not also a voting member of the ccNSO in her capacity as the Liaison.
  • In between the last meeting and this one, several decisions have been made online
    • A letter has been sent to the Board on the RDS/ Whois2 Review
    • A submission was made to the FY18 budget committee on travel funding
    • Jordan Carter was appointed as the  ccNSO Co-Chair to the CCWG Accountability
    • Email sent by Katrina regarding next steps for ccNSO re: EPSRP
    • A draft FAQ was sent to the GAC WG on Underserved regions
  • Empowered Community Administration Update: (Stephen Deerhake)
    • Katrina explained the EC approval process
    • After a question posed by Byron, Stephen indicated concern about the meeting A B and C formats which were designed and adopted for ICANN 2.0 but we are operating under ICANN 3.0 bylaws which require things that were not anticipated when the three meeting formats were adopted under the ICANN 2.0 regime. 

APRIL 2017 ccNSO Update

Invitation offered by ccNSO for ALAC participation on their  PDP WG on Retirement of ccTLDsWafa and I have voluteered and other ALAC members may also join in.

ccNSO Council Meeting: Apologies given for non-attendance at the Council meeting due to a conflict with the ALAC Leadership Team meeting at the same time (UTC17.30-19.00)
Council meeting matters discussed (taken from Joke's notes, Council minutes not yet available):

  • ccNSO Travel Funding: ccNSO Council request to increase number travel slots - current suggestion 12 to 26 to fund all Council members to all Council meetings. Further discussion pending. Council has until 18 April to provide further input to the drafting team
  • Update Approval Action Process: the ccNSO as Decisional Participant - the community approved the Board recommendation to move the Board's governance committee's reconsideration process to another Board committee. Concern was raised regarding the EC Forum in Jo'burg at which another perspective could be posed on the Approval Action process following the EC decision
  • CSC charter review - following on from discussions last meeting, working with the RySG and GNSO on the membership of the review - 3 from each camp - currently discussing potential ccNSO members
  • CCWG IG updated charter - Katrina raised her concern about the lack of active participation in the CCWG by ccNSO members and made a call from more input from the ccTLD community. At the same time, Young-Eum will take the ccNSO issues relating to the relevance of the charter to the ccTLD community. 
  • Limited scope RDS (Whois 2) review and nomination of members review team - Concern was raised about a possible conflict between the Whois RDS and the  GNSO Whois PDP. Clarification is required about the scope of the RDS review and the Council moved to write a letter to the ICANN Board to ask that the scope be defined first. One difficulty as a reason is that the ccNSO believe that the ccTLDs will experience problems when the EU regulation (the GDPR) comes into force. 
  • ccNSO Liaison to ALAC - there was discussion about the involvement of the ccNSO liaison in Council decisions. While the Council preferred to focus on the by-laws, they will discuss the role of exchange of Liaisons with the ALAC Chair before making a decision.
  • Roles and responsibilities of Councillors and Work plan - in-house management issues and equitable distribution of responsibilities of Council members discussed
  • PDP update - ALAC, SSAC, GAC, GNSO have been invited to become participants (individuals can become participants) in their PDP WGs. The Council will publish and issue a report for public comment.

March 2017 ccNSO Report


ccNSO Travel funding: ccNSO Council request to increase number travel slots: Background: The ccNSO Council has discussed whether an increase in the number of ccNSO Travel slots is needed.  Based on an initial analyses the Council considers that such a request is warranted. As part of the FY 2018 ICANN Budget process, the ccNSO Council intends to submit such a request. To ensure timely submission ( closing date 28 April), the ccNSO Council intends to use the ccNSO Council Statement/ Position procedure ( The ccNSO Council initiates the ccNSO Council procedure to prepare a submission to the ICANN FY 2018 Budget and/or Operational Plan seeking an increase in the number of ccNSO traveling slots. The ccNSO Council designates Nigel Roberts as   lead of the drafting team and request the secretariat to send out a call for volunteers to take part in the drafting team. In preparing the Council Statement the drafting team is requested to propose a reasonable number of traveling slots and the rationale for the proposed number. Byron  and Debbie raised the concern that more travel slots may not be warranted seeing as the fees paid to ICANN are less than normal because the ccNSO has not made demands on ICANN for further slots. 

CSC Charter review:RySG and ccNSO Council will jointly work on the first review of the charter of the Customer Standing Committee, starting October 2017. To structure the review, the chair met with the chair and vice-chair of the RySG and they agreed on and propose a schedule and principles/terms of reference

ccNSO review: Background: the ccNSO Council received a letter for the chair of the ICANN Board Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC), indicating that the ccNSO Council could defer the start of the ccNSO Organizational Review by twelve months. If so it would have to inform the OEC accordingly. Additional procedural steps will be involved, including a public comment period and board approval. Decision: The chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the chair of the ICANN Board Organizational Effectiveness Committee that the ccNSO requests to defer the start of the ccNSO Organizational Review by twelve months. 

FoI Implementation Advisory team: The topic was discussed on the 19 October 2016 Council call. At that call Stephen Deerhake was appointed as member of the Advisory team and Becky Burr indicated she would continue as member. Keith Davidson has now also re-confirmed his commitment to bring the implementation to an end. The membership of the Advisory Team will be revisited if one of the current members steps down.

**All Council members voted in favour of the consent agenda which listed the above decision items. 

Agenda item 11- ccNSO Resolutions on ccPDP 3: ccNSO Policy Development Process on introduction of a Review Mechanism and Retirement of country code Top Level Domains

1.Draft Decisions; In accordance with Annex B section 3 and 4 of the ICANN Bylaws, the ccNSO Council decides that:

  • Based on a review of the issues, considering that the Threshold Criteria are met, and taking into account General Counsels opinion, the Issues Manager recommendation to initiate one (1)  ccNSO Policy Development Process to develop policies for a Review Mechanism and on the retirement of ccTLDs.
  •  The initial focus needs to be on developing a policy for Retirement of ccTLDs, and only after the substantive work has been concluded the focus should be on developing a recommendations pertaining to the Review Mechanism pertaining to decisions on delegation, transfer, revocation and retirement of ccTLDs.
  • To appoint two working groups each with its own charter, working method and schedule.

2.The secretariat is requested to send out a call for volunteers for the first WG, and invite other stakeholders listed in the relevant charter, to participate in the WG in the manner most suited to them.

3.As required under Annex B, the Chair of the ccNSO is requested to formally inform the Chair of the GAC and ask the GAC to advise or provide an opinion.

4.The chair of the ccNSO is requested to recommend the ICANN Board of Directors to defer any decisions pertaining to the retirement of a ccTLD until such a time the policy for the retirement of the ccTLD has been developed following this ccNSO PDP 3 and adopted and implemented by ICANN.

5.The secretariat is requested is publish this resolution as soon as possible and upon publication it becomes effective.

Participation/assistance ccNSO in GAC WG Underserved regions preparing FAQ on delegation, transfer and revocation Resolution: The ccNSO Council expresses its interest to assist and participate the GAC Underserved regions WG to prepare a FAQ and high level informational document to explain procedures around delegation, transfer and recovation of ccTLDs.  Once details are better understood the secretariat is requested to send out an appropriate call for volunteers. 

Election of Officers: Katrina was again elected as Chair of the Council  For Vice Chair: Demi Goetze,and Byron Brown were elected as Vice Chairs. 

Next meetings: 3 April 2017, 18.00 UTC; 18 May 2017, 12.00 UTC; June 2017 (f-2-f) to be confirmed, depending on ccNSO meeting schedule at ICANN 59


ccNSO TLD OPS Workshop – Closed (invitation only) : 9:00-12:15 CET, Room:  Hall C1.2

ccNSO Council Preparatory Meeting; Sunday, 12 March | 12:15-13:45 | Hall B4.2;

TLD-OPS Standing Committee; Sunday, 12 March | 13:45-15:00 | Hall B4.1;

Guidelines Review Committee (GRC); Sunday, 12 March | 13:45-15:00 | Hall B4.2;

Strategic Operational Planning Working Group (SOP); Sunday, 12 March | 15:15-16:45 | Hall B4.2;

ccNSO-ALAC MEETING Sunday 12 5pm - agenda (COPENHAGEN) 

  • Agenda:

    1. EC AC/Empowerd Community: processes and procedures that need to be in place to make Empowered Community and more importantly ICANN as whole effective. What are priorities? What needs to be done to make this work more effective, efficient and coordinated?
    2. ALAC review: strengths, weaknesses from the current review. What could ccNSO learn from ALAC experience to date. (FYI: the next ccNSO review is scheduled to start after the Copenhagen with the preparation of the RFP)
    3. Scheduling ICANN meetings: how to improve the process?

February 2017 ccNSO Report



3 decisions were made between meetings

  • CCNSO Liaison to the ALAC - Wafa Dahmani (formalised)
  • support the limited scope of the ATRT3
  • support a request for additional travel funding (agenda item 8)


  • Voting will take place this week for the CCNSO Liaison to the GNSO. Two applicants Ben Fuller (.na) and Biyi Oladipo (.ng)


  • Apparently traditional ccNSO election practice is to have new members in their seats by March is contrary to ICANN bylaws which expect them to take their seats at the last meeting of the year. The council is undecided on whether to remain with the status quo or to revise their timelines.
  • Discussion focused mainly on "marching to their own drum" and remaining as they are to make a symbolic statement about their relative independence from ICANN. They believe this is a minor issue, so is it worth the hassle of change. General agreement although Katrina did warn of possible issues with ICANN legal. They seem happy to leave things as they are for the moment. 


  • CCNSO currently has 12 slots - smallest of all the So/ACs. This number may indicate their independence from ICANN but it makes participation by smaller ccTLDs more problematic.
  • Could probably make a proposal to increase the number of slots during the OPS plan and budget public comment period.(start of March). The SOP WG is working on a document stating financial contributions made by ccTLDS to ICANN. The 12 slots were originally based on this which is why the CCNSO has been reluctant to ask for an increase.
  • Currently the NOMCOM members (one per region) are funded. Most councillors are funded to attend ccNSO meetings by their employers. Remaining slots go to the broader ccTLD community. The problem is trying to enable smaller registries to participate in person
  • The ALAC has 27 slots for ALAC members and regional leaders. GNSO have over 40 travel slots.


  • CSC (Byron) 
  • EC/AC (Stephen) - A guideline is being prepared for handing matters EC. Annex D Section 2 has been the focus so far. Jordan Carter and Ben Fuller will provide an outline to the GRC - hopefully will be voted on in CPH. The Board Governance Committee is to form a new Board committee to handle accountability mechanisms. This will require a bylaw change and approval action by the community - at least 3 SOs will be required to approve this.
  • CCWG Auction Proceeds (Ching) - Newsflash - GNSO appointed Co-Chair Jonathan Robinson mentioned his intention to step down due to possible conflict of interest in relation to his employment by Affilias (.web new gTLD application). He will continue until GNSO appoints a new co-chair 


  • First meeting of the year - chair and vice chairs are elected - standing committees - annual work plan to be discussed - 
  • Sunday - ALAC-CCNSO meeting at 7pm Sunday
  • Monday - meeting with GNSO Council
  • Tuesday - ccNSO - Board meeting (topics could include implmentation and EC related mechanisms) - cCNSO-GAC meeting
  • Wednesday - Council meeting at 5pm - Elect chair and vice chairs
  • Leonid warned of commission fees in CPH - 13% on cash exchange and 45 Danish crowns min (some USD 7-8) on cash withdrawals from ATM ( in addition to your bank's regular commission fees.)

January 2017 ccNSO Report

23 January - LATEST NEWS - ccNSO Liaison to the ALAC - There were two candidates - Wafa Dahmani and Ben Fuller. The Council has voted and Wafa has been selected as their ccNSO rep to the ALAC.


Intermeeting Council Decisions

  • Selection SSR 2 ccNSO Nominees: 6 candidates asked for ccNSO endorsement. Three candidates were selected – others will be considered if SO/AC Chairs decide there is a need for more. There was some discussion in a later section of the meeting relating to these operational matters. The call for SSR volunteers was made under the old Bylaws and there is some lack of clarity about what Operating Standards the group will operate under.  Any changes to the Operating Standards requires a public comment process and this could take up to a year.  The SSR and the Directory Services Reviews could be operating within a "frameless world" because the Operating Standards are not yet defined. 


  • ccNSO Liaison to ALAC.  Two candidates applied, Wafa Dahmani and Ben Fuller. Their applications and CVs were circulated and Council preferences were asked for by 16 January. As of 22 Jan, a decision has still not yet been made because of lack of response from the Council.
  • Volunteers Ethos Awards Committee.  Margarita Valdes Cortes and Nigel Roberts were appointed as ccNSO members on the FY 17 ICANN Ethos Awards Committee
  • Appointment (interim) co-chair CCWG Auction Proceeds.  Mathieu Weill, Ching Chiao and Peter Vergote. are the ccNSO representatives to this CCWG. Ching volunteered to be a co-Chair but Peter has warned that the funds will  be those that have been gathered from organisations under the GNSO. The ccNSO will consider Ching's position as "interim" until they reconsider the situation a little down the track. Ching's co-chairmanship has been acknowledged by GNSO but Jonathan Robinson the GNSO Co-Chair has been notified of the ccNSO concerns
  • ccNSO Liaison to the GNSO.  Patrick Myles of CENTR is stepping down from this role and a volunteer is being sought to take up his position. Patrick has been thanked for his participation in this role and CENTR has also been thanked for allowing him to take on this role on behalf of the ccNSO.

Adoption Final report and closure WG EPSRP, submission of Final report to the ICANN Board of Directors

  • The Chair reported on the EPSRP (Extended Process Similarity Review Panel). The ICANN Board had originally requested guidance on how to deal with split findings. A working group was created, with participants from ccNSO and GAC. Following public comment, the WG's report received full support from ALAC, GAC as well as Verisign – noting the working group needed to take into account the requirements from the RFC and IDNs from ccTLDs and they should be treated equally. The SSAC however rejected the report. The WG was requested to specifically include reference to the Conservatism Principle and that the requirements of RFC 6912 should be taken into account – and some other minor changes. The ccNSO Council adopted the Final report of the ccNSO Extended Process Similarity Review Panel Working Group and the recommendations contained in it. The ICANN Board of Directors will be informed that by submission of the requested guidance and refinement it has completed its work and considers the 3rd review of the Fast Track Process completed. The Council also requested that the Board should reconsider the overall IDN ccTLD policy recommendations as submitted to the Board in September 2013, as foreseen in Annex B section 15 of the ICANN Bylaws to replace the Fast Track Process.  

Organizational ccNSO Review and timeline.

  • the ccNSO is gathering together a WG which will decide on the Independent Reviewer and the review process, specifically the scope f the process. Representatives of the five regions are being asked to volunteer.  Peter Van Roste has been invited to the RIPE meeting on 24 January to speak about accountability and organisational reviews in the ccTLD world. Jean Jacques Sahel from ICANN, will cover accountability reviews and he believes it would be appropriate to give the group a “heads up” on what the ccNSO is doing in the context of the organizational review. Bart was going to look into whether the staff could put together a slide presentation for Peter to share at this event.  The cNSO is the last SO/AC to be reviewed in this current round. The last review was 5 years ago.

 Update EC AC/ GRC related work 

  • Stephen Deerhake updated the Council on the progress of the EC AC guideline for the ccNSO as well as what is happening with the actual EC AC. With respect to annex D, it has been proposed and agreed that the guideline be split into separate guidelines for each of the four major areas covered by annex D with regards to empowered community rights. Plans currently are to do separate guidelines for approval actions, rejection actions, director and board removal and mediation, community IRP and reconsideration requests.  He warned that the ccNSO Council needs to be ready to react as the goal is to have this guideline ready for Council as soon possible – particularly because the PTI FY18 budget gets approved long before the overall ICANN budget.  Stephen noted a concern about the lack of communication between ECA members to that there are consequent concerns about their decision making process insofar as decisions involving community powers, He believes that the ECA needs to self-organize themselves and tend to some administrative matters. He has attempted to reach out to other ECA members without success and is concerned the community will not be able to respond to ICANN when asked to do so. Katrina suggested that she and the Vice Chairs could raise this issue at their meeting with Goran Marby.

Update Programme WG - Copenhagen meeting

  • Alejandra Reynoso updated the Councilors on the revised block schedule, HIT sessions and Members meeting agenda for Copenhagen. Current schedule for ccNSO meetings with Constituency Groups:
    • ALAC-ccNSO Council meeting (tentatively) Sunday 12 March 17.00 local) 
    • ccNSO-GNSO Councils meeting, Monday 13 March, 12.15-13.45 local time. 
    • Board- ccNSO meeting TBC’ed 
    • ccNSO-GAC meeting, tentatively Tuesday 14 March.
  • Council meeting: 15 March 17.00 Local time, alternatively Thursday 16 March 9 am local time.


  • 9 February 2017, noon UTC (corrected to 11 UTC)

December 2016 ccNSO report


Intermeeting Council Decisions

  • Adoption of the Election Report re: the special Election for the North American Region (Becky Burr's position)
  • Adoption of the ccNSO Council response to the SO/AC Accountability survey for the CCWG Accountability


  • Ching Chiao, Peter Vergote and Mathieu Weill were appointed as the CCNSO members to the CCWG new GTLD Auction proceeds
  • A list of 12 ccNSO members volunteered and were subsequently appointed to the ccNSO PDP team to draft the charter of the WG Review Mechanism and the WG Retirement of ccTLDs. The group together with the Issues Manager  still has to elect a Chair and CoChair. They must have the first drafts ready by the Copenhagen meeting for discussion with the ccTLD community

Further requests for Volunteers 

  • A call has gone out for the Council to identify interested community members to help select the recipients of the Ethos Award. Two people are required and could spend two terms on the selection panel to ensure diversity and variety of input and equal opportunity among community members.  
  • Further requests are being made to members for a ccNSO co-Chair, and the ccNSO Liaison to the ALAC - there have been expressions of interest but no formal applications
  • Appointment of members to the Security and Stability Review 2 process
    • the ccNSO decided that they will participate in this process and decided to nominate 3 candidates but add further candidates if there is further interest, but this list will be prioritised in case they are required to fill any spaces. 

Review of Council meeting practices

  •  During the Hyderabad meeting there was some discussion of how they could make ccTLD members not feel left out of the decision -making process during the Council meetings. Some members did not realise that a lot of discussion about each of the items had taken place at the prior Council preparation meeting earlier which then just required a quick vote with little discussion - leaving the members wondering what had happened. Byron suggested that members be distributed a Consent Agenda and invited to contribute before any actual voting takes place.  A ccNSO Guideline on Council Practices will be prepared and submitted to the community for comment. 

Adoption of the Final Report and closure of the WG EPSRP,

  • The SSAC has responded to the ccNSO, and have tried to address some of the issues that the ccNSO highlighted. The ccNSO EPSRP WG will have a look at the response, and see if there is a need to make some changes in the ccNSO document to address issues highlighted by the SSAC and to ensure that their points have been address. The report will be re-submitted to the Council for further discussion before adoption and being sent to the Board. 

Organisational review of the ccNSO

  • the ccNSO have been notified of the process and schedule of their second organisational review
  • This will require the formation of a Working Party in January 2017 to engage with the OEC of the ICAN Board and staff to discuss the scope, roles and responsibilities, schedule, etc of this review. 
  • They are currently discussing the development of a webinar to explain the review process, for councillors. There will also be a session about the review in Copenhagen 

November 2016 ccNSO report

In Hyderabad - Members, Day 2 (sessions I was able to attend, outside of my ALAC duties)


Appointments to the Council

  • Chris Disspain was appointed by the Council's Empowered Community Administrative Committee to fill the ICANN Board Seat Number 11 starting at the end of ICANN's AGM in 2017 for a term of 3 years
  • Regional candidates - Souleymane Oumtanga (AF, .ci), Hirofuma Hotta (AP, .jp), Nigel Roberts (EU, jj & ge), Alejandra Rynoso (LAC, .gt), Stephan Deerhake (NA, .as) -  will take their seats at the end of the Council Copenhagen meeting, ICANN 58. 
  • Due to a vacancy created by the resignation of Vika Mpisane, Abdalla Omari (AF region), will take up his seat at the end of this ccSO Council meeting and his term ends in March 2018.
  • Due to her appointment to the ICANN Board, Becky Burr will step down from the Council at the end of the Hyderabad meeting. The Council will fill the vacancy for the North American region by a special election. Joke Braeken has been appointed as the Election Manager.

Other decisions

  • Under the new Transition guidelines, the ccTLD World email list has been enhanced to also include those ccTLDs who are not members of ccNSO to ensure that the wider ccTLD community is kept informed of the CSC, RZERC and other related work and activities
  • Due to the opposing view of the SSAC to the Council's final report by the EPSRP, the Council notes that the SSAC proposes further consideration of the report and will return a decision within four weeks (in time for the next ccNSO Council meeting on 15 Dec 2016).  The Council will defer any further decision on this matter until its next meeting and requests that the WG EPRSP remains available to review and advise the Council with respect to the upcoming iteration of the report by the SSAC. 
  • The Council adopted the final report of the CCWG to develop a Uniform Framework of Principles and Recommendations for Cross Community WGs and invites other SOs/ACs to also adopt the framework. Becky Burr was the ccNSO Co-Chair.
  • Two new WGs will be formed to (1) develop a review mechanism for decisions pertaining to the delegation, transfer, revocation and retirement of ccTLDs and (2) develop recommendations for a policy on the retirement of ccTLDs. Volunteers have been called to help draft charters which will be included into the Issue Report which should be available for consideration by the Council at its meeting in Copenhagen (ICANN58)
  • After the Council decided to overturn its March decision not to participate as a chartered member of the CCWG new gTLD Auction Proceeds, the ccNSO moved to adopt its charter and to call for volunteers to fill its slate of ccNSO appointed members. Although the volunteers need not be limited to the ccTLD community, they should be closely related to ccTLD managers and have experience in the areas to be considered by the CCWG new gTLD Auction Proceeds. 
  • A call has gone out to replace Ron Sherwood as the ccNSO Liaison. Sincere appreciation was extended to Ron for the 6 years of generous service he gave to his liaison role on behalf of the ccNSO and the greater ICANN community, before his resignation in August 2016. A letter expressing the Councils recognition and thanks, and wishing him a long and happy retirement was signed by the Councillors and myself which Stephan Deerhake will personally deliver. Katrina very kindly welcomed me again, following Alan's formal notification about my continued liaison role with the ccNSO on behalf of the ALAC.

Marketplace Health Index Initiative - Mukesh Chulani (ICANN)

Background - launched in 2015- track progress on ICANN objective 2.3 - supports the evolution of domain name marketplace to be robust, stable and trusted. Metrics are being developed in consultation with a community Advisory Panel (40 community members applied to be part of this panel) Consumer Trust initiative differs in that it focuses on the earlier effects of the marketplace; The ITH Initiative - difference is that it looks at objective 2.1 fostering a healthy and resilient ecosystem. 
Recent Developments - public comments posted Feb 2016, project plan and draft metrics developed with Advisory Panel, published gTLD Marketplace Health Index for public comment (due Sept 2016); ICANN working to develop next generation metrics in consultation with Advisory Committee; Aim is to finalise metrics by 2017 
Sample Beta Metrics - Limited to data could find within ICANN. Intentionis to bild their own total number f jurisdictions with at least one gtld registry operator/registrar
Advisory Panel - role different from other pdp processes - wanted a council of community and experts.  helps to refine metrics and definitions. Substantial changes need public comment.  include registries, registrars, local isoc chapter members, policy, legal business etc expertise.

ALSO, presentations by Irina Danielle (.ru), Satistical monitoring system; ; Registration trends and marketing initiatives for .in (Rajiv Bansal, NIXI); Registrar view of the ccTLD Space, Ulrich Retzlaff (1&1 Internet).

Regional Organisation Updates - Leonid Todorov

Barrack Otieno (AFTLD); Peter van Roste (CENTR), Andres Piazza  (LACTLD); Leonid Todorov (APTLD) - encouraging dialogue among members - gathering momentum within Asian ccTLDs, offers Fellowships for underserved areas - supports regional initiatives (APIGA, APSIG), promoting their activities online; signed MOU with sister organisations in Marrakech; as well as ISOC, APRALO and ITU. Communication and capacity building a focus. Wants to do webinars, focus on South Pacific ccTLDs

Maureen and Katrina at the ISOC@ICANN event including headwear and fortunetelling 

Guidelines Review CommitteeKatrina Sataki

  • Since Marrackech the committee has developed 4 new guidelines : ccNSO Actions re the Customer Standing Committee; ccNSO Actions re the Root Zone Evaluation Review Committee;  ccNSO  Nominations to Specific Review Teams; Appointment of the ccNSO re on the Empowered Community Adminstration;  ccNSO nominations process for the ICANN Board seats 11 & 12. 
  • Before Copenhagen the committee aims to provide guidelines for Council Elections; Council Practices; Travel Funding; Actions re Empowered Community Mechanisms, and Mailing lists.  
  • How do we get people to participate more actively in the ccNSO. Options (1) can become a members of the Guidelines Review Committee (GRC) - requires reading and reviews to get background; writing policy in plain English; then discuss 0 via bi-weekly teleconferences and then face to face meetings. 
  • Current Process: Revew, Write, Discuss, Submit (by GRC) then Adopt by ccNSO Council, then reviewed again by the ccNSO members for Review. 
  • Improved process: Review, INPUT, write, discuss, COMMENT, Adopt, REVIEW . (Input, Comment and Review are ccNSO member input areas)
  • ccNSO participants are provided with a comment workbox to participate in any policy development.. similar to the ALAC wiki

CCWG updates - Leon Sanchez and Thomas - Workstream 2

Sept 30 IANA Functions contract between IANN and the US National Telecommunication and Information Administration (NTIA) expired. Therefore our commitment has moved to furtuer accountability in Work Stream 2.  Topics include: Diversity, Human Rights, Jursidiction, SO/AC Accountability, Ombudsman, Transparency , Staff Accountability, Guidelines for standards of good faith for removing an ICANN Board Directors; and Reviewing the CEP 

Cheryl Langdon Orr - SO/AC Accountability update

4 tracks - SOs/ ACs effectiveness; Track 2 - evaluating the proposal Mutual Accountability Roundtable; Track 3 Developing a detailed work plan; Track 4: Assessing whether the Independent Review Process (IRP) would also be applicable to SO and AC activities. 

Board-ccNSO meeting

Debbie Monahan raised concerns relating to the venues of ICANN meetings, in particular Abu Dhabi, Hyderabad or other venues where there is a concern about personal safety. She also raised the issue of venues that have visa application issues. This topic was raised again later by Stephen Deerhake who did not feel that the matter had been dealt with, with regards to the seriousness of the issue as presented by Debbie; Katrina then stated that it was a possibility that the ccNSO might opt out of the Abu Dhabi meeting; Other matters discussed included a report by Annabeth to the Board giving an update on the CCWG on the use of country and territory names; Giovanni gave a report on the EPSRP; Byron then explained what resources the ccNSO would expect from the Board to enable the to effectively carry out their work, for example for the CSC. He also supported Debbie and Stephen with respect to a trust and transparency viewpoint - he asked that the Board be more open in their activities rather being mainly closed with occasional openness.  

Members session 1,  Day 1 - Working Group updates

*The Cross-Community Working Group on the Use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs (CWG-UCTN) presented summaries of two reports: a Progress report and its draft Interim report. Based on the discussions to date, community input and the discussions in Helsinki (ICANN55), the Working Group concluded that for various reasons a harmonised framework for the use of country, territory and other geographic names is not feasible. Annebeth initiated discussions at the members' meeting. General feeling from the floor was a reluctance to leave a decision relating to ccTLDs up to a GNSO PDP. Arguments included: a ccTLD is not a generic TLD and does not follow g-rules; gTLDs are run in competition with each other which is not the objective of a ccTLD. Temperature of the room - should this matter become part of a gNSO PDP? - very RED (no)  Establish another CCWG to continue to work on this issue? - very GREEN = support.

*EPSRP (Extended Process Similarity Review Panel) Update - In June 2015 the ICANN Board of Directors requested the ccNSO, in consultation with other stakeholders, including GAC and SSAC, to provide further guidance on and refinement of the methodology of second string similarity review process, including the interpretation of its split recommendations, to be applied to the relevant current and subsequent cases in the IDN ccTLD Fast Track process, as well as to inform the proposed policy for the selection of the IDN ccTLD strings. In October 2015, the ccNSO established a working group with participants from the ccTLD community and GAC. In July 2016, the EPSRP working group (+1, Wafa is part of this group) sought feedback, via a public comment proceeding, on its proposed guidelines for the methodology on the second string similarity review process, including the interpretation of split recommendation. Giovanni Seppia presented the final EPSRP report at the members' meeting. 

*TLD-OPS - technical incident response community for input from ccTLDs - mailing list acts as has a contact repository, and is a hub for exchanging security alerts. 156 members, 60% of all ccTLDs - gaps in LAC and AF and AP regions, although has assisted ccTLDs from these regions with security alerts. (Jacques Latour). Goals for ICANN58 is to increase membership, and to organise a TLD-OPS workshop to discuss how cctlds can collaboratively detect and mitigate DDos attacks.   

*PTI update (Public Technical Identifiers) a new affiliate of ICANN that is responsible for performing the IANA Services on behalf of ICANN. PTI does not set policy - it implements agreed policies and principles developed by the ICANN's mutistakeholder community. Presentation was by Elise Gerich (President of PTI). Any issues related to IANA can be directed to as previously.

Preparation for Hyderabad

*Preparation for the ccNSO Council meeting at Hyderabad includes:

  • The final report of the WG EPSPRP; the analysis of the SSAC comment (SSAC 64); Overview of the evolution of IDN Fast Track

  • Reports and timelines related to the election of candidates for the ICANN Board and the ccNSO Council 

  • There has been one nomination for the ccNSO Board Seat 11 - Chris Disspain. Nominations have now closed. Chris has accepted the nomination and now readies himself for a Q&A session with ccNSO members. There have already been several questions posed via email.

  • MH preparing a report from ALAC to the ccNSO Council until they appoint a ccNSO liaison.

*ccNSO council-related sessions - for your information

October 2016 ccNSO Update

*October ccNSO Activity summary

  • ICANN57 Hyderabad:  ccNSO Community Cocktail in Hyderabad Sunday, 6 November from 6:30-8:30 pm local time. The location is La Cantina - poolside, which is located in the Novotel Hotel (adjacent to the HICC).  You must have a printed invitation 
  • Working/Study Group Meeting Output: Recordings of various Working Group Meetings can be found here:

 3 October - Cross-Community Working Group on Use of Country/Territory Names as TLDs Telephone Conference – transcript and recording

10 October  – Guidelines Review Committee Telephone Conference – recording - wiki space

17 October - Cross-Community Working Group on Use of Country/Territory Names as TLDs Telephone Conference – transcript and recording

24 October – Guidelines Review Committee Telephone Conference – recording – wiki space

24 October – TLD Ops Standing Committee - recording

The ccNSO EPSRP Working Group final report can be viewed here

 ccNSO Council:

 ccNSO Council preparation material and output can be found here:

ccNSO Council Decisions and Resolutions:

ccNSO Council Wiki space 

* ccNSO Council Meeting (13 October). Decisions made

* I submitted a report on behalf of the ALAC to the ccNSO Council (until they get a volunteer to take on the role of ccNSO liaison to the ALAC). It mainly featured ALAC preparations for Hyderabad and recent policy discussions. Was very kindly congratulated by Katrina and the Council on my reappointment as the ALAC Liaison.

ccNSO topics for the Board in Hyderabad include: (1) How locations for the ICANN meeting are selected - Given all the trouble with visa and similar logistical issues for ICANN57, considering the choice of Abu Dhabi where women do not enjoy the freedoms of other places and where the females attending may have issues walking the streets by themselves, how will the Board try to avoid these and similar issues in future? (2) The use of Country and Territory names in future gTLD rounds. The CCWG dealing with this topic is preparing their final report and will conclude that it is not feasible to develop a harmonised framewpork supported by all interested stakeholders. Is the Board inclined to keep the status quo (from the applicant guidebook) or will it yield to the wishes of the GNSO? (3) ccNSO Submission Guidance on how to deal with split decision Extended Process Similarity Review Panel. The ccNSO WG EPSRP has submitted its recommended course of action. The ccNSO Council will take a decision in Hyderabad whether to adopt and provide guidance to the Board on how to deal with “split decision” as requested by the Board. Background: In June 2015 the Board requested the ccNSO to provide guidance on a very specific issue following the 3rd review Fast Track process. Request was also to consult with community and in particular GAC and SSAC. WG developed and submitted its advice to the ccNSO Council. GAC, ALAC and Verisign support the advice. SSAC suggests that the Board does not adopt the advice, but intitiate another review instead.

* Chris Disspain has accepted the nomination by a number of ccNSO members to stand again as the ccNSO-elected Board member He has offered to send his 360-degree review by his colleagues on the Board to the Council.

* Joke has requested SOIs from any observers of liaisons on the ccNSO Council for the ccNSO website. I have suggested that she uses my ALAC SOI as the ALAC liaison.

* Stephen Deerhake has been appointed to serve as the ccNSO’s representative on the Empowered Community Administration under Article 6 of the Bylaws adopted by the Board on 27 May 2016.

*(1 Oct) Latest on review of the March 2015 ccNSO decision regarding being a chartered organisation of the the Auction Proceeds CCWG, Katrina has made the following statement to the CCWG Co-Chairs:  After careful consideration of all arguments, taking into account the importance of the use of the auction funds and contribution that ccTLDs with experience in comparable projects could bring to the cross-community working group, I am pleased to inform you that the ccNSO now anticipates to participate in the cross-community working group as a chartering organization and will consider the charter for adoption at its upcoming meeting on 13 October 2016.

September 2016 ccNSO Update

* The term of office for current Board member Chris Disspain (Seat 11) comes to an end at the end of 2017. The Council has commenced their Board appointment process which has initiated much discussion on the email list since nominations opened on the 27 Sept and will close on the 18 Oct.. 

* One of the current discussions among the Council is to decide whether the ccNSO should become a chartered member of the Auction proceeds cross-community working group. In March 2015, the Council decided not to participate in the WG, but current pressure from within the Council is attempting to change this stance. Katrina and Demi support the status quo. Key supporters for ccTLDs being included on this working group as chartered members and therefore being a part of the decision making around the use of Auction proceeds include Becky Burr who proposed as an example, that the funds could be used for capacity building for developing nations' ccTLD managers. Another supporter was Chris Disspain who added that an ICANN wide Foundation or or Fund is a possible/likely outcome and ccTLD input into the scope of such an entity would be extremely valuable. He also added that  being a part ‘owner’ of the mechanism or entity that results from this CCWG would be of benefit to ccTLDs in the future. This was supported by Souleymane Oumtanaga. A very strong submission was made to the ccNSO by Leonid Todorov, the APTLD General Manager, also supporting ccTLD inclusion on this WG. His views were based on his experiences in Russia, but he advised that being part of the decision-making process would enable the ccTLD community to exercise due control over the funds and ensure a much-needed level of transparency coupled with equal treatment  for all across the multistakeholder community.  

*Assuming the IANA Stewardship Transition will take place and the ICANN Bylaws become effective on 1 October 2016, the ccNSO will be one of the Decisional Participants. The ccNSO will act through its Chair or such other person as may be designated by the CCNSO. Katrina has expressed a strong preference that another Councillor take on the role as a member of the Empowered Community Administration. Therefore volunteers are being called from among the Council to take on this 12 month role.

* Katrina is currently the interim  member of the Root Zone Evolution Review Committee (RZERC), which has been established a part of the IANA Stewardship Transition. A call for a volunteer to take on the role as the ccNSO appointed member on the RZERC from the ccTLD community and to replace  replace Katrina. Three volunteers have applied and an election process will take place soon.  

* Maarten Simon, .nl has been nominated as the ccTLD representative on the CCG for at least one (1) year term. 

* HYDERABAD The ccNSO Members’ Meeting takes place on Sunday 6 and Monday 7 November, in Hyderabad, India. Current version of the ccNSO Members’ Meeting schedule for ICANN57  is at:  The meeting with the ALAC is still on for Friday 4 Nov @ 5.00pm (although it is also on at the same time as an "At-Large Leadership Working Session"). Katrina, Alejandra and I will work on a short agenda.

 * UPDATE (9 Sept): The ccNSO Council have submitted a comment on the IANA Naming Function Agreement . In summary, the Council "fully supports the amendments of the proposed IANA Naming Function Agreement as proposed by the CWG-Stewardship to resolve the issues identified by the ccTLD members and participants. The ccNSO Council trusts these suggested changes will be included in the final and effective version of the IANA Naming Function Agreement".

*The ccNSO Council has appointed Rosalìa Morales (.cr), as a ccNSO rep on the CCWG on the Use of Country and Territory names as TLDs

*IANA Naming Function Agreement. (unfortunately I missed the last ISTP call - 5 Sept). Bart has provided a suggestion for a direction of travel for a basic ccNSO Council statement: the ccNSO Council is aware that draft of IANA Naming Functions Agreement as published for public comments has caused comments by the ccTLD members and participants on the CWG. The Council is also aware that these comments were extensively discussed with Implementation team and full CWG, and assuming that, as agreed, all comments will be implemented as agreed in the agreement, Council welcomes and supports the outcome of those internal deliberations of the CWG. (A formal statement has since been made)

CCNSO Council meeting outcomes (Sept 1)

*ccNSO has established operational guidelines for the selection processes for Board seats 11 and 12, the ccNSO rep on the RootZone Evolution Review Committee, and the ccNZSO rep on the Empowered Community Administration Committee. 

*Regular Council elections will start soon to elect five regional councillors (current positions expire in March 2017); there is a current vacancy due to the resignation of Vika Mpisane (AF) which will also be held during this process

*Hyderabad - programme of cross constituency meetings have been drafted. The meeting with the ALAC has been organised for Friday 4 November @ 1700-1800; the ccNSO Council meeting will be on Monday 7 November @ 1700

*Due to the recent resignation of Ron Sherwood as the ccNSO Liaison to the ALAC - I gave a brief report to the ccNSO - written as my audio was playing up. The ccNSO will seek a liaison replacement soon.

*IANA Naming Function Agreement (between ICANN and Public Technical Identifiers - PTI) currently under discussion - certain sections were considered by some to be contrary to the interests of the ccNSO community 

August 2016 ccNSO Update

*Next ccNSO Council meeting is September 1, 1100UTC

*ccNSO will have an interim representative on the Root Zone Evolution Review Committee (RZERC) until Hyderabad when they will commence their selection process according to ccNSO internal procedures before Sept 30. The interim representative will be the Council Chair, Katrina.

*Alejandro Reynaso presented the results of the feedback from members about the ccNSO programme in Helsinki. The feedback will provide information which will guide the programming for the Hyderabad meetings. The top 3 most informative sessions were: (1) the legal session, (2) ccTLD News session and (3) operational session and marketing session. Topics that members wanted to include in ICANN57 are: marketing and an update on the GNSO project to create generic country domains. Members got value from attending ccNSO@ICANN meetings (mainly self-funded) because: they appreciated the contribution from volunteers to work on WGs; Learning about what other managers are up to; Sharing information about the ongoing discussions within ICANN; and Meeting everyone at the ccNSO cocktail (smile)

*A request has gone out for more ccTLD managers to participate in the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal (ISTP) call in order to seek active participation from a broader group of people who might be actively involved in post-IANA transition work. Currently the team is a small group off ccTLD members already closely involved in the implementation of the CWG-Stewardship Proposal (Lise, Allan, Martin, Maarten and Paul).

*On 5 August,  Jörg Schweiger was selected as the ccNSO representative to the FY2017 NomCom

*The ccNSO Meetings Programme Working Group  has developed the first version of the draft agenda of the ccNSO Members’ Days in Hyderabad -  Although details are likely to change, the programme consists of:

        Friday 4 November: ccNSO working group face-to-face meetings
        Saturday 5 November: Tech Day
        Sunday 6 November: ccNSO Member's meeting, day 1
        Monday 7 November: ccNSO Member's meeting, day 2
        Monday 7 November, 5 pm local: ccNSO Council meeting

*On August 2, the ccNSO and GNSO coordination call finalised approval of the full slate for the Customer Standing Committee (CSC). Both groups agreed that for future rounds of CSC slate formations, sufficient time be allowed to pursue greater diversity during the selection process. The ccNSO community will be informed of the joint ccNSO-GNSO statement to the wider community, after it has been endorsed at the next Council meeting.  

*July ccNSO Activity Summary 

July 2016 ccNSO Update

*Council member, Vika Mpisane, has given notice of his intention to resign from the Council due to his non-ICANN commitments which he felt had intruded on his ability to fully participate in his ccNSO Council responsibilities. All Council members expressed their regret at this decision given Vika's major contributions to the work of the ccNSO over the years. Vika assured the Council that he would continue to remain as an active member of the ccNSO. The discussion among Councillors mainly focused on the process required to fill the position half way during the term.  Katrina suggested that due to the heavy workload of the Council at the moment, a formal election of his replacement could be left until the next General election is actually due. This was given support by the rest of the Council along with an additional recommendation which addressed "respect for the process".

*A membership application has been received from .by (Belarus) and is being considered by members

*Transcripts and Adobe Connect recordings from ccNSO-related meetings in Helsinki:

* The CSC Selection Committee participated on the coordination call with the Selection Committee of the RySG and they have made their selections of people to serve on the CSC. The four members of the CSC are: Byron Holland, ccNSO, Elaine Pruis, RySG, Jay Daley, ccNSO and Kal Feher, RySG

*The ccNSO is still seeking nominations for their FY17 Nom Com member. Candidates need not be Council members and can self-nominate as long as they are ccTLD managers. The nominations close on the 29th July so that the Council can vote and the successful candidate be available for the meeting in Hyderabad.

*Two members for the CCWG Accountability are needed to address accountability topics for Workstream 2 (also 29th July closing date), and volunteers are also being sought for the Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency of the DNS Review Team (SSR2-RT).

*Council minutes from the meeting in Helsinki

  • my apologies for not attending this meeting due to a clash with an interview with Tom McKenzie and the ALAC meeting with Steve Crocker.
  • The Council requested the Guidelines Review Committee develop procedures relating to the implementation of the CWG-Stewardship Proposal. With the adoption of the new ICANN Bylaws, other processes and procedures will need to be implemented.
  • The Council received a request to review the draft proposal for additional budget for work stream 2. The Council validated the FY 17 budget for the CCWG-Accountability and agreed with the formal process as proposed by the ICANN Finance Committee to deal with additional expense requests.
  • As the CCWG-Accountability will now start with WS 2, two members are being requested to volunteer to participate on behalf of the ccNSO. Young-Eum Lee acknowledged the give members who participated so actively in the earlier work of the CCWG. The Chair was to ask if any of them would be prepared to remain with the WG.
  • In accordance the ccNSO Guidelines, the ccNSO Council established a sub-group of the Council, the CSC Selection Committee, to coordinate with the RySG and formally appoint the two candidates selected by the ccNSO Council. The CSC selection committee included Katrina Sataki, Ching Chao, Margarita Valdes, Stephen Deerhake, Hiro Hotta and Souleyman Oumtanaga.  Appointments were duly made as above.
  • PDP Review Mechanism and Retirement Framework: In order to launch a PDP at the meeting in Hyderabad, preparatory work must be completed. This will include an Issue Report, Appointment of Issue Manager (Bart Boswinkel) and also the approval of a tentative timeline for the Issue Report which must be out for public comment before the face to face meeting in India. A Council sub-committee has been appointed to act as a steering group for the PDP, to look into whether or not to initiate the ccPDP.
  • A message was conveyed to the meeting from Ron Sherwood expressing his regret for not being in attendance. He was out of hospital but expecting a long recovery period.
  • The ccNSO gave their views on the new meeting format. Comments included:
    • Peter Vergote noted in regards to time efficiency, he did not think there were any time efficiencies. As for positive feedback, he believed people liked the cross community sessions, and he had received positive feedback regarding the GEO names forum. It was suggested that there should not be a typical type B meeting as a necessity for having cross community sessions. 
    • Ching Chiao thought the shorter meeting worked. Travel-wise, shorter meetings like the GDD and this B meeting made meetings were efficient. Something to consider at the next meeting, making any important decision late in the meetings, could be impacted. 
    • The Chair noted she has heard from the community, they want to have the ccNSO meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday, as this is how it had been done in the past. Which means, cocktail will be on Tuesday evening. 
    • Byron Holland suggested with a 9-day meeting, not everyone will be able to attend all 9 days – the ccNSO should stick with two-day meeting back to back, as usually done, but the days may not be Tuesday/Wednesday. Keep them in a somewhat regular format and not spread out. 
    • Alejandra Reynoso announced that there would be a final cross community session to discuss meeting B and to plan ahead for meeting C.
  • Congratulations were given by the ccNSO Council to Keith Davidson who received the ICANN Ethos Award. The ccNSO Council and ccTLD community expressed their good fortune to have had the benefit of Keith’s leadership, wisdom and humor in his role as ccNSO Council member, vice-chair, chair of the Delegation, Redelegation Working group and chair of the Framework of Interpretation working group.

*Council members in Helsinki and Andrew Molivurae (from Vanuatu) making his presentation on the ccNSO Members Day.

June 2016 ccNSO Update


 *Member engagement: Travel funding applications for ICANN 57 in Hyderabad are open and their request for applications highlighted a difference between our organisations. ccNSO use their travel funding to reward engagement. (They get their funds from their members so that there is a real expectation of mutual benefit). The ALAC does not have any such fund which can similarly reward ALS members who are not currently in a funded position yet put in a lot of effort into the work of At-Large. In the ccNSO, an important criteria for travel is active engagement in the work of the ccNSO which could include active participation in a ccNSO working group, a presentation at the ccNSO member meeting, or other engagements that strengthen the activities of the ccNSO. Perhaps when we are looking at ways to encourage engagement with our ALSes we too could seek a similar fund to get hardworking ALS members to ICANN meetings.

 *Customer Standing Committee: At the Council meeting, the ccNSO Council has launched a call for expressions of interest for its membership of the CSC. The ccNSO has a Guideline Review Committee (GRC) which develops internal procedures, for example, guidelines for the membership and expectations of working groups. There is one already specifically for the CSC (, so that the call for applicants is a procedural formality. There is some consideration being given for the GRC to broaden its mandate to include some internal procedures related to the new ICANN bylaws which will require the implementation of new processes and procedures. By having these guidelines in place, any subsequent requests for membership of both internal and external committees are dealt with much more smoothly, so that the discussions that they had within the council meeting really just sorted out some of the details. Similarly for another recent request for a member of the Root Zone Evolution Review Committee (RZERC).

 The ALAC does not have formal guidelines, but to my mind these would have prevented the disorganized session we had in trying to formalize a guideline for ourselves. There is also still an issue about active and not so active working groups that still needs to be resolved.  A proper ALAC procedural working group to sort these issues out, outside of the time allocated for other important face to face session discussions, would improve what should be normal procedural processes.

 Follow-on to the CSC: ccNSO have been notified of the Registries Steering Group *RySG) and their 4 nominations (for 2 members and 2 alternates). These are:

  •  Elaine Pruis, Donuts
  • Kal Feher, Neustar
  • Richard Roberto, Charleston Road Registry (dba Google Registry)
  • George Soler, United TLD Holdco Ltd. trading as Rightside Registry

 *CCWG-Accountability: A letter was received from the co-Chair of the ccWG Accountability accompanied by a document from the Board’s finance committee. Comment made by Becky Burr: “Everybody has seen the reports on CWG WS1 and various community members expressed alarm about the pace of spending associated with this.  A huge amount of complex work was done. Significant amount of legal work was required.  New process for community, with big budget implications.  There was no formal finance or budgeting controls at one point in time, but this is an effort to change that.” This was accepted by the Council.

 *ccNSO Council survey: during the meeting, the ccNSO were presented with the results of the survey and discussed the next steps with regards to meeting community expectations. Katrina would like to look into ways of improving communication with members Further discussion at the next meeting.

 GAC survey of their ccTLDs – there were only 23 responses. Waiting for some feedback from Alejandra 

 *Pacific participation: It was good to see Vanuatu participating in a ccTLD report at one of their Members Day sessions.  It would be good to get some feedback from Pacific cctlds to support the surveys carried out by both the ccNSO and the GAC. Probably do some followup.  Pua could followup with the GAC survey through the PICISOC list.

 *New member: The ccNSO welcomes .dk, the ccTLD for Denmark as its 160th member.

  • At-Large Capacity Building Webinar: Bart Boswinkel made a Capacity-Building Webinar presentation to the At-Large Community about the "Impact of the IANA Stewardship Transition on the Delegation, Revocation and Transfer of ccTLDs". There were 23 non-staff participants. The presentation was well received with some interesting queries from participants about the end-user perspective of any impacts. Bart clarified that enduser impacts must be dealt with a the local level.

  • Customer Standing Committee: Current discussions within the ccNSO are focusing on the selection of the ccNSO candidates for the Customer Standing Committee (CSC) following the approval by the ICANN Board of the new ICANN Bylaws for the IANA Stewardship Transition, effective upon the expiration of the IANA Functions Contract between ICANN and NTIA. Article 17 of the new Bylaws calls for the creation of the CSC to monitor the performance of the Post Transition IANA entity (PTI)  which will perform the IANA Functions relevant to the ccTLDs post transition (see: The ccNSO is required to appoint two members to represent ccTLD registry operators who may not not necessarily be members of the ccNSO. The appointment is required by 22 July 2016. This creates a very tight timeframe for the ccNSO which is currently in the process of creating new guidelines for this selection process. The Council hopes to adopt these new guidelines at its 16 June meeting and to make a formal call for EOIs around 30 June so that they can meet the appointment deadline by 22 July. A set of requirements for interested potential candidates has been provided to initiate some preparation for applications from the community. It was pointed out that no travel funding would be provided for members of this committee.

  • ccNSO Accountability: The ccNSO Council will be sending out an Accountability survey to Councillors based on basic concepts derived from the outcomes of the CCWG Accountability. The aim of the survey is to improve ccNSO accountability in relation to transparency, consultation, review and redress. The survey has initially been distributed to Councillors for any amendments or other inputs. The aim is to launch the survey at Helsinki.

  • The next ccNSO Board meeting: 30 June


May 2016 ccNSO Update

At the Council meeting of 14 May the following resolutions were passed as action items from the meeting of 14 April.  They included the need: 

  1. to adopt the ccNSO 2016-2018 Work Plan and schedule and to request the secretariat to update the work plan monthly and in accordance with the ccNSO Work Plan.

  2. for openness and transparency of face-to face meetings. The Background to this discussion was as follows:  Transparency requires that, ICANN¹s constituent bodies operate in an open and transparent manner. This does not only imply that recordings, transcripts of meetings, if made, and notes and minutes are made publicly available after meetings, but also that face-to-face meetings are open to observers, and will be listed as such. However, some matters do justify confidentiality and excluding the public, such as (example list): Employment matters; Discussion on persons; Contractual matters; Any proceedings of the Ombudsman; Consideration of any legal advice that would involve a risk of waiver of privilege if the meeting were not closed; any item where there has been a request to deal with it in confidence and where that request is granted. Further, it is self-evident that for meetings of Council, WGs, Committees, only appointed members or others, listed as liaisons or other form of formal participant may actively contribute, but the presumption has to be, that all meetings, including Council prep, WG meetings, have to be open to observers i.e. to people who want to listen to and watch the proceedings of the meeting in real time, without participating.

    Draft Resolution proposed to the Council: 

1. All face-to ­ face ccNSO, ccNSO Council or ccNSO chartered Working group meetings shall be open to observers, unless a majority of the voting members present at the meeting resolve to close the meeting due to the confidential nature of the topic being dealt with. If so, that part of the meeting shall only be closed to observers for the duration of the deliberations of the confidential item.

2.  The ccNSO Guideline Review Committee is requested to update the relevant Guidelines accordingly, and submit them to Council for adoption.

3. The chair of the Council is requested to inform the chairs of the ccNSO chartered WG’s of this Council decision.

3. The formal Council meeting will be held in Helsinki on Thursday 30 June 2016, 10.45 - 12.00pm

  • The Proposed Draft ICANN Bylaws, dated 20 April 2016 ("Proposed Draft Bylaws").  In response to the lawyers Holly J. Gregory and Rosemary E. Fei, stating:  "We believe that the Proposed Draft Bylaws are consistent with the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (“CCWG-Accountability”) Supplemental Final Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations (23 February 2016) relating to the IANA Stewardship Transition.  Accordingly, we recommend that the Proposed Draft Bylaws be posted to the community for review." Stephen Deerhake stated that " Of immediate interest to us are Article 10 ("Country-code Names Supporting Organization"), Annex B ("CCNSO Policy-development process"), and Annex C ("The Scope of the ccNSO").  Additionally, we will have to at a minimum also review Articles 18 and 19 ("IANA naming function and review" and "IANA naming function separation process"), as well as Article 12 ("Advisory Committees"). At the end of the day, we have a lot of reading ahead of us, as in my opinion at the very least we owe our Community a close and comprehensive scrutiny of the entire document during a proper review period. Lastly, I wish to express my sincere appreciation for all the incredible work that our CCWG members (and rapporteur) did to get us to this day, and most especially, a big thank you to Becky who has done so much, over so many years, to get us to this moment".   Stephen also provided the link to the IAB comments on the Draft New ICANN Bylaws


  • The ccNSO Council have updated their Council member details on their  ccNSO Council member page as well as on their icann-community wiki space

  • Alejandra Reynoso is the Person In Charge of ICANN Meetings Programme Committee.The ccNSO programme proposes to cover the following sessions:
      1. Marketing: use of social networks, partnership with registrars, marketing strategies, customer surveys, campaigns, added customer services, advertising, promotions, etc. 
      2. Legal: changes of policies, court cases, lawsuits, adaptations to new national laws, etc.
      3. ccTLD news: any new development, ccTLD activities, your way of managing your ccTLD, any experience worth sharing (what worked and what didn't work), etc.
      Unfortunately there is no interpretation services during the meeting, therefore the presentations will be in English.
  • Joke Braeken has published the draft agenda for the ccNSO Members Days, to be held on Tuesday June 28 and Wednesday June 29;in Helsinki and the ccNSO schedule for ICANN56 here: The evaluation from the previous ccNSO Members meeting held in Marrakech can be consulted here: 

April 2016 ccNSO Update

*ccNSO Council Meeting (14 April, 1am for me) - Katrina's first meeting as the new Council Chair

  •  Katrina introduced a new wiki space for Councillors outlining working groups and members and their activities; meetings and documents; ccNSO workplan,  etc that the Council may want to keep tabs on. This is an alternative to the ccNSO website which members cannot interact with. 
  • With Katrina moving into the leadership role, the new Chair of the ccNSO Programme WG is now Councillor Alejandra Reynoso. Ron and I will work with Alejandra and Katrina with regards to our joint ALAC-ccNSO meetings.
  • There was some discussion about transparency and Nigel Roberts asked why council working group meetings are traditionally closed even when confidential matters were not being discussed. ccNSO general meetings are open. Bart suggested that in future all meetings should be open to observers unless they are specifically designated as closed. A resolution will be drafted by Nigel and taken to the list for a vote. 
  • The meeting discussed the Block schedule for the Helsinki meeting. They are prioritising a meeting with the GAC to discuss the ccTLD survey they did.
  • The meeting lasted a little longer than usual so that updates, etc were transferred to the list. The meeting ended at 2.15am.

Analysis of ccNSO membership since 2003. Asia Pacific shows regular growth with respect to annual membership applications.  They now have 158 members, with Barbados (.bb) being its newest member.

* At the next Council Meeting (14 April) the ccNSO will be discussing their draft strategic plan FY2016-2018 and its portfolio coverage for this timeframe.  This is a very clear indication of what the ccNSO proposes during the FY16-18 time frame and with regards to Working groups and their timeframes (something we ourselves are working on). As part of our At Large Review, the ALAC should also be preparing similar overviews of ALAC objectives and implementation activities. If each member on the ALAC had a specific responsibility for which they were to report, this would make measures more easy to achieve for the ALAC AGM report. 

* The Council is currently discussing its travel slots to ICANN meetings - they have 12 slots per meeting: 3 for Nom Comm members, 5 for elected regional reps (1 for each meeting - they decide among themselves who is allocated which meeting slot), and  4 for non-Council members allocated as per active participation and leadership within ccNSO. A travel committee makes a recommendation for Council.  I am assuming that if the ALAC can access and control additional travel slots that the ALT will make the recommendations for endorsement by the ALAC. 

* Congratulations to Becky Burr for getting onto the ICANN Board of Trustees 

* Here are the final minutes of the last ccNSO Council meeting (9 March in Marrakech) and other What's New at ccNSO items (Meeting satisfaction survey results, ccNSO Summary of March activities and ccNSO Guidelines CommitteeGuidelines and Charters)

March 2016 ccNSO Update

*The ccNSO is seeking feedback on its social media strategy

*ccNSO Council Meeting Resolutions (Marrakech, 9 March 2016)

1.     The ccNSO Council notes and welcomes the exemplary, long and intensive consultation efforts and process the CCWG-Accountability went through to gather input and feed-back from the community and wholeheartedly thanks all members and participants of the CCWG-Accountability for all their hard work.

2.     Taking into account the outreach, engagement and consultation efforts of the CCWG-Accountability, the outreach and engagement efforts of the ccNSO appointed members on this CCWG, and those of the ccNSO and Regional ccTLD Organizations, and taking into account the extensive consultation of the ccTLD community present in Buenos Aires (ICANN 53), Dublin (ICANN 54) and Marrakesh (ICANN 55) the ccNSO Council is in a position to take a decision on whether it supports the submission of the CWG-Stewardship Proposals to the ICG.

3.     The ccNSO Council notes that the CWG-Stewardship has indicated that the recommendations contained in the Final Supplemental Report meet the conditional requirements of the CWG-Stewardship. 

4.     The ccNSO Council notes the <level of support> for the Proposals contained in the Final Supplemental CCWG- Accountability Work Stream 1 Report by the ccTLD community present at the Marrakesh meeting. 

5.     Taking into account the <level of support> by the ccTLDs present for CCWG-Accountabilities Proposals contained in its Final Supplemental Report, the ccNSO Council < insert level ( broadly, but not unanimously/ unanimously)> supports submission of the CCWG-Accountability Final Supplementary Report Work Stream 1 to the ICANN Board of Directors. 

6.     Further the ccNSO Council supports that the CCWG-Accountability oversees the implementation of its Work Stream 1 Recommendations and thus allowing the CCWG-Accountability to provide input and clarifications to questions or issues arise with respect to the implementation of its recommendations. 

7.     The ccNSO Council requests the secretariat to publish this resolution as soon as possible after the closure of this ccNSO Council meeting. In accordance to the rules of the ccNSO (, the decisions in this resolution will become effective seven days after publication of these decisions by the Council. For the interim, the chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the co-chairs of the CCWG-Accountability of this decision of the ccNSO Council under the assumption the decision is effective and subsequently, after seven (7) days, whether the decision has become effective.

8. The ccNSO Council request and mandates the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee to do all what is necessary including, but not limited to, reaching out and coordinating with other SO/AC s and ICANN staff to develop all processes and procedures the CWG-Stewardship suggested the ccNSO should implement. The GRC is requested to present these rules and procedures to the ccTLDs present at the ccNSO meeting at ICANN 56 and for adoption by the ccNSO Council

9. The secretariat is requested is to seek additional volunteers for the GRC as soon as possible, in particular community members who actively participated in the development of the CWG-Stewardship Proposal. The ccNSO Council will appoint these additional members as soon as feasible.

10. The ccNSO Council extends the appointment of the current below listed members of the TLD-OPS steering committee for one year, up and until the ccNSO Council meeting at ICANN 58:  Frederico Neves (.br); Jacques Latour (.ca); Erwin Lansing (.eu); Ali Haji Mahdi( .km); Cristian Hesselman (.nl); Abibu Ntahigiye (.tz)

11.  The secretariat is requested to prepare a call for volunteers jointly with the TLD-OPS Steering Committee and then to send out the call for volunteers on the appropriate email-list to seek one additional volunteer from the Asian Pacific region to serve on the TLD-OPS Steering Committee.


8.1 The ccNSO Council selects Katrina Sataki to serve as the chair of the ccNSO, for the term of one year, up until the end of the in person ccNSO Council meeting at ICANN 58.

         8.2 Selection of vice-chair(s) of the ccNSO  Selection of vice-chair 1 (replacement of Keith Davidson)

The ccNSO Council selects Byron Holland to serve as vice-chair 1 of the ccNSO up and until the end of the in person ccNSO Council meeting at ICANN 58. 

Selection of Vice – Chair 2 (end of term Katrina Sataki)

The ccNSO Council selects Demi Getchsko to serve as vice-chair 2 of the ccNSO up and until the end of the in person ccNSO Council meeting at ICANN 58. 

Marrakesh updates

The agenda of the ccNSO Members meeting for latest version.

Remote participation is available for both day 1 and day 2 of the ccNSO Members Meeting:
      ccNSO members meeting RP, Day 1 – Tuesday 8 March:
      ccNSO members meeting RP, Day 2 – Wednesday 9 March

An overview of all ccNSO sessions taking place at the occasion of ICANN55 in Marrakech: Click here for a table-view, or list-view.

February 2016 ccNSO Report

ccNSO Guidelines Review Committee have been updating the ccNSO Guidelines to member and council meetings, selection of Board and Council members, writing community statements, assigning roles and responsibilities, etc. The community is asked to check the links to familiarise themselves with the work being done by the ccNSO. Guidelines and Review Committee Wiki Page.

ccNSO Council: meeting - 18 Feb - Apologies given due to attendance of APTLD meeting @APRICOT in Auckland, New Zealand

     Council Telephone Conference – recording

    ccNSO Council preparation material and output can be found here:

    ccNSO Council Decisions and Resolutions:

Main activities during the month in preparation for Marrakech

  • Sunday, 6 March: ccNSO Council Workshop, 10:00-12:00  WET local time (10:00-12:00 UTC)
  • Sunday, 6 March: ccNSO Council Prep Meeting, 12:00-13:00 WET local time (12:00-13:00 UTC)
  • Wednesday, 9 March: ccNSO Council Meeting, 16:00-18:00 WET local time (16:00-18:00 UTC) - *note – the Council meeting will start immediately after the Members meeting, so time may be adjusted
  • Questions to the Board from the ccNSO Tuesday 8 March,15.30-16.45 WET
    • Views of the Board with respect to launch of WS 2
    • The need for Cost management / PMO for the CCWG and CWG efforts
    • ccNSO Policy Develop Processes on retirement of ccTLDs and Review Mechanism for decisions relating to delegation, revocation& transfer and retirement of ccTLDs (informational)
  • Questions from the Board to the ccNSO:
    1. Diversity is considered to be a challenge in ICANN. How is your SO/AC doing with regard to enhancing diversity in all its dimensions? What can ICANN do to support that effort?
    2. What is your feedback on the final report of the CCWG on Accountability?

January 2016 ccNSO Report

  • GNSO Council Response to CCWG-Accountability - FINAL - 22 January 2016 - Patrick Myles
  • ccNSO Council meeting 21 January 1200UTC.  Draft agenda. Associated documents include:
    • FOI Implementation - relates to a query from ICANN staff about how to implement a request to IANA without contacting the admin and technical contacts listed on the IANA database , when it is an issue of delegation or revocation or retirement. There should be a specific person or procedure for these more serious changes to the IANA database. The Council are being asked to consider this issue.
    • Advice re Meeting B format - the council have been advised to maintain 3 meetings a year, at least until the end of 2017 until they have had time to assess the new format. It was noted that this new format was devised prior to discussions about Stewardship and Accountability, and did not take into account the changing role of the ccNSO /ccTLD community, and further policy development needs. The technical and ccNSO meeting days were considered by their very nature to already be outreach oriented.
    • Phases and Timelines of ccNSO PDPs
    • Update CCWG Country and Territory Names - the result of the consultation process following their survey on 3-character TLDs produced such a diversity of viewpoints that on certain points it was difficult to come up with a single position that could be recommended as a way forward. The WG propose to make a strawman in time for the Marrakech meeting. 
    • GNSO Liaison Report - Patrick Miles  (included a reference to a comparison between GNSO and ccNSO)
    • ALAC Liaison Report - Ron Sherwood
    • ISTACC Report - 14 January  This is the ccNSO IANA Stewardship Transition and Accountability Coordination Committee to (1) Coordinate the ccNSO and broader ccTLD efforts to participate in and provide timely input into the IANA Stewardship Transition Process and Enhancing ICANN's Accountability Process, (2) Coordinate efforts to reaching out and engaging the broader ccTLD community in the aforementioned processes, and finally, (3) Coordinate the interrelation between the processes from a ccNSO and broader ccTLD perspective.
    •  Monthly workplan update - provides status of current ccNSO WGs
  • First draft of the ccNSO meeting agenda for the Marrakesh meeting
  • ALAC-ccNSO meeting in Marrakech  (5.30pm Sunday 6 March) 
  • Byron distributes final ccNSO statement on the CCWG 3rd Proposal for Council consultation before sending to CCWG.
  • Volunteers called for to participate on the committee to select Ethos  Awardees (8 volunteers, 2015 rep was Young Eum Lee) and also to replace Steffan Johnson as the ccNSO rep on the CWG Stewardship. (3 volunteers)
  • New staff member joins ccNSO Secretariat Joke Braeken
  • ccNSO community asked to comment on the "Final Report of the ICANN Geographic Regions Review" by 24th April

December 2015 ccNSO Report

CCWG Discussion meeting - 23 December - outcomes
1) No formal resolution was to be required
2) The ccNSO Council would provide input to the CCWG, which would request greater clarity on key issues as well as adherence to the requirements of the CWG.  Further, that the ccNSO was generally supportive of the "direction of travel".
3) This input was to be summarized by the Chair and shared with Council before transmission to the CCWG.

 Council Meeting - 10 December 2015 
 Resolution adopted: The ccNSO Council has no objection to the CWG-Stewardship to proceed with overseeing the implementation as described in its letter November 2015 to the chartering organisations.


  • There was discussion about Lise Fuhr's continuing with her coChair role now that she is no longer employed with .dk. The concensus supported her continuation but with a recommendation to look for new volunteers to take over this or similar roles in the future.

Resolution adopted: The ccNSO Council adopts the Nomination and Election Report Nominations and Elections to ccNSO Council 2016 and congratulates: Abibu Ntahigiye (.tz) African Region; Debbie Monahan (.nz) Asia-Pacific Region; Peter Vergrote ( .be) European Region; Demi Gethschko (.br) Latin American and Caribbean Region; Becky Burr (.us) North American Region with their election. The ccNSO Council also thanks Gabriella Schittek for her hard work as Election Process Manager.

  • Nigel has suggested that the rules and procedures related to the Election process be examined to prevent any future appointments being made before the end of the election process. Katrina explained the error.
  • CCWG Webinars - I attended one of the two sessions which were held to update the ccTLD community about the CCWG-Accountability Third Draft Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations.  The presentation and recordings can be found on Bart read a followup report from Mathieu and Becky provided specifics. The council will meet on Dec 23 to make a decision about whether to support the recommendations made by the CCWG-Accountability Proposal or not.

  • GNSO Update received from Patrick Myles (ccNSO Liaison); ccNSO liaison to ALAC report received

  • Byron raised concern related to difficulties achieving a quorum at Council meetings due to members not attending nor providing reports indicated in the agenda
  • Next meeting - December 23  

November 2015 ccNSO Report

  • Post Council meeting Election Results: these newly elected Council members will take up their seats at the end of the ccNSO meeting (9 March 2016) in Marrakesh. 

    African Region
    Abibu Ntahigiye, .tz
    Asia-Pacific Region
    Debbie Monahan, .nz
    European Region
    Peter Vergote, .be
    Latin American and Caribbean Region
    Demi Getschko, .br
    North American Region
    Becky Burr, .us

  • ccNSO Council meeting 19 Nov: Main items discussed and decisions made
    • Becky gave an update on the ccWG for those who couldn't attend Mathieu's webinar 
    • Byron and Peter van Roste reported on their participation in the IFG Brazil esp. WSIS+10, Human rights, IXPs (Byron), cybersecurity esp terrorism, intellectual property rights (Peter). 10 streams per session sometimes made it difficult to follow threads.
    • With Alejandra Reynoso's election by the LAC region to replace Victor Abboud, the election report was adopted
    • Stephen Deerhake was elected for North American region, and the election report adopted.
    • Wafa Dahmani Zaafouri (.tn) and Hiro Hotta (.jp) were appointed to the Working Group Extended Process Similarity Review Panel.
    • Next Council meeting Dec 10, and a special meeting on Dec 23 to discuss ccNSO decision about the ccWG proposals
  • 18 Nov - ccTLD Webinar - ccWG update: Great summary of progress of the ccWG up to and after Dublin, given by Mathieu Wiel who is one of the ccNSO co-chairs. Bart provided a summary of the discussions held by the ccNSO in Dublin. A recording and Mathieu's ppt presentation will be placed on the ccNSO website shortly.
  • ccNSO Special Council meeting (6 November 12.30UTC) held to discuss the decision-making process of the CCWG (Accountability) Proposal with Matthieu Weill. The Council raised concerns relating to the overwhelming amount of information that needs to be reduced to some "digestible" volume so that ccTLD managers can become better informed through the consultation process and provide appropriate feedback which the Council can return to the CCWG. Concern was also raised relating to the proposed "working session" at the IGF and decisions being potentially made excluding those who could not attend the meeting in Brazil, it lacked transparency - Mattheiu assured the Council that a formal meeting would not take place. The Council decided to create outreach opportunities as per the CWG consultation which proved successful. Council appointed members will provide our primary input - consensus being the model rather than unanimity. Webinars (in conjunction with the ROs) and social media will be used to get information out to as many of the ccTLD community as possible - Staff to collate information on how many ccTLDS actually provide feedback. The tight ccWG timeframe constrains the consultation process so that the Council will meet a few days before the deadline date of 31 December in order to make the final decision/statement for delivery to the ccWG.
  • ccNSO Council and ccNSO community have been invited to comment on the GNSO Questionnaire CCWG Use of names of country and Territories: 3-letter codes. Comments required by 30 November. This request is a follow-up from the presentation Annebeth Lange (.no) and Paul Szyndler (.au) gave at the ccNSO meeting in Dublin. Their presentation can be found here:
  • A summary has been provided of the discussions from the ccNSO’s ICANN 54 sessions in Dublin related to the IANA Stewardship Transition and the ICANN Accountability work.  An audio recording of the meeting can be found here A more detailed update of the CCWG Accountability timeline, which can be found at . This update includes key dates and a brief description of the next steps in the process to enable the report on Work Stream 1 recommendations of the CCWG Accountability to be finalized and sent to the ICANN Board by mid-January 2016


October 2015 ccNSO Report

Decisions made at the ccNSO Council meeting 21 October 2015 (Dublin meeting)

  • The ccNSO Council approved the application of the ccTLD manager of .tk and welcomes Telecommunications Tokelau Corporation(Teletok), the ccTLD manager for .tk (Tokelau) as 157th member of the ccNSO.

  • The ccNSO Council appointed Celia Lerman Friedman as member of the ccNSO Travel Funding Committee (replacing Jordi Iparraguirre)

  • The ccNSO Council appointed Abibu Ntahigiye as Councilor to oversee the ccNSO membership application process
  • The ccNSO Council appointed Mats Dufberg (.se) and Pablo Rodriguez (.pr) as the two ccNSO members on the IDN Guideline review working group. There was a query raised by the Korean councillor about whether other members could participate. Bart suggested he contact the Chair of the committee. 
  • The ccNSO Council adopted the timeline for the special ccNSO Council election for the North American region (replacing Dotty Sparks de Blanc)) for the remainder of the seat term, March 2017. The ccNSO Council appointed Gabriella Schittek as Election Manager for the ccNSO Council Election Process 2016.  

  • The election process for the LAC region has been extended until 30 October.  There will be an election in the EU region, starting 5 November and closing on 19 November.

  • Thanks were extended to Dotty Sparks, Kristina Nordstom, Martin Boyle and Keith for their hard work on the ccNSO. 

  • New members Christelle Vaval, NomCom appointee and Alejandra Reynoso (LAC representative) were welcomed.

ccNSO Meeting Agenda for Dublin:

  • remote participation will be available for ccNSO meetings on the 18th and 19th October and 21 Oct (Council meeting). Pre-registration required
  • All ccNSO related meetings for Dublin will be posted here: 
  • ccNSO is seeking two volunteers for the IDN Implementation Guidelines review team. Purpose of the group is to update the IDN Guidelines 2011
  • Council volunteers are also being sought to oversee the Membership application process and to participate on the Councils Travel Funding committee - specifically from AP, AF and LAC, to give regional coverage
  • At the close of the nomination period, the LAC region does not have a nomination for Council membership for the coming year. One nomination that was put forward has been withdrawn. The Council is being asked if the period for nomination can be extended for the LAC region as the other regions have already put forward their nominations.
  • Council is being asked to consider an application from .tk (Tokelau Islands from the Pacific region). (smile)
  • Letter received by the Council  from the CCWG Accountability Co Chairs (Leon, Mathieu and Thomas) regarding the CCWG being unable to present their Work Stream 1 recommendations in Dublin due to their need to consider public comments and further engagement with the community. 
  • Kristina Nordstrom from the Secretariat leaves ccNSO as of 31 October.
  • Dotty Sparks (.vi) has tendered her resignation from the ccNSO Council  as of October 21 after 12 years of service. 

ccNSO Activity Summary - September 2015

ICANN 54 - Dublin   Full schedule - here   ccNSO Members Meeting - Agenda

Working/Study Group Meeting Output:

14 September – Rules and Guidelines Review Committee - recording

17 September – Meetings Programme Working Group - recording

 21 September – Rules and Guidelines Review Committee - recording

 21 September - Cross-Community Working Group on Use of Country and Territory Names – transcript andrecording

 23 September – IANA Stewardship Transition and Accountability Coordination Committee - recording

 28 September – CWG-ISTP - recording

 For output from the CCWG meetings see the CCWG Wiki Page: CCWG Wiki Page

 Recordings of various Working Group Meetings can be found here:

ccNSO Council:

24 September – Council Telephone Conference - recording

20 August Council Call – Council Minutes 

ccNSO Council preparation material and output can be found here

ccNSO Council Decisions and Resolutions:

terminology around IDN’s and language tables.

ccNSO Council meeting resolutions  (24 September)

  • audio recording
  • The ccNSO Council appoints Vaggelis Segredakis (.gr) as member of the Working Group Extended Process Similarity Review Panel. For the record it re-confirms the appointment of Giovanni Seppia (.eu) as member. The chair of the WG EPSRP is requested to find additional members of this WG. The secretariat is requested to inform the volunteers and update the webpage and email list.

  • The ccNSO Council appoints the following persons as Oversight Committee of the TLD-Ops mailing list :  Cristian Hesselman, .nl,  Erwin Lansing, .dk,  Jacques Latour, .ca,  Frederico Neves, .br,  Abibu Ntahigiye, .tz,  Geng-Da Tsai, .tw,  Ali Hadji Mmandi (.km).   It also requests the Oversight Committee to provide a plan for their succession by the Marrakesh meeting (March 2016).

  • The ccNSO Council adopts the secretariat report on the selection of the ccNSO delegate on ICANN’s NomCom FY 2016. The secretariat is requested to inform the NomCom and candidates as soon as possible on the appointment of Joerg Schweiger (.de).

  • Progress report on the ccNSO Council elections:  To date, the following regions have nominated ( seconded) one candidate:  Asian Pacific Region, African Region, Latin American and Caribbean Region, North American Region.  The European region still has to nominate a candidate.  The Latin American and Caribbean Region have to nominate a second candidate.
  • The ccNSO Council adopts the report on the selection process for candidates for the ICANN leadership training by the leadership training ad-hoc committee.  The candidates are Lesley Cowley and Jordi Iparraguirre

  • The ccNSO Council requests the secretariat to send out a call for volunteers as soon as possible for two members on ICANN’s IDN Guideline review committee. The call for volunteers should include a reference to the requirements included the ICANN announcement (( In the event more then two volunteers put their name forward during the call for volunteers, the ccNSO Council will select the two members by an email decision making process, similar to what was used for the selection of the ccNSO appointed delegate on ICANN’s NomCom.

  • Following the meeting, reports were received on Internet Governance (Young Eum Lee), CCWG Use of Country and Territory Names (Annebeth Lange and Paul Szyndler) and a report on the complete set of questions posed by the  ICG to the CWG-IANA (Keith Davidson)
  • Dublin Meeting programme; CCWG and related topics. Legal and Marketing session. ccTLD new session. Session on Meeting B strategy and general meeting with two appointed Board members


SEPTEMBER 2015 ccNSO Report


The ccNSO Council Meeting will be held on 24 Sept. 

  • ccNSO has been asking members for volunteers to serve on the Nom Comm - 3 names have been put forward - This is the second call after some members of the community indicated concern about the non-conformity of the earlier procedure with their established cNSO Guideline on Appointment of Delegate to the Nominating Committee (2008). The Council will vote at their next Council meeting.
  • The Secretariat have been awaiting member response with regards to a draft Charter and Resolution for the formation of the working group of the "Extended Process Similarity Review Panel" (WG EPSRP). As there have been no comments made, the charter and resolution will be posted for volunteers to come forward.  The Working Group will review the Extended Process Review Process as defined in the Implementation Plan and the Guidelines for the Extended Process Similarity Review Panel and as part of the overall proposed policy for the selection of the IDN ccTLD Strings, including the definition of confusing similarity. "The ccNSO also seeks participants from the GAC and the SSAC to work on the working group in a manner that is appropriate to them and in accordance with their own rules and procedures. To ensure that the Board request for consultation is adequately met, the GAC and the SSAC are invited, at a minimum, to express no objection to submitting recommendations to the Board from the working group".
  • Preliminary Issue Report on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures was distributed to council members (3 Sept). No responses via email list. 
  • Paul Kane (Chair, SLE WG, CWG Stewardship subgroup) distributed the IANA Service Level Expectations document. Only one comment from the community.
  • Chris Disspain (message to Council members 30 Aug) noted that of the 9 submissions made to ccWG Accountability, none had come from ccTLDs. He encouraged input from the community.

ccNSO Council Submission on the Proposal to Transition the Stewardship of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Functions (7 September 2015)

The ccNSO Council welcomes the opportunity to review the Proposal to Transition the Stewardship of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Functions from the U.S. Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to the Global Multistakeholder Community.    The comments of the ccNSO council focus on sections 1027 and 1036 of the ICG’s Proposal.   This submission was adopted by the ccNSO Council (unanimously/majority) through email vote on 7 September 2015.  On behalf of the ccNSO Council

Byron Holland,   Chair

Framework of Interpretation (Section 1027)

The  Council wishes to bring to your attention that certain statements set out in section 1027 of the consolidated IANA stewardship Transition proposal are rendered obsolete..  From the Proposal (s.1027)

“The ccNSO formally endorsed the FOIWG’s Final Report in February 2015 and transmitted it to the ICANN Board of Directors. It is currently pending review and adoption by the ICANN Board.”   The Framework of Interpretation (FOI) is no longer pending.

At its meeting on 25 June 2015 ICANN’s Board of Directors adopted and endorsed the Framework of Interpretation without reservation.The Board of ICANN directed that  “the CEO & President or his designee to develop an implementation plan for the recommendations for community consideration through a public comment, and to implement the plan when finalized.”[1]

We understand the difficulty to reflect the current state-of affairs of the matters documented in the proposal. However, in order given the paramount importance of the Framework of Interpretation in the context of delegation and re-delegations of ccTLDs, it is also important that there be a defined and current baseline documentation available post-transition.

Accordingly, we recommend the ICG, to consider the Proposal a 'living instrument' and update it from time-to-time to accurately reflect the actual and current state of affairs regarding the Framework of Interpretation. We suggest it is updated by the ICG up and until the submission of the Transition Proposal to the ICANN Board of Directors.

The ccNSO Council undertakes to inform the ICG on future relevant matters relating to the Framework of Interpretation, if any, to assist the ICG in keeping the Proposal up to date with respect to all matters pertaining to ccTLDs.

References to documentation of policy development and dispute resolution processes (ccTLDs) (Section 1036) 

The ccNSO Council notes that the list of reference documentation of policy development and dispute resolution process (ccTLDs), section 1036, includes a reference to ICP-1, carrying the implication that ICP-1 is policy. 

The ccNSO Council regrets this, and believes that this reference creates unnecessary ambiguity and uncertainty now and, more importantly, for the post-transition landscape.

The ccNSO Council further regrets that the inclusion of such a reference has unnecessarily re-opened a debate on the proposal as a whole, and as a result has had a adverse effect on the support for the Stewardship Proposal by the ccTLD community.

Inclusion of a reference to ICP-1 in this way is incorrect. It is not a document of policy development and dispute resolution processes as implied by the heading of this section.

As noted in section 1027 of the Proposal, the ccTLD community and the ccNSO have very longstanding and formal objections to ICP-1 on the grounds of both content and procedure.

Further, as noted above, section 1025 of the Proposal, following formal submision of the Framework of Interpretation, the ICANN board has agreed to our recommendation that ICANN is to archive ICP-1, News Memo – 1 and also the GAC Principles 2000 (superseded by the GAC Principles 2005[2]).  Also, the Framework of Interpretation, accepted unanimously by ccTLD members of the ccNSO, articulates that RFC1591 and the 2005 GAC Principles are they only applicable policies and guidelines for delegations and redelegations of ccTLDs.

Finally, we observe that referencing ICP-1 alone in this section is inconsistent. Either, all obsolete and non-policy documentation should be included, or only actual and current documentation. In the first case News Memo – 1 and the GAC Principles 2000 along with several early RFCs should be included as well (marking them as obsolete and their status of archived), or none of them should be referenced at all. 

The ccNSO Council therefore recommends and requests appropriate editorial changes, which can be achieved by removing the reference to ICP-1 in section 1036 altogether, and including a footnote referencing the removal clearly indicating the non-status of ICP-1 as well as News Memo 1 and GAC Principles from 2000 (the latter having been formally superseded by the GAC).   

2 In addition the ccNSO Council recommended the ICANN Board that certain documents including the GAC Principles 2000 (which the GAC superseded in 2005), ICANN's ICP1 ( and News Memo 1 ( should be archived and considered no longer used by ICANN staff. See Board resolution 25 June 2015.


ccNSO Working/Study Group Meeting Output:

 10 August – Rules and Guidelines Review Committee - recording

12 August – Meetings Programme Working Group - Notes

24 August – Rules and Guidelines Review Committee - recording

24 August – Cross-Community Working Group on Use of Country/Territory Names –Transcript / Recording

For output from the CWG meetings see the CWG Wiki Page

For output from the CCWG meetings see the CCWG Wiki Page: CCWG Wiki Page

 ccNSO Council Output:

Latest ccNSO Council Minutes:

ccNSO Council preparation material and output can be found here

ccNSO Council Decisions on Requests for input:

ccNSO Council Decisions and Resolutions:


AUGUST 2015 ccNSO Report

ccNSO Council Meeting (20 Aug)


  •  Internet Governance - Report provided by Young Eum Lee
  • ICG - Keith Davidson
    • ICG put out a proposal at end of July, if ccNSO intends to submit comments they have until 8 Sept. To date 22 submissions have been received - issues identified to date are easily addressed
    • ICG has held two webinars
    • There was a lot of discussion around the ICP-1 (the Internet Coordination Policy 1) which was one of 3 documents produced by ICANN staff shortly after the creation of the Internet Coordination Policy group in an attempt to update operational details over how the DNS was structured and should be run. The document has been a source of significant friction between ICANN and the ccTLD community. The ccNSO formally rejected the ICP-1 document arguing that it modified policy but did not meet the requirements for doing so at the time of its introduction in 1999. (Refer Final Proposal for Chartering Organizations' Consideration (11 June))
    • ccNSO noted some reservations in BA around the CWG Stewardship proposal re the inclusion of the ICP-1 in the list of relevant documents. There was further discussion about this and it has been decided  that a letter to the Board and  submission will be made by the ccNSO (Keith, Becky and Nigel willl assist the Secretariat to draft a note for the ICG and Board). Unanimously supported.
    • Nigel voiced reservation about the"implementation of the FOI" as reported by Keith. Policies are implemented. A policy already exists. FOI is interpretation of existing policy and hence needs to be applied.
    • Keith said that aspects of systems, website, etc need to be changed to accommodate FOI within existing processes. Indications are that IANA are treating it with urgency. Moving forward expeditiously. 
  • CWG Stewardship (Lisa Fuhr unavailable)
    • main item has been around the SLE (Service Level Expectation) effort; strong indication is that the SLE is almost concluded. Issue of ICP-1 was discussed extensively
  • ccWG Accountability (Becky Burr)
    • 2nd proposal has been published. GAC members have been involved in the process - stress test 18 - their advice is taken in consensus. 
    • Becky is concerned that not all ccTLD issues have been addressed. Fundamental pieces have been agreed upon, but the goal is to have these accepted in Dublin. All aspects of CWG requirements have been met, but no formal feedback has been received from CWG yet.
  • Preparation for the Decision-making proces on CWG and CCWG proposals in Dublin
    • At the Dublin meeting the ccNSO will most likely have to decide on:
    • Whether there is community support for the Final Proposal of the CCWG Accountability, in particular on WS 1
    • Check whether the CCWG Accountability Final Proposal meets the conditionality requirements (as defined by the CWG-Stewardship, as required by BA resolution)
    • In order to prepare for the decision-making in Dublin, this item will be included on the agenda of this and upcoming Council meetings. 
    • Discussion points:
      • Should the RO’s be invited again to co-organise the meeting?  Becky say yes! Their input is important.
      • Use similar structure of sessions (relevant for the Program WG)?
        • Informational sessions;
        • Discussion sessions
        • Council decision is sensing level of support by community and recording this and based on the recorded level of community endorsement, support submission to the Board of Directors.
  • IDN ccTLD Fast Track Review
    • At its Buenos Aires meeting, the ICANN Board of Directors have requested the ccNSO to provide further guidance pertaining to IDN ccTLD Fast Track process, in particular on issues relating to the second panel to assess potential confusing similarity of strings. In providing guidance the GAC and SSAC need to be consulted
    • The draft charter is still under discussion. As soon as draft charter is ready, it will circulated with to Council email list for discussion and adoption. After adoption the secretariat will send out a call for volunteers.

  • SECIR Working Group (Secure Email Communication for ccTLD Incident Response)
    • The SECIR WG has completed its work, which is documented in its Final report, including recommendations for next steps. In anticipation of closure of the WG, and following the ccNSO Council resolution in BA, the WG has drafted a charter/statement of purpose for the TLD-Ops Standing Committee. The role of the committee is to give guidance to and oversee activities of the TLD-Ops secretariat. To ensure continuity, the SECIR WG will act as interim TLD-Ops up and until all members of the TLD-Ops Standing Committee are appointed by Council.
    • The Council adopted the SECIR Final Report and its recommendations. The Council thanked the working group for their hard work and for turning the project into a success.
    • The Council adopted the proposed charter for the TLD-Ops Standing Committee and is requesting volunteers for membership of this committee
  • Discussion of Meeting B Strategy
    • No decision has been made regarding programme for proposed new Meeting B. Working group plan to run a survey - ccNSO would like a fulsome discussion with the full community in Dublin. There was concern raised about how they would carry out their normal work, and that they will need to amend their current processes so that they can do everything that needs to be done.
  • ccNSO Council Elections
    • Five regional councillors are stepping down according to schedule: Lesley Cowley (EU) Demi Getschko (LAC) Keith Davidson (AP) Abibu Ntahugiue (AF) and Becky Burr (NA). Victor Abboud (LAC) has also resigned so that the LAC region will need two councillors. 
    • A timeline for the ccNSO Council election has been outlined and adopted. Gabriella Schittek has been appointed as Election Manager.
  • Appointment of ccNSO member on ICANN's nominating committee
    • There was some considerable discussion about whether the Council had followed its guidelines for receiving nominations within an identified timeframe. The discussion focused on on the fact that the Council has not followed the guidelines basically since it was created. Lesley noted that this was because there was seldom an election required, as it was already difficult to find someone prepared to take on the NomCom role. This year there are two candidates and Nigel Roberts asked that they follow the guidelines or amend the ones they've got to fit what they have done. Nigel's point was that in light of ICANN Accountability it was not a good look for the ccNSO Council to not follow its own rules, especially when there has been a complaint. 
    • BYRON - "The decision is to continue to follow the current process - because the Council can decide. We recognise that there has been some dissension on this issue and suggest we delay the nominations for another week and reissue the call for nominations - with proposers and seconders. The Seccretariat will write up the resolution."
  • Strategic and Operational Working Group (SOPWG)
    • Four volunteers were appointed to the WG: Barrak Otieno (AfTLD), Pablo Rogrigues (.pr), Dotty Sparks de Blanc (.vi) Michael Vasilakis (.gr)
  • ICANN Leadership Training (Dublin)
    • The ccNSO is eligible to appoint two volunteers for the ICANN leadership training in Dublin. The traning is intended for current ccNSO Leadership (councillors, working group chairs) and potential leaders. Closing dat for appointment is 31 Aug 2015.
    • Lesley asked if there were any volunteers (Jordi Iparraguirre volunteered in the chat). Byron suggested setting up a WG to seek someone.
    • Byron said it was always difficult to get volunteers because everyone was so busy with their jobs (not just a ccNSO problem)
  • GNSO Liaison Update - provided by Patrick Miles
  • ALAC Liaison Update - provided by Ron Sherwood

JULY 2015 ccNSO Report

  • No July ccNSO Council meeting.
  • The ccNSO council have been notified about the public comment periods for:
    • 29-2015: Next-Generation gTLD Registration Directory Services to Replace WHOIS Preliminary Issue Report
    • ICANN CEO Search Committee Announces CEO Candidate Criteria: Deadline for Application Submission is 20 September 2015
    • The IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group's (ICG) Interim Final Proposal to Transition the Stewardship of the IANA Functions opening on 31 July, with an end date of around 8 September. The ICG will hold webinars at the beginning of the public comment period to provide an overview of the proposal. 
    • The CCWG-Accountability also plans to publish the second version of its proposal for a 40-day public comment also beginning 31 July and ending 8 September 2015

JUNE 2015 ccNSO Report


  • Resolution on the Final Proposal of the Cross Community Working Group on Naming-Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship)
    • The ccNSO Council notes and welcomes the exemplary, long and intensive consultation efforts and process the CWG-Stewardship went through to gather input and feed-back from the community and wholeheartedly thanks all members and participants of the CWG-Stewardship for all its hard work.
    • Taking into account the outreach, engagement and consultation efforts of the CWG-Stewardship, the outreach and engagement efforts of the ccNSO appointed members on the CWG-Stewardship, and the ccNSO and Regional ccTLD Organizations, and taking into account the extensive consultation of the ccTLD community present in Singapore and Buenos Aires, the ccNSO Council is in a position to take a decision on whether it supports the submission of the CWG-Stewardship Proposals to the ICG.
    • The ccNSO Council notes the unanimous support for the CWG-Stewardship Proposal by the ccTLD community present at the sessions on the topic at the Buenos Aires joint meetings of the ccNSO and Regional Organizations.

    • Taking into account the unanimous support by the ccTLDs present for CWG-Stewardship Proposal, the ccNSO Council supports that the CWG-Stewardship submits its Final Proposal to the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group.
    • The ccNSO Council support is based on the assumption that the CWG-Stewardship Final Proposal is conditional upon the implementation of ICANN-level accountability mechanisms substantially in the form listed in the Final Proposal section 106, and which are part of the ICANN-level accountability mechanisms (Work Stream 1) being developed by the CCWG-Accountability and moreover that: 
    1. These mechanisms will need to be supported by the ccNSO and;
    2. Approved by the ICANN Board and;
    3. All required bylaws amendments will need to be adopted before the transition and;
    4. All other required implementation be completed before the transition or, if not implemented beforehand, that there will be irrevocable commitments of such implementation to be complete within a reasonable time period after the transition, not to exceed one year.
    • Following the submission of the Final Report of the CCWG-Accountability on Work Stream 1 and subsequent ccNSO consideration of the proposals of the CCWG-Accountability, the ccNSO Council will communicate the results of these deliberations to the ICG, ICANN Board and NTIA, as necessary, to confirm whether or not the conditionality requirements as set out in the CWG-Stewardship Final Proposal have been met from a ccNSO perspective.
    • The ccNSO Council recommends that the CWG-Stewardship only be formally closed upon submission, by the ICANN Board, of the final transition proposal to the NTIA, thus allowing the CWG-Stewardship to provide input to the ICG and/or ccNSO should any questions or issues arise before that time.
    • The ccNSO Council requests the secretariat to publish this resolution as soon as possible after the closure of this ccNSO Council meeting. In accordance to the rules of the ccNSO (, the decisions in this resolution will become effective seven days after publication of these decisions by the Council. For the interim, the chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the co-chairs of the CWG-Stewardship of decisions of the ccNSO Council under the assumption the decision is effective and subsequently, after seven (7) days, whether the decision has become effective
  • Approval of .BN application

    • The ccNSO Council approves the application of the ccTLD manager of .bn and welcomes Brunei Darussalam Network Information Centre Sdn Bhd, the ccTLD manager for .bn (Brunei) as 156th member of the ccNSO.

  • Appointment of FOI advisory team
    • Taking into account and under the assumption that the ICANN Board will task ICANN staff to start the implementation of the Framework of Interpretation (FOI), and anticipating that he ccNSO Council will be requested to appoint a small advisory team of experts to assist ICANN staff, the ccNSO Council appoints the former chairs and vice-chair of the FOIWG, Keith Davidson and Becky Burr, as the ccNSO FOI implementation advisory team. In this capacity they are requested to regularly update Council and the broader community on progress made with respect to the implementation of the FOI. The secretariat is requested to inform relevant ICANN staff of this appointment.
  • Retirement Interaction Strategic and Operational Plan Guideline.
    • At the suggestion of the Guideline Review Committee (GRC) and taking into account that during the update by GRC to the community present there were no objections, the ccNSO Council retires the ccNSO Guideline Interaction Strategic and Operating Plan, 5 November 2008, and request the secretariat to archive the Guideline as retired on the ccNSO website.
  • Additional Volunteers GRC.
    • The ccNSO secretariat is requested to send out a call for volunteers to the community as soon as possible to seek additional volunteers
    • Appointment ccNSO members CCWG Use of Names of Country and territory names as TLDs.
    • Sanna Sahlman, .fi 
    • Monica Capparelli, .ar 
    • Lucila abate, .ar.  
    • The ccNSO Council appoints the following persons as ccNSO members of the cross-community working group on use of country and territory names as TLDs:
  • SECIR (Secure Email Communication for ccTLD Incident Response)
    • Taking into account the advice of the SECIR working group to ensure continuation of oversight and guidance of the secretariat in maintaining and enhancing the SECIR email list of contact details, the ccNSO Council requests the SECIR WG to draft a charter for such an oversight and guidance committee. The SECIR WG is also requested to submit the draft charter at the same time it submits its final report and perform the oversight and guidance role until the envisioned SECIR oversight and guidance committee has been appointed.
  • Additional Call for volunteers SOP WG
    1. The ccNSO Council thanks Peter Van Roste (CENTR) and Dina Beer (formerly with the .IL registry, for their hard working and contribution to the success of the SOPWG.

    2. The ccNSO request the secretariat to send out a call for volunteers who have developed an expertise in Strategy and Operating Plans as well as budgetary matters and can commit to work at least six days on a yearly basis

  • Next meetings

- 20 August 2015, 12.00 UTC (conference call)

- 24 September 2015, 12.00 UTC (conference call)

- 21 October 2015, 16.00 UTC (in person, Dublin ICANN meeting)

Members Days (Tuesday & Weds) - ICANN updates including IANA Stewardship and ICANN Accountability (CWG and CCWG activities and perspectives), New Meeting Strategy, etc 

Technical Day (Monday) included .ke explaining a DNSSEC crash,mistakes and lessons learned plus offers of support and assistance from other members to anyone with similar difficulties. 

ccNSO/ALAC meeting (Sunday) - not as animated as normal (perhaps 4.45pm not a good time after ALAC's no-break programme since 8am). Thanks to Byron and his team for explaining their decision-making process and outreach activities. 

NB:  ccNSO meetings attended as ALAC involvements allowed. 

ccNSO Activity Summary for May 2015

Working/Study Group Meeting Output:

4 May - Cross-Community Working Group on Use of Country and Territory Names Transcript 
18 May - Cross-Community Working Group on Use of Country and Territory Names Transcript 
For output from the the CWG meetings see the CWG Wiki Page 
For output from the the CCWG meetings see the CCWG Wiki Page: 
Recordings of various Working Group Meetings can be found here: 
ccNSO Council Output:
Latest ccNSO Council Minutes: ccNSO Council 23 April
ccNSO Council preparation material and output can be found here
ccNSO Council Decisions on Requests for input:
ccNSO Council Decisions and Resolutions:

Special ccNSO Council meeting (28 May)to discuss CWG and CCWG issues prior to BA 
* There was a strong call by Byron to include the wider ccTLD community via the regional organisations (to participate remotely), so that their voices can be heard with regards to the proposals by the CWG and the CCWG
* During the Council meeting, there was also communication with Gisella on the date and time of the Joint ccNSO and ALAC meeting in BA. 

MAY 2015 ccNSO Report

*Council meeting - 21 May - The minutes of last month's meeting (23 April)

Updates given on Internet Governance WG (Young Eum Lee), CWG (Lise - written) and CCWG (Mathieu).

  • CCWG-IG - it was noted that the CCWG-IG does not have the mandate from the groups they represent to agree on a certain position regarding Netmundial. This will be discussed at the Buenos Aires meeting
  • CWG Stewardship - Bart noted that of the 49 submissions, 14 came from ccTLDs.
  • CCWG - Mathieu noted appreciation of the Council Chair's letter regarding broad consensus issue. Co-Chairs would like input from ccTLD community - interactive webinars possible option

The decision-making process on the CWG and CCWG proposals does not fit the ccNSO model of decision-making - a PDP is to attempt to find a solution "in the near future" (this wording was debated -  Bart and Keith to work on wording that better reflects the reality of the time required to undertake a PDP (smile))

A resolution was unanimously passed that ALL ccNSO Council members will also be on the ccNSO Members email list - this was a major discussion topic on the Council list!

SECIR report - membership now 148 (from 131 a week ago).

ccNSO-Board topics for BA: 

  • Update FOI & potential discussion open issues (see also Substantive issues and proposal Keith on letter to CWG and CCWG and future PDPs)

ccNSO/ccTLD community specific issues with timeline, CWG and CCWG proposals

  • SOPWG submission and questions re draft FY 16 Ops Plan and Budget

Rumour raised by Ron that there may be a change of date and time for the ccNSO-ALAC joint meeting in BA? Gisella to confirm.

*ccNSO Workplan for the month of May 2015 (Bart to discuss at the Council meeting - contains ccNSO member activities and involvements eg working groups)

*A special Council meeting will be held on the 28 May to give the Council a special session to address the CWG 2nd draft proposal public comments.  

*The proposed agenda for ccNSO sessions at Buenos Aires can be found at

*ccNSO Pre-registration Form (for Buenos Aires)

In preparation for the Buenos Aires meeting the ccNSO have set up a pre-registration form for ccTLDs to pre-register for the meeting. Although it is not compulsory, it would give the staff some idea of what numbers they are preparing for at each of their sessions. The registration form asks for : (1) their ccTLD (2) their country (3) First name (4) Last name (5) email address  and (6) a robot check.  It is only available for registering ccTLD members.There is no option for  registration for those who are not ccNSO members or those who might be peripheral to the work of ccTLD managers. 

However, the idea of a pre-registration form has merit perhaps for the ALAC. In light of what has occurred with some of our members, pre-registration would be helpful to track the progress of visas; perhaps advise of needed support in preparation for ALAC and working group meetings, etc; it might allow for ALAC members to identify what sessions they plan to spend most of their non-ALAC time, to ensure an overall coverage of ALAC areas of interest. Pre-registration would give the ALAC Chair some indication of the voting membership to be available at the meeting beforehand, or at specific ALAC events; staff would get some idea of catering needs for the different sessions (ALT, ALAC, ALAC working groups). Pre-registration could add value to how the ALAC operates.


In answer to an email debate among the membership in response to concerns raised by the that has come from the ccNSO co-Chairs of the CWG and CCWG, Byron Holland provided a formal statement " This is a follow up to our letter dated March 26, 2015. Subsequent conversations with the ccNSO appointed co-chairs on the CWG- Stewardship and CCWG Accountability on April 15, 2015,  and an informal Council call on April 17, 2015 suggest that the initial content of the letter from the ccNSO Council may have raised questions and caused some confusion. Specifically, we understand that clarity is required around the following statement: “…that the proposals coming out of the CWG and CCWG are…. broadly supported by their membership, and, in particular, by all of the ccTLD representatives”.  It was asked whether this implied that the final proposal of the CWG or CCWG required unanimity or full consensus of the ccNSO appointed members, members and representatives. This question was discussed at the ccNSO Council meeting on April 23, 2015. In the view of the Council, broad support by the ccTLD representatives does NOT imply unanimity or full consensus, either by the ccNSO members or by the non-ccNSO ccTLD members and representatives of the group. Unanimity would mean the ccNSO Council impose a higher level of consensus on the internal decision-making process of the CWG or CCWG than what is defined in the charter adopted by the ccNSO. It would also reach above requirements set by NTIA, according to its announcement on consensus support. Although unanimity is not required, we do expect the proposal of the CWG or CCWG, when submitted, to reflect significant consensus. We also expect that all the ccTLD members and representatives of these groups will apply reasonable efforts to take into account all views and concerns."

*SECIR ("Secure Email Communication for ccTLD Incident Response”) Conference Call #14

This group includes non-members as well as members of ccNSO .. as a consequence, their subscription list has risen from 97 last month to 131. Information links for TLD-OPS: and for  SECIR:

APRIL 2015 ccNSO Report

With the Buenos Aires meeting looming, we need to work on an agenda for our joint meeting proposed for Tuesday 23 June 7.15-8.15 (with coffee and snacks). Support for cWG and ccWG issues? Inreach - internal cctld/ALS liaison? Ron's recent liaison report to ccNSO highlighted the number of ALSes and the potential benefits of their building a relationship with their ccTLDs.

ccNSO Council Meeting 23 April - summary report

Young Eum Lee (.kr) replaces Jordan Carter as Co-Chair for Internet Governance due to Jordan's commitments with the ccWG Accountability

The Council expressed no objection to the change made in the ccWG IG Charter encouraging participation by any interested parties in IG working groups. Any formal decisions will be made by those appointed by their chartering organisations.

Discussion about the need for unanimity of ccNSO representatives on the ccWG Accountability resulted in a agreement by the Council that strong consensus of its appointed members should suffice. Disagreement centres around one member who is supporting the status quo rather than the IANA transition process.  

There is still discussion about how best to get feedback from the ccTLD community without going through their normal process of F2F discussion. Of particular concern is how to gain their timely feedback on cWG and ccWG matters.

The SECIR WG has now subscribed over 100 members (77 last month). Looking at a brochure and outreach activities to help to build this number. Next call is May 11. The purpose of the group is to build up a communication network for ccTLD incident response.

Special ccNSO Council meeting (for cWG and ccWG updates) – 17 April

Report from Lise re CWG IANA update: focus on internal model with legal separation of IANA Function Operator as an affiliate with light weight Board (operational) – legal team investigating model - cWG webinar being prepared – cWG deliverables conditional on some aspects of ccWG  (IANA Budget, community empowerment, redress and review, appeal mechanism (ccTLD delegation and redelegation is excluded from appeal process – ccNSO to work on this at a later stage). Public comment period 28 days. Consultation window conflicts with normal ccNSO process which includes full discussion with community (including a face-to-face meeting). This matter will require a decision by the Council to redesign their decision-making process to deal with the speed of decision-making required of the CWG and CCWG proposals. A question was raised about how easy it was to gain consensus from such a diverse group. Lise explained that decisions are very much consensus-based. There is a technical group but there also needs to be a group to deal with complaints. No objections to the model under discussion from the Council.

Report from Mathieu re CCWG Accountability update: WG proposals based on 4 building blocks presented in Singapore (powers of community, mission and core values of ICANN, the Board, Enhancement of IRP.  The CCWG is evolving a list of stress tests (contingencies/risks and mitigating measures). The focus is on concrete proposals. Public comment will be sought in a couple of weeks. Legal advisors are raising additional issues. ccNSO endorsement of proposals at BA meeting – allowing for F2F consultation. Appears to be lack of consensus within ccNSO CCWG team – recall of ccNSO Board members? Letter has been sent to co-Chairs from ccNSO regarding Council concerns about the timing and logistics of the proposals coming out of the CWG‐ Stewardship and CCWG‐Accountability work streams.  Council will clarify their position at the Council meeting next week.

"Secure Email Communication for cccTLD Incident Response” (SECIR) conference call #13


number of ccTLDs that have joined the mailing list increased from 77 last month to 97.  ccNSO Secretariat have been contacting non-members in batches since ICANN52, and have now invited everyone to join. The WG will increase its outreach in order to encourage more engagement.



A TLD-OPS brochure has been produced to hand out at F2F meetings or by email, encouraging joining up.



Outreach activities proposed - e.g. announcement of the 100th ASCII subscriber, and a short presentation at the ccNSO Members Day in BA to update the community. 


MARCH 2015 ccNSO Report

 ccNSO Activity Summary for March 2015

 Working/Study Group Output:

19 March - CCWG IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions Teleconference   Transcript

17 March - CCWG IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions Teleconference     Transcript
16 March - CCWG IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions Teleconference   Transcript 
12 March - CCWG IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions Teleconference    Transcript
11 March - Webinar on Incident Response Email–list Presentation and Adobe Connect Recording
5 March - CCWG IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions Teleconference   Transcript
3 March - CCWG IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions Teleconference   Transcript
2 March -  Cross-Community Working Group on Use of Names for Countries and Territories as TLDs Transcript
Recordings of various Working Group Meetings can be found here:
ccNSO Council Output:
Latest ccNSO Council Minutes: ccNSO Council Minutes Singapore
ccNSO Council preparation material and output can be found here
ccNSO Council Decisions on Requests for input:
ccNSO Council Decisions and Resolutions:
Public Comment Periods:
19 March - ICANN draft Fiscal Year 2016 Operating Plan and Budget: (Comments welcome until 1 May 2015) 
 Links and Announcements regarding the IANA Stewardship Transfer and ICANN’s Accountability Process:
24 March - ICANN replacement of Hardware Security Module for the Root Key Signing Key  Update From ICANN's Policy Department
19 March - ICANN will hold its FY15 Q3 Stakeholder Call on 23 April at 15:00 UTC

ccNSO members are being frequently updated by email about cWG. ccWG and internal activities. Member engagement is a focus of the TLD-OPS WG and a recent conference call demonstrated increased interest in the work of the ccNSO within their community. How the ccNSO might encourage ccTLDs to become more informed and to contribute more to the decision-making of the Council has been raised as an issue. As this too is a concern of the ALAC, the results of our proposed review of ALAC communication and participation processes and our aims to encourage more ALS engagement, could be helpful to the ccNSO. It could also be a topic for discussion at our joint meeting at ICANN53.

 Follow-up to Council Mtg- Click here for the letter from the ccNSO Council to the CWG and CCWG co-Chairs regarding the decision-making process the ccNSO community will employ to make its decisions about the proposals that will come out of the Stewardship and Accountability workstreams.  Briefly, proposals are initially distributed to the at-large ccNSO community by email for comment, and then discussed and generally decided upon by the Council and those who attend a face-to-face meeting. 

Secure Email Communication for ccTLD Incident Response (SECIR) WG - Conference call #12 Mar 20

TLD-OPS status - membership of the list has grown from 29 to 77 since the last conference call on Feb 24.  Invitations to attend the WG sessions by the ccNSO Secretariat are reliant on all IANA Admin Contact email addresses are up to date

Rules of Engagement - feedback on the two webinars on TLD-OPS "rules of engagement" have been discussed. The need for more clarity has resulted in the group refining their draft set of rules over the next weeks, for instance, adding an example for each of the TLD-OPS colour levels. More information about the WG on

Sharing of incident information - while the purpose of the group is to act as a contact repository for ccTLDs the group decided that  they may share incident information which may be useful and relevant to a large number of subscribed ccTLDs. The group's guidelines will stipulate the use of the main list for sharing but one example could be one ccTLD wanting to notify its peers of an ongoing dictionary attack on the ccTLD's name server because the attack might soon hop to another ccTLD.

The next conference meeting will be during the week of April 8. 


SECIR members: Erwin Lansing (.dk), Jacques Latour (.ca), Frederico Neves (.br), Abibu Ntahigiye (.tz), Geng-Da Tsai (.tw), and Cristian Hesselman (.nl, chair)





I have recommended subscribing to this list to the managers of my local ccTLD .ck and to other ccTLD managers on the PICISOC mailing list.


 Informal Report on the ccNSO Council meeting 19 March 1200UTC

CWG and CCWG updates featured highly in reports

Engagement of ccTLD members (including those outside of ccNSO) in the decision making process became a hot topic - to ensure that the ccTLD community viewpoint is heard in discussions about the separability issue, the FOI, use of ICANN finances, etc. Current consensus is that people aren't involved enough. More outreach and facilitating a greater understanding among ccTLD managers is required  to enable more ccTLD managers with appropriate knowledge and expertise to be more involved in ccNSO decision making about important ICANN issues that the ccNSO should be contributing to.

the Council chair and the Chair of the FOIWG have written to the Board Chair, recommending that "the ICANN Board of Directors adopt the FOI and the related recommendations, as included in the Final Report of the FOI WG as the specific guidance on the interpretation of the existing and applicable policies and guidelines on delegation, redelegations and revocation and transfer of ccTLDs."  The ccNSO Council will also "provide the FOI as input to both the CWG Stewardship and CCCWG Accountability working groups, with the request that the FOI and relevant recommendations from the report be incorporated into their work, including the Service Level Agreement, which will be included in the proposal for the IANA Transition Plan".

the Council adopted their Annual Workplan and Schedule and requested that the Secretariat update the workplan monthly and in accordance with the ccNSO Guideline to maintainims, update and review the ccNSO Workplan.


ccNSO Related Singapore Meeting Output:
Other Working/Study Group Output:
ccNSO Council Output:
Latest ccNSO Council Minutes: ccNSO Council Minutes 22 January
ccNSO Membership:

ccNSO Report February 2015

ccNSO Council Meeting (11 Feb, Singapore52 meeting)

(1) Internet Governance Report (Bart) - there was a proposal to change the role of observers to that of participants

(2) British Virgin Islands (.vg) becomes ccNSO's 153rd member

(3) Giovanni Seppia is appointed to the Chair of the ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning (SOP) WG - he will liaise between the SOPWG and the Council; Andreas Musielak (.de) was appointed as a member.

(4) Young Eum Lee and Celia Lerman Friedman were appointed as ccNSO's community nominations for the 2015 Multistakeholder Ethos Award panel.

(5) Five regional councillors re-elected for another 3 year term - Africa, Vika Mpisane (.za), Asia-Pacific, Young-Eum Lee (.kr), Europe, Katrina Sataki (.lv), Latin America, Margarit Valdes (.cl), North America, Byron Holland (.ca).

(6) Final Report of the Freedom of Interpretation Working Group (direct wording of the resolutions)

(6.1) Support Framework of Interpretation. The ccNSO Council expresses its final support for the "Framework of Interpretation" to provide more accurate and detailed analysis of the existing policies for the delegation, transfer and revocation of country code Top Level Domains.

(6.2) Submission of the Framework of Interpretation and recommendations to CWG Stewardship and CCWG Accountability: The ccNSO Council will provide the Framework of Interpretation as an input to both the CWG-Stewardship and CCWG-Accountability working groups, with the request that the Framework and relevant recommendations from the report be incorporated into their work, including into the Service Level Agreement that will be included in the proposal for the IANA Transition Plan.

(6.3) Submission of the Framework of Interpretation and recommendations to ICANN Board of Directors. The ccNSO Council empowers its Chair and Keith Davidson, former chair of the FOIWG, to recommend the Final Report of the FOIWG to the ICANN Board of Directors, if they consider that the terms of the GAC Communiqué are compatible with such recommendation. The ccNSO Council also recommends that ICANN adopt the Framework of Interpretation and adopt the document as the specific guidance on the interpretation of the existing, applicable policies. With that in mind, the ccNSO Council recommends that certain previous documents including the GAC Principles 2000 (which the GAC has superseded in 2005), ICANN's ICP1 and News Memo 1 should be archived and considered no longer used by ICANN or IANA staff.  The ccNSO Council urges ICANN and IANA staff to apply the Framework in the near future, and the Council stands ready to assist IANA staff with that work.

(7)  The ccNSO Council adopted the assignment of roles and responsibilities of Council members  after the workshop on Sunday 8th Feb.   

(8) Byron Holland (.ca) was elected for this third term as Chair of the ccNSO; Katrina (.lv), Keith (.nz),

ccNSO-ALAC  Joint meeting 10 Feb, Singapore

(1) Giovanni Seppi gave an update report on developments of the ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning WG.

(2) Byron summarised the work of the CWG Transition - ALAC asked for a copy of his summary (TBA)

(3) Outreach and Engagement - ccNSO provide webinars for newcomers, and to explain ccTLD issues

(4) Tuesday 7am decided as the ccNSO-ALAC meeting time at each meeting. A request was made for breakfast to be provided.

General Information





























 What's on top for the ccNSO at this time? 

1.IANA Function Stewardship Transition 
2.ICANN Accountability and Transparency 
3.Framework of Interpretation and Recommendations 
4.The Strategic and Operational (SOP) Working Group and their recommendations proposed for ICANN’s 5 year operation plan and budget 
5.Geographic Names / Country and Territory Names – overlaps; and Name Collisions 
6.ccNSO Internet Governance Coordination Group – I am a member of this group 
7.Outreach and Engagement (with a need for encouragement for ccTLD participation on working groups)

ccNSO Report January 2015

ccNSO Internet Governance Coordination Committee: At the Council meeting, I was appointed as an observer on the ccNSO IG Coordination Committee - IG issues for ccTLDs are an interest area for me and I appreciate the support of the Council for my membership of this committee; 

ALAC-ccNSO meeting in Singapore (Tuesday 10th Feb, 7.15am-8.15am)Their proposed topics include: Setting a fixed time for future meetings, CWG Stewardship: progress to date, Decision making processes, outreach efforts? and CCWG Accountability: progress to date. More details as the Council minutes become available.

ccNSO Newcomer Webinar- 27 January @ 8:00 UTC and 20:00 UTC. To introduce newcomers to the ccNSO and ICANN world 

ccNSO Council mtg Agenda (22 January 1200UTC) to include updates on : Internet Governance Update (Jordan Carter); IANA Stewardship Transition Process (CWG-Lise Fuhr; ICG-Keith Davidson; ISTACC-Byron Holland); Enhancement ICANN's Accountability Process (Matthieu Weill); Appointment of members to the Review Guidelines Committee and of the ccNSO IG Coordination Committee; Name Collision issue; Feedback on the Top 5 ICANN Enterprise Risks for the Board Risk Committee; Council Schedule for the Singapore meeting (including meeting with ALT on Tuesday am); and Councillors' updates. 

Meeting documents from 11 Dec Council meeting available (minutes still to be confirmed)

Current email discussions: 

  • Patrick Myles flagged in his GNSO report the topic of ICANN revenue produced by the new gTLD auctions - a CCWG appropriate?
  • Chris Disspain recently raised gTLDs wanting the CWG Accountability Group to have a role in determining an Appeals process for registry operators and governments (In the case of ccTLDs) to deal with delegation and "redelegation" decisions. Don't they recognise the new policy that the Freedom of Interpretation WG (FOIWG) spent more than 3 years developing? (Cheryl to comment?) 
  • Olivier began the year with a request for ccTLDs who were not members of ccNSO - I raised the spreadsheet which Ron, Dev and I partially coordinated, of ALS, ccNSO  and GAC members from each country. Not all countries have all 3 organisational members. RALO coordination is required to complete the details in the spreadsheet but then it would be helpful to be able to attach it to something meaningful where the information could be accessed and made useful. 

ccNSO Report 15 December 2014

ALAC staff's suggested times for the ALAC-ccNSO joint meeting are to be proposed to the next Council meeting. The suggested times are Sunday evening, or Tuesday morning (before the start of the ccNSO meeting). A proposal for a topic or topics TBC before then as well. Katrina will consult with Byron and Keith. 

ccTLD feedback is being sought for a range of topics to be considered by the Triage team for presentation to the Council. The topics are being considered include: Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information; auDA's alternative proposal to the CWG; IDN TLDs - LGR Procedure Implementation - Maximal Starting Repertoire Vn 2 (refer to; IGO/INGO Access to curative rights protections WG; and.. Country and Territory Names within the .BMW and .MINI TLDs 

Draft ccNSO meeting schedule for Tues 10 and Weds 11 Feb 2015, 

ccNSO Council meeting held on 11 December 2014 (2am Cook Islands)

Jordan Carter, ccNSO co-Chair of the CCWG-Internet Governance reported that due to the attention focused largely on the IANA stewardship and Accountability processes there is little action for other WGs. They are currently fleshing out ideas with other co-Chairs for their first call and a work programme, and for Singapore meeting

CWG Accountability report by Lise Fuhr - "There seem to be concerns regarding the Independent Appeals Panel and delegation and re-delegation of ccTLDs. Furthermore the relationship between Contract co. and the Root Zone Manager has been raised as an issue too. Overall within the cc-community there seem to be concerns about the rushing of the proposal because of the deadline of January 30 and concerns about the accountability group not being on the same track since they haven’t really started yet."

CCWG use of Country and Territory Names - the co-Chairs of this CCWG requested the ccNSO and the GNSO councils not to object to the submission proposed by the CCWG as part of the public comment process of the GAC sub-group on Geographic Names. The council agreed to not the statement stating t the use of country and territory names in new gTLD strings. The submission is as follows:

Dear GAC Sub-Working Group,

We are writing to you on behalf of the Cross Community Working Group (CWG) on the use of Country and Territory Names. The intension of this input is to direct your attention to the on-going work of this CWG as we believe a constructive exchange between your group and ours will contribute to our respective deliberations and also be beneficial to the wider community by facilitating the development ofcomplimentary policies. The CWG is open to members from all SO/ACs and we would therefore encourage members of the GAC sub-Working Group to join our effort. A broad membership will ensure that the CWG drafts a practical, feasible and workable policy framework that will lead to an effective policy, which will hopefully be acceptable to all Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees, and serving the interest of all of ICANN’s stakeholders.

 We would like to take this opportunity to clarify the scope of the CWG, as it diverges from the GAC’s Sub-working group for protection of geographic names in next rounds of new gTLDs, and we feel it is important that both you and the wider community are aware of these differences. The CWG has been chartered to reviewthe status of country and territory names under current ICANN policies, guidelines and procedures. Furthermore, the CWG has been asked to provide advice regardingthe feasibility of developing a consistent and uniform framework – for country and territory names as top-level domains – that could be applicable across the respective Supporting Organization and Advisory Committees. Finally, should such a framework be deemed feasible, the CWG should provide detailed advice as to the content of said framework.

 We would like to stress that our work is limited to representations of names of countries, territories and their subdivisions listed on or eligible to be listed on theAlpha-2 code International Standards for country codes and codes for their subdivisions (ISO 3166-1). All other geographical indicators are considered out of scope. Moreover, our work is limited to top-level domains; second or other level domains are also outside of the scope of the CWG’s work.

 Based on the specificity of our mission, we feel it appropriate to point to the far-reaching scope of your Report on ‘The protection of geographic names in the new gTLDs process’. According to the Final Report of the ccNSO Study Group (ccNSO Study) on the Use Country and Territory Names developing a comprehensive list of all geographic names, as you propose, could lead to more impracticalities than benefits, not least because of the ‘incredible level of complexity associated with any attempt to definitely categories country or territory names, especially when such an effort includes multiple languages or scripts.’

1 The goal of the CWG is to provide a framework for policy development across the country code and generic top-level domain space. Consequently, we are cautious about the proposal of the GAC Sub Working Group to amend the Applicant Guidebook prior to the conclusion of the CWG’s work, as there could be eventual conflicts that might affect the implementation of any effective policy regarding country and territory names as top-level domains. Furthermore, we would strongly advocate coordination of the work of our respective groups as much as possible to avoid discordant recommendations.  Please note that our CWG has been chartered by the GNSO Council and the ccNSO Council

2 its membership includes participants from the ccNSO, GNSO, ALAC and the GAC. The ccNSO and GNSO Councils have both been made aware of thiscommunication effort; however, it is important to emphasize this does not represent a formal position of either Council.  

In addition, we consider it beneficial to convene a joint face-to-face meeting between the GAC Working Group and our Cross Community Working Group during the forthcoming ICANN 52 Meeting in Singapore. We would suggest a working lunch  meeting on Monday, 9 February 2015 and hope this aligns with your agenda. Of course, we would be very happy to consider any alternative time you might suggest.

We hope that you will find our comments useful to your work and are optimistic that this marks the beginning of a fruitful work relationship between our respective groups. We remain at your disposal for any questions or clarifying follow-ups you might have.

 Yours sincerely

Annebeth Lange - ccNSO Member, .no  Co-Chair CWG on Country and Territory Names as top-level Domains

Carlos Raúl Gutierrez – GNSO Council Member, NomCom  Co-Chair CWG on Country and Territory Names as top-level Domains

Heather Forrest, GNSO Council Member, IPC  Co-Chair CWG on Country and Territory Names as top-level Domains

Paul Szyndler – ccNSO Member, .auCo-Chair CWG on Country and Territory Names as top-level Domain

ccNSO Report  18/11/2014

Thomas Rickert is the new GNSO liaison to the ccNSO 

Documents delivered in preparation for the ccNSO Council meeting 20 Nov 1200UTC: ALAC Liaison Report, cNSO Activity Update, CCWGCharter

With Don Hollander's resignation as General Manager of APTLD, their Board is advertising through the ccNSO system for a replacement. 

ccNSO have a Secure Email Communication for ccTLD Incidence Response (SECIR) working group that is looking at a working version of the SECIR services online as soon as possible. The SECIR services will be based on DNS-OARC’s OPS-Trust platform, as proposed to and approved by the community at ICANN51 in LA



Regional organisations have sent out a survey to ccTLD managers - members and non-members - to provide the CWG reps with as wide a view as possible on their expectations of the IANA stewardship transition and how IANA should be structured in the future. A webinar is taking place on Tuesday November 4th at 8 - 9 AM UTC (Adobe Room: provide an overview whats currently happening and to give everyone some background to the survey and allow for questions. Current discussion on the ccNSO email list have raised several questions already from the community which will add grist to the mill.  (smile)



the Council voted for a Co-Chair for the Drafting Team Charter of the ccWG Accountability - Mathieu Weill (.FR)



Although a meeting evaluation for the LA meeting was taken, the results are unfortunately as individual responses rather than an aggregated analysis which would have been interesting. ALAC doesn't seek an evaluation from its members of what went well, and what could be improved at face-to-face meetings. Could be something to look at.



Because the session on Universal Acceptance was on at the same time as the Council meeting, Don Hollander provided a report which included some important issues for the ccNSO.


  • There was an action item for the ccNSO council to make sure that papers that it has approved are monitored on a regular basis as they flow through the rest of the ICANN community.

  • ICANN has started development work on a roadmap with some ideas, but no execution.   
  • Their plans include:
    • Developing some presentation decks and related collateral that different members of the community can use locally.
    • Going to software development conferences to raise the issue.
    • Planning for a help-desk where problems associated with Universal Access can be received, recorded, and forwarded to the relevant party.
    • None of these initiatives are actually in place.
    • Mozilla has maintained a Public Suffice List for some time.  This list is used by many applications to validate top and 2nd level domain space.   IANA appears to be providing a CSV file with a copy of TLDs for validation.  While ICANN update this four times a day, Mozilla – which maintains the Public Suffix List through a volunteer effort – keeps their file update once a month or so as volunteer time becomes available.
    • The JIG report, which was a cooperative agreement between the ccNSO and the gNSO, remains unadopted by the Board.
    •  A comment was made that ICANN was looking to raise Universal Acceptance to the same level as IPv6 and DNSSEC, yet both those initiatives have been underway for nearly two decades.
    • There is a group outside of ICANN who are keen to see Universal Acceptance sorted and APTLD will be building a ‘coalition of the willing’ to identify paths to solution – with a possible meeting in Morocco in conjunction with ICANN52.

ccNSO Activity Report for October 2014 - 

(from Kristina Nordstrom 01/11/2014)

Los Angeles Meeting Output:

30 October - Cross-Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions Telephone Conference Transcript

27 October - ccNSO Members Meeting Evaluation Los Angeles 14-15 October 2014

22 October - Cross-Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions Transcript

16 October - Los Angeles GAC Communiqué:

Audio & Transcripts from the Los Angeles Meeting

Presentations from the ccNSO Members Meeting Los Angeles 14-15 October

Audio, Transcripts & Presentations from Tech Day Los Angeles 13 October

Working/Study Group Output:

7 October - Framework of Interpretation Working Group Final Report and Recommendations

7 October - Framework of Interpretation Working Group Final Report on Revocation

7 October - Framework of Interpretation Working Group Final Report on “Significantly Interested Parties”

2 October - IANA Stewardship Transition and Accountability Coordination Committee Telephone Conference Transcript

Mp3 recordings and agendas of various ccNSO working group meetings can be found at

ccNSO Council Output:

22 October - ccNSO ICANN Board Nomination Report

22 October - Nomination Report for ccNSO Council 2015

20 October - Interim Adoption of Framework of Interpretation Working Group Final Report

ccNSO Council Meeting Transcript Los Angeles 15 October

Latest ccNSO Council Minutes: ccNSO Council Minutes 25 September

ccNSO Council preparation material and output can be found here

ccNSO Council Decisions on Requests for input:

ccNSO Council Decisions and Resolutions:

ccNSO Progress report 10/10/2014

Final Report of the FOIWG (07/10/2014)

The Framework of Interpretation WG’s (FOIWG) Final Report has been posted and can be found at:   Framework of Interpretation Working Group Final Report and Recommendations

ccNSO members for the CWG announced (07/10/2014); 

Lise Fuhr, Erick Iriarte, Paul Kane, Vika Mpisane, Staffan Jonson

(Summary) Council meeting minutes - 25 September (08/10/14)

 1. Minutes and Actions - All action items completed with exception the action regarding a note to ICANN about the number of ccNSO seats on the Accountability process Coordination Group, which had been overtaken by events.

2. Selection ccNSO Participants ICANN Leadership Training - Resolution 98-01:THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Hasnul Fadhyly Bin Hasan, .my and Mohammed Al-Kindy, .om for the ICANN Academy Leadership Training Program. The selection was based on following criteria: (1) Representative of ccTLD managers, (2) Potential leadership role in the ccNSO/ccTLD community

3. Cross-Community Working Group on Internet Governance -  

Adoption of charter - Resolution 98-02: THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the charter for the Cross-Community Working Group on Internet Governance. The secretariat is requested to inform the conveners of the informal WG as soon as possible as well as the chairs of the other SO’s and AC’s . Action 98-01: The Secretariat to inform the conveners of the informal Working Group as well as the chairs of the other SO’s and AC’s about the adoption of the charter for the Cross-Community Working Group on Internet Governance.

Call for (additional) Volunteers - current members of the Cross-Community Working Group on Internet Governance; Participants - Jordan Carter, Becky Burr, Young-eum Lee, Abibu Nitahigeiye (Observer) Keith Davidson.  Resolution 98-03: THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to request its Secretariat to seek confirmation of the current members whether or not they want to remain members of the Cross-Community Working Group on Internet Governance. Once confirmed, the secretariat is requested to send a call for volunteers for the remainder of the slots. The volunteers will be appointed / reconfirmed by the Council. The chair and vice-chairs of the Council are requested to propose a candidate for co-chair of the Working Group, to be confirmed by the Council. Action 98-02: The Secretariat to seek confirmation from the current members of the Cross-Community Working Group on Internet Governance on whether or not they would like to stay on the group.  Action 98-03: The Secretariat to send out a call for volunteers for the remaining slots of the Cross-Community Working Group on Internet Governance.

4.  Cross-Community Working Group on the IANA Stewardship Transition - The Chair noted that theGNSO had adopted the charter of the Cross-Community Working Group on the IANA Stewardship Transition, that the ALAC is in the process of selecting members, that SSAC about to call for volunteers and that the GAC had expressed interest to participate in this group. He further noted that he had written a letter with the GNSO chair Jonathan Robinson suggesting that the timeline that had been set for this group was unrealistic. He also noted that he would initially act as interim co-chair together with Jonathan but that the intent is to select another ccNSO co-chair once the group has been formed. He finally noted that observers had been given a significant status in the group, and even though  they would not be able to vote they would be welcomed participate actively in the work of the group. He encouraged anyone interested in this work to join as an observer.  The Chair noted the receipt of a letter from Peter Van Roste urging the Council to be inclusive and transparent in the selection process of the Working Group members and suggested that instead of the Council selecting all candidates, the regional managers could come together and chose one of the five. The Council agreed that the selection meant to be made on the special Council meeting the same day should focus on selecting four of the candidates whilst the fifth candidate would be presented by the Regional Organisations within a few days, and that no final Council approval of the fifth candidate would be necessaryLesley Cowley suggested that the Council and the Regional Organisations could have a separate discussion on to improve collaboration in the future. Peter Van Roste welcomed the suggestion and noted that the Regional Managers would do their best to put forward a candidate within the next few days. Peter also agreed with Lesley’s suggestion and noted that some work in this respect is already ongoing.

5. Progress Accountability Process - Resolution 98-04: THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the proposed draft as a ccNSO Council Statement. The ccNSO Council thanks the drafting team for its efforts and hard work to produce the statement in the limited timeframe. The Council request the Chair of the ccNSO to submit the adopted Statement as ccNSO Council.  Action 98-04The Chair to submit the adopted Statement on behalf of the ccNSO Council.  

6. ICG Update - Keith Davidson reported that the ICG group met face-to-face during the IGF meeting in Istanbul and again recently over telephone. He noted that the next face-to-face meeting would take place during the Los Angeles meeting and that observers are welcome to join the meetings. He further noted that a request for proposals for the IANA Stewardship Transition had been issued by the group. He noted that the deadline for submitting proposals, 15 January 2015, could be difficult to keep in some cases. Keith noted that he would submit a more fulsome written report on the progress of the ICG on the Council email list. Don Hollander suggested that the ICG should also look at administrative issues. Keith welcomed Don to raise this issue with the group at the Los Angeles meeting. Action 98-05: Keith Davidson to provide a written report on the progress of the ICG on the Council email list, including links to various important documents.

7. Update ccNSO Coordination Committee - The Chair reported that the members of the coordination group would be appointed ex-officio. He further noted that a webpage had been created with the relevant links and events, which can be found at the ccNSO webpage. He also noted that an email list had been created and that the group would have a meeting on 2 October. He further suggested that the Regional Managers would be invited to participate in this group as observers. This was agreed. Action 98-06: The Secretariat to add the Regional Organisation managers to the ISTACC email list.

8. Council Updates - Chair reported that he attended the IGF meeting in Istanbul and that the SO/AC leaders had sent a joint letter to ICANN regarding the accountability process. Vice Chair - Keith Davidson noted that he would include any activity updates with his update on the ICG.  Councillors - No updates were noted. Regional organisations - Don Hollander noted that he had sent a written update to the Council email list; Peter Van Roste reported that CENTR would have a day where they would invite registrars to their General Assembly the following week and the CENTR is currently conducting a study on the sales channels for New gTLDs and how it could affect the dynamic between registrars and ccTLDs; Carolina Aguerre reported that LACTLD would have a technical meeting in Sao Paulo and that she would provide an update of the outcome of this meeting; It was noted that the joint ccNSO/ALAC meeting in Los Angeles would take place on Thursday morning on 16th of October at 7:30 local time. Staff - No updates were noted.

9. Working Group Updates - updates deferred to the Council email list

10 Liaison Updates - The Chair noted that written updates had already been provided from the GNSO and ALAC liaisons.

ccNSO Activity Summary September 23 2014

1.The ccNsO Council have been very occupied with activities that have overtaken much of other SO and AC agendas at this time, namely:

  • the IANA Stewardship Transition Process and appointments of members to the CWG
  • Progress of the ccNSO Coordination Committee
  • Updates on progress with ICANN's Accountability process and the adoption of the ccNSO public comment on process design
  • the Selection of ccNSO participants in the ICANN leadership training
  • Comments were requested of the ccNSO community on the ATLAS II Declaration

2.The Agenda for the ALAC-ccNSO Council meeting on Thursday 16 October in LA, has been confirmed.  

  1. Welcome by the outgoing Chair of ALAC Olivier Crepin-Leblond and introduction of incoming Chair, Alan Greenberg (5 mins)
  2. Welcome by the ccNSO Chair, Byron Holland (5 mins)
  3. ATLAS II Declaration issues (Olivier – 10 mins)
  4. Shared IANA and Accountability Issues (WG representatives - 20 mins)

3.This month's ccNSO Council meeting will be held on Thursday 25th September at (2am my time). Although it is during PacINET conference week, I will attend. 

ccNSO Activity Summary - August 2014

*(26 Aug) NOTE: There is concern being raised in ccNSO Council emails about ccNSO only having one seat on the Accountability Coordination Group (while gNSO gets 4). It is viewed as a very top-down approach and the appointment process of the experts group is also worrying.  They are interested in other SO/AC views. Evan?


1. Notes from the ccNSO meeting  held 21 August 1200UTC (no meeting in July)

a.       ccNSO Council Elections 2015.

Councillors whose term concludes in March 2015 include, Vika Mpisane (Africa), Young Eum Lee (Asia Pacific), Katarina Sataki (Europe), Margarita Valdes (Latin America), and Byron Holland (North America). The ccNSO has appointed an election manager for the ccNSO Council Election Process 2015.

b.      ccNSO Board member selection

The seat is currently held by Mike Silber who term ends in 2015. An election manager has been appointed for the ccNSO Board Election Process 2015. One member asked if candidates for both elections could be questioned by the members before the election. Byron confirmed that this would encourage robust dialogue so that the process is more useful to its community.

c.       ccNSO member to the NomCom

The ccNSO appointed Juhari Juselius for another term on the NomCom.

d.      Cross Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions

The ccNSO resolved to adopt the charter for this ccWG including a friendly amendment that has been attached. Byron is to inform the chairs of the other SOs and ACs.  There was quite a bit of discussion about whether it would be possible for a ccTLD which was not a member to take up one of the 5 seats offered to the ccNSO. Byron explained that there will be a selection process but even if non-member ccTLDs are not selected for the formal seats, that they can still participate as observers, and there will be other mechanisms that will also enable them to participate, such as via a webpage and World email list. ccTLDWorld@ICANN.ORG which the staff will establish.  The Council will select its five members at its next meeting.

e.      Council Coordination Group on IANA Stewardship Transition

The Council adopted the charter as proposed for the creation of the IANA Stewardship Transition and Accountability Coordination Committee. ccNSO staff will create a webpage and other means to encourage engagement of the broader ccTLD community in the two processes.

f.        Email vote for candidate for ICANN leadership training. 

Because of the delay in getting a quorum at the Council meeting, the 90 minute limit was reached before all matters could be discussed. The selection of the two candidates for the ICANN leadership training will be voted on by email.

g.      Date of next ccNSO Council meetings   

  •  25 September 1200UTC
  • 15 October 1500 Local, Los Angeles time
  • 20 November, 1200UTC

2.      Meeting between ALAC and ccNSO in Los Angeles

Because of lack of time at the Council meeting, it was decided that Ron, Katrina and I will coordinate logistics and content for the next group meeting. This is still being finalized via Heidi and the staff. Content wise, possibly a presentation of IANA perspectives, as well as an update on the ALAC-ccNSO joint database project proposed at our last meeting. 

3.      ALAC-ccNSO Joint Database project

Discussions with Dev and Ron about progress updates relating to the ALS-ccNSO-GAC coordination for each country which is a member of any of these organisations. The current spreadsheet is listed on  with an expectation to deliver the LACRALO model of coordination as @

4.      ccNSO WG on Country Names

I listened  to the recording of the last  meeting  held by the group on 15 July which was mainly an introduction to the previous WG output which was the report on the Use of Country and Territory Names.  Cross-Community Working Group on Use of Country/Territory Names Transcript

5.      ccNSO Activity  Summary for July 2014

6.      ccNSO Action items completed from the last Council meeting.

Action 96-01: The Secretariat to inform the SOP Working Group about the appointment of Giovanni Seppia as interim chair of the Working Group.

 Action 96-02: The secretariat to inform the GNSO and the GNSO appointed co-chairs of the Working Group about the appointment of Lise Fuhr as ccNSO co-chair of the Working Group.

Action 96-03: The Secretariat to inform the GNSO and the GNSO appointed co-chair of the Working Group about the appointment of Becky Burr as co-chair of the Working Group for the Development of a Framework of Principles for Cross-Community Working Groups.

Action 96-04: The Secretariat to send out a call to the ccTLD community for the 4 volunteers to the charter drafting team as soon as possible after closure of the Council meeting and to indicate in the call that those who are interested may attend the informal meeting of the envisioned drafting group during the London meeting.

Action 96-05The Chair to seek members and nominate the members of the selection committee as soon as possible and send it to the Council for final approval by 26 June noon UTC.   

Action 96-06: The Secretariat to set-up an email list, including email contacts to all ccTLDs, solely for the purpose to inform and engage the community in the IANA Stewardship Transition Process. 

Action 96-07The Chair to finalize the call for nominations, including the criteria for selection of the 4 ccTLD members on the Coordination Committee and send it to the Council for final approval by 26 June noon UTC.  

Action 96-08The secretariat to send out the approved call for self-nominations and refer the nominations received to the Selection Committee upon receiving the nomination.

Action 96-09The Secretariat to publish the names of the nominees for the IANA Coordination Committee on the ccNSO Website.

Action 96-10The Secretariat to draft a charter for a coordination committee on IANA Stewardship Transition and Accountability.

ccNSO Activity Summary - July 2014

Reminder of London-related Output:

Audio & Transcripts:

Tech Day Output:

ccNSO Members Meeting Presentations:

Other Working/Study Group Output:

15 July - Cross-Community Working Group on Use of Country/Territory Names Transcript

Mp3 recordings and agendas of various ccNSO working group meetings can be found at

ccNSO Council Output:

Council Resolutions:

ccNSO Council Preparation Material

Links and Announcements regarding the IANA stewardship transfer:

9 July – Latest updates on the IANA Functions

Stewardship Transition:

19 July: Statement from the First Meeting of the IANA Stewardship Transition

Coordination Group (ICG):

14 July - Final Report of the Selection Committee to Coordination Group IANA Stewardship Transition Process

2 July - Information on ccNSO Selection Process Coordination Group IANA Stewardship Transition Process

Other Announcements:

24 July - Update from ICANN's Policy Department

8 July - ccNSO London Meeting Highlights Report

7 July -  London Members Meeting Evaluation Results

 ccNSO Liaison Report  for ALAC - July 22

The period since London has been taken up with the selection of the Coordination Groups members. Fortunately the robust process used by the ccNSO (outlined below) prevented any arguments raised by a non-member about their non-representation in the final Coordination selection. The selection of the final four was made by a multilateral group of ccTLD managers, including a non-ccNSO member.  Apart from that, things have been fairly quiet. The monthly ccNSO Council meeting was cancelled. A survey was sought from members about their favourite session. The results are here.

The London meeting began with the Joint ALAC-ccNSO Leadership meeting (Report is below) where the main action item that resulted from this was the establishment of a database by Dev, Ron and myself linking ALSes with their ccTLDs. This database could be extended later to include GAC representatives as well. A start has been made on the database. During the London meeting I attended the first day of ccNSO presentations but unfortunately was ill on the second day and missed the ccNSO council meeting. The resolution below was the Councils initiation into the Coordination Committee selection process which resulted in the final decision (Report from the ccNSO Selection Committee on IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Groupon 11 July.

London ccNSO Meeting Day Two - Draft Resolution from the ccNSO Council meeting - Weds 25 June

The ccNSO Council resolves to establish a 5 members Selection Panel to select the 4 members on the IANA Stewardship Transition Process Coordination Committee. At least 4 of the members of the selection committee shall be from the ccTLD community.  The selection committee will include at least two members of the ccNSO Council, including its chair, one member of a Board of a regional TLD organization and one non-ccNSO member. Its task is to review the applications and select the 4 ccTLD members of the Coordination Committee to the ccNSO Council by (date to be determined) prior to a special meeting of the ccNSO Council on (date to be determined). In its review and selection, the committee will take into account and be guided by the criteria for selection included in the call for nominations.

 The chair of the ccNSO is requested to seek members and nominate the members of the selection committee as soon as possible and send it to the Council for final approval by 26 June noon UTC.  Interviews of candidates may be conducted. Members of the Selection Committee are not eligible as candidates for the Coordination Committee 

London cNSO Meeting Day One - Tuesday 24 June 2014

Board meeting
  • Update of Framework of Interpretation WG Delegation and Revocation Paper (final ? meeting on Thursday). Paper interprets existing policies and guidelines although it recognises that there are things not covered by this framework. The GAC has been involved since the group began (6 years ago). The Board Chair strongly recommended that people are made aware of what is in the report (Possible ALS training/webinar?)
  • Other matters discussed related to strategic and operational planning; and the next steps IANA Stewardship Transition Process and Enhancement to ICANN's Accountability Process.
Internet Governance
  • Several speakers presented IG in relation to ccNSO activities - a primer for ccTLDs on IG and the ITU (.ca); IG for sustainable development (.cn); and the Impact of Free Trade Agreements on Internet Policy in Latin America.
  • A panel of speakers were interviewed about their perspectives on enhancing ICANN's Accountability Process. The panel included a ccTLD manager, and representatives from Verisign, RIPE, ICANN and ISOC
GAC meeting
  • Heather and Byron shared their group's contributions to the IANA Transition process. Because the ccNSO is creating a cross-community working group to inform the process, Byron invited the GAC to be a member of this group. Heaither explained that the GAC is deciding as to whether they need to contribute to the Coordination Group, but are prepared to provides some comments as inputs to the paper that the ccNSO is producing. 
  • A member of the GAC asked if a ccTLD that was not a member of the ccNSO would be offered a seat on the Coordination Group. Byron assured them that the members selected would meet geography and skills criteria.  

ALAC/ccNSO Leadership Meeting - Sunday 22 June 2014

Discussion focus areas:

  • identifying and strengthening opportunities for collaboration between the ALAC/At-Large and ccNSO communities

  • identifying immediate, medium term and long-term activities
  • possible individual ccTLD and local ALS cooperation

Action items:

  • Short Term - Ron, Maureen and Dev to work on a database matching ccNSO members and ALSes and sharing data 

Other possible activities:

  • ICANN database offering IANA information in a more enduser-friendly access to information about ccTLDs, contact details in case of complaints, etc
  • a survey of ALSes to identify what they know and what they would like to know about ccTLDS and how they work
  • an education programme that will enhance ALS (160+) understanding of what ccTLDS (150) do and how they might be able to collaborate


  • Because each ccTLD works independently, based on their own laws and legislation, ccNSO is not involved in universal policy development (cf ALAC)
  • Their independence of each other, based on their own setups, creates a non-competitive organisation which encourages the sharing of best practice.
  • Agreement re: consolidating information about ccTLDs and making this information more accessible and useful for end-users. 
  • Beran sought advice re redelegation process. FOIWG paper on delegation and revocation- even after 5 years still not ready for publication - advised to check with Becky Burr and Cheryl Langdon Orr.


ccNSO Liaison Report  for ALAC - May 27 2014

ccNSO meeting in London - 23 - 24 June 2014

Pre-registrations have been done, but their programme is still being coordinated by their Meeting Programme Committee  

  • ALAC's traditional meeting with ccNSO is still not yet confirmed

 PROMOTION: Commonwealth DNS Forum 2014: Promoting DNS Investment, Innovation and the Development of Multistakeholder Partnership

19 - 20 June 2014 - coordinated by NOMINET


  •  Domain name industry: Hidden wealth
  •  Governance of cyberspace
  •  Local content and local relevance
  •  Promoting investment and innovation
  •  The social impact of gTLDs
  •  Multi-stakeholder partnerships to develop public policy and deliver economic and social goals
ccNSO meeting 22 May 2014
  • Marshall Islands (.mh) now registered member of ccNSO
  • Current working groups
    • Internet governance - currently working on its Charter
    • IANA Stewardship Transition Process -  ccNSO Council Interim Comments on the IANA Transition 29 Apr 2014
    • ICANN Process to Enhance ICANN's accountability; Brief statement to the Board to be made by deadline date - Council statement will follow
    • ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning - is drafting its submission on its 5-year strategic plan 
    • FOIWG - in final stages of review of the Revocation report and the FOIWG recommendations 
    • Use of Names of Countries and Territories 

Freedom of interpretation WG mtg - 22 May 2014 

 *  It was thought that this might be the WG's final meeting, but additional discussion about the proposed recommendations that will accompany the Revocation report required more meetings to further review the recommendations. This will take place next week (two meetings if required) so that they can get this document completed before May 31, so that it can be ready in time for the FOIWG meeting with the GAC in London.

Summaries of April ccNSO activities 


ccNSO Liaison Report to the ALAC - April 28 2014

  • ccNSO Council meeting (17 April) - no resolutions passed due to lack of quorum

 Framework of Interpretation Working Group Progress Report Singapore (25 March)

Calls for ccNSO Council input into :

  • (ccNSO) New cross-community Working Group on the Use of Country/Territory Names as TLDs. (Cheryl and Maureen to participate in this group)
  • (ccNSO) WG for the Development of a Framework of Principles for Cross-Community WGs
  • (ccNSO)Transition of NTIA's Stewardship of the IANA Functions
  • ICANN Draft Strategic Plan FY 2016-2020
  • (ccNSO) Submissions for NETmundial conference
  • (ICANN) Internationalised Registration Data Expert Working Group Interim Report
  • (gNSO)Proposed Changes to the Inter-Registrar Policy - video
  • (ICANN) Strategy Panel Report (Internet Governance Ecosystem)
  • IRD WG Interim Report
  • (ccNSO) Quorum Interpretation Committee
  • (ccNSO) Presentations ccTLD News Session for London meeting

Drafts prepared

  • Draft ccNSO Council Statement on ICANN's draft proposal for process to transition key Internet domain name functions
  • Draft Statement IANA oversight Transition Process
  • Input to Strategy Panel Report on ICANN Multistakeholder Innovations

 Resolutions from the ccNSO meeting - Singapore 26 March 2014

 Resolution 93-01: ccNSO Membership

THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to approve .id (Indonesia) as members of the ccNSO.

 The resolution was approved unanimously.

 Resolution 93-02: IANA Transition Process

THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Byron Holland, Keith Davidson and Becky Burr as ccNSO Process Coordination Committee with respect to IANA Functions Transition Process. The purpose of this committee is to coordinate the ccNSO efforts to participate in the IANA Functions Transition Process, and coordinate the ccNSO with other efforts aimed at including the broad ccTLD community in the process. The committee may invite other members of the ccTLD community to participate in the work of the committee, if deemed necessary and appropriate.

 The resolution was approved unanimously.

 Resolution 93-03: Closure of the Joint IDN Working Group and Next Steps for Certain IDN-related Issues

THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt following points regarding the JIG Working Group:

 1. The ccNSO Council believes that in view of the ongoing community work at ICANN on these issues the JIG may now be closed, and will terminate the extension of the JIG as outlined in the charter.

 2. The ccNSO Council will continue to monitor the progress of the various community-based efforts to resolve the issues raised by the JIG, and will evaluate the need for any further policy or policy related work on a periodic basis; and

 3. The ccNSO Council thanks the JIG for all its hard work in ensuring that solutions to these important issues are developed through community-based efforts.

 The resolution was approved unanimously.

 Resolution 93-04: Adoption of Charter for a Cross-Community Working Group to Develop a Framework of Operating Principles for Future Cross Community Working Groups


 1. Adopt the Charter and appoint Becky Burr as the ccNSO Council liaison to the CWG that will develop the Final Framework;

 2. Coordinate next steps with the GNSO Council to jointly issue a call for volunteers for the CWG; and

 3. Until such time as the CWG select its co-chairs for the Working Group and those co-chairs are confirmed by the ccNSO and GNSO Councils, the ccNSO Council liaison to the CWG shall serve as the interim co-chair from the ccNSO.  

 The resolution was approved unanimously.

 Action 93-01: 

The Secretariat to call for volunteers for the Cross-Community Working Group to Develop a Framework of Operating Principles for Future Cross Community Working Groups (CWG-WG).

 Resolution 93-05: Adoption of Charter for Cross-Community Working Group to Develop a Framework for the use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs (UCTN WG)


 1. Adopt the Charter and appoint Paul Szyndler as the Interim ccNSO Co-Chair to the Cross-Community Working Group to advice on the feasibility of a framework for the use of Country and Territory names as TLDs, and develop such a framework if deemed feasible. 

 2. Collaborate with the other SOs and ACs to issue a call for volunteers for this CWG, each in accordance with its own rules. The secretariat is requested to coordinate the call for volunteers.

 The resolution was approved unanimously.

 Action 93-02:

The Secretariat to call for volunteers to the Cross-Community Working Group to Develop a Framework for the use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs (UCTN WG).

 Resolution 93-06: Election Review Committee Final Report

THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the recommendations of its Election Review Committee:

 1. The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to look into possibilities of developing a new voting system, which allows each member to handle and update their own data and which is linked to a voting tool making it the voting much easier to handle.

 2. The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to update the ccNSO Election Guidelines with the additional wording: “ Only ccNSO Primary or Secondary Contacts, as listed in the ccNSO Database, are eligible to nominate or second a candidate” in the appropriate section.

 3. The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to update the ccNSO Election Guidelines with the additional wording: Self-Nominations or Secondments are not allowed” in the appropriate section.

 4. The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to continue its activities on awareness raising campaigns, when necessary. 

 The Council wholeheartedly thanked all members of the committee and in particular its chair Katrina Sataki, for its hard work in this area and closes the Election review Committee.

The resolution was approved unanimously.

 Chair and Vice Chair Elections

Roelof Meijer nominated Byron Holland as chair of the ccNSO.Dotty Sparks de Blanc seconded the nomination.The resolution was approved by acclamation.

 Hiro Hotta nominated Katrina Sataki as first vice-chair of the ccNSO.Lesley Cowley seconded the nomination. The resolution was approved with one abstention (Katrina Sataki).

 Young-Eum Lee nominated Keith Davidson as second vice-chair of the ccNSO. Becky Burr seconded the nomination. The resolution was approved unanimously

 Resolution 93-07: Roles and Responsibilities of Councillors

THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the assignment of tasks as proposed in the assignment of roles and responsibilities March 2014.

 The resolution was approved unanimously.

 Date of next meetings

17 April 12.00 UTC

 22 May 12.00 UTC

 25 June 16.00 local London time


Action 93-03: 

The IANA Transfer Coordination Committee to draft a statement on behalf of the ccNSO regarding the current events around Internet Governance and circulate it to the Council prior to the next Council meeting.

 Meeting Closed

ccNSO Report to the ALAC - 27 March 2014, Singapore

1. The joint meeting of the ALAC and ccNSO Council was held on Monday March 24. Olivier and Byron were delayed at an ICANN meeting regarding IANA, Katrina and I began the meeting, and then provided the participants with the overviews of our respective organisations. There were seen to be some commonalities that we can work on for the future, and these will be raised in future meetings of the coordinating committee (Katrina, myself, Cheryl and Ron). The time factor involving unforeseen circumstances did not allow for our planned discussion about internet governance but as the ICANN meeting has been overrun with this as a topic, it did not seem necessary by either group.

2. Unfortunately the Tuesday March 25 ALAC schedule was quite busy with important topics which kept me from the ccNSO programme, which included:Working Group updates:  FOIWG; ICANN Meeting Strategy ; Name collisions; Internet Governance Sessions:  NTIA Updates; Developments in Asia (with presentations from China, Korea and Singapore; and an interesting  multistakeholder panel on perspectives related to the globalisation  of IANA which I did attend); Meetings with external groups : ICANN Board, GAC, IANA and NomCom. 

3. On Weds March 26, I was able to attend a programme that was packed and interesting.. and included:

a) SecurityPatrick's presentation was as per the ALAC version; An update on the survey related to a Contact Repository - which would deal with major DNS incidents relating to ccTLDs - would be quite expensive to run; Ryan Tan presented on how .sg is dealing with identity theft; The NZ internet Task force (NZITF) - Barry Brailey - a not-for -profit working on improving cybersecurity  - $50 membership fee - they organise workshops as well as draft guidelines and  support research - and participate in NetHui (invite to PacINET?); Result of malware mining in national domains  (a survey in Russia). Interesting bit-  Whowas? which gives information about identified malware domains.

b) ccTLD News fromFinland esp the government's proposal to develop a Information Society Code; which tracks  calendar information about any TLD applications from the time they are registered with ICANN;where are they sitting in the registration process?; CNNIC has become national hub of TLDs in China in the new gTLD era (Sun Xiantang). interesting bits - 18.44 million domain names in Chinese market; 10.83 million are registered with .cn; 74.17million on IPv4; CNNIC is involved in outreach - growing information about ICANN, also in internet governance research and keen to collaborate and share research findings;Growth through building a brand (.co - Crystal Peterson) 28k registrations in 2010, now 1.6m registrations; Business strategy based on creating awareness; building relationships with customers; .co membership (engaging with partners and business customers - with access to webinars, events, etc);.nz Marketing (Jay Daley):explained the strategy used to promote the .nz brand

c) Regional Organisations Updates: AFTLD - Africa internet Summit in May; planning to build an observatory for ccTLDs; and to hold a Domain Name Summit; APTLD - focus is on education, information and advocacy; also including DNSSEC deployment, justice sector engagement, security; IDNs, market development, registrar relationships; internet coordinator and training coordination. Mtg schedule; Malaysia last month; Oman - May 11-14; India - August; Pacific - Brisbane, September; Unfortunately I missed the other updates due to a meeting with my mentee, Gunela Astbrink. 

 4. ccNSO COUNCIL MEETING - 4-5pm March 26  (summary)

  1. New ccTLD member introduced to ccNSO - Indonesia (.id) 
  2. IANA Functions Transition Process - a draft statement will be circulated to the Council  prior to the public Forum meeting; it was moved that a Process Coordination Committee be formed consisting of Byron Holland, Keith Davidson and Becky Burr to coordinate the ccNSO efforts to participate in the IANA Functions Transition process and to coordinate the ccNSO with other efforts  aimed at including the broad ccTLD community in the process. Other members of the ccTLD community may be invited to participate in the work of the committee. (voted on and passed)
  3. Closure of the Joint IDN Working Group (JIG) and Next Steps for Certain IDN-related issues. This group was chartered by the ccNSO and the GNSO Councils in 2009 to discuss issues of common interest to the two supporting organisations in relation to Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs), in particular, IDN top-level domains (TLDs). The charter was extended in 2010 after the adoption of the IDN ccTLD Fast Track Implementation Plan. The JIG found three issues of common interest - single character IDN TLDS, IDN Variant TLDs and Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs. The JIG was tasked to deliver suggestions on how to deal with these issues for the Singapore meeting. The ccNSO Council decided that due to the ongoing community work at ICANN on these issues, the JIG may now be closed, but that the ccNSO Council will continue to monitor the various community-based efforts to resolve the issues raised by the JIG and evaluate the need for further policy or policy related work on a periodic basis. (voted on and passed)
  4. Adoption of a charter for a Cross Community Working Group - to develop a  framework of Operating Principles for future Cross-Community Working Groups. Becky Burr was appointed as the ccNSO liaison to the CWG that will develop the final framework. Next steps may include a call for volunteers for the CWG. (voted on and passed)
  5. Adoption of a charter for a Cross Community Working Group - to develop a framework for the Use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs (UCTNWG).  Following on from the ccNSO Study group on the Use of Names for Country and Territories published in Sept 2013,  a recommendation of the study group was to further review the current status of representations of coutnry and territory names, as they exist under current ICANN policies, guidelines and procedures. The ccNSO Council proposed that the WG include participants from other SOs and ACs. Paul Szyndler was appointed as Interim ccNSO co-Chair to the CWG to advise on the feasibility of a framework  and to develop such a framework if deemed feasible (voted on and passed)
  6. Election Review Committee Final Report - The Secretariat is requested to look into the possibilities of developing a new voting system; to update ccNSO election guidelines relating to the nomination process;  and to continue its activities on awareness raising campaigns (voted on and passed)
  7. Council Updates (Keith): Members should read through the script on NCUC's Friday meeting for some good background on the IANA topic; Meeting Strategy working group completed work; FOIWG winding up; NETMundial - ccNSO  should continue with its membership; ICANN Learn update (Hong); Regional updates (were part of today's programme); Liaison updates (none available as yet)

8.  Election of ccNSO Council Officers: Byron Holland was  re-elected as the Chair of the ccNSO Council; Vice Chairs - Katrina Sataki and Keith Davidson; Roles and Responsibilities of Councillors - the assignment of tasks were adopted; Roelof Meijer was thanked for his work on the Council. Nigel Roberts is the new Council member

9. Date of next meetings: 7 April 1200 UTC, 22 May 1200 UTC and 25 June 1600 local London time

5. Cross-Community Working Group to develop a framework for the use of Country and Territory names as TLDs. An impromptu introductory meeting was held on Thursday 8am. The purpose was to provide some background for those who may not have been involved in the original study, and to set a timeframe for the appointment of cross-community representatives to the working group, ALAC has already appointed their reps (liaisons to the ccNSO who were part of the original study group) and the gNSO say that they can get their representatives selected soon. ccNSO will have to wait until the next Council meeting to confirm its reps, so that it is assumed that the next meeting of the group will probably not take place until just before London.

ccNSO Report to the ALAC - 25 February 2014 1500UTC

1. As you can see below, the ALAC-ccNSO Coordination Team has met and established a schedule of events for our joint meeting, which will held on Monday, March 24, This will be a lunch time meeting and the main focus will be on creating some understanding about each other's organisational structures, roles and responsibilities. Also to look at whether there is any overlap within our communities. 

2. There were two FOIWG meetings but I was only able to make one of them. The focus of the first meeting (on Feb 6, below) was the discussion of ALAC's feedback to their Revocation Report.  Very briefly, they believed that most of  ALAC's queries were outside of the brief of the working group because we tended to ask about issues relating to the way that  IANA operates which is not this WG's function .. 



Report on ALAC-ccNSO Coordination Meeting Feb 20

Final organisation of the meeting programme on Monday 24 March 12.30-1400, in Singapore

12.30 - 13.00 Lunch - informal networking

13.00 - 13.05 Introduction by the Chairs of ALAC and ccNSO

(no formal introductions from others, but request to state name for transcription purposes)

13.05 - 13.30 Introduction to the role of ccTLDs and of ALSes

(presentation on diversity of ccTLDs, role of the LIC - local internet community, and policy remits ccTLDs and ccNSO/ICANN; Role of ALSes, RALOs, At Large, potential overlap with LIC)

Combined presentation by Katrina Sataki (ccNSO) and Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) (20 mins)

Q&A, discussion and further conversation, in particular local<>global (5-10 mins)

13.30 -  13.45  HOT TOPIC

Internet Governance Fora: commonalities and shared interest, focusing on local versus global

If time, ccEG IG discussion; Byron to include reference to Ad-hoc group and background for creation

13.45 - 13.55  Wrap-up and Closure (in time to attend 2pm sessions)

ccNSO Liaison Report to ALAC - FOIWG Meeting Feb 6

Of particular interest to the ALAC was the discussion about the ALAC statement on the Revocation report

The WG acknowledged the ALAC's positive response to  the report. There were four areas that were highlighted for discussion by the WG.

  1. ALAC's suggestion for the FOIWG to  clarify  the type of "independent body" (in that would qualify for the appeals  process in the case of revocation 
    1. The WG understands this to be an implementation-operational detail that should be dealt with in accordance with national laws, involving local stakeholders and the rights expressed within the existing ccTLD Registry (refer 2.2.1), and therefore beyond the scope of the WG.
  2. ALAC's request that IANA maintain reports on cases of re-delegation etc .
    1. Any IANA functions  contract implementation  issues or procedures relating to  this  contract, are also outside of the scope of the WG (refer Section A. Introduction and Objective)
  3. The reference in the ALAC Statement recommending factoring the GAC Principles  into guidelines relating to situations relating to revocation where the IANA operator is required to work with local governments to ensure that the ccTLD continues to operate efficiently,  until a replacement manager takes over. 
    1. Although GAC principles are not binding on managers, the FOIWG executive is looking into further clarification of this area.
  4. ALAC noted concern about whether the IANA operator is empowered to act where there is a case for revocation from a local government, backed by local law, but where there are no operational or behavioural issues on the part of the incumbent ccTLD operator. 
    1. This scenario is beyond the scope of the WG. This is an internal issue and there is no policy statement in RFC1591 relating to this situation, RFC 1591 states " the IANA tries to have any contending parties reach agreement among themselves, and generally takes no action to change things unless all the contending parties agree; only in cases where the designated manager has substantially misbehave would the IANA step in." (refer to 2.1.1) 

ccNSO Report to the ALAC - 29 January 2014 1500UTC

 1) Meeting of the ALAC-ccNSO Coordination WG meeting on 13 January 2014

 Attended by: Maureen H, Cheryl L-O (ALAC), Katrina, Bart, Margarita (ccNSO) Kristina (Staff)

 Decisions: . 

 *Meeting time: ALAC-ccNSO Council meeting in Singapore to take place on Monday lunchtime (12.30-2pm) - lunch will be provided

 *Agenda(these topics will be padded out before the Singapore meeting)

  • Updates on any current cross-community working groups (10 mins)
  • The role of ccTLDs (ccNSO) and of ALSes (ALAC) - any potential overlap and where they might be able to reinforce each other? (10 mins)
  • Internet Governance issues (40 mins)

*Next meeting - few weeks before Singapore (TBC

2) Attended meeting of the FOIWG 23 January

There was a lack of a quorum to be able to discuss important agenda items including:

  • a review of responses to public consultation on Revocation from the ALAC and Andrew Eggleton of the University of New Hampshire School of Law, and
  • A GAC Update

We reviewed a FOIWG Terminology document

Other agenda items will be dealt with at our next meeting along with other responses that may come from the public consultation process. 

Our meeting schedule: Feb 6  03:00 UTC,   Feb 20 11:00 UTC;    Mar 6  19:00 UTC;   Mar 27 F2F at ICANN Singapore


ccNSO Report to the ALAC  - 17 December 2013 1500UTC

  •  Communicated a brief report to ccNSO following ALT meeting
  • Received response from ccNSO rep- Katrina Sataki.  An ALAC-ccNSO organising committee meeting is planned forJanuary to organise joint March meeting and some ideas for collaboration (Other ccNSO members are: Margarita Valdes and Bart Boswinkel)
  • ACTION for ALAC: One or two other volunteers from ALAC are required to join this ALAC-ccNSO organising committee 
  • Cheryl will maintain contact with ccNSO activities - I would gratefully appreciate her support and guidance as I establish myself within this role
  • .ck (Cook Islands) has recently applied for ccNSO membership (smile)
  • I have not attended/been invited (yet) to any other ccNSO  meetings since BA 
  • Apologies for the long notes below, but I have kept a comprehensive initial record of contexts and points of focus for ccNSO until I become better acquainted with their processes. 


NEW Maureen Hilyard appointed as the ALAC's Liaison to the ccNSO for 2013-2014 at ICANN 48 Buenos Aires!

November 20, 2013. ccNSO Council Meeting

 1) Apologies  (MH was introduced to the Council members) 

2) Minutes and Actions

Action 88-01: Gabriella Schittek to send a note to the Council with the link to the Council meeting preparation material on the ccNSO website. Completed 

Action 88-02: The Secretariat to arrange for the Study Group on Use of Names for Countries and Territories resolutions to be adopted on the Council email list.  Completed 

Action 88-03: The Secretariat to arrange for the resolution on appointing the volunteers for the joint ALAC/ccNSO meeting to be adopted on the Council email list. Completed

Action 88-04: Hong Xue to send the Chair a copy of the ICANN Academy curriculum for the leadership training in Buenos Aires. Completed

 Action 88-05: Bart Boswinkel to follow up on the progress of the ccNSO statements on IANA delegation and redelegation of ccTLDs and on the Geographic Regions Working Group report. Overtaken by time

 3) Updates

 3.1    Chair Update - Byron attended the Bali IGF - mentioned the Montevideo statement and the SO/AC mtg

 3.2    Vice-chair Update - Keith attended the Australian IGF, then Bali - same involvement as Byron. ISOC Board activities includes a meeting with ICANN Board re harmonisation of activities.

 3.3    Councilors Update  ( for councilor names)

 3.4    Regional Organizations Update (LACTLD, AFTLD, APTLD - Don Hollander - new manager)

 3.5    Staff Update

 4) Membership applications


 The ccNSO received an application for ccNSO membership from .vn, the ccTLD of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The application has been filed by Hoang Minh Cuong, representing the cc's manager, the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. There are no outstanding issues with .vn.

 The ccNSO received an application for ccNSO membership from .ee, the ccTLD of Estonia. The application has been filed by Heiki Sibul, representing the cc's manager, Eesti Interneti SA EIS. There are no outstanding issues with .ee.

 Draft resolution

 The ccNSO Council approves the application of both .vn and .ee and welcomes both .vn and .ee as members 143 and 144 respectively. (passed)

 5) Final Report joint ccNSO-GNSO IDN Working group

 Background (presented by Young Eum)

 The JIG (Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group) was formed by mutual charters between the ccNSO and GNSO councils, and extended (ccNSO: | GNSO: to complete its work on the 3 identified issues of common interest between the ccNSO and GNSO.

 One of those issues concerns Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs. The JIG published its Draft Final Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs for public comment which closed on 16 August 2013, The JIG reviewed the comments received and finalized its report accordingly. The JIG submitted its Final Report to the GNSO Council on 17 November,

 Draft resolution: (passed)

 The ccNSO Council adopts the JIG Final Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs and its recommendations and will submit it to the ICANN Board for its consideration.

 The ccNSO Council thanks the JIG for its work, with special thanks to Jothan Frakes for his contributions in proactively reaching beyond the ICANN community to address issues identified in the report.

 The ccNSO Council recognizes that further work needs to be done in relation to IDNs, in particular IDN variants and universal acceptance of IDNs and asks the JIG to put forward suggestions on how to deal with these issues and deliver these suggestions to the ccNSO Council by the ICANN Singapore Meetings in March 2014.

 The ccNSO Council requests its chair to inform the chair of the GNSO of the decision of the ccNSO, and the co-chairs of the JIG accordingly, and submit the report to the Board of Directors of ICANN together with the chair of the GNSO, when the report of the JIG is adopted by the GNSO.

 6) Final Report joint DNS stability and security analysis working group

 Background (presented by Byron)

 The joint DNS Security and Stability Analysis working group was established by the participating Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees ALAC, ccNSO, GNSO and NRO to better understand the security and stability of the global domain name system (DNS) in 2011.

 In October 2011 the ICANN Board of Directors established the Board DNS Risk Management Framework Working Group (DNS RMF WG), with the objective to oversee the development of a risk management framework and system for the DNS as it pertains to ICANN's role as defined in the ICANN Bylaws.

 At the time the DSSA published its draft Report Phase 1 (August 2012), the DSSA went into hibernation to avoid overlap with the work of the Board DNS RMF and noted and informed the participating SO’s and AC’s that in order to reflect the changed environment and working method, the charter of the DSSA would need to be updated to reflect these changes.

 The co-chairs of the DSSA WG have send a letter to the chairs of each of the participating stakeholder organizations to submit the Final Report and the work products contained in it (available at: .  The DSSA recommends the acceptance of the Final Report and further recommends that the Final Report be disseminated to the ccTLD’s for their consideration. 

 Upon adoption of the Final report of the DSSA, and notification of adoption to the co-chairs of the DSSA, the working group will be closed.

 Draft resolution (passed)

 The ccNSO Council adopts the Report submitted by the co-chairs of the DSSA WG, as the Final Report of the DSSA WG in accordance with section 2.4 of its charter.

 The chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the co-chairs of the DSSA WG of adoption of the Report by the ccNSO Council.

 The chair of ccNSO is also requested to inform the chairs of the other participating SO’s and Ac’s (ALAC, GNSO and NRO).

 Finally, the ccNSO Council thanks and congratulates all, and in particular the co-chairs of the WG: Olivier Crepin-LeBlond ( ALAC), Joerg Schweiger (.DE, ccNSO), Mikey O’ Connor (GNSO), James Galvin ( SSAC) and Mark Koster (NRO) and all volunteers and staff who helped with this effort.

 7) Final Report Finance working group

 Background (Byron heads this group - they've held  13 working meetings plus ICANNmeetings - robust discussion right to the end to achieve best available solution. The have posted the final report with a resolution. Byron acknowledged the work of the WG)

 The ccNSO Finance WG was established in October 2010 with a mandate that included:

 “a. to discuss with ICANN (i.) the amounts attributed to ccTLDs and (ii) the underlying attribution method(s) to attempt to establish which of those amounts and method(s) are reasonable and may be acceptable to the ccTLD community

 b. to discuss with ICANN a methodology for individual ccTLDs to use to calculate a fair and equitable voluntary financial contribution to ICANN and propose such a methodology to the ccTLD community 

 After a long and intense consultation process of the community the WG and others the WG, finalized its report during the ccNSO meeting in Buenos Aires meeting (November 2013).

 The chair of the Finance WG submitted the Final Report of the WG to the Council recommending that the ccNSO Council adopts the proposed Guideline to replace the March 2007 Guideline on Financial contributions. (

 The chair of the ccNSO received a letter from ICANN’s CEO and President expressing his support for the emerging outcome of the discussion on the financial contribution from the ccTLD community to ICANN, and his acceptance of the “ value exchange model” and the associated overall level of the financial contribution and the voluntary nature of the contributions( ).

 Draft Resolution

  The ccNSO Council notes and welcomes the exemplary, long and intensive consultation efforts and process the Finance WG went through, to gather input and feed-back from the community.

  The ccNSO Council notes and welcomes the letter from ICANN’s CEO and President on the overall level of the financial contribution and the voluntary nature of the contributions.

  The ccNSO Council adopts the proposed November 2013 Guideline for Voluntary Contributions of ccTLDs to ICANN, and request the chair of the ccNSO to inform the CEO and President of ICANN accordingly, once the Guideline becomes effective.

  The ccNSO Council requests staff to publish this resolution as soon as possible after closure this ccNSO Council meeting.

In accordance to the rules of the ccNSO ( , the November 2013 Guideline will become effective seven days after publication of the decision by the Council.

 Finally, the ccNSO Council wholeheartedly thanks and congratulates all who participated in the process and in particular the chair of the Finance WG (Byron Holland, .CA) and the members of the Finance WG, and Xavier Calvez (CFO ICANN) and other staff, and all members of the community who were involved in this long and sometimes challenging effort.

 9) Next steps to identify potential issues and propose next steps pertaining to cross-community capacity building

For discussion: Follow-up action needed? (This flows out of conversations in Durban and relates to any potential interest to share information about capacity building. The ICANN Academy Group is already cross-community / cross-regional?)

10) ccTLD representation on the 3 IG Tracks:

  • 1Net
  • Brazil Conference
  • Panel on Internet Governance

 11) Working Group and Other Updates

 11.1    Meetings Program WG (Katrina) - a positive change has already been made by this group to put the names and pictures of the people on the panels during this meeting - very helpful for newbies (smile). Katrina has tried advertising to invite people to come to meetings. An invitation is being sent out re a post meeting survey. Google calendar has been developed. 

 11.2    Incident Response Repository WG (Bart) a survey has gone out about the topics, for guidance re IRR

 11.3    Election review Council committee (Katrina)

 11.4    Quorum Study Group (Katrina)

 Other updates:

 ICANN Outreach Program (Sokol)

 ICANN Academy (Hong Xue)

 Progress ccNSO Statements

 Progress other WG’s has extensively been discussed during the meeting

 12) Council Election update


 Victor Abboud, .ec (LAC region)

 Hiro Hotta, .jp (AP region)

 Dotty Sparks de Blanc, .vi (NA region)

 Election needed in:

 African & European region

  Appointment will be formalized once the election in the African and European region have been completed and the Election Manager has submitted the Election report for adoption by the Council

  13) Board selection Seat 11 update

 Chris Disspain, CEO of AUDA has been nominated and seconded. There are no other nominees. The Election Manager will provide a report of the nomination process prior to the next meeting. The Council will be requested to select the Board member at that time.

  14) Update Work Plan

 An updated workplan, based on the outcome of the Buenos Aires meeting will be send to the Council 29 November 2013

 15) Liaison Updates

 15.1    GNSO Liaison (Patrick Myers)

 15.2    ALAC Liaison (Ron Sherwood)

  16) Date of Next Meetings

 10 December 2013, 12.00 UTC

 The schedule for the meetings in 2014, will be proposed before the next meeting


 Working group reports

a) FOIWG - Keith DavidsonFollowup will be the glossary 

 Topics for interpretation

  •  Consent - for delegation and redelegation requests ( final report complete)
  •  Significantly interested parties (SIP) public consultation completed
  •  Revocation - is currently with public consultation process
  • Comprehensive gloassary (in progress)
  • Recommendations for IANA reports on del and redel (the WG will begin this work after completing the FOI)

Activities since Durban

Published progress report on activities - met on teleconferences 5 x

Details on Revocation

 RFC 1591 identifies three mechanism available to the IANA operation: delegation, transfer and revocation

 Under RFC1591, a transfer requires the consent of the incumbent ccTLD manager

 Revocation refers to the process by which the IANA operator rescinds  responsibility for management of a  cctLD from a manager.

 If a manager does not consent to a proposed Transfer, the only mechanism available to the IANA Operator is to deal with the situation is revocation. 

Revocation does not mean the removal of the ccTLD from the root - the issue is with the management of the ccTLD

Assessing how the ccTLD has carried out the necessary responsibilities, judging the extent of the requirements having been met or not met, might have to be done locally rather than by the IANA Operator who won't have the regular knowledge of this performance.

Substantial misbehaviour - given in detail in the document - it is in public consultation - generally it requires a degree of seriousness, magnitude and persistence.. And compromises the security of the ccTLD.

RFC1591 refers to community support as well - loss of community support is included as an appropriate complaint

b) Country Names Study Group - Paul Szyndler

3 recommendations made

  • Cross community working group - to look further into the study
  • WG will provide advice of a uniform definition of the framework for all respective SOs or Acs..
  • The WG will provide detailed advice as to what the content will be


November 20, 2013. Country reports

 Recent Developments of Governmental Movements in Japan – TBC 

The Japanese government recently decided to set up an expert committee to create a mechanism for oversight of the management of DNS, including the registry operation, in Japan. The presentation will brief its background and how such mechanism is expected to be. 

Current Status and Plans of the registry NIC.VE – Jesus Rivera, .ve 

Current status of the registry regarding the functional structure of the (organization chart), explanation of the process of Domain Names Registration; Legal framework; relevant cases and procedures for conflict resolution through WIPO; NIC.VE numbers, Statistical Data (Indicators); Some considerations and updates on modernization projects. 

EURid co-Funded Marketing Programme Update – Giovanni Seppia, .eu 

The Co-funded Marketing Programme has been available to .eu accredited registrars since 28 April 2009. The first evaluation of the Programme took place in mid-2010, upon request of the European Commission. However, at that stage, only a limited number of campaigns had been carried out under the scheme and it was difficult, therefore, to properly assess the value of the Programme for .eu accredited registrars and its impact on .eu registration volumes and awareness of the domain. Over the course of 2010 and 2011, the Programme has taken off considerably. An overview of the campaigns conducted shows that the number of proposals submitted has risen steadily since 2009 to reach 90 proposals so far in 2013. Under the Co-funded Marketing Programme, EURid contributes to the costs of a registrar¹s .eu marketing campaign that meets specific conditions. The Programme has been recently awarded the CENTR Awards for Marketing and Communication.

November 19, 2013, Buenos Aires - ALAC/ccNSO meeting (meeting started late)

 1.Exploration and Discussion of opportunities for developing mutual interests and cooperation between ccNSO and the ALAC / At-Large Community.

  • Mapping of ALSes (as local Internet Communities in ccTLD operator's countries and Regions); opportunity to develop and update  previous work carried out in 2009/10. (Action item)
  • Opportunities and mechanisms to encourage local engagement and interactions.
  • Identification of mutual interests and involvement in policy and governance issues ; locally, Regionally (including Sub - Regionally); Globally.

2. Identification and Discussion of Interactions and Expectations of Liaisons and Work/Study Group contributions (including relevant Public Comments) between ALAC and ccNSO  

  • Communications between Chairs, Leaders/Executive, Council/Committee, ccNSO/At-Large. 
  • Role and Expectations on (and by) mutually appointed Liaisons

Panel Discussions Nov 20

Summaries of the comments of some of the speakers. 

Sebastian - ISOC - esp re Latin America and Africa - very coordinated

Baher - explained that capacity building is not as coordinated in the Middle East - Not just technical but aso policy related. Howeever, Technical is significant. Collaborate with other I* organisations = responding to the needs of local areas. Train the trainer and similar models are seen as a way to drive things forward and incorporated into development plans.

Paul Wilson - has coordinated the activities of all the RIRs - these are the bodies related to the distribution of IP addresses - work with ISPs - there is a diversity of priorities that come from guidance from our members - based on the relationship with the ISPs. APNIC's founding docs contain a mission to facilitate education around the region - share that mission with RipeNIC and LACNIC - collectively across the RIRs re involved in the training in variousforms - each of the RIRs has two meetings a year and those mtgs serve members and community - org specific content - conference oriented towards professional practices and challenges - do these in collaboration with TLDs, ICANN, RIRs, and NOGs who organise at a regional level cos they are the channels to the ISPs and the source of demand about growth and development within the industry. The mission is to bring this realtime ifnormation into the system.- capacity building in internet infrastructure across the region - technical capacity can make a lot of difference to achieveing an efficient infrastructure within a country within a developing market (professional abiility to lose technical skills to other areas).. The need for capacity building is a definite need in developing countries especially.




The was more of an interview session with Brad White.

Following a security breach Costa Rica, Rosalia was able to advise  other ccTLDs should it happen to them. For example:Recommendations

  • Have immediate and transparent communication with clients
  • Contact ICANN security team for advice and local CERT or CSIRT
  • Have a clear media strategy
  • Have an internal security incident protocol
  • Pre-empt: many security incident experience in the ccTLD community to learn from

Current ccNSO Activities; Call for Comment; etc., recommended for ALAC, RALO and/or ALS input, contribution or focus upon:

1. The ccNSO Framework of Interpretation Working Group (FoI WG) seeks public comment on its initial interpretations of current policy and guidelines related to "Revocation", which is defined as redelgations undertaken without the consent of the ccTLD manager. "Revocation" refers to the process by which the IANA Operator rescinds responsibility for management of a ccTLD from a manager. For more information and to submit your comments, please visit
***PLEASE NOTE*** Listen  to Recording => "To give a better idea of the progress made to date and an opportunity to answer questions from community members, there will be a webinar on this topic:
  • The recordings of the Framework of Interpretation Webinar on Revocation today 12 November. Mp3 (audio recording) Adobe Connect Recording (visual recording including slides)

2. The ccNSO Council has received applications for ccNSO membership from .ee the ccTLD for Estonia. The application has been filed by Heiki Sibul, representing the cc's manager Eesti Interneti SA EIS.  If were no objections to .ee's was welcomes a member #144 of the ccNSO!


This list will be updated continuously.

 Activities of the following  ccNSO WG's relate to specific interests of ALAC and parts of At-Large.

  • NEW => Review of match to country code Name Support Organisation Membership, GAC Membership and At-Large Structure - A Review and mapping exercise to build on and update earlier work done between ccNSO and At-Large is desirable and should be discussed during the BA Meeting(s) 

Please, note that corrections and updates to parts of these reports, will be done continuously.


NOTICE: the ccNSO Council has now started publishing the Council call preparation materials online as well. You can find them at



Current ccNSO Council Call - November 2013

(note now only CURRENT month Minutes etc., will be archived here and replaced with each subsequent meeting)

ALL OTHER Agendas, Minutes, Transcripts  and recording of all other ccNSO Council Meetings  can be found within the  ccNSO Master Calendar  HERE

Next ccNSO Council  meeting  will be on Wednesday November 20th at 1900 UTC (1600hrs local time) during the ICANN Buenios Aires Meeting, Room: La Pampa

Agenda ccNSO Council Meeting  -  20 November 2013     The agenda will be posted at
Proposed agenda and participation details will be listed below when available...


ccNSO Council Activity Summaries.


ccNSO Activity Summary - October 2013 

ICANN Buenos Aires

  1. ICANN Buenos Aires Meeting Page:
  2. ICANN Meetings full schedule:
  3. Pre-registered ICANN Participants:
  4. ccNSO Buenos Aires Meeting Page:
  5. Draft Agenda:
  6. Presentation summaries:
  7. Room & Time information ccNSO Meetings:
  8. Remote Participantion information ccNSO Meetings: To be published at (closer to the meeting)
  9. Pre-registered ccNSO Participants:
  10. Pre-Buenos Aires ICANN Policy Update Webinar Invitation 7 November 2013 - please RSVP via email to the GNSO Secretariat:

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during October 2013 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout October 2013 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.


New Members

Various Announcements

Open ccNSO Related Public Comment Periods

ccNSO Activity Summaries:- September 2013


Working Groups


New Members

Various Announcements

Open ccNSO Related Public Comment Periods

August 2013

IDN ccPDP Vote

Call for Volunteers

Various Announcements

July 2013 

Durban Meeting

Working Groups 

IDN ccPDP Vote

Survey Results

New ccNSO Member


Call for Volunteers

Various Announcements

ccNSO Travel Funding Opens for Buenos Aires Applications:

Open ccNSO Related Public Comment Periods

June 2013

Working Groups


Various Announcements

Open ccNSO Related Public Comment Periods


(OPEN until 26 July 2013) Joint ccNSO-GNSO IDN working Group (JIG) Sraft Final Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs:

May 2013

IDN ccPDP Voting Period

Working Groups
All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during May 2013 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout May 2013 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary. 


Minutes ccNSO Council Telephone Conference 14 May 2013:

New Members

.PY Joins ccNSO as Member nr 137:

Various Announcements

Security Study on the Use of Non-Delegated TLDs and Dotless Names commissioned:

Approved ICANN Board Resolutions from Board meeting 18 May 2013: 

New gTLD Program Committee (NGPC) posts oversight of progress made in consideration of the GAC advice:

May Update from ICANN's policy department:

GAC Chair Heather Dryden interviewed on the GAC Beijing Communiqué and new gTLD Advice:

ICANN replies to questions from Public Forum Session Beijing:

ICANN's Fiscal Year 2014 Draft Operating Plan and Budget published: 

ICANN seeks locations for three public meetings in 2015:

ccNSO Meeting Highlights Beijing:

ICANN's Fellowship Programme opens for applications to the ICANN Meeting in Buenos Aires 17-21 November 2013:­en.htm 

Open ccNSO Related Public Comment Periods

Input Requested on Implementation of Recommendations from the Report on User Experience Implications of Active Variant TLDs: (contact ccNSO Secretariat for more information)



April 2013

Beijing Meeting

ICANN Beijing Meetings page:

ccNSO Meetings page:

ccNSO Presentations: 

ccNSO Meetings Audio and Transcripts:

Tech Day Presentations: 


Final IDN ccPDP Report:

Survey Results

Members Meeting Survey Results Day 1:

Members Meeting Survey Results Day 2:

Survey on translations of ccNSO related documents:


Various Announcements

ICANN CEO Blog entry on New York DNS Summit:

ICANN opens Hub Office in Istanbul, Turkey:

ICANN statistics on L-Root growth and performance measurement:

Steve Crocker on Changes to the Public Forum Sessions:



March 2013

Beijing Meeting

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during March 2013 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout March 2013 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.


New Members

Call for Volunteers

Various Announcements


Open ccNSO Related Public Comment Periods

February 2013

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during February 2013 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout February 2013 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.


Extraordinary Call for Nominations to fill vacant seat for Latin American Region:

Minutes ccNSO Council Telephone Conference 12 February 2013:

New Members

.FO Joins as ccNSO member 135:

 Call for Volunteers

(OPEN until 3 March 2013)  ICANN Meeting Strategy Working Group:



January 2013

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during January 2013 are available at:
Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout January 2013 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery.

Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.

Notes ccNSO Election Process Review Telephone Conference 25 January 2013:

Transcript Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group Telephone Conference 22 January 2013:

Call for Volunteers

Invitation from GNSO to Working Group on Inter-Registrar Transfer Policies (individual capacity):

Various Announcements

 ICANN Update on Strategic Planning:

ICANN Speaker Bureau launched:

January Update from ICANN's Policy Department:

ICANN's Fellowship Programme opens for Applications for Durban:

ICANN Board-Stakeholder Action List:

December 2012

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during December 2012 are available at:
Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout December 2012 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.

Notes Programme Working Group Telephone Conference 17 December 2012:

Notes Contact Repository Working Group Telephone Conference 6 December 2012: 

ccNSO Council

ccNSO Workplan overall Policy:

Call for Volunteers  (OPEN until 14 January 2012) Volunteer Review Team Member on the Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT 2):

Various Announcements

ICANN Board Resolutions 20 December 2012: 

Update from ICANN’s Policy Department December 2012:

IANA consultation on Secure Notification Process:

Fadi Chehadé blog post on the WCIT meeting:

Fadi Chechadé´s speech at WCIT Opening Ceremony, Dubai:

ALAC Whitepaper on "Making ICANN Relevant, Responsive and Respected":


November 2012

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during November 2012 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout November 2012 may bemissing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.

ccNSO Council

Minutes Council Telephone Conference 20 November 2012:

Nomination and Election Report 2013 Council:

Nomination and Election Report Extraordinary Council Elections European Region:

Call for Volunteers

(OPEN until 14 January 2012) Volunteer Review Team Member on the Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT 2):

Various Announcements

ICANN Board New gTLD Programme Committee approves resolutions to provide interim Domain Name protections to NGOs and IGOs:

ICANN appoints new Vice Presidents for Stakeholder Engagement:

ICANN at WCIT meeting in Dubai:

GAC List of Early Warnings to new gTLD Strings Applications:

November update from ICANN’s Policy Department:

Kurt Pritz resigns as ICANN Chief Strategy Officer:

NomCom seeks Statements of Interest and candidate recommendations for key leadership positions within ICANN:

Submit your local events in online form:

ICANN press release on IGF Azerbaijan:

October 2012

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during October 2012 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout October 2012 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.

ICANN Meeting Toronto

ccNSO Meeting Highlights Toronto:

ccNSO Members Meeting Presentations:

Tech Day Presentations:



ccNSO Members Meeting Evaluation 16-17 October 2012:

Youtube Contributions

ccNSO @ ICANN Toronto:

ccNSO Council

Elections to the ccNSO Council Launched:

ccNSO Council Nomination Period Results:


New ccNSO Members

.GR (Greece) Joins as ccNSO Member 134:


Call for Volunteers

GNSO: Protection of Certain International Organisation names in all GTLDs:

GNSO Thick WHOIS PDP Working Group:

(OPEN until 5 December 2012) Volunteer Review Team Member on the Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT 2):

(CLOSED) Volunteers to Cross-Community Principles Development Working Group:


Various Announcements

ICANN Press Release on Increased Presence and Participation Initiative in Africa:

Update from ICANN’s Policy Department:

ICANN FY12 Audited Financial Statements:

Yrjö Länsipuro appointed 2012 NomCom Chair; Cheryl Langdon-Orr Chair-Elect:

ICANN Consolidated Meeting Strategy Proposal:

September 2012 

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during September 2012 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout September 2012 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary. 


ccNSO Council

Various Announcements

August 2012

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during August 2012 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout August 2012 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.

Call for Volunteers

(OPEN until 7 September 2012)  Call for ccNSO Representative to the NomCom:


July 2012
Working Groups
All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during July 2012 are available at:
Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout July 2012 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.
Youtube Contributions
ccNSO Prague Meeting Summary:
Various Announcements
GAC online register of GAC Advice to the ICANN Board:
Update from ICANN's Policy Department July 2012:
ICANN Rewarded IANA Functions Contract by NTIA:
ccNSO Prague Meeting Highlights:

May 2012 

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during May 2012 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout May 2012 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.


Minutes Council Telephone Conference 8 May 2012:

Recording Council Telephone Conference 8 May 2012:

New Members

.KM Joins as Newest Member of the ccNSO: 

.IS Joins as Newest Member of the ccNSO:  

.SX Joins as Newest Member of the ccNSO:

.CW Joins as Newest Member of the ccNSO: 

Surveys (OPEN until 4 June 2012) Survey on ccNSO Wiki:

April 2012

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during April 2012 are available at:

Notes, minutes and transcripts from Working Group Meetings throughout April 2012 may be missing in this summary, due to the timing of their delivery. Please, visit regularly for a comprehensive summary.

Call for Volunteers (CLOSED 27 April 2012). Call for Volunteers to ICANN Academy Working Group:

New Members

.PS Join as Newest Members of the ccNSO:


Minutes ccNSO Council Telephone Conference 17 April 2012:

ccNSO Activity Summary
January 2012

Working Groups

All Mp3 recordings of the various Working Group Telephone Conferences during January 2012 are available at:

New Members

.iq joins as newest member of the ccNSO: 

Various Announcements

ICANN Policy Department Update January 2012:
ICANN Framework FY 13 Budget:
ICANN Starts Accepting New gTLD Applications and Posts New Applicant Guidebook:
Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN (JIG) Working Group Initial Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs.
ICANN’s Fellowship Programme opens application round for Prague meeting 24 – 29 June 2012:


Specific information on ALSes and ccNSO members bridging both worlds.

The list below is build upon the actual list of accredited ALSes and the relation to the region and country.
In the last column you will find, if the ccTLD is a member of ccNSO, the ccTLD extension of the country code and a direct link to the website of that specific ccTLD.

Through this list the existing ALSes can find out if in their country or region their is a ccNSO member and eventually could stimulate them to be part of the ccNSO. Same of course could happen from the ccTLD side, where they could do some promotional work in finding new ALSes joining the ALAC.

List of all ALSes and the presence in the ccNSO memberspace updated till October 2009.

The ccNSO has actually 107 members. (updated 27/9/2010).

New members since Seoul 2009 till September 2010 :


.mz Mozambique

.so Somalia

.tz Tanzania

.zm Zambia





Agenda's and minutes of previous ccNSO meetings.

Agenda meeting

Minutes meeting

Report of the meeting from liaison




Agenda council meeting 21 September 2010

not yet available ...


Agenda council meeting 17 August 2010

Minutes council meeting 17 August 2010

Agenda council meeting 23 June 2010

Minutes council meeting 23 June 2010


Agenda council meeting 11 May 2010

Minutes council meeting 11 May 2010


Agenda council meeting 13 April 2010

Minutes council meeting 13 April 2010


Agenda council meeting 10 March 2010

Minutes council meeting 10 March 2010


Agenda Nairobi meetings

Transcripts of the members meetings


Agenda council meeting 9 February 2010

Minutes meeting 9 February 2010

short report and questionnaire ALS outreach

Agenda council meeting 5 January 2010

Minutes meeting 5 January 2010

short report on council meeting 5/1/2010

Agenda council meeting 28 October 2009 (Seoul)

Minutes meeting 28 October 2009


Agenda council meeting 13 October 2009

Minutes meeting 13 October 2009


Agenda meeting 15 September 2009

Minutes meeting 15 September 2009

Report on meeting 15/9/2009

Agenda meeting 24 August 2009

Minutes meeting 24 August 2009


Agenda council meeting in Sydney 24 June 2009

Minutes Council Meeting 24-6-09 CD.pdf

Report on meeting in Sydney 24/6/2009

Agenda meeting 9 June 2009

Minutes meeting 9 June 2009


Agenda meeting 12 May 2009

Minutes meeting 12 May 2009


Agenda meeting 7 April 2009

Minutes meeting 7 April 2009




Report on ccNSO meeting in Mexico (24/3/2009)

Agenda meeting 16 February 2009

Minutes of the February 16th meeting


Agenda meeting 13 January 2009


ccNSSO comments on the new GTLD guidebook.

Agenda 11 December 2008

Minutes December 2008 of the meeting (in pdf format).


Former liaison reports.

ccNSO Liaison reports 2011

ccNSO Cairo

ccNSO Council November

ccNSO October 2008

ccNSO liaison September 2008

ccNSO Liaison - Aug 12 2008

ccNSO Phishing report published
New ccNSO Guidelines published

ccNSO Liaison - Feb 9 2008

ccNSO Liaison - Jan 22 2008

ccNSO Liaison - July 10 200


The ccNSO Council adopts the Nomination and Election Report Nominations and Elections to ccNSO Council 2016 and congratulates:·      Abibu Ntahigiye (.tz) African Region·      Debbie Monahan (.nz) Asia-Pacific Region·      Peter Vergrote ( .be) European Region·      Demi Gethschko (.br) Latin American and Caribbean Region·      Becky Burr (.us) North American Region with their election. The ccNSO Council thanks Gabriella Schittek for her hard work as Election Process Manager.

1) No formal resolution was to be required

2) The ccNSO Council would provide input to the CCWG, which would request greater clarity on key issues as well as adherence to the requirements of the CWG.  Further, that the ccNSO was generally supportive of the "direction of travel".

3) This input was to be summarized by the Chair and shared with Council before transmission to the CCWG.


GNSO Council Response to CCWG-Accountability - FINAL - 22 January 2016

At its last call ( 14 April 2016), Council discussed the need for openness and transparency of face-to face meetings. At the meeting it was decided to defer decision to an email decision.
Included is background section and draft resolution. 

Update EC AC/ GRC related work – Stephen Deerhake

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