Terri Agnew:Welcome to the At-Large Ad-hoc WG on IANA Transition & ICANN Accountability call on Thursday, 01 October 2015 at 13:00 UTC

  Terri Agnew:meeting page: https://community.icann.org/x/qppYAw

  Eduardo Diaz - (ALAC):THnak you

  Avri Doria:and there has not been any traffic on the WP2 list lately

  Alan Greenberg:Except for several meetings being scheduled.

  Alan Greenberg:came in about 5:30 yesterday afternoon (my time)

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC - APRegional Member:Agree toi the Agenda chganges  OCL

  Terri Agnew:Action Items 22 September 2015: https://community.icann.org/x/npVYAw

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Jean-Jacques Subrenat

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Hello all!

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Thanks Terri.

  Terri Agnew:This message is at http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/accountability-cross-community/2015-September/005900.html

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC - APRegional Member:I agree wioth you Alan

  Avri Doria:i have floated an idea with WP1, on a possible way aroud this issue, but do not know it it will fly

  Avri Doria:i think we might be able to maintain the member model. possibly.  problem with desingnator model is the abilty to enforce a separaton decsion.

  Terri Agnew:finding line

  Gordon Chillcott:It is absurd.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Cheryl's audio is out...

  Alan Greenberg:.I can hear her.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Cheryl's audio is coming and going...

  Terri Agnew:@Jean-Jacques, we are able to hear Cheryl. Please let me know if a dial out is needed

  Avri Doria:The idea i floated FYI: On the Community mechanism I do think we need to rename it to bring outthe fact that it is only a power when there is broadagreement/consensus-by-some-definiton of the entire ACSO. We also needto explain that. I wonder whether we need to move away from even havinga voting concept to having a discussion and black ball concept. i.e. iftwo ACSO come out against, back to the drawing board. but if the CM,conceived of as a full ACSO cross community WG, comes out with astatement that is considered by all the ACSO without 2 objections, itcan go forward. So 2 ACSO can trigger the mechanism, and 2 ACSO canfreeze an action after full discussion and negotiation. Or somethingsimilar. With no need for votes.

  Avri Doria:The IETF keeps it simple by having a top down ararchy

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:an interesting proposal but I can see the SOs disagreeing

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC - APRegional Member:Well worth discussing and possibly developing further concencus  though

  Alan Greenberg:The Single member model itself is bizarre

  Alan Greenberg:Doesn't include the Board in the thumbs up/down decision really chnage the threshold to 1 ACSO?

  Terri Agnew:@Jean-Jacques audio is choppy

  Terri Agnew:@Jean-Jacques your audio is cutting in an out

  Alan Greenberg:@JJS - both directions are cutting in and out.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:I'll just write it: Avri's idea is interesting, but from experience on the Board, and looking at it from a geopolitical point of view, I don't see ICANN (or Washington) accepting the Board to become simply one stakeholder among others...

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:In other words, and from that perspective, achieving a better balance would be acceptable, but not to the point of reneging on the ultimate power of decision of one actor, the Board. Among other reasons for this, ultimately the Board and its members are answerable to California law, which other entities (ACs, SOs or others) would not necessarily be bound by.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Avri: did you see my comment above?

  Sébastien:I can't talk but one of the problem with the Avri proposal is that the Board is participating to the population of some AC?

  Avri Doria:yes JJS, I can see it.  You know the board better that I do, though I did float a simlar idea to a Board member or two and did not get instant rejection.  it is not so much that they become just another stakeholde, but in this specific pwoers they particpate ysing that modality.

  Alan Greenberg:Don't undersand Sebastien "the Board is participating to the population of some AC"??

  Sébastien:the members of the SSAC are designited by the Board and part of the RSSAC also

  Avri Doria:They are approved by the Board, but are actually nominated using a process internal to the SSAC and RSSAC

  Alan Greenberg:Ahh. ok.. Certainly some people are concerned with that. I am not.  But also, I see little problem with changing the Bylaws to not require board approval for appointments. When I asked about this a while ago, the answer was that when the Bylaws for the SSAD were written, it just seemed to be a natural thing to do, but no particular compelling reason for doing so. And I don't think the Board ever refuses to accept an SSAS or RSSAC recommendation for membership.

  Alan Greenberg:I beleive that answer came from Steve Crocker who started SSAC...

  Avri Doria:to some people a nomcom isnt a nomcom unless someone else has to sign off on the nominations.  the IETF traditon of nomcom has all apppointment approved by someone.

  Avri Doria:so SSAC created its own internat nominating procedure and uses the board to vet the nominations.

  Alan Greenberg:But look at the SOs or the GAC or ALAC. Members are not approved by the Board or NomCom (for most)

  Avri Doria:true, bottom-up individuality of method

  Alan Greenberg:@Avri, your slant on it just confirms Steve's comments that it seemed to be a natural wasy to go when the Bylaws were drafted.

  Avri Doria:yep, he and i come out of the same traditon, except he got to it earlier than i did by a decade.

  Avri Doria:i started at IETF in 1988/89, he was there from the beginnig in the late 70s

  Avri Doria:even thought he IETF formally began in 1986, some of the people, like Steve were doing the precursor for a while before.

  Alan Greenberg:I am trying to find what I read but so far have not succeeded.

  Terri Agnew:ICANN54 Dublin Saturday, 17 October 2015 at 17:30 local time https://community.icann.org/x/Sac0Aw

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Doodle please

  Gordon Chillcott:I vote for Doodle.

  Avri Doria:definate next week is a week from hell

  Avri Doria:granted i only make every third of these meetings as it is.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC - APRegional Member:Sure is Avri

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:I share Alan's feeling, but am willing to participate, whatever, so Doodle please.

  Eduardo Diaz - (ALAC):Everyone except me

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:on 12th, I'll be in a train, so depends on time.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC - APRegional Member:I support a doodle for the 12th

  Gordon Chillcott:Bye, all.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC - APRegional Member:Thanks all Bye for now

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