• Terri Agnew to put link JJS provided for IANA Stewardship discussions on main IANA issues wiki page
  • On renaming the group it was decided to keep same mailing list but change its description and have a landing page that links the CWG IANA work and the CCWG Accountability, so both topics can be updated & reached from one location.
  • Staff to put together a list of At Large travelers who are traveling to Istanbul for F2F meetings -arriving and leaving. This will be placed on a wiki page. (email has been sent to travel for this information)
  • Terri Agnew to update IANA Issues member list and list if primary interest of CCWG ACCT or CWG IANA
  • Terri Agnew to verify if announcement went out to  ALAC list for CCWG ACCT to join IANA Issues. (sent to alac-announce on 22 February 2015 by Alan Greenberg)
  • Terri Agnew is to create a "portal" page to link the IANA Issues & the Accountability Issues WIKI pages


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