Nathalie  Peregrine: (3/30/2015 13:01) Dear all, welcome to the At-Large Technology Taskforce meeting on the 30th March 2015
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (15:46) Agenda page:
  Glenn McKnight: (15:58) Hi all
  Beran Gillen -ALAC: (15:59) hello everyone
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (15:59) Hello all!
  judith hellerstein: (16:00) Hi All
  Glenn McKnight: (16:00) Hi Josh
  Josh Baulch: (16:01) Hello!
  Glenn McKnight: (16:01) It;s  been cold  right now
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:01) Hello all
  judith hellerstein: (16:01) Hi all
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:01) Hi Josh
  Beran Gillen -ALAC: (16:03) @glenn it's 36 degrees Celsius  in Gambia
  Beran Gillen -ALAC: (16:03) boiling !!!
  Glenn McKnight: (16:04) Here is a picture of  last week at our  Greenhouse
  judith hellerstein: (16:04) It is 40 degrees fahrenheit in DC
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:04) Please all mute your mics in the AC room
  Beran Gillen -ALAC: (16:05) I will gladly swap @judith heat is unbearable
  Glenn McKnight: (16:05)
  Glenn McKnight: (16:05) You will notice the snow  we are putting on the  plants
  Beran Gillen -ALAC: (16:07) am not hearing anyone
  judith hellerstein: (16:07) in nYC it is 31 degrees fahrenheit
  Beran Gillen -ALAC: (16:07) ok am hearing Josh now
  Glenn McKnight: (16:08) Are you using  Wirecast>
  Joly MacFie: (16:10) What about Zoom?
  Joly MacFie: (16:10) Is there a diagram?
  Glenn McKnight: (16:12) Please provide the link to the  Operator  manual from the WIki
  Joly MacFie: (16:12) how do you feed the local video back out to the hubs?
  Glenn McKnight: (16:14) Can anyone  upload  any pics of their  Hubs in operation ie. Murray, Joly or Murray
  Joly MacFie: (16:16)
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:17) Murray McKercher has joined the call
  Murraymckercher: (16:17) hi, sorry to be late
  Glenn McKnight: (16:18) Singapore   6  hubs ,  Toronto,  NY,  Bermuda  and where else?
  Heidi Ullrich: (16:18) Showing all hubs will be great!
  Glenn McKnight: (16:18) All English
  judith hellerstein: (16:18) Could you send us the list of the actual hubs for each of the 3 meetings
  Glenn McKnight: (16:18) I think we have 50% of those  operators on the call
  Glenn McKnight: (16:19) Murray, Joly and Jason
  Glenn McKnight: (16:19) I thought  TT  also  had a hub
  Glenn McKnight: (16:20) Cost   $30K  
  Glenn McKnight: (16:20) Equipment  cost  plus   $1000 per Hub  sponsored by  ICANN
  Jason Hynds: (16:21) Barbados was not able to do a hub for Singapore ICANN52. Time difference issue.  We did pubic day of ICANN51 LA. Also Geneva Internet Platform Nov 2014.
  Glenn McKnight: (16:21) I think this  is  a  critical idea  especially for  remote areas and People with Disabilities
  Glenn McKnight: (16:21) Yes  Jason the time zone  difference  was a  big  challenge
  Glenn McKnight: (16:23) Perhaps  the  TTF   can get  more involved  with the ALAC  community to  document   the process and  help educate  the potential hubs
  judith hellerstein: (16:23) Are you talking about the working group or the main meeting
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:24) Perhaps it should (hear English interpretation) but the ALAC sessions I attended remotely, I only heard the "raw" audio
  Murraymckercher: (16:24) @Josh, the netmundial workaround sounds good
  Joly MacFie: (16:24) How did you resolve echo problems with remote audio?
  Glenn McKnight: (16:25) All these questoins  need to be  documented in a  FAQ   with answers
  Jason Hynds: (16:26) I love the remote hub idea. At near or less than the cost of sending 1 person to an ICANN meeting we can likely have in excess of 5 persons in a room participating and hopefully collaborating and localizing the topics. Good to have to plan to assist the remote hubs in their costs: equipment, room rentals etc. The event is not zero cost at the remote end. Also the lead up promotions at the remote end may need further support.
  judith hellerstein: (16:26) How does this work with the interpretation
  Murraymckercher: (16:26) @Josh, Understand, that this cost is an issue....
  judith hellerstein: (16:28) I thought that Adobe Connect was moving towards html5 instead of flash. Do you know when this will happen
  Glenn McKnight: (16:28) John   did you say  "T Phone"  and  Adobe Connect
  Murraymckercher: (16:29) @Josh, do we have a set of requirements defined for this remote ..also agree with flash issues being irritating
  judith hellerstein: (16:30) @dev should we review global meet?
  Joly MacFie: (16:30) How did you resolve echo problems with remote audio?
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:31) @judith re:global meet indeed
  judith hellerstein: (16:32) @joly had his hand raised
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:32) he does? Don't see it - sorry - so Joly you're next
  judith hellerstein: (16:32) see his question in chat. He has been trying to get this question answered for a while
  Joly MacFie: (16:32) No I didn't but I will speak
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:32) ok after Olivier
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:34) Holy moly (looking at the pic)
  Murraymckercher: (16:34) Great photo..looks like the backend of my desk :)
  judith hellerstein: (16:34) Yes. pretty impressive
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (16:34) With remote meetings & a PA in the room it is really important to make sure that the "local" mixed has autormatic echo cancellation
  Glenn McKnight: (16:36) Questoin from  Murray
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:36) yep, see the hand
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:36) Gordon Chillcott has joined the call
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:37) url for global meet :
  Glenn McKnight: (16:38) Spagetti  junction!
  Joly MacFie: (16:39) is taht abunch of individual converters taped together?
  Joly MacFie: (16:40) I like that
  Glenn McKnight: (16:41) do's and  don't
  Joly MacFie: (16:43) personally I found two laptops and two projectors a necessity, along with an audio mixer with aux send
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:43) Jason, able to speak - it would be good to  share your experiences?
  Glenn McKnight: (16:43) Dev  can we  ask the Remote  Hub  people questions?
  Jason Hynds: (16:44) Agreed re do's don't equipment recommendations. But we have to also have some tiers in the remote hubs ranging from a simple low cost equipment-wise remote hub
  judith hellerstein: (16:44) Can you also put this in the action items: the list of the actual hubs for each of the 3 meetings
  Glenn McKnight: (16:44) Murray  did the  Toronto Hub
  Glenn McKnight: (16:44) Jason  did the Barbados  hub
  Glenn McKnight: (16:44) Hi Gordon
  Glenn McKnight: (16:45) Nice  idea  Jason had the local university. How about the local IEEE  Chapter?
  Murraymckercher: (16:46) @Jason..I agree with the challenge to engage the local communities
  Glenn McKnight: (16:46) Joly  did the  NY Hub
  Jason Hynds: (16:47) Joly. Agree that 2 computers and 2 screens at least is good
  Murraymckercher: (16:48) I also agree with joly on computers and screens
  Josh Baulch: (16:48) great point
  Jason Hynds: (16:48) @Glenn: Not aware of a local IEEE. Trying to get a local Internet Society formed to take over the remote hub.
  Josh Baulch: (16:49) great points, much apprecaited
  Glenn McKnight: (16:50) I think  a  Hub  for  specific  groups  First Nations, Persons  with Disabilities,  Engineering Society  etc   which has  their own communities  might be one  way to  look at  raising an interested community
  Glenn McKnight: (16:50) @ Jason  yes   ISOC  Chapters  are ideal
  Murraymckercher: (16:51) @Joly..I like zoom , but getting together with agroup is best
  Glenn McKnight: (16:51)  NTEN  Non Profit  Technology Network   would be interested
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:53) AI : add review of GlobalMeet as a confererncing solution
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:53)
  Jason Hynds: (16:53) Would have been great if the Adobe Connect could separate the chat window (tough to view in remote hub setting). For the remote hub important to follow, have screens for 1) Video in room especially presentation w/ has transcript 2) Twitter feeds 3) Skype interaction for hubs. Thus maybe 3 screens.
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:54) Perhaps Group chat solutions like Slack could work
  Josh Baulch: (16:54) @ jason, good idea. . .
  Gordon Chillcott: (16:54) +1, Murray
  Joly MacFie: (16:54) I agree Jason. AC is inflexible as to layout.
  Joly MacFie: (16:55) I am liking slack.
  Glenn McKnight: (16:55) Integration with mobile is important
  Murraymckercher: (16:55) Slack is good once you get your head into it.
  Glenn McKnight: (16:56) Each hub is like an island
  Glenn McKnight: (16:56) @Jason just like  Bermuda!
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (16:57) All fine
  Glenn McKnight: (16:57) Good
  Murraymckercher: (16:57) I woukld add Zoom and GoToMeeting to the tech list
  Glenn McKnight: (16:58) We are using ZOOM with ISOC
  Murraymckercher: (16:58) @ Dev thanks...good session
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (16:58) a very interesting call indeed - and this will really help for all instances of remote participation
  judith hellerstein: (16:58) Yes. great session
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (16:58) +1 Dev
  Glenn McKnight: (16:58) Thanks  Joly, Murray,  Jason and  Josh.     Three  J's  and one  M
  Josh Baulch: (16:59) Thank you all!
  judith hellerstein: (16:59) +1 dev. Like it for the working group calls
  Jason Hynds: (16:59) Thanks. This was good. The bandwidth recommendation per each tier of hub would be good to specify. Also as someone made the point, must build up local interest and awareness prior to hub day.
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:59) thank you all!
  Glenn McKnight: (16:59) bye
  Gordon Chillcott: (16:59) Thanks, Dev.  Sorry for being in late.
  Jason Hynds: (16:59) bye

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