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  Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the NTIA IANA Functions' Stewardship Transition Coordination Group on Friday 11 July 2014 at 15:00 UTC

  Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:

  Gisella Gruber-White:Hi Yrjo - welcome! This call is in 1h15 (1500 UTC)

  Murray McKercher:hello everyone, I am in a very noisy cafe

  Glenn McKnight:I  beat you Murray I am cutting trees on my property

  Glenn McKnight:Sweet sound of the  chainsaw

  Glenn McKnight:I am inside now

  Glenn McKnight:Hi Vanda

  Murray McKercher:I am tuned in and on mute

  VANDA:hi all

  Satish Babu:Hi everyone...I'm a bit audio-impaired, and my comments may be mostly by chat. Sorry for this.

  Glenn McKnight:Please  post  the  poll results in the above panel

  Glenn McKnight:post the questions in the  above  panel

  Holly Raiche:I did not send in my straw poll - my tentative results were SSOOoo close.  But the outcomes came VERY close to OCL's

  Murray McKercher:@Satish  chat communication works well, but i suspect it will be recorded for the record

  Satish Babu:@Murray: wouldn't the chat be recorded as well?

  Holly Raiche:Gisella - willl the chat be recorded - if so, we cannot use it for discussion?

  Murray McKercher:@Satish, i understand it is normally recorded but i defer to staff for advice

  Glenn McKnight:we are not incamera  yet

  Satish Babu:Thanks @M!

  Glenn McKnight:When we do  we need to stop chat

  Gisella Gruber-White:@ All - the chat will also go in camera

  Holly Raiche:Only stop the chat if it will be recorded when the recording of voice is stopped

  Holly Raiche:Tks

  Gisella Gruber-White:unless this chat is just NOT posted on the page in which case you can use it throughout the call

  Murray McKercher:@Glenn, that puts Satish at a disadvantage if he has audio challenges..@satish perhaps staff can make an oiutgoing telephone call to you?

  Gisella Gruber-White:recording is OFF

  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Satish - would you like us to call you?

  Satish Babu:My telephone is not high-quality at the moment either...

  Gisella Gruber-White:please note that this chat can be used

  Gisella Gruber-White:it will NOT be posted on the meeting page

  Satish Babu:I will try speaking on Skype (I'm logged in into Skype rght now)

  Holly Raiche:This is part of the conversation that is starting to feel as if it my NOT be recorded

  Glenn McKnight:Am I unmuted

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN CAMERA ----------------------

  Satish Babu:Thanks @Gisella!

  Fatimata:I am not hearing anything from the phone line

  Fatimata:I can't hear from AC either

  Satish Babu:@Fatimata: maybe you should reconnect...

  Holly Raiche:That's what happened to me - my scores did not match my views of who should be on top of the list - so I sent my views instead

  Glenn McKnight:i am speaking 

  Fatimata:Ok, Satish.  Thanks.   I will try but really, I prefer to listen from my phone

  VANDA:+ 1 Glenn

  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Fatimata - dialling you now

  VANDA:thaank you Gisella for calling me out.

  Fatimata:I am back on line

  Satish Babu:The formula for normalization sounds fine.

  Holly Raiche:For the record, my choices  match those of OCL and pretty much for the same reasons  so if we have not reached a decision by the time I leave that is how I would vote

  Gisella Gruber-White:Juan Manuel Rojas has joined the Adobe Connect

  Glenn McKnight:Funny Holly  and OCL  and I are very similar

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:hello Juan Manuel!

  Glenn McKnight:I have  experience with Alan G  as to reporting and  public  communication  which impacted my voting results

  Juan Manuel Rojas:Hello everyone.. I apologize but my Internet Access today is too bad...

  Glenn McKnight:Personality or emotional intelligence is critical in the team membership

  Glenn McKnight:Just cut to the  top four then go from there

  VANDA:+ 1 Glenn

  Satish Babu:I agree with starting with the top four and then reducing to two


  Murray McKercher:lookg good and makes sense to me

  Satish Babu:Per-column normalization would be good, but it may not make much difference

  Holly Raiche:Agreed

  Murray McKercher:i agree

  Yrjö Länsipuro:ok

  VANDA:my connection dropped!!!!

  VANDA:please call be back again!!

  VANDA:reason I raised my hand

  Glenn McKnight:Can we have  two  substitutes  if  the two drop out?

  Glenn McKnight:Our  first two picks and the two alternatives

  Fatimata:ok, for me

  Murray McKercher:i must step away for a few momwents but will keep connected

  VANDA:I am listening but can not talk. call me again please

  Glenn McKnight:Just in case health issues  etc

  Fatimata:I think they should be informed

  Fatimata:but very clearly.  The only prblem I see is the importance of attending the first meeting

  Satish Babu:Do we know what others have done vis-a-vis alternatives?

  Satish Babu:(other constituencies, I mean)

  Holly Raiche:I agree - but we need to be an order so if one drops out, we agree who will be the replacement


  Gisella Gruber-White:Vanda can only hear through AC

  Gisella Gruber-White:not on audio bridge

  VANDA:my mobile please  yes

  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Vanda - number please

  Holly Raiche:Should we make a choice based on what we want Alan to do - he has put himself forward

  Glenn McKnight:Vanda  is making a good  point  of  losing someone from a position to another, a  loss to  the other groups

  Holly Raiche:But Glenn - Alan has put himself forward - so we can't make that choice for him

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:So we have consensus to now make a choice from the 4 people highlighted in yellow

  VANDA:thank you all for your patience

  Glenn McKnight:@Holly   Vanda  is  just making a point  worth  noting

  Satish Babu:+1 Holly

  VANDA:=1 Yrjo

  Holly Raiche:Agree on Alan as #3

  Juan Manuel Rojas:I just wondering what happened with Mouhamet Diop.. in email list looks as a strong candidate..

  Fatimata:The 2 front runners will satisfy our diversity criteria.  Alan, if available, would be a good number 3. 

  Holly Raiche:I also like Carlton - but Alan is  WORKER. Agree his problem is going into the minutae

  Fatimata:It is too bad Juan but we can only accept the committee's global choice eventhough Mouhamet has the oustanding knowledge of IANA

  Holly Raiche:Agree with Fatimata - Mohammed is also a top choice

  Juan Manuel Rojas:No.. I pass to speak..

  VANDA:i manage to connect by a direct call to the call

  Holly Raiche:My choices: One and 2: J-J, Mohamed.  #3 Alan and #4 Carlton

  Juan Manuel Rojas:My call dropped

  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Juan - dialling you back

  Kathy Schnitt:We are dialing back out to you Juan

  VANDA:I can considered Mohammad Diop in place of Carlton

  VANDA:due his knowledge of IANA function

  Holly Raiche:My only concern withM.Diop is that he is not as well know asCarlton within ALAC - but I appreciate the good things said about him.

  Gisella Gruber-White:Sorry was not on mute

  Glenn McKnight:did  murray comment?

  VANDA:+ 1 Olivier about JJ

  Gisella Gruber-White:Murray is back in AC

  Murray McKercher:i am back

  VANDA:but he is a good diplomatic behavior and reporteur ....

  Juan Manuel Rojas:I am going to copy my thougths on M.Diop.. I sent it to emaling list.. "I can see that Mohammad has knowledge and background that we need on this Transition,my concerns on this application is about his vinculation with registrar (that would be a great thing) and how he could be the voice of Internet Users, which is ALAC primary task. On the other hand I like his experience not only related with technical subjects but also because, according his motivation letter, he has worked with ICANN Board for Africa. "

  Murray McKercher:i feel jj is a good worker and excellent communicator

  VANDA:YES abour MD so + 1 Juan Rojas

  Murray McKercher:jj can sometimes focus on his own personal views and anti snowden push, although he seems to have toned this down recently

  VANDA:Looks like we have agreement on Al Bashir....

  Murray McKercher:i cannot comment on Al  B and my biases are naturally on people i have met personally

  Holly Raiche:@OCL - will be going off to bed - but I agree with your summary of candidates and am pretty comfortable where we are heading.  I can agree with either Carlton OR M. Diop.

  Glenn McKnight:@ murray  what is your  two top choices?

  Glenn McKnight:@  Judith  voted  for  JJ  and  Mohamed Bashir

  Murray McKercher:no objectionm

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:agree with JJS & MEB

  Glenn McKnight:@ Vanda  I agree  with the  motion for  JJS  adn MEB

  Satish Babu:I agree with JJS & MEB

  VANDA:Vanda - I Agree with  MAB and JJS

  Yrjö Länsipuro:I agree with the choice of JJS and MEB

  Glenn McKnight:What is the motion>

  VANDA:diop is good for me

  Glenn McKnight:My motion is  switch to  M Diop

  Juan Manuel Rojas:I agree with Glenn

  Murray McKercher:i would support alan from a historic perspective, and a hard worker and good communicator

  Fatimata:Diop is good for me too

  Satish Babu:Who is better from a regional balance perspective?

  Glenn McKnight:@ I agree with Vanda

  Murray McKercher:good point satish

  VANDA:DIOP for me as prefferred 3th

  Satish Babu:In that case, I would also support Diop

  Yrjö Länsipuro:Diop

  Glenn McKnight:Wow  what  a shift...

  Glenn McKnight:Clear the  checks  and vote again

  Murray McKercher:i can see the logic behind diop

  Murray McKercher:and can support his regional interest

  Glenn McKnight:check for M. Diop

  VANDA:good work, transparent and clear process. congrats to all

  Murray McKercher:i believe we have a good process here, we shoulkd document this for others in the same position

  Murray McKercher:in future

  Glenn McKnight:yes

  Glenn McKnight:It should  be  private

  Fatimata:Good job Olivier!

  VANDA:AGREE about DIop

  Yrjö Länsipuro:Yes, inform Diop but don't announce publicly

  Satish Babu:I wouldn't recommend public announcement

  Murray McKercher:i agree with yrjo

  Murray McKercher:excuse the mispelling


  VANDA:no announce

  Murray McKercher:i agree with glenns comment

  Fatimata:can we finish earlier?

  VANDA:same @ murray

  VANDA:let's keep only the 2 selected


  Satish Babu:Keep the back-up names internal to this committee

  Fatimata:my line went off

  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Fta - dialling backatima

  VANDA:good work

  VANDA:+ 1 Yrjo

  Fatimata:OCL, you did forward th answer

  Glenn McKnight:no comments

  Gisella Gruber-White:Recording ON

  Gisella Gruber-White:_________________ Recording back on __________________

  Murray McKercher:congratulations to the group, a process well executed.

  Satish Babu:Thanks Olivier & all Committee Members for a great experience....!

  VANDA:applause to alll for the good work!

  Glenn McKnight:Nice work.  Happy with the  process and selection

  Juan Manuel Rojas:Thanks to all for this great job!

  Murray McKercher:a pleasure and honour to participate

  Glenn McKnight:Still sad about  Brazil  and FIFA

  Fatimata:Thanks for a very leadership and an excellent meeting

  Satish Babu:Bye everyone, and good day!

  Murray McKercher:lets hoipe fifa could learn lessons in transparency from icann!

  Yrjö Länsipuro:Thank you Olivier, and all members, for very effective work and  a good result

  Murray McKercher:merci Olivier, excellent work.

  Ariel Liang:Thank you very much for all your great work!!!

  Juan Manuel Rojas:Thanks all

  Ariel Liang:bye bye

  Juan Manuel Rojas:bye



  Murray McKercher:bye bye au revoir

  Fatimata:Au revoir

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