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April 2014 Report

1. APRALO ALSes Spotlight PICISOC and CIIAG - Presenter Maureen Hilyard

2. ATLAS II in London

Preparation for ATLAS II for all ALSs

 a) Participation from ALSs in ATLAS II Working Groups is needed - List of WGs - At-Large Summit Working Group (ALL)

 b) ATLAS II Fayre of Opportunities - APRALO to prepare the list of local music (Pavan is leading), and APRALO table in London (Maureen and Siranush are leading)

 c) Participation of ALL ALSs in ATLAS II Pre Webinars - Participation is MANDATORY (ALL). Check and Follow all the e-mails coming to ATLAS II participants, related to Pre-webinars participation and make all efforts to be available:

 CAPACITY BUILDING WEBINARS ATLAS II - see the full list of all webinars

 d) ATLAS II List of Participants - ATLAS II Participants, check if the info is updated (ALL)

3. APRALO proposal for IGF 2014

IGF 2014 sub theme that this workshop fall under: IGF & The Future of the Internet Ecosystem

Description: The US Department of Commerce’ announcement of the planned transition of IANA oversight from the NTIA to ICANN heightens the significance of ICANN in the global Internet governance arena. ICANN’s At-Large Advisory Committee has represented the voice of Internet users in ICANN. With enhanced responsibility for ICANN with its new role, how will the voice of Internet users both be heard both within ICANN and within the larger Internet Governance arena.

4. APRALO General Assembly in London 

Wednesday 25 June 11:00 - 13:00

Main topics:

  1. Selection of regional leaders for the next term - APRALO Chair, APRALO Vice Chair, APRALO NomCom Member for 2015 in accordance with the new APRALO ROP
  2. How to promote more active participation of ALSs in APRALO Activities
  3. Outreach - how to involve more ALSs to become an active participants of At-Large community

March 2014 Report

1. APRALO Showcase in Singapore 

“Celebrating Diversity” was a motto for APRALO region and the title of Showcase in Singapore. During the Showcase APRALO region started the new era of mutual cooperation and support with important regional organisations. APRALO signed an official Memorandum of Understanding firstly with our Regional Internet Registry, APNIC, and secondly with our Regional  APTLD. These agreements will strengthen the relationship that APRALO has, and can continue into the future, with these important regional partners. Singapore Showcase was another opportunity to do an outreach, and as a result one application was received (ISOC Yemen) and the interest coming from ISOC Singapore chapter.

2. ATLASII in London – during March APRALO monthly meeting we had as guests speakers to join us the Chair of ATLAS II Eduardo Diaz and Co-Chair of ATLAS II Communications WG Carlos Aguirre, who presented what has been already done to prepare ALSs for ATLAS II and what are the next steps coming up. The call to APRALO ALSs had been sent to join different WGs to support in preparatory works. Local music collection from the region will be prepared by Pavan to be used inLondon. APRALO General Assembly (GA) will be also organized inLondon in parallel to ATLAS II. The detailed agenda for GA will be sent prior to the meeting.


3. FY15 requests submitted – During March period APRALO applied with three applications for FY15

a)      IGD Workshop inIstanbul,Turkey, September

b)      Accessibility Workshop at PacINET in Rarotonga,Cook Islands, September 2014

c)      Workshop and Outreach Activities at Asia Pacific Regional IGF (APrIGF), August 2014 (India, New Delhi)

The final confirmation for approval will be expected at the end of April.


4. APRALO ROP Charter

downloaded as PDF file -

During March the APRALO ROP WG holds one conference call and worked through e-mail to prepare the final draft of the New APRALO Rules of Procedure 2014, which has been sent to AP members for review on March 8. On March 22 the consensus call to the list was opened to invite all ALSs representatives to provide their support or otherwise for the document. No objections had been received before the monthly call. On March 26 during the monthly call actual voting took place and APRALO unanimously adopted APRALO new Rules of Procedures 2014. The individual memberships with the new procedures developed and will be outreached to announce about opening the APRALO for individual members to join.


5. ICANN Accessibility Taskforce WG hold it’s first meeting in Singapore on March 25. The main agenda included discussion of Primary Objectives for the Task Force - overall mission statement; identification of the key short, medium and long-term opportunities, as well as outreach and engagement opportunities for the showcasing of best practices in Accessibility for ICANN. The representatives of Disabled People's Association of Singapore had been invited to the meeting: Dr. Marissa Lee Medjeral-Mills, Executive Director and Mr. Alvan Yap, Advocacy Executive, who has a hearing impairment. A sign language interpretation services had been provided for the first time ever during ICANN meetings. As a next steps, one the opportunities to organize similar workshop in IGF 2014 had been discussed. Gunela Astbrink (ISOC Australia) posted the recommendations and ideas, raised during the meeting to become a basis for future discussion:


February 2014 Report

1. MOU with APNIC and APTLD 

During January-February 2014 the comments/additions had been done for both MOUs and the final MOUs are agreed and ready to be officially singed in Singapore (during APRALO Showcase on March 26, 2014).

Final MOU with APTLD - FINAL MoU between APRALO and APTLD.doc


2. February Spotlight - Internet NZ.

Presenter Ellen Strickland (the presentation is posted in APRALO ALSes Spotlight space). Call for volunteers for the next months had been sent 

3. Multi-stakeholder forum in Singapore

The meeting will take place on Monday, 24th, 2014, agenda is finalized: two main topics will be discussed:

Roundtable Topic  1: Privacy/Proxy Issues, Moderator: Holly Raiche, ALAC Member from APRALO

Speakers: James M. Bladel, Kathy Kleiman, Steven Metalitz 

Roundtable Topic 2: Expert Working Group on WHOIS, Moderator: Carlton Samuels, Member of EWG 

Speakers: Michele Neylon, Stephanie Perri

4. Participation of APRALO members in APRICOT 2014

Based on the invitation from APTLD, APRALO member Cheryl Langdon-Orr to provide updates from ICANN and APRALO region, as well as about the upcoming official MOU signing in Singapore between APRALO and APTLD during the APTLD members meeting during APRICOT 2014 in Malaysia. The APRALO Showcase during the ICANN Singapore meeting has been promoted as well. Several APRALO ALSs members are also present in APRICOT 2014 meeting in Malaysia.

5. Updates from ALAC Metrics committee (from Maureen Hilyard):

The ALAC Metrics committee has been consulting for several months with RALO Secretariats, Leaders and ALS members to gather views and opinions about how we might best measure the performance of ALAC members. This need is outlined in the ALAC Rules of Procedure. The Metrics committee has decided on a simple model of assessment, that looks at two types of metrics for ALAC members. One is a quantitative measure of their attendance of ALAC and Working Group meetings. The other is an expectation for the ALAC members to provide a monthly report which can be linked to their RALO workspace, about how they have contributed to the work of the ALAC. These evaluative models will be presented to the ALAC in Singapore where a new attendance metric will be trialled.  

6. FY15 budget requests from RALOs 

March 4, 2014 is set as a deadline for submission of special requests to be included in FY15 budget.

For more info see: At-Large FY15 Budget Development Workspace

7. Singapore Showcase

Total more than 6.000 USD was raised as sponsorship for APRALO Showcase in Singapore. Official invitations to speakers had been sent and some confirmations had been received. Staff is supporting with proper financial documentation with the support of Singapore local staff. The face-to-face meeting of Singapore Showcase OC is planned on March 22nd. 

8. Board candidate (Seat 15) selection

The request for additional candidates had been sent to APRALO, No additional names had been suggested from the region. 

9. ATLASII in London - Volunteers from APRALO

The request for volunteering in ATLAS II WGs had been sent by the acting chair to all APRALO members. Additional 10 members volunteered in different WGs. Staff followed up with subscribing them in appropriate WGs mailing lists. Eduardo Diaz and Carlos Dionisos Aguirre are invited and confirmed their participation in the next APRALO monthly meeting in Singapore on March 26nd.

January 2014 Report

1. New ALSs in APRALO

Three new ALSs became the part of APRALO:

  1. (190) Internet Society Bangladesh Dhaka Chapter, 
  2. (191) Internet Society Pakistan Islamabad Chapter, 
  3. (192) Internet Society Japan Chapter


The MoU with APNIC is finalized, no comments were received during the comment period.

During January the MOU with APTLD also was drafted, discussed with APTLD representatives and currently is under APRALO members discussion/comments period.

Both MOUs will be officially signed in Singapore - included in the showcase agenda.

3. January Spotlight: Hong Xue, Chinese Domain Name Users Alliance (CDNUA). The link for the presentation is posted in APRALO ALSes Spotlight space 

Next Spotlight - InternetNZ 

4. At Large Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program, known as CROPP 

The current pilot phase and time frame is quite challenging for APRALO region, as no major events had been identified so far for using within the framework of CROPP. Ali Almeshal and Cheryl Langdon Orr, who are the members of RT are in process of discussions with different stakeholders for possible event to be identified eligible under CROPP. To learn more about the program, please, visit:  

5. Singapore Showcase 

Due to the Gala dinner shifted on Monday, the Showcase will take place on Wednesday, March 26. The OC (Organizing Committee) hold one conference in January and action items are being revised, updated and commented via e-mail as well (APRALO Singapore Showcase OC 2013-12-04 Action Items). The team is in the process of discussions for: agenda, items for sponsorship, catering, documentations needed to be distributed, etc. The next OC call will be on February 6th. It was identified that so far we will have about 20 APRALO members present during Singapore meeting. 

6. Multi-stakeholder forum in Singapore

The Multi-stakeholder forum will be organized in Singapore. The title is finalized as "TOR and Alternatives to the DNS"

 The final agenda, speakers are in the process of finalization. 

7. Board candidate (Seat 15) selection

In accordance with the agreed schedule for Board Selection (Seat 15) (see the timeline here - on January 28 ICANN staff officially announced the names of the slate of candidates to fill Seat #15 of the ICANN Board - the official wiki page is here - The call on APRALO list to to whether APRALO members wish to suggest or add any names (out of submitted names, the list you can see below) to be included in the final slate of candidates or should someone's name petitioned for inclusion by the region, was raised and the appropriate e-mail had been sent to all APRALO members. The deadlines for submitting new names is Feb 11 later to be discussed and supported by two other RALOs (deadline Feb 21st). 

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