Nathalie  Peregrine:Dear all, welcome to the fourth PRE-ATLAS II Capacity Building Program on the Topic Policy Development Process on Monday 5th May 2014 at 1300 UTC

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Agenda page:

  Matthieu Camus:Hello everyone

  Silvia Vivanco:Hello everyone

  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome


  Carlos Raul:good morning

  Otunte Otueneh:Hello Silvia, my name is not in the attendance list

  Silvia Vivanco:Hello Otunte

  Silvia Vivanco:we will note it

  Otunte Otueneh:ok. thanks

  Allan Skuce:Greetings.

  Anthony Niiganii:Good Day All

  Mercy:Greetings from South Africa, Mercy Moyo here

  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all!

  Silvia Vivanco:We will begin in 5 mins

  Sunil Lal:Greetings from Fiji

  Aída Noblia:Hi all

  Pastor Peters Omoragbon:hi everyone is this the correct webinar ongoing now please? as I want to disconnect from my phone and continue here

  Silvia Vivanco:Hello Pastor Peters, we will start in 4 mins

  Silvia Vivanco:yes this is the correct webinar

  Lianna Galstyan:Greetings from Armenia

  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Lianna

  Pastor Peters Omoragbon:ok, thx

  Siranush Vardanyan:hello, all

  Narine Khachatryan:hello everyone!

  Robert Castonguay - Isoc Quebec:Hello everyone

  Ali AlMeshal:good afternoon from Bahrain to everyone

  Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, All!

  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Ali

  Silvia Vivanco:and Robert

  Peter Knight:Bom dia de Rio de janeiro!

  judith Hellerstein:Hi All from DC


  Mondher LAABIDI:Hello

  Sunil Lal:hello

  Siranush Vardanyan:I apologise, but need to leave the call in 30 minutes, will follow up with recording

  Natalia Enciso:Hello everyone!

  Terri Agnew:Welcome

  Aída Noblia:Hello Natalia!

  Natalia Enciso:Thanks Terri. Hola Aída!

  Silvia Vivanco:There is an evaluation sheet  attached to the calendar invite. Please fill  it in at the end of the webinar session and send it back to You can ask questions related to each session on the Wiki : within one week from the session’s date; The trainer will answer it not later than 2 weeks from the date of the presentation.

  Carlos Raul:he went out for a smoke

  Carlos Raul::)

  Philip F Johnson:Hi to all

  Terri Agnew:Welcome

  Lance Hinds:Morning

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:NomCom = Nominating Committee

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:SOI = an application for a position

  Marika Konings:NCUC = Non-Commercial Users Constituency

  Tom Lowenhaupt:SOI =Statement of Interest?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Tom : yes

  Carlos Raul:NPOC?

  Marika Konings:NPOC = Not for Profit Operational Concerns Constituency

  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ Tom, yes

  Peter Knight:Audio is breaking up

  Marika Konings:In a GNSO context, all participants are required to complete a Statement of Interest (SOI) so it is clear and transparent which interests you may have in a certain topic.

  Tom Lowenhaupt:NCA=?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Tom you'll find different parts of ICANN use Statement of Interest for different things. In At-Large it is a Statement that shows moreinformation about you and what conflicts of interest you might have. In the NomCom context, it is an application for a position

  Marika Konings:NCA = Nominating Committee Appointee

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Peter Audio perfect here. ¨Perhaps your link?

  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ Peter, please dial into the Adigo bridge on #1638 if your AC audio is bad. Alternatively we can dial out to you

  Roger Baig_:Can the slides be downloaded?

  Tom Lowenhaupt:Thanks you Olivier and Marika

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Roger: yes

  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ Roger slides are available ehre:

  Roger Baig_:thx

  Peter Knight:@Nathalie. Audio returned full stream.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Nathalie -- the slides are not on the Agenda yet.

  Fatima Cambronero:hello everyone (sorry for being late)

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Fatima

  Fatima Cambronero:thanks @Terri

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Ahh -- I apologies: Presentation: EN // ok

  Aída Noblia:Hello Fátima

  Marika Konings:More detailed graphics and further background information about the GNSO Policy Development Process can be found here:

  Fatima Cambronero:hello Aida

  Natalia Enciso:Audio on the AC breaks for some secs

  carlos dionisio aguirre:hi, I have n strong concern in relation with the members of the different constituencies and stakeholders in gnso. my concern has to do with the take cover made by certain groups in this constituencies . this situation mean that people interested on participate cant do because the space is only for "selected" people.  could you say something about it, or your opinion if you think im wrong. thanks

  Alan Greenberg:Overall process has a lot of detail and this *is* a short form. But at every stage of the process, that complexity is largely in the background. So getting involved does NOT require that this wntire process be mastered.

  Judith Hellerstein:I too had an audio problem, but it seems to be a firefox issue that uses a stand alone adobe connect app that i launches.  In this app lately the audio disappears and then reappears.  But now I switched browsers where the adobe connect app is within the borwser and I do not seem to have this problem

  Marika Konings:@Carlos - all GNSO Working Groups are open to anyone interested - these are not limited to GNSO Contituency or Stakeholder Group members.

  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:On entend plus rien sur le canal français

  Fatima Cambronero:no audio in Spanish channel for me

  Aída Noblia:for mi ehther Fátima

  Fatima Cambronero:back

  Alan Greenberg:Carlos, space on the GNSO COuncil is based on those specifically selected for thos seats. But participation in the policy process is not at all limited, except it does require that people comit time and effort to the process.

  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ Etienne, vous entendez maintenant, ou toujours pas?

  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:oui

  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:c'est revenu (le son)

  Nathalie  Peregrine:parfait, merci Etienne

  Alan Greenberg:Note that these measures of consensus are those used by the GNSO. Other parts of ICANN have differing definitions!

  carlos dionisio aguirre:thanks Alan , Is

  carlos dionisio aguirre:I wait the Thomas response, thanks again

  Fatima Cambronero:silence again in Spanish channel

  carlos dionisio aguirre:i know what you said, but i referto another thing what you know as well

  Nathalie  Peregrine:We have audio issues in FR and ES, looking into it now

  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:encore parti (le son)

  Anthony Niiganii:hey again, my flash crashed

  Nathalie  Peregrine:The interpretors are dialling back in, we will have FR and ES interpreation back up shortly

  Nathalie  Peregrine:ES interpretation is back, awaiting FR and we will resume the webinar. Apologies all for the inconvenience.


  carlos dionisio aguirre:it seems to me is very difficult for newbies understan in a complete way what mean the PDP and it complex procedure. i think we need more than one webinar

  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:pas toujours de son en français

  Garth Graham:Question: In ALAC, what is the “reasonably relevant” balance between the “community” that an ALS represents (i.e. the users engagement level) and ICANN’s internal “communities.”  Or, to put that another way, what’s the push-pull in the identification of policy issues from the viewpoint of ICANN’s expectations and what’s in the “real” world?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Etienne: on y travaille

  Nathalie  Peregrine:GNSO Newcomers webinar:

  Peter Knight:Audio stopped

  Alan Greenberg:As someone who has identified policy issues that have been addressed by the GNSO, I could try a reply.

  Peter Knight:Back again

  Alan Greenberg:But Marika has just said it!

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Alan: iok

  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ Hadja et Etienne, nous sommes desoles mais nous n;'arrivons pas a reocnnecter les interpretes Francais. Nous ne voulons pas retarder la presentation davantage. Si nous vous faisons parvenir la traduction du transcripte de ce webinar en priorite, est-ce que vous etes d'accord que les presentateurs continuent pendant que les interpretes francais resolvent leur probleme?

  Heidi Ullrich:Apologies for the delay. We will start the call again without FR interpretation

  Heidi Ullrich:and ask that the FR speakers read the transcript

  Anthony Niiganii:What process are in place to update and change policy should the need arises or is requested?

  Marika Konings:@Anthony - the idea is that a policy is reviewed over time and clarifications / modifications are suggested as for example is happening with the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP)

  Marika Konings:but the only mechanism currently available is to do this via a PDP

  Anthony Niiganii:@Marika thank you.

  Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Rappellez moi SVP

  Nathalie  Peregrine:@Etienne, de suite

  Nathalie  Peregrine:@Etienne, il n y  a plus d'interpretes francais

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Nous allons faire traduire la transcription en FR de faocn prioritaire

  Nathalie  Peregrine:vraiment desolee pour ceci

  Marika Konings:To give you a further idea about which topics are considered in scope for consensus policy per the 2013 RAA, please see

  Tom Lowenhaupt:What is outside the picket fence?

  Mercy:Whats the relationship between GNSO and IANA?

  Marika Konings:RAA = Registrar Accreditation Agreement

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:UDRP = Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy // the policy to resolve trademark abuses

  Marika Konings:@ Tom - the specification also specifies which topics are specifically considered outside of the scope for consensus policy development such as 1.4.1. prescribe or limit the price of Registrar Services;1.4.2. modify the limitations on Temporary Policies (defined below) or Consensus Policies;1.4.3. modify the provisions in the Registrar Accreditation Agreement regarding terms or conditions for the renewal, termination or amendment of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement or fees paid by Registrar to ICANN.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:It is worth noting that sometimes, the policies, like Proxy & Privacy Services Accreditation need to balance between the privacy rights of a domain registrant and the fight against criminal activity and fraud

  Marika Konings:@Mercy - the relationship is more specifically between gTLD registries concerning the delegation of gTLDs (generic top level domains)

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Reminder: CCNSO is for Country Codes Top Level Domains // ccTLDs

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Country Code Policy Developement is mostly dealt with in the Country Codes themselves --- and that is because Country Code Operators are Sovereign.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:So Country Code Operators can NOT be told what to do in their policy by ICANN

  Fatima Cambronero:is there global polices from the ccNSO?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Fatima: Marika's answering this now :-)

  Fatima Cambronero:yes, just that topic, thanks

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:It is worth noting that the RIRs, NRO & ASO are all inter-connected and often have the same people on the different committees

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ASO is all about Numbers. IP Addresses. for example

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:and IPv6 addresses like fe80:ab:cd::1 etc.

  Johnny Laureano:Dear, I think ICANN should dictate policy to ensure the interests of the stakeholders in the governments of the ccTLD, including ofcourse the interests of individual Internet users.

  Sebastien:Who is (not who was) ;)

  Mercy:Is the public comment open to anyone even non-ALAC members?

  Sebastien:Yes Mercy within At-Large and within ICANN globaly

  Marika Konings:@Sebastien - but presumably the drafting of a response by ALAC is limited to At-Large members only?

  Sebastien:@Marika Yes for At-Large they can be non-ALAC members

  Mercy:Thx Sebastien and Marika, I also wanted to know on how ALAC controls the comment process because if the commending is open to anyone there is need for some control I assume

  Darlene Thompson:Excellent information, thank you!

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Johnny: many people think the same as you, but it is impossible to ICANN to do this with ccTLDs; and whenever the topic was raised, the affected Country Code Operators have pushed back very strongly, threatening to leave the ccNSO. It is worth noting that if you are a Country Code Operator, you do not need to be on the ccNSO and indeed not all Country Codes Operators are ccNSO members

  Sebastien:@Mercy there are a process within At-Large and a global ICANN process. The first one end by a vote by ALAC before to go for public comments, for the second one it is open to all

  carlos dionisio aguirre:could u givethe url of the presentation? thanks

  Winthrop Yu:Isn't Matt now with Policy?

  Mercy:Thx Sebastien for the clarification

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Slides can be downloaded from here, under Presentation EN:

  Heidi Ullrich:@Winthrop, Matt moved to Strategic Initatives

  Heidi Ullrich:Ariel is the new At-Large Policy Coordinator :)

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I have been dropped off the call. Operators are calling me back

  Winthrop Yu:Copy, thank you @Heidi

  Heidi Ullrich:and is amazing!

  Heidi Ullrich:but then again, I think all At-Large staff are amazing ;)

  Ariel Liang:@Winthrop, I am the new Matt :)

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Telephone lines are being opened for questions

  Winthrop Yu:Hello @Ariel !

  Ariel Liang:Hello! Pls feel free to contact me if I can be of any help!

  carlos dionisio aguirre:excellentl presentation, a little bit longand complex specailly for newcommers

  Heidi Ullrich:@Cheryl, did you have a question?

  Yubelkys:a lot of information, but very clearly explained. Thank you!

  carlos dionisio aguirre:@yubelkys +1

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Agenda PAge:

  Marika Konings:For more information about IANA, please see

  Sunil Lal:Thank you for the nice presentation. ICANN is a very complex animal indeed, and this presentation has demystified its operations.

  Tom Lowenhaupt:Thanks to all for the excellent presentation.

  Monique Chartrand:many thanks

  Sebastien:IANA is within the ICANN structure/staff and GNSO is composed of the community (with staff support)

  Alan Greenberg:I can add something to the IANA/GNSO issue as well.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Root Zone is the top part of the DNS Pyramid. It's like the center of the Internet's Addressing System

  Mercy:Thank you everyone for the explanation

  Sebastien:The IANA Functions Explained -

  Sebastien:Yes I am on Adobe

  Judith Hellerstein:I can not hear him either

  Ariel Liang:Here is the presentation of the webinar:

  Otunte Otueneh:Ok Olivier. in slide 33 bottom up approach was mention, is there also a top-bottom approach?

  Johnny Laureano:Muchas gracias por la presentación.

  Allan Skuce:Great Presentation.

  Otunte Otueneh:my question is in the chat

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:thank you all

  Thomas Rickert:Thank you everyone and thanks to ALAC for this great initiative!

  Silvia Vivanco:The attached evaluation sheet will provide us with your valuable feedback. Please fill it in at the end of the webinar session and send it back to You can also ask questions related to each session on the Wiki : within one week from the session’s date; The trainer will answer it not later than 2 weeks from the date of the presentation.

  Yubelkys:thank you again and have a wonderful day!

  Heidi Ullrich:Hi All, there is a question and answer wiki available for your questons

  Winthrop Yu:Good one, thanks all!

  Silvia Vivanco:There is an evaluation sheet which has  been attached to the calendar invite

  Glenn McKnight:thanks

  Silvia Vivanco:please be  so kind to respond and give us feedback

  Peter Knight:I think there is a problem with IANA explanation in Chrome. It comes up fine in Firefox: Here is the presentation of the webinar:

  carlos dionisio aguirre:bye. and congrats by the excellent presentation

  Mercy:Heidi please supply the link to the wiki

  Heidi Ullrich:Q/A wiki space:

  Heidi Ullrich:and please could you take a few minutes to complete the evaluation form for this call?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:

  Ali AlMeshal:thanks to all

  Suhaidi Hassan:Great session! Thanks everyone. Bye all.

  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all!

  Silvia Vivanco:bye

  Anthony Niiganii:Kinanaskomitinawa!!! Have a great day everyone

  Lianna Galstyan:thank you too and bye all

  Roger Baig_:thx!

  Yasuichi Kitamura:thank you.


  Matthieu Camus:Thank you for this presentation, bye!

  Allan Skuce:Bye

  Fatima Cambronero:thanks to everyone for this presentation! bye

  Yubelkys:b ye

  Leon Sanchez:thanks all

  Mercy:thank you

  Leon Sanchez:bye

  Robert Castonguay - Isoc Quebec:Thanks and bye

  Siranush Vardanyan:bye all

  Adrian Carballo:Bye!

  Ariel Liang:thank you all. Bye bye

  Heidi Ullrich:46 days to the Summit!

  Heidi Ullrich:bye!

  Narine Khachatryan 2:thank you, good bye!

  Otunte Otueneh:great presentation. thank you all

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