Gisella Gruber-White:elcome to the Joint ROP & Metrics SC Call on Wednesday 12 December 2012 at 2100 UTC
  Maureenn Hilyard:I'm here!
  Maureenn Hilyard:Just getting myself organised
  Heidi Ullrich:Alan, will you be joining soon?
  Maureenn Hilyard:Gee I can't even spell my own name correctly
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:welcome back those who dropped
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:fingers crossed  lines will be more stable now
  Eduardo Diaz:Hola a Todos!
  Yaovi Atohoun:I am having problems with my phone line.  Please let the operator try +229 21309691
  Eduardo Diaz:Yes cheryl -  i am in the process of connecting to the bridge
  Yaovi Atohoun:I am on line now
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Small team to review the document of a whole  together is proposed   AG,  CLO,  + 2-3 mpore
  Eduardo Diaz:Cheryl  -> include me in the review check the whole doc.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Selection of tyhe Board Member  is subject  to a different Review  these rules  are not  to renuew  that  but SOME tweeks  can be implemented by the 2013-14  BCEC (with limitations)
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:noted Edwardo
  Sandra Hoferichter:Sorry for beeing late, I just had to finish another phone call.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:NP
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:glad you can make it
  Sandra Hoferichter::)
  Maureenn Hilyard:Each section working group should go through their areas line by line, and then bring it finally to the whole group for final endorsement
  Maureenn Hilyard:and they can raise any glaring issues, to be further discussed
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Yes  use of the Wiki will indeed be essential...
  Maureenn Hilyard:I agree.. people should use the wiki for any further comments.. so that the final meeting doesn't raise unexpected issues
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:indeed  Majreen
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:and  Yes  Alan  that is one of the catch points for thr BCEC
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:ohh  I also can't spell your name  ;-)
  Maureenn Hilyard:LOL
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:So  back to the AI's  the list of ALL the Adjuct documents  is essential  to get onto
  Heidi Ullrich 2:Noted Cheryl.
  Matt Ashtiani:@cheryl - would you like a new space or would you like to use the At-Large Rules of Procedure Working Group Documents Workspace -
  Heidi Ullrich 2:We are looking for Yjro's space
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Matt  perhaps  the ESA-DT's  sandbox material(s) needs to be ported to the template by an expert in the wiki (Hint HINT )
  Alan Greenberg: I think
  Maureenn Hilyard:Within the "materials' on  the meeting, workspace there was information on this section
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I would  thibk yes  as it requires interaction with your teams topic
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:SSAC is complicated  as well
  Alan Greenberg 2:Do any other groups have the ability to remove their board member. I don't think so.
  Maureenn Hilyard:Especially of those areas that may be contentious or new... (for presentation)
  Heidi Ullrich 2:The next ALAC meeting is on the 20th and the next ExCom meeting is the 21st
  Heidi Ullrich 2:I believe Olivier would like Cheryl to give an update on the ALAC call
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Only in election / reselection as far as I know Alan...
  Fatimata:@ AG, removing a Board member on request from ALAC ???
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Lets ask the GC  on the matter re recall of  selected persons to the Board.
  Alan Greenberg 2:@Fatimata,   yes, that is what I said.  AT-Large Board member
  Heidi Ullrich 2:25th January
  Heidi Ullrich 2:for the next ALAC meeting
  Fatimata:Very interesting and might be very challenging for the Board Alan
  Heidi Ullrich 2:Feb meeting is 26th
  Maureenn Hilyard:I'll be avaialble for a drafting meeting before New Year.. although I don't see too much haven't to be altered..
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:if  25  Jan is too agreesive  then  we should aim for a mid sessional  vote  by ALAC ?  OR  hold until the Feb ALAC Meeting???
  Heidi Ullrich 2:Should we aim for holding two DT calls the week of  7 January and 2 calls the week of the 14th?
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I suspect so Heidi
  Maureenn Hilyard:I'd like to get our draft out of the way as soon as possible, cos I have quite a lot of Beijing prep meetings to attend in the next few months.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Excellent suggestion  Tijani
  Maureenn Hilyard:Yes I think we have already mentioned teh importance of the wikis
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Wiki and LIST  are immportant  yes
  Fatimata:I couldn't hear Tijani's proposal
  Eduardo Diaz:Ok with me
  Alan Greenberg 2:I would think that we need a e-vote for approval, since we rarely have complete attendance at teleconferences.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:e Vote  yes this is TOO important
  Heidi Ullrich 2:I share your sentiments, Cheryl!
  Matt Ashtiani::)
  Maureenn Hilyard:YES
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Tijani asked that the DT's  let the list know when any changes are made  so we can all go to the Wiki to comment....
  Sandra Hoferichter:after the 7th!
  Fatimata:Thanks CLO
  Eduardo Diaz:After the 7Th will be ok. Our Holidays here last until the 14th.
  Matt Ashtiani:if you are on the AC room and have dialed in, please be sure to mute your computer speakers.
  Heidi Ullrich 2:Suggesting: ESA - first call week of the 7th and second the week of the 14th
  Heidi Ullrich 2:Duties and Metrics - week of the 7th;
  Heidi Ullrich 2:Meetings and Admin - week of the 14th
  Heidi Ullrich 2:Definition and Structure - week of the 14th.
  Heidi Ullrich 2:Is that ok?
  Fatimata:I am off
  Maureenn Hilyard:I will join Holly's group, Cheryl..
  Heidi Ullrich 2:Fatimata, Adigo is calling you back
  Fatimata:Thanks Heidi
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I think we will just  make that group subsumed  into the full review team  but  YES  your counted in now...
  Eduardo Diaz:Thanks!
  Maureenn Hilyard:Thank you Cheryl. Same to you! Hope your aunt is well.
  Sandra Hoferichter:same to you all!
  Fatimata:Thanks and bye to everyone
  Sandra Hoferichter:bye
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye all
  Natalia Enciso:bye!
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