Summary Minutes – new gTLD WG Call – 21 November 2011

Participants: Avri Doria, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Annette Muehlberg, Evan Leibovitch, Yaovi Atohoun, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Alan Greenberg, Sebastien Bachollet, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Cintra Sooknanan, Rudi Vansnick

Apologies: Hong Xue

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber

Rollout Issues - especially the topic of sending a letter

Summary: Seems to be support for a concise letter with a focus on what can still be fixed. Add a note at the bottom that the ALAC expects a response detailing the dispositions and reasons for those dispositions. There is value in a separate longer document as well, that gives the historical background and discussion on recommendations that ALAC made that were not accepted.

Evan has volunteered to help co-draft the letter. Need a lead drafter for the letter.

Need  drafters for a possible longer document.

Next Steps:

1. Take the issue back to the lists to confirm whether a letter will be drafted and contents.

2.  Create a wiki page to collect re-cap information on this topic.

JAS Issues - status update and strategy

Summary: Waiting on report of Board action.  Additional action on this issue needs to be taken, either in JAS WG or within At-Large/ALAC. A letter from the Chair of the new gTLD WG to the JAS WG co-Chairs might be desirable.

There are two issues of concern. 

1. A pending JAS work item dealing with the issue of Government and para-statal institutions as ineligible for support under this program.

2. The need to do further work on the details of  eligibility criteria to be used in evaluating support applicants.  The JAS recommendation included follow-up work with the staff on the next steps, including implementation and to come up with a set of guidelines and criteria to be used in the evaluation.

There should be consultation with the co-Chairs of the JAS WG.

Rudi Vansnick volunteered to help draft a note if one was needed.

A formal channel between new gTLD WG and JAS WG not needed. An informal channel is ok.  

On the government  eligibility issue, Alan Greenberg will write a note to the JAS WG.

Objection Process - process and milestones for getting this done.

Draft milestones: A draft of process by 12 Jan 2012 is required, with full process finalized and approved by 1 May 2012.

Working methods and ongoing meeting schedule

Group should use all available channels of communication.

Calls - Timing - what is best time? How often?

Continue discussion at next meeting.  Since agenda was not completed next meeting scheduled for 1 week, discussion on one or 2 weeks period for meeting pending.

Recommendation for weekly schedule - Alternate between 14:00 UTC and 21:00 UTC.

Some on the call favor a single time, if a time can be found.  

Next Meeting:  28 November at 21:00 UTC. 

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