07:56:55 From Evin Erdogdu to Everyone:
Hello all, welcome
07:59:10 From Priyatosh Jana to Everyone:
hi everyone
07:59:23 From Priyatosh Jana to Everyone:
greetings from India
08:02:51 From Roberto to Everyone:
Sorry to be late - was distracted by the volleyball :-(
08:03:02 From Herb Waye Ombuds to Everyone:
Greetings everyone. Hope you are all well.
08:03:17 From Devan Reed - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Hello All, Welcome to the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) Call on Wednesday, 21th July 2021.
08:03:26 From Devan Reed - ICANN Org to Everyone:
RTT Link: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN
08:04:51 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
RTT Link: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN
08:05:25 From alangreenberg to Everyone:
I have to leave on the hour.
08:06:05 From Evin Erdogdu to Everyone:
I’m here!
08:10:22 From Evin Erdogdu to Everyone:
Direct link to the Google Doc with ALAC advice:

08:11:39 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
Sorry, I', late
08:12:36 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
I've looked at it @Alan
08:13:06 From alangreenberg to Everyone:
@Justine, I know you did! :-)
08:13:15 From Hadia’s iPhone to Everyone:
Hello all apologies for joining late
08:13:24 From Devan Reed - ICANN Org to Everyone:
RTT Link: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN
08:13:47 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
Me too @Alan and will take another look before Friday. But I didn't find any substantial issues -- all well put together
08:19:07 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
Thank you Alan, Noted this Point on FOAs
08:19:33 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
Alan makes a good point. I agree -- there needs to be some feedback
08:24:33 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone:
Hello everyone.. sorry for being late
08:25:28 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
Way to make summer interesting, Justine!
08:29:26 From Evin Erdogdu - ICANN Org to Everyone:
08:30:08 From Evin Erdogdu - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Above link to IGO WT Home is correct on agenda but we will double-check for you, Olivier
08:31:16 From Olivier Crépin-Leblond to Everyone:
strange that's not the link I have when I click on the agenda
08:34:25 From Evin Erdogdu - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Noted - will plan for an upcoming CPWG meeting
08:34:31 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
+1 @JZ
08:34:49 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
good idea
08:35:43 From Evin Erdogdu - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Good point Justine, I can circulate John Crain’s presentation on the CPWG list.
08:38:12 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
The Recommendation #5 which was not accepted by the GNSO Council and which forms the main issue for the IGO-WT is as follows: "Where a losing registrant challenges the initial UDRP/URS decision by filing suit in a national court of mutual jurisdiction and the IGO that succeeded in its initial UDRP/URS complaint also succeeds in asserting jurisdictional immunity in that court, the decision rendered against the registrant in the predecessor UDRP or URS shall be set aside (i.e. invalidated)."
08:39:52 From Hadia’s iPhone to Everyone:
We could look at it
08:41:28 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
That’s what I would think as well
08:45:24 From Evin Erdogdu - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Noted, Satish and Olivier
08:45:28 From Evin Erdogdu - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Thank you
08:48:32 From Abdulkarim Oloyede to Everyone:
I was hoping we get 30 mins back but it seams not
08:50:15 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
I am not getting much audio -- really not helpful.
08:50:15 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
@Abdul … :-/
08:50:32 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
We all get the same Audio.
08:51:27 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
This is one of the funniest CPWG Meetings I'v ever attended
08:52:39 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
Such a lengthy update would be best supported by visual aid @Hadia
08:53:06 From Hadia’s iPhone to Everyone:
So sorry for that
08:53:46 From Evin Erdogdu - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Thank you Hadia, noted
08:57:10 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
18:30 is a bad time for South Asia and adjoining areas of Asia
08:57:35 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
that's midnight for us
08:59:21 From Herb Waye Ombuds to Everyone:
Take everyone… stay safe and be kind.
08:59:23 From Evin Erdogdu - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Thank you all!
08:59:32 From Priyatosh Jana to Everyone:
thank you all
08:59:34 From Herb Waye Ombuds to Everyone:
Take care* everyone
08:59:34 From Sarah T. Kiden to Everyone:
Thank you!
08:59:36 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Thanks all
08:59:36 From Lianna Galstyan to Everyone:
Thanks everyone
08:59:40 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
Thank oyu
08:59:46 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
bye all
08:59:50 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone:
Thanks and bye to all\
08:59:51 From Roberto to Everyone:

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