• Evin Erdogduto send final call for comments to the CPWG list for ALAC advice on EPDP Phase 2 (SSAD) for this Friday, July 30.
  • First meeting on IDNs EPDP to take place 11 August. Evin Erdogduto coordinate with ALAC reps on presenting to the CPWG.
  • Evin Erdogduto coordinate with CPWG Co-Chairs on presentation on upcoming DAAR 2.0 Public Comment proceeding. Circulate John Crain's presentation on the CPWG list. 
  • Justine Chewraised information about Domain Name Security Threat Information Collection and Reporting (DNSTICR):

    The DNSTICR project produces reports on recent domain registrations that we believe to be using the COVID-19 pandemic for phishing or malware campaigns. These reports contain the evidence that leads ICANN org to believe the domains are being used maliciously, along with other background information to help the responsible registrars to determine the correct course of action. More information about DNSTICR can be found here.

  • Hadia Elminiawito prepare a slide presentation for next week's CPWG.
  • Note: SSAC117 & SSAC118 presentation slated for September.
  • Devan ReedGisella Gruberto schedule next CPWG meeting for Wednesday, 4 August at 13 UTC.
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