• Gisella Gruberto  to post the evaluation surveys (pie charts) on the relevant wiki page and present the results on the next CBWG-Webinar call.
  • Evin Erdogdu to work with the CBWG webinars group to on re-activating the At-Large YouTube channel. In progress
  • Evin Erdogdu to create an At-Large CBWG hashtag: #AtLarge Webinars. In progress
  • Filina Natalia and Evin Erdogdu to work on aggregation of SM platforms. In progress
  • Filina Natalia to add topic of SM platforms for At-Large WGs to next SMWG call.
  • Next Webinar on IoT to be scheduled on 7 December
  • Abdulkarim Ayopo Oloyede to send the final experts' survey to At-Large staff.  
  • Alperen Eken to work with Abdulkarim Ayopo Oloyede on the expert survey to get it ready to send out.
  • Yesim Nazlar to have the final experts survey translated into the 5 UN languages and PT
  •  Gisella Gruberand Yesim Nazlarto follow up on Webinar certificates that may be sent via email to those who complete webinars. To consider the possibility of participants agreeing to an opt-in before each webinar. - IN PROGRESS WITH LEGAL 
  • The CBWG Webinars group to aim to have 6 months of webinar topics agreed by January.  

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