13:59:11 From Evin Erdoğdu : Hello all, welcome.
14:00:51 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : ;-)
14:00:54 From Tom Dale : Transparency initiative.
14:01:20 From Jorge Cancio : Hi everyone... happy to be in ALAC-lands :-)
14:01:25 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : We held that one
14:02:08 From Roberto : As Italian, I have been exposed to that @Christopher
14:02:58 From Jorge Cancio : good evening from Switzerland ;)
14:03:20 From Justine Chew : Welcome Manal, Luisa and Jorge!
14:03:39 From Jorge Cancio : thx Justine for inviting :-)
14:03:53 From Manal Ismail (Observer) : Thanks Justine :) !! Appreciate the kind invite ..
14:04:23 From Glenn McKNight : Audio?
14:04:24 From Luisa Paez : Hello everyone! Thank you for the invitation.
14:04:28 From Jorge Cancio : btw: great slides from Justine... impressive work :-)
14:04:37 From Luisa Paez : Greetings from Canada :)
14:05:02 From Glenn McKNight : Hi Luise and Taylor. Myself and Alfredo are working on a Online Spanish and English course on Internet Governance
14:05:38 From Glenn McKNight : We will have a GAC section in the course and looking for people interested in doing short presentations to the students
14:07:19 From Jorge Cancio : from time to time the GAC also adds some acronyms to the ICANN jungle
14:10:46 From Holly Raiche : What is meant by the term ‘verified TLDs’
14:11:26 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : @Manal: you go first?
14:12:00 From Jonathan Zuck : Great to work with you!
14:13:24 From Jonathan Zuck : So much in common. I think SubPro might be right that the DNS abuse issue should be handled in a way which is NOT specific to a new round.
14:14:22 From Holly Raiche : @ JZ - I am surprised that anyone thought that DNS abuse is only part of the discussions on a new round
14:14:51 From Hadia Elminiawi : Yes Luisa
14:14:58 From Hadia Elminiawi : we can hear you well
14:16:04 From Justine Chew : Sure
14:16:34 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : yes, Justine, don't be shy and lead us... this is your call :-)
14:19:10 From Jonathan Zuck : @Holly, it’s not SubPro’s job to look backwards, that’s all.
14:20:48 From Holly Raiche : True - but DNSAbuse (if that is what you are referring to) is surely an issue on its own
14:21:37 From Jonathan Zuck : Yes, I think we’re saying the same thing. I think the point of the SubProc folks is that THAT WG is not the place to discuss policy that SHOULD be ICANN wide
14:22:17 From Holly Raiche : @ JZ - total agreement
14:22:48 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : the GAC Montreal Advice is sort of agnostic on the forum, but indicates that the DNS Abuse related CCT recs have to be implemented before the next round starts...
14:24:37 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : good question...
14:24:47 From Holly Raiche : Thanks Jorge - that explains why DNS abuse comes up as a topic in this discussion
14:25:07 From Jonathan Zuck : Of course!
14:25:43 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : in fact, the GAC has raised the enforcement etc. in several inputs
14:25:54 From Holly Raiche : (but DNS is a larger issue that goes beyond…)
14:26:21 From Jonathan Zuck : Indeed
14:26:23 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : absolutely, Alan
14:26:40 From Holly Raiche : My point exactly - why have any PIC that isn’t enforceable - particularly RVGs
14:26:44 From Marita Moll : Good point Alan
14:27:19 From Marita Moll : audio lost
14:27:32 From Jonathan Zuck : We heard you, yes
14:28:15 From Holly Raiche : The only problem is that a registry may advertise that it has promised the following VRG - which the public may believe - but it is unenforceable
14:29:28 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : consultation ran in April :-)
14:30:12 From Manal Ismail (GAC Chair) : Sincere apologies again .. I need to drop off for a Board call starting at half past .. Many thanks again for the kind invitation and looking forward to catching up through the recording ..
14:30:30 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : thanks Manal :-)
14:30:31 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : Who decides which PICS or RVPICs are allow in the contracts? Is there a set of criteria that is applied to these before allowing them in the contract?
14:30:36 From Justine Chew : Thank you for joining us Manal
14:30:46 From Yrjo Lansipuro : Thank you, Manal!
14:31:10 From Holly Raiche : @ ED - maybe the question is why anything should be considered as part of the agreement if it cannot be enforced?
14:32:02 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : @Holly - better.
14:33:06 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : @Holly - so there is really only one criteria - Could it be enforced?
14:34:17 From Holly Raiche : @ Ed - it would make more sense - why have something in print it there is no guarantee that it must happen
14:35:41 From Justine Chew : My apologies, "gatekeeper" is my term
14:36:04 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : @Holly: agree
14:44:44 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : Justine?
14:44:52 From Roberto : ???
14:45:02 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : hahaha
14:45:27 From christopher wilkinson : Thankyou, Jorge, particularly for your contribution to WT5 on geo-names.
14:45:50 From Marita Moll : +1
14:45:51 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : @Christopher: a pleasure...
14:46:16 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : ...working with many of you :-)
14:48:29 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : did I already say these are great slides?
14:49:30 From Marita Moll : Justine is the hands down winner in the creation of slides department
14:50:16 From Holly Raiche : Can all VRGs be enforced by Compliance?
14:50:18 From Maureen Hilyard : +! Marita
14:50:22 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : we want more of those :-)
14:50:34 From Luisa Paez (GAC Vice Chair- Canada) : Excellent slides!
14:51:25 From Holly Raiche : ((sorry - VRA)
14:52:24 From Holly Raiche : @ JZ - your territory - do the agreements assist in mitigating DNS Abuse
14:55:15 From Holly Raiche : So Compliance only looks at SOME commitments
14:56:05 From Jonathan Zuck : @Holly, that’s my understanding. Compliance believes their responsibilities end with ICANN’s remit. This is why we’re having. A panel
14:56:43 From Holly Raiche : The diagram makes that REALLY clear
14:58:43 From Roberto : Agree. Slides are not only “nice” but also “clear” 
14:59:35 From Luisa Paez (GAC Vice Chair- Canada) : Thank you, Jonathan.
15:00:17 From Marita Moll : Why is it in the contract if it is outside the remit?
15:00:26 From Marita Moll : Doesn't make sense
15:00:51 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : legalese...
15:01:20 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : a dialect of it: legalICANNese
15:03:19 From Jonathan Zuck : https://www.winterfeldt.law/publications/icann-announces-implementation-of-key-improvements-to-public-interest-commitment-dispute-resolution-procedure-stemming-from-feedback-coalition-complaint
15:03:56 From Jonathan Zuck : From what I can tell, all they REALLY enforce is fees because the rest of the contract provisions are worded in such a way as to be unhelpful.
15:04:55 From Jonathan Zuck : Well, you KNOW that I’m a fan of the CCT prerequisite recommendations
15:05:00 From Luisa Paez (GAC Vice Chair- Canada) : +1
15:06:18 From Marita Moll : right on @ Holly -- false advertising
15:07:04 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : @Holly: Exactly. One example is what Ethos was doing during the PRI sale fiasco
15:07:17 From Jonathan Zuck : But they are not enforced by compliance
15:07:32 From Justine Chew : +1 Alan
15:07:37 From Marita Moll : so @Alan -- is this a question of political will?
15:07:38 From Jonathan Zuck : That’s why we have a. PICDRP to act like the UDRP
15:07:48 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : Recs 14, 15, 16 CCT give some ideas
15:07:57 From Taylor Bentley - GAC Canada : Thanks Alan, as always, for thinking steps ahead and driving discussion forward, agree
15:08:00 From Luisa Paez (GAC Vice Chair- Canada) : @Allan perhaps data accuracy additions...
15:08:19 From Holly Raiche : There is an issue relying on a complaint mechanism to enforce a contract. What the diagram makes clear is that they ONLY look at PAART of the PICs
15:08:34 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : "know your registrar", "know your registrant" are good practices I hear from some European cctlds with very low abuse levels
15:08:45 From Olivier Crépin-Leblond : I am doubtful about a voluntary PIC that's outside the remit of ICANN ever being enforced by ICANN compliance
15:09:06 From Holly Raiche : Clever passing the ball onwards
15:09:28 From Holly Raiche : @ OCL - totally agree
15:10:12 From Holly Raiche : The agility comes in by dodging responsibility for enforcement
15:11:17 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : could you elaborate more?
15:12:31 From Jonathan Zuck : A lot of lawyers actually think the CURRENT contract to accommodate a threshold as an “interpretation” of the vaguely. Worded “have a policy” language in the contract
15:12:44 From Luisa Paez (GAC Vice Chair- Canada) : Great, noted Justine, thank you.
15:13:13 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : past GAC Advice stands unless revised... so GAC Beijing Advice stands... if that helps on category 1...
15:19:08 From Luisa Paez (GAC Vice Chair- Canada) : Echoing Jorge's comments.
15:22:42 From Luisa Paez (GAC Vice Chair- Canada) : A lot of GAC members mentioned importance of alignment with ICANN Bylaws.
15:26:36 From Luisa Paez (GAC Vice Chair- Canada) : Still no GAC consensus views, but the individual input showcases what Jorge is portraying.
15:30:07 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : thanks to you all!
15:30:16 From Marita Moll : Yes, thanks Justine
15:30:18 From Roberto : Thank Justine for the slides and GAC for joining, it has been a very interesting meeting
15:30:20 From Hadia Elminiawi : Thank you Justine
15:30:20 From Maureen Hilyard : @Alan +1
15:30:48 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you!
15:30:54 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : thanks Jonathan :-)
15:30:54 From Luisa Paez (GAC Vice Chair- Canada) : I think we might have intersessional ALAC-GAC discussion on DNS abuse and sub Pro.
15:31:02 From Luisa Paez (GAC Vice Chair- Canada) : Thank you for having us
15:31:05 From Jorge Cancio (GAC Vicechair - Switzerland) : bye all...
15:31:07 From Maureen Hilyard : Definitely Luisa

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