17:38:22 From Yesim Nazlar : Welcome to the At-Large Technology Taskforce Call taking place on Monday, 06 May 2019 at 15:00 UTC
17:38:41 From Yesim Nazlar : Agenda: https://community.icann.org/x/EoeGBg
17:43:53 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Hello all
17:46:11 From Adrian Schmidt : Good morning!
17:55:36 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : As a FYI - the icannatlarge.blog was shown on the O&E call
17:57:13 From Evin Erdoğdu : Hello all, welcome.
17:57:52 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : One interesting tech is the ability to have the posts be translated and also hear the post being read to you in multiple languages https://icannatlarge.blog/2019/03/05/news-from-lacralo-february-2019/
18:00:37 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Just testing something that I reported on the Technology Issues page - it was noticed with Adobe Connect in handling of URLs but looking to see how Zoom handles it : http://stream.icann.org:8000/kix64-topaz-fr.m3u
18:04:16 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Last call AI : https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Action+Items%3A+2019-02-20+At-Large+Technology+Task+Force+Call
18:04:26 From Evin Erdoğdu : https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Action+Items%3A+2019-02-20+At-Large+Technology+Task+Force+Call
18:04:42 From Yesim Nazlar : https://community.icann.org/x/_4g2Bg
18:04:59 From Carlton Samuels : Howdy do everybody
18:06:55 From Satish Babu : +1 Judith: Dev & Carlton
18:06:57 From Evin Erdoğdu : Congrats :)
18:06:59 From Carlton Samuels : Thank you Judith
18:07:00 From laura.bengford : Congrats Dev!
18:07:18 From Maureen Hilyard : +1 Judith.. Great work Dev and Carlton and the others
18:10:54 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Thanks all
18:11:14 From Ricardo Holmquist - ALAC : I strongly suggest for most of LACRALO list to have both lists, just to check that you receive all the emails. I am suscribed to both lists since the begining
18:11:52 From Judith Hellerstein : Yes. Seems like that is the case. we hope to have only one list which is the goal
18:12:22 From Ricardo Holmquist - ALAC : For me, it was a matter of reading the original language of the email sender
18:13:01 From Ricardo Holmquist - ALAC : and not relying on a translation tool. But I found out it is very useful to test if I receive all emails
18:14:45 From Ricardo Holmquist - ALAC : Dev, for that, it was clear on the rules, that you must reply in the same language of the email
18:15:25 From Glenn : howdy all, i was on the UN call on DigitalCooperation
18:16:07 From Glenn : Dev has installed the Polly feature on the ICANN ATLARGE Blog
18:16:08 From Maureen Hilyard : I agree with Satish and Dev.. this is a critical issue and needs to be fixed asap.. Dev would be an excellent person to trial any tools that might help to fix the problem
18:16:10 From Carlton Samuels : In my view automatic translation is a must have. I consider it a deal breaker if we cannot have competent transaltion for LACRALO.
18:17:12 From Satish Babu : I fully agree with Dev.
18:17:37 From Carlton Samuels : It works for gmail users directly so I'm stumped for what could be the cause in the ICANN org implementation
18:17:52 From Evin Erdoğdu : Will note AIs
18:17:55 From Glenn : This issue reminds me of the movie Groundhog Day
18:18:12 From Satish Babu : :-) Agree, Glenn.
18:18:36 From Maureen Hilyard : WEekly updates imperative
18:18:48 From Evin Erdoğdu : AI: Mark to give weekly updates to either LACRALO list or to just Dev/select group on translation tool
18:18:57 From Ricardo Holmquist - ALAC : Can ICANN have an email, where we can send the emails we receive with the translation errors
18:19:30 From Carlton Samuels : We now have Dev haing to take the Spanish language emails directly from the Spanish list, translate and place the transaltion in the ENglish discussion list! That's way too much effort for what should be a routine technology assist!
18:20:04 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : @Ricardo - I suppose, but to me, the ICANN tool generates the email error message so ICANN *should* be aware which emails are triggering errors
18:20:14 From Ricardo Holmquist - ALAC : @Carlton, that makes no sense!, what a waste of technology
18:20:36 From Glenn : https://www.3playmedia.com/2018/12/12/us-laws-video-accessibility/
18:20:37 From Maureen Hilyard : That is ridiculous.. Dev shouldn't have to do this
18:20:40 From Ricardo Holmquist - ALAC : @Dev, thanks!
18:20:59 From Glenn : Its an legal issue
18:21:52 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : can alternative tool be explored. we have been on this for too long a time
18:21:58 From Glenn : If you produce or distribute videos in the United States, your content may be subject to federal regulations regarding accessibility for the deaf and hard of hearing. The rules are adapting to the digital age, so it’s important to be aware of what laws are on the books and which ones apply to you.
18:22:03 From Maureen Hilyard : Are there countries in LACRALO that ban Google?
18:22:21 From Ricardo Holmquist - ALAC : in LACRALO, no, so far
18:22:52 From Ricardo Holmquist - ALAC : Venezuela blocks google at some times, but it is notalways
18:23:07 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : @Maureen - not aware of blockages - but the thing is, not everyone uses Gmail
18:23:56 From Glenn : Americans with Disabilities Act – Title II and Title III Rehabilitation Act – Section 504 and Section 508 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act FCC
18:24:31 From Glenn : All rules are in place to make any US non profit, school etc to make sure their video content is accessible
18:24:44 From Glenn : Sound is bad
18:24:59 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : @Abdulkarim - several ideas were explored - but it was decided that the translation has been improved, and maybe its a "simple" fix to the tool to remove the errors
18:25:04 From Carlton Samuels : I'm not hearing Satish
18:25:27 From Judith Hellerstein : satish is not talking now
18:25:29 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : That's not Satish - its Muhammad Shabbir
18:25:36 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : ok Dev
18:26:27 From laura.bengford : Shabbir, yes we need to fix ICANN Learn since it uses Captcha. Recaptcha should work, since it asks I am a Human and the screen reader should read this
18:26:46 From laura.bengford : We have not yet evaluated the Math Captcha
18:27:11 From laura.bengford : Thank you Shabbir, very helpful to get your feedback
18:28:12 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : @Abdulkarim - however if there's no progress, then a review of the other ideas for translation needs to happen - happy to hear suggestions from the community on how to translate emails between two email lists
18:36:07 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : One interesting tech is the ability to have the posts be translated and also hear the post being read to you in multiple languages https://icannatlarge.blog/2019/03/05/news-from-lacralo-february-2019/
18:38:39 From laura.bengford : Learn is mobile responsive!
18:42:26 From Glenn : Sorry i had to be on a call with Wale but back now
18:42:40 From Glenn : Missed the discussion on captioning videos
18:44:32 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Hello all sorry for joining late I was on NRI meeting .thanks
18:45:34 From Yesim Nazlar : welcome Abdeldjalil
18:46:02 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Thanks @Yesim
18:47:41 From Glenn : does anyone see the closed caption in ZOOM?
18:48:16 From Ricardo Holmquist - ALAC : just started it, but nothing happen
18:48:24 From Judith Hellerstein : It is on, but it is only when Evin is writing the AIs that I see the captioning
18:51:06 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Yes, not sure the cc pod is the right way to document the AIs - if captioning/transcripts are done, I'm thinking the cc pod would have the transcript
18:51:09 From Judith Hellerstein : We are having a call on Zoom on May 20 and have created a list of questions and we will post that to the TTF
18:53:36 From Greg Shatan (ISOC-NY) : Sorry to be late. I have another ICANN call conflicting with this one.
18:53:50 From Yesim Nazlar : Welcome Greg!
18:54:15 From Ricardo Holmquist - ALAC : sorry, will have to leave
18:54:26 From Ricardo Holmquist - ALAC : have a nice day everyone
18:54:38 From Yesim Nazlar : thanks for joining Ricardo
18:54:59 From Judith Hellerstein : Thanks for joining
18:58:45 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Having the confluence wiki be more mobile friendly would be helpful
19:01:02 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : i agree with Dev on Mibile friendly Wiki
19:01:30 From Maureen Hilyard : An excellent plan for future meetings Judith
19:01:31 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : How to automatically transcribe cloud recordings in Zoom : https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115004794983-Automatically-Transcribe-Cloud-Recordings-
19:01:57 From Betsy Andrews : I need to jump on another call, but thanks all for the invite and feel free to get in touch if you have any other questions about ICANN Learn!
19:03:58 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : - Business, Education, or Enterprise license with Cloud Recording enabled Account owner or admin permissions to enable for your account or group
19:04:35 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : But i think it would be good to try it out and see
19:05:19 From Carlton Samuels : Thank you all, bye all
19:05:26 From laura.bengford : Thank you all.
19:05:27 From Satish Babu : Thanks and bye, everyone!
19:05:28 From Heidi Ullrich : Thanks, All!
19:05:33 From Heidi Ullrich : Lots of progress today.
19:05:39 From Heidi Ullrich : Thanks, Mark and Laura.
19:05:45 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : thanks Judith and all
19:05:51 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you Mark, Laura, Betsy and all.
19:06:53 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Ask Language Services if they can attend 1500 UTC, and if not, then a doodle with their preffered times could be done
19:07:38 From Gordon Chillcott : THanks and bye for now.
19:07:39 From Adrian Schmidt : bye! Yes here still morning
19:07:40 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Take care all!
19:07:49 From Greg Shatan (ISOC-NY) : bye
19:07:49 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Bye

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