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DEADLINE FOR 2017 IGF Workshop submission: Wednesday, 3 May 2017 23:59 UTC-11.

Details of At-Large FY18 Additional Budget Request Proposals and Approval Text: At-Large FY18 Special Request Implementation Workspace 

2017 IGF Information

  1. IGF Call for Workshop Proposals

  2. Guidelines for Workshops

  3. 2017 IGF Workshop Form

  4. IGF 2017 Workshop Session Formats and Evaluation Criteria

At-Large 2017 IGF Proposals


ALAC/Sub-Committee on Outreach and Engagement

Original  Proposal to FBSC

The proposal is to organize and implement an effective, coordinated and sustained At-Large strategy to raise awareness of the end-user perspective and engage in targeted outreach and engagement program during the 2017 IGF to be held in Geneva 18-21 December 2017 which is a premier global event  targeting global stakeholders in the Internet Ecosystem.  The program will include awareness raising on end-user policy issues through 5 workshops, training activities and better utilize the ICANN information booth, thus heighten overall branding of At-Large and ICANN.

Note that this request is being submitted in addition to several RALO-based requests for IGF support. This is necessary because there is no Assurance that a global At-Large IGF request will be accepted, and the individual requests, even if accepted by ICANN, will be contingent on IGF acceptance. However, on the assumption that this request is dealt with favorably, and one or more RALO requests are accepted, it is understood that they will be reconciled and implemented synergistically.

Moreover, it is understood that a global presence of At-Large representing ICANN at an IGF, without a particular ICANN funded workshop, is a new concept, and it is expected that this will need to be phased in over a period of several years.

At-Large wiki page on At-Large IGF propopsals : 


The IGF proposal submission form (available below) is now reasonably stable: 


IGF 2017 Workshop Proposal Form


I. Session title:

Towards Internet Governance at the Last Mile: Shaping the Digital Future of End-Users

(Length limit is 100 characters)


Internet Governance impacts all communities in various ways including  accessibility, cyber- security, child safety, human rights and Internet Shutdowns), simplified & contextualized, and presented in local language at locales ranging from schools to villages   The methodologies for effective education to all the end users requires thinking outside the box of the traditional methods of educating the public on these topics.  The Shaping the Digital Future of Communities through Internet Governance  requires building a set of effective tools based on best practices to engage and educate the end users.   The IGF is especially appropriate for discussing such a model, given its open nature and broad remit. The outcome of the session would be provide recommendations on the feasibility of an expanded model of Internet Governance.


II. Session format

Panel - 90 min


III. Proposer

Glenn McKnight


IV. Backup Contact/Co- Proposer

Satish Babu


V. Organizers

Dr. Olivier Crépin-Leblond, EURALO, ICANN

Mr. Dev Anand Teelucksingh, LACRALO, ICANN

Mr. Daniel Nanghaka, AFRALO, ICANN

Mr. Satish Babu, APRALO, ICANN

Mr. Glenn McKnight, NARALO, ICANN


VI. Speakers

Email IDs of provisionally-confirmed speakers:,,,,


VII  Content of the Session

Issues Addressed

Our session will address the Shaping the Digital Future through a discussion of sharing how local strategies can provide a roadmap for others to perform effective outreach and engagement to the end Internet users


Session Overview

An interactive discussion between regional practitioners with the active participation of online and audience to  share best practices in outreach and engagement to end users

A brief overview of the session followed by fourth examples of embracing the end-user community based upon the diversity of communities of interest, regionalism and localism. Each round will discuss the challenges and opportunities in incorporating local active participation.

Tentative Session Structure

  • Introduction - Welcome, purpose and objective of the discussion - 3 minutes

  • Outreach to Indigenous Groups, Persons with Disabilities and Specific Needs, and Interaction from participants  (14 mins)

  • Regional Perspectives of getting end users engaged in their Digital Futures

    • Asia Pacific  (14 mins - 7 mins for Interaction from participants)

    • Africa  (14 mins - 7 mins for Interaction from participants)

    • Latin America and the Caribbean (14 mins - 7 mins for Interaction from participants)

    • Europe (14 mins - 7 mins for Interaction from participants)

    • North America (14 mins - 7 mins for Interaction from participants)

  • Wrap up - 3 mins

Total  90 minutes

Format:  Panel

Lead:  Chair  Satish Babu



Daniel Nanghaka/Sara Kiden

Glenn McKnight/Judith Hellerstein

Olivier Crepin Leblond

Gunela Astbrink

Dev Anand Teelucksingh/ Maritza Y. Aguero/ Jacqueline Morris

Rapporteur:   Judith Hellerstein

Onsite Moderator: Sarah Kiden

Online Moderator: Dev Anand Teelucksingh



90 minutes



Short  Presentation on regional topic

Breakout discussion with audience (both online and in-room)

Remote participation including questions and answers

VIII Relevance of the Issue

Our key focus in Shaping the Digital Future for those that are marginalized from full participation due to national and regional policies, economic barriers and other reasons and to further bring forth experiences from different geographical locations issues pertaining Internet Governance.

IX. Tags

Access and Diversity [id:68]

Enhancing Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities [id:71]

Multistakeholder Cooperation [id:89]

X. Interventions


Each of the speakers for each round has a specific region and community of Interest that they focus upon. They will summarise their achievements and challenges, and discuss opportunities for replication of their strategies for outreach and participation.

All the participants will be invited to a collaborative notes page with details on the short topic discussions

Please describe how you will use your speakers and how their views/perspectives/expertise will be included in the session.


XI. Diversity *


We will have speakers from Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, India, France and Canada. We aim to have 50% of the speakers be female and the majority of the speakers will be from emergent economies, and will also be from the Global South.

XV. Online Participation *

We will promote remote participation to the  Facebook Internet Governance Hub, as well as the  ICANN AT-LARGE SKYPE, Facebook and Twitter feeds, and through ISOC's Chapters and ISOC's live stream followers


Our Online & Onsite moderators are Sarah Kiden, Judith Hellerstein or Dev Anand Teelucksingh

The remote participation will be fully inclusive. Questions and comments from online attendees will be included in the workshop session on an equal basis with those from in-room participants. A microphone will be provided for the online participants, and the remote moderator will coordinate the overall queue with the in-room moderator.


An important part of workshop sessions is their strategy for online participation. Please clearly describe how you will manage online participation during the session. Please note that tweets and social media applications allow for observations to the online community, but do not constitute online participation. Unless your proposal clearly indicates that it will not offer online participation, and why not, please indicate how you will ensure equal online participation, both in concept and in practice. For example, online attendees will have a separate queue and microphone, which will rotate equally with the mics in the room; the workshop moderator will have the online participation session open and will be in close communication with the workshop’s trained online moderator, to make any adaptations necessary as they arise, etc. Please take seriously the requirement that the workshop should have its own trained remote moderator who has been part of the issue and workshop development, and is prepared to manage this responsibility


XVI. Discussion facilitation *

The Panel format will lend itself to both specific and overall discussion. The agenda above indicates that there will be six main topics, focusing on separate regions/communities. After each opening remarks, there will be 7 minutes for discussion on the specific presentation. At the end of the presentations, the discussion will be opened up for questions and responses on any and all topics, including similarities, possibilities for replication in other regions and communities, examples from participants who are doing similar work, and more.

The panellists are not to be considered “experts” to take up much of the time speaking, but the discussion time is expected to hear from participants in the workshop, both in-room and online.

There will be an opportunity for questions to be grouped so that the discussion can draw out common themes and topics, useful for ongoing work.









Proposal Submitted: "Data is the New Oil": Shaping the Digital Economy of MENA

I. Session Title: "Data is the New Oil": Shaping the Digital Economy of MENA
   ==*II. Session Format*==
     Session Format: Round Table - 90 Min
     Session Format Description:

   ==*III. Proposer*==
     Gender: Male
     Family Name: AlMeshal
     Given Name: Ali
     City of Residence: MANAMA
     Country of Residence: Bahrain
     Nationality: Bahrain
     Stakeholder Group: Civil Society
     Organization: Bahrain ISOC
     Country where Organization is based: Bahrain

   ==*IV. Backup Contact / Co-proposer*==
     Gender: Male
     Family Name: Babu
     Given Name: Satish
     Stakeholder Group: Private Sector
     Organization: ISOC-TRV
     Country: India

   ==*V. Organizers*==
     Ms.,Lianna,Galstyan,Technical Community, .AM Registry, Armenia

     Ms.,Sarah, Kiden,Academia, Uganda University

     Ms.,Maritza,Minan, Civil society, AUI PERU

   ==*VI. Speakers*==
     Email addresses of provisionally confirmed speakers (comma

VII. Content of the Session:
One of the most impressive achievements of the Internet has been its impact
on the global economy, particularly on the domains of finance, commerce,
trade and innovation. The transformative nature of the Internet has resulted
today in not just a connected world, but also in a world that transacts

The ‘New Economy’, as the Digital Economy is also known, is the result of
the transition from the brick-and-mortar businesses of the Twentieth Century
to the ‘Brick-and-Click’ and the ‘Click-only’ economies of today,
which are built around the Internet. As we look to the future, the Internet
is the enabler, the marketplace and the market, and has room for not just
giant trans-national enterprises but also for the tiny startups. The space
for ‘permissionless innovation’ that the Internet provides, overcomes all
barriers such as geography and location.

Despite this sweeping potential, there are substantial variations in the way
the Digital Economy has been leveraged by different regions and countries of
the world. The Digital Divide that still exists—albeit different from the
original digital divide that focused on access—is still a reality. While
most people do have access today, the New Digital Divide is between people
who have reliable, affordable, fast broadband, and the people who have
intermittent, expensive Internet that are difficult to be used for
transactional services. Given this gap, there are perhaps few countries
amongst Emerging Economies which have fully leveraged the potential of the
Internet as much as Developed Economies.

There are, however, a few examples from the Global South that illustrate how
the Internet Economy could be leveraged provided there is coherent policy
intent coupled with pragmatic and innovative approaches. Prominent amongst
these is the Middle East.

As late as five years back, the Middle East was seemingly afflicted by a
number of economic issues arising from the global recession, crashing oil
prices, the social aftermath of the Arab Spring, subdued local demand, and
social inhibitors, which together predicted a deep and protracted economic
slowdown for the region.

Despite these dire predictions, the Middle East has shown remarkable
resilience in not only maintaining the size of its economy, but even growing
in the face of these challenges. The current GDP of the region is USD 1.7
trillion, far surpassing the pessimistic estimates of 2012-13. One of the
most important technological enabler of this rebound appears to be the

This Round-table focuses on sharing the experience of the Middle East in
using the Internet in building and stabilizing its Digital Economy, and the
lessons for the rest of the world. The experiences of speakers and audience
members from other regions of the world as well as their responses to the
applicability of the Middle East model in their own context would add
richness to the discussions.

The outcome from the session would be to evolve a consensus on the Best
Practices in the use of the Internet in realizing the potential of a Digital
Economy, and also regional and local Best Practices in any aspect of this
transition, including Internet Governance aspects. The speakers at the
Round-table represent the different stakeholders of the transition to digital
economy, including Business, Government and Civil Society.

VIII. Relevance of the Issue:
Economic factors lie at the heart of numerous problems that the world faces
today. Measures that strengthen the economy will enhance the quality of life
of millions of people around the world, permit poverty reduction, improve
education & health, promote innovation, attract investment and stimulate
wealth creation.

The Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE, were
expected to show little growth after the turbulence of the Arab Spring,
coupled with the crippling impact of oil price crash. However, a few years
later, contrary to expectations, the region has boucned back to a state of
growth. To quote McKinsey (2015),

"The Middle East is on the verge of a massive digital disruption. In the past
decade, the cross-border data flow connecting the Middle East to the world
has increased by more   than 150-fold. Several countries--including the United
Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Qatar--are leading the digital consumer charge,
with high smartphone adoption rates and social media use. "

For workplaces and economies of the future, it is clear that the Internet
will play a central role, manifest through such components as e-business,
e-commerce, and e-governance. The example of the Middle East, data has become
the great lubricant for economic growth.

It is important to discuss and highlight the factors behind this remarkable
turn of events, and how governments, Business and Civil Society from around
the globe can learn from this Internet-driven transformation.

The Round-table will examine social, economic, technology, policy and
Internet Governance drivers that have been at play in the Middle East, that
have collectively contributed to this success. It will further examine,
through interventions from speakers from different regions, if the same Best
Practices would work effectively in other global contexts. Finally, speakers
from the Middle East will also touch upon what else needs to be done to take
this process to the logical conclusion and complete the transition to a
fully-empowered Digital Economy.

   ==*IX. Tags*==
     Tag 1:
Tag 2:
     & ICTs for the Sustainable Development Goals
Tag 3:
X. Interventions:
The Round-Table will have a mix of Subject Matter Experts (Economists,
Internet Governance Resource Persons) as well as representatives of Business,
Government, and Civil Society from different regions, who will be present in
person as well by remote participation and social media (largely Twitter, but
questions would be taken on email as well).

The Session would start with the domain experts (Economists and IG
specialists) who would start off with a 10 minute introduction to the topic,
followed by brief interventions (5 minutes or less) by speakers and walk-in
participants (local and remote) from different stakeholder groups. 20 min
will be set apart for open questions which will be answered by speakers that
the moderator may identify.

There will be no difference in priority between previously identified
speakers, walk-in users in the audience, remote speakers and social media

XI. Diversity: The proposal strives to bring in diversity in its different
aspects, as it has speakers, co-organizers, and moderators, from different
regions, stakeholder groups, age, gender, disability and specialization.
Further diversity will be brought in from participants in the audience as
well as remote. While the topic is centered around  the Middle East  North
Africa (MENA) region, the discussions will not be confined to this region,
and will touch upon the applicability of the Middle East's Digital Economy
model in other regions. By giving appropriate publicity about the workshop,
and by ensuring top-class experts amongst the speakers, the workshop will
attract a cross-section of audience at the IGF, and further add to the
XII. Onsite Moderator: Ali AlMeshal
XIII. Online Moderator: Lianna Galstyan
XIV. Rapporteur: Satish Babu
XV. Online Participation: The online moderator for the session will be Lianna
Galstyan, who is has participated in several IGFs in the past (including IGF
2016) and is an experienced online moderator. Online participation will be
encouraged from all participants including the host-provided remote
participation tool (such as Adobe Connect) as well as email and Twitter. The
online moderator will ensure that remote participants get the same priority
as the speakers and the audience physically present in the session. The
advantage of the Round-table format is that (a) it is easily amenable to
remote participants to see and participate; and (b) since it is based on
conversations, it is easier for remote participants to join the discussions.
XVI. Discussion facilitation:
The session will follow the following format:

1. Welcome and Session Objectives: Moderator (5 min)
2. The Digital Economic Future: Domain Expert (10 min)
3. The Middle East Experience in Leveraging the Digital Economy: Domain
Expert (10 min)
4. Sharing of experiences (3-5 min x 10 = 40 min)
5. Open Q & A (20 min)
6. Summing up and Conclusions: Moderator (5 min)

   ==*XVII. Past IGF Participation*==
     History in IGF: Yes
     Report Link:

XVIII. Sustainable Development Goals:
No. 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
No. 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

   ==*XIX. Connecting with IGF Intersessional Groups & NRIs*==
     Best Practice Forums:
     Dynamic Coalitions:
     National and Regional Initiatives:

XX. Connecting with International or Other Relevant Organizations:
XXI. Additional Background Paper (Optional):
XXII. Additional Reference Document Link (Optional):



I. Session Title: Reinforcing the role of end-users in defending the Public
   ==*II. Session Format*==
     Session Format: Round Table - 90 Min
     Session Format Description:

   ==*III. Proposer*==
     Gender: Male
     Family Name: Ludwig
     Given Name: Wolf
     City of Residence: Basel
     Country of Residence: Switzerland
     Nationality: Germany
     Stakeholder Group: Civil Society
     Organization: EURALO
     Country where Organization is based: Switzerland

   ==*IV. Backup Contact / Co-proposer*==
     Gender: Male
     Family Name: Crepin-Leblond
     Given Name: Olivier
     Stakeholder Group: Technical Community
     Organization: EURALO
     Country: Switzerland

   ==*V. Organizers*==
     Mr., Wolf, LUDWIG, civil society, EURALO
     Olivier, CREPIN-LEBLOND, technical community, EURALO

   ==*VI. Speakers*==
     Email addresses of provisionally confirmed speakers (comma

Mark Carvell, UK Government

Raul Echeberria, Internet Society, Technical Community

Caroline Greer, Cloudflare, Private Sector

Nigel Hickson, ICANN, Technical Community

Marilia Maciel, NCUC, Civil Society

Parminder Jeet Singh, ITforChange, Civil Society

Tatiana Tropina, NCUC, Civil Society

VII. Content of the Session: We will bring together regional practitioners, online and in-house participants to share best practices in “The Public Interest” through short and specific reporting. One key component will be the study of ICANN’s special status acting in the “Public Interest”. A workshop organized by EURALO on the “The Public Interest”. EURALO has been at the forefront of the discussions on the Public Interest in ALAC but also in ICANN, through its working group on the Public Interest and its involvement in the ICANN-wide public interest discussions. This workshop would explore the Public Interest in ICANN’s remit and compare it with other Multistakeholder systems and the Public Interest in wider Internet Governance. Representatives from the various stakeholder groups composing the Multistakeholder ecosystem will be invited to explain their perspective. The discussion of the Public Interest in ICANN’s remit would act as a starting point for a wider debate that touches on the broader Internet Ecosystem. It follows up on a more general PI debate and session at the IGF in November 2015 in Joao Pessoa, Brazil. More information about the Public Interest within ICANN’s remit can be found on: Format/Agenda Inter-active with key inputs and inclusive discussion Short Presentation about topic Breakout discussion with audience (both online and in-room) Remote participation including questions and answers VIII. Relevance of the Issue: The Public Interest is an essential component of the multistakeholder model of Internet Governance. This model being a balance of government, civil society and private sector input into governance processes, does not serve the purpose of a single stakeholder. Quite the contrary, the model is supposed to counter any vested interest by a single stakeholder group and to generate discussion that leads to decisions being taken for the public good, both on a technical and on a political level. However, imbalances in the model might bring forward the interest of a few instead of interests of a majority. Participants will focus on good practices for multistakeholder systems to remain balanced and decisions to be taken in the Public Interest. ==*IX. Tags*== Tag 1: Multistakeholder Cooperation Tag 2: Openness [1] Tag 3: Critical Internet Resources X. Interventions: Each of the speakers for each round has a specific region and community of Interest that they focus upon. They will summarize their achievements and challenges, and discuss opportunities for replication of their strategies for outreach and participation. The suggested speakers are asked to concentrate on short and precise introductory statements from their expertise and angles to allow as much time as possible for interactive discussions with the audience. All the participants will be invited to a collaborative notes page with details on the short topic discussions. XI. Diversity: The variety of our suggested speakers -- reflecting gender, regional and other balances -- is designed to provide a broader picture and reflexion on the term and subject of the Public Interest in different regions, societies and contexts. Our panel is both geographically and gender balanced with participants from WEOG, Asia and Latin America. XII. Onsite Moderator: Wolf Ludwig XIII. Online Moderator: Michael Oghia XIV. Rapporteur: Carlton Samuels XV. Online Participation: As a matter of principle, remote participants in our session are equally treated like on-site participants. The chair and session moderator will always check and coordinate with the RP-moderator to find out and include questions and comments from remote participants. Our online moderator will be an inherent part of the discussion, relaying comments and questions from remote participants. At all moments the online moderator will be able to indicate an online contribution - thus the online moderator will not need to be asked to speak by the main moderator. Since the format is a roundtable discussion, it is anticipated that the online moderator will have equal speaking time to all main names participants. XVI. Discussion facilitation: The round table format will lend itself to both specific and overall discussion. The agenda above indicates that there will be three main sessions, focusing on separate regions/communities. After each presentation, there will be 10 minutes for discussion on the specific presentation. At the end of the presentations, the discussion will be opened up for questions and responses on any and all topics, including similarities, possibilities for replication in other regions and communities, examples from participants who are doing similar work, and more. The panelists are not to be considered sole “experts” on the topic to take up much of the time speaking, but the discussion time is expected to hear from participants in the workshop, both in-room and online. As a founding (2008) and member of the Secretariat (2010) and Program Director of EuroDIG, we systematically tried to facilitate and improve discussions at EuroDIG sessions over the years which are documented at EuroDIG’s session principles (avoid big panels and lengthy presentations while fostering inclusive discussions with audiences right from the start etc. This discours concept was adopted and approved by the Swiss IGF as well. See: ==*XVII. Past IGF Participation*== History in IGF: No Report Link: XVIII. Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals ==*XIX. Connecting with IGF Intersessional Groups & NRIs*== Best Practice Forums: None Dynamic Coalitions: Dynamic coalition on Acces and Disability, DC on Accountability etc. National and Regional Initiatives: UK IGF, Swiss IGF, German IGF etc. and EuroDIG XX. Connecting with International or Other Relevant Organizations: XXI. Additional Background Paper (Optional): XXII. Additional Reference Document Link (Optional):






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