At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Program (ARPEP)
ALAC Liaisons and Representatives
At-Large Review Implementation Plan Development
Page History
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ALAC Voting Delegates to the NomCom
The ICANN Bylaws require that the ALAC, in consultation with the RALOs, appoints five voting members of the NomCom, one per ICANN region. Voting members of the NomCom are appointed for a one year term, starting at the close of the 2018 Annual General Meeting and ending at the 2019 Annual General Meeting, and may be re-appointed for a further term of one year subject to the requirement under the ICANN Bylaws.
Voting delegate to the NomCom may not serve more than two consecutive terms. Criteria for NomCom Delegates
RALOs may recommend one or more candidates to the ALAC. The appointment if NomCom delegates is done by the ALAC and RALO recommendations are not binding. Selection Schedule for 2018 ALAC Delegates to the NomComTo be determined. *NOTES ON NOMINATIONS
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NARALO 2018 Regional Selections