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It is kind of easy if we include Rafeek, who is interested and willing.  You’ve got the GSNO chair.  I am still a hybrid, I am At-Large, and I am still NCSG, so I am GSNO.  Alan as the liaison is GSNO.  So there is certainly more than enough GNSO but there is also more than enough, perhaps, ALAC.  I have Cheryl’s hand up and also I have Sebastien who mentioned that he wanted to speak to that.  So Cheryl would you like to let Sebastien speak or do you want to address something I said first? 

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              Just briefly something you said.  This is Cheryl for the transcript records.  I whole-heartedly support your approach on everything, and our GSNO liaison \[inaudible\] and I think it is essential we do get \[involved\] involved.  I think if the group spreads between the two chartering organizations, I just wanted to speak from and agent specific point of view I believe this implementation team, for want of a better word, should be absolutely restricted to being small and those who were in the previous JA work group activities and that would mean I would not be supporting that \[inaudible\] being included.  Going to have to work hard, going to have to work fast, and we don’t need to bring anyone up to speed.  Thank              Just briefly something you said.  This is Cheryl for the transcript records.  I whole-heartedly support your approach on everything, and our GSNO liaison [inaudible] and I think it is essential we do get [involved] involved.  I think if the group spreads between the two chartering organizations, I just wanted to speak from and agent specific point of view I believe this implementation team, for want of a better word, should be absolutely restricted to being small and those who were in the previous JA work group activities and that would mean I would not be supporting that [inaudible] being included.  Going to have to work hard, going to have to work fast, and we don’t need to bring anyone up to speed.  Thank you.

Avri Doria:                              Ok thanks.  And I see that Olivier agrees with that.  Olivier do you want to add anything to the story I told?  To fill any of the gaps I glossed over or to correct me in anything


Avri Doria:                              One of the things, if I can add to that, is by having the people that were chairs or designated replacements for those chairs from JAS and room this group etc., I think it becomes incumbent on us to basically bring this stuff back to our group and collect viewpoints on it as quickly as possible.  So I think that we can be including ALAC and At-Large as much as they want to and they are participating twice in two groups and GSNO to the extent that they are interested. 

Wiki MarkupI have talked to Rafik on it and he is certainly interested in participating in this.    Hopefully he will be able to time wise.    But he is definitely interested in it, and I think it’s a solution that he can feel that he could take back to \ [inaudible\].    Olivier hand is still up, anything else?

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Yes Avri, thank you.  It is Olivier.  Just hearing Sebastien’s response I think that whilst we would be sending and we as the ALAC, or we as the JAS working group, be sending a select number of individuals to work with staff and with the Board on the task.  I do hope that those individuals will be able to liaison back to the JS and to the new GTLD working group.  I am a little uncomfortable about picking four individuals that will not be relating back to their communities. 


Avri Doria:                              That is true, I had talked about that previously, but you are right I shouldn’t treat it as a closed issue.  One of the things that Hadbeek made clear to me by both Carla and Chris was that they had wanted people that had been active in the JAS working group, and he wasn’t, and both Olivier and Cheryl voted for that being an important consideration and therefore eliminating Fouad because he was not part of the JAS working group and so it would be a new viewpoint.

Evan Leibovitch:                     Ok.


Evan Leibovitch:                     Ok.

Avri Doria:                              So anyone else?  Do we go with four from now?  Do we want to ask someone? Wait a second…Do we want to ask someone else?  Carlton is joining.  I suppose if we don’t have a JAS working group volunteer or nominee [inaudible] said we can just leave it as four and add later as subjects and such require.  Wiki MarkupAvri Doria:                              So anyone else?  Do we go with four from now?  Do we want to ask someone? Wait a second…Do we want to ask someone else?  Carlton is joining.  I suppose if we don’t have a JAS working group volunteer or nominee \[inaudible\] said we can just leave it as four and add later as subjects and such require. 

Evan Leibovitch:                     Cheryl was there anyone besides you from AP that was heavily involved in JAS?


Avri Doria:                              I would expect that would be true of a lot of people, especially with an alternating time.  There are people that can make a morning meeting, and there are people that can make an evening meeting, and there are people that can make a middle of the night meeting.  Any objection to putting a schedule at least for the rest of this year and perhaps for January as an alternating weekly with some of them cancelled because they hit on a Monday of holiday week or something?  I will just put out a schedule before the next meeting for two months and see where that takes us.  Yes Cheryl.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Thank you Avri, this is Cheryl.  I am a cotcaring supporter of the whole idea of well scheduled in advance and if necessary rotating meetings, but I do think we need to note for the record having gone through several years of these, the same people turn up at the same time, or the same people don’t turn up at all.  Regardless of what you do, but you have to go through the exercise of that being open and assessable and \[inaudible\] as possible.  So think you are doing the right thing, I am all for it, but you will probably get the same absentees as you are going to get regardless of the time.              Thank you Avri, this is Cheryl.  I am a cotcaring supporter of the whole idea of well scheduled in advance and if necessary rotating meetings, but I do think we need to note for the record having gone through several years of these, the same people turn up at the same time, or the same people don’t turn up at all.  Regardless of what you do, but you have to go through the exercise of that being open and assessable and [inaudible] as possible.  So think you are doing the right thing, I am all for it, but you will probably get the same absentees as you are going to get regardless of the time. 

Avri Doria:                              Thanks, so through the end of January I will setup a schedule I will send it out to the list, and people can read up on it, and we will also track who it is that showed up over this next two month period, and we can see if there is any variety and so on.  Yes Olivier.
