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If you would like to nominate someone or to put yourself forward for selection, please post your nomination on the NA-DISCUSS Mailing List ( and send a note to At-Large staff.

Open Positions

NARALO Secretariat: Currently held by Glenn McKnight.  Glenn is not term limited. This two year term will run between the end of the 2019 AGM and the 2021 AGM.


NARALO  NomCom Delegate: The current NA delegate to the 2019 NomCom is Leah Symekher. Leah's is term limited. This one year term will run between the end of the 2019 AGM and the 2020 AGM.


Summary of Open Positions and Nominations

PositionCurrent Holder of PositionNomineeNominated ByDate AcceptedNominee's StatementResultsTerm to Serve

ALAC Member


John Laprise

(Eligible for re-appointment)

John Laprise

Marita Moll


Two years ago, you elected me as ALAC representative and I’m honored to have your trust. Since then, I’ve tried to live up to your expectations and those of end users in North America.  Much of my work on the ALAC these days is diplomatic. I listen a lot to other constituencies but mostly I listen to you. I try to reflect your interests and concerns in online and face to face discussions and impact the direction of ALAC decisions so that they reflect all of us in North America. My peers on the ALAC seem to think I’ve been doing a very good job. Since you elected me, the ALAC has handed me increasingly more demanding responsibilities. At the last ICANN meeting, I was vice chair for policy. Working together with Jonathan Zuck, we implemented several things that made At Large sessions more accessible and policy focused including dispensing with generic session names and adopting more detailed descriptions so participants can more easily find sessions in which they’re interested. We also issued public statements on behalf of At Large in the open forum sessions to communicate to the Board, ICANN, and other SOs and ACs what At Large was concerned with. Another part of my work as vice chair is diplomacy. Our chair, Maureen Hilliard is very busy. As vice chair I found that my breaks between meetings (and increasingly my email box) filled with people wanting to communicate and build relationships with the ALAC and At Large including NPOC, NCUC, GNSO, and all manner of subgroups. This often gives me the opportunity to provide NARALO and the NARALO secretariat with the best information about what is going on in the community.

The ALAC learning curve is steep but I have surmounted it and hit my stride. I am honored to have your trust and confidence. Please vote to re-elect me so that I can continue the work I have started making ALAC more transparent and accessible to NARALO and At Large while representing your interests faithfully and with distinction.


John Laprise


2019 AGM to 2021 AGM
Jonathan ZuckAlfredo Calderon 


EOIJonathan Zuck2019 AGM to 2021 AGM



Glenn McKnight

(Eligible for re-appointment)

Leah SymekherSusannah Gray


I am excited and welcome the opportunity to work collaboratively with the NARALO Chair and community to serve and support as the NARALO Secretary. As a first timer in this position, I believe that I bring a fresh valuable perspective to the team.  Additionally, my experience as an active NARALO Primary Chapter (SFBay Area ISOC) representative provides a strong foundation and knowledge to help enhance the organization’s focus on policy development, outreach and growing the effectiveness of this community.

It has been a great honor to be the representative for NARALO & ALAC North America on the 2018-2019 ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom).  Serving on the NomCom as the ALAC North America delegate has continued to expand my involvement in the ICANN community that will support NARALO’s cross-community endeavors.  I have taken the opportunity while on the NomCom to serve on several sub-committees and Co-Chair of the Outreach Sub-Committee with the goal of supporting NomCom’s efforts.  It is this professionalism, team-work and commitment that I bring to the NARALO Secretary position if elected. 

My NomCom commitment ends in September after the ICANN AGM opening time for me to serve effectively in this position.

I thank you for your consideration.

Judith HellersteinGreg Shatan


My decision to run for the Secretariat Position again is to continue the work that I had started in in my previous term where I grew attendance at RALO meetings from 15-30 people. I had a very close working relationship with the current NARALO Chair and the past one when I was Secretariat and if elected, I am sure this will continue to be the case. I have worked closely with Eduardo, the NARALO Chair at NASIG, and at ATLAS 2 and other committees. I would like to continue to engage with the ALSes and to get many more people within each ALS to be active either on policy issues, contribute to working groups or other means of remaining active. I would like to reach out to each of the ALS representatives and see how I can get them involved with NARALO besides just coming to NARALO Meetings. I plan on reaching out to the ALS and individual members and finding out from them what they would like to work on or what the NARALO Leadership can help with. This would expand on the smaller working groups that Eduardo created and work to get each of the ALSes engaged. In this vein, I have been working with Glenn McKnight and Alfredo Calderon in the Outreach and Engagement working group to both figure out how to increase the knowledge of NARALO Members but also to help design a policy workshop showing others how to write and develop policy, whether it is governance policy or development policy. If we can get more people to help write either ALAC advice, provide community input, advice or comments, we can show how easy it is to write and tor contribute to policy statements. This should get more people engaged and contributing to policy advice. In the past year, I have been the pen holder for several ALAC Policy statements and have also submitted several individual statements. I have worked hard to build consensus among At Large Members on certain issues so that we could speak with one voice in the ALAC policy comments.  

NARALO has its challenges and under my past leadership we developed a clear vision and strategy to mobilize our membership to get involved with NARALO activities. We also cleaned up the bylaws and worked to makes them more flexible. Also, under my past leadership, we redesigned our outreach material and created a simple catchy mail card instead of a detailed brochure, as these are more effective in catching people’s attention. We were the only RALO to do this. We seek to engage people and promote ICANN and NARALO to areas of the country where we have no ALSes and to communities that are not aware of At Large, such as rural and remote communities, people with disabilities, Indigenous people, non-profits working on consumers issues. We have created intake forms so we can follow up on leads and we are working hard on planning the next NASIG which will be in Montreal in late October, early November. We are always looking to help expand the knowledge and engagement of all NARALO Members not just on NARALO calls but also on other At Large working groups, Cross Community groups, Workstreams, and GNSO PDPs.

I am passionate about working and engaging all end users specifically those from unrepresentative areas of North America. I believe strongly in having an open and transparent process that respects the opinions of all our members. It is only by having an open process that people can have trust that their representative will work for them and for what they believe. In this vein, I would like to resume the process of having all NARALO Members view and comment on new member applications.  I find that helps others get to know who the new members are and make them feel part of the decision making process. I will seek consensus opinion and get more of our ALSes involved in different working groups.

In closing, I believe I provide leadership, organizational skills, attention to detail and experience that is an essential combination for the Secretariat position. I ask for your vote so that I can bring my expertise to the NARALO leadership team. Here is the link to my SOI Judith Hellerstein SOI, which lists the number of working groups committees, Cross Community Groups that I am active on and was appointed to by ALAC during my time at ICANN. I hope you will support my candidacy and look forward to your support.

Judith Hellerstein2019 AGM - 2021 AGM


NARALO Selection Timetable for 2019 ALAC Members:

  • 29 March 2019- Announcement of call for nominations and Nominee's Statement.**

  • 29 April – 10 May 2019 - Nomination period (nominations accepted for 10 working days).

  • 17 May 2019  - Deadline for nomination acceptances

  • 20 May - 22 May 2019 - Calls with the candidates if desired by the RALOs. 

  • 23 May - 30 May 2019 - Elections (If required, elections will begin no later than one week after the deadline for nomination acceptances and end no later than two weeks after that deadline).

  • 2019 AGM [ ICANN 66 ] - Newly elected ALAC Members and RALOs Leaders shall be seated at the end of the 2019 AGM following the close of the Board Meeting on 7 November 2019.


  1. All nominees are expected to submit a brief statement explaining why they believe they are a suitable candidate and must also complete or update their Statement of Interest (see: At-Large New SOIs Workspace).
  2. No one who is currently serving on the Nominating Committee may be nominated for the ALAC. See

Summary of Open Positions and Nominations



ALAC Member (RALO)


John Laprise

(Eligible for re-appointment)


Glenn McKnight

(Eligible for re-appointment)


Leah Symekher 


NARALO ALAC MEMBER - Two year term: 2019 AGM - 2021 AGM




Nominated and Supported by


Date Nominee Accepted


ALAC Voting Delegates to the NomCom for 2019-2020

NARALO SECRETARIAT - Two year term: 2019 AGM - 2021 AGM*




Nominated and Supported by


Date Nominee Accepted


 *  Term of 2 years is in accordance with the new NARALO Rules of Procedure approved on 09-28-17, article 6. ELECTIONS 

6.1 Elections shall be held annually to elect one (1) officer and one (1) ALAC member on a staggered basis and to make one or more recommendations to the ALAC for the NomCom Delegate.

6.1.1 To initiate staggered elections of the officers, the terms of the Chair and the Secretariat elected at the first election after adoption of these amended Rules of Procedure shall be two (2) years and one (1) year, respectively. The election for the ALAC Members shall continue on the current staggered basis.

NARALO 2019 NOMCOM DELEGATE - One year term: 2019 AGM - 2020 AGM*




Nominated and Supported by


Date Nominee Accepted


*NomCom Nominations:

The ICANN Bylaws require that the ALAC, in consultation with the RALOs, appoints five voting members of the NomCom, one per ICANN region. Voting members of the NomCom are appointed for a one year term, starting at the close of the 2019 Annual General Meeting and ending at the 2020 Annual General Meeting, and may be re-appointed for a further term of one year subject to the requirement under the ICANN Bylaws

  • XI-2.4.e The ALAC shall, after consultation with each RALO, annually appoint five voting delegates (no two of whom shall be citizens of countries in the same Geographic Region, as defined according to Section 5 of Article VI to the Nominating Committee.
  • VII-3.1 Each voting delegate shall serve a one-year term. A delegate may serve at most two successive one-year terms, after which at least two years must elapse before the individual is eligible to serve another term.

Voting delegate to the NomCom may not serve more than two consecutive terms.


  • Roles 


    Held By


    Nominated by/

    Supported by








    to the ALAC


    Appointed Delegates

    to the NomCom

    Leah Symekher 

    (NOT eligible for re-appointment
    Glenn McKnightMarita Moll


    Key is attitude and having the right mix of professionalism, dedication and discretion in being a good and valuable member of ICANN NOMCOM  

    I have substantial  experience as a previous  NOMCOM member for two years,   ISOC Nomination Chair, ISOC Nomination committee member and with CIRA ( Canadian cCTLD)

    I am committed to being a team member of the NOMCOM and providing my sincere efforts to outreach and market the opportunity for people to join ICANN as a board member or other commmittees. 

    I would appreciate the community support

    Glenn McKnight by acclamation. 2019 AGM - 2020 AGM

    2019 NARALO Individual Membership Representative Page


  • Familiarity with the ICANN groups to which the NomCom appoints (Board, ALAC, GNSO, ccNSO).
  • Ability to judge people (such as when interviewing and hiring).
  • Comfortable and preferably fluent with English (listening, reading, speaking).
  • Good on-line skills such as on Google & Social media
  • Time Commitment - Must be willing to devote substantial time under tight deadlines (March-June). Will involve travel to up to 4 meetings.
  • Ability work in a group environment, standing up for what you believe in a discussion with other "strong" people, but at the same time, must be a good listener and be willing to change your mind if someone else has a good argument. Diplomacy is important.

RALOs may recommend one or more candidates to the ALAC. The appointment if NomCom delegates is done by the ALAC and RALO recommendations are not binding.


Voting Method If Needed

Instant-Runoff Voting (IRV)

An Instant-Runoff Vote is used when there are multiple (more than 2) candidates for a single position.

It is important that anyone elected has the support of the majority of the electors but with multiple candidates, that might not happen if we use regular voting. For instance, with 11 voters and 3 candidates, it is possible that the candidates received 5,4 and 2 votes each. So no candidate has the support of a majority of the electorate.

In IRV, each voter ranks all candidates in order of preference. Here is a possible set of ballots


Candidate A


Candidate B


Candidate C


Ballot 1








Ballot 2








Ballot 3








Ballot 4








Ballot 5








Ballot 6








Ballot 7








Ballot 8








Ballot 9








Ballot 10








Ballot 11







Candidate A received 5 first preferences, Candidate B had 4 and Candidate C had 2, so no one had a majority of support.

Candidate has the least support, so he/she is dropped. For those 2 dropped ballots, Candidate A was the next choice for 1 and Candidate C for the other. So excluding Candidate C, Candidate A is not preferred by 6 voters and Candidate B by 5, so Candidate A is declared the winner.

If there is a tie for who to be eliminated, past voting choices in the first rounds is used and if that does not help, random selection is used.

This has been the selection methodology used for the ALAC for selection with multiple selections since 2009 and it is used to narrow the field for At-Large Board Selections.

IRV is a special case of Single Transferable Voting (STV) where there may be multiple winners. Both methods are widely used throughout the world.


