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RequestPerson or Group SubmittingRequest NumberDescriptionFBSC DecisionStatus

AFRALO Workshop at the 2018 IGF about “Impact of the necessary compliance of gTLD Registration Directory Services with GDPR on end users”.                                                     



Organization of a Workshop at the IGF 2018 to address an ICANN high interest topic in accordance with IGF overarching theme that is not yet defined.

The topic we intend to address is “Impact of the necessary compliance of gTLD RDS (Registration Directory Services) with GDPR (European General Data Protection Regulation) on end users”. The GDPR imposes draconian restrictions on data collection, storage, processing, publication, transfer inside Europe and exportation outside Europe. This will impact European and non European end-users, and the panel will discuss these implications and how to avoid any harm.

We will invite Thomas Rickert (Europe), Avri Doria (North America), Zahid Jamil (Asia Pacific), Fatimata Seye Sylla (Africa) and Olga Cavalli (LAC Region) to address various aspect of the topic from their perspectives

 It will be a kind of panel where the panelists, who are selected respecting the diversity rules in terms of geographic region, gender and stakeholders group, will just introduce the topic (5 min each), and then the debate is open. Attendees from all over the world shall make comments or contribution, or ask questions to the panelists. Remote participants will have the same right to intervene and participate in the debate.

Important note: The 2018 IGF is not yet well defined: Its venue is not yet decided on and its MAG didn’t yet convene to define the overarching theme and the sub-themes. Our workshop proposal will be rejected if its topic is not covered by the IGF overarching theme. Nobody knows if the chosen speakers will make it. The topic we proposed in this request, as well as the list of speakers are subject to change according to the IGF Themes and the speakers availability. We can ensure that even if we are to change the topic, it will be in the ICANN mission.  

Financial Support:

Travel support for 3 persons
(Tijani Ben Jemma (moderator), Mohamed El Bashir (Chair of AFRALO/speaker) and Fatimata Seye-Sylla (Vice-Chair of AFRALO/speaker)

SubmitSubmitted to ICANN

ICANN’s Awareness Animated Video in different Native African Languages


Individual request NOT to be submitted.


Recruit a media/video production agency/expert to Create a short awareness animated video about ICANN, At-Large, ICANN’s mission and policy issues targeting the African Internet users.

The first and foremost reason for using an animated video to increase the ICANN’s awareness is that it’s rich media which is engaging, this visual medium appeals to the senses and offers an easy and effective way to communicate important messages about ICANN, and the best part is that visuals are consumed a lot more easily than text, and leave a lasting impact on the target  audience.

The produced animated video will have Voice over in seven African native languages, Arabic, Swahili, Amharic, Yoruba, Oromo, Hausa and Zulu, those languages are the most spoken languages in the continent.

The produced material can be presented in different African Internet Governance events, disturbed and shared using the different social media channels.

Financial Support:

Subject Matter Experts:

Recruit a media agency/expert specialized in animated videos production.

Technology Support:

Conference calls to develop story board and script for the video.

Incorporated into the consolidated request.

Individual request NOT to be submitted.

Capacity building and engagement for the local community at ICANN 65 in Marrakech                                                               



During ICANN 65 in Marrakech, AFRALO intends to organize Capacity Building sessions and engagement activities for a selected number of local Students and teachers that have been involved in the local community engagement program organized by AFRALO at ICANN 55 in Marrakech. We will build on what we already did in 2016 and try to deepen the knowledge of the best 10 people from the 60 students and teachers we involved in ICANN 55 to prepare them for a deep involvement in ICANN activities. Each of them will have an AFRALO experienced mentor (One mentor for 2 mentees).

This will be done through capacity building sessions during the 4 days of the meeting plus participation in various At-Large and not At-Large working sessions. At the end of the meeting, the selected 10 trainees will be required to provide reports on each and every session they attended.  

Financial Support:

Local transportation for the 10 trainees (From downtown Marrakech to the meeting venue and back) during the 4 days of the meeting.

Lunch for the 10 trainees during the 4 days of the meeting.

SubmitSubmitted to ICANN

APRALO Leadership Team participation in the 2018 IGF


APRALO Leadership Team

Continuing further with the successful previous IGF initiatives, the APRALO Leadership Team proposes participation of 3 members of its Leadership Team at the 2018 IGF.

The specific activities that would be carried out by the three-member Outreach Delegation, jointly and individually, are:

  • Participate as APRALO resource persons in different workshops. For this, the team members would be registering themselves as Resource Persons in the IGF Resource Persons' Roster.
  • Collaborate and support activities of other ALAC Members
  • Explore, and if possible, plan and execute an At-Large Outreach event jointly with other RALOs  and local ALSes, if any, with Universities and other institutions. The objective of such an outreach process would be to introduce At-Large (and thereby, ICANN), and to stimulate growth and participation of local end-user communities in At-Large activities.
  • Although there are uncertainties arising out of the approval process of Workshops at IGF, going by past history it is likely that there would be workshops being organized by APRALO members (there were two such workshops in 2017 and two in 2016). The Outreach Delegation would support these workshops.
  • Assuming we have other RALO representatives available, consider creating an At-Large 'corner' in the ICANN booth to provide information on ALAC/At-Large, its role, reach and diversity to visitors
  • As in the case of 2017, hold talks with AP regional organizations for specific regional collaborative programmes (such meetings included APSIG All-SIGs meeting, APASA meeting and the formative meeting of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on SIGs).

The IGF's open format allows anyone interested in Internet policy to participate. Consequently, it presents a unique opportunity for outreach as well as for networking and interacting with several global communities that are otherwise difficult to contact independently.

Several members of APRALO—including some of the members of the APRALO Leadership Team—have been actively participating in IGF over the years, and have been organizing workshops on different IG-related topics.

APRALO was able to send an official delegation to IGF 2015 held at João Pessoa, Brazil , IGF 2016 in Mexico and IGF 2017 in Geneva with ICANN budget support. The initiative was very successful, and the APRALO team was able to extensively interact with members of APRALO, members of the Asia-Pacific Internet Governance community, members of other RALOs, ICANN community members, and the larger IGF Community. The APRALO team also supported the APRALO members in organizing their workshops.

As of now, neither the themes for IGF 2018 nor the Call for Proposals have been published. APRALO had discussed a plan to propose a Workshops, as soon as the call for proposals is announced. As an initial step, the following topics are tentatively identified for workshop proposals:

  • The Multistakeholder Model and Global Variations in its Impact
  • Data Protection, Privacy and the Developing World
  • Blockchain Governance and Internet Governance: Emerging Parallels?

Although these proposals are from APRALO, speakers and panelists for these sessions will be selected from global groups ensuring geographic, gender, linguistic and cultural diversity. In particular, the speakers will include ICANN Board members, ALAC (and other stakeholder group) leaders in addition to APRALO leaders.

It is understood that while this RALO request is submitted separate from the At-Large, should both be funded, they are complementary and will be synchronized as done in 2017.

Financial Request (Travel Support):

The proposal seeks financial support for travel, accommodation, per diem and visa fees as applicable, for 3 members of the APRALO Leadership team for participation at IGF 2018.

SubmitSubmitted to ICANN

APRALO Banner, Posters and Updated brochures for 2018 events


Individual request NOT to be submitted.

Maureen Hilyard


One of the positive results of the IGF booth activity was the interest that people had in the RALOS and how they could be involved. APRALO was particularly popular because of the number of Asian and Pacific participants at the IGF. We have also found that at regional events that we attend, and where we have an opportunity to promote APRALO and the involvement of our ALS and individual members in regional activities, people actually want to know about what we are doing and how they can become involved.

The At-Large banner was a drawcard, and we would like to have the APRALO banner to follow us around to the events that we attend. Because there has been a change of personnel in the leadership team, it is important that this information is kept up to date as well.

APRICOT is the first regional meeting of the year, followed closely by the first ICANN meeting so that there are opportunities for the resources to be distributed among the leadership team for taking with them to events throughout the year. Replenishing stocks can take place at intervening meetings during the year.

While RALOS have access to funds ($2000) to support regional activities we would like to use these funds to provide for APRALO takeaways that will provide some practical reminder of the event and APRALO contact.

The banners and posters are one off and we would hope will be able to last for several years of events, and updated brochures would last two years.  But the promotional support offered by Euralo and Eurodig at the IGF was really successful in getting people to the booth and getting their interest. We would like to be able to do this as well as our booths, in particular at the APrGF which will be our first inroad into the Pacific.

The proposal seeks to purchase resources to promote APRALO at regional events.

One time activity for banners and posters, but updates of brochures may be required every two years.

Financial Request:

Staff support and materials.

Incorporated into the consolidated request.

Individual request NOT to be submitted.

APRALO Outreach Activities at APrIGF 2018


APRALO Leadership Team

APRALO had a very successful General Assembly at Abu Dhabi at ICANN 60 in 2018. However, there are no ICANN meetings in the Asia-Pacific region in 2018, and consequently, there are no opportunities to build on the momentum generated by the 2017 GA.

The Asia-Pacific Regional IGF (APrIGF) is a community event that attracts a cross-section of the IG community in the region. In 2018, the event scheduled at Port Vila, Vanuatu, in August 2018.

APRALO proposes to conduct the following outreach/inreach activities for the At-Large community of the region, as well as for potential newcomers:

  • An APRALO Booth at APrIGF with outreach material and giveaways which will be driven by volunteers from APRALO ALSes and individual members

  • Display of APRALO and ICANN logos prominently through standees in different areas during the event

  • A Workshop around the theme of stimulating At-Large activities in the region, jointly with ICANN APAC Hub as was done in APrIGF 2017

  • A joint cultural event with Dot Asia (without financial outlay, as two APRALO/ALAC leaders are also Board members of DotAsia).

The proposal seeks to create an active and visible role for APRALO and ICANN At-Large through multiple activities at this key regional event

It is a one-time activity that does not need to be done when there is an ICANN meeting in the region.

The proposal aims to:

  • provide enhanced visibility to ICANN's At-Large community in general, and APRALO in particular

  • encourage interaction with members of the Asia-Pacific Internet Community, including APRALO ALSes, individual members, as well as sister organizations such as APNIC, APTLD, APrIGF, ISOC and DotAsia.

  • Provide support to ICANN's presence at regional events and enhance visibility & trust of APRALO, At-Large and ICANN

SubmitSubmitted to ICANN

To participate in the yearly Middle East DNS Forum


Ali AlMeshal (APRALO)

The specific activities that would be carried out by the 1 or 2 member Outreach Delegation, jointly and individually, are:

  • Participate as APRALO resource persons in different workshops. For this, the team members would be coordinating with DNS organizers which is MEAC strategy group .
  • Explore, and if possible, plan and execute an At-Large Outreach event jointly with other RALOs  and local ALSes, if any, with Universities and other institutions. The objective of such an outreach process would be to introduce At-Large (and thereby, ICANN), and to stimulate growth and participation of local end-user communities in At-Large activities.
  • Due to diversity and size of region that CROP is not sufficient to cover all of the region, we need different source of funding and support to allow us reach to maximum different community in the region through some of the main events.

This request is being made given that the CROP is not sufficient to cover the size and diversity of the APRALO region.

Financial Request: (Travel Support)

Travel support (flight, hotel, per diem, visa fees) for 1 or 2 members of the APRALO Leadership Team/Community to attend DNS forum.

Add note that the CROP does not cover all of the size and diversity of APRALO (completed)Submitted to ICANN

Diversity in ICANN Leadership Bodies


Olivier Crepin-Leblond (EURALO)

The diversity includes a broad range of data. To enhance diversity we need to be able to collect those data.

It will be useful to gather the data both from an historical point of view and from a current and future situation.

All the ICANN leadership bodies can be concerned but the first one to be discuss (as the data are already collected and in the last mile to be analyzed) must be the Board.

In future steps (specifically going to a workshop during 2018 IGF) we will need to take into account other leadership bodies of other Internet Governance structure (Internet Society, IETF, IGF MAG…).

Workshop's themes:

- what is Diversity (based on the WS2 ccwg-ICANN accountability document)?

- what are the data that need to be collected?

- evolution of diversity in various ICANN leadership groups

- how to enhance diversity in ICANN leadership groups?

Research/Study and Meeting EURALO/At Large/other SO/AC joint workshop at one ICANN6x (FY2019)

A first workshop to launch the track but it is expected to be a recurring activity at regional and global meetings and/or activities such as IGF 2018 (yet to be decided). 

Financial Request: (Travel Support)

Additional one person from EURALO, one from At-Large and one per body concerned will get involved in this workshop.

And 3 people to IGF 2018.

Submitted to ICANN

Internet-of-Things (IoT) and the Increasing Governance Challenge Ahead IGF 2018 Workshop 


Olivier Crepin-Leblond (EURALO)

This is a request for support of a EURALO Workshop at the 2018 IGF.

The IoT evolution includes a broad range of industries, including the automotive, finance, consumer electronic devices, retail services, manufacturing, agriculture and other sectors important for sustainable development of the humanity. Central to the solutions and deployments of IoT is unified communication. The unified communication relies heavily on the All-IP-Based scheme for end-to-end delivery of IoT solutions.

All-IP-Based Deployment: what about the Internet architecture evolution? All things Internet rely on implementation and deployment as a set of unified protocols, numbering and addressing. What is the role of numbering and naming in IoT environment?

Workshop's themes:

- what is IoT, how to move the public perception from “smart coffee machine” to industry 4.0?

- evolution of IoT protocols and networks and impact on governance

- IoT (small and big) data parsing, building behaviour models and future risks to privacy of individuals

- cross border IoT (IIoT) data exchange and role of governments

- critical infrastructure: bikes vs. nuclear plants. How do we manage critical objects? Do we really want to connect everything to the Internet?

- IP-less communications: All-IP-Based is not a religion, but business approach. At what conditions is there no need to All-IP-Based devices?

- proprietary protocols and war of standards. ISO vs RFC, history repeats or lessons learned?

Financial Request: (Travel Support) 

Leadership/speaker - Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond,  speakers - Wale Bakare and Andrei Kolesnikov, Bastiaan Gosling

The fund requests travel support for $10,000.

Submitted to ICANN

Support participation of individual users in EURALO

(Revised Draft)

Individual request NOT to be submitted.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond (EURALO)

An association has been created to provide a home for the individual users in EURALO. This association has now grown and has about 40 members. The need is to support the management of the discussions among EURALO individual users about the policy development activities while at the same time promote the association in order to enlarge the number of participating individual users.

In detail, the following activities have been identified:

  • to manage an individual users’ mailing list and the EURALO individual users web site
  • to run polls and votes as needed about policy development activities and decisions
  • to conduct periodic meetings in person or teleconference of the EURALO individual users
  • to report on activities of the EURALO individual users
  • to produce outreach material for involving new individuals

Financial Request:


Adobe Connect for teleconferences

Web site development and support

Voting and polling tools

Language Services Support:

Outreach material should be translated in the major European languages, like other EURALO outreach material


Printing of Brochures

Seen as part of normal Staff responsibilities. Add reference to individuals in consolidated Communications ABR (Changes made)

Individual request NOT to be submitted.

Joint NCUC-EURALO Town Hall Event at ICANN 63 in Barcelona

(Final Revised Draft)

Olivier Crepin-Leblond (EURALO)

EURALO and NCUC organised a Town Hall event at the ICANN Copenhagen meeting. The event consisted of an introduction to NCUC and At-Large during its first part. The second part consisted of an open topical discussion about several policy topics. The proposal is to repeat such an event for the ICANN 63 meeting in Barcelona.

One time activity that is unconflicted - with a potential need to have this activity take place at day -1. The length of the event is 3 to 4 hours (in the afternoon) split into two halves with a 20 minute networking break in the middle.

This Town Hall event is aimed at newcomers: NextGen, Fellows, Onboarding but is open to all. It is proposed  by a single region (EURALO) but should benefit participants from all regions. The format of the session is such that it will appeal to youth too.

It is understood that the NCUC will also file the same workshop request - so that any costs would be shared between At-Large and NCUC. The NCUC request is here.

Financial Request:


This session should be accessible remotely and archived.

Language Services:

Interpretation in French and Spanish would be helpful, considering the location (Barcelona).


The session will be split by a break with refreshments and canapés. (Tapas)


Depending on scheduling an additional hotel night might be needed for panelists (6 people max). All participants need to already be in Barcelona.

Add link to NCUC request (completed); Submit.Submitted to ICANN

LACRALO Leadership Team participation in the 2018 IGF Meeting


Maritza Aguero


The 2018 Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is an open and public Forum that brings interested participants from various stakeholder groups as equals, under a multistakeholder process. IGF focuses on public policy issues relating to the Internet and is a unique opportunity for outreach as well as for networking and interacting with several global communities that are otherwise difficult to contact independently.

Several members of LACRALO have been actively participating by remote participation for years and because of lack of funding the cannot attend to this global meeting.

LACRALO is facing a Mediation process so this proposal intents to demonstrate to the 2018 IGF participants that LACRALO can work together in policy discussion and we are open to new members that can really contribute in our Region. Also, to demonstrate the work that LACRALO is doing and improving.

We have noticed that other RALOS have being accepted this kind of proposals successfully and the LACRALO Leadership wanted also to extensively interact with members of other RALOs members, ICANN community members, and the larger IGF Community with the participation of 3 members of its Leadership members at the 2018 IGF.

The specific activities that would be carried out by the three-member, jointly and individually, are:

  • Actively participate in different workshops.
  • Collaborate and support activities of other LACRALO Members activities.
  • Collaborate and support workshops of other LACRALO Members.
  • Collaborate with ICANN booth and/or other RALO members, including At-Large Team.
  • Provide information about LACRALO / At-Large / ICANN role.
  • Carry out outreach and engagement for LACRALO.

This request is submitted with independence with other proposal and/or initiatives presented.

This proposal seeks financial support for travel, accommodation, per diem and visa fees as applicable, for three (3) LACRALO Leadership Members for participation at IGF 2018 with the following activities:

  • Improve workshops related to topics of relevance for LACRALO Region.
  • Provide LACRALO visibility to the international Community.
  • Interact with other international members of the IG Community.
  • Learn about new perspectives and examples in the Internet Ecosystem that could be replied in the LACRALO Region, specifically in the capacity building and webinars organized by the LACRALO Leadership.

Explain what is LACRALO and its mission.

Financial Request

Travel Support:

Travel support (flight, hotel, per diem, visa fees) for 3 Leadership Members.

Request Additional Information

Organization of a Workshop / participation at 2018 IGF

(Revised Final Draft)

Maritza Aguero

This proposal consists in the organization of a workshop at the 2018 IGF (place not defined yet) on a high interest topic in accordance with the IGF overall archived content and/or initiatives, according to the end-users’ perspective.

The topic that we intend to address is within the impact the GDPR (European General Data Protection Regulation) on end users that imposes restrictions on data collection, storage, processing and/or publication. This Law could impact non- European end-users and its legislation. The panel will discuss these implications and compared with the Latin American and The Caribbean legislation.

Speakers will be selected respecting the diversity rules in the Region: geographic diversity, gender and/or stakeholders. We will invite Humberto Carrasco (Chile), Guillermo Zamora (Argentina), Jose Salgueiro (Venezuela), Bartlett Morgan (Barbados) and Maritza Aguero (Peru) to address various aspects of the topic address. Some of the mentioned speakers have been involved in a study that is currently on course.  Speakers are subject to change according to IGF topics and/or speakers’ availability. Please note that IGF high interest topics are not published yet.

The IGF format allows anyone interested in Internet Policy to participate. Consequently, it presents a unique opportunity for networking and interacting with several global communities that are otherwise difficult to contact independently.

This request is submitted with independence with other proposal and/or initiatives presented.

Reviewing the archives from the last 2017 IGF there were some proposals made by Community Members approved but they could not attend to the meeting due to lack of funding (For example, Maritza Aguero, actual LACRALO Secretariat got two (2) proposals approved. This was mentioned in one of an ICANN IGF Teleconference about FY18 Additional Budget Proposal).

In case there were no proposals accepted by the IGF Committee, the funding can be given to the Community Members that can demonstrated high participation in LACRALO and can interact in other participants in policy development.

Financial Request:

This proposal seeks financial support for travel, accommodation, per diem and visa fees as applicable, for three (3) Members of the LACRALO Community for participation at IGF 2018.

Seek clarity and details (completed)

XXII Congreso Iberoamericano de Derecho e Informática de la FIADI - 2018

(Final Revised Draft)

Humberto Carrasco and Maritza Aguero


The request is for support toward participation in the XXII Congreso Iberoamericano de Derecho e  Informática de la FIADI – 2018, an international congress of law and computer associations in which they will discuss topics related to security and the protection of personal data and other interesting topics.

APANDETEC is a member of the Ibero-American Federation of Law and Information Associations (FIADI), founded in 1984, during the IIbero-American Legal Information Congress held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. FIADI was created to promote the study, research, promotion and exchange of experiences produced by Law and ICT development and it is the oldest academic association of Law and ICT.

FIADI organizes conferences, workshops and classes. The main event of FIADI is the Ibero-American Congress of Law and Information Technology. The congress is organized every year. The last nineteen editions have been made consecutively. APANDETEC is organizing version XXII of this congress, from September 24 to 28, 2018, in the city of Panama.

The success of this congress is due to the quality of the presentations, due to the fact that high-level experts are invited to share their knowledge and experience. They debate and share current issues and provide the most specialized vision on the subject. FIADI always seeks to have the support of the best specialists and the most prestigious institutions, public and private companies, multinationals, as well as professors and researchers from the most renowned universities worldwide.

The thematic axis of the event is the following:

  1. Protection of Personal Data, Open data
  2. Forensic Expertise (Family, Civil, Commercial, Labor, Criminal, arbitration)
  3. Governance on the Internet
  4. Artificial intelligence
  5. Electronic Government
  6. Cybersecurity and Cyberterrorism
  7. Risks of new technologies and vulnerable groups
  8. Internet of things
  9. Fintech, Cryptocurrencies and it’s regulation
  10. Bigdata and it’s regulation
  11. National Security and Critical State Information
  12. Change management, society and ICT
  13. Social networks and the electoral process

At the end of each session, the Congress will include a debate:

Protection of personal data vs Freedom of Expression,

Plan for the modernization of the Panamanian financial system

(ICT specialists will propose situations in the ICT area and lawyers will discuss the legal aspects and consequences of those situations)

APANDETEC wants to have, at least, 2 international exhibitors in each day. Two of the objectives of this congress are the exchange of experiences and the development of regulatory proposals for Ibero-america. That’s why it is very important for the organization to get the participation of many international experts. The experience of these experts is fundamental to achieve our goals. At this moment we have confirmation of 4  speakers we want to increase the number of international exhibitors to increase the quality of the event.

Type of Activity:


Financial Request:

Language Services:

Interpretation in EN/ES/PT

ICANN Staff:

3 subject matter experts

IT Services:

Support and backing is required for Web streaming, simultaneous translation

Travel Support:

Airfare for 4 speakers.

Seek clarity and additional  information (completed)

Development and Implementation of a Pilot Facilitation Skills Course for LACRALO

(Revised Final Draft)

Alberto Soto (LACRALO)

LACRALO is requesting the development and implantation implementation of a pilot Facilitation Skills course for LACRALO Members. The aim of this course is to provide LACRALO members with the critical skills needed to engage in a collaborative manner. The benefits of facilitation skills within a community of multiple stakeholders with different cultures, languages and ways of working will facilitate a more productive region.

The facilitation course would teach such skills as how to react appropriately in challenging situations without escalating conflict. Skills taught would include listening skills, how to handle interpersonal conflict, disruptive behaviors and meditate conflict within groups.

This course is seen as a pilot for the LACRALO region which would be a final step in their series of LACRALO mediation phases over the last two years. It would take the form of a series of interactive webinars and ICANN LEARN courses. Live streaming and the ability for participants to interact and practice their skills (possibly including role-playing) is seen as critical to the success of this course. EN/ES interpretation will be needed given the main languages within LACRALO.

After the implementation of this pilot, a wider Facilitation Skills course could be developed on ICANN Learn for the wider ICANN Community.

For the pilot course, the development and implementation of a course consisting of 20 hours in total with 10 two-hour modules. The timeline is throughout FY19. Where possible, f2f sessions at ICANN Meetings would assist in the practice of skills taught. The pilot should also contain mediation exercises carried out between groups of three participants, which will rotate in their role as Mediator and Parties. All three must exercise their role of mediator and behavior of the parties.

Upon the completion of a successful pilot, an ongoing ICANN LEARN course should be developed.

Financial Request:

Language Services:

Interpretation and Translation in EN/ES

ICANN Staff:

GSE/Policy and ICANN LEARN staff

IT Services:

Adobe connect, Adigo and ICANN LEARN

Seek clarity and additional information (completed)

NARALO Spanish Language Brochures and Mailcards


Individual request NOT to be submitted.

Glenn McKnight (NARALO) 

The proposal is to request ICANN Communication department to edit and print the NARALO brochure and Mailcard into Spanish.

Incorporated into the consolidated request.

Individual request NOT to be submitted.

NARALO’s Team participation in the thirteenth Annual IGF Meeting


Judith Hellerstein, Glenn McKnight



Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a United Nations forum which provides a platform to discuss the multistakeholder Internet governance issues with the global Internet community and attendees from developed and developing countries. IGF is one of the best and prominent venues to present ICANN as a an exemplary of multistakeholder model in the Internet governance ecosystem.

At last year’s IGF At Large had great success in carrying out outreach at IGF and promoting the multi stakeholder model to the larger, diverse Internet community and also introducing NARALO to many new people. To achieve the two goals of presenting ICANN as the exemplar of Multi stakeholder, to engage with underserved communities within NARALO target area, and to engage and outreach to others in the North American we seek to have two travel spots approved to support to two NARALO members to attend IGF 2017. We would like to hold several workshops and side events at IGF 2018. By allocating travel support from ICANN we will increase the participation of NARALO at the IGF.                                                               

We plan to further expand our activities at IGF 2018 in terms of organizing sessions, outreach and awareness raising. Having learnt from our past successful experience, we will again hold a booth at the venue (if approved); we will submit proposals for workshops and side events requests for IGF and we will participate in shaping the schedule and sessions for civil society day which usually takes place one day before IGF. We will also hold an outreach event.                                                                 

As a followup to the successful IGF GENEVA 2018 our plan is to work closely with the Outreach and Engagement Committee in their efforts to expand At Large and NARALO’s  outreach and engagement efforts at the IGF.

Our activities include:                                                      


  • Participation at civil society day (day-1) as well as help shape its agenda

Hold several workshop which focuses on ICANN, At Large, and are targeted at the unserved communities within NARALO, accessibility, indigenous, low

  • income
  • Work jointly with the At Large booth at the IGF
  • Hold an outreach event jointly with the Outreach and Engagement committee
  • Coordinated booth activities
  • Outreach to the all the booth organizers
  • Active participation and promotion at the IGF Workshops
  • Participate as a NARALO resource person in different workshops
  • Collaborate and support activities of other ALAC Members


Although this RALO request and other RALO requests are submitted separate from the At-Large, it is understood that should both be funded, they are complementary and will need to be synchronized.

Financial Request: (Travel Support): 

The proposal seeks financial support for travel, accommodation, per diem and visa fees as applicable, for 2 members of NARALO for participation at IGF 2018 from Day -1 through the end of the IGF

SubmitSubmitted to ICANN
