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14 March [Recording: 20:50]  Program is being put on hold so there was no to much to say. [Decision]: Recommend to put in dormant state until final decision is made about the program.



LEAD: Heidi Ulrich

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: Dormant @ 14 March 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: To inform the region about important updates to the ABR

20 November 2017: [Recording: 37]  Kick-off: December 15, 2017, FBSC decisions by end of January 2018. See FY'18 workspace HERE for previous submissions. FY'19 workspace is HERE for time lines and more information. More details in the recording. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: 44:39] Announcement made by ICANN Finance HERE on December 5, 2017. Action required: report on next  steps. Clarify Core vs. Non-core. See the At-Large ABR wiki page HERE to check next steps in the time line. Core items get funded every year. It was clarified that in the case of Internet Schools that budget comes from the Global Engagement group. In this case, an ABR has to be generated every year if such event is to be funded. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Offline report: ABR deadline is Friday, 12 January 2018. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

12 February [Recording: 50] Final results in May 2018 [Decision]: Revisit in May - Recommend to put in a dormant state until then.


014: Individual Members Certification Criteria

LEAD: Eduardo Diaz

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: Dormant @ 14 May 2018


14 March [Recording: 47:00] Briefly talked about these issues. No action items generated [Decision]: Carry froward to next meeting.

09 april [Recording: 48] Silvia explain that the individual members of at-large are the NARALO has a criteria, which is number one, to be a permanent resident of one of the countries or territories in the North American region as defined by ICANN. Not be a member of an accredited ALs, be subscribed to the mailing list of NARALO, this is a very simple criteria and the email requesting membership must be sent to at-large staff, then we coordinate with NARALO leadership and the individual who wishes to become an affiliated member is certified.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--→ 14 May [Recording: --]   [Decision]: Move to a dormant state for future discussion.

Topic 026:  NARALO ALAC Members Update Reports

LEAD: Javier Rúa, John Laprise & Alan Greenberg

OPEN: 09 April 2018, CLOSED: 

TYPE: [Policy]

DESCRIPTION: To provide a summary by our current NARALO representatives in ALAC of what was discussed since our last meeting in ALAC regarding policy and anything else that the region should be aware about.

→ 16 March 2020: from this date on all conversation details are being referred to the transcript

Topic 028: NARALO Policy Group Update Report

LEAD: Jonathan Zuck 

OPEN: 09 April 2018, CLOSED:

TYPE: [Policy]

DESCRIPTION: To provide an update report by the head of the Policy Group as to the ICANN policies being discussed at the moment affecting NARALO end-users and/or interest to NARALO members in general

→ 16 March 2020: from this date on all conversation details are being referred to the transcript

Topic 029: NARALO Education Group Update Report

LEAD: Alfredo Calderon

OPEN: 09 April 2018, CLOSED:

TYPE: [Policy]

DESCRIPTION: This discussion Topic is for providing an update report by the head of the Educational Group.

→ 16 March 2020: from this date on all conversation details are being referred to the transcript

Topic 025: CROP FY18

LEAD: Eduardo Diaz

OPEN: 12 February 2018, DORMANT: 10 June 2019

TYPE: [Outreach]

DESCRIPTION: To provide an update/report for the following events: Digital Inclusion  (Glenn), RigthsCon (Judith) and ARIN 41 (William)

→ 12 February 2018 [Recording: 38] Report given. Refer to recording/transcript for details. [Decision]: Recommend to close.

→ 14 March [Recording: 10:00]  Program was explained. There may be about $4K o discretionary money that can be used fro this next year. No action Topic generated. [Decision]: Recommend to keep in the agenda to inform allocation of the two last spots in this program

→ 09 april [Recording: 25] William (WC) mentioned that his trip to the ARIN is more strategic in comparison to the GA trip to New Orleans and that he is looking forward to help out. Glenn sent to WC brochures and materials to help with the outreach.  Glenn also mentioned that he is going to attend The Digital Inclusion in Cleveland and Judith the RigthsCon in Toronto where she is going to be one of panelist as the At-Large Global Indigenous Ambassador program. Read more details in the transcripts (page 12) [Decision]: ACTION Topic: William, Glenn and Judith to prepare to work with Evin and Mario from staff to make sure that all the activities are posted on at-large social media, Twitter, Facebook. Also, to provide short written reports to staff to start documenting all of these activities and some of the achievements.

→ 14 May [Recording: 30:35]  Running out of time at this moment of the agenda.   [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting as first Topic in the agenda.

→ 11June [Recording: 3:34]  Glenn and Judith reported. Glenn RigthsCon leads: Canadian National Institute of the Blind (CNIB) & First Nations doing libraries throughout the Midwest. Judith RigthsCon leads: not specific leads but mentioned that she is following up with some of them. William's report pending. Final specifics about FY19 CROP still pending. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

→ 09 July [Recording: 28:57]  Glenn RightsCon leads: Canadian National Institute of the Blind (CNIB) working on getting their application in soon. Glenn Digital inclusion leads: First Nations doing libraries throughout the Midwest. Judith RightsCon leads: couple Canadian and US non-profits, William's report pending [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

→ 13 August [Recording: 4:00]: New ALSs application by ALTERANTIVE was outreached during the DNS symposium in Montreal which was a CROP sponsored event attended by Glenn. William's report pending. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

→ 10 September [Recording: 02:00] William's report pending. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

→ 8 October [Recording: 21:00]: William's report pending. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

→ 12 November [Recording: 09:30]: William's report pending. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

→ 10 December [Recording: 05:34X]: William's report pending. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

→ 14 January  [Recording: 03:00]: William's report pending. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

Topic 042: New NARALO Members

LEAD: Joey Doyle

OPEN: [open date], DORMANT: 10 June 2019 

TYPE: Outreach

DESCRIPTION: To introduce new members to the region

→ 10 September [Recording: 05:50]  George Kirikos introduced himself. From transcript : "I’ve been [using the Internet] for a very long time. Way back, well, I guess when I was in school, we used the Commodore PETs in grade 7. So that got me hooked on computers. I was an early user of bulletin board systems, which obviously then transformed into Internet and AOL and things like that way back in the early 80s." Check transcript starting in page #4 for more details. - Check transcript starting in page #4 for more details. Joey was not available for this call. Will try to confirm him for our next call. Alfredo introduced two NA fellows that will be participating in ICANN63 as fellows. These were Michael Casadevall and Janos Szurdi. Check transcript starting in page #6 for more details. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

→ 8 October [Recording: 55:42]: Jeremy introduced himself. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

→ 12 November [Recording: 09:50]: Robert introduced himself. Joey was not present during this meeting. Check transcript starting in page #7 for more details.

→ 10 December [Recording: XX:XX]: Joey was not present in the meeting. Carry forward to next meeting.

→ 11 February  [Recording:XX:XX]: Pierre introduced himself. Check transcript starting in page #8 for more details.

→ 8 April: David Mackey introduced himself. Check recording starting at 3:00 for more details. José Lebron introduced himself. Check recording starting at 7:00 for more details.

Topic 043: Social Media Update Report

LEAD: Susannah Gray 

OPEN: 10 Sept 2018, DORMANT: 10 June 2019

TYPE: Outreach

DESCRIPTION: To report on the At-Large Social Media Working Group (SoMe) and NARALO required efforts to support this initiative

→ 10 September [Recording: 28:30] Report given. Transcript excerpt: "The thing I guess at this point we’re really looking from NARALO as some additional volunteers from the community to be on point if NARALO-related social media. As I put in the chat, if you’re interested, please contact me or one of the staff on this call or Evin. And we’ll put your name in the hat, and we’ll get busy. We have a lot of work to do." Transcript excerpt by Alfredo asking for #hashtags : "...if it’s possible to have an action Topic where we, as NARALO, can make a list of all the hashtags of all the ALSes that we have in our region so that we can monitor what activities they are doing, I and Susannah, as the social media leaders, can funnel that information so that At-Large can have access to it in a timely formal manner." Check transcript starting in page #17 for more details [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting

Topic 047: Academic Credits

LEAD: Chris Mondini

LEAD COLLABORATORS: Yubelkys Montalvo (Universities) & David Morar (Students)

OPEN: 10 September 2018, CLOSED:

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: To work on ways that we could possibly exchange academic credit for students who participate in ICANN policy development processes

→ 16 March 2020: from this date on all conversation details are being referred to the transcript

Topic 050: Student Outreach by  the North American Graduate Students At-Large Structure

LEAD: David Morar, Anna Cecile Loup 

OPEN: 12 November 2018, CLOSED:

TYPE: Outreach

DESCRIPTION: To provide an updated report on efforts related to outreach University students by the North American Graduate Students At-Large Structure

→ 16 March 2020: from this date on all conversation details are being referred to the transcript

Topic 059: RIR Outreach

LEAD: Judith Hellerstein

OPEN: 14 January 2019, CLOSED: 

TYPE: Outreach

DESCRIPTION: to provide a report on RIR outreach efforts

→ 16 March 2020: from this date on all conversation details are being referred to the transcript

Topic 065: Real-Time Transcription (RTT)

LEAD: Judith Hellerstein

OPEN: 15 July 2019, CLOSED:

TYPE: [[Outreach]

DESCRIPTION: To provide an update report on the results of this resource.

  • FY20 Additional Budget Request (ABR)
    • Approved:
      • Real-Time Transcription (RTT) of up to ten (10) hours of Inter-sessional At-Large teleconference calls in English during FY20
        • F/U: Judith & Silvia to coordinate FY20 RTT meeting schedule

→ 16 March 2020: from this date on all conversation details are being referred to the transcript

Included here to f/U on reports (@ 8 June 2020)


FY20 NARALO Discretionary Funds

→ To report on the use of the funding for FY20 outreach and engagement activities by Regional At Large Organizations (RALOs)

  • Reminder on steps to apply (FY20 RALO Requests for Funding to support an Outreach Activity):  
    1. The proposed idea for use of the funds must first receive approval from Regional Leadership
    2. request form needs to be completed to initiate the process. We understand this goes immediately to Staff
    3. The request needs to be reviewed and approved by Regional Leadership prior to sending to ICANN org staff. 
    4. Purchases made prior to approval may not be reimbursed
    5. The request must be sent to Silvia Vivanco and Heidi Ullrich at least three weeks prior to the planned activity. 
    6. Approval (or not) will be informed via email to the organization representative that made the request.
  • Current NARALO balance: $2,877
  • For this meeting
    • Report on submitted NARALO ABR FY21  ← Judith
    • Approved under  NARALO ABR FY20
      • Glenn McKnight
        • Event: GDPR for Citizens / Date: Nov 2, 2019 / Request: Refreshments / Amount: $200 / Report: Done (star)  - Pending reimbursement
      • Adrian Schmidt
        • Event: Building awareness of ICANN  / Date: Feb/March 2020 / Request: Equipment / Amount: $300/  Report: Pending
      • Glenn McKnight
        • Event: IGF Canada-Cancelled / Date: March 30, 2020 / Request: Train tickets / Amount: $123 / Report: Pending
      • Eduardo Díaz
        • Event: Fall in Love with Internet / Date: Feb 14, 2020 / Request: Catering / Amount $500 / Report: Done (star) - Pending reimbursement
      • Alfredo Calderón
        • Cancelled, money refunded---Registration Fee for the approved CROP Trip # 2 Net Inclusion/ Amount $330/ Report: Pending



Introduction of New Individual  Members

→  To introduce new individual members to the region

  • Activate as needed



Universal Acceptance (UA)

Universal Acceptance WG

→  Team responsible for liaising  with the UA Org to educate NARALO in UA concepts and help identify ways on how our RALO and the UA Org could work together to help spread the importance of UA in our region. 

  • For this meeting 
    • Report on interactions with UASG members and participation in some of its meetings during ICANN 66 in Montréal



North American School of Internet Governance (NASIG) Updates

→  To provide an update on efforts regarding the North American School of Internet Governance

  • Future NASIG Schools:
    • NASIG 2020 :: Washington , DC
      • Lead: Dustin Loup
    • NASIG 2021 & 2022
      • Location and lead are to be determined



2021 or 2022  NARALO General Assembly (NGA 2021/2)

→ To provide an update on efforts regarding the 2021 (or 2022) NARALO General Assembly

  • NGA can be held during ICANN 72 in Seattle or during ICANN 73 in San Juan, PR.

Topic 017: NARALO Outreach Group Update Report

LEAD: Glenn McKnight

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED:

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: To provide a summary of the NARALO Outreach Group efforts

→ 16 March 2020: from this date on all conversation details are being referred to the transcript

Topic 044: North America Stakeholder Engagement

LEAD: Chris Mondini & Joe Catapano

OPEN: 10 September 2018, CLOSED:

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: To provide an update report on North America Stakeholder Engagement efforts

→ 16 March 2020: from this date on all conversation details are being referred to the transcript

Topic 064: FY20 NARALO Discretionary Funds

LEAD: Eduardo Diaz

OPEN: 15 July 2019, CLOSED:

TYPE: [Outreach]

DESCRIPTION: To report on the use of the funding for FY20 outreach and engagement activities by Regional At Large Organizations (RALOs) - $4k/RALO

→ 16 March 2020: from this date on all conversation details are being referred to the transcript

Topic 067: Introduction of New Individual  Members

LEAD: Eduardo Diaz

OPEN:15 July 2019, CLOSED: 

TYPE: [General]

DESCRIPTION: To introduce new individual members to the region

→ 16 March 2020: from this date on all conversation details are being referred to the transcript

Topic 068: Universal Acceptance (UA)

LEAD: Denise de Alcantara-Hochbaum

OPEN: 12 August 2019, CLOSED:

TYPE: Policy, Outreach

NARALO Universal Acceptance Working Group


This topic was created as an action item assigned by ALAC to all RALOS. See the following email received on 25 July 2019: 

"Dear RALO Chairs,

Further to an action item from yesterday's ALT-PLUS meeting, please see the Tracking Pages for the At-Large Universal Acceptance Pilot for your respective RALO here.

These pages are meant to facilitate the record of At-Large activity related to UA by region. Please share with your leadership team and community. John Laprise, ALAC Vice Chair has also requested you please also contact your regional UASG Ambassador regarding Universal Acceptance.

You may find the main At-Large Workspace on the UA Pilot here, with the below resources from Ajay Data of the UA Steering Group (UASG). Please share these resources with your RALO community."

See: RALO Tracking Pages for UA Pilot

Resources Shared by Ajay Data

For more details and technical documents, please visit:

Additional UASG Resources

→ 16 March 2020: from this date on all conversation details are being referred to the transcript

Topic 072: North American School of Internet Governance (NASIG) Updates 

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 18 November 2019, CLOSED:

TYPE: [General], [Policy], [Education], [Outreach]

DESCRIPTION: To provide an update on efforts regarding the North American School of Internet Governance

→ 16 March 2020: from this date on all conversation details are being referred to the transcript

Topic 073: 2021 or 2022  NARALO General Assembly (NGA 2021/2)

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 18 November 2019, CLOSED:

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: → To provide an update on efforts regarding the 2021 (or 2022) NARALO General Assembly

→ 16 March 2020: from this date on all conversation details are being referred to the transcript