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EURALO next Report


Certification of Norway Chapter of the Internet Society as an EURALO At-Large Structure (ALS)

The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) voted by accepting the Norway Chapter of the Internet Society application as an At-Large Structure of EURALO.

The ICANN's At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) is pleased to inform you that Norway Chapter of the Internet Society has been certified as an At-Large Structure (ALS).  The ALAC greatly appreciates your group's interest in involving individual users in EURALO and ICANN and looks forward to working with you and your colleagues. 

EURALO Board Call, 18/01/2018 at 19:00 UTC

The EURALO Board call was held on 18 January 2018 had some of the newly elected Board members in attendance. Some matters were discussed and agreed on include, the suggested proposals during the brainstorming session at the joint ICANN/ISOC dinner at the IGF, Geneva 2017. 

The proposals are:

Proposal 1: Set up a Webinar on GDPR with Euro-specific approach

Proposal 2: GDPR Continuation - Set up a Webinar on the Framework of Interpretation

Proposal 3: The Registration Directory Services (RDS) and Security & Stability Review Team #2 (SSR2-RT)

Proposal 4:  Improvement of EURALO Communication channels for, regional project development and ICANN processes.

Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS) moved a motion by supporting the proposals and others were in support of that. That is, all the 4 proposals are accepted by the Board members.

JJS volunteers to coordinate the proposal 4; improvement of the EURALO communication channels. Yrjö Länsipuro (YL) remarked that it would be more efficient to include Proposal 4 in the already existing framework of ALS Engagement, and JJS concurred. 

Proposal 1: Set up a Webinar on GDPR with the Euro-specific approach.  The proposed panelists/speakers are Thomas Rickert –, Michele Neylon – Blacknight Internet Solutions, Chris Buckridge- RIPE and Pierre Bonis - AFNIC.

EURALO chair, Olivier Crépin-Leblond (OCL) to take the lead on the coordination of the Webinar.  EURALO Board member agreed that Webinar should take place in the week of 5 Feb 2018 and a second Webinar in early April 2018. Yrjo volunteers to coordinate the second GDPR webinar.

Proposal 2:  Set-up a Webinar on the Framework of Interpretation of GDPR, develop a checklist for human rights impact assessment. Tentatively, Annette to lead on the Human rights impact assessment. The proposed date for the Webinar is 9 April 2018.

Proposal 3: Registration Directory Services and Security & Stability Review Team2. Discussions would focus on the security aspect: privacy vs. security. Practical issues linked to security to be accessed with the help of SSAC team, where possible.

EURALO Board members reached a consensus that a Wiki page be open to initiate the discussions. 

Proposal 4:  Improvement of EURALO communication channels. Including publish results of EURALO project successes and publishing them on social websites:

o   Link Twitter feed to Facebook page

o   Link blog feed to Facebook page

o   Tell members to post to the Facebook channel

o   Need to find a Curator for Facebook Page.

EURALO Secretary, Wale Bakare volunteers to update EURALO Facebook page.

EURALO Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP) Requests

The CROP requests need to be filed 6 to 8 weeks ahead of an event. Forecasting of CROP requests is therefore very important. The EURALO Board agreed to propose the following use of CROP slots for this Financial Year, ending 30th June 2018:

- Re:publica  takes place in Berlin, Germany,  from 2 - 4 May, 2018. There is a 1 CROP slot. This will be in coordination with German ALS in Berlin

-  RIPE 76 will take place at Palais du Pharo in Marseille, France from 14-18 May 2018.

One CROP slot might be used there if an offer cannot be struck with RIPE based on the EURALO-RIPE MoU.

- EuroDig 2018 to take place in Tbilisi, Georgia, from 5 – 6 June 2018. There are 2 CROP slots for EuroDIG

EURALO Outreach Calendar

- The calendar needs to be populated

-  The question on how to populate the calendar will be placed to the EURALO ALS Engagement Taskforce in coordination with communications team.

Collaboration with RIPE and Next Steps

EURALO Chair, OCL to get in touch with Chris Buckridge of RIPE to inquire about the upcoming meeting in Marseille, France.

OCL to explore collaboration with CENTR with the goal to sign an MOU in Barcelona, Spain during ICANN63 meeting.

EURALO Monthly Call

The call started with a review of ICANN Policy Consultations currently in place.

Of particular importance was the Data Protection and Privacy Update - Community Feedback on Proposed Compliance Models , which described ICANN’s options for all round compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) adopted by the European Commission and due to be enforced in May 2018. EURALO members were asked to contribute actively to this very short turnaround consultation from the ICANN CEO.

The next report will be published beginning of January 2020 and will try to cover the period from September to December 2019.
It will be developed by Natalia Filina.

EURALO August Report 

There are a few events across Europe primarily due to the summer holiday across the region. However, the highlighted items cover the reports of the EURALO activities for the month of August including email communications. hey include the signing of an agreement between EURALO and LACRALO on the application from BIKLAB  to become an accredited ALS; EURALO representative, Roberto Gaetano who participated in the Ukraine Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and the EURALO applicants who volunteer to become the membership of the 2019-2020 Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC) and the 2019-2020 Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC).

A.Signing of Agreement between LACRALO & EURALO on BIKLAB ALS Application

EURALO Chair, Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond, and LACRALO President, Sergio Salinas Porto signed an agreement to accept BIKLAB Association as EURALO ALS and an observer to LACRALO, due to its geographical location being in the Caribbean. 

The ICANN Staff is working on the ratification process to make BIKLAB certified ALS. Agreement report can be perused in the ALS wiki page of EURALO As well as the ALS page of LACRALO. 

B. EURALO Candidates for the BCEC (Board Candidate Evaluation Committee) and BMSPC (Board Member Selection Process Committee)

According to an email message communicated to the EURALO Board members by the EURALO Chair, Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond on the BCEC and BMSPC. 

The submitted applications as received by the At-Large ICANN Staff are listed in the table below. 

The following candidates were suggested as EURALO representatives for BCEC, are listed:

- Natalia Filina 

- Clément Genty 

- Alternate:  Roberto Gaetano 

And two candidates were suggested for the BMSPC and are: 

 - Jean-Jacques Subrenat

- Fotjon Kosta

Submitted Applications for BCEC Membership


Date Submitted


Natalia Filina

30 Jul 2019 

Natalia Filina - BCEC EOI.pdf  

Roberto Gaetano

10 Aug 2019 

I believe I have the necessary competence to carry on the tasks associated with this role.

I have served six years on the ICANN Board, three of which as VC, so I am aware of the competences and attitudes that are needed as ICANN Board Director. Moreover, I have served as chair of the BGC, the committee that had, inter alia, the task of ensuring good governance of the Board.

I have also served as chair on the first ALAC BCEC, and am therefore aware of what the participation to this committee requires. 

Clément Genty

13 Aug 2019 


Fotjon Kosta

14 Aug 2019 


Submitted Applications for BMSPC Membership


Date Submitted


Jean-Jacques Subrenat

30 Jul 2019 

Jean-Jacques Subrenat – BMSPC EOI.pdf 

Fotjon Kosta 

14 Aug 2019 

Fotjon_Kosta BMSPC.doc

C. EURALO Representative at IG events in Kyiv, Ukraine, 23-26 September

Roberto Gaetano will receive partial RALO discretionary funding to represent EURALO at the Internet Governance events that will be taking place in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 23 - 26, 2019, namely IGF-UA, the Regional RIPE meeting and the Youth IGF.

EURALO July Report 

The below items are the report of activities of EURALO for the month of July. The report includes the announcement of ICANN Board of Directors selection committees for 2019 and 2020 Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) and the Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC), Universal Acceptance, EURALO monthly call for July and EURALO ALSes update. 

A. At-Large Board Member Selection Home - 2019-2020 

The Seat No.15 of the ICANN Board of Directors is dedicated to a member selected by the At-Large Community. The Board term is 3 years, starting in 2020 for the winner of Board Seat 15. The process to select candidates to the ICANN Board Director includes the requirements and instructions to apply 

The selection process to be determined by: 

1) The Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC)  will compile an initial slate of candidates for election to Seat 15. A new BCEC consisting of two delegates selected by each of the RALOs plus a chair selected by the ALAC will be convened for each Board seat selection process.Agenda Items for this call included a review of the Global IGF Geneva Activities – these are listed in further detail on

2) The group also discussed the EURALO Board call described above.

FY19 Additional Budget Requests (ABR) from EURALO were discussed and agreed:

It was decided that this year, due to a lack of success in previous years, no ABR request would be made for attendance at ICANN Studienkreis. A CROP request would likely be used for that activity.

It was also mentioned that due to ICANN Global Budget consolidation, it was likely that the total ABR envelope would be reduced, year on year, thus it was a challenging year for ABRs.

Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC)  shall oversee the entire selection process including the election culminating the process but excluding those responsibilities specifically retained by the ALAC or given to the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee.

B) Universal Acceptance Resources and Workspace

The EURALO Individual Users’ Association Chair, Roberto Gaetano agreed to be the UA Champion for EURALO. 

All other activities regarding UA can be tracked and followed at the below Wiki pages: 

The At-Large activity related to Universal Acceptance (UA) by each region at

Universal Acceptance pilot at https:All ALAC and RALO Additional Budget Requests can be found on:

EURALO February 2018 Report


EURALO Taskforce on ALS Engagement Call 6 February 2018 at 17:00 UTC

 The EURALO ALS expertise table to be updated. At-Large staff to send a reminder to all ALSes to update the expertise table (google document) and to the EURALO individual Association to include individual names to the table.

EURALO Chair, Olivier Crépin-Leblond (OCL) suggested the inclusion of the ISOC Norway Chapter that has just joined EURALO to the ALS expertise table.

The EURALO Taskforce on ALS coordinator, Yrjö Länsipuro (YL) to send an email to ISOC Norway explaining the objectives of updating the expertise table.

The EURALO Facebook group; named EURALO-ICANN At-Large Facebook group has been created. EURALO Secretary, Wale Bakare (WB) granted (by EURALO Chair) admin privilege rights to allow him to post on, update the EURALO-ICANN At-Large Facebook group.

YL, EURALO Taskforce on ALS Coordinator sent an email to WB with an appropriate message posted on EURALO Facebook group informing the ALSes to become more active in Social media channels.

The At-large Twitter account - @ICANNAtlarge.  Hiedi suggests we need to identify who’s managing the At-Large Twitter account.

 EURALO GDPR Webinar, 19 February 2018

The EURALO GDPR webinar offers the opportunity to increase the understanding of practical implementation of GDPR both from a Registrar, a Registry and a Registrant perspective.

The Webinar’s panelists are:

  • Thomas Rickert (ECO Internet Industry Association) -  GDPR from a Registrant or Organisation point of view.
  • Pierre Bonis (AFNIC .FR Registry) - GDPR from a European Country Code Top Level Domain operator's point of view.
  • Michele Neylon (Blacknight Solutions Hosting, Colocation & Domains) -  GDPR from a European Registrar and business point of view.
  • Athina Fragkouli (RIPE NCC) - GDPR from the Regional Internet Registry of IP addresses point of view.

 Moderator: Olivier Crépin-Leblond

The full presentation - EURALO Webinar on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

 EURALO February Call 20, 2018


Heidi Ullrich (HU) commented that “under the CROP Procedures & Guidelines, a proposal must be approved by the CROP RT and the applicable regional GSE VP a minimum of 6 weeks prior to the proposed travel date. Therefore, to allow sufficient time for CROP RT and regional GSE VP to review, and for RALOs to update proposals based on comments received, proposals should be submitted to the CROP RT list 8 weeks prior to the proposed travel date”.

Re:publica 2-4 May 2018: Annette Mühlberg (AM), Oliver Passek(OP) and Wolf Ludwig (WL) to coordinate and work with EURALO CROP funded candidate. EURALO members agreed that Matthias Markus Hudobnik will represent EURALO at Re:publica.  

OCL to follow up on the EURALO mailing list on the suggestion from Oksana for EURALO support the petition against the reduction of the ICANN fellowship as well as to write an EURALO statement against the CROP elimination.

Security, Stability & Resilience of the DNS Review Team (SSR2) 

OCL has emailed Lutz Donnerhacke asking him whether he would be interested in participating in the SSR2, as an EURALO representative to the Review Team2.


EURALO March 2018 Report


San Juan ICANN61: RALO Leadership meeting – Sunday 11, March 2018

Individual users

The RALO leadership meeting was focused on the individual users, progress as well as the process of certification.

Humberto Carrasco (HC) suggested a working group for individual users, the discussion about voting power.  Alan Greenberg (AG) mentioned the difference between EURALO and other RALOs regarding the progress of individual users.

Eduardo Diaz (ED) talked about the process of decertification of individual members. He (ED) sighted the APRALO, as an example, where few members not necessary to have participation, awareness is sufficient for them.

Roberto Gaetano (RG) who stood in for EURALO Secretary, Wale Bakare (not present in person) explained how the EURALO Individual Users’ Association works. He also talked about the participation of individual users in At-Large activities. And he (RG) proposed that the meeting in Panama of individuals.

HC agrees with Roberto on the standardized method of certifying the individual’s participation or not? HC also supported the suggestion of having a meeting in Panama.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond (OCL) commented that ALSes supports is helpful. Then he (OCL) supported having a meeting in Panama, but suggested a preparation for the meeting, inform of “good practices” documents.

AG suggested that having an association for individual members without being an ALS.

Satish Babu (SB) commented that the implementation of the ALAC review is important for the discussion of individual membership - different categories of members - need basic guidelines, not uniformity.

Glenn McKnight (GM) mentioned of the active members in the NARALO, then said there are more applications for individuals than for ALSes.

ED calls for the meeting conclusion and directed At-Large staff to prepare the session in Panama, for continue discussions.


Hot topics

 ED mentioned as an example, the Net Neutrality, asked whether it is important for ICANN per its core operation. He further stressed that what is important is how the Net Neutrality affects users.

HC said will ask LACRALO what themes are more important for the people and which have more impacts, and in every monthly teleconference, these themes are discussed.

Tijani Benjemaa (TB) commented that the hot topic for Africa is electricity, not Net Neutrality - not within ICANN’s mandate. The topics to be discussed must be relevant for ICANN and better if related to the policy being in the making.

 Alfredo Calderon (AC) suggested a working group on education - is it important, does it affect the user, does it impact ICANN -  when organizing webinars need also an “entry level” for beginners. He said that APRALO informing individual users should be two-way communication – tell them about ICANN and listen to people.

 OCL commented that there is need to know what is interesting for the users (ALSes) because that tells us when a hot topic comes up which users (ALSes) are best to work on it. As an example, he (OCL) mentioned the EURALO hot-topic table for this purpose.

Hadia Abdelsalam Mokhtar (HAM) commented that -  good to know what topics are interesting for ALSes, but topics for discussion must be related to ICANN.

 GM said that NARALO followed the same approach that Olivier described

AG suggested that - we need a way to address unusual topics for which no “expert” has been identified.

 SB commented that sometimes activities that ALSes are involved in become relevant for ICANN

OCL suggested that it does not hurt to have in the list topics that are outside of ICANN’s remit but that of course only topics that are relevant to ICANN would be of use to the RALO. Furthermore, if on a specific topic there is no expertise in the RALO, then the RALO would remain silent. This is the reason why EURALO does not comment on all topics.

HC advised that we must be flexible with hot topics, sighted example, the ongoing discussion of ICANN budget and operating plan.

ED said that discussions around the individual internet users show the different perspectives from different parts of the world. ED concluded that Panama meeting with individuals not expecting outcome but having the discussion.

ALAC: Subcommittee on Outreach & Engagement Meeting –  13 March 2018

Each RALO presented local and global activities participated and new ALSes in their respective region.

NACRALO – mentioned of Cuba with no presence of At-Large in the country.

 OCL gave a brief activities EURALO has participated and members to attend this year local outreach and engagement within Europe.

Alagie Ceesay (AC) introduced herself as, a representative of an ISOC Gambia ALS and contact person of ISOC Gambia. She shared with RALOs update of the new ALS. The ALS is planning an outreach event/workshop on the following ICANN and Atlarge topic: 1. The Internet Governance Ecosystem 2. ICANN Ecosystem   3. Atlarge   4. What it means to be an ALS and how to get actively involved... this is the first Outreach to help ISOC Members and other stakeholders attending, understanding the basics of ICANN, Atlarge etc. She urged members at the meeting to make recommendations or suggestions on the stated outline of ISOC Gambia. She is the facilitator of the workshop with Beran Gillen and date is 25th March 2018.

EURALO March call, 27/03/2018

Summary of meeting discussions

Stephane Van Gelder: Unfortunately, Stephane van Gelder died on 26/03/2018 after a tragic motorcycle accident.  

At the European At-Large Organisation (EURALO) monthly call held on 27 March 2018. A minute of silence in memory of Stéphane van Gelder, participants on the call fully supported the proposal of a motion to be made by an ALAC member.

The Registries Stakeholder Group nominated Stephane Van Gelder for the 2018 Multistakeholder Ethos Award and supported by EURALO members present at the call.



C) EURALO ALSes Update

As at July 26, 2019 the total number of certified EURALO ALSes is 37​ 

D). EURALO Monthly Call  Tuesday, 09 July 2019 

The EURALO July call discussions were focused on EURALO Outreach activities, EURALO Hot-Topics for 2019, EURALO Bylaws and the ATLAS III. 

In addition, EURALO members discussed about the review of  Evolving ICANN’s Multistakeholder model; Call for Public Comment to the ICANN Financial Assumptions and Projections and Operating Initiatives year 2021 - 2025; Final Report of the Second Country Code Names Support Organization Review; update of ICANN 65, Marrakech meeting, June 2019; Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance were talked 

D.1 The European Regional At-Large Organization (EURALO) Hot topics for 2019

EURALO Hot topics have been reviewed with additional topics included. The below link includes inputs as well as discussions to the Hot topic. The documentation was communicated to the At-Large Outreach and Engagement working group.

D.2 EURALO By-Laws Taskforce 

The EURALO By-Laws discussion was centered on the in-corporation of EURALO as well as the ICANN legal department response regarding the EURALO By-Laws.

ICANN Legal response below:

  • Please note that ICANN org is not providing legal advice to EURALO in undertaking this review and has not reviewed the Articles or EURALO’s establishment for accuracy under Swiss law or for other legal issues. Instead, ICANN org’s review is limited to ensuring consistency with the EURALO MoU and ICANN Bylaws. See the attached with inline redlines which addresses that limited review. 
  • Regarding the use of the ICANN engagement office in Geneva as the registered office location of the EURALO, kindly note that the ICANN org postal address should not be used.
  • Also, there is reference in the Articles to other documents that have not been provided for review, including reference to “exhibits” and the EURALO Rules of Procedure.

D3. ATLAS III and ICANN65 Marrakech meeting, June 2019 

The discussion about the ATLAS III summit and the 6 EURALO members to participate at ICANN 66 Meeting in Montreal in November between 1 - 9, 2019. The  full report can be read at

D4. Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance

It was decided, as per previous years, that the August call will be skipped for the summer recess and the next EURALO monthly call will be in September.

June Report 2019

The items below cover the reports of EURALO ALS activities for the financial year 2019 (FY19) and the upcoming EURALO events for the financial year 2020 (FY 20) as drafted by Chair EURALO's Task Force on ALS Engagement, Yrjö Länsipuro.
In addition, it includes EURALO community members participation in ICANN 64 meeting, Marrakech, Morocco. As well as the EURALO members selected to participate in ATLAS III taking place in Montreal, Canada in November 2019.
The EURALO upcoming activities in Eastern Europe are included.

A.EURALO 2019/20 Outreach and Engagement Strategic Plans

The EURALO community members participated at various events either, as self-supporting or funded by their organizations. Also, EURALO was able to secure three CROP slots for the regional ALS outreach and engagement for the financial year 2020 activities.

A1. Outreach & Engagement Strategy for Financial Year 2019 (FY 19)
FY 19 in review
There is a growing multitude of all manner of internet-related meetings, conferences and workshops each year in Europe. Some are directly concerned with issues in ICANN’s remit, some offer a whole buffet of internet topics, many of which nevertheless have points of contact with the DNS.
EURALO members participate at many such events on their own or funded by their organizations. Funding by ICANN CROP program has dwindled in recent years. In FY 19, EURALO was able to secure three CROP slots, which were used as follows:
Event: ICANN63, Barcelona, 20. – 25.10.2018
Traveller: Sandra Hoferichter
Goals: To assist EURALO in its outreach to participants at ICANN63, including actively helping out with joint NCUC-At-Large Outreach Session, helping out with the Fellows as well as other At-Large activity at the booth, reaching out to newcomers at the ICANN meeting, explaining the complex ICANN and At-Large ecosystem to newcomers, helping out with the EURALO Virtual General Assembly and activities of the ICANN Academy.
Event: Internet Governance Forum, Paris 11. – 14.11.2018
Traveller: Natalia Filina
Goals: To represent At-Large community, particularly EURALO at the IGF. This will include presence at the booth that EURALO/At-Large are sharing with an Internet Society Special Interest Group; to actively distribute EURALO and At-Large outreach material throughout the IGF venue by targeting specific groups; to meet with current EURALO ALS representatives attending IGF in person in order to get to know them better (networking); to actively coordinate any informal meeting of European Stakeholders, in coordination with the Regional VPs for Global Stakeholder Engagement; to assist the At-Large and/or EURALO performing outreach activities both for individual and ALS member applications; to attempt to organize a speaking slot at IGF for EURALO where EURALO Engagement in ICANN activities will be presented to gain the attention of various experts in the ICANN multistakeholder development processes.
Event: EuroDIG, The Hague, 18.-20.6.2019
Traveller: Natalia Filina
Goals: To assist EURALO in its outreach to participants at ICANN65 including:
actively helping out with joint NCUC-At-Large Outreach Session; helping out with the Fellows as well as other At-Large activity at the booth; reaching out to newcomers at the ICANN meeting and explaining the complex ICANN and At-Large ecosystem to newcomers
A2 Outreach & Engagement Strategy for Financial Year 2020 (FY 20)
The EURALO ALS Engagement Task Force identified major events to be funded by the ICANN CROP for Financial Year 2020 ( FY 20). Likewise, the Taskforce, at its meeting on 14 June, 2019 selected three events for CROP funding and are as follows:
IGF, Berlin
TBD: EuroDIG and SEEDIG mentioned as possibilities.
B. ICANN65 Meeting, Marrakech, Morocco
B1. The table below contains a list of the successful EURALO members selected to attend ATLAS III summit, Montreal, Canada between November 1 - 8, 2019

Name Last name
Anne Marie Joly Bacholet
Clement Genty
Desara Dushi
Lutz Donnerhacke
Roberto Gaetano

B2. ALAC Subcommittee Outreach:The Upcoming EURALO Activities in Eastern Europe Region
EURALO members held a meeting to discuss the EURALO outreach and engagement activities in Eastern Europe. The meeting attendance includes Natalia Mochu, ICANN’s Global Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
One of the takeaways include to increase and extend EURALO activities in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
The full meeting discussions were summarized below by the in-coming EURALO Secretariat, Natalia Filina.

- Natalia invited me to participate in the open "ICANN65 readout webinar" (scheduled on July 11) with a short presentation about our work and the opportunity to join Euralo. The participants – the stakeholders in ICANN, the Regions – Eastern Europe and Central Asia. (Previous at-Large participant, Liana Galstyan, presented APRALO). For the participation i will prepare a short presentation (if we already have it or infographics, I may use it) about the mechanism of our work explaining how the opinion of end users is transformed during the work into part of the policy development process.

- The Interaction with RIPE NCC. According to preliminary data, the representatives of engagement interested in beginning such work. (We can hold joint open webinars after each RIPE or ICANN meetings, for example).

It is a good idea: EURALO already did this for example concerning the GDPR (, but there is always space to make more webinars I assume?! It is just a matter of organizing them and finding people who are willing to present ;-)!
- We need to start a new tradition to replace the (a little bit) passive position in the region to active role by the invitation of the appropriate organizations (to organize f2f meetings or online-webinars) if this organizations are not yet our ALSs, but potentially may bring to our work a lot of useful suggestions, experience of best solution (I mean the organizations which are working on the Internet right and freedom protection field, as an example).

- We should use the opportunity of the physical presence with short introduction presentations at events in the region (we are talking about events which don't require the funding for the presence). This is already implied theoretically, but practically we don’t use this possibility.

B3. ICANN65 At-Large Sessions are reported here

The below are EURALO members who contributed to the ICANN65 At-Large sessions report:

EURALO Chair, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
Sébastien Bachollet
Joanna Kulesza
Wale Bakare
Yrjö Länsipuro

April Report, 2019 

A. EURALO Engagement and Outreach FY19

The EURALO report for the month of April highlights the activities of EURALO community members at various working groups as well as the remaining EURALO Engagement and Outreach events for the Financial Year 2019 (FY19).

EURALO Task Force on ALS Engagement asked the EURALO community members to volunteer for the following regional events:

- SEEDIG ( using RALO discretionary budget)


The following candidates have volunteered for SEEDIG:

- Nenad Marinkovic (NM)  - Serbia

- Matthias Hudobnik (MH) - Austria

As for EuroDIG, Natalia Filina from Russia has agreed to attend the event on behalf of the EURALO community.

The other upcoming events include RIPE NCC in Reykjavík, Iceland, 20 -24 May 2019. Bastiaan Goslings (BG) volunteered to attend the RIPE meeting and will assist the EURALO community on the outreach activities there.  

 The financial year 2020 (FY20) O & E: Matthias Hudobnik (MH) has volunteered to help with At-Large Booth at  2019 IGF in Berlin in November. 

B ATLAS III - 60 Additional At-Large Members Selection Process

During the joint ATLAS III, LDT & Programme Sub-Groups Call Wednesday, 17 April 2019. The preparation for ATLAS III was discussed including the launching of the selection process of the additional 60 At-Large community members to attend the At-Large Summit which will take place in Montreal, Canada at the ICANN 66 meeting in November 2019.

B1. Selection Committee ATLAS III

ALAC Liaison to the GAC and EURALO member Yrjö Länsipuro has been nominated to the ATLAS III selection committee. The full details of the work of the selection committee can be perused at

B2. Online courses, Application form, and Guidelines  

As part of the criteria that must be met by the applicants interested to attend the At-Large Summit III, candidates must complete online courses either via the ICANN Learn portal (main path to selection) or attend a series of real-time webinars.  

The mandatory courses are 5 subjects designed and developed by the ATLAS III subgroups Leadership Development Team. 

C.  EURALO call on Tuesday, 16 April 2019 at 18:00 UTC

The EURALO call was focused on the updates on the activities of EURALO community members at various ICANN Working Groups. As well as the review and/or update of last month action items.

This month’s action items include the below:  

Sebastien Bachollet (SB) to check with Bastiaan Goslings (BG) and Joanna Kulesza (JK) on their position with regards to the  "ALAC statement on GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Policy Recommendations for ICANN Board Consideration". 

Olivier Crépin-Leblond (OCL) to follow up with EURALO's Board in EURALO’s participation in SEEDIG in May. 

MH/HU to raise item on 2019 IGF Planning on next SC on O/E call. 

OCL to send the last call for EURALO Hot topics 2019

 Claudia Ruiz  (CR) to link all SOIs of EURALO leaders and candidates and follow up with the ones without SOIs.

D. CROP Slots and RALO Discretionary Budgets - SEEDIG Travel

Nenad Marinkovic and Matthias Hudobnik are the EURALO representatives to participate at SEEDIG in Bucharest, Romania, 7-8 May 2019 using the EURALO CROP slot as well as the Discretionary funds.

E. ATLAS III Summit: ATLAS III Webinars

The first mandatory ATLAS III webinars for the applicants interested to attend the At-Large Summit III in Montreal, Canada in November 2019. The ATLAS III Webinars cover one of the compulsory 5 subjects - “Domain Names” and was held on 23rd April at 2100 UTC and 24th April at 1200 UTC, 2019.

The second ATLAS III webinars on the Introduction of GNSO to be held on the following dates: 30 April, 2100 UTC and 2 May at 1200 UTC, 2019.

March Report 2019

EURALO March report is focused mainly on the ICANN64 which took place in Kobe, Japan between 09/03/2019 and 15/03/2019

1 . ICANN64 Kobe - EURALO Community Members at ICANN64 Meetings

A1 EURALO FBSC Representatives at the Finance and Budget Session

Finance and Budget Community Comment Clarification - Key Themes:

  1. Financial Management - Personnel expense, ICANN meetings, Contingency, Additional Budget Request Process, and Professional Services
  2. Budget Development and Structure- Transparency Accountability, Document Structure, Current Financial Data
  3. Other Key Topics - ICANN Org Headcount, Funding, Community Outreach, and Reserve Fund.

Takeaways from the ICANN CFO, Xavier Calvez's (XC) comments:

XC stated that ICANN transparency of common interests, strategic planning are being stepped up. The growth of the personnel does not represent the work itself.

XC -  ICANN has grown due to the significant activities going on. Staff would seek efficiency within ICANN Org.

B1. ATLAS III  Update

The latest discussion of the selection of 60 people to attend the Atlas III selection = 60 people to be sponsored for travel and hotel

Each RALO would have a minimum of 10 people, the remaining 10 people to be determined by the Leadership.

Details about Atlas III can be read and followed:  

  1. ATLAS III Montreal Block Schedule
  2. Link to ATLAS III PWG Outcomes Working Group Google Doc

C1.  Human Rights Impact Assessment.

Report from Collin Kurre, CCWP-HR Co-Chair:

PDP HRIA Model – We had a productive working session during our F2F meeting, which will inform the next iteration of the HRIA model (version 3.4). Examples of feedback received:

  • Further considerations of the rights of indigenous and disabled peoples;
  • Incorporation of elements of the HR Framework of Interpretation;
  • Inclusion of relevant resolutions, principles, and decisions made by IGOs in addition to applicable human rights law; and
  • Addition of “Explainer” tab, including normative standards for assessing the severity of impact and other indicators.

Sub Pros – The Trial HRIA was shared with the Subsequent Procedures Working Group (work tracks 1-4) during their F2F meetings in Kobe. Many of the assessment observations fed into substantive policy discussions and recommendations were deemed useful by co-chairs Jeff Neuman, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, and other long-standing PDP members. This positive feedback is a good indicator of the viability of the current assessment framework.

GAC Implementation – In parallel, the GAC Human Rights International Law Working Group (HRIL WG) recently conducted a member survey regarding implementation options for the Human Rights Core Value. One of these options provided for the participation of the GAC in HRIAs or similar procedural steps established for PDPs. (Perhaps Jorge or Suada could tell us a bit more about this work and its reception within the GAC when they have a chance?)

D1. At-Large Outreach and Engagement Subcommittee Meeting

EURALO Representative and Co-Chair, Matthias M. Hudobnik sent his report for presentation at F2F meeting at ICANN64 Kobe in his absence. The report was presented by EURALO Chair, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond, it can be perused at

E1. Challenges ahead for Internet governance

The report mainly features from the French President Macron’s speech at IGF-2018 in Paris. It was translated to English language and drafted by Jean-Jacques Subrenat and read out to the At-Large community members at ICANN64 by Wale Bakare.

- Threats to the Internet and its users:

 - Structural: the single, unique Internet is under the risk of breaking up into national segments or continental ‘’plates’'

 - Cybercrime is a direct threat to the physical security of the Internet, and to the continued availability of public services.

- The global Internet now needs ‘’ decisive, but lucid action’’ in order to preserve or protect

 - ideals, values

 - net neutrality

- It is a falsehood to describe net neutrality as leading to the end of free thought. One must distinguish between neutrality and universality.

- In light of the above, it is time for us all to ‘’build a new space'', with

 - ‘’an open and safe Internet’'

 - with adequate respect for ideas and values

- In order to preserve the Internet and global users against these dangers, it has become necessary to set up some degree or regulation:

 - because governments espouse different values: some democratic, others far less so

 - France was the first signatory of the ‘’Contract to Save the Internet’’ initiated by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, with a view to protecting democracy

 - It has become necessary to reach beyond the misleading alternative of ‘’complete self-regulation or deregulation’’, and ‘’a segmented Internet controlled by authoritarian states’'

 - Therefore, President Macron is calling for a ‘’cooperative regulation’’, in the spirit of the growing movement towards sharing commons

- France, following Switzerland, will contribute to the implementation of such a ‘’cooperative regulatory’’ movement, as of 2019, on 3 main issues:

 1) Protect private data (enhance protection through some regulatory mechanism), along with the EU model

 2) Ensure and enhance trust, stability, and security in cyberspace; France supports the ‘’Paris Appeal for Trust and Security in Cyberspace’'

 3) Preserve potential for creativity, invention and economic development

- In mid-2019, France will invite to Paris an international ‘’scientific council'’ on AI

- Conclusion, a quote from the late Kofi Annan: ‘’To cope with the Internet in our lives, we need to be at least as creative as those who invented it.’’

2  EURALO Monthly Call

Tuesday, 26 March 2019 at 19:00 UTC

EURALO March call focused on the review of current and upcoming ALAC public consultations and the updates and feedback of ICANN64 Meeting that took place in Kobe, Japan between 9 - 15 March 2019.   

A  At-Large/ALAC Updates

OCL to follow up directly with the CEO of CENTR on next steps of EURALO/CENTR relations.

OCL to follow up with Maureen Hilyard (MH) on the process to be used for the selection of ATLAS III participants.

B   ICANN64 Updates

a. Review of the overall At-Large and Regional Leadership Scheduled meetings:  Agenda of the meetings can be accessed at ICANN64 - Kobe Meeting - March 2019

   Regional Leadership meeting: At-Large Meetings - Tuesday, 12 March 2019

       Other reports at  At-Large ICANN64 Meeting Reports

b. Outputs - Joint ALAC-GAC Statement on EPDP []

c. ICANN Finance and Budget Process

ICANN64 Meeting - Finance & Budget.pdf

February Report 2019

A. EURALO Monthly Call, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 at 19:00 UTC

EURALO call for the month of February focused on the previous action items as well as ongoing and upcoming ICANN call for public comment.

Action Items:  

Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond (OCL) to follow up on a consensus call to finalize the EURALO Hot topics document. OCL to send the final document with edits to Florian Hule for final review.

A call for comments will be sent for one week to EURALO's mailing list.  A vote will be launched.

OCL gave an update with regards to Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) Region - "Alexandra Kulikova and Natalia Mochu to follow up on potential organizations suitable as At Large Structures in Belarus and Moldova." 

B. ICANN Policy Development Process - Trial Human Rights Impact Assessments

The Cross-Community Working Party on ICANN and Human Rights (CCWP-HR) recently developed models specifically targeting the ICANN Policy Development Process (PDPs).

The work of developing the new models was undertaken as a further work of the joint workshop that took place at the 2018 Internet Governance Forum in Paris, by the CCWP-HR and NCUC.  

In addition, the models cover some of the PDP topics which include - Community Priority Evaluation as it relates to Public Interest Commitments; Community Priority Evaluation as it relates to Conflict of Interest; Community Priority Evaluation as it relates to Language and Accessibility; Dispute Resolution as it relates to Appeal Mechanism and etc.   

The full draft of the trial Human Rights Impact Assessment on the Subsequent Procedures PDP can be perused at

January Report 2019

A. Finance and Budget Subcommittee Working Group Call, Thursday, 17 January 2019 17:30 UTC

The Finance and Budget Subcommittee (FBSC) agreed on the below as per the proposals submitted by RALOs:

Approved Proposal:  1.

Unapproved Proposals:



B. EURALO Monthly Call - Tuesday, 22 January 2019 at 19:00 UTC

The EURALO January call has the below action items agreed on:

Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond (OCL) to send an email on paragraph 3 of the Hot topics document.

President Macron’s speech on IGF is found on

The English language version of the statement is posted in the IGF 2018 wiki page:

OCL to forward Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS) summary of Macron's speech at the IGF to the EURALO mailing list.

At Large staff to create a wiki page with a summary of Macron speech and share with the ICANN community.

“JJS to draft a paper, in time for Kobe, about the challenges ahead for Internet governance. This will include context; the discussion on regulation vs. deregulation; possible effects of proposed measures on ICANN and the multi-stakeholder model".

EURALO had 3 proposals submitted for funding in FY20 but 1 got approved - “Support the Participation of Individual Users in EURALO” as other 2 proposals will not be funded in FY20 and are: 1) Internet-of-Things and the Increasing Governance Challenges; 2) Diversity in ICANN Leadership Bodies.

OCL to send the EURALO By-Laws draft to EURALO mailing list asking for final comments. After a vote will be organized for its approval.

Sebastien Bachollet (SB)to report on the ATRT3 leadership composition and further developments at the next EURALO monthly call.

C. EURALO Involvement in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) Call on Thursday, 24 January 2019 at 14:00 UTC

Action items:

-Alexandra Kulikova (AK)  to contribute with the EURALO Hot topics document with a list of Events to be held in 2019 in the Eastern European region.

- AK and Natalia Mochu (NM) to follow up on potential organizations suitable as at large structures in Belarus and Moldova.

 As stated AK in her email to the At-Large members - the events in EECA in 2019 which were mentioned:

  • Russian IGF – 8 April, Moscow

  • APrIGF – 16-19 July, Vladivostok, Russia

  • Ukrainian IGF – September, Kiev

  • TLDCON – September, Lithuania

  • Belarusian IGF – October, Minsk

  • UADOM – December, Ukraine

  • EE DNS Forum – second half 2019

D. At-Large Finance and Budget Subcommittee Working Group Call - Thursday, 24 January 2019 at 16:30 UTC

Action Items/Notes:

- Update on ABRs: Heidi Ullrich to submit: local engagement; RTT; (ALAC Chair comms will be funded by ICANN); APRALO IDN workshop; EURALO support of Individual Users; LACRALO SSIG; NARALO policy writing course during ATLAS III; Indigenous Fellowship; NARALO NASIG2; 2 extra slots for ALAC.

The 2nd workshop on GDPR – Yrjö Länsipuro (YL) suggested we do the online course for ALSes. Bastiaan Goslings (BG) said he would be happy to say something regarding what his ISP is doing about GDPR.

CROP Updates

RIPE76 meeting: There are 4 EURALO members -  Sébastien Bachollet (SB), Andrei Kolesnikov (AK), OCL and BG to attend the RIPE76 meeting in France between 14 and 16 May 2018.  

SB will be sponsored to participate in RIPE76 by AFNIC, BG will be attending RIPE76 on behalf of his employer, and OCL as ICANN-CROP funded EURALO representative to RIPE76. It is likely AK would send his application for the RIPE fellowship award to enable him attend RIPE76 meeting

The re:publica meeting: Matthias Markus Hudobnik (MMH) is the selected member to represent EURALO, as a CROP funded candidate to attend the re:publica in Berlin. MMH CROP application has been approved.

Action Items

Olivier Crepin-Leblond to follow up with Annette, once she is back in her office, to organize a Webinar on the topic Framework of Interpretation and to develop a checklist for human rights impact assessment.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond  and Yrjo Lansipuro will coordinate the second EURALO webinar with the target date of the end of April on the topic of GDPR its impact on Whois and the impact of GDPR to end-users. 

Olivier Crepin-Leblond  will invite EURALO ALSes to share their experiences on what they are doing on GDPR. Yrjo Lansipuro will contact Raoul Plommer and Teemu Ropponen asking them to participate as speakers.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond to request volunteers to participate in the EURODIG 2018 meeting, considering the 6 weeks requirements to file CROP funding requests.