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The now archived At-Large Ad-Hoc Website Revamp Taskforce brought together cross-departmental ICANN Staff and Community to design and implement the At-Large website, launched in February 2016.


Staff Support Leads: Heidi Ullrich and Ariel Liang

Reporting Issues:

  1. You can report issues, bugs, and items for improvement on this page.

  2. You may also contact or to provide feedback.




NARALOAlan Greenberg
EURALOOlivier Crépin-Leblond
LACRALODev Anand Teelucksingh
APRALOAli AlMeshal
ICANN Policy Development Support Team

Heidi Ullrich

ICANN Policy Development Support TeamAriel Xinyue Liang
ICANN Product TeamChris Gift
ICANN Product Team

Steve Allison

ICANN Product TeamLaura Bengford
ICANN Product TeamJeff Salem
ICANN Software Development TeamSeveral members
Design VendorColumn Five Media

Key Deliverables

  1. Official Site: - Launched 24 Feb 2016

  2. Content Development Roadmap

  3. Information Architecture

  4. Project Charter 

  5. Site Map

  6. Style Guide

  7. Taxonomy

  8. User Story Map

  9. Wireframes

  10. Writing Samples

  11. Content Migration

  12. Accessibility Feedback

  13. ALS Application Tracking Page & ALS/Individual Members Database

  14. Website Metrics - 22 June 2016

Official Launch Check List

Image Added

The At-Large Community was given the 'GO' for the new website launch during the ALAC Monthly Teleconference on 23 Feb 2016.


Action Items





The members of At-Large Website Revamp Task Force, organized by affiliation, are:

At-Large CommunityOlivier Crépin-Leblond
At-Large CommunityDev Anand Teelucksingh
At-Large CommunityAnthony Niiganii
ICANN At-Large Staff

Heidi Ullrich

ICANN At-Large StaffAriel Xinyue Liang
ICANN Web StaffChris Gift
ICANN Web Staff

Steve Allison

External Consultant TeamColumn Five Media



The next call is scheduled on: 25 September 2014

19 September 2014

Adobe Chat 

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  • Dev Anand Teelucksingh:It was shown at the end of last call

      Dev Anand Teelucksingh:

      Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Re: is an interesting taxonomy ideas that could be used

      Heidi Ullrich:Sept. ARticles:

      Heidi Ullrich:ALAC Policy Development Activities from mid-August to early-SeptemberAlan Greenberg Selected as next ALAC ChairAt-Large Community Comprises 179 At-Large StructuresSeptember Monthly At-Large RALO RoundupAt-Large Website Revamp Project Begins

      Dev Anand Teelucksingh:The Policy Summary is great work, btw

      Heidi Ullrich:@Ariel, I think the Policy Updates are quite clear for outsiders/newcomers.

      Heidi Ullrich:I would hestitate adding a process that involves extra staff work to update this.

      Heidi Ullrich:or make it more clear

      Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Or even Latest News

      Dev Anand Teelucksingh:

      Dev Anand Teelucksingh:was my attempt

      Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Correspondence could be renamed to "Policy Advice"

      Heidi Ullrich:LOL, Olivier!

      Heidi Ullrich:I heard this morning that Jobs believed it was more important to sell dreams rather than products ;)

      Steve Allison:let's do that

      Heidi Ullrich:So, it is good to dream big!!

      Dev Anand Teelucksingh:look at the line for the apple phone

      Dev Anand Teelucksingh:;-D

      Heidi Ullrich:but their shares are falling a bit  - here is why :

      Heidi Ullrich:Good idea, Steve

      Heidi Ullrich:I support that

      Heidi Ullrich:Could they also call into the session with you during the ICANN Meeting?

      Steve Allison:yes, i will encourage them to do so

      Heidi Ullrich:Thanks

      Heidi Ullrich:Please send us their names once they confirm

      Heidi Ullrich:and email addresses


Adobe Recording - Due to AC tech issues during call this is a partial recording

Audio recording - Full recording


18 September 2014

Adobe Recording


12 September 2014

Action Items 

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Could you distill the historical or current issues/topics being worked on at At-Large into a Top 5 Categories (ex: WHOIS, Privacy, IDNs, ICANN Strategic Planning, IANA Transition)? Some issues/topics may be directly associated to a large ICANN issue area such as Strategic Plan, wheres others are independent (and could be connected to many ICANN topics) such as Privacy. It’s fine if you can identify more than 5 top categories.  

Key Takeaways 

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Discussion about the Correspondence Page

Intended Purpose of the Correspondence Page: 

  • To serve as an outward facing, comprehensive depository of the published work of the ALAC 
  • To encourage the visitors to intuitively discover the work of the ALAC 
  • To link to appropriate pages in the Policy Development wiki space so that it encourages visitors to get involved in the ongoing work of the ALAC 

Issues about the Correspondence Page: 

  • Misleading title of the page — the Correspondence page mainly contains Statements and only a few announcements and emails. 
  • Ineffective classification for the Statements — regions and RALOs are repetitive, and there is no keyword or taxonomy to describe issues/topics. 
  • Poor search capability within the page and the website — this is a consequence of the ineffective classification for the Statements. 
  • Inconsistent formatting for some Statements, including the numbering of translated documents.
  • Tendency to loose visitors’ interests:
    1. It takes multiple clicks to get to the Statement;
    2. The long-winded staff introduction section takes away the attention from the readers;
    3. There is no context or background about what the Statement is 'in response to’; 
    4. It is not clear ‘why’ the readers should care about them. 
  • No helpful links to the At-Large wiki workspace for those Statements in the Policy Development page — otherwise, interested visitors can be directed to appropriate pages and participate in the making of the ALAC Statements.

Improvement Ideas: 

  • Create a taxonomy landing page that details the key issues/topics which the ALAC has been working on: 
    • The background materials about those issues/topics need to be clear, interesting, and relevant to the Internet end-users; 
    • It may be worthwhile to rewrite the policy chapters on the Beginner’s Guide
    • We need to frame the issues/topics to show the readers ‘why they should care’; 
    • The taxonomy landing page can effective link to the ALAC Statements that address those topics, help readers keep track of the ongoing work of the ALAC around those topics, create pre-natal discussions and facilitate ‘call to action' (e.g. to make it easier for readers to comment on the current draft Statement on those topics). 
  • Redesign the way to publish the ALAC Statements: 
    • Each published ALAC Statement should be broken out into the relevant components so readers can quickly assess what they wish to learn: context summary, summary of statement (or any other supporting documents), name and affiliation of the penholder, key dates related to the making of the Statements, related Statements, etc. 
    • Those components need to be arranged in a logical and effective order, with the most interesting component at the top (e.g. the ’Staff Introduction' paragraphs describing the process of the making of the ALAC Statement need to be summarized and put in a less prominent area). 
  • Explain the Policy Development process on the website in a clear and engaging manner: 
    • We need to emphasize that anyone from the community can be the penholders and anyone can comment on the draft Statements; the policy development process should be a bottom up process initiated by RALOs. 
    • We may need to build certain platform or mechanism on the website to help community members to participate in policy development easily. Wiki is a good platform for working on the actual Statement, but the wiki isn’t helpful in facilitating discussion around whether the ALAC should have a Statement in response to Public Comment request. 
  • Upgrade the search functions within the Page
    • We may need to include issue/topic keywords and drill down filtering (faceted search?). 
    • The search capability needs to be complex enough for seasoned members to find documents. 
  • Although the mission Statement for the ALAC is very broad and the community members have few common denominators, we need to clearly state the ALAC mission statement, emphasize and frame the ‘end-user’ key point, and display it in an obvious place on the website. In that way, we can show how the work of the ALAC (e.g. ALAC Statement) ties to its mission.  

Other Requirements: 

  • At-Large Staff need to have the capability to manage content on the website without going through web-admin. 
  • Translation requirement — it may be a future requirement to translate important static content on the website, but at a minimum, all ALAC Statements must be translated and properly archived on the site. 

Adobe Chat 

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Kathy Schnitt: Dear all, Welcome to the Website Revamp Project on Friday 12th of September at 16:00 UTC

  Kathy Schnitt:Welcome Ariel and Dev

  Ariel Liang:Just FYI - everybody is here. Anthony sent his apologies

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:looks like my mic isn't working

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:on the call

  Ariel Liang:

  Heidi Ullrich:If a new format is being considered, perhaps the Board Resolution page might serve as a model:

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:translations of these statements are not up to date. 2013 only yields 3 translated documents

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:this is a huge amount of translations missing. I do not know whether they were undertaken and missing from the list, or whether the translations were not done

  Heidi Ullrich:Here is the note to the G8 :

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Here is the note to NTIA:

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:

  Heidi Ullrich:

  Heidi Ullrich:that is the note to the NTIA

  Heidi Ullrich:+1 Steve

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Heidi your pointer are to the US Congressman

  Heidi Ullrich:we need greater searchability

  Heidi Ullrich:ah, sorry

  Heidi Ullrich:that was the letter I was referring to

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:also -- note that some of these summaries are wrongly formed, and the actual statement is missuing!

  Heidi Ullrich::(

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I used Google to find the letters

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:wow -- the one to NTIA NOI is actually even missing. There is the Staff intro & no link to the Statement itself, apart from a link to the workspace where we built it....

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: is an example of interactive search

  Heidi Ullrich:I agree that broad topics are needed

  Heidi Ullrich:Dev, Matt and you developed a page where the impact on end users was spelled out

  Heidi Ullrich:@Ariel, that might be a good solution for a start

  Heidi Ullrich:@Ariel, please look at the Beginner's Guide to ALAC Policy

  Heidi Ullrich:It has this kind of summary text on the main topics, I believe

  Heidi Ullrich:Chart:

  Steve Allison:Thank you

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Phone connection lost, but listening via AC audio

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Good idea

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:This was great

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks everyone - take care

  Ariel Liang:Thank you all!

Adobe Recording


11 September 2014

Adobe Chat 

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Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the Website Revamp Project on Thursday 11th of September at 16:00 UTC

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:OUCH -- that hurts!

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Bounce Rate 50/70%  ???

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Ouch indeed

  Anthony Niiganii (MBE):It sometimes take me awhile to find what I need and just end up jumping to Google to search

  Heidi Ullrich:Will the Seasoned community members use the wiki as their primary source?

  Anthony Niiganii (MBE):lol why me? lol

  Ariel Liang:people like you are a primary audience

  Anthony Niiganii (MBE):thanks...yea I can agree with that

  Heidi Ullrich::)

  Ariel Liang:@Heidi - yes, so that's why they are secondary audience

  Ariel Liang:primary ones don't really know about the wiki or know how to use the wiki

  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Ariel

  Ariel Liang:so the website is a main platform for us to communicate with them

  Ariel Liang:no problem

  Heidi Ullrich:How are they making an impact - we could have a spotlight for that

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Well, primary ones can find the wiki if they use Google search

  Heidi Ullrich:they should be using the Dashboard...

  Ariel Liang:but it is not an effective landing page for the community

  Ariel Liang:newcomers will get confused how to use it

  Heidi Ullrich:@Ariel, I agree the dashboard is confusing for newcomers

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:agreed, a redesign is needed for wiki, the wiki needs to have a menu/section for newcomers that discover the wiki page where they can go to next

  Heidi Ullrich:What is a wireframe

  Ariel Liang:wireframe is similar to the structure of a website

  Ariel Liang:

  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks!

  Heidi Ullrich:When would new content be developed? Many of the pages are out of date...

  Steve Allison:we can do some of this in tandem. My hope is that during the design work, we can concept on what topics should be written at least to support the designs/wireframes so that we can present a polished product, and then over the long term we can discuss a strategy to consistently develop new content

  Laura Bengford:We can also may leverage some of the Getting Started / newcomer guides from

  Steve Allison:Thanks Laura. I think we're thinking the same. Some of that content is the most comprehensive for newcomers

  Heidi Ullrich:Good idea, Laura

  Heidi Ullrich:There is likely up to date info on the wiki as well

  Laura Bengford:Maybe leverage events or the calender filtered for ALAC.

  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks very much Ariel and Steve!

  Anthony Niiganii (MBE):thanks Ariel and Steve

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:indeed, much food for thought

  Heidi Ullrich:The Board Resolution page might be a model to follow for ALAC Policy Advice:

  Laura Bengford:Depending on the artwork required could be by UX designer or graphic designer.  Usually they are one offs as needed.

  Anthony Niiganii (MBE):great question Olivier about the look and feel

  Laura Bengford:Also photos can be used.

  Heidi Ullrich:Photos will personalize it

  Heidi Ullrich:we also have some great graphics already developed we could use

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I think there are other synergies and similiarlies with other ACs (SSAC, GAC, RSSAC)

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:ACs generate correspondence for eg

  Anthony Niiganii (MBE):just taken it in

  Laura Bengford:+1 on the synergies

  Ariel Liang:agree with Steve - need to identify what are the most important content for updates

  Ariel Liang:and then figure out the ways for update

  Steve Allison:Laura can you talk about accessibility and translation

  Laura Bengford:We can work on Accessibility in tandem with Accessibility WG and tools developed. Also translation

  Ariel Liang:

  Anthony Niiganii (MBE):I agree with Laura, and this is something that should be brought up with the Accessibility WG as there is discussion about developing checklist for virtual participation, in whatever form that may take

  Heidi Ullrich:+1 Laura and Anthony

  Heidi Ullrich:I agree that the Accessbility WG - with the TTF - could advise on this point

  Heidi Ullrich:Ariel and All - please take a look at the board resolution page:

  Anthony Niiganii (MBE):unfortunately I am not available to participate tomorrow., and will catch up with the recording.

  Ariel Liang:@Heidi that's a good example!

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:re: board resolution page, the categories is the idea, however correspondence can have multiple "tags" - gTLDs, IDN

  Anthony Niiganii (MBE):I can see that many people who come to the site first do not see a "welcome greeting" that is important to foster community engagement

  Anthony Niiganii (MBE):that could be why some many jump

  Heidi Ullrich:Good point, Anthony

  Heidi Ullrich:Great job, Ariel and Steve!!! Also, thanks to the community web team!! We selected the right people!

  Laura Bengford:Great meeting, thank you everyone!

  Anthony Niiganii (MBE):I will prepare some thoughts tonight that can be shared with everyone.

  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Ariel

  Heidi Ullrich:Anthony, I meant!

  Heidi Ullrich:I write "Thanks, Ariel" so often ;)

  Anthony Niiganii (MBE)::) it's ok...Ariel is a team member anywhere

  Ariel Liang:hahaha

  Ariel Liang:thanks Heidi

  Anthony Niiganii (MBE):Ekosani Everyone! Kinanaskomitinawa!

  Ariel Liang:Thank you bye bye

  Heidi Ullrich:bye!

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Take care all

  Steve Allison:Thanks all. bye

Adobe recording


Action items

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Project Charter  

22 August 2014

Action Items 

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08 August 2014 


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  1. Introduction
  2. Review of the Budget
  3. Review of the Timeline
  4. People involved and work breakdown
  5. Project management
  6. Extent of At-Large community involvement

Action Items 

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Below are the transcripts and summary of the 2012 community member interviews on the topic of the At-Large website improvement 

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