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Current Technology Issues



Advanced Tables - Table Plus

Description of IssueStatus of IssueUpdated


Solution / Workarounds

LACRALO mailing list issues

(See discussion-of-LACRALO-mailing-list-issues for a deeper background behind this issue.)

titlein Progress



To resolve the critical issues, ICANN did a complete rewrite of the tool which is scheduled to be deployed to the lists mid December 2019

2019 - Two critical issues have been noted on the


page : missing emails from the lacralo-es to lacralo-en list ; and the general error message "Sentence punctuation must be followed by a space" not specifiying where in emails the error occurs.

ICANN IT has a new developer looking at the code to see the bugs.


discussion-of-LACRALO-mailing-list-issues page has other ideas / workarounds for the tool.


late Dec 2016 - a new version of the translation tool fixing some of the critical bugs has been installed to the new-transbot-en and new-transbot-es lists.

Update March 2 2017 - a new version of the translation tool deployed. New features:

  • translated emails will also include attachments (TXT, PDF, WORD, JPEG, PPT, PNG, GIF) from the original email
  • If there is text that you don't want translated, you can enclose such text with a <DNT></DNT>



the ability to export Adobe Connect recordings from Flash only recordings to formats like MP4 which can be edited and put on video sharing websites for easier resharing and accessible to the At-Large community.


  • the bandwidth remain to stay connected to the Adobe Connect room to download/export the recording and to then upload the video to YouTube
  • ability to do regular ICANN work including being on conference calls whilst the download and upload is happening in the background.


Issues regarding Zoom

Include Page
Questions to ICANN regarding Zoom
Questions to ICANN regarding Zoom

Resolved Technology Issues

The following table are for RESOLVED Technology Issues

Advanced Tables - Table Plus

Status of IssueUpdatedDescription of IssueSolution / Workarounds


Turn on Collaboration Capabilities in Confluence

The current version of Confluence allows for collaborative capabilities in writing pages and this would be very helpful to At Large members as we write policy statements and other documents that are stored on our wiki.

We also asked for the current version of Confluence to be updated to the new version

We discussed this on the February 2019 TTF call and were told that the reason it was not turned on and that the version of Confluence was not updated was because this feature caused several breaks in links on the current version and that IT was looking at this issue. We asked Mark Segall to update us on this issue.

After the wiki hack incident around April 2019, the latest version of Confluence was installed and the collaborative editing feature turned on.



Having server resources available to test open source solutions like Mattermost, eXo

Whilst several tools have been identified as potential tools that could be useful for At-Large, currently we have to ask volunteers to donate hosting and to configure such server resources. Such persons are rare in At-Large and are typically busy persons to assist with the deployment of such tools for At-Large Testing.

Whilst Mattermost testing has now begun thanks to a volunteer, the more complex eXo platform testing has not started.

Can ICANN assist with proving server resources?


(submitted by Satish Babu) - the dial-out quality for most conference calls are quite poor and practically unintelligeble for 60-70% of the time. The device used at my end is my mobile phone, which works ok for normal calls. Can something be done about this? The AC room audio is much better (in listen-only mode), although it's somewhat noisy if I try to speak at peak hours.

Olivier Crepin Le-Blond also has had numerous problems with the quality of the calls


"(submitted by Seun Ojedeji[]) It will be great to have a chat-only pod for adobe connect. Considering the recent improvement with AC, is this may be a good feature to explore; It will be useful for participants who are on dial-out (but bandwidth limited) to follow the chat as well."


Adobe Connect Issues


Of recent, several At-Large conference calls have had more connectivity problems:

  • persons unable to use Adobe Connect audio to connect to the conference call
  • persons on the Adigo bridge unable to hear the persons on the Adobe Connect bridge and vice versa
  • persons have had to exit Adobe Connect and reload Adobe Connect




Polling in Adobe Connect can't be seen by mobile users, challenges with creating questions to select multiple answers

The At-Large Captioning Project conducted surveys during the captioning trials of several calls in FY16. However, the polling in Adobe Connect has several issues:

  • inability of mobile users being able to access the poll. Apparently the Poll module is Flash only so mobile devices can't see or interact with the poll
  • poll questions do not allow for more than one answer to be selected.
  • a challenge to collate the survey questions
  • (not so much a tech issue, but noted here anyway) - ensuring persons on the calls complete the survey questions


Staff are now trained on how to do surveys with multiple choice options and have done it successfully.  However, there have been cases where staff accidentally checked the wrong button and as a result, the ability to choose multiple answers is taken away.

Adobe Connect has a feature to customise the message when the Adobe Connect session ends and also point to a URL when the user acknowledges the message. So by linking to a mobile friendly survey tool, we can mitigate the problems of polls in Adobe Connect. To be tested by the TTF in December.

Supposedly has been fixed but need to verify







Currently there is NOT an option to have more than one audio channel within Adobe Connect.  I have explored many options to try to resolve this issue, as I understand the concerns this group has, and I too would like to see these features with adobe connect.  Some options I have tried, utilizing the breakout sessions, which DOES split up the audio into difference bridges, however, there is no option for an interpreter to be able to bridge across two language breakouts to be able to do their job. The only way to have multi channel audio currently with adobe connect is to link to an outside service, similar to how we are currently managing multi-language streaming.  There is a bit of a flaw in this thought process to have multiple languages all in the English based adobe connect room.  The true way this is intended to work, and was utilized by ICANN with NETmundial, is to provide each adobe connect room in the native language.  For example, you have English, French and Spanish Adobe Connect rooms (all separate dedicated rooms), which are tied to the phone bridge for the respective languages.  This allows when a Spanish speaking person logs into the Spanish Adobe Connect, they hear, read and see Spanish, and when a user speaks in English, the Spanish room hears the Spanish interpreters.  Having done this myself for NETmundial, this is logistically very challenging, and requires many staff to make this happen.  In my example, you would need three operators (one for each language), three Remote Participation managers, one for each room, and fluent in the respective room language to answer chat comments etc. You would also need the three interpreters, one for each room.  Not to mention, the content to be shared in each room, also needs to be translated into the respective room language.  This is an example of a perfect world, but at this point is not technically feasible nor manageable from a labor standpoint.

So to round this conversation point, currently the technology provided by Adobe Connect does not permit the feature you are looking for.

Workaround : use Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Cloud Computing Services that provides 1 year for new Amazon customers.



While working on the ICANN Stakeholder Analysis Tool , it was noted that a lack of consistent HTML used to display ALSes information on the At-Large website ( ; ; ; ; ) hampered retrieval of information into the tool.

See Lack of consistent HTML on ICANN At-Large website (ALS information) .pdf which documents the missing HTML pairs when ALS information was missing.

ICANN IT noted the issue and scheduled a fix in late July / early August 2018. The fix was deployed and the ICANN Stakeholder Analysis Tool is now able to retrieve all At-Large information automatically.










Resolved Techology Issues



When At-Large persons with Yahoo email addresses post to At-Large mailing lists, their emails are received as spam messages by other persons on the mailing list.
In Gmail, the emails recevied from Yahoo email addresses have his message in the spam folder
"Why is this message in Spam? It has a from address in but has failed's required tests for authentication. Learn more
ICANN Staff plans to install updates to mailman to support DMARC. See

Remote participation in ICANN F2F meetings. There are significant challenges for remote participation

  • The Adobe Connect room can only stream one audio channel, and typically its the raw audio, meaning interpretation is not heard.
  • Similarly, persons wanting to speak have to dial Adigo but still can only hear raw audio, meaning the remote participants cannot hear interpretation.
  • The different language audio streams are delayed by up to 30-40 seconds. If the computer was used to dial Adigo (using programs like Skype), this results in two audio streams, one from the Adigo bridge, one from the language stream which makes it hard to understand speakers in the room being interpreted in the language of the remote participant
Mark Segall has responded to this issue in May 2016 :


  • Re: The Adobe Connect room can only stream one audio channel, and typically its the raw audio, meaning interpretation is not heard.
    • This was originally how we had it where it was raw audio, but now as of 3-4 meetings ago, we stream the English line, which means adobe connect always has English, whether via floor speaker or interpreter.
  • Re: Similarly, persons wanting to speak have to dial Adigo but still can only hear raw audio, meaning the remote participants cannot hear interpretation.
    • Same as above, they will hear English as the primary adobe language and on the phone.  If they want to hear the interpretation, they do have to listen to a separate stream.  We are looking into alternatives to this, but so far have not found any viable options.
  • Re: The different language audio streams are delayed by up to 30-40 seconds. If the computer was used to dial Adigo (using programs like Skype), this results in two audio streams, one from the Adigo bridge, one from the language stream which makes it hard to understand speakers in the room being interpreted in the language of the remote participant
  • Streams are no longer delayed 30-40 seconds – at most they are delayed 3-5 seconds.  In some cases there is a delay in Interpretation, due to the interpreter listening to the speaker for the full phrase before interpreting into another language.  This is the nature of interpretation, and will add a small delay.
Sept 21, 2016

The RALO literature is devoid of speciality email addresses ie. and

Staff has said for security reasons it can't be done.

Resolved this issue by creating a list serve

From Mark Segall :

I followed up internally on the request for aliased email addresses (the last recorded issue on the AL-TTF Issues page dated 21 Sep) they have provided confirmation that these email addresses do still exist in the form of a mailman distribution list.....

....However, what has changed is the ability to “Send As” this address.  The security team has made several changes to this function throughout our services ecosystem to reduce risk of phishing.  So if anyone wishes to be able to send as, we will need to work with the individual(s) to configure VPN.













Adigo dial out quality

(submitted by  Sarah Kiden Feb. 20) Adigo Call quality has really be dropping. Sarah reports that in some calls her call has dropped several times and in the past the quality was not so bad.

Many other people have reported a significant increase in the number of calls dropped by adigo

(submitted by Satish Babu) - the dial-out quality for most conference calls are quite poor and practically unintelligeble for 60-70% of the time. The device used at my end is my mobile phone, which works ok for normal calls. Can something be done about this? The AC room audio is much better (in listen-only mode), although it's somewhat noisy if I try to speak at peak hours.

@Olivier COlivier Crepin Leblond also has had numerous problems with the quality of the calls

We asked Mark Segall to follow up on these issues with the Meetings team

Adobe Connect

Since ICANN has stopped using Adobe Connect, the technology issues noted here have been moved to the Adobe Connect Issues Page