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2024 Activities

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id2022 2024 Archive

 Regional Hot Topics Survey 2022

Background: In 2017 and 2019, similar Hot Topics surveys were conducted for RALO members to determine topics which were they considered important for the region and for the RALO's attention. See: APRALO Hot Topics 2017 | APRALO Hot Topics 2019.  For 2021, the APRALO Policy Forum's leadership proposed to align the Regional Hot Topic Survey 2021 (HTS Project) with the APRALO Register of Skills & Interests Project (Project RoSI) in order to take advantage of the following factors and existing activities:

  1.  The HTS 2021 should not be conducted in a vacuum and should take into consideration existing topics covered by the At-Large and ALAC. See: Infographic 
  2.  As part of its work scope, the Project RoSI small team is conducting a review of the said topics covered by the At-Large and ALAC, examining them for currency and/or updating
  3.  The At-Large OFB-WG are also closely examining ICANN's FY22-26 Operating Initiatives, work which is expected to produce recommendations on what areas and topics the At-Large and ALAC should be prioritizing
  4.  All the above information are expected to be distilled within Project RoSI and will be useful input on which to then base a RALO consultation
  5.  The above steps will prevent unnecessary duplication of efforts while preserving key information for RALO members' consideration  

          See: Infographic report

Status:  Survey conducted. Outcomes to be presented at the APRALO Monthly Meeting during ICANN75 on Tuesday, 20 September 2022. 

Dedicated Workspace:  APRALO Hot Topics 2021-2022

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label[11] Regional Hot Topics Survey (202226] Fireside Chat 5: Internet Fragmentation & MSM (2024)

[26] APRALO Policy Forum Fireside Chat #5: Let's Talk About Internet Fragmentation and Multistakeholder Internet Governance

Image AddedBackground: Having had an earlier conversation on Internet Fragmentation in the ICANN context, this fitfh APRALO Fireside Chat will feature moderator Amrita Choudury  in conversation with Anriette Esterhuysen, Senior Advisor on Global and Regional Internet Governance,Chris Buckridge, Independent Consultant on Internet Governance and Digital Policy, and Pablo Hinojosa, Senior Director of Engagement at APNIC. They will be discussing the state of multi-stakeholderism in Internet Governance, with a focus on:

  • What does Internet Fragmentation mean, what are some of the dimensions of fragmentation  and how does it impact especially individual end-users?
  • What role does the At-Large Community have, as part of ICANN's multi-stakeholder model and beyond, in addressing Internet Fragmentation risks, given ICANN's "One World, One Internet" goal? How can the At-Large Community support ICANN's endeavour.

Target Aims: 1, 3, 4
Target Priorities: 1b, 3a, 3c, 4c-OI-9, 5a

Event Wiki:  APF Fireside Chat #5, 25 April 2024 (with Activity Report posted)

Recording: EN Zoom Recording

More about: APRALO Policy Forum Fireside Chats

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title[25] APRALO ICANN79 Readout

[25] APRALO ICANN79 Readout

Image AddedBackground:  Panelists will discuss their respective key takeaways from ICANN79 and participants are welcomed to join in the conversation aimed at identifying where and how end-users may play a role in any next steps to each of those takeaways. 

Amrita Choudhury, APRALO Chair, based in India

Aris Ignacio, APRALO Vice Chair, based in Philippines
Manju Chen, GNSO Councilor representing NCSG, based in Taiwan
Pranav Bhaskar Twari, ICANN79 Fellow, based in India
Dr Shamsuzzoha, representing GAC Bangladesh, based in Bangladesh
Russell Deka T Harada, ccNSO, based in Papua New Guinea (PNG)

Target Aims: 1, 4
Target Priorities: 4b-OI-3, 4e-OI-10

Event Wiki:  APRALO ICANN79 Readout

Zoom Recording: EN

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title[24] APRALO Statement - Draft ASP Handbook (2024)

titleNO STMT
[24] APRALO Statement to ICANN Org Review of the Draft Applicant Support Program (ASP) Handbook – New gTLD Program

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Background:  ICANN org is seeking feedback on the Draft Application Support Program (ASP) Handbook, which has been previously discussed by the Subsequent Procedures (SubPro) Implementation Review Team (IRT) Sub-Track on ASP as part of ICANN’s efforts to implement the policy recommendations on Topic 17: Applicant Support, of the SubPro PDP Final Report, and taking into account the guidance provided by the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) on Applicant Support. An APRALO Small Team on ASP is to be constituted to work on inputs for APRALO's submission to this call for feedback.

The Small Team, which comprised several APRALO Leadership selected APRALO/APF members, had reviewed the public comment supporting materials, identified and discussed comments for consideration over a period of February 9-28, 2024. Thereafter, our efforts shifted to the At-Large, in shepherding the ALAC/At-Large comments for the same, through the ICANN79 At-Large Policy Discussion session held on 2 Mar, and continued through 3 subsequent At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) calls on 13, 20 and 27 Mar, where suggested positions were discussed by the At-Large Community.  The Small Team contributed significantly to the positions discussed by At-Large and many of those proposed by the Small Team were eventually taken up in the ALAC Statement AL-ALAC-ST-0224-02-01-EN.

Target Aims: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Target Priorities: 1a, 3a, 3b, 3c, 5b

Small Team Workplan: [24a] Small Team Work Plan on Draft ASP Handbook

Dedicated Workspace:  At-Large Workspace: Review of the Draft Applicant Support Program (ASP) Handbook – New gTLD Program

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title[23] APRALO Statement - IDNs-EPDP P1 (2024)


titleNO STMT
[23] APRALO Statement to ICANN Board Call for Public Comments for the IDNs-EPDP Phase 1 Final Report, February 2024Image Added

Background: APRALO seeks to respond to the Public Comment proceeding that is seeking input on the Phase 1 Final Report Recommendations from the GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) for ICANN Board Consideration. After deliberations at the APF call of 13 Feb 2024, it was determined that no statement was needed.

Target Aims: 1, 2, 3
Target Priorities: 2b, 3a, 3c, 5b

Event Wiki: APF Call, 13 Feb 2024

Dedicated Workspace:  IDNs-EPDP Phase 1 Statement Googledoc

2023 Activities

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id2023 Archive

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title[22] Fireside Chat 4: Internet Fragmentation (2023)

[22] APRALO Policy Forum Fireside Chat #4: Let's Talk About Internet Fragmentation, 7 December 2023

Image AddedBackground: The fourth APRALO Fireside chat: "Let’s Talk About Internet Fragmentation" on Thursday 7 December 2023 at 06:00 UTC featured APRALO Policy Forum Chair Justine Chew in conversation with Guest Speaker, Jia-Rong Low, ICANN Vice President, Stakeholder Engagement and Managing Director - Asia Pacific, to gain a common understanding of what Internet Fragmentation is, how it came about and its potential impact on ICANN and individual end-users, in respect of ICANN's mandate and any wider role in Internet Governance.  

Event Wiki:  APF Fireside Chat, 7 December 2023 

Recording:Zoom Recording

More about: APRALO Policy Forum Fireside Chats 2022-2023

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title[21] New gTLD Next Round, Webinar 2 (2023)

[21] APRALO Policy Forum Webinar #2 on the Next Round of New gTLDs: A Primer on Applicant Support, 23 November 2023

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Background: The second in a planned series of activities around the Next Round of New generic Top-Level Domains, this webinar is designed to provide participants with:

  • an overview of:
    • the Applicant Support Program for the 2012 Round of the New gTLD Program; 
    • the policy recommendations of the Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group (SubPro PDP WG) in 2016-2021;
    • the implementation work by the Subsequent Procedures Implementation Review Team (SubPro IRT) leading up to the launch of the Next Round; 
    • an understanding of the 'gaps', i.e. what work remains in terms of policy versus implementation; 
  • a preliminary discussion / gathering of input for a plan to amplify communication about the Next Round and the Applicant Support Program;
  • an understanding of what work remains in terms of policy versus implementation; and
  • an opportunity to seek clarification and/or raise issues for addressing (to the extent possible).

Event Wiki:  APF Webinar, 23 November 2023

Recording:Zoom Recording

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title[20] ICANN78 Readout (2023)

[20] APRALO ICANN78 Readout, 9 November 2023

Background: The ICANN78 Annual General Meeting held in Hamburg gives the APRALO an opportunity to organise its second Readout. This Readout will feature cross-community panelists from the APAC region, who are invited to discuss their respective key takeaways from ICANN78 with event participants with the aim of identifying where and how end-users may play a role in any next steps to each of those takeaways. 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr, At-Large Leader, based in Australia
Maureen Hilyard, APRALO, based in Cook Islands
Shita Laksmi, 
ICANN78 Fellow, based in Indonesia
Jennifer Chung, 
GNSO Councilor, Registry Stakeholder Group, based in Hong Kong
Russell Woruba, 
representing GAC PNG, based in Papua New Guinea (PNG)
Atsushi ENDO, 
ccNSO, based in Japan

Event Wiki:  APRALO ICANN78 Readout, 9 November 2023

Recording: Zoom recording 

Takeaways: Post

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title[19] New gTLD Next Round, Webinar 1 (2023)

[19] APRALO Policy Forum Webinar #1 on the Next Round of New gTLDs: An Overview, 7 September 2023

Image Added

Background: The first in a planned series of activities around the Next Round of New generic Top-Level Domains, this webinar is designed to provide participants with:

  • an overview of:
    • the New gTLD Program; 
    • the policy development work completed by the Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group (SubPro PDP WG) in 2016-2021;
    • the implementation work by the Subsequent Procedures Implementation Review Team (SubPro IRT) leading up to the launch of the Next Round; 
    • the different roles held by various parts of the ICANN Community in relation to the SubPro PDP and SubPro IRT;
  • an understanding of what work remains in terms of policy versus implementation; 
  • an opportunity to seek clarification and/or raise issues for addressing (to the extent possible); and
  • an opportunity to input on agenda building for this Webinar series.

Event Wiki:  APF Webinar, 7 September 2023

Recording:Zoom Recording

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title[18] APF Town Hall Aug 2023 (2023)

[18] APRALO Policy Forum Town Hall Meeting, 10 August 2023Image Added

Background: Two sessions of an APRALO Policy Forum Town Hall Meeting designed to provide participants with:

  • an update on the APRALO Policy Forum (APF) objectives;
  • a recap on the APRALO Priorities for 2023-2024, with an opportunity to reaffirm and/or adjust the priorities;
  • a town hall-style open mic time to share thoughts and input and to discuss implementation of APF activities; and
  • the ability to help the APRALO Policy Forum formulate its activities for Aug-Dec 2023 to meet its objectives.

Event Wiki:  APF Town Hall Meeting, 10 August 2023

Zoom Recording: Session #1 EN  |  Session #2 EN

Googledoc for Input: click here

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title[17] Applicant Support Input (2023)

[17] Call for Input on Applicant Support Resources, July 2023

Background: As at the end of ICANN77, the ICANN Board has signaled to the GNSO Council of its intention to not adopt Subsequent Procedures PDP Recommendation 17.2, which deals with the scope of financial resources offered to applicants for applicant support who have been deemed as having qualified for applicant support. 

Recommendation 17.2: The Working Group recommends expanding the scope of financial support provided to Applicant Support Program beneficiaries beyond the application fee to also cover costs such as application writing fees and attorney fees related to the application process.

The concern that the ICANN Board has summarily indicated for declining to adopt Recommendation 17.2 is essentially two-fold:

  1. That the scope of financial support offered is non-exhaustive, per the language of Recommendation 17.2; and
  2. That it might be against the Board’s fiduciary duty to adopt a recommendation that requires ICANN to make payments to third party service providers, whose work ICANN is essentially evaluating, either directly or indirectly.

What the At-Large can do now is to consider what can we propose to address the ICANN Board’s concerns. By this, we need properly thought-out and articulated proposals which may go towards addressing one or more aspects of the Board’s concerns. A Q&A and discussion session is to be conducted during the APRALO Monthly Call on 20 July 2023 to address this call for input.

Event Wiki:  APRALO Monthly Call, 20 July 2023

Recording: Zoom recording 

Googledoc for Input: click here

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title[16] ICANN77 Readout (2023)

[16] APRALO ICANN77 Readout

Background: The ICANN77 Policy Forum held in Washington D.C. set the stage for the APRALO to organise its first Readout. This Readout featured At-Large, GAC, GNSO and ccNSO panelists from the APAC region, who were invited to discuss their respective key takeaways from ICANN77 with event participants with the aim of identifying where and how end-users may play a role in any next steps to each of those takeaways. 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr, At-Large Leader, based in Australia
Amrita Choudhury, APRALO Chair, based in India
Juliana Harsianti, ICANN77 Fellow, based in Indonesia
Antonia Chu, GNSO Councillor, Registrar Stakeholder Group, based in China
Kristina Hakobyan, representing GAC Armenia, based in Armenia
Jordan Carter, ccNSO Vice Chair, based in Australia

Event Wiki:  APRALO ICANN77 Readout, 7 June 2023

Recording: Zoom recording 

Takeaways: Post

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title[10] Project RoSI


 APRALO Register of Skills & Interests Project (2021-2023)

Background: Tentatively code-named "Project RoSI", this project is intended to produce a dynamic Register of Skills & Interests for APRALO.

Status: Ongoing. Project RoSI Small Team completed preliminary work on data to be presented to the RALO for consultation vide the Hot Topics Survey 2021/2022. See: Infographic report Infographic report

Dedicated Workspace:  Project RoSI Workspace

2022 Activities

Deck of Cards
id2022 Archive

label[15] ICANN75 Policy Session on IDNs (2022)

[15] ICANN75 At-Large Policy: ICANN’s Goal for a Multilingual Internet through IDNs

Background: As ICANN75 is being held in the APAC city of Kuala Lumpur, the APRALO Policy Forum is taking the lead in organising an At-Large policy session around IDNs. This session will see several ICANN community leaders discussing the direction to be taken by ICANN in attempting to improve the uptake of IDNs, while remaining cognizant of technical and operational challenges, the need to adhere to relevant international standards and protocols (such as the IDNA2008 standard), community-developed rules to determine the validity of IDN from a language/script perspective (i.e the Root Zone - Label Generation Rules), as well as individual end user perceptions on the availability and usability of IDNs.


  1. Introduction – Justine Chew, Co-Chair, APRALO Policy Forum
  2. The IDN Challenge – Edmon Chung, Board Director, ICANN
  3. ICANN rising to the Challenge Sarmad Hussain, Sr Director, IDN and UA Program, ICANN
  4. Understanding the Demand Side of IDNs – Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Vice Chair, Policy 
  5. Discussion – Including Attendees 
  6. Wrap-Up

Status:  Completed

Event Wiki:  At-Large Meetings - Monday, 19 September 2022

Recording of Session at ICANN75: Zoom Webinar Archive

label[11] Regional Hot Topics Survey (2022)

[11] Regional Hot Topics Survey 2021-2022

Background: In 2017 and 2019, similar Hot Topics surveys were conducted for RALO members to determine topics which were considered important for the region and for the RALO's attention. See: APRALO Hot Topics 2017 | APRALO Hot Topics 2019.  For 2021, the APRALO Policy Forum's leadership proposed to align the Regional Hot Topic Survey 2021 (HTS Project) with the APRALO Register of Skills & Interests Project (Project RoSI) in order to take advantage of the following factors and existing activities:

  1.  The HTS 2021 should not be conducted in a vacuum and should take into consideration existing topics covered by the At-Large and ALAC. See: Infographic 
  2.  As part of its work scope, the Project RoSI small team is conducting a review of the said topics covered by the At-Large and ALAC, examining them for currency and/or updating
  3.  The At-Large OFB-WG are also closely examining ICANN's FY22-26 Operating Initiatives, work which is expected to produce recommendations on what areas and topics the At-Large and ALAC should be prioritizing
  4.  All the above information are expected to be distilled within Project RoSI and will be useful input on which to then base a RALO consultation
  5.  The above steps will prevent unnecessary duplication of efforts while preserving key information for RALO members' consideration 

        See: Infographic report

Status:  Survey conducted. Outcomes were presented at the APRALO Monthly Meeting during ICANN75 on Tuesday, 20 September 2022.  View the Regional Priorities Report 

Recording of Regional Priorities Report at ICANN75: Zoom Webinar ArchiveEnglish audio archive中文音频存档

Dedicated Workspace:  APRALO Hot Topics 2021-2022 Workspace

label[15] ICANN75 Policy Session on IDNs (2021)


[15] ICANN75 At-Large Policy: ICANN’s Goal for a Multilingual Internet through IDNs

Background: As ICANN75 is being held in the APAC city of Kuala Lumpur, the APRALO Policy Forum is taking the lead in organising an At-Large policy session around IDNs. This session will see several ICANN community leaders discussing the direction to be taken by ICANN in attempting to improve the uptake of IDNs, while remaining cognizant of technical and operational challenges, the need to adhere to relevant international standards and protocols (such as the IDNA2008 standard), community-developed rules to determine the validity of IDN from a language/script perspective (i.e the Root Zone - Label Generation Rules), as well as individual end user perceptions on the availability and usability of IDNs.


  1. Introduction – Justine Chew, Co-Chair, APRALO Policy Forum
  2. The IDN Challenge – Edmon Chung, Board Director, ICANN
  3. ICANN rising to the Challenge – Göran Marby, President and CEO, ICANN
  4. Understanding the Demand Side of IDNs – Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Vice Chair, Policy 
  5. Discussion – Including Attendees – Justine Chew
  6. Wrap-Up – Justine Chew

Status:  Session is confirmed. For more details, please visit the ICANN75 schedule.

Event Wiki:  At-Large Meetings - Monday, 19 September 2022

label[14] Fireside Chat #3 (2022)


 [14] APRALO Policy Forum Fireside Chat #3: Let's Talk About Transfer Policy

Background: The third APRALO Fireside chat: "Let’s Talk About Transfer Policy" on Wednesday 29 June 2022 at 07:00 UTC featured ALAC Vice Chair and At-Large CPWG Co-Chair Jonathan Zuck in conversation with Guest Speaker, Steinar Grøtterød, Member of the GNSO Transfer Policy Review Policy Development Process Working Group (TPR PDP WG) selected by the ALAC. This conversation sheds light on the impact that GDPR has had on existing ICANN Transfer Policy around transfers of domain name registrations from one registrar to another registrar; the risks for registrants and/or individual end-users and associated issues arising thereafter; and the proposed remedies coming out the TPR PDP WG's recommendations in phase 1a. 

Status: Completed

Dedicated Event Wiki: (Agenda & Recordings)

More about: APRALO Policy Forum Fireside Chats 2022

label[13] Fireside Chat #2 (2022)


 [13] APRALO Policy Forum Fireside Chat #2: Let's Talk About Closed Generics

Background: The second APRALO Fireside chat: "Let’s Talk About Closed Generic" on Wednesday 8 June 2022 at 07:00 UTC featured At-Large CPWG Co-Chair Olivier Crépin-Leblond in conversation with Guest Speaker, Holly Raiche, ALAC Member for APRALO, on new Generic Top-Level Domains (new gTLDs), what a closed generic is, and how the issue of closed generics might impact Internet end-users, leading to a discussion of factors in support of and against closed generics.

Status: Completed.

Dedicated Event Wiki: (Agenda & Recordings)

More about: APRALO Policy Forum Fireside Chats 2022

label[1312] Fireside Chat #1 (2022)


 [12] APRALO Policy Forum Fireside Chat #1: Let's Talk About GNSO PDP 3.0

Background: The inaugural APRALO Fireside chat: "Let’s Talk About GNSO PDP 3.0" took place on Thursday 26 May 2022 at 06:00 UTC, where APRALO Policy Forum Co-Chair Justine Chew conversed with her Guest Speaker, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, the immediate past ALAC Liaison to the GNSO Council, on a few key aspects of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO)'s operating procedure for consensus policy development for Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) as well as where and how At-Large plays a role in consensus policy development for gTLDs within ICANN.

Status: Completed.

Dedicated Event Wiki:  (Agenda & Recordings)

More about: APRALO Policy Forum Fireside Chats 2022

label[10] Register of Skills & Interests (2021)


 APRALO Register of Skills & Interests Project (2021-20221)

Background: Tentatively code-named "Project RoSI", this project is intended to produce a dynamic Register of Skills & Interests for APRALO.

Status: Ongoing. Project RoSI Small Team completed preliminary work on data to be presented to the RALO for consultation vide the Hot Topics Survey 2021/2022. See: Infographic report Infographic report

Dedicated Workspace:  Project RoSI Workspace




Deck of Cards
id2021 Archive

label[11] Regional Hot Topics Survey (2021)

 Regional Hot Topics Survey 2021-2022

Background: In 2017 and 2019, similar Hot Topics surveys were conducted for RALO members to determine topics which were they considered important for the region and for the RALO's attention. See: APRALO Hot Topics 2017 | APRALO Hot Topics 2019.  For 2021, the APRALO Policy Forum's leadership proposed to align the Regional Hot Topic Survey 2021 (HTS Project) with the APRALO Register of Skills & Interests Project (Project RoSI) in order to take advantage of the following factors and existing activities:

  1.  The HTS 2021 should not be conducted in a vacuum and should take into consideration existing topics covered by the At-Large and ALAC. See: Infographic 
  2.  As part of its work scope, the Project RoSI small team is conducting a review of the said topics covered by the At-Large and ALAC, examining them for currency and/or updating
  3.  The At-Large OFB-WG are also closely examining ICANN's FY22-26 Operating Initiatives, work which is expected to produce recommendations on what areas and topics the At-Large and ALAC should be prioritizing
  4.  All the above information are expected to be distilled within Project RoSI and will be useful input on which to then base a RALO consultation
  5.  The above steps will prevent unnecessary duplication of efforts while preserving key information for RALO members' consideration  

Status:  HTS Project Small Team working on design elements and timeline for Hot Topics Survey. Will continue into 2022. See: Infographic report

Dedicated Workspace:  APRALO Hot Topics 2021-2022

label[10] Register of Skills & Interests (2021)


 APRALO Register of Skills & Interests Project (2021)

Background: Tentatively code-named "Project RoSI", this project is intended to produce a dynamic Register of Skills & Interests for APRALO.

Status: Ongoing. Project RoSI Small Team completed preliminary work on data to be presented to the RALO for consultation vide the Hot Topics Survey 2021/2022. See: Infographic report Infographic report

Dedicated Workspace:  Project RoSI Workspace

label[9] Webinar on IDNs (2021)


 APRALO Webinar on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) (2021)

Background: At its May 2021 meeting, the GNSO Council resolved to initiate the Expedited Policy Development Process on Internationalized Domain Names (EPDP on IDNs) and to approve the EPDP Team Charter. The Council agreed that an EPDP was appropriate and needed to address the topic of IDNs because policy in IDNs has been "substantially scoped previously such that extensive, pertinent background information already exists", which includes the IDN-related Outputs from the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP that the Council had approved on at its February 2021 meeting. The EPDP on IDNs has been structured as a "Representative + Open" model and a call for members, participants and observers was made by the GNSO Secretariat on 3 June 2021.  At-Large Staff then issued a call for At-Large member expressions of interest for the ALAC Appointee Selection Committee to consider and to select 3 members to represent the ALAC on this EPDP.

To encourage APRALO Members (both ALS Members and Individual Members) with an interest in IDNs to respond to both the At-Large call for members and the GNSO's call for participants and observers volunteers to this EPDP on IDNs, the APRALO Policy Forum Co-Chairs Satish Babu and Justine Chew are spearheading the organization of an introductory APRALO Webinar on IDNs to help build the capacity of our RALO members to engage meaningfully in the work of this EPDP.

In service of this goal, the webinar will be held on Tuesday, 27 July 2021 at 08:00 UTC for 90 minutes and will, among other things, broadly address the following: 

  • When IDNs were introduced to the Root Zone
  • The landscape of IDNs in the APAC region
  • Existing policies and procedures on IDNs including the Root Zone Label Generation Rules (RZ-LGRs) in addressing security/confusability in IDNs
  • An overview on IDN Variant TLD management (in context of the ICANN Board's 2010 resolution on need for variant management solution to be in place prior to next round of New gTLDs)
  • An overview on the GNSO Subsequent Procedures policy recommendations for the next round of IDN New gTLD applications 
  • Background to the EPDP on IDNs 

Status: Completed. A recording of the webinar, along with speaker presentations are available at 

label[8] Subsequent Procedures (2021)


 APRALO Statement to the Call for Public Comments to the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Final Outputs for ICANN Board Consideration (22 Apr - 1 Jun 2021)


 APRALO Statement on Subsequent Procedures Final Outputs, 1 Jun 2021  See: Submission link

Background: A Public Comment Process has been initiated to invite comments to the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Final Outputs for ICANN Board Consideration. This Public Comment Process, which closes on 1 June 2021, is intended to focus on all Outputs approved by the GNSO Council, rather than the Outputs that were not approved. Those not approved are Topic 23 Closed Generics in its entirety and recommendations 35.2 and 35.4 from Topic 35 Auctions: Mechanisms of Last Resort / Private Resolution of Contention Sets.

At the Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) call on 28 April 2021, CPWG Co-Chair Olivier Crepin-Leblond suggested that each RALO may wish to consider submitting its own statement to this Public Comment Process. It was also suggested that such a RALO statement, if any, might be based on the ALAC Advice on Subsequent Procedures, which had been developed through the CPWG deliberation process and subsequently ratified unanimously by the ALAC prior to its submission to the ICANN Board on 16 April 2021. For reference, this particular ALAC Advice is published along with translation in the other 5 UN languages as well at the CPWG work space.

At the APRALO Monthly Call of 20 May 2021, the following recommendation was adopted for APRALO to participate in and submit a statement to the referenced Public Comment Process.

The Recommendation

  • That APRALO ought to submit a statement to this Public Comment Process
  • That a small team of drafters be conscripted to prepare such a statement
  • That the statement should:-
    • Endorse the ratified ALAC Advice on Subsequent Procedures of 16 April 2021 (see: ALAC Advice at
    • Emphasize in particular the importance of the following:
      1. To facilitate increased adoption of Universal Acceptance (UA) & Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs)
      2. To facilitate increased & equitable access by “Global South”, community / niche TLD applicants through the Applicant Support Program (ASP) & Community Priority Evaluation (CPE) and a ban on private auctions
      3. To advocate for ALAC to have automatic standing to file Community Objections (where it deems necessary)
  • That the prepared statement be circulated through the APAC-Discuss mailing list by Wed 26 May 2021 for comments
  • That the APRALO Leadership Team be empowered to finalize and submit the statement prior to the 1 June 2021 submission deadline

To review the drafted statement, go to: < this googledoc link 

label[7] Policy Forum Planning (2021)


 APRALO Policy Forum 2021 Jamboard 

label[5] DNS Abuse Education Campaign (2020-2021)

 The At-Large Community and DNS Abuse: An Individual User Education Campaign 

Background: During ICANN 67, the ALAC committed to a two-pronged strategy with regards to DNS Abuse. First, we would play a leadership role in promoting the necessary dialog, within the ICANN community, needed for reforms to ICANN policy, additional tools for ICANN Contract Compliance and best practices of all parties. The second prong, to which we have committed, is an education campaign, designed to alert our constituency, individual end users, to the dangers of DNS abuse and strategies to protect themselves.

It was proposed that representatives from each of the RALOs will discuss:

  • Existing regional efforts already underway including available resources and lessons learned
  • Additional resources (videos, flyers, etc.) that are necessary to enhance outreach on this topic
  • Creative ways to get these resources in front of as many individual ends users around the world as possible
  • Potential metrics to evaluate each of these efforts to allow for program assessment and refinement

Current Status: This is the follow on action, marking the first of many onward discussions, necessary to launch a large scale education campaign on DNS Abuse.

Next Steps: Each RALO to identify a representative to this discussion during ICANN69. That representative should come prepared with an understanding of what resources of which they are aware, which ones are being developed already by local organizations (ISOC, RALOs and other regional organizations) and what additional materials they believe are needed in their region. They should be prepared to brainstorm on how best to organize this effort at the regional level, once materials are identified; in other words:

  • Should we identify a standard set of resources and then have the RALOs supplement them with regional flavor?
  • Should this effort be parked as Capacity Building or Outreach?

The goal is to establish a group to work on this topic going forward, 

Particular Focus for APRALO: To identify one or more representatives to act as our regional liaisons to this campaign and to help collate relevant information currently available with our region as our input.

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id2020 Archive

idTransfer_Policy 11.2020
label[6] Transfer Policy PDP Issue Report (2020)

 Call for Comments to Preliminary Issue Report on a Policy Development Process to Review the Transfer Policy (12 Oct - 30 Nov 2020)

Purpose: This Public Comment proceeding seeks to obtain community input on the Preliminary Issue Report on a Policy Development Process to Review the Transfer Policy.

Status: It was resolved by CPWG that 

titleNo Statement
 be forwarded to the ALAC for this call.

In accordance with the GNSO Policy Development Process (PDP) rules, ICANN org published the Preliminary Issue Report for Public Comment to allow for community input on additional information, or the correction or updating of any information provided so far. ICANN org was seeking in particular input on the draft policy questions proposed in Section 3.2.2 of this Preliminary Issue Report, as well as the text provided in the draft Preliminary Charter in Annex A.

Excerpt: Description and Explanation
At its meeting on 24 June 2020, the GNSO Council voted to request the preparation of a Preliminary Issue Report on the issues identified in the Transfer Policy Initial Scoping Paper, to assist in determining whether a PDP or series of PDPs should be initiated regarding changes to the Transfer Policy.

This Preliminary Issue Report on a Policy Development Process to Review the Transfer Policy examines,, the issues identified in the Transfer Policy Initial Scoping Paper and includes:

  1. Gaining & Losing Registrar Form of Authorization ("FOA")
  2. Auth Code Management
  3. Change of Registrant
  4. Transfer Emergency Action Contact ("TEAC")
  5. Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy ("TDRP")
  6. Reversing/NACKing Transfers
  7. ICANN-Approved Transfers

  8. EPDP Rec. 27

Section 3 of this Report explores the above-referenced issues individually and provides references to documents and processes that could inform future policy work.

Next Steps: Following review of the Public Comments received, ICANN org will update the Preliminary Issue Report and submit a summary of the comments received together with the Final Issue Report to the GNSO Council for its consideration and potential action.

To Comment:  Use the mail list and/or this designated Googledoc 

Outcome: Discussion outputs could be forwarded to CPWG and/or transposed to an APRALO standalone submission to the public comment process.

label[3] ICANN69 ALAC/At-Large Talking Points

Call for Comments to the ICANN69 ALAC/At-Large Talking Points

StatusThe draft ICANN69 ALAC/At-Large Talking Points has been finalized and is presented at ICANN69.

label[2] LGRs for Second Level (2020)

Call for Public Comments to the Reference Label Generation Rulesets (LGRs) for the Second Level (24 Aug - 15 Oct 2020) 

Purpose: To improve the transparency and consistency of the Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) table review process to facilitate the registry operations of new gTLDs, ICANN has developed additional reference IDN tables in machine-readable format, called reference Label Generation Rulesets (LGRs) for the second level. The reference IDN tables are based on the Guidelines for Developing Reference Label Generation Rules (LGRs), which were finalized after community review. These reference LGRs will be used in reviewing IDN tables submitted by the gTLD registries, e.g. through the Registry Service Evaluation Policy (RSEP) process.

Status: ALAC Statement 

 in response to this call where ICANN org had published reference second-level LGRs for multiple languages. Additional reference LGRs have been developed based on the detailed analysis and finalized solutions by the script community for the Root Zone Label Generation Rules (RZ-LGRs). Seventeen (17) LGRs are being released for Public Comment including Bangla, Devanagari, Ethiopic, Georgian, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Kannada, Khmer, Lao, Malayalam, Oriya, Tamil and Telugu script-based LGRs, and Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, and Thai language-based LGRs.

Next Steps: Based on the community input, these reference LGRs will be finalized and published for the use of gTLD registry operators to consult while they design their IDN tables.  These reference LGRs will also be used in reviewing the IDN tables submitted by the gTLD registries.

Particular Focus for APRALO: Possible risk of confusion to individual end-users through use of visually similar multi-lingual scripts in domain names at the second level

At-Large Resources: Presentation by Bill Jouris

For Comments, go to:   CPWG Workspace

label[1] Subsequent Procedures (2020)

Call for Public Comments to the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Draft Final Report (20 Aug - 30 Sep 2020) 

Purpose: The objective of this Public Comment period is to share the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group's draft Final Report and present draft final recommendations and implementation guidance on topics within the Working Group's charter. The draft recommendations and implementation guidance included in this report are the culmination of years of Working Group deliberations and community input that take into account input received through a number of Public Comment periods, including a survey of existing Stakeholder Group / Constituency / Advisory Committee statements from the 2012 round of new gTLDs, a set of dozens of initial questions aimed at getting input on the processes and results of the 2012 new gTLD round, as well as comments on the Working Group's Initial Report and Supplemental Initial Reports. Given that some of the recommendations have been substantively updated since these earlier reports, this draft Final Report is being published for an additional Public Comment period. While the full report is open for comment, the Working Group would like input to focus on areas that have substantively changed since publication of the Initial Report and Supplemental Initial Report and in limited instances, questions that the Working Group has posed to the community for feedback.

Status: ALAC Statement 

 to this draft Final Report that was posted for Public Comment as supported by the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Operating Procedures. 

Next Steps: Upon the receipt of this Public Comment period, all comments will be considered by the Working Group, which will adjust the draft Final Report as applicable.

Particular Focus for APRALO: The GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group's Draft Final Report and Working Group charter cover a very large number of topics, and the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) has been reviewing the development of the Draft Final Report and in that process, a fair few (21 and counting!) Scorecards to capture/present key At-Large feedback/comments/responses. Given that the public comment period closes on 30 Sep 2020, it is suggested that APRALO focus on reviewing and commenting on just a few topics of interest/relevance to our region, in particular, these 3 Scorecards:

  1. Universal Acceptance, v4 settled 27 May 2020
  2. Internationalized Domain Names, v4 settled 28 May 2020
  3. Applicant Support Program, v8 settled 13 Sep 2020 (revised from v7 settled 5 May 2020)   

Other At-Large Resources:

For Comments, go to: At-Large SubPro scorecards for final comment on the workspace and Google Doc for comment

Mail Archive / Inputs: Sep 2020
