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AP: Satish Babu, Ali AlMeshal (apology), Lianna Galstyan, Pavan Budhrani

LAC: Sergio Salinas Porto, Harold Arcos, Carlos Leal Saballos, Kerry Omir Kerr

NA: Eduardo Diaz, Judith Hellerstein


Dial-out Participants:

EN: Maureen Hilyard Sébastien Bachollet, Maureen Hilyard, Lianna Galstyan, Eduardo Diaz, Glenn McKnight, Alfredo Calderon, Nadira Al-Araj, Daniel Nanghaka, Natalia Filina, Seun Ojedeji, Sarah Kiden, Satish Babu, Judith Hellerstein

ES:  Sergio Salinas Porto

FR:  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, Aziz Hilali

Apologies:  Ali AlMeshal

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, Melissa Allgood, Adam Peake

ES Interpreters:  Claudia & David

FR Interpreters:  Claire & Jacques

Call Management:  Yeşim Nazlar


Action Items: EN       

Zoom Chat: EN

Recording: EN, ES, FR

Transcript: ENES, FR




  1. Welcome and Roll Call - Staff (2 3 mins)
  2. Opening Words Introduction and Review of the Agenda - Satish Babu, APRALO Chair (3 Sébastien (5 mins)
  3. Roll Out of the At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Program (ARPEP) - Silvia Vivanco, Alperen Eken, Heidi Ullrich and GSE RVPs and Liaisons (Presentation) (25 mins)

  4. Review of the Draft FY21 Regional Strategic Outreach Plans and Next Steps - Satish and RALO Chairs (25 mins)

    1. AFRALO FY21 Outreach and Engagement Strategic Plan

    2. APRALO Regional FY21 Outreach and Engagement Strategic Plan 

    3. EURALO Regional FY21 Outreach and Engagement Strategic Plan

    4. FY21 LACRALO Outreach and Engagement Strategic Plan/Plan Estratégico de Difusión y Participación de LACRALO para el Año Fiscal 202

    5. FY 21 NARALO Outreach and Engagement Strategic plan

  5. ICANN68 and RALO Activities - Maureen Hilyard and Satish (15 mins)

    1. ICANN68 - June 2020
  6. RALO Discretionary Funding Updates - Satish and Staff (10 mins) 
    1. FY20 RALO Requests for Funding to support an Outreach Activity

      1) the person filling it out should be able to receive a copy of the form when they submit it. Judith Hellerstein 
      2) a copy of the online form should be sent to RALO leaders. - Judith Hellerstein

  7. Next Call - Satish (5 mins)
  8. Discussion with Outreach and Engagement Sub-Committee Leadership to ensure Effective Collaboration and Communication – Natalia/Daniel/Regional O/E SC co-chairs (15 mins)
    1. RALOs and IGF20 (Global - Poland and local)
  9. Updating the criteria for the FY21 RALO Discretionary Funding to include virtual events – Heidi/All (10 mins)
  10. Updates on RALO Plans for FY21 – RALO Leaders and SC on O/E Regional -Co-Chairs (15 mins)
  11. Update on EURALO ICANN69 sessions Sébastien/Adam (5 mins)
    1. Part 1 – Thursday 15 October 2020 – 07:00-08:00 UTC – 09:00-10:00 Hamburg time
    2. Part 2 – Thursday 15 October 2020 – 08:30-09:30 UTC – 10:30-11:30 Hamburg time
    3. European Perspectives on ICANN and Internet Governance - A Stakeholder Roundtable
      EURALO sessions (organized by) Thursday 15 October 2020
      An open European meeting with rep from Europe of various SO/AC + Board + GSE + RIPE + CENTR + ISOC in 2 parts.
      The first one focus on ICANN “internal” topics and a second on ICANN and Internet Governance.
  12. Collaboration between GSE and the 5 RALOs – Sébastien/Natalia/Adam (5 mins)
  13. Planning the ICANN Regional Leadership Meeting Agenda ICANN69 - development of meeting agenda – Sébastien/All (15 mins)
        a. Regional Leadership Meeting is scheduled for 15 October between 14:00-15:30 UTC (followed directly by the O/E SC)
  14. RALO and future ICANN Meetings strategy – Sébastien (10 mins)
  15. AOB – Sébastien (5 mins)
  16. Next Call – Sébastien (2 AOB - Satish (5 mins)