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This page will contain all APRALO Secretariat Reports. 

See also: All APRALO Monthly Newsletters

February 2013 Report




We are happy to welcome the Armenian Association for the Disabled as a new member of At- Large Community – and APRALO.




APRALO Meeting Report –  26 February


Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Chair of the At-Large new gTLD Review Group


Dev outlined the purpose of the review group – to provide community input  (and objections) on proposed new gTLDs.  He outlined the process by which ALAC can object.  All  5 RALOs must review each of the five gTLD applications/objections and advice ALAC whether it supports or rejects the Review group’s recommendations – BY 5 MARCH. See for all of the information and please get back to me with your thoughts.




ICANN FY2014  Budget– Olivier Crepin LeBlond


The ICANN finance committee will soon call for submissions on projects.  For the coming year, ALAC is most likely to be seeking funding for one main event – an At-Large Summit in London in June 2014, which means it would be ‘unwise’ for ALAC or the RALOs to seek other funding.




Policy Update – Olivier Crepin LeBlond


Olivier reviewed the statements/comments etc being considered (or not) be the ALAC.  See


The one issue where there are real differences within ALAC is on the issue of closed gTLDs.  The text on the policy page now includes text which sets out both viewpoints, plus comments from others.  ALAC is now asking RALOs for their views on this issue – so please at least read about this issue and either comment directly on the page or let me know what your views are.




Beijing Organising Committee Meeting Report


The Committee held its fourth meeting on 26 February.  Outcomes from the meeting, in summary, are:


  • Showcase: Will be an APRALO event on Monday 7 April 1700 - 1900.  All ALSs in APRALO have been invited and asked to respond on their participation in the event.
  • Promotion: Items to be available including pop up banner (with Dot.Asia logo) business cards, pins, pens, fans – using APRALO color red
  • Capacity Building: In fact occurring as part of newcomers track, fellows meetings and session in General Assembly.  Maureen finalising arrangements with Janice
  • General Assembly: To include session on APRALO/ALAC session on processes and procedures by CLO

January 2013 Report

 New ALS'es application

1)Armenian Association for the Disabled (pending ALAC vote)

2) ISOC Philippines (approved)

Planning for the Showcase event in Beijing

1) Working with Chinese speaking ALS'es for presentations

2) Edmon and Maureen working on logistics for the showcase meeting

3) Pavan looking to schedule lunches and coffees with the ALS'es during the Beijing meeting.

December 2012 Report:


 Application from Internet Society – Advice from APRALO to ALAC is that the application be accepted.

Meeting Report – 19 December

Main items of discussion:

·      Policy Issues: Olivier reviewed the policy issues outstanding.  Those where ALAC will probably not comment include the GNSO PDP manual, the trade mark clearing house, and the IRTP Parts C and D. (ALAC has made comments on the issues already)  ALAC will be making a statement on the issue of visas to attend ICANN meetings (arising out of the Toronto experince)We are awaiting comments on the ALAC white paper – there will be a webinar on the issue today

·      WCIT update.  Olivier provided an overview of WCIT – the issues under discussion, positions taken, implications.  The meeting agreed this summary was both interesting and important for ALAC and that Olivier’s briefing on WCIT should be repeated in Beijing.

Items for the next meeting:

·      Brainstorming on possible topics for Multi-stakeholder session.  Suggestions include WCIT (OLC), outcomes of gTLDs, IDNs 

Beijing Organising Committee.  The Committee held its second meeting on 12 December.  The subcommittees are:

·      Sponsorship/promotion: Cheryl, Jack, Edmon

·      Showcase: Maureen, Pavan, Edmon

·      Capacity Building: Maureen

·      General Assembly: Holly, Rinalia

·      Local outreach: (including Youth Forum) Jack, Hong

·      Multi-stakeholder: Rinalia, Holly, Jack

Discussion included:

·      ICANN staff are reviewing what material on ICANN/ALAC/APRALO is available in Chinese.

 ·      Invitations have been sent to the APRALO ALSs.

·      The Showcase  event should be part of the reception.

Reminder: to those attending ICANN Beijing meeting: Travel arrangements must be made ASAP is you have not already started.  ICANN travel has already sent out the necessary information.

Next meeting – the week of 7 January 2013

November 2012 Report



Application from Internet Society – Philippines Chapter (being considered)

Meeting Report – 27 November

Main items of discussion:

  • Policy Issues

The two new issues are the IRTP Part D report that has been released for comment (Alan will be drafting an initial response in the policy workspace) and the Future Directions White Paper – released by ALAC.

  • Reports on BAKU IGF


At Baku, it was agreed that the next Regional A-P IGF will be held in Seoul


Beijing Organising Committee.  The Committee held its first meeting just before the monthly APRALO meeting.  The membership of the Organising Committee is

  • YJ Park
  • Holly Raiche
  • Rinalia Abdul Rahim
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr
  • Hong Xue
  • Maureen Hilyard
  • Edmon Chung
  • Pavan Budrhani
  • Jack Qui

The meeting agred on committees, including for sponsorship (including looking at promotional material), the showcase event, the general assembly, multi-stakeholder/policy, and a youth forum and possibly capacity building. Committee members to have suggested goals with some targets for the next meeting.

Regional Events

  • The Pacific hosted two events relevant to APRALO members.  PacINET was held in Suva  from Nov.22-24. See for a schedule of events, and a report back on the conference.
  • PasifikaNEXUS, with support from the US Department of State , held a youth camp on Internet and Internet issues, in Suva on Nov. 20-21.  See


October 2012 Report



New ALSs

Computer Society of India

New Officers (confirmed at the October meeting)


Holly Raiche (Internet Society  of  Australia) to fill vacancy left by resignation of Charles Mok (term runs to  30 June 2013)

Vice chair:

Y J Park (Open Standards and Internet Association (OSIA)) to fill vacancy left by Holly Raiche.  Term ends 30 June 2013

Meeting: 18 October 2012

Held in Toronto

Main items of discussion:

  • Discussion of the main issues being discussed at the ICANN meeting – see below and meeting reports <>
  • Review of planned events for the IGF meeting in Baku (what is planned/who is attending) Reports on event in the next report
  • Formation of an Organising Committee for the Beijing ICANN meeting to include Holly, Cheryl, Hong, Edmon, Rinalia, YJ and, from staff, Silvia
  • The possibility of an APIGF in 2013

IDN Variant TLD Program.  This is the October update:

The ICANN IDN Variant TLD Program is tasked with exploring the issues associated with the potential inclusion of IDN variant TLDs in the DNS root zone. 

In Toronto, work in progress on 2 projects were presented by the ICANN IDN Variant TLD Program Team:

(1)  Label Generation Ruleset Process for the Root - The development of a procedure to develop and maintain the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone.

(2)  User Experience with active Variants - The study of possible user experience implications of activating two or more IDN variant TLDs.

At-Large Responses to the Projects:

(1) The At-Large IDN Working Group meeting in Toronto focused on issues surrounding a preliminary report on the Label Generation Ruleset Process for the Root.  Based on the discussion, a written response has been drafted (see, which will be voted upon by the ALAC and targeted for submission on 27 November 2012.  3 areas of concern were highlighted in the response: (a) Lack of policy expertise specified for the proposed panels that will help balance the need for strict security and stability conservativeness versus the support needed for acceptable IDN implementation from the users' point of view; (b) 
Lack of expressed accountability and review of process; and (c) Insufficient explanation of how the specific process fits into the wider processes regarding new gTLD and IDN ccTLD.

(2) A draft response to the "Interim Report Examining the User Experience Implications of Active Variant TLDs" is currently being developed for discussion with the At-Large IDN Working Group prior to ALAC consultation and vote.  When ready the draft will be posted here:

Reports from ALSs

Pacific Islands:

The Pacific continues to increase its representation at ICANN. They represented APRALO in the sessions of ALAC (Cook Islands), the GAC (Tonga) and Fellowships (Fiji and Papua New Guinea). The fifth member of our team is the Pacific ICANN rep, originally from Fiji, and based in Brisbane. 

Maureen Hilyard was a penholder for the MADT which reported back to ALAC on the status of their revised meeting procedures. She also participated in ccNSO meetings as a potential liaison rep for ALAC;  and has joined the FOIWG and the Organising Committee for the Beijing meeting. The Pacific team attended the ISOC meetings representing the Pacific Islands Chapter - PICISOC.

Geographic interests listed in ISO 3166-1 was submitted to the ccNSO.  The ALAC statement highlighted the following: a) applicability of the Root Zone Label Generation Rules to IDN ccTLDs; b) confusing similarity assessment based on the perspective of the local IDN user; c) dispute resolution facilitation via provision of informational materials and case studies on best practices for the local actors to consider in their dispute resolution process or encouragement on the use of any neutral dispute resolution facility for IDN ccTLD string contention; and d) consideration of the needs of cross-border language communities in determining language jurisdiction.

Areas of Interest:


February and March 2012 Report

1) APRALO worked with the ALS'es and got a response regarding the WHOIS review. The report was generated and sent over to the ALAC.

2) A special teleconference entitled Work smarter and harder was set up and it was confirmed that: An inventory/current state of affairs of all the WGs and other groups that 'need to be populated'. There needed to be some centralized input.

3) Reach out has started for the Middle East region with Charles working hard with Olivier to get the current ALS'es to participate more and try to get more ALS'es to join the APRALO structure too.

4) APRALO got together during the Costa Rica ICANN meeting too.

5) Database to collect all events coming up in the coming months in different region is established on the Wiki. Easier for people to talk about events which are near their region and write about them.

6) Translation work in Chinese and Arabic is going to be finalized soon and will be sent out for further outreach for APRALO.

January 2012 Report

  1. Review of Current ALS Applications - We were asked about the Application from the Internet Society of the Armenian Chapter. I advised the ALAC via chat that the matter was still subject to due diligence and that the Application was received by APRALO on January 19, 2012. I also advised ALAC that the APRALO call would follow the ALAC call. EURALO through Oksana has also expressed their support of this application. [APRALO Chair has advised that Save is conducting the due diligence which will be then sent to us.
  2. Policy Forums and Developments- Status of the development of the Policies are available on the wiki and you can access each from the links provided for in the Agenda item and bookmark it. [Please feel free to interact on the wiki and paste your comments and questions on the wikis. If you feel that you would like something translated, clarified or explained we can work towards getting people who have expertise on the matter to clarify. I know Holly has organised a Whois briefing for APRALO which I strongly urge APRALO members to attend.If you would like to get involved in any of the Working Groups and are currently not actively engaged in any WGs please let us know how we can facilitate introductions in the area of interest to you.] Aside from these there are Statements which have been drafted that are also up on the Wiki and open for comments etc. 
  3. Budget Requests- Hurrah! Fingers crossed we may get to convene APRALO General Assembly subject to approval by ICANN Finance. This will be no doubt an important first step. Gratitude goes to Charles for putting together our Budget Proposal for this and to the Finance/Budgetary Team who were on the call and advocated and pushed this through.  We were informed that the budgetary requests would be categorised into either "High, Medium or Low" Priority and that the General Assembly Proposals were on the "High Priority". There were substantial discussions on resource and financial constraints and challenges with getting requests granted. there was also discussions on the General Assembly cycle etc. I expressed support for the General Assembly as we had actively submitted to the Budget Sub Committee. The issue of Road maps and strategies were brought up which is up on the wiki. I siezed the opportunity to remind the ALAC that we should also consider parallel sustainable options for outreach etc.
  4. At Large Outreach Working Group - The support to establish this Group was unanimous and enthusiastically received by the ALAC. I raised the issue of the Web based learning and remote learning platforms and highlighted the enormous transportation costs that are barriers and the need to maximise the use of the internet to increase outreach to compliment current Face to Face enagements such as ICANN Meetings, NOG and IGF meetings. I emphasised the RALO penetration rate in terms of the number of accredited ALS structures within the RALO and that penetration rate was below 30%. I had made submissions in the wiki as well, see:
  5. ICANN Academy - We have had good meetings to discuss this and for now it is limited to 20 hours face to face learnings. This is important Face to Face Training and the WG has been heavily involved pre-Christmas in discussions involving the training and this includes curriculum development which has been taking place on the etherpad. The Budget proposal has been submitted and factors in real costs. Cheryl advised that the ccNSO may have resource material which can be used in the development of the curriculum. I also requested ALAC Chair Olivier to clarify which specific forum within At Large would look after the web based learning and remote learning so that as a RALO we could make submissions. This is yet to be determined whether it is the At Large Outreach Working Group or ICANN Academy. Olivier has advised to initiate discussions via the mailing list to gather feedback and interactions on the matter. [I also note from the last APRALO call that there were requests made by Hong to have the curriculum placed on the wiki. We are due to have an ICANN Academy call soon and either Hong or I will raise this as Hong has joined the Group


APRALO Monthly reports 2011


APRALO Monthly reports 2010
