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Date: Monday, 10 February 2014



19:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here) Please Note that Daylight Savings Time ended 2 November 2013 but will resume 9 March 2014 - Regardless, this call will occur at 3PM ET/12PM PT


How can I participate in this meeting? 1(800)550-6865, Teleconference ID: 1638


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Garth Bruen, Glenn McKnight, Yubelkys Montalvo Carrion, Allan Skuce, Darelene Thompson, Murray McKercher, Alan Greenberg, Alfredo Calderon, Kerry Brown, Konstantin Kalaitzidis, Gordon Chillcott, Louis Houle, Joly MacFie, Eduardo Diaz, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Peter Knight, Evan Leibovitch, David Allnutt, Seth Reiss, Avri Doria, Tom Lowenhaupt, Judith Hellerstein, Ogi Mitev, Leah Symekher , Garth Graham


Staff:  Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, Matt Ashtiani, Heidi Ullrich

Call management: Gisella Gruber


Summary Minutes:    Summary Minutes 10 February 2014

Action Items: Action Items 10 February 2014

Transcript: EN  

Chat: AC Chat transcript 10 February 2014     

Recording: EN   



1. Welcome and Roll call - Staff (2 min)


2.1. Staff - Please move "Miscellaneous" to the bottom of the directory tree - COMPLETED NP

2.2: Staff - Please reorganize the "NARALO Monthly Report" listings in descending chronological order so most-recent year (2014) is first - COMPLETED NP

2.3. Staff - Is it possible to create and aliases to ease officer transitions?


2.7. ALAC Chair/Alan G. - Please advise on the status of the NARALO Chair request to publicly notify ICANN Compliance of issues noted in 8.1.1. and the December Monthly Report and discussed on leadership calls

2.x8. Staff - Please verify if Sarah Alkire of Youth Helping Youth Inc dba: Emerging Futures Network is on the NARALO thread mailing list

2.89. Nathalie Peregrine (Staff) to notify RALO leaders and the ALAC members when the RALO ALS database is updated.

2.910. Glenn McKnight (Secretary): Please ensure that HETS members are added to the NARALO and At-Large Skype Chats 

2.1011. Heidi Ullrich (Staff) Please update on the Native Scholarship/fellowship program  - Formal Documentation Requested

2.12. ALAC - NARALO Chair has made a formal request to de-certify Alberta Community Network Association under rule #16 of the NARALO Operating Principles

2.13x. Staff - With the departure of Matt A. please advise on who would be the contact for automating the NARALO ALS application form

2.x14. Staff - Please advise on the status of including Closed Captioning for filmed ICANN Sessions

2.x15. Staff -,  is missing from the ALS list - please update. COMPLETED NP

2.16. Staff - ISOC CA appears listed twice in the ALS list - please update. COMPLETED NP

2.17. Staff - Please ensure HETS and Capital Area Globetrotters are listed in the ALS list. COMPLETED NP

2.18. Staff - Please move the NARALO Outreach and Recruitment Sub-Committee under NARALO ALS Outreach and Recruitment Efforts in the directory tree- COMPLETED NP

2.19.x. Glenn McKnight (Secretary) - Please advise on creation of alphabetical schedule for Spotlights for the coming year - Completed

2.x20. Staff - Please send NARALO Brochures to Glenn McKnight - Completed

2.x21. Staff - Please verify if HETS has received and/or completed the ATLAS II Survey - Completed

2.x22. Staff - Please verify if Capital Area Globetrotters has received and/or completed the ATLAS II Survey - Completed

 2.23. All - Please note the January Report

3. Meetings & Events (5 Minutes)


3.1.1. NARALO Meeting in Singapore: What time? What topics? - Monday 7 a.m. Local time  That is 4 p.m. PT west coast US and 1900h/7 pmp.m. ET East coast

3.1.x2. Tor and Alternate DNS at the FCWG session - tentative Thursday, 27 March between 8:00-9:00

3.1.x3. ICANN Accessibility Taskforce Monday, 24 March 2014 Time: 14:00-15:00 Meeting Room: TBD

3.1.24. At-Large Working Space

3.1.35. Do sponsored travelers have their information?

3.1.46. Gala is on MONDAY

3.2. London ATLAS II 22 - 26 June 2014

3.2.1. ATLAS II Needs list for volunteers. (Eduardo Diaz) Will assign slots to all NARALO sponsored ALS representatives

3.2.2. ATLAS II Public Relations Subgroup


3.9. NTEN (Washington 13-15 March) - Proposed as CROPP

3.10. ARIN (Chicago 13-16 April) - Proposed as CROPP

3.11. Forward any other meeting notices to Chair or Secretary!


4.1.3. Plan to have a presentation on blind use of the Internet in London (Keynote) Develop At-Large Brochures in Braille?ICANN Needs a visually impaired staff member to coordinate visually impaired community agenda AChecker: This tool checks single HTML pages for conformance with accessibility standards to ensure the content can be accessed by everyone. 


4.2. Automation of the ALS Application (Need Staff Assistance)

4.3. CROPP appointees and work

4.3.1. Aligning CROPP with Outreach Goals

4.4.  Outreach recruitment queue

4.4.1. Submit recommendations to Murray McKertcherMcKercher

4.4.2. Palmyra Atoll to be removed from list due to a lack of permanent residents

4.4.3. Re-engagement of Consumer Web Watch (as Consumers Union) attempted by Chair

4.4.4. Chair made official request to de-certify Alberta Community Network Association under Rule #16

5. Our Community (10 Minutes)

5.1. NARALO ALS Spotlight

5.1.1 The Hispanic Educational Technology Services (HETS) Spanish version: English version:

5.1.2. Singapore meeting Spotlight under consideration. No Spotlight during Singapore meeting

5.1.3. April Spotlight America At-Large

5.1.4. Spotlight Calendar

5.2. Welcome Capital Area Globetrotters

5.3. Welcome new individual member: David Allnutt

5.x 4. Internet Society of Canada published it's first four video ten  video interviews with Dr. Sam Lanfranco, economist Stephanie Perrin and Prof. Andrew Clement on Internet Issues and Canadians . Evan Leibovitch Interviews 

5.35.   Developing a comprehensive transition plan for oncoming officers:

5.35.1. Database of ALS  - staff

5.35.2. Names of people on working groups - staff

5.35.3. Form letters - Darlene, if any

5.35.4. Timelines for elections - to coordinate with staff

5.35.5. Policies and procedures - see NARALO by laws

5.35.6. In General this must be formalized Cross-RALO so At-Large has efficiency - This has been proposed to include in the Academy.

5.46. On TOR and Alternate DNS

5.46.1. NARALO Chair has called upon ALAC and SSAC to have a joint session in Singapore to present and discuss Internet structures which are beyond ICANN control

5.57. Synchronizing Calls to Monthly Reports

5.57.1. Please review the new format of the Monthly Reports which are now structured to mirror the Call Agenda. This is intended to streamline the way we do our work and account for our time.

5.57.2. How would YOU make our efforts more Metric-friendly? View the ALAC Metrics Wiki Space

5.8. Chair made official request to de-certify Alberta Community Association is defunct, therefore Garth Bruen will start the internal process to de-certify.Network Association under Rule #16

5.9. Sad News: Passing of Alain Berranger, Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC) Chair 

6. Committee/Working Group Activity - for All WG/Committee Reports

6.1.NONCOM NOMCOM Report Submitted by Louis H. (NomCom December Report)

6.1.1. Suggest a Candidate

6.1.2 2014 NomCom webpage, Announcement

6.1.3. Replacement voters for Board Seat election, seat #15

6.2. Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT2) Report

6.2.1. ATRT2 Comments to Board

6.3. Future Challenges Working Group


6.6. Privacy and Proxy services Accreditation Issues WG

6.7. Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC)

6.8. At-Large Ad-Hoc ICANN Accessibility Working Group

6.8.1. Informal Meeting Planned

6.8.2. First formal teleconference being scheduled

7.  At-Large Advisory Committee "ALAC" Issues (Olivier, Evan, Eduardo, Alan - 10 Minutes)


8.3.3. Reciprocity Refund for BA 8.3.4. The Best (and Worst) Airlines(All but one have reported receipt)

8.4. New gTLDs

8.4.1. Controlled interruption as a means to prevent name collisions (Alan)


Virginia Court Says Domain Names Are Not Property

When It Comes To High-Speed Internet, U.S. 'Falling Way Behind'

9.2. Creation of group to liaise between different municipal TLD applicants/operators (Tom L)

10. Action Items

10.1 Previously Closed Action Items
