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29 September 2020

  •  HU to check into which ICANN sessions will have the YouTube Streaming

22 September 2020

  •  Deadline for descriptions is 48 hours
  •  Deadline for agendas is Tuesday, 29 September. 

15 September 2020

  •  Maureen Hilyard to follow up with Stephanie Perrin re joint ALAC/NCSG session on urgent need to confirm the session. 
  •   Confirmation of joint ALAC/NCSG session to happen today or session to be re-scheduled to ICANN70. 
  •  Slot 1


  • 's title is: 
  •  Slots of ALAC Achievements 2020 and JZ's session on RALO
  •  Jonathan Zuck to organize an interactive session with the RALO leaders on educating people on DNS Abuse campaigning
  •  Hadia Elminiawi to contact members of the SSAC to present at her session on End User Interests. 

8 September 2020 

MH introduced the new track (Policy, O/E and Operations/Comms) with color coding. 

Policy Slots: 

Week 1

1) Recommendation Prioritisation
(JZ) (ALAC/At-Large targeted)

2) Joint ALAC/NCSG - Human Rights and WST Implementation 

Week 2

3) Coordinating the Internet unique identifiers and the interests of the Internet users (with the SSAC) - HA (TBC)

4) Beyond Budapest: The UN Cybercrime Treaty and DNS Abuse - (JK)

5) EG/IG (OCL)

6) PICS and Registry Voluntary Commitments: Understanding the Challenges (HR)

Former Slot 4 Week 2 - DNS Abuse - campaigning

1 September 2020

Confirmed Sessions: 

Welcome (30 mins)

ALS Engagement - moderated by Amrita (90 mins)

OCL's IG session (90 mins)

Regional Leadership (90 mins)

SC-O/E - (90 mins)


Wrap Up (120 mins) to include Goran, Maarten, Leon (starting of 2nd three year term, looking forward to ICANN70). 

At-Large Social event - Week 2

Policy Proposals: 


PICs - Holly to lead (in best time for HR and NOT Wednesday evening from 6-8 p.m. her time ) (60 mins)

Joint ALAC/NCSG Session on Human Rights  (90 mins if that suits NCSG)


Policy Proposals: 

JK's short list: 1. Amrita's session (90 mins) 2. OCL's IG session (90 mins) 3. Holly's update from the ICANN68 session on PICs (60 mins?) 4. Human Rights with NCSG (90 mins if that suitsNCSG) 5. "Beyond Budapest" with Veni Markovski and update on UN processes (60 mins) proposed  moderated by Joanna 6. Jonathan's


"Recommendation Trepidation" to be moderated by Jonathan

as originally proposed for the plenary optional 7. "Responsible vulnerability disclosure : seeking a universal standard for protecting end user security" proposed by Joannato be moderated byJoanna

Regional Session (TBC)

EURALO GA likely re-scheduled to November. (TBC)

ICANN69 European session 90 mins (TBC) - If possible, change date/time to not conflict with any Board meeting. 

25 August 2020

  •  At-Large Welcome to be during Prep week to reduce Welcome during week 1 down to 30min 
  •  Week 1 Welcome to be followed by Policy Session

EURALO GA date may change to a date outside of the ICANN69 Meeting. Sébastien to consult with EURALO.

  •  Jonathan Zuck to get back to Maureen Hilyard on ICANN Plenary responses from the ALAC Group
  •  Hadia to set up list of topics which we would like to prioritise for the At-Large Sessions and which week
  •  Suggestion by Sébastien: 60min European Session to discuss European Issues 


At-Large to hold one prep week session on an Introduction to the At-Large Sessions (JZ, Marita on talking points, etc.)  


Regional Leaders meeting



Wrap Up session to be 90 mins. 

  •  Hosts of Sessions to inform Maureen and Gisella whether they wish to have Webinar or Meeting Room Zoom Format


  •  Gisella Gruber to put AIs on one page
  •  Joanna Kulesza Hadia Elminiawi to confirm best time to schedule Jonathan Zuck's Presentation Tips Webinar in September
  •  Breakout rooms use to be decided ahead of time. Interpretation issue can be done by language break outs with a reporting back in main session which will have interpretation. Breakouts not possible in webinar rooms
