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  Gisella Gruber-White: (3/11/2014 00:44) Welcome to the At-Large Metrics Working Group call on Tuesday 11 Marche 2014 at 1700 UTC

  Gisella Gruber-White: (00:44) Agenda:

  Maureen Hilyard: (17:55) Very C\clear, Olivier

  Maureen Hilyard: (17:55) clear

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:55) Spreadsheet :

  Julia Charvolen: (18:01) Alan Greenberg joined the meeting

  Maureen Hilyard: (18:02) I have used the wiki page..

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (18:02) good @Maureen

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (18:03) so @dev will upload his own docs

  Silvia Vivanco: (18:03) @ Dev please  upload the doc

  Silvia Vivanco: (18:04) I will try to get the WIKI page I created (if my laptop does not crash again )

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (18:04) that screech really hurt

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (18:05) I actually ripped the headset off my head

  Maureen Hilyard: (18:05) the wiki page is

  Silvia Vivanco: (18:05) Thank you Maureen!

  Silvia Vivanco: (18:06) there is the wiki CLO

  Glenn McKnight: (18:08) My phone is muted

  Glenn McKnight: (18:08) It's to do with the comments  with Dev

  Julia Charvolen: (18:08) Maureen you are host if you wish to move the slides

  Glenn McKnight: (18:08) THe main ideas has to do witht the Metric reporting protocal we discussed with the Technical Taskforce

  Glenn McKnight: (18:09) How can I zoom into the slides?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (18:09) great thanks@glenn just wanted to make sure whatever uoi were with us for was properly integrated ...

  Glenn McKnight: (18:10) no problem.  I have provided general comments before as Maureen has indicated

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (18:10) in my system  which is a mobile app I double tap @glenn

  Glenn McKnight: (18:12) Got a full screen of the slides but no chat screen. It's either screen

  Glenn McKnight: (18:12) yes

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (18:12) Can hear you Alan

  Julia Charvolen: (18:13)     Glenn- did you click on full screen?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (18:13) I think everyone received this message

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (18:14) but now we can!

  Glenn McKnight: (18:17) Most slides are fine except the spreadsheet which was hard to view

  Alan: (18:18) Random muters are at large!

  Glenn McKnight: (18:21) Alan, Time heals all wounds

  Alan: (18:23) That an people moving on...

  Glenn McKnight: (18:25) @Olivier  I think Dev is trying to do this

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (18:27) Dev's not even a Green all along. Dev's Gold.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (18:29) as I said we need to take out key man insurance on him

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (18:29) ;-)

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (18:31) and if volunteering, do not let your community down.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (18:32) we should think about cloning Dev. :-)

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (18:33) actually I can probably

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (18:33) y arrange for that

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (18:33) do you need a contact to contract OCL?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (18:42) LOL

  Silvia Vivanco: (18:50) @ Alan correct non attendance tells us no interest

  Silvia Vivanco: (18:50) so yes you are correct attendance has a value

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (18:51) agree @tijani it is an important if not critical factor of performance metrics but not a qualitative one that is needed as well

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (18:52) I think this kind of metric about the worth of a contribution makes uses of a mix of artificial intelligence, neural networks, fuzzy logic and particle physics. Using the Higgs-Boson extrapolation of the half life of Curium plus a few other dozen derivatives of solar elipse radii and including principles of quantum chemistry, multiplied by the entropy of dragon saliva. A piece of cake for Dev to program into an Excel worksheet.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (18:54) of course OCL. he'll  have that done by London

  Silvia Vivanco: (18:56) :) :)

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (18:58) what I'm oviously saying is that I would find it very hard to measure the worth of someone's participation and their impact.

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (18:58) ;-)

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (18:58) unless there is the constant monitoring of the "temperature of the room"

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (18:58) perhaps might you all think of something a bit more subjective, that is a regular peer review?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (18:59) this involves humans & it pretty fair on each other.

  Alan: (19:01) I was just randomly muted by Adigo again!  (my phone was already physically muted).

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (19:02) @alan that is a tad odd

  Maureen Hilyard: (19:07) I agree with you all,. remove the last point and keep the recommendations positive

  baudouin.schombe: (19:10) hello good evening to all

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (19:12) I believe that the "your line has been muted" is actually coming from someone's phone who is muting, leaking onto the Adobe and telling everyone they have been muted when they have not really been muted.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (19:13) I could hear you last time, Alan, when you said you had been muted.

  Alan: (19:19) @ Olivier. I unmuted myself before I started speaking.

  Glenn McKnight: (19:19) @dev

  Glenn McKnight: (19:20) @Dev  I missed your comments  Had to be on a ISOC  Call just got back

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (19:20) @dev is to come glenn

  Glenn McKnight: (19:21) Thanks

  Maureen Hilyard: (19:24) Good point Tijani, all wiki pages associated with a particular group should be listed on the main wiki page so you can find the other pages! For example trying to find the Singapore Metrics wiki page :)

  Maureen Hilyard: (19:25) You may not actually contribute to an ALAC meeting, but your wiki could state what messages you take to the RALO or to your ALS

  Maureen Hilyard: (19:27) A report by the ALAC member could also record what meetings that they actually attend.. many ALAC members apply to participate in some working groups and then don't ever turn up - but this could be because they are committing more to other groups - and havent removed their names from original lists

  Alan: (19:28) Tijani, I agree completely that these measures send a message. But what I was getting at was that we probalby do need those reports to recognize that there is a problem. Those numbers may verify it and give us something to focus a discussion on.

  Glenn McKnight: (19:28) On working groups.  It's critical that the WG  participants  do monthly reports back to the RALO's , very few reports.  I think  NOMCOM is the most effective in providing reports

  Gisella Gruber-White: (19:28) All good staff side

  Silvia Vivanco: (19:29) yes Cheryl

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (19:30) np understood my friend

  Glenn McKnight: (19:30) For NARALO we ask for monthly reports from Working Committees but we get very little feedback

  Glenn McKnight: (19:31) Perhaps a basic report form is needed

  Maureen Hilyard: (19:31) I can reduce my time on my slides to 5 minutes, so others slides can be added to it and add 2 minutes each? How long have we got/

  Glenn McKnight: (19:33) Kudo's to Cheryl

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (19:33) acceptedgracefully @glenn

  Silvia Vivanco: (19:35) @ Dev how long did it take you to do this? men hours

  Maureen Hilyard: (19:37) Good idea Dev.. to obscure the names unless you have specific  permission

  Silvia Vivanco: (19:38) We have to have attendance records of face to face meetings

  Maureen Hilyard: (19:38) The pages are probably there, but they are difficult to find because they are not linked in any way to the main page

  Maureen Hilyard: (19:46) Can all this be automated, Dev?

  Glenn McKnight: (19:46) Its prudent to block out the names but it's the methodology that is important

  Glenn McKnight: (19:46) No witchhunt

  Glenn McKnight: (19:46) Evan Lubavitch ?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (19:48) OMG

  Glenn McKnight: (19:48) Quantity vs Quality

  Maureen Hilyard: (19:48) Exactly !!  Do you think Silvia and Gisella could handle this?

  Glenn McKnight: (19:49) Need to avoid the problem similar to the US  Teaching system which focuses on the numbers and not on education

  Glenn McKnight: (19:49) Information vs data

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (19:51) INDEED@glenn

  Silvia Vivanco: (19:52) @ Maureen what exactly do you need us to work on?

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (19:53) A proposal template for Meeting WG pages has been proposed on the Technology Taskforce List

  Maureen Hilyard: (19:54) Silvia, I wanted to know how you were going to cope with collecting Dev's data - jokingly :)

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (19:54) which looks at how the meeting information is better structured for easier retrieval

  Silvia Vivanco: (19:54) ahhh

  Silvia Vivanco: (19:54) I wanted to know how long it took him to do this

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (19:55) a few all nighters

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (19:55) on getting the spreadsheets setup, and validating the information

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (19:56) but once setup, it would be easier to collate data for other years

  Silvia Vivanco: (19:56) @ Dev what can be automated

  Silvia Vivanco: (19:56) yes!

  Silvia Vivanco: (19:56) so if you come up with a template and see where we automated might work

  Silvia Vivanco: (19:57) we should see

  Maureen Hilyard: (19:57) Great Cheryl.. so I can start at Slide 7 when it comes to the feedback that means my sesion will be 2 minutes

  Maureen Hilyard: (19:57) so Dev and Tijani can send me their slides to add to this presentatino

  Silvia Vivanco: (19:57) correct noted CLO

  Silvia Vivanco: (19:58) got it

  Silvia Vivanco: (19:59) Yes thank you to the entire WG!

  Glenn McKnight: (19:59) Thanks  for permitting to join today.  

  Glenn McKnight: (19:59) Bye

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (20:00) bye

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (20:00) THANKS

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (20:00) Thanks everyone - take care all